The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 20, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    a rvi e:f? ic an
tl Urn If " , ri Mt I rf
From tbe Mn.iras Standard. The uil.Uumnipr drarth of nowa In
Iirln rwiit nll)tUH fwtltal at Clm Innatl baa lti trufonnl!y ttrnd
AUarlirunacarl, em the ImnW of the by the announr-imnt of the msace-Tanit-ramlol.
trrltly trashy ! ment of Miw Margaret Itlvea Nl. hoia.
notoj tv an eU-phant Like t't 'K ;dUBhtir of Mra. lU llanty Storer. and
tniplea thta baa It periodical fridivaU, ithv Marqui Pierre lie t'tiambrun, of tha
one of hUh baa just been celebrated. ! Fiemh Kmbaiiy at Vahloj;ton. Tbla
Certain elephant were brought down ' eusaKenieut baa more than once Iwi
from Nunminerl and TinneTelly for tha rumored and aa often denied. Iut now
festivities of the e-alon. Alt went j that U la authoritatively announ.-ed.
smoothly till, unfortunately, the large ; frlenda on both aide are delighted and
elephant of Nunitunerl. being In a rut. ! coiiRratulutlotii are pouring In. In bla
run amiu k. The mahout unwittingly j tlnnee the Marquis haa the hand of the
took up a little child (aon of th Temple j fair do arc ndnnl 'f " Cincinnati's
pariunkartha) and placed It In front of oldest and most arlatm ratlc fa mi I let.
bint on the ne. k of the eU phauU j The name of ber grandfather, Jowph
Alarmed at the state of the elephant. Longworth. U Intimately connected
the mahout endeavored to quietly past i with the earlier history of the city; her
the child out of danger by banuing 11 rattier, lieorge warn .-ieiiom, u ui
to behind. He wat not quick
enough to elude the eagaclty of the
elephant, which snatched up the child,
put It Into hi mouth, and began
munching It. The mahout, horrified at
the tight, Jumped down and tried to ex
tricate the child, which he succeeded
In doing, but not before the child waa
well nigh dead. Indeed, It only
breathed for a few minutes afterward,
and then expired. Knraged beyond all
bounds, the animal became furious, and
In Its mad rage aelied the mahout,
dashed him to the ground, and then
trampled out any little breath that
might have still remained In the body.
And here comet a strange and touching
Incident Repenting seemingly of bla
awful mlHdocd, the elephant gathered
up what was the moment before hit
master, proceeded to his (the mahout's)
bonne, and, depositing bis mournful
burden at bis door, passed on. The
people generally, In great dread, closed
their doort and windows. The elephant
wildly rushed along the streets and
came to the temple, the door of which,
too, had been closed. It thereupon
battered the door, and passing Into the
enclosure, furiously attacked the little
elephant of Tinnevelly, which It
pierced with Its tusks and soon killed.
Emerging thence, the elephant runhed
madly aloug the river close by, where tt
began throwing mud and sand all over
Itself. In the meantime, the police con
stables had got their muskets loaded,
and, climbing out of danger, took pot
hota at the furious animal, which they
eventually succeeded In disabling and
ultimately killing.
president of the College of Music, was
one of the foremost figures of Cincin
nati In his day, and her mother, Joseph
Longworth'a daughter, and now the
wife of Itellamy Storer, the e-Con-gressman,
will always be remembered
for the Impetus the gave to art In
founding the famous nook wood pot
tery. With auch an ancestry It Is no
wonder that Mist Nichols is a brilliant
and Intellectual girt. She has been
carefully educated, has traveled exten
sively, and Is aecustomed to life In dip
lomatic circlet both at home and
abroad. While not a beauty In the strict
sense of the word, she Is a flne-looklng
and attractive girl, of medium height
and well-rounded figure, brunette com
plexion and dark balr and eyes. Her
manners are unaffected, and she baa
always been a great favorite and much
aought after. The unusually fortunate
man la a grand-nephew of Lafayette,
and Is about thirty years of age, courtly
and refined In benrlng. It la said by
friends on both sides that the match Is
a love affair, and it Is known that the
families are well pleased. The mar-
rlnge will probably take place In the
autumn at the beautiful suburban home
of the Storers, on the Grandln road.
Town Topics.
la Ike .
I'oitTLANI), Me , S. pL 3 On Satur
day th rt came to this city a U Uw.n
Ituman Catholic priest, acooroi Mauled by
a ymng man. They Wk the b t for
IUril. While on the elratuer the
two are reported to t are maJe o much
disturbance that the boat offlcUI were
obliged to warn them to to ini'reclr-cuin-H-t,
or be put IT liio boat at the j
first landing.
Ilolh of the men were soruewhal un
der tbe Influence if liquor, a id, arriv
ing at their destination, took a row
boat to go ti.-uiiitf, a they weld, but
carried along" altogether too much liq
uid bait for a successful haul. An hour
later some men In a tag belonging to
Trcfethcren's Fish Company, tn ber
ay to Ilarpswell, ettpitd what looked
like a couple of seals swimming in the
bay. One man bad raiovJ hi rifle to
takd a shot, when tho captain made
out the objects to be the bead of men
swimming for life, and apparently very
much exhausted. They were picked
up just as they wore abjut to sink for
the last time.
Tbe rescued ones were no loss than
tbe priest and hi companion, who bad
caslzed tbelr boat shortly before the
appearance of the tug, and were en
deavoring to swim aihore.
On Sunday another priest arrived
here from Lewlston and took the delin
quent brother home. The affair has
created considerable comment here.
ljtiivell lltruld.
Blahop rotter Ro lprlrM Illraaalf to
Hoeloty Matron.
Last year Bishop Potter went out to
Tuxedo to confirm a class of young peo
ple In the new church there. A young
matron w ho had been a member of the
congregation of Grace Church while
the Dlshop was Its rector, and had ber
self been confirmed and married by
him, wrote and Insisted that he should
atop with her during hla stay at Tux
edo. He accepted. As a particular
honor she adorned his room with an
elaborate toilet set of solid silver that
Included more than a dozen pieces. The
Bishop came, confirmed the candidates
and went away. Hut the silver toilet
aet could not be found. It was not on
the dressing table nor In the bath
room, and the matron's astonishment
was great. Her annoyance was almost
as great, and for two days she won
dered what could have become of tbe
set, and whether the Bishop bed sup
posed It was a present On the third
day Bhe summoned up courage enough
to write and ask him if by mistake his
man or one of the servants had packed
up the silver toilet set with his lug
gage, and It had been overlooked In
Unpacking, etc. The Bishop answered
promptly, for the next day she received
this telegram: "Am poor, but honest
Look In the table drawer." The young
woman did look, and the toilet set was
found there.
Foar-I-rnf Clover Tsrty la fh Luteal
A four-leafed clover party Is a pretty
entertainment for a summer gathering,
especially If the hostess has a country
borne or a clover field In her yard. The
way to utilise the clover ta to decorate
! the house with its blossoms, both red
j and white. The linen and china should
! also be ornamented with clover blos-
Boms. In the hall there should be a
j little rattan table festooned with vines
j and clover blossoms, and covered with
I a green mat formed of Ivy leaves. On
' this should stand a large glass punch
', bowl filled with Iced lemonade, and
j Burrounded by small glasses. A young
1 girl In a dainty gown it might be one
of the new white delaines showing a
; clover leaf ehould preside over the
tempting beverage, as only a young girl
j can. At the close of the luncheon or
j tea the guests may be invited to hunt
! for four-leaf clovers, and those finding
; the largest number may be rewarded
with pretty clover pins, while the un-
fortunate who Andes the smallest num
ber may be given a pair of eyeglasses
j to aid in some future search. Jenness
' Miller Monthly.
He Can Cook lletterThsn Ills Wife, li
rauis More Confident.
Octave Thanet says that men use a
chafing dish better than women. Per
baps It is because there Is a gaudy trl
umph about chafing dish processes
which there Is not In other cooking ex
ploits. Men never like to work behind
a screen. They enjoy the tumult and
the crowd and the cheering when they
strike a telling blow. A woman Is
nervous to see a dozen eyes on her. Her
ears tingle at the good-natured con
ments. She 1b frightened, Bhe loses
confidence In herself. She looks fur
tively across the table at the man for
whom she cares for more than
all the rest, and be Is telling
the lady who gives such charming din
ners that he must send his wife over
to her for a series of lessons and It Is
all over for the poor creature at the
alcohol lamp. If Bhe be wise she will
tip the lump over and cover her retreat
A man's self-confidence Is of stouter
fibre. He Isn't looking at his wife, he
is looking at his diBh; If any ingredient
be missing to call loud and spare not
for that was voice given; naturally he
gets everything, whether he has for
gotten anything or no, and the entire
service of the meal stops until he has
had his will. A man will have two
maids and a large stately butler run
ning about the waiting room on his
preparation of terrapin a la Maryland,
or lobster a la Newberg; and he will be
no whit embarrassed. A woman Is
Beared to Interrupt the feast by with
drawing one servant And the man is
right and the woman Is wrong; for peo
ple can wait for their wine or their
sauces, hut an alcohol flame waits on
no man. But the difference between
man and woman as cooks Is too near
other burning questions for one to dis
cuss with the thermometer at 90.
lenoss DemiitT, Yoam.'al
Indiscretions, Lost imii,
I Errors of Youth.!
Mu mr-n, frti
thai vfWta nt vnutrituL iinnru-
AfWm, hav tmuKlit "' ut
W thftl riaa mluoni tli Kfinral nvatvin to tnur'i w to
A ttitlui ltuo.rt 'vrrjr el her diM-aarj ud Id : 0
nuN f th trouttie cairrrty- r bring tuai-mi-!.
0 lli if tlmt.irexl (r rtf rvtliinff ' ,,r ''It''1 ,M"
lurnttiiurril-nalv Utfr tnd .iita! iirwtui- A
W have dtaciivtnN new id enriviitrtUrd n ittf- W
A diM. Th m'coihpaiiTmit pntcriphoii i ndcwlg
Vm flKTAIN ANH BI'kM'V 4'1 KR. huiHmtawrt w
iwmhi having hrn rvrionii to nrrtvt I hrallh by it
mi after all other rrntlie failwl. Prrh tt (irt w
A iiift-nxtirilU Uiu.) W utrU IU tlte (Tflrat.oi oi Utll
9 R Krvthmiylon wn, drachm.
Jt mhrtiiit, 4 drachm. A
W llrlmiia l'"K-a.t drachm. w
(inltmiiii, 8 grama. A
Kit Ignalia atnara (aloo'.H I fll. w
Kit leptandra, t acruplvi.
tjlyctnna, q-
MafcaWpilU. Take.pllt atp..M tn4 nolh
on mni U. Ie4 1 ! rriiirtljr ! adapted to ry m
W atHM In either e. and ap.-.-iail In th.e W
gun rMitltiiiR Ihim ht.prudeitw. I he
miwer f Una rvrturanve are at.inhtng aid Ita w
m uaconlhiued f"r ahoritiiuerliaiBfr the latitruld. A
debilitated, nerveleaa coiiditiuc tu oi t T---wed
Ufa and vigor. .
To thoee who M prefrr to abfarr. A of oa, by
Afkrcnillttitg $K traWd parange cmulng tJt f'11-
WoreAilW "! ny mail ftrnn
our private lahoratorT. tMf ftiri.tah park- 9
agea, which will rure itiuMcaaea, ftr $1. 4U Imtrt
0 Mdraafff tmJUmtit,
12 Trtmont Row.JBoiton, Mail. 0
Florida Home
For Patriotic American Citizens.
500,000 ACRB8
of the best Garden and Fruit Lands in the United States, and is prepared to sell them at prices
and on terms the most liberal. These lands are located on the Southeast Coast of Florida, in one
of the most healthy regions in the United States no fevers and no malaria. They have never
been touched by frost, the temperature averaging 70" in winter and 80Q in the summer, seldom,
going above or below these figures.
This land was secured for the American Home Colonization Company by Hon. W. S. Linton,
Member of Congress from the 8th District of Michigan, and has been thoroughly investigated by
him and other members of the Company.
if desired, in which to pay for their lands, no payment being demanded until the last Thursday
in May, after the first crops are gathered and marketed, except $10.00 to secure an option and to
insure good faith of purchaser, which amount will be credited on the first payment in May.
Enormous profits are made from these lands and purchasers should be able to pay for a 40
Acre piece from the profits of one year. '
Good, Patriotic Neighbors, Rotation of Crops the year round no dead time, enormous
profits on products, good shipping facilities, healthy climate, no big coal or wood bills, plenty of
fish and game, and other things too numerous to mention in space allotted.
Write at once and secure an option on the most desirable lands in the United States. The
lands will go fast and the first purchasers will get the best.
Through excursion trains will start from Chicago, Detroit, Tittsburg, New York and Philadel
phia on October 1st, and a one-half fare rate has been assured to Jacksonville, Fla. From Jack
sonville south to our lands the rate will be one-half fare, this last amount to be returned to the
purchaser by applying amount on the first payment.
Address, for full particulars,
Cvlebrntnd FemnU
lowil'rw nrvr ('!.
ID.IliHi l.nlie. dr.Uir K:U
aafr atul itir (attfr taili.iK
I ilhTnTillVtnivfojral l'lll,i,ittioularl4ntt.
Dr. 8. T. til X. Back UJ, B0.I0H. Mm
Secretary American Home Colonization Company,
Rooms 603-4 Association Building, CHICAGO, ILL,
1 i A Dlatroo Kentucky DoL
; Tbe Chino-Japanese war has pro-
: fluced something like a camphor fam
Ine, for the substance now costs from
) 7 to 8 a bundreweight, and the Celes
tial finds it dearer than the Londoner.
It is reassuring to know that Izal is
yen more effective than camphor In
arresting and preventing disease, and
; that, at present quotations, it is much
I cheaper. ,
Left a Soft Thing.
"My hair," remarked the bald
beaded man, as he rubbed his bare poll
In a reminiscent way, "was the most
ambitious thing about me."
i "Ah?" responded bla companion,
gnestlonlnglr. I 1
7. Xt alwayp omt tut a top."
Told at Newport.
That Lady Alva Vanderbllt has the
prettiest foot at Newport She wears a
No. 2.
That the Willie K. faction are mean
enough to say that she Isn't a bit averse
to showing it, encased in the sweetest
and pranktest of French boots, when
she mounts her wheel.
That Miss Consuelo Vanderbllt in
herits the tiny foot and beautiful An
dalusian instep of her mother, the erst
while Mobile belle.
That this daughter of the famous
house Is a picture fair to see in her
white satin ball dress, with fairy slip
pers to match, embroidered with seed
That the other Varderbilt women all
have aristocratic feet, molded on Trilby
lines long and daintily slender.
That drawn work is the fashionable
craze of the hour, and that Miss Ger
trude Vanderbllt excels all the fair
maids of the ISO in this dainty needle-
An Autumn Suggestion.
The library can be done in red, red
matting covering the floor, upon which
are spread great rugs in brilliant color
ings; A long reclining chair of Chinese
rattan, one or two easy chairs, a settee
and a table, all of the same make, are
almost all that are necessary to com'
fort; upon me sette or lounge are
piled cushions of gayly-strlped Mada
gascar grass, Turkey-red or Bagdad
cushions, and those of India cotton em'
broidered in tinsel.
Ample Accommodation.
Student Several of my friends are
coming to dine here, bo I want a big
Mine Host Just look at this one, sir,
fifteen persons could sleep Quite com-
' (ortably under it Fllegende Blaetter.
55 We will clve JimOO to nnvone who will sell within the next S
3 throe months '200 copies of "Talks to Children About Jemis." One of I
the most ponulur books ever published. Over l;i.tR copi already I
old. AitenlH m'II from 10 to la copies a dy. Ileuutlftilly illuNtraled. I
Kreiuht uld and credit glveu. Complete canvassing outllt aud full j
liilurmuuou iucema.
to anvone who will Hell 75 copies In two months. We will give an i
KSTKY OltUAN, retail price f.VO.OO, to anyone who will sell 110
copies In three nioiillm, splendid opportunity tor a t tiiircnornociety ;
to secure an oruaii. A UOL.D WATCH, retail price iiO.00 given to j
anvone who will sell Ml copies in SO days. This premium is in addi- !
tlon to the reKtilitr commission. Anents who do not secure any o IS
the prizes, are given I i born I commission for any number sold. Last
full, we paid to agents over in commissions. A large number
madeovrr $100.00 prr month. Write us Immediately and secure
:i agency. It will pay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead
Of you. v e also pner most unerai inducements on oiner immik arm i
Hlbles for Kali and Holiday Trade. A new book, ' Forty Years In !
China,' sells rapidly. Agents often average 10 orders a day. Same i
terms and premiums as on "Talks toChlldren." We give extraordin-1
arv terms for selling Marion Harland's new book, "Home of the j
J Bible." fJOO.00 given for selling MO copies in B months, or J1UU.UU bicy-;
cle (or selling OU copies In one month. Send 75c. for outfit. Write at once. I
"History of the Civil War.
A cheap standard work, printed on good paper,
in good clear type, illustrated and bound in
paper. Sent to any address upon receipt of
Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using
Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment
Purest and Best
We will send "THE NATION" Monthly Magazine one year
and the Book for $1.15. Address:
WIS Howard St., OMA1IA, NBU.
. A History of the United States?
We have them elegantly bound in paper, and containing a brief
account of the principal events in the History
of the United States.
Sent on receipt of price, or for $1.15 we will send the Book
and "THE NATION" Monthly Magazine one year, and for $2.60
we will send "THE NATION" and "THE AMERICAN" one year
and the book. Address all orders to
7075 Howard Street, OMAHA, HSB.
Horse and Cattle Food
Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter ot An Kind
London, England, Glasgow, Scotland,!?
New York, Chicago, Omaha.
HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having
become convinced that it was superior to any preparation
on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency
for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by
many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify
to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number
who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq.,
of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery
Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and H. E.
Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; H.M.Hosick
fc Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners;
John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller
& Armour, Packers; J. C. Peanoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor-
rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. H. Revell; William Thompson Ice Co.;
Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing
Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago.
1ms Uondiment is recommended by a dairyman who says
his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the
winter. It is just the stuff to build up all stock, and is a great
feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities.
Price per Barrel (160 pounds) $11.00
100 Pounds 8.00
60 Pounds 6.00
26 Pounds 3.00
Samole Package Containing 8 Pounds 1.00
Send in a Trial Order.
If vou use it once vou will never be without
it. Address,
Care American Publishing Co