THE AMERICAN o 1. F. A. I'KMC. A Ibmv atloa Custom tkat lrved a fcmrt Sar Laarel, Cedur Cvuitj, St-briska, Talr tbe IaitUUtr. Oil U about one month ajo since Lau ra Council, No. IH, of tbe American Protective Association, concluded to throw off all reaerve, and prove to tbe world at large that they were not ashamed ot the principle of the order which, aince it inception in Cedar county, ban attracted bo much attention in that vicinity. Imbued with feeling of patriotism that was well-nigh uncon trollable, and baring suffered from the taunts of the "red-necks," who on more than one occasion had made their threats of annihilating those who es poused the cause of Americanism, the members of No. 128 decided to hold a picnic, and invito all tbe liberty-loving people of tbe county to participate with them in listening to good talking, and having an all-around social time. With this end in view, and that none could feel slighted by not receiving an Invi tation, the council ordered printed 600 posters, announcing that on September 4th there was to be an A. P. A. pic nic, to which everybody was invited. These appeared on the corners of all the roads of the county, and many resolved to attend. It is needless to say that it was the talk of the neighborhood. Finding that it was attracting atten tion, and that it promised to be a suc cess, tbe opponents of the order started in to make it a dismal failure. Word was sent to Laurel from tho Roman ists living In the vicinity of Dixon, a section known as "Ireland," that they would be on hand to break up the pic nic, and that they would be 200 strong. They circulated this information well over the county, apparently for the sole purpose of intimidating tbe weaker minded of those who had intended to participate In the festivities. Then again tbey circulated the rumor that the sheriff of the county would be on had to quell the "picnickers." Both of theee rumors were circulated In tbe last two or three days prior to the cele bration so that the originators of the entertainment could not have time to counteract the intended evil results. Nothing daunted, however, the mem bers of the council continued with their work of preparation. The morning of September 4th was one of those gloriously bright and pleas ing mornings that fill the heart of every American with a sensation of love of country. Old Sol was certainly on the Bide of the picnickers, for his rays were never cas. with more efful gence on mother earth. At an early hour Laurel was alive, the national col ors flying from nearly every house in town. Wagon-loads of people came rolling into town, all attired in their town wore a genuine holiday appear ance and the few who came without the intention of participating found that it was no place for them, and consequently kept quiet. According to program, the crowds assembled in the Bowery, a building erected for the purpose, and there found that the ladies of Laurel had been do ing their share toward making the af fair a success. The platform was beau tifully decorated by these patriotic wo men. The national colors were every where to be seen, entwined and fes tooned 'midst plants and cut-flowers, while the national floral emblem, goldenrod, lent its orange hue to the scene. Pictures of Washington, Lincoln and Grant were framed in flowers. At 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon D. D. Barr, M. D., president of Laurel Coun cil, No. 128, called the assemblage to order, and the txercises of the day were opened with prayer by Rev. J. B. Leedom, of Har ting ton. Aquartet, composed of members of the council, then sang "America," in which every person present joined with a hearty good-will. William E. Jones, the state secretary of the American Protective Association, was then introduced as the speaker of the morning. The subject of his lecture was "The Necessity For and Objects of the American Protective Association." This discourse occupied one hour and a quarter in its delivery, and consisted of an arraignment of the Roman hierarchy, based on facts that have occurred in this country, in open violation of the Constitution of the United States. After clearly showing the necessity for the association by quoting incontrovertible facts taken from the records and from the history of the country, the band discoursed some good music, and the assemblage was dismissed until 2:30 p. m. During the interval between the speeches the people set about preparing the noon day meal, and in a few minutes the "Bowery" presented a lively and festive scene, long tables being spread for the convenience of the out-of-town guests. After an hour spent in refreshing the inner man, the time was passed in so cial intercourse untile the exercises of the afternoon were commenced with music by the band. The quartet ren dered in a most appreciable manner a song entitlod "The A. P. A. Goes On," which was warmly applauded by the audience. Rev. Luther P. Ludden was v then introduced, and for nearly two hours held his hearers spellbound. The subject of his address was "The Little Red School-House." The speaker clearly showed the importance of main taining intact our present non-socta- rlaa free-school tystfm. He compared it with the systems of education in vogue la those countries where Home controlled the education of the people For nearly a half hour he dwelt on the beneficent work of woman in the cau of patriotism, and lnbn,p"retl bis re marks with a number of Interesting anecdote. AfUr music by the band and the distribution of patriotic litera ture, the program was concluded with a few brief remarks by President Barr. The remainder of the day was spent in visiting and commenting on the ad dresses that bad been delivered. Not a single unpleasant incident occurred to mar the pleasure of tbe day, and in the early evening many of tbe pick nickers wended their way homeward, while many more remained to partici pate in the council meeting that wa held at night. Tbe entire affair was a grand success, and the loyal members of Laurel Coun cil, No. 128, deserve the many compli ments that were given them for the manly way in which thy showed their colors. KocLfurd for the Flag. ROCKFOUD, 111., Sept. 2. Every school building in liockford, private, public and parochial, will have the American flag floating over It before to-morrow night, in accordance with the new state law. There la no dispo sition here to fight tbe law. The 13.Y public schools in Rockford and Winne bago county were the first in the coun try to have flags placed over them, credit for which is due Commander-in-Chief Lawler, who made It his business to have a flag-raising, with patriotic exercises, at each. The St. James Roman Catholic parochial school has always had the American flag over it until a week ago, when lightning struck the pole and knocked It down. It will be raised again. The three Swedish Lutheran parochial schools all have flags ready to be raised. Have a Care. Recently, according to the Masonic Tyler, E. Sir Owen Fitzsimmons ad dressed the Grand Commandery of Ala bama, saying: "The secrecy of the order is endangered by the admission o Roman (Jatnoilcs. Mem Dors oi tnat church, be they ever so devout and wortny, are not eligible to membership In our asylum. It is audacious in those who are bound by the laws of the con fessional to have no secrets, to ask for admittance. It is treason in those who are the custodians of Templar esoterics to commit Templar secrets to those who are pledged not to keep them in violate." What C. A, Potter Says. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 18!)5.-The Howard Medicine Company: Gentle men I desire to say to all who feel the strength of their maphood slowly slip ping away, whose ambition is at its lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded, and the senees dulled, when you feel dyspeptic and lose your self-respect, that your blood is out of order, and all you need is some of Howard's Vege tone Blood Powder to tone up your sys tem. It will act almost instantly upon the blood; you will feel the renewed life and vigor coursing through your system; you will feel the old-time grip in your hands; your mind will be as active as ever; your friends will ob serve the flag of health flying in your face, and you will feel like a new being. I have cot felt so well for five years as I do since taking one package of your blood powder, and I feel as strong and active as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than ever in my life. Tbe change is so marked that it is the subject of com ment when meeting my friends. I recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest blood-purifier on earth. C. A. Potter. A. 1'. A. Council No. 1 of the A. P. A. me every Monday night, In Metropolitan hall, Fourteenth and Dodge. Visiting members always welcome. Union ruciflc Special Trains Direct to Fair Grounds. Commencing: Friday, Sept. 13th, to and including Sept. 20th, trains will leave Omaha Union Depot, stopping at Sheely and South Omaha. Fare for round trip from Omaha 20 cents, Sheely 20 cents, South Omaha 15 cents. For full information see Union Pa cific city ticket agent, 1302 Farnam street, and agents at Omaha Union De pot and South Omaha Depot. 9-13-2 Homeseekers' Excursions. On Aug. 29th, Sept. 10th and 24th, 1895, the Union Pacific System will sell tickets from Council Bluffs and Omaha to points south and west in Nebraska and Kansas; also to Colorado, Wyo ming, Utah and Idaho, east of Weiscr and south of Beaver Canon, at exceed ingly low rates. For full information as to rates and limits, apply to A. C. Dunn, City Ticket Agent, 1302 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Hon. W. A. Saunders leaves the city to-day on a short business trip. He will return Monday. The Republican county convention will be held In this city September 28th, and the primaries will be held on the 27th. Special Rates and Trains To the Nebraska State Fair. IIIApn Romans Organizing. The Catholic priests of this city Savannah, Ga. have just issued an edict to tbe male members of their church to prepare themselves for the next municipal election by organizing political clubs and getting registered. Tbey also urge tbe Importance of their members joining the "Irish Jasper Greens," which is strictly a Catholic military organization. What docs this mean? Juniur Ameru'ati Mechanic. Our old friend Dorscy B. Houck is a candidate for justice of the peace. Don't forget him when you attend the convention. Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one wuy to run) deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Detfness Ix caused hv an Inflamed condition of the mu cous Iming of the Kustachlan Tune. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the liitlanimation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine chhps out of ten are caused by catarrh, h cb Is o thing nut an lniiatuea condition of the mucous surfaces. We will dive One llurdred Dollars lor any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; rr"e K. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, O. fW g0ia by Druggists, 75c. (iotice. To Helen M. Carle, Carle (first and eal name unknown), her husband, Margaret! a A. Deni n, Jynthla 1 ten) son Lamb, and Lamb (first and real name unknown), her husband, non-resident defendants: Please take notice that on December 4th, 1SM4, the plalntlir herein filed his petition In the District court of Douglas county, Ne braska, igalrist said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain tax certificate dated July 1st, 1HW2, and upon which subsequent taxes and special assessments have been paid and which cer tificate, covering tne west 44 feet of lot one (1), block twenty-four (24), In KounUo. 1'lace, an addition to the city of Omaha, was pur chased by K. B. Baer and assigned by him to the plaintllT; that there Is now due and pay able upon said tax certificate the sum of 1115.00, with Interest thereon at rate of ten per cent per annum from September 2t!tb, ls'.)5, attorney's fees amounting to ten per cent, oi the decree, and all costs. Plalntlir also prays for a decree that the defendant may be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tbe amount found due, and that the defend ants be debarred of all right, title or interest In said real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before the "th day of October, 1SH5. Dated August 211th, ls'.fi. PHILIP L. JOHNSON, 1'laintllT. l!y Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. S-llo-4 Notice. To Andrew J. Kerr. Mrs. Kerr (first and real name unknown), his wile, and Lewis 1'. Hammond, non-resident defendants: I'lease take notice that on the Ulh day of August, lHSio, Waller E. Keeler. plaintiff here in, tiled his petition In the District court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Andrew J. Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, his wife, and Lewis P. Hammond, the object and prayer of which are to -foreclose a certain tax certificate, dated November Kith. ls2. upon which there Is now due the sum of j4!l".U0, with Interest from August 2tith, 1816, at the rale of ten per cent, per anuum, attorney's fees amounting to ten per cent, of the decree, and all costs, which Bald tax certificate covered lot one (1) In block one (1) of L. P. Hammond's addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. The plaintiff prays for the decree that the defendants may be required to pay the amount found due, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the same, and that the defendants be debarred of claiming or asserting any right, title or interest therein. You are required to answer said petition an or before the "th day of October. 18M6. Dated August Stfth, IMS. WALTER E. KEELER, Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. 8-30-4 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the lith dav of September. A.D. lxto, at ten o clock a. ui.ol said day, at tbe east front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as louows, to-wu: Lot twenty-two (2), block eleven (111, In Orchard Hill addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas countv. Nebraska. Siud property to bo sold to satisfy The Union Trust Company in the sum of seven teen hundred and seventy and .OtS-100 dollars (Jl,770.ow, wit h interest t hereon at 10 per cent, per annum from May tith, 1SH3. To satisfy forty-four and .03-100 dollars ($4.M) costs of suit, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. Is;i5, In a certain action then and there pending wherein Union Trust Company was plaintiff and Elizabeth K. Mc Cartney, Michael Donovan, John O'Keefe, Andrew Murpny, jonn Kusn, Drank t Moores were defendants. Omaha, Neb., August ltfth, A. D. WM. B. TEN EYCK. Special Master Commissioner. Jas. W. Carr. attorney for Dlalntiff. Union Trust Co. vs. Elizabeth V. McCartney et ai. B-io-a uoc. 37; no. 24. KoimJ-trip tickclu to Omahii at the ONI'-WAY 11ATI', plus 50 cents this for almtasion to the State Fair will l on siilo September 13 t 20, at ISurliugtoii llouto stations in: 1. Nebraska. 2. Kansas, on the Concortlia, Oberlin and St. Francis branches. 3. Iowa ami Missouri, within 100 miles of Omaha. SPECIAL: On the 17th and 18th of September, round-trip tickets to Omaha, including one admisssion to the State Fair, will be on sale at rate of $5.50 at Stations in Nebraska and Kansas, where the regular one-way rate to Omaha is $5.00 or more. Nebra.-ikans are assured that the '05 State Fair will bo a vast improvement oa its predecessors. Larger more brilliant better worth seeing. Every one who can do so should spend Stato Fair week, the wholo of it, iu Omaha. Tho out-door celebrations will bo particularly attractive, surpassing anything of the kind over before undertaken by any western city. Kvery evening Omaha will bo aflame with electric lights and glittering pageants will parado tho streets. Tho program for the evening ceremonies is: Monday, September lGth Grand Uicycle Carnival. Tuesday, September 17th Nebraska's Parade. Wednesday, September ISth Military and Civic Parade. Thursday, September 19th Knights of Ak-Sar-IVn Parade, to bo followed by tho "Feast of Mondamin" Hall. Round-trip tickets to Omaha at tho reduced rates abovo mentioned, as well as full information about tho P.urlington Route's train service at the timo of tho State Fair, can bo had ou application to the neareat 15. & M. H. II. agent. J. T. 1'AITII, Attorney, Koom 22 Patterson Itltxk. Notice of Sale of Ileal Kslate. In the matter of the estate of ullma Kvans, lucometeiit." Notice is hereby Riven that la pursuance of an order of William W. Keysor, . J udge of the District . Court uf Douglas county, made on the 7 lb dayof September, IrtlJ, authorizing the sale of the hereinafter described real estate, there will be sold at the Norlli front door of the county court-house. In the cliy of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, on the 4ih day of Oetolier, ls!(5, at ten o'clock a. m., at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for csh. or for one-half cash, ami lime given for the balance not exceeding one year, wlih seven per cent. Interest, the following de scribed real estate lo-wit : Lot out) 1 1) block one ih I'lainview, an audition to the city of Omaha, in Douglas county. Slateof Nebraska, aid sale will remain open one hour. 1RKD J. STAFFORD, Guardian of Zullma Evans. "Incompetent." J. . f.U'li, Ally. Doc. 61. No. 211 U-13-4 Notice of liiroriMiraliuii. Notice Is hereby given that on the 15th day of July, IMG, a corporation was duly formed under the name nu style or me i.miKCk Mkhchamiink Company, and the articles of Incorporation were duly tiled In the office of the county eiera oi i Douglas county, No- brask That the principal place of business of said corporal Ion Is Id the city of Ouiaha, Douglas county, rucurasKa. The general nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation, 1b the buying and selling at wholesale and retail of any and all hardware, mechanic's tools, cutlery, nails, and such other merchandise as may lie determined upon and deemed advisable from time to time by the board of directors of the corporation, and to lake, hold, mort gage and couvey any and all real estate necessary tor the conduct or inn uusintssol the said corporation. The amount of capital stock authorized Is ifjri.iiooi twenty live thousand dollars, divided into five hundred (500) shares of fifty dollars (f iU) each, the same to be fully paid up and on-assessable; and eight thousand dollars (i,UJUi,all uf which shall have been subscribed and fully paid lu at the time of tbe com mencement of the business of said corpora tion. The time of the commencement of the busi ness of the said corporation was on the l.Ub day of July, lsn.", and Ihe termination thereof, ou the 1st day of July. lUlft, unlets sooner dissolved la tue manner prescribed by law. or by a vole uf tne sloes holders. representing three-fourths Hi of the capital of the said corporation. The highest amount or indebtedness or liability to which saiu corporation Is at any time to subject Itself Is twu luirds (,M of the paid la capital stock. I lie aiiairs ot tne saiu corporation are w be conducted by the board of directors of said corporation, and more particularly by the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, who snau ue memoers or tne said board of directors. It. HOLBKOOK, 9-13-4 Secretary and Treasurer. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne hrasKa, and to me directed. I will, on the loth day of October, A. D. 1H5, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at puollc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot eleven (11) of J. K. Klley's sub-di vision of lots fifty four (M) and fifty-live (53) of the S. E. Rogers plat of Oka htniii, an addition to the city oi Omaha, and situate In Douglascounty.siateof Nebraska. Said property to De sold to satisfy E. B. Baer, defendant, tbe sum of $.172.42, with Interest at HI percent from May "th, 11"4; to satisfy William McOeorge, Jr., trustee, plaintiff, the sum of $3."!i.5u with Interest from September l?lh, 1M44; to satisfy Muniaugb and r itchctl. Ann K. Campbell, Henry W, Kulins, Omaha Coal, Coke Hi Lime Company, Patterson, Mur phy &. Company, J, A. Fuller St Company, Henry D. Neely, George A. Hoagland, O. B. Blckel & Sous, and Julius Treltschske re spectively various amounts s sbowa by the decree and order of sale, and tbe sum of S12U.1S costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at lu September term, A. 1). lsi4, in a certain action then and mere pending, wherein Wil liam Mctieorge, trustee, was plaintiff and Isaacs. Hascall and otners, defend aiiM. Omaha, Nebraska. September llllh, CHAKLLS V. MILES, Special Master Commissioner. D. M. Vlnsonhaler, Attorney. McOeorge, Trustee vs. Uascall, Doc. 37. Jims. ;-ia-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the 15th day of October, A. D. 1ks5, at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the north front door of tne county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the propert y described in said order of sale as follows to-wit: 1ai seven (7) In block three hundred and eight (3us) of tne original plat of the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, said property to be sold to satisfy I'. L. Johnson, plalntlir herein the sum of live hundred eleven and (vt-lou dollars ijkdl.s.n with interest thereon at rate of seven per cent, per annum from September 17th, lsu4, together with nineteen and 5;i-100 dollars (il.53) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered oy the district court ot said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. ism. In a certain action then and there pending wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff and Charles 11. Brown and Mrs. Brown, his wife, were defendant. Dated atOmaha. Nebraska, September 12th, A. D. ISO. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Johnson vs. Brown. Doc. ti. No. 3rtl. -13-4 SMH'lal .Master Commissioner's Kale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, slate of Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the lirslday of OcioImt, A. D. Inlt'i, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the noun front door of tne count y court house, la theclly of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the properly described lu said order of sale as follows, i4i-wit : Lot six (Hi In block eight IS) of Parker's ad dition to thecltyof Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said properly to be sold to satisfy Harry .1, Twliillng. plalntlir herein, the sum of one hundred, twenty nine and 10-loo dollars II2U 10), with Interest thereon at rate of teu (10) per cent, per annul., from Mayillh, lsn.k, together wit h the sum of twelve and 01-loo dollars 112. I'll attorney fees. To satisfy Harriet C. Ilallou, defendant herein, the sum of eight hundred and thirty three dollars itH.u.lJH with Interest thereon lit. rale of leu nth per cent, per annum fiom May nth, IsiO. 'lo satisfy I lie sum of twenty-two and Ss 100 dollars (tJ2.SKI costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment ren dered by the district court ot said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. I "'., In a cer tain action then and there pending wherein Harry J. Twinilug was plain tl If ami Thomas Campbell, Mrs Campbell (first name unknown) his wile, Everett U. Ballou and Harriet C. Ballou were defendants. Dated at Cmaba. Neb., Aug. .), A. 1), lM!lS. GEORGE W. HOLHUOOK, Special Master Commissioner. Mtinnili'ra MitefurlMtid At lllckev. UI.I.I irn Vtf ' for plalntlir. .)& Twluung vs. Campbell et al. Doc. 44: No Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of tureclosuie of mortgage issued out of the district court fur Liouslas couuty. State ot Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on tbe 1st uy of October, a. l. 1n.". at one o clock p, m. of said duy, at tne nor in front door of the County Couit-uuuse, lu the city of Omana, Dougia county, Neurask sen at puullc auction to tue bibest oiuutr for casn, tne property doscriudd lu said order ot sale as foiioos, to-wit: The east one-half of lot lifly-six t.'si) in llarlsmaus ad dition to tbe city of Omaha, Douglas count y, Neuraasa. Said properly to oe sold to sat isfy i'hlilp L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of one hundred fifty-one and 41-100 dol lars (1151.41) with Interest thereon at the rate of ten lib) per cent, per anuum from February 4th, ls'.rt, and twenty and 7U-1UU dollars i2ll.7J) cosls herein, together wltb ac cruing costs according to a judgment ren dered by the district court ot said Douglas county, at lis February term, A. D. 1km, In a certain action theu and there pending wherein l'hlllp L. Johnson was plalntill' and Henry Bruiting and Margaret llrunlng ware defendants. Daled at Omaha, Nebraska, August 30, A. D. 1SU5. GEORGE W. 1IOLBKOOK, Sueclal Master Commissioner. SAUNDERS. ftlAl l'AttLAND & DICKEY, Attorneys ror I'litlnl.ltr. lohnsoD vs. llrunlng, el al. Doc. 45, No. UiS. 8-30-5 , Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure jf mortgage Issued out of the district court of Douglas county, State of Nebraska, and to uie directed, 1 will, on the -Id day of September, A D. 1K'.5, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the east front door of the county court-house, lu the City of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of stle, as follows, to-wit: Ihe south halflVt) of lot ninety-eight (!r) In the Nelson addition to the City of Omaha, and lot seventeen (17) in block three (3) lu Eckerman Place, In the City of Omaha, Douglas coounty, Nebraska Said propert y to be sold to satisfy Nebraska Loan & Building Association lu tbe sum of thirty-two hundred and eighty-six and 75-ltiU id,2ti.75i dollars, with S per cent. Interest from June 2sth, 1hk.'i, and the sum of twenty-seven and (1-1U0 147.63) dollars costs, together with accruing costs according to judgment ren dered by the district court ot said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. INKS, In a cer tain action then and there pending wherein Nebraska Loan & Building Association was pialntlff, and Sophie L. Bennett el al., de fendants. Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. August 22d, A. D. 1'J5. WM B. TEN EYCK. Special Master Commissioner. JAS. W.CAKli, Attorney for Plaintiff, Nebraska Loan & Building Association vs. Sophie L. Bennett etaL Doc. 50; No. 3i. 8-23-5 otice. To William II. Gushing and Nellie A. Gush ing, non-resident defendants. Please lake notice mat on August 21, l-'-5, Walter E. Keeler. plaintiff herein, tiled nis petition Id the District Court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against tne defendants William H. Cusbiug. Nellie A. Cusmug and Charles C. Parmeiee, receiver of the Gluteus' Bank of Plaltsmouth, Nebraska, the object and prayer of wnlch are to foreclose a cer tain tax certificate, executed to the plaintiff upon lot 7, block 0, Hillside No. One, an addi tion to the city of Omaha, Douglas couuty, Neorassa. and dated November Is, 1SU2, upou which there is now due the sum ot five hun dred and fifty tfviti.ou) . ollars, wltb Interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, to gether with an attorney's fee amounting to 10 per cent, of the decree and all costs. Plalntill prays for a decree that the defend ants may be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisly the amount due, and that the defendants be de barred and foreclosed ot all right, title or interest In said premises. You are required to answer said petition on or Derore the mn oay ot nctourr, in. WILLIAM K. KEKLKR, Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. K-6-4 Celebrated Female never bey It Ml? IIIIK.V Powder. II lllllLMIl ,JE.5AJUJU.t.ktu. II' 11 ft tnd Km (sAtr tai.m I lSM with 1or and Pmnrmjal PUia), RictuuttguiM. I -J in a T fil x iwkii... Btukin. Hasv Speelal Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the District Court for Uouglaneounly, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the lirsl day of October, A, II., Is'iS at It) o'clock a m. of said day, at the north front door of the County Court House, la the city of Omaha, Douglas couuty, Nebraska, sell at puullc auction to tbe highest uiddor for cash, the property described la said order of sale as follows, to-wit: lot twelve ii2i In lilis-k live t) of Central Park, an addition to the city of niHha. In the County of Douglas and State of Nebraska, ssld property to lie sold to satisfy William R. Bennett., plaintiff hereto, the sum of seven hundred, fifty seven 4II-IU0 dollars (r."i7.4), with Interest thereon al the rate of eight percent per an num from May (it 11. IhM. together wltn twen-ly-one Kl-lou dollars costs herein to- f ether with accruing cosls, according to a udgin int rendered by tne District Court of said Douglas county, at He May term, A. D,. IMU5, In a certain action then ami there pend ing, wherein William R. Bennett was plaln tlir and MarUM. iCoad,; Belie II. Dunham, George L. Dunham and others were defend ants. Omaha Nebraska, August Illith, l'.i.ri. JOHN L. 1'IKItCE. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarlaud & Dickey, atturueys. Bennett v. Goad et al Doc 4U No. 2,4. 8-30-4 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by vlrt ue of an order of sale on decreeof foreclosure of mortgage Issued out ot the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will ou tho 301 h day ot September, A. D. lsii.i, at tea o'clock a. in. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the properly described lu said order of sale as follows, to-wit: Lots three (3) and four (4) In block one (I) of May ue Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Out of the proceeds of the sale of said lot th, ee t3) to satisfy Philip L. Johusi n. plalntlir, herein, the sum of three hundred tvKenty two and 4M-lno dollars i$.I22.4k wlih interest thereuu at the rate of ten (Id) per cent, per annum from May (lib, Is'.'.v. And out of the proceeds of the sale of said lot four (4l to sat isfy said Philip L. Johnson, the sum of three hundred and foity- three and S3-KM dollars, is.H.1 sj), with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (Ml per cent, per annum from said May Oth. Isti5. And out of the proceeds of the saiu of said lots three (3) and four 4) to satisfy the defendant, Louis S. Reed, executor of the last will of Benjamin R. Kulsoiu, deceased, tho sum of two thousand eight hundred and eighteen aud H3-10U dollars ($2.HIh.wii, with In terest thereon from May lith, Isn5, at the rata of seven (7) percent per anuum, together with thirty-one and 03-1110 dollars (.!! 0,1; costs here in, together wlih accruing cosls, according U a Judgment rendered by the District Court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. ls'.i.'), in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Philip L. Johnson waa plalntlir, aud James J. Mcintosh, Mrs. James J. Mcintosh, first name unknown, his wife, Lewis S. Reed, executor of the last will of Benjamin R. Folsoni, ueceased, Adam Ickoa and Ellen.lckes, his wife, were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, August 2.lrd, ls'.ij. JOUtN L.PIERCE. Special MasterCummlsslouur. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, Attorney. P. L. Johnson vs. James J. Mclnioshelal. Doc. 45; No. KID. 8-13-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure ot mortgage issued out i ,'lbe district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, aud to uie dlrecteu, 1 win, on toe eigntn day of October, A. 1. ij. at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at tue north front door of the county Court bouse In the city ot Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for casu, tne properly Described lu said order of sale as follows to-wit: Lrft twenty (2U) la block thirty-nve 135) la Aiungnts cnolce, an additiou to tue city of Soulu Oinaua, lu Douglas county, Nebraska, as tne same la surveyed, platted and recorded. Said prop erty to be sold to saiisty jauies inompsoa, plaintiff neieln, the sum ot nine hundred eighty-seven aud a-luo dollars (i8".4si with interest luereua at the rate oi eight per C int. per annum from September litu, 14, togetber witii lurtj-iour auu o.i-iiai uuiiars (Wi M) costs uereln. together wiiu accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court 01 said Douglas county as lis September term, A. D. Is.H, In a cerialu action then anu mere peuuiug, wherein james 'Jhompson was piaiulitt and aiary Schuudl, Ghanes Schmidt aud chanes Cor nell were defendants. Omana, Nebraska, September 4th, 1KU5, VV1LL.1AM 1. ttL,PO., Special Master Commissioner, J. W. llOuDhtt, Attorney. Thompson vs. Schmidt et al. Doc. 41. ao. 3M. f-ti-a Notice by rublieatiou tor l'robate of Will, ttc. In the couuty courtof Douglas county, N'e- Tullie matter of the estate of Martin M. Marshall, ueceased. Mary Marsbali. Nina Marshall, and all other persons Interested iu said uiatter are hereby null bed mat on tue 27 ui day of August, ls'.5, Mary Marshall tiled 111 tho couuty court a petition alleging among other things that .Martin Al. Mirauiui uied oa the 24th day of July, Is'.ta. leavug a last will and tesiaiuciit, and possessed jl real and per sonal estate, anu thai uie aoove named con stitute the persons interested in the estate of said deceased ; aud praying for the pro bate ot said w.ll. aud for administration ot said estate. You are hereby notified that if you fail ttt appear at said court on the JUm uhji of Sep tember, lsuo, at D o clock a. in., to contest tue probate of said will, the court may allow aud probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Mary Marshall aud Nina Marshall, or some other suitable person, and proceed to a settlement thereof. V IKVING r. BAXTER, 8-JO-4 County J udge.