IT BOYD'SthS THEATRE OMAHA. NtB - - . ITU a ad Nuwy street. Toes, and Wei, Sept. 24 and 25, Gladys Wallis JO Superb Company of Players. . , , DCiKMI . . . Mr. Frederick Paulding, frml" f " P-t MIf Fanchon With Complete Scenic lnvetituU. PMffS: First rioor. SOc. 75c and Hi Balcony, SOc. 7 Jci Sallery. ISO. The Greighton Theatre Telephone IS1I. I'AXTON & BUKGESS, Mgr., 2 NICHTS, . . JIFPT 23 Otnneaeinc MoBdiy W 1 A. M. PALMER'S i NEW YORK COMPANY TRILBY Prices : $1.50,$ 1, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25o. Coming Sep. 21 Clevland'a Mln trel; Sept. 27 and 28-The Pawing Show. CITY AND STATE Republican Club Meeting. Fifth Ward Republican Club meets eery Thursday at the Club ball, 1Mb and Lake trecU. Sixth Ward Republican t'lub meet every Saturday tyrant at the hull, Win and Lake atrevts. Second Ward Republican Club meet every Thuriday evening at 2Uth and Herce atret Senator Thureton I well again. T -day (Friday) 1 Republican cauciu day. R. A. Wheeloa ha been confined to hi bed with typhoid fever. He 1 let ter now. Attorney William A. Saunders bas returned from a business trip to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Owing to the continued hot weather, the Nebraska supreme court bas taken short vacation. O. W. Brewster, editor of tho Popu list, of Falls City, was a visitor at the state fair this week J. A. Andrews, of Fremont, was kind enough to come In and chat with us for ft few minutes Thursday. Mrs. B. J. Morris and her sister, Miss Daisy D. Petre, have gone over to Car- lyle, Iowa, to vUlt their parents. Scott Kenworth, one of the best Re publicans in South Omaha, stopped long enough to say "hello" Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Furloni? and their son Albert, of Rock Bluff, Neb., have been attending the state fair this week. While here they paid The American' ofllce a vUlt. The Republican convention meets in Washington Hall, Sept. 28, at 2 p. m The primaries will be held Friday, Sept, 27, from noon until 6 o'clock Every American should be on hand. J. L. Kaley, Jacob Fawcettand Judge J. H. Macombcr are candidates for the district judgeship, and each expects to secure a Sixth Ward delegation favor able to his candidacy. The Second Ward Republican Club will meet at Kestler's Hall, 1214 South Thirteenth street, next Thursday eve ning. Judge Scott is booked as the speaker of the evening. It is reported that Priest Rosewater will shortly leave the city that he in tends going to Rome on a vacation. It may be that the "howly father" wishes to make him a "count." H. T. Spoery, of Columbus, Neb., came in and renewed acquaintance with the editor to-day before going out to the fair. He was highly pleased with the parade of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. J. T. Lloyd, of Plattsmouth, Neb who has been confined a week or more at the M. E. hospital, undergoing an operation on his left eye, has so far re covered as to be able to return home. Mr. Lloyd is a B. & M. employe, and while engaged at his work in their shops got a small particle of steel in bis eye. That irritated the optic and caused a cataract to form, and the hope of having both removed Induced him to come to Omaha and enter the Meth odist Episcopal Hospital, which is sup plied with a corps of able specialists and trained nurses. The High School Athletic Club has from year to year collected a fund for the use of the club through private con tributions, socials and commencement exercises, which has been placed in the bands of the school board and disbursed subject to their approval. The club at recent meeting made a request to the school board for m appropriation from thU fund of 173 00 to be uJ In aecur Ing a foot-ball court At thit meeting of the board, a resolution a j a'-d transferring thla fund to the custody of the aecretary to be dlaburtej under the direction of the high-achool committee, and this omiiultu-fl granted the club their request. The ataU'tiient of the lUt tbat tbU appropriation came out of the public-school fund U untrue, a the entire amount was raised a above tated. ahei:ms. Don't mis going to Itjyd next week. The best theatrical company that has vUlted Omaha so far this season was that at the New Boyd this week Roland Reed's. The theatrical menu provided by the Crelghton Theater for the coming week U a notable one. The week 0ens Monday, Sept. 23, with a two- night engagement of A. M. Palmer's great New York Company In "Trilby," dramatized by Paul M. Potter from Geo. Du Maurler's famous novel of that name. Thursday, Sept. 2(1, Cleveland's great Mammoth Minstrels will give two per formances. The week cloaca with a two-night engagement of Canary Ai Lederer's great attraction, "Tho Pars ing Show," which carries 110 persons. Republican Central Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Re publican County Central Committee in room (UKl, New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska, Monday, Sept. 23, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of approving petitions requesting name to be placed upon various pri mary tickets. C. L. Chaffee, Jno. Lewis, Seo'y. Chairman. KeHollltiollH. Camp Sherman, Hastings, Neb., Aug. 2f. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whkkeas, It has pleased the Great Commander of the universe to take from our presence, by death, our be loved comrade Horace Putnam, late of Company I, Fifty-eighth Ohio Volun teers, and member of Post 5!, Strom' berg, Neb.; and, Whereas, It I with feelings of deepest sorrow that we note the dark Khauo or gloom cast over tne once happy home; therefore, be it Ucmlrcd, That the heartfelt sympa thies of the members of the Ohio Asso ciation of Soldiers and Sailors in Ne brack a are mot sincerely extended to the family and relatives in this their sad bereavement; and may God strengthen, sustain and comfort them; and be it litsolml, That a copy of these retola tlons be presented to the family of our heloved comrade, a copy be spread upon tho records of the Ohio Association of Soldiers and Sailors in Nebraska, and a copy bo furnished tho Nebraska Camjr Fire for publication. Respectfully submitted. H. N. Spencer, Nathaniel Fellows, Mrs. M. K. McLaughlin, Committee. Camp Sherman, Hastings, Neb., Aug. 28, '95. The following resolu tlons were passed: Whereas, It has pleased the Al mighty God to take unto himself, through death, the heloved wife of our deur Comrado James H Kyner, late of Company F, Forty-sixth Ohio Volunteer lnfsntry; anu. Whereas, It is with feeling of deep est sorrow, we note the dark shadow of gloom spread over the once happy home 01 our comrade; ana, Whereas. We acknowledge the earnest, efficient and sympathetic work of our beloved sister; therefore, be it 0 ICemlved, Tbat the heartfelt sympa thies of the members nf the Ohio Asso ciation of Soldiers and Sailors in Ne braska are most sincerely extended to our comrade nd family In this their sad hour of sfllictlon, and praying that uod may give them of his strength and consolation, and that they may have the trustful faith which will lighten their burden of sorrow, remembering that bevond the beautiful gates the loved ones are awaiting to welcome them to their eternal home; and be it further Rtsolrtd, That a copv ot these reso Unions be presented Comrade James U. Kyner and family, a copy oe spreaa on the records of the Ohio Association of Soldiers and Sailors in Nebraska, and a copy be given The Omaha Amer ican and Xtbraska Camp-Fire for publi cation. Mrs. M. E. McLaughlin, John Gillian, George C. Humphrey, Committee. For Justice of the Peace. Dorsey B. Houck desires to announce himself as a candidate for Justice of the Peace, subject to the decision of the County Republican Convention. tf U. S. Council No. 10, Jr. O. U. A. M meets first and third Thursdays each month in Patterson Hall, Seventeenth and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb. C R. Davidson, couucilor; J. C. Cornwall, corresponding secretary. Visiting brothers welcome. When down town drop in at John Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is ou Of repair, to be fixed. 317 north lo St, Eat Dyball s delicious cream candies, 1513 Douglas street. Edward Baumley, and St. Marys Ave tor livery, 17th J. Henderson, 316 N. Sixteenth "tree Umbrellas covered and repaired. Awake, uiy countrymen, awake, And watch the wlley foe; Stand to yonr arms tor freedom's sake, Heroic valor show. Special Master rMeMMra Sale. I'adr and t virtue nt mm ndr ef eala om . Mr of fom-loaar of nort( umihhI out t lb dl'rt court f"r lUmalaa county. Mm l rhrut. id to mm 4!rf'i i'r DUwuf (int hutidrrj nflV' Ur . tl.'.l l ih inirnnt lliim ! of ua (I'll vr ernt, prr aanum fri'in rliruitrv I t, I -A , imrulv ! ,4-l'u ,,IUr Ui Ti, ,-.n hrrWn. lMCihr with a, rulfitr riMtt mj..-,,riliti to a tudtfuieul M"U- ilcrrd by rtl.ln. t court of i, IioiiieIm umv. at ii i.hruart terra. A !.!. in rrrutiu w-iiun inra mna min prnuiuc Hi nrr llrunlMi aud Mamtrrt UruoInK were -ftidfii. luu-d at Omaha. Ntbraaka. Auiuxt . A. OF.lilii.E W. IUI.HKIM)K. HLrctiftl Mi,ur f '4,111 iiitton-r. ACS HF.KS M At FA HI. A I) A lilt kKV. Allomrv for I'lHlDtln. JohnaoB vi. llrunlDX, -t al. itac. 4.V. No. lt. JLt-i Special .Master Cimiiil-o,ioiier Sale. Cnilcr and bv virtue of an ordrr of al on tif foreclosure of -orlitr lud out f IB dlhirict court for Ikiuxliut county. tat of Ni-liranka. and to tiia illrwlwt, I will, 011 the ilrd dav of It I ibfr. A. II. 1 V al on clock p. m. of nitld day at the north front ml 11I tun count rourt-timie. In m city f (Imaha. iKiUKlaiicoun'y. Nnhriuika. afll at ublic auction to the hlifliiMit, the liroiwrtv dowrltx-d In iiaid order of aala an follona, Uelt: Lot 'xtv-one 1SI1 ln(J nea addition In the city of Omaha, Ihiuidm count r. Nebranka. (ald propertv to be wild tonatlHfy II. J. Twtnttim plaiiiltlT herein, the aum of two hundred Iwenty-nU and ara ,f'JH.:ti, with IntereHt thttreon al rate f ten iH-r cent, tier aiinuiii from riepteoiber Kth, and ninet v-wven aud 21-H dol lar 111 ill 1 okU herein, with lnti-ret I hereon rum repteinlxr nth. mm. uitether with ac- rultiar cuata a-corUliiK to a juaKuu-tii ren- -red ty the nutrlct i-ourt 01 Hani ixiuuian lunty. at Ita heotenilier term, A. o. ikh. in a ertaln ai-tlon tlu-n and there pendlml herein II. J. Twliillni: waa pUluliJ. and Mrv Jai-kmin. K-ott Jiu'Wuon. Lue Juckmin, hla wife. Kd ward Jackson. William Jackwin tid Mary Jackiuin were defendanla. Hitteil at Omaha. AeOraaka. Bi'Ulemoer u. A. D, lHift. t.EOltOK W. 1IOLHUOOK. HucIhI Miuiier Comuilwtloner. faunder. Mucfarlaud & Hickey, Attorney for I'lalntllT. TwlntlnR va. Jarkujn. Hoc. . No. m S-30-5 Special Master Cemuilssloiier's Sale. Under and hv virtue of an order of aale on deer of foreclosure of iiiortKnxe laaued out of the dlHlrlci court for Ikiuxlaa county, Ne- hrtuMa. and to me directed. I will, on the Irltn day of October. A. I). lrttt. at lo'clo-.k i. ui.olaalil Uay, at me cant rroniuooror tne ounty court house. In the cltv of Omaha, UniiKliia county. Nebraska, aell at ouullc auction to the hlitheat bidder fur caj,h, the property described In Bald order ot aale aa follows, to-wli: Lot eleven (11) of J. E. Klltiy'a aub-dlvlaion of lota lifty four iM) and tlfty-tlve (Ml of the M. E. Koitcra pint of Oka Iioiiik, an addition to the city of Omaha, and lluate In HoukIhs county, muteof Nehriuika. Huld property to he sold MaatlKfy E. M Biter, defenditut. the sum of .1714:1, with Interest at 1(1 per cent from May Till, 1U4; to aatlafy William Mcli.orxc., Jr.. trustee, plaintiff, the aum uf Wis Ml with Interval fruiu Heplember 17th, IS'.il; toaatlNf MumniiKh and EUchetl, Ann E. Cainpliell. Henry W. KuIidh, Omaha Coal, Coke & Lime Company, Patteraon, Mur phy & Company, J. A Fuller t Coin puny. nenry ti, neeiy, ueorite A. tioiiKiaiui, u. H. Klckel ,t Sou, and Jullua Trtiltacliake re- uecilvely vurloua ainoiintaa shown by the decree and order of alc. and the aum of (lSINcosU herein, touetlier with accrutnx co.ia accorditiK to a Juditment rendered cy the district court of aaid lloimlua county, at u) heut, in her term. A. 1). iNt. Ill a certain action theu and luere penduiK, wherelu Wil liam MctieorKe, trustee, waa plalntllT and laaitc 8. Haacall and others, defendaiita. Omaha, Nebraska, riepiemhcr llllb. I V't. CHAKLKH V. M1LED. Hue -lul Master Cominlaaloner. D, M. Vlnaotihaler, Attorney. McUeortie Trustee v. Uaacall. Dnc. 37. No. 45. II-13-5 Notice f Incorporation. Notice la hereby Klven that on the 15th dav of July, 1HU5, a corporation waa duly formed utitirr tne name i,u stylo ur the lohkck Mkhciiamuhk Company, and the ariU leaof tiuorporut lou were duly Hied In the omceof he county clerk uf Ilouslaa county. Ne- braaka. That the vrlnrlual Dlace of bualnei of aald corporation la In the city of Omaha. 1 lunulas county, Neuraaktt. Tbu seoeral tint tire of the buslneaa to be transacted by aaid corporation, la the buying anu aelllnti at whuleaale and retail of any and all hardware, mechanic's tools, cutlery, nails, and auch other mere h and ise aa may be aeiermlued upon and deemed adv.aabie from time to time by the board of directors of the corporat ion, and to take, bold, tuort Kne and c iuvey any and all real estate necessary for the conduct ot the business uf the said corporation. i tie amount or capital atocK autnoriseu la $.':.(iooi twenty rive thousand dollars, divided Into Ave hundred (Mn shares of bfty dollars &)) each, the stine to he fully pitiJ and i on-assessable: and elitbt thousand uollnrs if-i,iKXi),iUl of which shall have been auuscrlued and fully ptld In at the time of the com mencement of the business of said corpora tion. The time of the commencement of the busi ness of the said corporation waa on tne 15. h day of July, 1MI5, and the termination thereof, on h 1st day of July. 11'15, un.ets sooner dissolved In the manner prescribed by law, or bv a vote of the atoc hoiuors, reuresentlnit three-fourttia (?i) of the catliai of the said corporation. Jhe It Ig neat amount OI maeoteuncsa or liability to which said corporation Is at any time to subject Itself is two-tulrda CS) of the paid la capital stock, 1 lie Hiniirs or tue sata corporanuu are u, be conducted by the board of directors of said corporation and more particularly by the president, vice-president, secretary anu treasurer, wboshail be members of the ald board of directors. H. HOLHKOOIV, 9-13-4 Secretary and Treasurer. J. T. PATCH, Attorney, Room 22 Patterson Block. Sot ice of Sale of Real Estate. In the matter of the estate of Zulima Evans, Incomneient." NoLlcn la hnrphv irlvpn that in nurSUanCO otanorderof William W Keyaor. Judge of ine District uour' or iiougia" couniy. " on the 7 th day of September, li.. authorising the sale of the hereinafter described real estate, there will be sold at the North front door of the county court-house, in the tlty of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, on the 4th day of October. 1SH5, at ten o'clock a. m., atntihltc auction, the hlirllet bidder for cash, or forone-half cash, and time given for the balance not exceeding one year, witn seven per cent. Interest, ths following de scribed real estate to-wit: Lot one (II block one (11 Plalnvlew. an addition to the cltv of Omaha, In Douglas county. State of Nebraska, saia sale will remain oven one nour. KKKll J. STA1KOKO, Guardian of Zulima Evans. '-Incompetent. J. . P.tch. Atty. Dec. 51. No. 211 9-13-4 Sotiee by Publication for Probate of Hill, Etc. In the county courtof Douglas county, Ne braska: In the matter of the estate of Martin M Marshall, deceased. Mary Marshall. Nina Marshall, and all other persons interested tn said matter are hereby not I lied that on the 27th day of Aueust. 1895. Marv Marshall tiled In the county court a petition alleging amongother things that Martin M. Marshall died on the 24th day of July, 1895. leaving a last wiil and testament, ana posxesse nf real and per sonal estate, and that the above named con stitute the persons interested In the estate of said deceased ; and praying for the pro bate of said will and for administration ot said estate. You are hereby notified that if you fall to appear at said court on the 30th any of Sep teuiber. 1895. at 9 o'clock a. m., to contest the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Mary Marshnll and Nina Marshall, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. IKVINU F. BAXTER. ,'": " " !,' " ."J . 'J! ,. H.5 - county cour' ta...... I U.r rlt, f -u?!,f till! ... 1V Tr,r,li Wtuaha. Iiouiiiae 7-ounty. .N-hreaka, alf at -if ?i T Ji'hii Wddr r ul'- am-Hun U l5f-d ''I.IU. r for c. "oi-Lvl :;! ;,."!.": fr.uri.1!:' ,'zz v;:tw .....f ,..,ker-. u";;; 7.'i .r.1 V ; t':;: citiut ou"u,- 1,ou"" cuuo"- 8-30-4 County Judge1 hperlal XaUr CmnlMjnera Male. fader and by virtue of aa order of aale oa decree uf forcaur of mortal laaued out of the OLirl-t court for Itounlaa rounljr. alale of ehraaka. and to ni Oirv. l.-l, I will hundred, tw. uiy aioe and lol'U dollar. l- m, with lnlerel thereon al rat uf ten ilu, ter rent per annuu. from MayStb. lnV u. tl.rr with the aum of twelve and Dl-IUU dollar nil attorney fee. To aau-fy Harriet '. Haliou. defendant herein, the turn of rtuht hundred and thirl r- tbrewdollara.SKU.iui with lutereal thereon ,.,.,., , .J. ... A.. r..., Mav nth. l-v.V ToaatUfythe aum (if twenty-two and SH 1( dollars ifci.sai cta tier, lu. tow-.-ther with ai-crulnit caita accorUlBK Ui a JuOt'niet, t ren dered by the district court of aaid iHiuirlaa county, at lla May leriu, A. I. Iw. In a cer tain action then and there pending wherein Harry J. Twlnllng waa plaintiff and Thomas Campbell, Mrs Campbell irirst name unknown! hla wire. Everett U. Halluu and Harriet V. Hallou were defendauta. Haled at t'maha. Neb., Auif. . A. I). 1i5. GKuKliE W. lloLHK.HlK. Special Master Couimiaatoner. Saunders. Macfarland A Dickey, attorneys for plalntllT. a-.(n-5 Twljtlng vs. Campbell et al. Ioc. 44: No ara. SHt lal Master Cummlssiuner'a Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Ihiuglaa county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the Ural day of October. A. 1). I Hits, at one o'cha'k p. m. of aaid day, at the north front door of the county court house. In therlty of Omaha. Ikiutflaa county, Nelirit-ka. sell at public auction lo the highest lildder for cash, the property described in aaid order ot sale as roiiow. to-wit: The north one hundred and fifty (ISO! feet of block one (li In Ambler Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, Hald property to be sold to satisfy O. G. Walralb. defendant herein, the sum of six hundred, twelve and S' lim dollars tttil2.!7. with Interest thereon at the rale of ten ildi percent, per annum from February 4th. 1 .",. together with thlrly-rlve and 1;I-1U0 dollara tKaVMl coats of suit, tone! her with accruing coats according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of aiild Douglas county, at Its May term. A. I). Uwfi. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Western Investment Company was plaintiff and II. H. Irey. county treasurer, and O. G. Wal rath were defendants. Dated at Omaha. Neb., Aug. 30. A. D. W.u. GKOUt.E W. HOLBliOOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland Si Dickey, attorneys for plalntllT. Western Investment Company vs. II. B. Irey etal. B-au-S Do j. 43: No. 13. SiKH-ial Master Conuiiissitiiier's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure jf mortgage Issued out of the district court of Douglas county. State of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 23d day of September, A D. 18'.I5, at 1U o'clock a. m.of said day, at the east front door of the county court-house. In tbe City of Omaha, Douglas couutr. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of s-tle, as follows, to-wit : The soutb half ( V. of lot ninety-eight dr ) In the Nelson addition to the City of Omaha, and lot seventeen 17i In block three (31 In Eckertnan Place, In the City of Omaha, Douglas coounly, Nebraska Said proper! y lo be sold to aallsfy Nebraska Loitu ,St Hull'llng Association In thesu-uof thirty-two hundred and eighty-six and 7ft-100 (tl.(i.7.'i)dolliirs, with S per cent, luterest from June 2Mb. IniiTi. and the sum of twenty-seven and tvl-KKl $:7.b3) dollars costs, together with accruing cosla according to judgment ren (len d by the district court of said Douglas count y, at Its May term. A D. IH'.i'i. In a cer tain action then and there pending wherein Nebraska Loan A Hullding Association was p atntlir. aud Sophie L. Henueit el al , de fendants. Dated at Omaha Nebraska. August 22d, A. D. ISlft. WM B. TEN EYCK. Special Master Commissioner. J AS. W. CARR, Attorney for Plaintiff. Nebraska Loan & Building Association vs. Sophie L. Bennett etal. DOC. 5U; No. 3tM. S-21-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court of Douglas county. State of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on tne zttnuay or t-eptcrnuer. a. d. ts'.u. at l o'clock p. m. of said day. at. the north front door of the county court-hiiuse.ln the city of On aha, Douglas county. Nebraska sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follews to-wit; Lot ten (101. block (41 of Lake's addition in the Cit y of Omaha, Douglas couniy. INeDraska. raid property to be sold t satisfy N. C. Iteed. ulaintlff herein, the sum of three thousand forty-one and .i-l(i dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 17th day of September. 1SH4. together with twenty-seven and 53-100 dollars costs kereln; together with accruing cos is accord ing to a Judgment rendered by the district courtof said Douglas couniy. at Ita September term, A. D. ism, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein N. C. Keed was plalntllT. and Charles W. Cook, Arminta V. Cook, his wife, Josepli Barker and Eliza E. Barker were defendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, August 23d, A. D. 1M15. GEORTE W. HOLBROOK, Sneclal Master Commissioner. SAUNDERS, MACFARLAND & DICKEY. Attorneys ror fiaintirr. Reed vs. Cook et al. 8-23-5 Doc. 41: No. U.i. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out ;the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will, on the eighth day of October. A. D. 1895. at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the north front diKir C7T the county Court bouse tn the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, aell atoiblic auction to the hrirheet bidder for cash, the property described In said order ot sale aa rouowa to-wit: i.ot twenty ran in block thlrty-Bve (35) In Albrights Choice, an addition to the city ot South Omaha, tn Douglas county, Nebraska, as tbe same la surveyed, platted and recorded. Said prop erty to nesoiu to satisfy jame mompson, piaintnr herein, tne sum or nine nunurea eighty-seven and 45-UK) dollars 1987 4i)wlih lntere.t thereon at the rate of eight ner r int. oer annum from SeLtmoer lith, 1W4, together with forty-four and 83-100 dollars (44 83) costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a ludirment rendered bv the district court of said Douirlas county at its seuleinoer term A. D. 18'.n. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein James Thompson mas plaintiff and Mary Schmidt, Charles Schmidt and Charles tjor bettwere defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. September 4t,h. 1895. WILLIAM T. NELSON. Special Master Commissioner, J. W. HOUDEK, Attorney. Thompson vs. Schmidt et al. Doc. 41. No 296. 8-6-5 Sotiee. To Andrew J. Kerr. Mrs. Kerr (first and real name unknown), his wire, and Lewis 1' Hammond, non-resident defendants: 1'lease take notice that-on the 12th day of August, 1895. Walter E. Keeler. plaintiff here in, tiled his petition In the District court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against Andrew J. Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, his wife, and Lewis V. Hammond, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate, dated November Pith. Is92. upon which there Is now due the sum of rl7.00, with interest from August 26th. 1895. at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, attorney's fees amounting to ten per cent, of the decree, and all costs, which said tax certificate covered lot one (1) In block one (I) of L. P. Hammond's addition to the cltv of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne braska. Ti e plaintiff prays for the decree that the defendants may be reautred to Day the amount found due. or that said premises may be sold to sntisfy the same, and that the defendants be debarred of claiming or asserting any right, title or Interest therein . You are required to answer said petition 3n or Detore the ,tn aav ot octoher. 18.. Dated August 29th, ls.i. WALTER E. KEFLF.U. Plaintiff By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. 8-30- 4 ij o a. M z H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOP EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North Wtb street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. OMAHA, NEB CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty 5J2 South 16 Street. OMAHA. NEB. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel & Maul. Undei taker and Embalmer 1417 FARNAM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. American Ladies! When Needing the assist ance of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. Sl3 Sorth anth Street Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Fay more and you are ex travagant, ray less and you are uncomfortable. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing San Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask neirtst ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Fhancis, ti. I'. A., Omalia. Xeb. -a.i & j) li LU I O ft e si Sill RENNETT'S APPETITE APPEASERS. SOME BARGAINS THAT CREATE AN APPETITE Baked Beans, per can 5c Can Corn 5c Can Tomatoes "c Table Sauce, per bottle 8c Sweet Chocolate, per cake 4c Can Salmon 9j BASEMENT SNAPS. Mftxinan Hammock 59c I GraDe Baskets, per 100 2 50 Croquet Sets 69c Market Baskets Crockery Brown Tinted Teas set of 6 55c Opal Fancy Plates 8c Water Set complete 38c Stationery Department Shelf Paper all colors 5 yards for.. 3c I Toilet Paper, per roll 2c Pencil Tablets, lc; Ink-Tablets 4c 120 sheets Writin? Paper 10c Rubber tip Pencils, lc, or per doz. . 9c Box Paper, at 3c, 5c and 9o per box. . . We are Headquarters for . . TBAS, COFFJ3BS AiD SPICBS, A Full Line of ricklinar Spices In Stock. Tru Bennett's Corsican Blend FOR ICED TEA. W. R. BENNETT CO., 502-12 Capitol Avenue. OMAHA, NEB. Whitney's CASH DISCOUNT Shoe Sale (UK AT ( I T ON MKX'S FINK SHOES. G.00 Congress, Burt - - $4.50 $5.00 Kangaroo Congress, $3.50 $3.50 Vici Ki.l, .... $2.75 $3.00 Lace a Congress Welts $2.50 10 25 PER CENT. Discount for cash on every pair of Shoes in Ihe Store during September, You can save money at this Sale. W.IM. Whitney, 107 South 16th Street. L. HIBBELLER. Desire to call the attention of the public to hi Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, a a suitable place in which to hold Picnics, Day and Evening Parties. Dances, Etc., BOWLING ALLEY, 1UN E HALL, . . AND BAR IS CONNECTION. new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted without pain. OR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth floor, frown Blk.. HRh & Douglas, uniu, f J. W. RLaIaRR, Attorney-at-Law, 600 Hew York Lite Untitling, OMAHA, - . NEBRASKA. N. J. WEYRICH, (Successor to C. W. Baker.) Undertaker Embalmer Telephone 698. SIS South I6th St., OMAHA. LA DV ASSISTANT FURNISHED. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 turning St., OMAHA. TO PURCHASE. Oil Sardines 4c Bottle Pickles 8o Fresh Bread 2ic Can Lye... 4c 8 bars Bennett' Bargain Soap 25c Berry Boxes, per 1,000 2 75 do Bargains Jardiniere in colors 10c China Cuspador 34c UIY YlflirNl I r tracted In 1 1 the morn- fwr I r