The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 27, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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BOYD'S jhetre
17th M riara.y tru.
JNE? Sunday. Sept. 29.
Sim T. Jsck's Eitravaganza Co.,
The Bull Fighter
A Phalanx of Stage
.Wr. S- '.V aud l; balcony. c V:
gallrry. c.
630 Good Reserved Seats at 60c Each.
Wed. and Thurs.. October. 2 and 3.
IMrwt f-ora abaolut. mniUt of
N York and th. I'm'IHc Coast
Too Much Johnson
With William Gillette and all of the
Original Company.
PRICES) First Floor 7Jc, SI and $1.50
Balcony, 50c, 7Sci Gallery. 33c.
(VSale i f mil op.ns Tuewlny morning.
The CreigMon Theatre
T.l.phon. 1931.
W. A. BRADY'S Prodigious Production,
- King.
Matinee Wednesday.
Next Attraction ....
Itepttbllran Club Meeting.
Fifth Ward Republican Club meets every
Thursday at Die Club hall, 18th and take
Sixth Ward Republican t'lub meet every
Saturday t ycnlnc lit the hall, Slh and Lake
Second Ward Rcnubllrsn Club meeta every
ThutiOuy evening at 30lh and I'll' roe streets
Bead This and Art Promptly-Answer
Do you desire to support Americans
in business? If so, kindly fill out and re'
turn to us the following blank linmedl
ately. We desire every person who
reads this and who can do so conscien
tiously, to comply with this request.
Send the same to this cilice at once.
Business men who do not discrimi
nate against the pat riot io societies of
which we are members can count upon f
to give them our supp rt. Further, we
will patronize thore business men who
are not afraid to advertise In the pa
pers which support Americanism; and
we will purchase of firms who advertise
la Tbk American, If the said firms sell
their goods at a reasonable market
The above blank, when returned prop
erly filled, will be kept on file in this
office for the inspection of those only
who advertise lp this paper.
Two Fires.
Boston has two fires at the same
time, one of which is the Masonic
Temple. It seems to me that it would
be a good idea if there were an asso
ciation formed for the purpose of hunt-
In? down persona who are known as
"fire-bugs." There are companies who
nave been very successful in this line.
one of wbioh is to protect the safes of
the jewelr by bunting down the safe
blower. Now let one be started to hunt
down the fire-bugs, and let them be
brought to justice takes ten years
This would be a good Idea for the in
surance companies to aid, and espe
cially during these times when some
men bigots think they are doing
God service by destroying property of
those who are not of the same belief
that they are. It would be wise to in'
elude in this "dynamiters."
H. P. C.
Mote from Troy, S. I.
We had a Fourth of July celebration
in Troy, and it was well sandwiched
with A. 0. 11., C. B. L., scholars from
St. Joseph's School, etc.. and in the pro
cession was the green flag with a big
gut cross on u. v oncer it tnat was in
viting an attack from A. P. A. 's or Or
angemen? And now Tom Keith, of the
Troy leiegram, wonders why morecitl
zens did not loin tne parade!
The fact is, we don't wish to train
with Romanism. T. in Boston CUiztn.
. i g i
Dont Worry Yourself
And don't worry the baby; avoid both un
pleasant conditions by giving the child pure.
digestible food. Don t use solid prepara
tions. Infant Health Is a valuable pamphlet
for mothers. Send your address to the New
York Condensed Milk Company. New York,
Tho following la the brilliant ll.tof
attractions that the lloyd will prv nt
to Its patrons during the month f Oi
tuber: Charl Froh man's company
with William Gillette la "Too Much
Johnson," Fitijjerald Murphy's new
drama, "The Silver Lining," with an
excellent company under the manage
ment of Tom Miner, of the Fifth Ave
nue Theater, New York; the lively
fare comedy "Hush City." with Math
ews and Bulger, who made such an Im
pression In the piece here last season at
Ileyd's; Charles W. Iloyt's new play, "A
Contented Woman," for Ihe first time
here, with his beautiful wife, Caroline
Mtokcl IloyU In a principal part; "On
the How? ry," the modern New York
melodrama, with Steve Brodle (the
famous bridge jumper); the American
ExtravaganzaCompany in "All Baba;"
Tim Murphy and a strong cast In "A
Texas Steer;" De Wolf Hopper In a new
eoralo opera; a big "Black Crook" com
pany; the month's festivities closing
with Fa E. Woe's new specialty show,
entitled "The Globe-Trotter, " with
"Old Boss" Bill Uoey and Aubrey
Bouclcault In the cast.
Sam T.Jack'a Extravaganza Company
comes to Boyd's theator to-morrow (Sun
day) evening and the two following eve
nings, In "The Bull-Fighter." Sam T.
Jack has been very successful In like
productions, and this latest la said to
be the best of ail. The company comes
direct from Mexico and Cuba, where it
Is claimed great success attended the
tour. The cast is said to contain many
pretty and shapely young women, and
the piece glvea opportunity for music,
comedy, dramatic work and clever
specialties. Seats are now on sale at
the usual prices.
On Wednesday and Thursday eve
nings next, the most popular comedy
that the east has known for a number
of years will be presented for the first
time in Omaha at Boyd's theater,
namely, "Too Much Johnson." Mr.
William Gillette, the famous author of
the comedy and of a half-dozen other
successful ones, will he in the cast. The
company will be Identically the same
that has made the comedy famous in
the eastern cities and Includes Ralph
Delmore and pretty Maud Baslam.
If It were not for the Interest in poli
tics we should like to write a review of
the attractions which have appeared
at both the Boyd and Creighton this
week. They were far superior to what
Omaha has been accustomed to wit
nessing. The attraction at the Boyd
was B'auchon, with pretty little Glcdys
Wallis as the star. Wo doubt whether
Maggie Mitchell in her most popular
days ever delineate J the character more
artistically. Miss Wallis' every act
seemed to he the act of Fanchon, it
was so real. Besides, ber support was
excellent. So much for the Boyd.
Now as to the Creighton. There Trilby
has boon. And such a Trilby! A most
magnificent character, a paragon but
we haven't time politics is too warm,
But the ladles pronounced her beautl
ful as she appeared in Act IK. Then
there was Wilton Lackaye as Duengali,
a moBt talented actor; and Little BUlle,
and Taffy and Sandy, whose friendship
for and love of each other was not too
much overdrawn to be real. In short
Fanchon and Trilby were excellent.
When down town drop in at John
Kudu's and leave your watch, if it is ou
of repair, to be uxed. 317 nortn 10 St.
Eat Dy ball's delicious cream candles,
1518 Douglas street.
U. S. Council No. 10, Jr. O. U. A. M
meets first and third Thursdays each
month in Patterson Hall, Seventeenth
and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb. C.
It. Davidson, couucilor; J. C. Cornwall,
corresponding secretary. Visiting
brothers welcome.
Deafnesg Cannot be Cured
by local applications, aa they cannot reach
the diseased norilon of the ear. There la
only one way to cure deafness, and that Is
by cons llutlonal remedies. Detfness Is
caused by an lntlarred condition of the mu
cous 1 nlng or the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed vou have a rumbling
sound or Impirfe. t hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed deafness is the result, an!
uniest tne innammaiion can on lasen out
and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine out i f ton are caused by catarrh,
wtucn is n tmng nut an intiameu condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One liurdred Dollars lor any
case of Deafness (cauwd bv catarrn) that
cannot oe cured Dy nan s oatarrn uure
hend for circulars; free
F. J. CHEN KY & CO., Toledo, O.
PT" Sold by Druggists, 76c.
J. Henderson, 316 N. Sixteenth street.
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
Partner Wanted.
I want a medical doctor, one who can
speak both English and German, to place
ma before the nubile uoon the ulattorm -one
wbocan manage tne business, ana t will ao
the healing, aa I can core on the stage any
disease the human family Is subject to. He
win reuuire some caoiiai to Degin witn
Write or call on Prof. William Bradley, 143
blxth street, Milwaukee, Wis. 2u Zt
Edward Baumley, lor livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
Howard's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Salt Lakb Citt, TJtah, August 4. 1894,-
wish to certify to the excellence of Howard'
Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhu?.& Remedy. It
Is the finest preparation I ever used for
children for summer complaint or cholera
Infantum. Just a few drops In water soon
relieves and cures the most stubborn cases.
It should be used by all mothers.
Mas. Sarah Wuxajid.
1820 8k Mary's Ave., Omaha, Neb
To Wllltaas II. t 'titular and X.'.ll. A t u .ta
in. ..a-r.ld-nt dori-auaal.
r ! take .! mat " auzum ... i
.lt.i . RrWrr oUlalia bt-rvla. Slrtl b).
prliiliMi la It., Ili.irnl tour l uf ll,w(lu
unljr, X'liruii, .ia i"
iillam H u.uins, NWII. A. and
harlr. '. I'ariu.irw r-'-lr of Ui. llllatn
ana uf riatiaiuoulb. .tiak. ill. oujwt
nl prayer of .una ar. ui fuMs-lo. a cr
Lin l.i err ttt.aio. .irouu-d to ilia plaintiff
poa lot tfl.u k a lluutiil. Nj mh. an 1.1 1-
in U lite city or tii.aiia ikuisa rnuuij,
rljfuu. and dalrd . jvtiuiurr x. I"'.'.'. Uixm
hu b tl.rrw I. no. duo the u a of n buo-
dml and Sfiy ''in oliar. .lib Interval
till raw of u per cent, p-r annum, to
gether villi aa attorney', fee amounting to
) per rent, or the iiwrw, ana an cma.
lal.illf uraya for a derre that lb. dt-frnd-
di. niay lie required 1 1 pay ili.aa oeor (bat premiw. may im jIJ til satisfy Mi
amount un. and Uiat in. ui'Uo uni. im us
harrrd aad for:kned uf all rlrful, Utw or
InterMl la .aid prvuiUxi..
Vuu are reuuln-d to ana.r said Detlllon
on or before me 4th day of Noveuih. r. IM.
H AI.l r.K .. hM Li it rial, i.n
By Saund.ra, Macfarlauu 4 Dlckry, hi at
torney. -;-
Special Matter Commissioner's Kale.
I'nder and bv virtue of an order of ale on
ecreof foreclosure of niorlvair. Iwtued out
Hi. dUirli t court for INiuuia countv.
eliraoka. atid to ni. directed. 1 will on 111.
Mtn day of tl.-iolier. A. It. 1K.V at I
cliM-k p. ui. of .aid day, at the norm front
or or lue county court Dmiia, in ui. cuv oi
Uiuaha. IKiukIiuj county. Nelraka, well at
uubllc auction to the liUlie.t bidder for cah,
the property dew-rllieu In said order of ale
. follow. u wit: Lola fle (.'I and all ibh In
feint?!!' .iitxll vIhIou of loia on. ill and two
dlt'levelaud "lace, an addition to the city
Omaha. In Ikmgla county, NeoraNka.
Hald urouert Ui be wild Ul.BlUf v Ihe Mutual
I tympany. pialniiiT. me tuinvi
. hundred niuely nv. and nu-nv uoiiar
ifiua.HM. with Inlen M Ihereon at HI p'l cent.
per annum rr. in May . Iw. u,!ianer wnn
OHlaoratili and ai'iTilliiK iwin, a coriuiin
Ui a Judgment rendered by the dlalrict court
r .aid iHiuKia countv. neuraKHa. at u
May t rui, A. I. Ik!V, In a certain a-lln then
and there pendluK wherein the Mutual In-
vetn eat Company wa- pUiulllf and James
liaiim'hul et al. were defendaula.
O in au a, Nebranka, feptembr 37 th. lntu.
Hoeclal Waster Conin laaloner.
Mutual Inveatmuut Company vs. Hanachel.
I)oC. 4S. No. 337. 9-!T-Ki
Special Master Ommiiwioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
ecree of foreclosure of mortKaxe turned out
of the dlMtrlct court for DouKlaa county,
state of Nebraaka, and Uime dlrei-ted, I will,
on the 15th day of October, A. II. 1HWS, al 1
clock d. ni. of aald day, at Hie nurinrront
our of ine county court house. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, NebraHka, aull at
public auction to the blkheat Diuuur ror caan,
the property deacrlbed In aald order of sale as
follows to-wll: Lot seven (7) In block three
hiinilmd anil elirht CkMI of In. orlllllial ulat
of the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne-
oraasa. Paid properly to o toiu iu aaiiaiy
V. L. Johnaon, plaluilrf herein the sum or
five hundred eleven and IU-K1U dollars (tV.U.K.1)
with Interest ihereon al rale of seven per
ceut. per annum from Heptemlier 17th. ltft.
UiKether with nineteen aud .Vl-litl dollars
(flu Ml cosla herein, UiKether with accruing
coata according. u a Judgment rendeied oy
the aiNtrlct oourt or aaiu ixjiikdui cuuniy,
at Its Hepieuiber Uirin, A. D MH, In a certain
action then and there bending wherein P. L.
Juhnsou was plalu'llT and t'uurlea tl. Ilrowu
ud sirs. ItrowD. ihm wire, wrre uuieuunni...
Duteil atOmaha. Mvbra.ka. Hepluwber llh,
A. D. IfUo.
ujecial Master Comiul.sloner.
Saunders, Miwfarlund & Dlckev,
Atuirncys tor riainurr,
Johnson vs. Krowo.
Doc. 43.
No. .Hil.
Siiecial Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of forecliaiure of mortgage ls.ued out
of the District Courtfor Douglas county, Ne-
bra ka. and to me directed. 1 wiu, on tne
rst day of October, A. D , 1MH3 at IU o clock
m. of said day. at the north front door of
the County Court House, In tne city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
pu iltc auction to the nignest i.Ud r lor casn,
the properly described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wit: Lot twelve!,:!) lu block
v. of Central 1'ark. an addition to tha
,tv of I'maha. in the Countv of Douglas
and Stale of Nebraska, s .id properly to be
sold to satisfy William K. Bennett, plaintlfl
herelu. ibe sum of sev, n nundrdd. tidy
seven 4U-KI0 dollars ii.ri7.4tl), with interest
tliereou al he rate of eight per cent p r an
num from May Hlti, lMtS. uigeibsr wttu twuo
ty-one M lilo uoliirs tsl.N.1) costs herein to
gether with costs, sccdiding tot
uditnr-ut rendered oy tne District t;ourt oi
aid lljug'aa county, at its May term, A. D
IMC) la a certain action then aud there pend
rig, Where, ll W ll lam It. Heiinett waa plain
ti IF and il irk.M. .Coad.; H-I.e II. Duiibaiu,
Ueorge L. Dunham a jd others were dufend
aaU. Omaha Nebraska, Augti't ;tli,
Sueclal M ister Co aimisslouer.
Saunders, MaeUrl. d & Dickey, .tt.irues.
ueiiueit vfc veau etai iuc no. .,
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county.
State ot Nebraska, and to me uirectei, t
will, on the 1st day of Oct ber, A. D. lMKVat
one o clock p, in. of aald day, at the north
front door of the County Court-house, In the
city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska,
sea at puulic auction to the highest bidder
for caso, the property described In salu
order of sale as follows, to-wit: The east
one-halt of lot Ufty-alx (A6) In tiartsmaos ad
dition to the city of Omaha. Djuglas county,
NeDrataa. Paid property to oe sold to sat
isfy 1'liliio L. Johmon. ulalntltf herein, the
sum uf one hundred fifty-one and 41-IO0 dol
lar 41) with interest tnereon at tne
rate of ten (111) per cent, per aunum from
February 4 h. 1SU5. and twenty and 7J-1U0
dollars tM.'i) costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs according to a Judgment ren
dered by til-, district court of said Douglas
county, at Its February term, A. D. Ikm, in a
certain action then and there pending
herein i'blllp L. Johnson was plaintiff and
Henry llrunmg and Margaret Brunlng were
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, August 30, A.
Soeclal Msster Commissioner.
Attorneys for I'lalntiff.
Johnson vs. Bruning. et al. Doc. 45, No. 168.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 15th dav
of July, 1S95, a corporation was duly formed
undrr tne name una etvie or tne iaihcck
Mskohamuss Company, and the articles of
Incorporation were duly filed In the office of
the county clerk or Douglas county, cie
That the principal place or business or
said corporation Is in tne city oi omana,
Doufflaji countv. Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted by said corporation. Is the buying
and selling at wnoieaaie ana retail oi any
and all hardware, mechanic's tools, cutlery,
nails, and such other merchandise as may be
determined upon and deemed advisable
from time to time by the board of directors
of the corporation, and to take, hold, mort
gage ana convey any ana an real estate
necessary for the conduct of the business of
tbe said corporation.
The amount of capital stock authorised Is
($25,000) twenty five thousand dollars, divided
Into five hundred (500) shares of fifty dollars
($50) each, tbe same to be fully paid up and
ron-aaseable; and elgbt thousand dollars
($8.000).all of which shall have been subscribed
and fully paid In at the time ot tbe com
mencement ox tne ousiness oi aiu corpora
tion. The ttme of the commencement of the busi
ness of the said corporation waa on the 15th
day of July, lMio, and tbe termination
thereof, on the 1st day of July. 1U15. unless
sooner dissolved in the manner prescribed
bylaw, or Dy a vote or the atoca holders,
representing three-fourths W) of the capital
of the said corporation.
The highest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which said corporation Is at any
time to subject Itself Is two thirds (S) of the
Dald in cauttal stock,
The affairs of the said cotporatlon are to
De conducted Dy tne bonrd or directors or
said corp. ration and more particularly by
tbe orealdenV, vice uresldent. secretary and
treasurer, who shall be members of the said
board of directors.
0-13-4 Secretary and Treasurer.
ITtUE AMERICAN Is $200 year. In ad
vance. The best patriotic paper In the
United Estates, subscribe now.
Sprrial Matrr Con mlaa! veer's Sale.
I'nder aad ov virtu, of aa order of sal. on
decree of fom-liwur. of n,uratf. Issued out
of th. dictrl-t court for Ihiuxlaa county,
stale of Nei.rai.ka. and to d i re, led. I will,
in tb Brat day of t-uUrr. A. I li. at on. p. at. of aald day at I he Borih froal
d.nir of lb. county court b.ii-e. Is the city of
Omaha, ixniula county- N. I.r.ka. sell at
public auction to the hlgheid bidder for rash
the properly dewribed la aald order of halo
a. foliowa. to-wit:
Ixit .! ii la liUa-k eight 1M1 of Parker' ad
ill ll..n to the city of Omaha, ItouKlaa county,
raid property Ui he sold u satUf y Harry J.
Tainting, plaintiff herein, the .u'u of on.
hundred, twenty nine and 10-lm dollar.
IJ loi, with lotrvt iher at rate of tea
din percent- p r annul., from MaySih. lt.
together with tha sum of taelva and Wl luu
dollars .112 Wi attorney fees.
To saiufy Harriet V. Hallou. defendant
herein, the sum of eight hundred and Ihlrty
thre. dollars .ami . in wilh Inlereai thereon
it rale of ten l(u per cent, per annum fioiu
Maysth, lfS.
To satisfy th. sum of tweniy-two and w
HU dollar ifci.niiciwls herelu. Uigelherwiih
accruing com la ai-cordlng Ui a Judgment ren
dered by th. district court of raid Douglas
county, at lis May term A. I. I". In a cer
tain action then and there peedlng ahereln
Harry J. Twlnllng was plaintiff and Thomas
Cainpliell. Mrs Campbell illrkl name
unknowel his wile. Everett 4i. Ballou and
Harriet C. Hallou were defend mts.
Datd alt maha. Neb., Aug Ji. A. D. 1"'.5.
rpe-lttl Master t.'iiuuiiasloner.
Saunders. Macfarlaud & Dickey, attorneys
for plaintiff. a-an-S
Twl iliog v. Campliell et al. Doc. 44: No 3TJ.
Special Master CommlHsloner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and to nie directed, I will,
on the tlrnt day of Octotier. A. 1). 1HV.V at one
o'clock p. in. of said day. at the norlh front
door of the county court bouse, in
uf Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
fli. property described In said order of sale
as follows. Ul-wlt!
The north one hundred and fifty (l01 feet
of block one III In Ambler I'lace, an addition
to the cltf of Cuialia, Douglas couuty, Ne
braska. Hald property to be sold to satisfy O. Q.
Walraib, defendant herein, the sum of six
hundred, twelve and H7 dollars itMS.OTl,
with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10)
percent, per annum from rebruary 4th. lh!,
loirether with thlrtv-five and M-IW dollars
ifcfcYM) costs of suit, together with accruing
costs according to a Judgment rendered by
i he district court of said Douglas county, at
Its May term. A. D. IW'.i. In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein Western
Investment Company waa plaintiff and H.
tf. irey. county treasurer, ana o. u. nai
mlh were defendants.
Dated at Omaha. Neb., Aug. 30. A. D. 16.
Special Master Cuuimlsslouer.
Saunders, Macfarlaud & Dickey, attorneys
for n nlnttlT.
Wettern Investment Company vs. H. B. Irey
etal. uoi. i:; no. ij.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
tinder and bv virtue of an order of rale on
decree of foreclosure of morlgage Issued out
of Ibe district court for Douglas couuty, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
IHth dav of October. A. D. 1MU at 1 o clo,:k
it. m. of said dav. at the east front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, ncurassa. sen at uuuuc
Hiictlon to the h In lies t bidder for cusn. the
property described in said crder of sale as
roliows, to-wll.: i.ot eleven un oi J. r.
Klley's sub-division or mis nny rour cm ana
Ufty-Uve (.V) of the S. K. Rogers plat of Oka
homa, an addition to the city ot Omaha, and
situate In Douglascountv,slaeof Nebraska.
Siilil urouert v to be sold t "satisfy E. B Baer.
defendant, the sum nl (72.4:!, wli n Interest at
in percent from May vlh, lr!i4: to satisfy
William McC, orge, Jr., trustee, plaintiff, the
sum of I'M 50 with Internet fr. in September
17ili, IK4: tosailsr. MutnaiiKti and fltcnett,
Ann E. t'aiiiubell. llenrv W. Kulins. Omaha
Coal. Coke & LlmeCompany. Patterson, M ir-
phy .V Oompany, .1. fuller at uonipHny,
Henry D. Neely, Ueorge A ll.iagland, C. B.
Blckel ti Hons, ind Julius Treltschke re
spectively various amountsa shown by the
decree and order of s .le. and tuo sum of
IlillHCosts herein together wilh accruing
costs according to a Judgment, rendered ty
the district court i f said noiislas countv, at
Its H -pi mbr term, A. 1). 1WI4, In a certain
acilon then and there pending, wherein Wil
liam Alcoeorge, trustee, was piainiitr anu
Isaacs. 11 ascnll and others. Defendants. -
Omaha, Nebraska. epieniber Mm. i m.
foeclal Master Commissioner.
D. M. Vlnsonhal-r, Attorney.
McOsorge Trustee vs. llascall. Die.
No. 45. H-13-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under aid bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
t ;tbe district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
eighth day of October. A. D. i8!)5. at one
o'clock p. m. of said day. at the norih front
d r of thn county uourt nouse in tne city
of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell
at p .bltc auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the property ( escribed In said order of
sale as follows to-wit: Lot twen'y (20) In
block thirty-five (3S) in Albrights Choice, an
addition to the city of South Omaha. In
l, wains countv. Nebraska as the same Is
surveyed, platted and recorded. Said prop
erly to be sold to satisfy James Thompson,
plaintiff herein, the sum of nine hundred
eighty-seven and45-lu0 dollars ($147 41) wlih
IntAret thereon at the rate of eight Der
r int. per annum from 8eit mber 17th, 1KH4,
together wnn roriy-tour anu oj-iuu uuimrs
(Su H.0 cost, herein, together with accruing
costs, according to a Judgment rendered by
the district court or said Douglas county at
Its Septembsr term A. D. 18M. In a certain
action then and there pending, wherein
.lames Thompson was plaintiff and Mary
Schmidt, Charles Schmidt and Charles Cor
bett were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. September 4t,h. 18!3.
Special Master Commissioner,
Thompson vs. Schmidt et al. Doc. 41 No
29u. --5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court ror Douglas county
otni of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will
on Lhe2;trd dav of O tober. A. D. 18l'5, atone
o clock p. ni. of said day. at the north front
door of the county court-house, in the city
of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property described In said order of sale
as follows, to-wlt: Lot sixty-one (01) In Gises
addition in the city of Omaha, Douglas
count v. Nebraska. Said nrooertv to be sold
to satisfy H. J. Twinting. plaintiff herein, the
sum or two nunarea iwenty-six anu m-i.iu
dollars ($226.38), with Interest thereon at rate
of ton per cent, per annum from September
17t.h. and ninetv-seven and 21-100 dol
lars ($!I7 21) costs herein, with Interest thereon
from September 17tb. 1894, together with ac
rrulnir costn accnrdlnir to a iudgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at Its September term, A. D, 1804, In a
certain action tnen ana mere penuin
wherein H J. Twlntlnir was DlalntiA. an
Marv Jackson. Scott Jackson. Lue Jackson,
his wife, Edward Jackson, William Jackson
and Mary Jackson were defendants.
Dated at omana, neorassa, cupwmuer u.
A. D. 1KU6.
Soecial Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macrariand & Dicgey.
Attorneys ror riainiiir.
Twlntin. vs. Jarksnn. Doe. 42. No. 269.
Attorney, Room 22 Patterson Block.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
In the matter of the estate of Zulima Evans,
I ncomnetent."
Nnt.i.-e la herehv riven that in Dursuance
of an order of William W. Keysor,. Judge of
the District Cour' of Douglas county, maae
on tbe 7th day of September, lx!'.. authorizing
the sain cf the hereinafter described real
estate, there will be sold at the North front
door of the county court-house. In the city
of Omaha. Douglas ecunty. Nebraska, on the
lih dav of October. lV.l.i. at ten o'clock a. m
at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for
cash, or tor one-half cash, and time given for
the balance not exceeding one year, with
seven per cent. Interest, the following de
scribed real estate to-wit: Lot one (1) block
one (1) Plalnvlew, an addition to the city of
Omaha, in Douglas county. State of Nebraska,
said sale will remain otien one nour.
Rnardlan of Zulima Evans, "incomuetenl.
J. V. Pitch, Atty. Doc. 61. Na ill 9-13-4
a r
r-t awMaaal 9
O 1 1 s .
53 e
? tog is
o U
Office removed from 113 North lflth street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. :- OMAHA, NEB
Vatclimalter anil Jeweler,
Fin e Watch Repairing a speci a lty
512 South 16 Street
Successor to Drexel A Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
1417 FA US AM ST.
Tex. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
American Ladies!
Whan Needing the assist
ance of a
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
2l3 JVorffi 25ffi Street
rGo to
4 California
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Totirist Sleepers are
usd ijt our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
w hich leave Omaha every
Thursday morningreach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Fhancis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
Baked Beans, per caa 5c
Can Corn 5c
Can Tomatoes 7c
Table Sauce, per bottle 8c
Sweet (Jhocolate, per cake 4c
Can Salmon 9c
Mexican Hammock 59c
Croquet Sets 69c
Market Baskets
Brown Tinted Teas set of 6 55c
Opal Fancy Plates 8c
Water Set complete 38c
Shelf Paper all colors 5 yards for. . 3c
Pencil Tablets, lc; Tnk Tablets. ... 4c 120 sheets Writing Paper 10c
Rubber tip Pencils, lc, or per doz. . 9c Box Paper, at 3c, 5c and 9o per box.
. . We are Headquarters for . .
A Full Line of Picklini; Spices in Stock.
Try Bennett's Corsican Blend
502.12 Capitol Avenue. OMAHA, NEB.
$6.00 Congress, Burt - - $4.50
$5.00 Kangaroo Congress, $3.50
$3.50 Vici Kid, - - - $2.75
$3.00 Lace & Congress Welts $2.50
Discount for cash on every pair
of Shoes in the Store during
September, You can save money
at this Sale.
707 South 16th Street
Desires to call the attention of
the publio to his
as a suitable place in which to hold
Picnics, Day and Evening Parties,
Dances, Etc.,
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. OR, WITHERS, Dentist, fourth
floor, frown Blk.. loth & Douglas, ouaha, m
J. W. RIaLaRR,
GOO Jiew York Lite Huiltllng,
(Successor to C. W. Baker.)
Undertaker Embalmer
Telephone 606.
Oil South 16th St., OMAHA.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Ouuriintpes a Derfect fit In all cases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled
2107 Cuming St.,
Oil Sardines 4c
Bottle Pickles. . . r ' 8
Fresh Bread 2ic
Can Lve 4c
8 bars Bennett's Bargain Soap 25c
I Grape Baskets, per 100 2 50
Berry Boxes, per 1,000 2 75
Jardiniere in colors 10c
China Cuspador 34c
I Toilet Paper, per roll 2e