THE AMERICAN, 6 hot mkim;n i. If in I Vi w mt I t nv thlrg, tr. Hot Spring" of Souih Dakota i' UdJ to N txmi the most popular rrt between Chlcf nJ th P-tfl3 Cot. Thtf rt ltuU-l In lh sintl anJ b-utiful ration of Fall HItct, mm) r the ccnlt'P of a plrndldlj built little city of thtr thousand permanent In habitant. The eBUnry i f their wau-r for rheumatism, dysprp!, and, In fact, almost eTery chronic disorder of the jtem, 1 too well known to require Utement. It U ten'-lfiinl to by the an nual arrival of thousand of Invalid, and the dfparture. of thean aame por on, after a few week, In much Im proved or wholly restored health. The Sprlnp ar urround-d by many ob ject of MirnaMtng natural Interest, a Wind Cave, equal In extent to the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, and far more wonderful Information, filled with trlklnjr heautio and tranfr fantale of tructure. Not fr away ar the romantlo Cawcade, and near by are extinct crater of pevwr tndlne up like hole that had been built rather than excavated, and by their putting appearance meriting the. name the have rccelvcd.'The Dtvir Chimney." Thl l but a beginning of the list of attraction In the vicinity, to fairly aoe which would entrancingly occupy a month. The hotel and the bath In? accom modation for ffuoot are unsurpassahle, and nothing I left to be dealred by any grade of people, from the nabob travel ing for amusement to the poverty stricken Invalid In search of cheap and peedy restoration to health. The Pawenper Department of the Burlington Route ha Issued a well written and beautifully Illustrated folder, containing a great deal of Inter esting matter relative to thl famous resort For a copy or for Information about the Burlington Route' rate and train service to Ilot Springs, write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. P. 8. ITalf rate to Hot Sprint- May 24, June 7 and 19, July 3 and 19, August 2 and 2?. Burled Alive. In the orenlnp o srave It ba often been discovered that person have been burled alive. S"tne have bad narrow escapes from such a fate. It must be a dreadful expe'lence for anvone to wake up In Ms coffin. In the darknes of the grave, and realUe that be la there to tay until waked up by the trump of the Archanpol. It to an awful thing to contemplate, but think how many thou sand are llterallv burled llve In nun neries and monasteries, and how excru iatlng are the sufferings which they endure beyond all powers of descrip tion. All such plce should be open for Inspection snd visitation, and the doors swung wide open so that inmates might have the liberty to either stay or go. No one should be compelled to stav In such secluded retreat, not even In the name of rellsrlon, for the gosDel comes to mske men free, for he whom Christ makes free shall be free Indeed. "Stat or Ohio, i'ttt or Tolspo, I IT (Ywntt. f Frank J. Ohknsv niskr oh that, b is th srntnr nartnrr of the Arm of V. J 'BWisv fo.. dntn himlness in the C't of Tnlwln. Ooii' and Ht afnrwalrt. n1 that M flrw w"H mr th sum of ONK HUN lRET W LARS for arh anil w esse of Catarrh ht rwnnt he cured by th us of HALL'S vATAHHH I PP'. KIUNK 3. CHENEY Sworn to before me and sutwrlhoil 'n n"t wreaenc thl th day of lVcsm,. . v I8H6. I- I A- W ot.KASnN J "- f Notsrv PnMle. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is tjiken Internsllv and act ritr-Ptl on the hlood nd mucous surfac of the system. Bond for testlmon lain. tree. P. J. rHWNKY CO.. Props., Toledo. O eT"8old by DniffBlsts. 7Sc, ASK FOR Howard's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. New Ori.sahs. June 1.1. 18S4 For fifteen yesrs I hsve suffered with a dreadful disease Chronic Ptarrhwa. 1 tried a (trest many remedies, but found bo relief. Howard's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recoaimended to me by a traveling man. and to my (trest satisfaction it cured me, and I am never without tt In my house. Jamss Fisdals Address: HOWARD MEDICINE CO.. 1830 St. Mary's Ave., Omaha, Neb Northern Wyoming holds out very special Inducements to the summer va cationist particularly If he be of a sporting turn of mind. It's streams teem with the gamiest, greediest trout that ever rose to a fly. Four-pounders are not rlnfrequent, and several fish weighing over six pounds have been brought to bank. The fishing waters are so extensive and so accessible that it Is really not even necessary to go to the trouble of making preliminary enquiries abou them. Just purchase a round-trip ticket to Sheridan, and place yourself after arrival In the hands of one of the numerous 'capable guides who make their headquarters there during the fishing season. "He will do the rest." J. Francis, G. P. & T. A., Burlington Route,. Omaha, Neb. i, Boston Excursion Kotes. Half rates liberal arrangements- August 19th to 24th good till next falL Through cars via "Northwestern Line." THROUGH CARS, MIND YOU. No change at Chicago. The last Eastern Jtxcurslon this year Niagara Falls, aratoga, New York, St Lawrence Riv r, White Mountains, Boston. Ask questions at 1401 Farnam street and check your trunk at your ouse. GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or taa United Stales of America. rKANClH C. CAMPBELL. M. W. Q. M.. MloaoapuUs. Mlaa. ROBT. W. JOHN f N. Supreme N-rlry. Truy, New York M.JLKOOK. in I J Howard Street. Omaha. Neb.. Orisalwr for dvparuurntof Ndiruka, Iowa, fe. touts. Mlaauurl and Colurlu. or Ay as rmsatus. Oa bebaif of the Loval Oraoita Lodva of (he DolUx States nf Aiuerloa. an with a view of corrsctlnf the f alaa lmpresaloa that aetalea art eodcTorln to coo re y to the lad of auea who are uaaciualBt4 with OraLje principle, are theaa few tatueaM aiada: The Loyal Orani Institution la a brother hood aad liirhoo4. bound by tfcrea tie Justice, Truth and Klgbteousneaa. It haa aohlddea alms It Is Fraternal aad Benevolent assisting and protecting members while living and their widows and orphans when they ar re moved by death. It upholds the rlicht of prlste Judgment the untrammelled freedom of oplalom be lieve the public schools are an essential safeguard of the stata, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that persons disloyal to tbs government who hold a mental allegiance to the pop of Rome should be rigorously eicluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance la due to th government which protect the live, liberties and properties of It cltlaen. and that ecclesiastical authority should aof under any clrcumstancea, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of acltlien In the exercise of his or her right of franchise, under th guise of relig ious or spiritual authority should be pun ished as a crime against the state. That It 1 the duty of every clttten to de fend th lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and Inimical influences, a well a against armed assailant, to th end that our glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourages habit of frugality and la dustry among It members, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. tt believes In the rwstrli'tlun of Immigra tion and the extension of time for the natur alisation of clUiena, and that the public ands shall be held tor actual American cltl sens who become settlers. The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the Dnlted States of America ha certain requirements for membership: That a man shall be an actual American cltlsen. having compiled with the lawsof the United Stales with regard to naturalisation, and without a meutal reservation. That the applicant shall be a Protestant, and also that his parent and wife shall b Protestants. That he shall be thrifty and successful In his business; honorable and truthful In bis dealings with his fellowman, and shall be known as a law-abiding cltlsen. That he will endeavor to live his children or any children under his charge at least a good common school education, being care ful to avoid all popish doctrines, and That he shall be In sound health at th time of making aDultcatlon It makes no difference where a man wa born, so long as he meet th foregotn requirements. These are th aualtflcatlcns reautred o every applicant to the order, and we do not nma mat any patriotic American oraer can offer a better array or orincipie ana teach lag. J. 0. U. A. M. A Loyal, Patriotic Organisation, Fra ternal ana ltenenciai, Mricuy Hon Partisan and Non-sectarian. D KOLA RATION Or PHlNClPt.SS. The National Council of the Junior Order of united American Mechanic In annual session assembled declares: That the constant landing upon the shores of the hordes of Ignorant, vicious and lawless criminals of the Old World should be viewed with alarm by the loyal and patriotic cltl' sens of this countrv. We atttrm a warm and hearty welcome to all Immigrant who desire to better their condition and become a part and parcel of our nationality, but we have not one square Inch of room for the anarchist, the socialist or nihilist, or for any one who Is not willing to bow allegiance to that flag which Is powerful enough to shield and protect them as well as us. In the exercise of all civil and religious liberty. We affirm our devotion to the public school system of this country. We believe In com pulsory education, and that all teaching In our schools should be In the English lan guage, to the end that future generations may oe aote to tase tneir piece in tne ranks of our country's workers, educated In the history, the customs and manners ot Ameri cans. We guarantee to every man the liberty of worshiping uoa according to tne nictates or his own conscience, and would give everv as sistance to protect all In the exercise oi his lioeriy. out we ooject moat strenuous to the Interference ot any church, no matter under what name It may exist, In the tem poral affairs 01 this country. We believe that the Bible should be read In our public schools; not to teach sectarianism, but to Inculcate its teachings. It Is the recognised standard of all mural and civil law; we therefore believe, that our children should be educated in its teachings, but that no dogma or creed should be taught at the same time Wa believe that natrlotlam and love of Country should be Instilled Into the heart of Children, ana mat, wnn tne woras oi Mother," "Home" and "Heaven." our chil dren should be tausht that our flag Is the svmbol of all that makes a "home" for us. We would place a flag upon every public school in our land, and a Bible within, and the object lesson therein set forth should be a beacon iignt in every storm wnicn tnreat ns to engulf us In this noble and patriotic work we ask th cordial and hearty co-operation of all good cttisens. In this grand work we need the helping hand of all organisations holding th same views and Drlncmles. We have no time for jealousies and bickerings, but with a united front we should march forward, shoulder to shoulder, remembering that "Unitea westana, aiviaea we ratl in the strictest sense we are a national political organisation, but we oppose with unanimity the slightest taint of partisanlsm. "Our countrv" Is our motto, and we keen this motto steadily before us. We are cogni sant that there are great and powerful enemies within our midst, requiring the strictest surveillance of all who are at heart, word and In deed Amtriauu. We, as member of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the object of the Order as paramount to any nartlsan affiliation, and urge uton the mem bership harmonious, united and Intelligent action In carrying out the principle. OBjBnra or th oaoiB. First To maintain and promote the Inter ests of Americans, ana snieia tnem rrom tn deiiresainc effects of foreign competition. Second To assist American In obtaining employment. Third To encourage American In bust ness. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral fund. Fifth To maintain the public school sys tem of the United States of America, and to prevent sectarian interference tbeiwitb, and uphold the reading of the Qoly Bible tnerem. TH QTTALiriCATIONS VOR MIMBKR8HIF. Krouire that sn KDullcant shall be: Aiwhtte male persov born in th Dnlted aeof unt satnrt wua'l&e pro-m-ii,a f Its lu. of good Buiral i tiararw-r. A Ijriixn la Mi eliMHe I a Supreme Htii( as u Creator aad Pteaervwr of U I'al Terse. opunam! to aay ualoa of chun-h aad stai. tatorabl to fre eiliu-atloa aad th imrrlrai Public a,-hl sytleni. Hflwiwe I and tt yrars of age for twaa Si'lal memuenhipi ovrr SU huaurary aiititbrrhlp. Tne word "Junior" la the till ha no rela tiua to the age of membrra. It was aUopfd to dl'Ungultb the Orlrr from the U. t. A. M.. and has nu other s'gn'tti'atM. Nitr la the word "Mm-bsuU-" to beeimrtrued literally. It rr-frr la bo manner to artisans, hut embrace evry pursuit. uaOAHitsas wabtbd. Wa vint a tunrll of the Jr. U. D. A M la vrv city, towa and village la the United States. It ! the leading American patriotic aad bearSi'lai orgsnlastloa. and the stronga-at and on ot the oldxat, conSned to nail re born. It la only necessary to make Its oblerta. urio.-lulra and workings snowa to eaally am-ure eeough charter uietubvra to starts Council. A liberal premium will be pnld to any one organising a Council. For full par ticulars adilrma. C. W. TYLEK. Klt'bmond. Va. National Councilor. DIRECTORY. NATIONAL COUNCIL. N C-C. W. Tyler. Richmond. Va. N. V. I'.-I'erry A. N ha nor. Pltuhurg. Pa. Jr PN O-J O A Kli-hlrr. Box 187. Oac(oB.O. National OrganiserWalter IL Oraimt,, I'litahurnh. Pa. Meeu In Ih'uver, Colo., the third Tuesday In June. lsno. STATE COUNCIL OF ILLINOIS. Incorporated February 24. IMO. O O T B Uryson. tiJA Wenlworth avenue. Chicago. B V tv-Thoa Kowan, ins union at, Alton. JrPH CThos J Coen. 4V7 ShelHeld are. Chicago. S V Sec'y-Joaepb B Reynolds. P O Box lu Ohtcsiro. b U Treas K H Sample. (334 Armour av Chicago Meet at Alton, lour in Monday in August, im. 1UROKU1NATK. George Washington Council. No I. meeu flrst and third Friday evenlnira of vh month. atAldlnehall. 75E Kandoluh t nl- cago. Joaepb S Reynolds R S. 1514 V asb ave. V lsllors always welcome. Kllsworth council. No IS. n. T - .days atIM Wentworth ave. K L Ca bu X B. WIS llonorest, Engitwood. Coltax Council. No 23. meets Saturday evenings at I OO F hall, South Chicago av. John W Roger. R S. Box 4.VI. Uanlel Webster Council. No. S. Jr. O. V. A. M., meeu flrst and third Satuidav evenings of each month In Modern Woodman hall, Hurrav. Neb. Visiting brulhers alwava wel come, James Longbrldge, recording secre tary. UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. Its Organization and Principles How to Iteconie a Member. Wa would respectfully call your attention to the fact that there Is In tills city a council of the Order of United American Mechanics, to which we would be happy to have you give a moment' thought, and If favorably Impressed, would like your nam proposed for membership. The Order of United American Mechanics wa organised In Philadelphia on the 15th day of July. 1WS. Its flrst Inception was for th protection of Mechanic and Working men alone, and for a number ot year none but operative mechanic and worklngmen were admitted to lu membership; but the great InteresU of principles' Involved In lu existence, caused a departure from that plan, and the Order has for years existed and exlsu today a an order of speculative me chanic, recognising crery one possessed nf th birth require menu, who work for a malntalnanc either -by hand or 'brain or both a eligible to membership, and number among It member men of every profession, and calling In life. The object of thl order are to assist each ether in obtaining employment: to encourage ach other In business; to establish a sick and funeral fund; to establish a fund for th relief of widow and orphans and to aid member; and to aid members who, through Providence, may be Incapacitated from fol lowing their usual vocations, tn obtaining situation suitable to their affliction. The membership ot this order 1 composed of white mala cltlsen born In the United States, or under the protection of- lu flag. Thl order ha existed for nearly fifty year and I at present, rapidly spreading through out the United States. A an American born, and having th welfare ot yourself and family at heart, a well a that ot the nation at large, we would most heartily Invito you to become a member of the U. A. M., a it 1 th only Order In existence founded es pecially to promote the InteresU, olevat th character and secure the happiness of the American mechanic and business man. It therefor appeal to th head and heart of him who wields the pen as well as to him who swings the scythe or wields the sledge hammer of the mechanic. In lu councils, a free discussion of principles relating to the fostering and care of the InteresU of Indi vidual members 1 permitted; but nothing ot a political or sectarian character is ever al lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation with such Institutions as Trades Unions, KnlghU or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or the like, and desire not to control either capital or labor, as It would be doing a gross Injustice to many ot It members, who ar taken from both classes. The membership of the Order la scattered from Maine to Cali fornia, and from all polnu comes lhe glorious news that the Order 1 gaining great strength In all Jurisdiction. Aa endowment branch also connected with th Order, both national and .state, which insure those who seek lu bene flu, enabling them to leave a cum, which 1 In all cases substantially and promptly paid, to th dear one, when death marks lu mem bers tor lu own. It seem very strange Indeed that the American doe not feel Inclined to become so peculiarly national in his idea and as sociations as do the English, French, Ger man, Irish, and other nationalities. Each and all of the foregoing have their peculiar national organisations, and take pride in same. But the American join order after order, composed of a mixture of nationali ties, and leu his own countrymen severely alone la the matter of secret and fraternal societies. We would not belittle any of the existing secret beneficial associations. Far from It. They ar a power for good In the community. But we do ask him who 1 to the manor born to turn hi thoughu to horn and native land, so that he can oln In the glad refrain : "Thou art my native land, I own thy fostering hand; Though far from thee I roam, Still thou art my homp." American, we ot tnis Brotherhood appeal to you o aid us In this work we are now carrying on. Tou must either be fn - ur against us. Choose quickly and let us show to the country that we firmly believe la American principle, American industry, American protection and American govern ment. 8trlke riot and boycotting are term too harsh to be applied to American Mechanic. Bonded together by prompting of patriotic affection, may mis Order grow and progress, until every man who call him self American can stand up aud say In all sincerity. I own ao man ts master of my actions LODGE DIRECTORY. NEBRASKA. rrT oorai ii. or bbbbassa' I S O M r . aN A rr. P. o IVn On, ah V. . .. . r imaiiit'Ll'. I lltUBIOUII M. V. rw J OkO. C. t LN l)S. P. O bo 7U Otuah. . C. Trae.-C. II. A LI. FN. Omaha. I'oodui-tor-K BAKKKH Plata tnout. Warda-H P. t tHjl.l Ix.k, llavrlurk. hVntmris-P. S McACLkf. Bo. Utuahai ft L KlhhHAM. PlatuuiuuUt. tu-prvw-niailve to National Council WM F. hNAI'P. 11. L. UAV. P t.. alcAlLy. 1 W llutl r.H It. P. ImiLMAN The next regular mnrting will be beld OI the third Tueauav la July. Iwa, at Plait moutli. PKANCI!! 8. KEY COUNCIL No meeu every Friday evening at O. A. K. Hall Platumoutu. Neb. V tailing brothers cor dlaily Initu-d. u. K. JvliSsuS, KecSae WAS1IINUTON COUNCIL No. I, meet " erery Tuvaday eve. In Idluwild hali. !4th and Oram streets. Visiting brothert aiwsys welcome. j. 11. iiahvst. Bee I T INOOLN COUNCIL No. X, meeu la La u coin, Nebraska COLUMBIA COUNCIL No. t, meeu ever) Tuesday erenlng la Patterson block, 17U and Farnaiu Slreu. A. L. LiOHTroor, Councilor. A. tl. Fubt. K. bee y, add rest care County Clera. S'ARFIKLD COUNCIL No. J, meeu vr Va Rka. 11. it, FiKHXK, Couuullor. secretary X IBKRTY COUNCIL No. 7 meeu ever " TutwUay evening. 1. 0. O. F. dail, Louis- vine, neu. i. tt. t,ucaa, Kec. Sec y. COUNCIL No. 30. A. P. A., Cameron, Mo.. meeu every second and fourth Mondai evening, at fraternity Temple. Vlsitrt welcome. IJ LUFF CITY COUNCIL No 7-meeu evert " Wednesday evening In U. A. U. tiaif Council Blults. ia. LINCOLN Commanderv No. L TT A. M meeu every Thursday evening tn P. O. S. ot A. hall. Council Rluda. la. A. M. Uurnham, Recorder. AMERICAN LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. xv No. &U, uioeu the Aral and third Tues day' evening of each mouth, at 8:ou o'clock litU. . UOMSl'OCii, nec'y MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OF MISSOURI. 8. C F. C. Horden, Uolden, Mo. S. V. C Rev. ti. A. Slaughter, St. Joseph Mtasourl s. C. Sec'y-Itolla G. Carroll, Warrensburs, Mlxaouri Will meet In Chllllcolhe. Mo., February 181N). KANSAS CITY COUNCILS KANSAS CITY COUNCIL No. -MeeU iv every Friday night at lull Walnut street Jas. MuNaiuara, Sec'y lauu Kant luth St. ftOLUMBIA COUNCIL NO. 1-Meeu every v Saturday night at the corner of Twelftt and Cherry strela, W. Y.Sheaver, Record- iug owrowr, iui luauisoa street. OATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 11-Meeu rer Wednesday night at A. O. U. W. Half 1421 E. KlKutueiiUi aireet, J. E. Fisher, Rec Secretary, 2421 Flora avenue. VTE8TPORT COUNCIL NO. 37-MeeU even " Friday night at Westport, W. B. Shflnk Rec. Secretary, LUi U. Eighth street. gATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-MeeU evert w Monday night, corner lttth and Penn SU over drug store. CPR1NGF1ELI) COUNCIL No. 46-Meeta M MVHFV ThliraHttV nl.fhl Kalaiaac !ilt x Cad on lioliuea. CHEFFIKLD COUNCIL No. 3!V-Meeu l MhurHul.l u.m.n I 1 uuuiuum cci j luuraunj aiKUb. IQUIIlM Smith, Rec. Sec'y, Sheffield, Mo. AHK I.INmi.N rnnNnn. nu , auvut cau Protective Association meeu every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month Is I It It V hull Ol. &i ... ... v. u. v , uti, i inbwuiuuiui iiou. visiting members are welcome J. 11. Smith. Sec. A URORA COUNCIL No. 2, W. A. P. A. Meeu every Wednesday afternoon at 1 nV Wv. 11 IJm A PA A-tn u . , BiUflWJM avenue, Kansas City, Kan. DROSPECT COUNCIL No. 81, A. P. A.-meeta every Monday evening at the corner ol Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kama. - - - " ... i, hi juiu u, a v uu- close their name, street and number, ward. w uiH;upa,iioa, ana airect to box 5SU Kansas City, Mo,. America Council No. 7, meets at Wood ward's liall every Wednesday at 2 p. m sparp, third street, and Lafayette avenue Kansas tjity, Mo, All visiting friends wlfl be cordially wel- corned. Mrs. c. Abbott, President, Mug. Ida Phillips. Secretary., CUREKA COUNCIL No. t, W. A. P. A.-Mee. " second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock in the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor ner Paokaru and Osage avenue, Armourdal. V tailor are cordlall in vlted to attend. WIDE AWAKE COUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A. " meets every Friday night at 16th and L Road, Origsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan. PXCEL8IOR COUNCIL NO. 8, W. A. P A meeu on the flrst and third Thursday afternoon of each month, at l:ixi o'clock, at Bell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near staU Una. Ri im.xI it I m Kunuu L' .. i . i .. .. . . . v . .vuua UA OliUOf councils are cordially Invitod to attend Every true American lady is Invited to comt and Join us, aod assist In the good work. iuwuuu iw ax.vv QATE CITY COUNCIL No. 8, A. P. A.- ... v. v, . v;i j oa,uruajr vvtming at sol ann nesota avenue, Kansas City, Kaa. Visitor, cordially Invited. POUNCIL No, 7, A. P. A.-Meeu every Mon- day evening at Chamber of Commerc uui. mvarview. y lsitors cordially invited POUNCIL No. 11, A. P. A.-Meeu at Wood ward's Hall every Tuesday evening at 8.p Wood- m. sharp. Third street and Lafayette avenu A cordial Invitation is extended to vlaltins friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12, A. P A. Meets every Monday night In Nokes Hall, Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomad. TOPEKA COUNCIL No. U, A. P. A.-Meak 1 every Monday evening in A. O. U. W. Hall 418 Kansas avenue, Topeka Kansas, All visitors will be cordially welcomed. Ooetdyk Council, No. 1. W. A. P. A. of Kan sas City, Mo., meeu every Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at UXN Penn St. Address, Poss ofllee box 621, Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower Lodge, L. O. L., No. 264, meet second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 p. m., at Claflln'a hall, corner of Mill street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kaa Vlsltltg brethren are cordially invited to at tend. John Davidson, W. M.. Wm. Mo Naughton, Secy.. 715 Reynolds Ave. Liberty Council, No. 15, Jr. O. U. A. hV meeu every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and Osage streets, Armourdale, Kansas. Thos. Rolf, secretary. KANSAS PURPLE STAR, L. O. L. No. 105 Meeu first and third Tuesdays of eaclt month at 8 p. m.. In A. O. U. W. Hall, coraei Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Wm. Ballagh, secretary, 637 Northrup avenue. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. DOSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meet " every Wednesday night at McGeorge't hall, Rosedale, Kaa. All friends cordially nvited. , SUPREME CABINET American Orange Knights, OBJECTS. Thl order is formed of persons whose ob JecU is to maintain the supremacy of law order and constitutional freedom; to pre serve inviolate the cltlsen' franchise; . t perpetuate and defend the precepu and fret institutions of civil and religious liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the Unite! tates and established by our forefather. PRO AB.I8 BT rOCIS. For information regarding the form alios of new Commanderles, or supplies, write tc the supreme secretary, u. u. tuun, oec y, J. M. Banker. C. C. .01 I t M Ta. tola nuwKru on., Omaha. Net Sasanaw. Mich. rOR RENT CARDS 11x14 Inches, at 75 cent 1 n.n.a. . 11a bUa sat-. J1 nanU no OCT UU'.tJU , Siuojuci o'"w vuasw yva dOEca, at loio now&ru strtt, vnii-qM. Fifty Years Church -a . " - , J.-' " "-v ia V" r ' . - J BV REV. CHAKLr.3 UHINIQUY. THIS is, without exception, Church and its priesthood. It tells of the abominable and licentious practices of priests and nuns in the Romish nunneries and monasteries in language convincing and entertaining. In thy of a place in any Library. The usual price of this book is 2.25. in cloth, but bv opecial arrangement with the publisher, we will send it postpai i 11 it... TT.'i1 CJj.a.. 1 to any auuiess in me uuiieu ouues lor S2.00, It reveals the Jesuitical plot to assassinate PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN, giving a brief history of the'great crime, which shocked the whole civilized world. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. The Priest, The Woman, And the Confessional, By Rev. Chas. Chiniquy, This book particularly deals with the practices of the Roman Catholic Church with regard to It is neatly bound in cloth and United States on receipt of $1.00. Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order,'orby regis tered letter to the A NEW BOOK" ENTITLED, THE Errors Roman Catholic Church, PRICE. IN CLOTH, $2.60. This is the latest and best books published, being compiled and edited by some of the best known writers and ministers. It contains nothing of a sensational character, but is a clear and con cise statement of facts which are matters of history. It points out the causes which have led to the formation of patriotic organ izations and their fight agaimt Romanism. 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