The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 13, 1895, Image 1

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a TMiTT'TDTnn a w
A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. "AMERICA FOR AMEK1CANS." We hold thai all men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the United SUW without a mental reservation in (avop of the Pope. I'ICICK FIVE CENTS
Mgr. SatollPs Papal Benedic
tion for the Rev. H. G.
Pastor of the Hyde Park Method Ut
Episcopal Churth Visit the Content
r the Sacred Heart, Where
He Is Blessed.
Mies Isabella Garrison, a member of
the Hyde Park Methodist Episcopal
Church, Chicago, called at the edito
rial rooms of the Chicago Tribune last
evening and asked:
"Do you want something- about Sa
tolli?" "What Is it?" she was asked.
"Mgr. Satolll bestowed the papal
benediction this afternoon," she said,
"on the Rev. Mr. Leonard, pastor of
the Hyde Park Methodist Episcopal
Church. I haven't time to write the
Btory, but I can tell you about It."
She was asked to tell the story and
"The benediction was bestowed on
Mr. Leonard at a private reception at
the Convent of the Sacred Heart, to
11 i .i r I. 1 1 - i Td.
wnicn, Dy me way, i was iuviwju. it
Is an unusual thing for a Methodist
preacher to receive the papal benedic
tion, and I thought I would tell you
about it."
This was all Miss Garrison had to
say. Her "tip" was delivered and ac
cepted. A reporter for the Tribune arrived at
the Rev. Herbert, G. Leonard's house,
6344 Madison avenue, just as that man
reached home after the evening ser
vice. "Did you meet Archbishop Satolll
this afternoon, Mr. Leonard9"
"Yes; I was introduced to him by
Miss Garrison. No; I would rather
withdraw that name. I was introduced
to him by Father O'Gorman."
"Did you receive the papal benedic
tion this afternoon?"
"Yes; I did,"
"Do you contemplate joining the Ro
man Catholic Church, Mr. Leonard?"
"Not just at present," was the reply,
with a marked inflection on the word
"just." "I think very highly of the
Catholic church. It is a wonderful In
stitution." "How do you account for your receiv
ing the papal benediction?"
"I suppose it was sent from Rome to
"How came you to meet Mgr. Sa
tolll?" "I would rather not name the mutual
friend who requested me to call on the
archbishop. The papal benediction was
a surprise to mo."
"Did you announce this evening to
your congregation the signal honor
conferred on you this afternoon by the
ambassador of the Bishop of Rome?"
"No, sir; I made no announcement."
"Do you contemplate entering the
priesthood Dof the Roman Catholic
"I cannot say whether I contemplate
entering the priesthood. I am a mar
ried man with a family, and must con
sider that question."
"Do you oeontemplate joining the
church as a lay member?"
"I wouldjrather not. say whether I
contemplate becoming a member or
"Is not the reception of the papal
benediction by a minister of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church a rather unusual
"I do not recall any other Instance.
It is rather an unusual proceeding. It
was pure benevolence on the part of the
archbishop and Father O'Gorman. I
was surprised. It was a great pleasure
to me."
Then the reporter for the Trihum
went to the Hyde Park Hotel, where
Trustees Paul Cornell and Anderson
Fowler resido. Mr. Cornell said:
"This is most extraordinary. It Is
the first I've heard of it. I am thunder
struck. It is the strangest thing I've
heard in my Eeventy-three years of
life. Another of our trustees, Mr.
Fowler, has retired. This is too im
portant to keep till morning. Let us
go to his room."
They did so. As soon as Mr. Fowlei
heard the news he started to dress
"Let's go and see the parson at once,"
he said. "The rankest idolatry I ever
heard of."
But before the Irate trustees saw the
Rev. Mr. Leonard they decided to call
a third church trustee, N. W. Harris,
into conference, After a conversation
over the telephone Mr. Cornell ordered
a carriage and drove Mr. Fowler and
the reporter to Mr. Harris' residence
on Drexel boulevard.
Here the whole interview was read
over to the three trustees again, and,
reinforced by Trustee Harris, the party
Btarted for the Rev. Mr. Leonard's resi
dence. Into the flat they went. They held
a brief Interview with their pastor, and
then requested the reporter to join the
conference. He did so, and again read
over the notes of the interview. These
the Rev. Mr,. Leonard admitted were
substantially correct. Then Trustee
Fowler thundered at the parson:
"What does this mean, sir?"
Mr. Leonard's explanation was in
genious. He said:
"When the reporter came in on me I
thought it was a joke, and certainly
did say substantially as his notes read."
The reporter took the pastor, sen
tence by sentence, through the inter
view. With a few verbal and Immate
rial alterations the clergyman accepted
each section of the notes as correct, and
at the end reiterated his explanation of
a joke.
"Did I interview you as a joke, sir?"
"No, sir, and I regret that I deceived
you. It's the first time I have been in
terviewed." Then Mr. Leonard dictated the fol
lowing revised version In the hearing
of the three trustees:
"At the request of Miss Garrison, a
member of the Hyde Park Methodist
Episcopal Church (formerly a member
of the Roman Catholic Church), I went
with her this afternoon to the Convent
of the Sacred Heart, where Archbishop
Satolli officiated and bestowtd the pa
pal benediction on the whole congrega
tion, of which I was a member. After
ward I had the pleasure of meeting
Father O'Gorman and Mgr. Satolll."
"Why did you go there, sir?" de
manded Mr. Fowler.
"I went at the request of Miss Garri
son, who said she was a reporter. I
went out of pure curiosity to see a cele
brated man. He talked in Italian,
which I do not understand. Miss Gar
rison joined the Hyde Park Methodist
Episcopal Church during my ministry.
I'll be perfectly frank. The whoie
matter struck me as supremely ridicu
lous, and I regret that I joked about It.
I went to the convent because the lady
urged me to go."
Then the three trustees took leave of
their pastor and went away to confer
on the situation.
One of them was asked what effect, If
any, the occurrences of the day would
have on the Rev. Mr. Leonard's pastor
ate. "Well, I don't know' he 9ald; "peo
ple are peculiar."
Inquiry was made at the parish resi
dence of the Cathedral of the Holy
Name last evening as to whether the
Rev. Mr. Leonard had received the
papal blessing from Mgr. Satolll. Dr.
O'Gorman could not be seen, but
through Chancellor Muldoon he said
that while at the Convent of the Sacred
Heart Mgr. Satolll and himself were
intioduced to a non-Catholic clergy
man. They merely exchanged courte
sies. The clergyman made no request
to have Mgr. Satolll give him the pa
pal blessing.
The giving of the papal blessing to a
non-Catholic Is not an unusual occur
rence, Father Muldoon says. It has
often been given by the pope himself
to non-Catholics, and instances are
known of con-Catholic clergymen ask
ing and receiving It from the pope. In
the case of mixed marriages, Father
Muldoon says, the non-Catholic usually
asks for and receives the blessing.
There is nothing in the rules of the
Catholic church to prevent the giving
and receiving of the blessing to other
than Catholics if the favor is asked.
The Rev. Herbert G. Leonard is a
graduate of Northwestern University,
and was ordained in the Methodist
Episcopal Church five years ago. His
first pastoral charge was Wilmette, a
Chicago suburb, and thence, after four
years' pastorate, he came to the Hyde
Park church a year ago. His church
has a membership of 350. and its trust
ees are Paul Cornell, N. W. Harris,
Anderson Fowler, A. R. Porter and
Mr. Mehagen. Chicago Tribune, &pt. 0.
To Leo XIII, Pope or Rome.
Sir, I cannot address you as "His
Holiness" Leo XIII. The law of God
and truth forbids me to bestow such a
title on any created being. It would
be idolatrous honor. What! a poor sin
ner, a fallen son of Adam, assuming a
title that belongs only to the "Holy
One ot Isreal"! Nor can I address you
as the Vicar of Jesus Christ, for he has
no Vicar. "He is head over all things
to the church." She has no head. "Lo
I am with you alway even unto the
end of the world." Christ is yresent in
his church, to govern by his word, which
is supreme, and higher than popes and
kings; he is in the midst of her, to bless
her children and defend her against all
enemies. Nor can I address you as
"supreme pontiff," the head of all
churches. That claim is usurpation and
forbidden to any humble follower of
Christ, and Christ has warned his peo
ple against your blasphemous claims.
You are a man and not a God. You are
distinotly marked in the Scriptures as
a usurper, claiming supremacy over the
church, "who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that Is called God, or
that is worshiped; so that he as God
sltteth In the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God." II Thess. ii., 4.
This is a prophetic description of "the
man of sin," who heads the apostasy.
This scripture describes the character
and claims of the popes. Your claim
as pope to exorcise absolute dominion
and tyranny over all Christendom, over
the souls and bodies of men, marks you
as "the man of sin," and the Christian
world has so believed for a thousand
years. None but your deluded, Ignor
ant victims believe that you are the
Infallible successor of the apostle Peter.
Intelligent Christians know that
neither Peter nor other apostles ever
had any successors. To be an apostle,
one had to receive his call directly from
Christ. Paul was no exception. All
the synods and councils of the world
could not make an apostle, because they
could not bestow the endowments
constitute an apostle. They have not
the authority nor power to cloth with
inspiration, with the power of working j
miracles, or other signs of an apostle.
They cannot give to another what they
do not themselves possess. So, from the
nature of the case, the apostles did not
and could not have any successors.
Where Is apostolic succession! What
is prelacy? It belongs to the "mystery
of iniquity," which Paul said began to
work in his day, and was fully devel
oped In the papacy. No, Leo XIII, we
don't want any apostles, we don't need
such qreat fellows, with large salaries.
The diocesan bishop is a usurper, and
all these Inflated prelates with high
sounding titles are frauds.
Oh, yes, Rome says she can work mir
acles! Cardinal Wiseman said: "Our
church is hung with miracles." Yes,
"lying wonders," as the scripture calls
them. Rome claims miraculous
power, but her miracles deceive. A
miracje Is to prove a doctrine or con
firm a divine mission, and a true mir
acle proves it. But the day of miracles
is past, and a claim now to miraculous
power is a sign of Antichrist. Modern
miracles are only jugglers' tricks, do
signed to deceive. Rev. six., 20:
"And the best was taken, and with
him the false prophet that wrought
miracles before bim, with which he (!'
ceived them that had received the mark
of the beast and them that worshiped
his image." I was reading the notes
In the Douay Bible on Daniel, vli. 8,
about "the little horn." The note
sys: "This is commonly understood of
Antichrist." The note on II Thess.,
ii. 3, says of the "man of sin": "It
agrees to the wicked and great Antl
Christ, who will come before the end of
the world." Here Is Romish authority
that the "little horn" and "the man of
sin" refer to the same party, and are
the "great Antichrist." The Protes
tant world for ages, have so understood
it, and it is so plain that a papist can
see that the "littlo horn" is a symbol of
the antlchrlstian power and is the same
as the "man of sin" that heads the
apostasy. The man of sin is the succes
sion of popes, but the papal commen
tator does not tell us thai. But where
In all the world or in all history, can
you find anything that answers to the
prophetic descriptions, but the papacy?
Rome has fulfilled these prophecies to
the letter, and no other on earth an
swers to them, whether you see it or
not. Read carefully II Thess., II, I
Tim. Iv, Dan. vli and Itevelatlon from
twelfth to eighteenth chapters. These
scriptures mark every feature of Ro
manism. It is in fact the history of
Rome before the events. Here you
can see your church in all her colors,
the "scarlet woman" riding on the beast
with seven beads and ten horns, the
civil power.
Now, sir, as Leo XIII, holding the
high place you claim, supreme in au
thority and infallible in knowledge and
judgment, we cannot Imagine how
you can read the scriptures referred to
without seeing that they are a complete
description of your church and yourself
and predecessors as the head of the
great apostasy. At last, you would feel
that there is something wrong. Hence
papal commentators are confounded in
trying to explain these texts, there
being no organization on earth that
they describe but papal Rome. The
martyrs, the "witnesses clothed in sack
cloth," protestis Protestants, do not
answer to tho woman "drunken with the
blood of the saints." They were always
the persecuted party. They could not
say: "I sit a queen and am no widow
and shall see no sorrow." For many
centuries, all through the dark ages of
papal ascendency, the witnesses were
persecuted and slaughtered by millions, j
Who slew them? History answer, tho
Inquisition answers. It waa Koine pa
pal. Her canon law justifies It. Ilor
doctrine la that heretics ought to bo
put to death, and to that end Rome hag
Invented Instrument of torture and
death. Now he candid: Do you believe
that Jesus Christ, the compassionate
Saviour, commands and approves such
cruel. Moody work? Would he have
said amen to tho burning of John
Hubs? Why were the martyrs of Jesus
slaln?CWero they wicked men? Not
It was because they protested against
the idolatries and abomi nations of
"Babylon the great," "tho mother of
harlots." If Christ should come to
Rome and call on you, his pretended
Vicar, what do you think he would say
about the popes, .their deeds, bulla,
their claim to Infallibility, the inquisi
tion, the worship of dead saints, the
mlraculaiis power of relies, thedeclflca
tion of the Virgin Mary, and tho "holy
coat" of Treves? Do you think he would
recognize the coat? Wo have not rooiu
to enlarge on these things and show
the folly, fraud and wickedness In
volved, but we just refer to them, that
you may steal glance at them from a
Protestant standpoint.
Protestants, without a doubt, believe
that the Roman Catholic Church Is the
great apostasy, that fulling away from
the faith, that was to take place, as de
scribed by Daniel, Paul and John, and
which was to continue 1200 years, as
the persecutor of the saints and oppo
nent of true religion. Hence of all the
antichrists, Romo papal is tho great
est. Rome has been a great and terri
ble power, as Daniel lays, "exceeding
dreadful." But popery Is in her dotage
and herend Is not far off. It may make
one more death-struggle for the ascen
dency, but will perish in tho attempt.
Us character and deeds are urming the
world against it. But it cannot bear
the advancing light of Christendom.
Popery can live and flourish only in the
fraud and deception of the priesthood
and the depravity and Ignorance of the
people. L'Lot the light In on the peo
ple, and pojiery will perish. II Thess.,
11, 8: "Whom tho Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall
destroy with tho brightness ( f his com
ing." I admit this is not a com pllmen-
tary letter, but It Is honest, sincere and
true. The writer wishes you well and
that you may see your error and repent,
and floe to Christ, our only hope.
"Come out of her, my peoplo, that ye
bo not partakers of her sins, and that
ye receive not of her plagues." Finally,
we know your purpose toward the
United StateB. You mean the conquest
of this country and the overthrow of
our free Institutions. Should you suc
ceed, there will be a dark day for the
Inhabitants of this land. But If the
'little red school-house" lives, you will
meet with disastrous defeat. When
the world learns just what popery it,
you will lose your hold on all nations
and the doom of Romanism Is sealed. J
A Son op the Martyrs.
Very Tame.
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 11. The
seminary that J. J. Hill made a present
of to Archbishop Ireland was dedicated
last week. Something near a million
dollars was spent for the institute Tho
services were to be the most Imposing
for some time. However, It was one of
the tamest affairs ever known. Thero
were not a do.-n of the famous church
dignitaries present. Among those who
were there were Ireland, Cotter, a Mr.
O'Connor, and a Chicago count. The
little Madison school drew bigger
crowds than this affair, and there was
not much over $15,000 Involved.
It was said that J. J. Hill seemed
greatly affected by the toasts. Well,
so were his men affected right after he
made known his intended feat. The
alarles of the men working on the
Great Northern were all cut down.
Business would cot permit standard
wages, but he could afTori to be liberal
with Rome.
The speeches made on the above oc
casion are not worth the trouble or
commenting on. Most were rehashed
orations, except Sate, who has a secre
tary to writo and deliver his lectures;
and we won't worry about even Sate's
speech. On the whole, the affair was
sj tame that only one paper in the
Twin Cities found space for a full ac
count. Zamuot.
I'ursed the Worshipers.
Augusta, Ga., Sept. 5. There was
prayer-meeting in -progress at the
corner of Center and Taylor streets, on
the night of Aug. 20th, when one Den
is Lyon denounced the worshipers.
He called the people assembled "God
d d A. P. A.'s," and seasoned his re
marks with vile epithets. While these
humble peoplo were worshiping and
singing hymns of praise he mocked
them. No attention was paid to him.
They knew Dennis was a toe-kisser.