The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 27, 1895, Image 1

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'AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We bold that all men are A vericant who Swear Allegiance to the United StaU-s without a mental reservation in favor of the Pupa.
Volume V.
Prrlude t a Sunday Liming Sen Ice by
kit. J. Q. A. Henry, Chicago.
ine pope wears a triple crown sur
mounted by the cross, indicative of hU
sovereignty over the realms of heaven
earth and hell. The supremacy of the
cross implies the subordination of the
temporal to the spiritual power. In
his rule over the earth he arrogates to
himself temporal dominion above that
of all princes and powers by declaring
himself "Dominius totius orbls"(the
Lord of all the globe). Julius III, in
asserting his claim to civil power, is
sued a coin which bore the Inscription
"The nation and the kingdom that will
not serve me shall perish." The pope
represents himself as the vicegerent of
the Almighty and the Vicar of Jesus
on earth; that his authority is supreme,
not to be shared with emperor or poten
tate. He grounds his supremacy upon
that reply to our Lord's question
"Here are two swords," In answer to
which Jesus said, "It is enough." This
passage is made to mean that the
hurch represented by Peter and his
sucoessors is to hold and wield two
swords a spiritual and a temporal,
symbols of complete and absolute sover
The pretensions to temporal supreme
acy began with Lymmachus, who gov
erned the papal church from 498 to 514
A. D., who was styled by his flatterers
"Judge in the place of God." The
temporal power of the pope was grad
ual in its growth, and culminated in
the reigns of Gregory VII, Innocent
III and Pius IX. The Roman Catholic
hierarchy is modeled after the civil
government of ancient Rome. It pre
tends to1 be one and universal. The
gradation of offices begins with the
priests and steadily advances upward
through bishops, archbishops, cardi
nals to the pope himself, In whose one
person all the powers of this organiza
tion are centered and expressed. His
word is universal, irrepealable and in'
fallible. He represents a despotism
more absolute, presumptuous, unscru
pulous, tyrannical than any other that
has ever existed among men.
In speaking of the pope's temporal
power, the Catholic Publication Socl
ety, No. 46, proceeds in form of ques
tion and answer as follows:
"How can this independence of civil
authority be secured?"
"Only in one way the pope must be
a sovereign himself. No temporal
prince, whether emperor, or king, or
president, or any legislative body can
have any lawful jurisdiction over the
"What right has the pope to be Inde
pendent of every civil ruler?"
"He has it in virtue of his dignity as
the Vlear of ChrlBt. His divine office
makes him superior to every political,
temporal and human government."
it is historically true tbat lor more
than a thousand years the popes of
Rome have not hesitated to claim this
power tnd to exercise it to the measure
of their ability, regardless of the inter
ference with and instability of the civil
governments of various countries.
They have stirred up seditions, ab
solved subjects from their allegiance,
deposed princes, and affirmed absolute
siif.jmacy in all things. The pope
claims sovereignty over all nations,
rulers, kings, queens, and presidents;
absolute authority over all legislators,
all legislation and all law; and claims
to he the final and supreme court, from
which there is no appeal. The Civilta
of 1871 declares: "The pope is the
chief justice of the civil law. In him
the two powers of spiritual and tempo
ral meet together as in their head.
The pope, by virtue of his high dig
nity, is at the head of both powers,
that is, legislative and judicial."
In a work entitled "The Church and
the Sovereign Pontiff," Rev. Father
Maurel, a Jesuit, makes the following
political utterances: First, "Kings are
subject to the ecclesiastical power in
temporal things." Second, "Popes have
a direct as well as an indirect power to
depose kings." Third, "Popes have a
right to withdraw subjects from the
submission and obedience which they
we to their rulers." Fourth, "Popes
may absolve' subjects from their oath
I fidelity."
In the face of such claims, it is
scarcely necessary for Cardinal Turre
remata'to declare that "The popes
may depose emperors and kings," or
for Cardinal. Manning, in the name of
the pope, to say: "I am the last and
supreme judge of what is right and
wrong. I acknowledge no civil power.
I am thej subject of no civil power. I
am the subject of no prince. I claim
to be the supreme judge and director
of the consciences of men, of the peas
ants that till the fields and of the
princes that sit upon the throne. More
over, we affirm and declare it to be
necessary to the salvation of every hu
man creature to be subject to the Ro
nan pontiff." Pope Pius IX said:
"The IRomlsbl church has a right to
exercise its authority without having
any limit set to it by the civil power
Again: "The church and ber ecclesla
tics have a right to immunity from
civil law." Again: "The church has
the riffht to avail itself of force and to
use the temporal power for that pur
pose." Article 8 of the canon law of
the Romish church reads: "The pope
has the right to annul state laws,
treaties, constitutions, etc., and to ab
solve from obedience thereto as soon as
they seem detrimental to the rights of
the church or those of the clergy.
Ferraris affirms: "The pope is divine
monarch, supreme emperor and king:
hence he is crowned with a triple
crown, as king of heaven, of earth and
of hell." Cardinal Bellarmine asserts
"The spiritual power must rule the
temporal by all means and expedients
when necessary." John Ming, a Jes
uit, in a book published in 1891, in
speaking of the power of the pope, says
"The usurpation of the pope's tempo
ral sovereignty is a wrong to which
the church can never be reconciled,
and which she must resist by all means
in her power, even now. after more
more than twenty years have elapsed
since its perpetration. The faithful all
over the world see their father, the
Vicar of Christ, injured, afflicted, im
prisoned and Insulted, and feel them
selves injured in him until the wrong
is redressed. The pope can never re
sign to his deprivation of sovereignty,
since he has promised under oath when
he received the cardinal's. purple, and
when he ascended the pontifical throne,
to assert and maintain the temporal
dominion of the church."
Never, since the revolution in Italy,
ha Pius IX or Leo XIII ceased to in
culcate in their addresses and apostolic
letters the necessity of temporal sover
eignty. There are no less than six
pontifical letters and thirteen allocu
tions in which they have solemnly
spoken of this subject. Pope Pius IX
affirms: "We openly declare that in
order to exercise without any impedl
ment its sacred power for the good of
religion, the temporal power is neces
sary for the Holy See. Father Ming
also writes: "We acknowledge the
civil principality of the Holy See as
necessary and as evidently founded by
God's providence. As the Vicar of
Christ, the sovereign pontiff is In every
respect officially and personally inde
pendent of any earthly power." . Leo
XIII in 1890 said: "!f the laws of the
state are in open contradiction with
the divine law; If they command any
thing prejudicial to the church or hos
tile to the duties imposed by religion,
or violate the authority of Jesus Christ,
then indeed it is a duty to resist them
and a crime to obey them." In the
same encyclical he asserts: "All Cath
ones should do all in their power to
cause the constitutions of states to be
modeled after the principles of the true
church." The Catholic Wercs of June 7,
1893, declares: "The temporal power
of the holy father is not a myth or a
matter of ancient history. It is a living
and integral portion of every Catholic
desire." In December of the same year
the Catholic Telegraph said: "The only
condition of the Holy See that will sat
isfy the Catholic world is one of abso
lute independence of any civil power."
In perfect consonance with these dee
larations, Pope Plus IX in 1855 de-
clared absolutely null and void all the
acts of the Government of Piedmont
which he held prejudicial to the rights
of religion. In the same year, because
Spain had passed a law which provided
for the toleration of non-Roman wor
ship, he declared by his own apostolic
authority those laws to be abrogated,
totally null and of no effect. In 1802 he
affirmed that the provisions of Austrian
law which established freedom of
opinion, of the press, of belief, of con
science, of education, oi religious pro
fession, and of matrimonial jurisdiction,
and other matters, to be "abominable
laws, which have been and shall be
totally void and without any force what
ever." In almost identical phraseology
he sought to annul the laws of Sar
dinia) the laws of Mexico and the laws
of New Granada. If history teaches
anything, it establishes beyond all per
adventure the indictment that the
popes of Rome have been the most ar
rogant, oppressive and tyrannical of
rulers. They have intruded into gov
ernments; they have been the scourge
of nations, the enemy of independence
and the assassin of liberty. Gregory
VII affirmed that the pope alone had
the right to assume empire; that all
nations must kiss his feet, and Anto-
nius of Florence said: "The pope's
crown Is a triple one. He opens heaven;
he sends the guilty to hell; he confirms
or deposes emperors, and direct? the
clerical orders." Brovius affirmed:
'The pope has supreme power over
kings and Christian princes," while
Merclnus asserted that "the pope Is
the Lord of the whole world." Mos-
covius declared that "the Bishop
of Rome cannot sin without beln
praised." He also affirmed that "God's
tribunal and the pope's tribunal are
the same. The pope Is the head of an
absolute and unlimited monarchy
According to these claims, be Is a po
litical prince; his capital is the City of
Rome, and his domains until a quarter
of a century ago were the States of the
That these papal pretensions have
been a fruitful source of the seditions
and wars which like successive torna
does have swept in fearful rapidity over
Christendom, the records of history
furnish the most unquestionable evl
dence. These papal machinations have
interfered with the peace of France,
Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium
Sweden, Russia, Poland, China, Japan
Egypt, Abyssinia, Mexico, South Amer
ica, and of many other government!,
all of which were fearfully productive
of sedition, anarchy, war and revolu
tion. In her effort to defend and en
force these claims, she has counseled
the violation of every principle ot jus
tlce, of every obligation of humanity
of all contracts, of all pecuniary en
gagements, of all oaths, and urges as a
duty the persecution and extermination
of all unbelievers by means of corpo
ral punishment, imprisonment, banish
ment, murder, fire, sword, rack, stake
and scaffold. It is not surprising, there
fore, that she feels most keenly the loss
of her temporal supremacy and recog'
nit ion, or that she be pained to the
heart by the demonstration of united
Italy as they rejoice over their deliver
ance from her pitiless and tyrannical
power, and are made glad In the
thought that the day of their deliver
ance is at hand. During the last quar
ter of a century, since King Victor
Emmanuel broke down the north wall
and entered the City of Rome, the pol
Icy of the Vatican has been to recon
quer Rome and to regain its temporal
power. In pursuing this object, at the
cost of humiliation and dishonorable
transactions, the pope has sought to
reconcile the papacy with as many na-
tions as possible, in order that he might
use their influence when the hour ar
rived to make his final assault upon
free and united Italy. In the course of
time nothing has been more manifest
than the increasing boldness with
which he and his devotees have de
clared themselves In favor of the ten
poral sovereignty of the Roman Cuth-
olic hierarchy. For centuries the pope
was recognized as the head of Christen
dom, and kings and princes were his
servants. The wealth of the world
flowed Into the treasuries of the church.
The popes became monarchs and des'
pots. The simplicity of the early
church was forgotten. The apostasy
became so aggravated and absolute
that in the interest of a pure faith and
a noble humanity Christians rose up to
protest against these abominations and
to purify and preserve the faith which
was once delivered unto the saints.
The Ideal attitude of the pope and
the Roman Catholic hierarchy toward
all princes and governments had its
fulfillment in the relationship of the
great Hildebrand and Henry IV, Em
peror of Germany, about the middle of
the eleventh century. They had quar
reled. The emperor declared the pope
deposed, and in turn the pope excom
munlcated the emperor. Gregory had
the advantage. At this particular time
he was wintering in Canosa, a castle in
northern Italy, from which he wrote a
letter explaining the relation of pope
and emperor. He says: "The emperor,
Henry IV, remained here three days in
the court of the castle, stripped of the
emblems of royalty, wretched, bare
footed, covered with hair-cloth, asking
in utter repentance apostolic mercy,
until his humiliation, his penitence and
the compassionate prayers of all who
saw him induced us to deliver him
from his shame and receive him anew
into the mother church."
A few years ago, in the German
Reichstag, an effort was made to secure
an enlarged appropriation for the sup
port of the German Legation at the
papal court. The Iron Chancellor Bis
marck opposed it in a vehement speech,
which reached its climax when, facing
the representatives of the papal inter
ests, and with defiance blazing in his
face, he shouted: "Nach Canosa gehen
wir nicht!" (We are not going to Ca
nosa). The words swept over Germany
like a flash of lightning. Everywhere
they were caught up. Songs were writ
ten with this for their refrain. For
twenty-five years the people of free
and united Italy have been echoing
and re-echoing this sentiment: "We
are not going to Canosa."
In view of these facts, the letters of
Cardinal Gibbons and the bishops
through the country calling the faith
ful of this country to a day of prayer
for the restoration of the pope's tempo
ral power Is deeply significant to every
lover of civil and religious liberty. It
ought not to require much time for
every man and every woman who has
been emancipated from this awful tyr
anny, and permitted to enjoy this land
of freedom and Independence, to give
an unequivocal answer, to the question,
"Shall we pray for the restoration of
the temporal power of the papacy?"
Of all earthly possessions, liberty is the
most precious. It Is bought at a greater
price and preserved with greater vlgl
lance than any other. Tyranny oomos
with muffled foot. It steals upon us
u me nignw it deposits, wnlle a
nation sleeps, the seeds of arbitrary
rule, and, under the pretense of re
dressing wrong or of advancing liberty,
It strikes the fatal blow at justice and
freedom. That we are approaching a
crisis in this country upon this ques
tion, no intelligent man can entertain
a reasonable doubt. The crisis is here.
Will the catastrophe follow? The an
swer will depend upon the attitude
which we as American citizens assume
toward this assassin of civil and relig
ious llbortv.
In speaking of the pope's influence in
relation to Germany, Bismarck said:
"He is more powerful in this country
than any other one man, not excepting
the king. He would use fire and sword
against us if he had the power; would
confiscate our property and would not
spare our lives."
We congratulate most heartily the
citizenship of Italy on their deliverance
from the grinding power of the man of
sin, and devoutly pray that as a nation
they never again may be brought into
bondage to the Antichrist. While we
believe it would be un-American and
unscriptural for the people to pray for
a return of the pope's temporal power,
we do feel that every lover of civil and
religious liberty should pray that
Cuba, in her fight for freedom, may be
delivered from the colossal cruelty and
corruption of the papal priesthood. 1
Italy's Celebration Closed with a Great
Rome, Sept. 21. The celebration of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the en
try of the Italian army into Rome,
which began last Saturday, culminated
yesterday in the unveiling of the monu
ment of General Garibaldi on the Jan-
iculum hill, in the presence of the king,
the royal family, the ministers, depu
tations of veterans who served under
Garaldl, and 50,000 people. The deco
rations of public and private buildings
were of the most imposing and liberal
character. Every mention of the names
of Garibaldi, Italy and King Hum
hurt was greeted with loud cheers. The
procession of Garibaldlan veterans to
the Villa Corsinl was an impressive
spectacle, with its bands of music and
its banners. The old soldiers in red
shirts were loudly cheered as they
marched through the streets.
The royal carriage moved through
the crowd with the greatest difficulty
the populace pressing about to seize the
hands of King Humbert and Queen
A tremendous shout went up as the
veil was withdrawn from the statue.
Garibaldians climbed the monument to
deposit upon it flags and crowns of flow
Slgnor Crispi, the orator of the day,
dilated upon the inherent antagonism
of statesmanship and religion, arguing
that those claiming the restoration of
the temporal power were actuated by
far more human motives than that of
safeguarding the prestige of the church.
The struggles Incidental to political
government would stifle all sentiment
of veneration for Christ's vicar. Italy
had given an example for other coun
tries in renouncing ecclesiastical attrl-
butes and according the greatest re
spect to the liberty of the church. In
the guaranty of spiritual autonomy
the pope possessed an unassailable fort
ress which might well be envied by all
the powers of the world, and even by
Protestants. The pope was now sub
ject only to God. As a temporal prince
his authority would be diminished, for
he would then only be the equal of other
princes, who would league themselves
against him. Catholics preaching re-
bellion should know that they were only
assisting anarchy, which denied both
God and the king.
Signor Crispi concluded by saying:
The fetes are not directed against the
pope. Do not let us mar the solemnity
of tbU ceremony, in which the whole
of Italy is united, but remember the ju-
bllee reminds us of our duty to defend a
patriotic inheritance won through long
years of sacrifice."
The statueis by the sculptor Gallorl.
It is an equestrian bronze, weighing
fifteen tons. It was erected in the
grounds of the Villa Corsinl upon an
eminence, with a granite base, on the
four sides of which are shown four alle
gorical groups. The side facing Rome
represents the defense of Rome against
the French In 1848. The opposite side
shows the Garibaldians taking Galatea
Fima. The third and fourth sides ex
hibit groups symtollcal of America and
iving Humbert cordially saluted a
nonogenarian Garibaldlan, whoso
breast was covered with medals, lie
has conferred the order of the Annuo
data upon and sent a flattering letter
to General Cadrona, the sole surviving
member of the ministry of 1870.
At S o'clock the mayor of the city un
veiled the memorial column of Porta
Pla, erected upon the exact sHit at
which tho Italian troops effected a
breach in the city walls when they oc
cupied the city In 1870. The veterans of
1870 moved to the site In a great pro
cession, deposited hundreds of wreaths
at its base and sang patriotio songs.
Dispatches from the provinces report
that the day was celebrated everywhere
1th the greatest enthusiasm.
The Vatican presented Its ordinary
aspect, and the pope went to St. Peter's,
where he spent a long time in prayer at
the tomb of '.he apostles.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
Methodist church of Rome was dedi
cated. Prof. Carbonero made the open
ing prayer, Miss May Maud Elklns sang,
and extracts from the Scriptures were
read. The Rev. Mr. Plggott then
read Fitzgerald's address on "The Mis
sion of the Methodist Church." After
further singing and the reading of a
psalm, William Burt presented the edi
fice to Bishop Fitzgerald, who per
formed the ceremony of consecration,
Pastor Dardi closing the exercises with
Tea and ices were served In the an
nex after the church had been Inspected
and explanations given of its various
parts. The edifice was greatly admired
by those who attended. Among those
present were Mr. Anderson, represent
ing the United States; the Austrian
consul and a largo company of promi
nent Italians and members of the Eng
lish and American colonies in Rome,
and many ladles.
At 7 o'clock the church was filled at
a reunion sorvlce. Mr. Burt presided
and short addresses were delivered by
representatives of the Baptist, Wes
leyan and other religious denomina
tions. NEW Yokk, Sept. 21. Five thousand
Italians of Now York city celebrated
the anniversary of the occupation of
Rome with a parade and speech-mak
The German Catholics of the New
York diocese held a meeting to pro
test against tho spoliation of tho pope's
doiniulon. Archbishop Corrigan, who
addressed the meeting, said: "I am
sure we are all here for the one purpose
and entaln the same sentimont, which
Is one of loyalty and affection, and one
of sympathy for the Holy Father for
the wrongs ho has suffered for the past
twenty-five years. No lapse of time
will make that right which is against
the principles of justice, ana the en
trance by the Italian troops twenty-five
years ago of the city of Rome, being so
unjust, can never be rectified. We
must here to-night show our undying
allegiance to the sovereign pontiff.
There ia no doubt that right will pre
vail In the end, and all know that God's
principle, which Is always operative, is
to return good for evil."
An address to the prp9 protostl"g
against the occupation of Rome and
assuring him of sympathy and loyalty,
was adopted.
Mgr. CannI, Blamed and Censnred by the
Cardinals, Dies from the Wow.
You may perhaps have heard of the
recent theft of precious illuminated
parchments at theVatican Library, says
an Italian correspondent of the St. James
Gazette. The robber, the soi-distant
Prof. Sordi, has Indirectly become a
murdorer, for it Is certainly to the anx
iety and pain caused by the ruthless
mutilation of his bibliographic treas
ures that we must attribute the sudden
death of Mgr. Carinl, the prefect of the
Vatican Library. This eminent prelate,
though comparatively young being
only about 50 was known and respected
in the scientific world for his learned
writings on historical, paleographic
and theological subjects, and belonged
to several scientific academies both In
Italy and abroad. The theft of the
parchments brought down an ava
lanche of annoyance and trouble on the
quiet, peaceful savant, and he bravely
supported the weary interrogations of
the police officials and the assaults of
prying reporters. But the coup de
grace came to him when he was called
before a committee of cardinals, one of
whom, the Jesuit Mezzarella, harshly
threw upon him t'.t e blame of what
had occurred.
This was too much or the poor mon-
slgnor. His Sicilian blood got the bet
ter of his love f6r the grand library.
which was his greatest pride and care,
and he rushed out of the room exclaim
ing: "Very well; I shall resign." But
the blow had been too painful, and a ,
few hours later, when at his place ia
the chapter of St. Peter's singing ves
pers with the other canons, Mgr. Ca
rinl sunk down in a swoon and was car
ried into the court of St. Damascus,
where be expired without regaining
consciousness. Mgr. Carinl was a son
of Gen. Carlni, who commanded the
army corps of Perugia when Arch
bishop Peoci, not yet elevated to the
chair of St. Peter, occupied that see.
I xx) XIII bad, therefore, known the
late monslgnor since his child hood, and,
appreciating the rare talents of the
young priest, called him to Rome,
where, In the course of time, be ap
pointed blm to the important post
which he occupied at the time of his
sudden death. Ills holiness has been
profoundly shocked and grieved at the
loss of Mgr. Carinl, whom ho bad al
ready made a cardinal.
Father Flaherty, sf Urneseo, N. Y., Ac
cused of Ned Bring Mary Sweeney.
Genebeo, N. Y., Sept. 23. Tho
criminal case of the people against the
Rev. Charles Flaherty is on the calen
dar for trial to-day before Judge Nor
ton. The charge ia one of seduction,
the girl having been at the time under
16 years of age.
Priest Flaherty was first tried April
17, 1803. He then demurred to the in
dictment. The domurrer was not sus
tained. The trial of the indictment
then and there took place, and Father
Flaherty waa found guilty and sen
tenced to imprisonment in the state
prison at Auburn for seven yea as
and six months. An appeal was taken
to the general term, In which the court
decided that the evidence was sufflulent
to sustain the verdict, but that, for an
error, the judgment of the court of ses
sions should be reversed. Therefore a
new trial was ordered.
Mary Sweeney, the girl with whom
it is alleged Father Flaherty was inti
mate, lived next door to the priest's
house with M. J. Noonan. Previous
to her entranco into the Noonan family
she was at a Canandalgua convent.
She was a regular attendant of the
church and was a teacher In the Sun
day school. She became acquainted
with tho priest during tho second
month of her residence In Mount Mor
ris. To secure a conviction in the
present trial the state must show that
the criminal aet occurred when the
girl was under 16 years of age.
St. IiOiils Exposition Recognizes tho Or
der and Trouble is Looked For.
ST. Louis, Mo., Sspt. 19. Out of def
erence to the fifty A. P. A. couuclls in
this city, whose memb'rshlp sggre-
gate-i about 20,000 men and, whrso in
fluence gave tho last election t) the Re
publicans, the exposition management
has set apart one night at A. P. A.
night. As an offset the Catholic so
cieties will be given a night. But this
has not mollified the Catholic societies
to any great extent, and there is a sharp
protest going up against any such rec
ognition of the A. P. A. S mo go so
far as to predict that there will be
trouble unless the management cancels
A. P. A. night. The claim is set up
tbat the organization is a purely polit
ical one and tbat it would be just as
reasonable to have Republican and
Democratic nights a an A. P. A. night.
There is no longer any disposition to
question the strength of the A. P. A.
In St. Louis, and the opposition to the
society will not affect to despise It in
the future. Fully one-half the present
mayor's appointees are active members,
Including the new election commis
sioner, who will appoint the judges at
the next Republican primary, two
judges of the city court and nearly all
the superintendents of institutions.
Already there have been three street
fights which took the form of miniature
riots between the A. P. A. and antl-A.
P. A. factions. A great many persons
believe that it will be impossible to
keep them apart at the exposition.
Stirs Them I p.
San Francisco, Sept. 23. The pub
lication of Governor Budd's proposed
proclamation regarding semi-military
organizations bearing arms has caused
a tumult among the foreign societies
who have arms in their quarters and
have been in the habit of drilling upon
state occasions. Officers of the French
military societies are particularly dem
onstrative In their talk. The basis is
"that there can be no Fronch society
without the French flag."
Under no circumstances could the
flae be carried with arms.
President V. Felisetti of the Swiss
Sharpshooters said: "We will give
up our arms sooner than our flag. I
believe that If we turn out with both
flags no one can prevent us, and any law
to the contrary is, In my opinion, un
constitutional. We will probably test
it, too."
The intended proclamation Is stirring
up a tumult which will probably end in
the United States courts.