The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 23, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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The Creighton Theater
;t. AUG. 25th
CmmKi Sunday
Produced iN buliful 8cnry
n (1cl.
: PRICES. 25c to $1.00 :
fwi.lnc Aunu.t St-:Wth "THV.Wirti:
WANTKD-Uborer, who dYsires to
pay hi subscription In work. Apply
al this ofllce.
Tha Ropubllcan tle convention
meets In Lincoln October 2. 1W5. IXwsr
m county It entitled to 1 1 delegate.
Mr. and Mr. Ceo. Anthes ar mourn
ing tho dValh of a bright little ton.
Their friends will sympathize with
How would Colonel Howard, cele
brated "face bleach" do to eradicate
the tpoU from Rosewatcr's political
The "straight-out" Democratic con
irentfou will meet In Lincoln Sept. 2d.
They propose to nominate a "straight"
state ticket
The repair of the Sixteenth street
Tladuot will toon be completed, and It
it expected that can will be running
over the viaduct to South Omaha with
in ten days.
Why would not J. M. Macfarland and
James W. Carr make pood candidates
for district Judges? Both of these gen
tit men stand In the front rank of the
Douglas county bar.
Many pooule are at a loss to under
stand why some of the Roman Catholic
Inclined politician should berate Judge
Ambrose and at the same time praise
the qualities of Judge Keysor.
Oscar Allen, of the firm of Allen
Bros., wholesale grocers, left Wednes
day for Huston to attend the triennial
conclave of Knights Templars. He
expeot to spend several weeks In the
Brothers Charles B. Norris and Coo.
E. Everett, of Grand Island, stopped off
on their way to Boston, long enough to
hake hands with the editor. They
have gone to attend the Knights Tem
plars' conclave.
Some wag suggests a debate between
Judgo Soott and E. Rosewater. If such
an arrangement were possible to be
made, it would draw a larger crowd
than did the celebrated Thurston
Bryan debate of last year.
If you want to learn something of the
"high life" in the capitol at Washing
ton, you should get a copy of Howard's
"If Christ Came to Congress." It is
sold only by the Union Publishing Co.,
1615 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.
Price 50 cents.
B. F. Thomas, the solicitor for Bates,
Smith & Co., has gone to Boston to at
tend the meeting of the Knights Tem
plars. When he returns he will begin
putting his political fences in repair,
and make an effort to get the Republi
can nomination for county judge.
We telephoned to our friend John O.
Yelser to come down and read the proof
on a brief, this morning. We received
this "brief" answer: "Just let that
proof go to the devil; I've just had a
boy born out at my house; I think he is
an A. P. A. he gave roe a grip. I
know he's a Populist. We're all doing
well." And then bang went the tele
phone. We hope that boy may grow
up and be as fearless an exponent of
principles he believes to be right as
his father is today.
The footlights In Omaha are flashing
again, and the lovers of dramatic art
are making nightly pilgrimages to the
temples of Thespls, there to drink the
fullest draughts of pleasure. Here
Thrspis has to magnificent temples,
which are beautifully decorated, tastily
draped with costly hangings and ap
propriately set with modern furnish
ings. They are Boyd's Theatre and
the Creighton Theatre.
The first has established a reputa
tion tor admitting none but the best
dramatic talent within Its portals, and
the latter will strive to emulate its
rival's example. We say the latter
will strive to emulate that example, for
this reason: The Creighton Is a new
venture. lis doors were thrown open
to the public for the first time last
Thursday night, when Mr. Chas. Froh
man's company presented "The
Masqueraders" to as fine an audience as
ever assembled In one of Thespls' tem
ples in this city. The same company
will hold forth the remaining two
nights of this week, and will be fol
lowed by "Alabama" the first four
nights of next week.
The opening night at Boyd's was an
equally notable event. The large au
dience hardly recognized the old play
house, so extensive had been the
changes and so well had the scenic ar
tist done his work. The interior was a
blaze of beauty, which harmonized
well with that of the artists engaged
In the production of the "Bowery Girl."
This production will be followed
shorllr by other of ejual or greater
merit, as soma of the best companies in
the country have date to fill during
the coming .
The Knights of Ak sar-ben are male
Ing great preparations for the frant of
Mondamln. For years you have read
of the Mardl Gras at New Orleans and
the Veiled Prophets at St. Louis, but
tbey will be tame beside the entrtaln
ment planned by the Knights of Ak ssr
ben. No citizen of Kaneus, Missouri,
Iowa, Colorado, the Dakota or Ne
braska can afford to mitts their feast.
Ite l ulled.
Editor Amehican: Your loyal pa
per is a welcome vlsttor in our home, and
I cannot see how a tree American can
afford to be without it. Surely there
never was a time when our great Re
public was so much in danger as now.
Every loyal man and woman should be
awake to our nation's interest, should
know of the inroads the enemies of
freedom are making on our rights, our
privileges and our press.
We should no longer look to our
parties for men to fill our offices, from
president down to the lowest office;
they should be truly American.
We should have for our watchword
the same our great president had when
expecting a great conflict, when he said
to his men: "Put none but Americans
on guard tonight."
We should have It, Put none but true
loyal Americans on your ballot in 'l5.
Look to the principle not the p-tyi 'r
party is no longer the question, but
America or Rome, that's the question.
Can we as Americans sell our great
nation for party? I can answer for
every true loyal man, No, no. Let us
know no North, no South, but let us
stand as one solid mass and let our
motto be: "America free and eqital for
all." We must not give up our land,
with all its coveted wealth and blood-
bought liberties, its freedom alike to
all, and its loyalty. Wo cannot sell our
rights, for we would not only sell our
own but tho rights of our future poster
ity. Our children we would bring Into
bondage, Ignorance and vice.. Our wives
and daughters would be subjects of tho
priests and their wlakod confessionals
and become ininatos of the worse than
living tombs, burled, worse than deud,
In the cursed convonts, tortured with
unspeakable sufferings. Can we, must
we, bring such curses on our children?
Rome is a mighty foe, too great for
us if we are divided. We muBt be
united for our country. The great
whore is already drunken with the blood
of saints; and she is even now panting
for the Christian blood of America.
Hor sword is drawn from the sheath,
and it behooves us as Americans to lay
all other parties down and be ready for
the conflict. May God grant us God-fearing
men to rule our land in peace and
prosperity. Yours truly for America.
K. E. Bright,
Sweet Springs, Mo.
We Denounce Dishonesty.
The question has been aked by some
that, If an A. P. A. in office falls to
faithfully discharge his duty to the
publlo, will the order shield and sustain
him? In roply to which it may be
stated: Members of the A. P. A. who
are proved to bo guilty of malfeasance
or misfeasance in office meet with a
more vigorous denunciation from the
A. P. A. than would public offenders
who are non-adherents of the order.
Politicians are constantly attempting
to break into the A. P. A. for the sole
purpose of obta'nlng the support of the
order. During the infancy of all bodies
they are too apt to allow men, without
sufficient investigation of their eligi
bility, to enter their ranks. This has
occurred In the ca9e of the A. P. A.
But no man who has docelved the peo
ple and debased his manhood will be
endorsed or sustained by the Ameri
cans. Nothing more certain than that.
W. A. P. A. Charity Work.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 21. Council
No. 2, W. A. P. A., of Portland, Ore
gon, during the past week sent a box
of bedding, containing thirteen white
comforters, as well as sheets an pillow,
cases, to the Seattle General Hospital,
The hospital has admitted six new pa
tients in the past week. The women
of Martha Washington Council at Bal
lard has furnished for the ward an iron
bedstead, mattress, commode, rocker,
and bedding. The women of the First
Presbyterian Church of this city have
undertaken to completely furnish the
woman's ward, purchasing five Iron
beds, commodes, rockers, rugs, bed
ding, etc., of which more particular
description will be given later.
Protestants Not Eligible.
Under the nom de plume of "Irish
Jasper Greens" there exists in Savannah
a military organization recognized as
state troops, and under the command
(said to be) of the governor of our state
No one but a Catholio can become a
member. At the recent encampment
at Griffin, Ga., the Greens had to have
a priest along and celebrate mass.
Such as this would not have been al
lowed in the days of our forefathers,
and more is the shame that we allow it
in Georgia. Junior American Me
J. Henderson, 816 N. Sixteenth street
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
Eat Dyball's delicious cream candies
1518 Douglas street
A Roman Vnrt f NL JwpB, SU.,
Kutirr a Wsmsa lata His Jtavui and
Tries ( Aiault Her.
St. Josej-h, Mo , Augut 20, It-Do
The apologUU for the celibate prle.t-
hood of the Romsn church have re
ceived another severe blow in this city,
and, as uual, the rebuke comes from a
purely Catholic source. Anothercharge
ha been added to the terrible indict
ment already standing against the
hierarchy . and once more the state has
been aked to redress a I einous crime
said to have been committed by a Ro
man Catholio priest upon one of LU
(lock. '
The people of this city were startled
yesterday evening by the announcement
in iheevenlng paers that Rev. Charles
Baker, a Roman Catholio misolonary
priest of thisdlocce, had been arrested
on a warrantcbarglng him with asxault
and intent to commit rape. The shock
was doubly severe on those toe-kissers
who have been in the habit of dubbing
all accounts of such occurrence as
"trumptdup A. P. A. lies." The
records of the sheriff's fllee would not
lie, however, and all that was loft to
fall back upon was the old, moth-eaten
chestnut of "blackmail."
The following account, which is
clipped from the St. Joseph Herald of
this morning, gives the details:
J. A. Flanagan, whose post-office is
Pleasanton, Decatur county, la., but
who lives in Harrison county, Missouri,
and is constable of the township in
which Andover, Mo., Is located, will
leave St. Joseph this morning with a
prisoner charged with a most serious
The prisoner is Rev. Father Charles
Baker, or Boecker, a Catholio priest;.
and the crime charged against him is
that of attempting criminal aseault on
the person of Mrs. Victoria Higdon,
who lives near Andover.
Rev. Baker is a missionary priest,
and as such ministers regularly at the
Catholio mission at Andover. When
in that vicinity he boarded around
among tho members of the church,
and was stopping last week with the
widow of Pius Higdon, an uncle cf Mrs.
Hlgdon's husband.
Mrs. Victoria Higdon is the daugh
ter of J. A. Flanagan, and lives about
four miles from Andover on the same
farm as does the family of Pius Hig
don. She has bcon married to Joseph
Higdon about three years and has one
child. On August 15th she went over
to her aunt's to spend the evening,
and while thero she alleges that the
priest, who Ib 62 years old, enticed her
Into his room, where he attempted to
outrage her. She, however, escaped
him and went home, informing her hus
band of the facts. Next day he con
sulted with his wife's father, and it
was decided to get out a warrant for
Baker, but when they came to look for
him he had left for St. Joseph.
The warrant was placed in the hands
of the woman's father, who is conBta
ble, and he came to St. Joseph on Sun
day looking for his man. He found
him at the Brothers' - college, but
could not arrest him on the warrant
without first having it endorsed by a
justice of this county. He left the
document with the sheriff and went
bacn homo. Deputy Sheriff Noland
went to the college yesterday and was
told that Father Baker was not there,
but on reaching the Brother Director he
was informed that his man was up
stairs, and he arrested him without
difficulty. Sheriff Andrlano released
him on $1,000 bond, with Thomas F.
Ryan as surlty, to answer when called
for by the narrlson county officials.
Mr. Flanagan returned to St. Joseph
yesterday and will take his prisoner
back this morning.
When arrested Rev. Baker stated to
Deputy Noland that they were having
a good time at Mrs. Hlgdon's, and were
all drunk. He said he had been suffer
ing severely with rheumatism in one of
his limbs for some time, and walked
with a cane. Young Mrs. Higdon came
to his room and rubbed his rheumatic
leg with her hand, but. he had offered
her no indignities, and was much as
tonished at his arrest. He told the
deputy that a good deal of whisky was
consumed and that the entire party was
under its influence.
To Deputy liescn ne saia mat r lan-
agan, the father of the woman, had
come to him on Sunday and wanted to
settle the matter, but he declined,
thlnkfltg it was a blackmailing scheme.
He denied any effort on his part to in
any way take aivantage of the woman.
Mr. Flanagan was seen by a Herald
reporter while in the sheriff's office
yesterday. He was very reticent, but
denied that there was any gathering
at the elder Mrs. Hlgdon's at the time
of the trouble. He said his daughter
had gone there to spend the evening,
and that the priest had attempted to
assault her while she was separated
from the family. He claimed his
daughter was and is respectable, and
that the priest, on learning that a war
rant would be Issued for him, hurriedly
left Andover and came to St. Joseph,
and that he forgot all cbout his alleged
rheumatism and walked to the depot
without a cane, carrying two gtips. He
says he has been constable nine years
and that if the prisoner is proved not
guilty he will be discharged other
wise he will be punished. Itlsthought
however, by some of the officers, that
he may offer personal violence to the
reverend prisoner before reachlrg An
dover, on account of the complaining
wlteeii being his daughter. Mr. Flan
agan 1 a farmer, acd live eight miles
out h wot of Andover.
Rev. Baker was formerly at Dear
born, Platte county, and d;e mission
ary work for the church.
A. I, km
. Council No. 1 of the A. P. A. mU
every Monday night, In Metropolitan
hall, Fourteenth and Dodge. Visiting
member always welcome.
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out
of repair, to be fixed. 31? north 16 St.
U. S. Council No. 10, Jr. O U. A. M.
meets first and third Thursdays each
month in Pa'terson Hall, Seventeenth
and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb. C.
U. Davidson, councilor; J. C. Cornwall,
corresponding secretary. Visiting
brothers welcome.
Edward Baumlcy, tor livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas
Suhscriue for The American nd
you will receive a dollar's worth for a
dollar. Send one dollar for six months'
(Successor to O. V. Baker.)
Undertaker Embalmer
Tri.kphohc 8H6.
013 South 16th St., OMAHA.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth-
Dg cleaned dyed and remodeled.
2107 Cuming St,
American Ladies!
Whan Needing the assist
nee of a
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
2l!i Horth 9Hth Street
Contraetor& Builder
8torm Door and 8ath.
1807 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB
Attorney, Room 22 Patterson Block.
In the matter of the estate of Zullma
Evans, "Incompetent"; application to null
real estate of ward.
To Lydla K. Spauldlnir, Hotter p.vans ana
Lucy l'etiny: You and each of you are
hereby notified tout the district court of
Douglas county. Nebraska, has made the fol
lowing order In the above entitled cause,
This cause coming on to be heard upon the
petition of Fred J. Stafford, guardian of
Xullma Evans, "Incompetent," praying for a
license to gull the following described real
estate, to-wlt: Lot one (11, Mock one (1),
Plalnvlew, an addition to the city of Omaha,
NehrfLab ft. for the nurtKMe of defravlmr the
expenses of support and maintenance of said
ward and medical attendance for her, and
costs of administration, there being no per
sonal property for defraying said expenses.
It is tnererore oroureu mat an persons in
terested in said estate, appear before me at
court-room No. seven (7), Bee Uulldlng. In
the city of Omaha, uougnts county, on tne
7 h day of September. IK'.tS, to show cause
why a license should not be granted to said
guardian to sell said real estate of said
Dated this J uly zu, mm.
WM. W. KEY90H.
Judge of District Court, Douglas Co., Neb.
J. T. Patch, Attorney.
Doc. 51 i NJ.2K. s-iu-i
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the
Kith day of September, A. I). 1HPS, at 1 o'clock
ti. in of salddav. at the north frontdoorof the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
unction to the flintiest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sulo as
follows to-wit:
The north twenty-live (2.0 reer. or tne soutn
Hftv (5M feet, of lots eleven (11) and twelve
(121, block two (2), Hillside Xddltion No. 2 to
the city of Omaha, uougias county, Ne
Said property to be sold to satisfy Mrs. E.
I Kvans. nlalnttff. the sum of twelve hun
dred seventy-two and 14-1U0 dollars (81.272.14),
with Interest on twelve hundred dollars
($1.2(10.00) thereof at seven (I) per cent, per
annum, ana on seventy-two anu j-iuu uoi
lsrs i72 14) thereon at 10 percent, per annum.
all from May 6. lSltt.
Tositlsfy James A. Woodman and James
L. Lovett. defendants herein, the sum of
qlnety-tive and t2-lii0 dollars (Ss.2), with In
terest thereon at ten (10) per cent, per an
num from May 6. ISifci, together with costs of
suit and accruing costs according to a judg
ment rendered oy the district court of said
Douglas county. Nebraska, at Its May term,
tMfi. in a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Mrs. E. P. Evans was plaintiff
and Helen J. Pruyn et al. were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, August tn, isio.
Soeclal Master Commissioner.
Renjaniln F. Thomas, Attorney.
Evans vs. Pruyn et al. 8-9-5 Doc. 4; No. 90.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree nf foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me airecteu. j win, on tne
10th day of September, A. D. ls)5. at 1 o'clock
p. m. of said day. at the north front door of t he
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Ikiuglas county, Nebraska, sell at puolic
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sale as
follows, to-wlt:
The south twenty-five (!5) feet of lots eleven
(11) and twelve (12). In block two i2i in Hillside
Addition No. 2 to the city of Omaha, Douglas
count y. Nebraska.
Said propertyao be sold to satisfy Mary A.
Martin, plaintiff, the sum of thirteen hun
dred seventy-eight and 1S-100 dollars
(Sl.378.13l. with interest on thirteen hundred
dollars (il. 300.00) thereof at seven (7) per cent,
per annum, and on seventy-eight and 13-100
dollars (T8.13i thereof at 10 per cent, per an
num, all from May th. 1SD5.
To satisfy James L. Lovett ana James A.
Woodman, defendants herein, the sum of
nlnety-tive and K2-ltK) dollars (J95.B2), with in
terest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum from
May ft, ls'S, together with costs of suit and
accruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said .Douglas
county, at its May term. A. D. lstfi. a cer
tain action then and there pending, wherein
Mary A. Martin was plaintiff and Helen J.
Pruyn et al. were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, August 9th. 1S05.
Special Master Commissioner.
Benjamin P. Thomas. Attorney. 8-9-5
Martin vs. Pruyn et al. Doc. 49; No. 91.
Baked lleans, per can 6c
Can Corn 5c
Can Tomatoes 7c
Table Sauce, per bottle 8c
Sweet Chocolate, per cake 4c
Can Salmon H 9o
Mexican Hammock 59.3 1 Grape Baskets, per 100 2 50
Croquet Sets 6tc Berry Boxes, per 1,000 2 75
Market Baskets 3c
Brown Tinted Teas set of 6 55c
Opal Fancy Plates 8c
Water Set complete 3Sc
Shelf Paper all colors 5 yards for. . 3c
Pencil Tablets, 1c; Ink Tablets. ... 4c
Uubber tip Pencils, lc, or per doz. . s Box Paper, at 3c, 5c and 9c per box.
. . We are Headquarters for . .
A Full Line of rickliiij? Spices In Stock.
Tru Bennett's Corsican Blend
502.12 Capitol Avenue.
107 South Sixteenth Street.
Burdick Couldn't
He Rode a
So did Totter when he broke the
in 1:0G. If you ride a
you keep to
1116 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB.
J. H. TAYLOR, Manager.
Desires to call the attention of
the public to his
as a suitable place in which to hold
Picnics, Day and Evening Parties,
Dances, Etc.,
Office removed from 113 North 16th street to
1618 Chicago Street
Telephone SO. -:- OMAHA, NEB
ft Pin I n wnnynm ww .
lanterns wanted
1 1 it fhrSml orKxehtnn
809 FKbert t,PhllaPa
Oil Sardine 4c
Bottle Pickles So
Freoh Bread 2ic
Can Lye 4o
S bars Bennett's Bargain Soap 2oo
Jardiniere in colors.
Cnina Cuspador
I Toilet Paper, per roll
120 Bheets Writlne Paper
Help It!
Union and Fenton.
National Wheel!
State record for oue-half mile
National, of course
the front.
f atcbmaler ana Jeweler,
Fink Watch Repairing a Specialty
512 South 16 Street.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
J. W. RLaLaRR,
600 New York Life Handing,
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dontit, fourth
floor. Brown Blk., 16th & Douglas, oaha;jie
. jrj ruuser&'C
Ty'V --W of TEETH $J
S - ' lei.- guarnnUtd,
TVO -X? V Teeth ex-
f f T Y WyVT r tractedln
JLI II I m - 'he norn-
at a 1 inn and a