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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1895)
THE AM EE.FR IC AN LETTER FROM 'FKIMt). Ingratitude of Roman Catholics-Presidential Llwtlun r lMMl-Tbe a Washington (1. ('.) Scnant-tiirls and ihei Vol. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 19 An article headed "Outrage Upon Amer ican Missionaries in Ecuador' nu pub lished in one of our morning papjis a few day ano. It Should have been headed In order to make it clear to the reader "An Attack by Rebels on Roman Catholics." That affair, where in the nuns and priests came near los ing their lives, bets people to thinking. When the Roman Catholics are in trouble they wind themselves in the American flag and call upon loyal Americans to protect them, hut just as soon as they emerge from danger these same men and women would, if oppor tunity offered, destroy the lives and property of those whe 6aved them. Why, instead of seeking to protect themselves under the cover of our flag, did they not avail themselves of the preservative powers of the cross, of the images of the saints, of pictures of the pope, and of other charms employed by all good Roman Catholics under most circumstances? Is not the church su perior, on all occaaons, to tha state? The San Francieco Monitor has stated that "equal to one-half of the enlisted men in the navy are Catholics," and that "out of twenty-four chaplains there are but three priests." Jt would be much better if there were three fewer priests, and that none but loyal Amer icans were aboard United States men-of-war. As it is, with so many men in ! our navy who have no regard for their oath of allegiance, we would feel very unsafe in case of war. We Bhould weed out the disloyalists. "In time of peace prepare for war." We notice that the pope and the hierarchy have set their servant-girls at work to create a disturbance in the city of Washington. It seems that they have become jealous of the Chinamen, and wish to make "John" vacate. We don't desire any more Celestials in oar country at present, but the Protestant family that employs a Chinaman as a servant has no fear that the family's private matters will be made known to a Roman Catholic priest, nor that the family's property will be destroyed by fire, nor that any member of the house hold will be poisoned, as has often been the case in the United States where an Irish Roman Catholic servant (male or female) was employed. What a dissatisfied class the Roman Catholics are! First they damn the "nager," then the Germans, next the dagos and the Chinese, and now the English and the A. P. A.'s. What do they want? If our loyal citizens should fail to elect an exemplary and courageous American for President in 1896, It will not be for the want of the number of votes in the aggregate, but if defeated it will be by the plotting, scheming and subtility of the two dago popes and their priests and emissaries. One of the popes is located at Washington, the capital of a supposedly free countrv. It may well be said that "Washington Is in the lap of Rome!" The hierarchy say they do not be lieve in mixing politics with religion, at which very thing they have been industriously working, in the dark, for a half-century. This talk about mixing politics and religion has become an old story. It is as clear as the "autumn sun" that there are but two parties to day in America (and this has been brought about by the Roman Catholic church.) One party is the corrupted Roman- Democratic Catholic Church, and the other is the Progressive Re publican Protestant party. The priests have been encouraging marriages be tween Roman Catholic females and Protestant males, that Protestants mav help replenish the earth with Roman Catholics. Now, those Protestants who have Roman Catholic wives do not wish to antagonize either party. These are the people who are now on the fence. They wish eventually to be found with the stronger party. In future, we must do all in our power to persuade Protes tants not to wed Romanists. Patrick Laconor. The A. P. A. and the Daily Press. The question now before the minds of many is, Why do not the great dallies speak out boldly against the political encroachments of Rome upon the civil Institutions of the country? All patriotic citizens know very well the position of the daily press on the papal question, which, no doubt, ought to be rightly understood by all. Is it afraid to declare frankly against the Jesuitical plotting of the papacy against the principles of free government, lest it should lose patronage? Or, is it a fact that it has many papists on its editorial staff, who largely control the matter to be published? It is said that all the dailies in L'oston, Mass., except the A. P. A. Daily Standard, are badly Romanized; and is not this about the condition of most of the dailies in all our large cities? If so, so much the worse for the dailies, for their patrons and for the nation. The managers and editors of the daily press do not fully realize that their papal proclivities and close inti macy with leading Romanists subject them to the charge of disloyalty to the principles of Jree government under which they live; and it is a mystery how they can convent to be a party in any degree to such dishonest, demoral izing and destructive p i pal chicanery a is required by the Roman hierarchy. And It is passing ttraoge that any of our great dailies, which are the mighty channels of political influence and power, should be thus employed in carrying out the purposes of the "holy father," in order to s -cure the Roman Catholic vote. If this bo so, let all pa-t-iotic citizens repudiate such dailies as are tmlrched with Rome and hasten to establish and liberally support great A. P. A. dallies, which will publish and carry out true American princi ples. The eyes of the great and growing American I'rotective Association and its fr'ends are upoa the daily press in all our large cities. Its managers and editors are marked men, and their politics and work are closely scanned by hundreds of thousands of loyal pa triots all over the country, and will be duly remembered by them in all politi cal elections. The daily press is too much like the old political parties and the Romanists lending its influence and willingly assenting to anything, however bad, that will secure the dot lars, party success and papal patronage, whether right or wrong, loyal or dis loyal to the Republic. Tho great dailies will see in the near future that they have be n sjwir.g to the wind and ate now reaping the whirlwind. Their former patronage will be gone. Then will the mighty dally press con tinue its fight for the wrong against every patriotic principle of right and government? or will It suddenly turn about and publicly declare, its allegi ance to the American cause, which stands for loyalty to constitutional gov ernment and for the entire destruction of all papal power or influence in the politics of this country? Reason, jus tice and exalted love of country utter their united voices as in thunder tones in every valley and on every hilltop of America that the proper time has now come when the great power of the daily press should be employed untttdly, un reservedly and for all coming time in favor of true American principles in the government of the nation, of which the A. P. A. is a fair exponent. What ever is to he done to wrench political control from the clutch of Rome must be done soon, or it will be too late to do it by the ballot; then what next, God only knows. J. G. P. ARREST OF 1 PRIEST. A Venerable Missionary Charged With an Attempt to Assault. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 19. Rev. Fa ther Baker, a priest who has been do ing misiotary work here and elsewhere in this part of the state for many years was arrested this morning on a state warrant, charging him with intent to commit criminal assault. Father Ba ker was found at the Christian Broth' ers' college and was taken to the sher iff's private office in the court house, where ho will be held until the arrival of officers from Harrison county. The complaining witness in the case is Mrs. Victoria Higdonof Andover, Har rison county. The assault is alleged to have been made at the home of Pius Higdon, an uncle of the prosecuting witness, where Father Baker was a guest at the time. The warrant was not issued until last Saturday, although the offense is alleged to have been com mitted last Thursday. There is a mis sion at Andover, which Father Baker visits regularly, and the crime with which he is charged is said to have been committed while he wa9 there en gaged in church work. Father Baker was seen by a re porter soon after his arrest. He de clared that the charge had been trumped up against him In a spirit of revenge, or an attempt to levy black mail. He says he has been acquainted with the Higdons for a long time and that on one or two occasions they en deavored to extort money from him by unfair means. "I went to Andover a week ago to day," continued Father Baker, "and remained until last Friday morning, when I returned to St. Joseph. My ar rest was a great surprise to me because there is no truth in the story tbat I tried to harm Mrs. Higdon. I was stay ing at the house of Pius Higdon at the time the assault is said to have been committed, and was laid up with rheu matism for a day or two. Mrs. Higdon visited me while I was there, but the charge made by her that I tried to crinr inally assault her is absolutely false. She attended church services after she claims I tried to assault her, and not a word was said to any of her relatives about there being anything wrong until I returned home. Mrs. Higdon is a niece of the man whose guest I was, and it doesn't seem reasonable that I would forget myself so far as to insult her un der the roof of her relative. My arrest is either an attempt to blackmail, or else it is made to injure me." Mrs. Higdon is a member of the Cath olic church and she was married three years ago by Father Baker. The latter is 62 years old and has been engaged in church work nearly all his life. Kan sas City Tinus. Ohio A. I. A. Men and Women Picnic. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 17. Editor The American: The picnic and out ing given at Woodsdale Island today, under the nama of the Union Social So ciety, was a grand success considering that it was the first of the kind ever given. The proper name would uo an A. P. A. gathering, for it was instituted by the A. P. A. councils of Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Dayton. Many other members of the order from towns nearby articl- paling. There were five thousand people on the grounds, and everyone had a good time. The meeting wa a great credit to the order. The amount of inloll gence displayed would do credit to any gathering. The parade at Hamilton which was participated in by fifteen huudred peo ple was the largest and finest ever seen in that city. Hamilton Is the half-way station between Cinclnna'i and Dayton. The parade was cheered all along the line by people on every side, and was surely appreciated by everybody. The picnic proved a great treat for the peo ple of Hamilton. Tne parade was headed by the brass band of Council No. 118. There woro thirteen A. P. A. councils and four W. A. P. A. councils in lino. The ladles di serve special mention, as they did themselves and their noble order proud. No comany of United Slates soldiers would have ap peared to any better advantage. The principal speikers were Mr. Pugh of Cincinnati, who also acted as master of ceremonies of the day; Rev. Lowe, who delivered a very able ad- dross, and Mr. King, the State Vice President of the order. A lady presi dent of one of the W. A. P. A. councils did her order great credit also, while Mr. Dean gave the people many good ideas to think about. Mr. Frank L. Wilson tho gentleman who had the management of the grounds, is surely worthy of great praise for the gentlemanly manner in which he handled the great crowd. Councils 62 and 11$ were the best rep resented. The day will lorg be remembered as one of great joy. Everyone ixpressed their hope that the occasion would be repealed many times, and with in creased numbers each time. Yours truly, Ajax. JiUHLE WOMEN. How to Heroine a Member of the Woman's American Protective Association. The W. A. P. A. is anxious to get all liberty-loving women into its ranks, where they can in unity device ways and means looking to the perpetuation of American institutions by placing them under control of American citl zens who are loyal to the constitution The women aek some plain, straight forward questions below, and It is hoped that all women who can answer them in the affirmative will join the W. A P. A., as tho questions are based on the principles of the order: "The time has come when the 'hand that rocks the cradle' must htlp to rule the world. Are you in favor of preserving con stitutional liberty, and maintaining the Government of the United States of America? Are you in favor of maintaining one general unsectarian free-school syst ni? Will you oppose all attempts to sup' plant it by any sectarian institution? Are you opposed to all attempts to use the public funds for sectarian pur poses? Is it not, in your opinion, unwis and unsafe to appoint to civil, political or military offices In this country m n who owe allegiance to any foreign pnten tate or power, and who are sorn u defend and obey such potentate or sjoh power? Do you favor the amendment or aito. ation of our immigration laws in sue a manner as will protect. American labor from the cheap pauper and crim nal labor of foreign countries Are you in favor of putting intm ffi e honorable and true citizens wn ar qualified and owe allegiame my to the Stars and Stripes? Are you in favor of a law r- quiring all institutions, whether public or pri vate, where men, women or children are employed or confined, to be op. n t public inspection? Are you in favor of an education qualification for every vcter? Do you favor equal rights to all American citizers, male and feml ? Are you willing to unite who others who hold these principles, aid hence forth devote yourself and jour be-t efforts to the protection and perpetua tion of civil and religious liberty, o e country, one flag and one laLgUHge?'' Any lady who can endorse the above, and who wishes to give her inflienc toward the ends sought, can h. ve the opportunity by leaving her name with The American. "t So Many Immigrants. A statement of the imp irts, ex k i and Immigration of the United State during the fiscal year ended June 3, 1895, shows as follows: Mercnandis exported, $S07,G93,261; 1st year, ISM, 907,709. Merchandise imported. $731 900,319, of which about one-half was free of duty. Merchandise i n ported i n 1894, $647,775,017, of which J372.575.931 was free of duty. The gold coin an i bullion exported during the last Ureal year amounted to 866,131,183, and the imports $35,984,449. The exoorts las-, year, therefore, were $30,984,449 in ex cess of the imports. In the previous year the rx ports rxctwded the lmxrts by I,52H,IM! The exports of silver during the lait year aggreKabnl fl'l,. 20,612, against S,5H,U2S In imKrl. This Is a slight falling off from both exports and itnKrls of the previous year. During the fiscal year 18tC. tho number of immigrants who arrived In this country was 27rt,13ti,agalnt HI 1,612 during the previous year. Were Molded by Romans. On the night of June 27th, at South Bond, Mr. button, state orgaulzer of the A. P. A., and .his daughter, who was with him at that place, were at tacked by a band ol Catholics who were hid in the brush, where, armed with clubs, rotten eggs and papers filled wi'h manure, they hurled the same at Mr. Sutton, his daughter and tho Presbyterian minister who was with them. Miss Sutton was struck by a stone and Mr. Sutton was struck on tho head and knocked down, and UHn regaining his feet was struck um the shoulder with a club and seriously Injured. The sane spirit permeated those villains that nestles in the heart of one of the good Catholics of Angeles, who has been telling around that Mr. Soevers ought to be hung, that the people ought to kill hlin, etc. Ah, how well did President John Adams know this spirit of intolerance, that, like a slimy serpent, lurks iu the dark and dismal dens of Catholicism, when he wrote the following to Thomas Jefferson in 122: "Our system, however, of religious liberty must afford them (the Ca '.holies) an at-yl im, but if they do not put the purity of oar elections to a severe trial, it will be a wonder.' We do not litce to say theso things, but liberty demands it, and knowing as we do something of the history of the church of Rome, we would be a traitor to American institutions, a traitor to ourselves and to that one who Is dearer than all mother If we did not raise our voice against this enemy to civill- i ition. "If anybody thinks that k intra, nobles and pi iests are good conservators of the public happiness, send him here (Paris). It is the best school in the universe to cure him of that folly. He will see with his own eyes tbat theso descriptions of men are an abandoned confederacy against the happiness of the masses f iLe jieoule." Jcffoison Now road a short extract from Ma- caulay's History of England, and you will understand why It was that Mr. Sutton anu his daughter were treated so badly. "Who ever passes in Germany from a Human Catholic to a Protestant principality, in Switzerland from a Ro man Catholic to a Protestant canton, in Ireland from a Roman Catholic to a Protestant county, finds that ho has passed from a lower to a higher grade of civilization." What were Mr. Sutton and his daugh ter so roughly treated tor? It was be cause they dared to exercise the right of free speech. The Constitution of these United States extends to us that right, to you Catholics as well as wo who are not Catholics; we are deter mined that you shall have that right as Catholics, and wa who are not Cath olics are determined to exercise that ight, and the ignoramus who stands in 'he way will iret hurt. So, those of . u who do not like liberty ha l better emigrate. The 1'oit Angtltn Simoon. Rooming in Kentucky. Padlbah, Ky., Aug. 14. American ism is flourishing here. There are three patriotic councils about 1,800 strong, and growing fast. The Junior O. U. A. M. is also taking in members it every meeting. The city officials are Americans, excepting three or four After the next election every office will be filled by a loyal citizen. The September number of Tlie Nutwn will contain an excellent paper from the pen of Hon. John V. Farwell of Chicago, entitled, "Money vs. Pov ertyWhy?" Every man who Is inter ested in tho great financial question should read it. Another feature will be also added to this magazine, to be known as the "Woman's Department," which will always be open to the ladies who wish to express their views on the social and political problems. TTOOD'S prepared by experienced pharmacists from Sarsa parilla, Dandelion, Man . drake. DoclcPInslssewa. Juniper Berries, and other well known vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Ilood's Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative S power Peculiar to luelf, not pos sessed by other remedies. Hood's arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Solt Rheum, Sores, Boils, Timples and all other affections caused by Impure blood : Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com plaints. It is Not What we Say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, that tells the story Hood's Sarsaparilla URE5 Hood' Pills are purely vegetable, too. 1 1 HAVE YOU READ If Christ To Congress? BY M. VV. The Most Sensational IT ECLIPSES ALL OTHER EROTIC EFFORTS. The wickedness of the Capital City exposed and Its disorderly house! mapped out. lias boon read by President Senators, Congressmen and their families. and corruption in high places ever wrltt in. Road it and learn about your high officials, your Senators and Congressmnn and tholr mlstressos, and the desecration of our National Capital. STARTLING UISCLOSUUKS made. known for the first time! Road and learn. Over lo.uou copios hoiu in wasn ington lu three weeks. The boat seller out. Now la Its third eJltloa. PRICE GO 364 Pages, Illustrated. Sent Postage Prepaid on Receipt of Price. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. BRANCH OPPICaSt 24 E. Randolph St, CHICAGO, ILL. 807 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. Special Master ( omiiilsoloner's Sale. (Indcratid liy vlplun of an order of wile on decree of forechsiure of mortgage Imufd mil of I lie dlHirlel court fur Douglas county, Ne braska, mid to iii. directed, 1 will, on llm I -Ml duv of Aim list, A. I). IMA. HI 1U o'clock A. M. of Hiild iliiy, Ht the north front door of (he cnu nt y eo irl house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nt'liriitikit, mi-J 1 Hi untitle auction to the highest bidder for cash, the properly described la said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot Seven (0 In block fourteen (14) In Oma ha View, an mid I lion to llm city .of Omaha, llounliiH county, Nehranka. to no appraised, adverllned and mild km follows, lo-wli: The went one-half ot Hiild lot gevi-n I.) In mock fourteen Mi In Omuha View above described i said properl v lo be sold to mitlhfy Nebraska Limn and HiiIhIIiik Association plnlntlir herein, t he mini n' One Hundred Kindly-sev en and JO-liKi iglrw .mi dollars wiiu interest thereo'i at rate or eliint ("I per cent per annum from l'ebrury Sth, 1X; To saiUfy Nebraska Loan and Rulldlnx Association. pliiliiLllT herein, the further sum of Three Hundred Hevenly-ihrne and l.l-liiO ifl7:i l;i) Hollars with lutcrest thereon at rate ot elxht (Ki per cent per annum from February .Mil, two. The east h If of said lot seven (71 In block fourteen ilti In Omaha View above described: To sui Isfy such sum If any as may remain uukhUhUuU of said sum of Im7.;() with Inter est thereon at clifht is) per cent per annum from February Mb, 1h'.0, above described af ter the application of the proceeds of sain of west h ill of said lot seven (7; as heroin above ordered ; To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Hulldlnn Association, plalullIT herein, the sum of One Hundred KlKhty-seven and ao-lo0 (JHT.HO) Hollars with Interest thereon at rate of i-bilil isi per cent per annum from February Sth. 1N!IS; To satisfy! he sum of Forty and 7.1-1(0 iW'l 7:1) Hollars costs herein, together with accrulnu conIs aceonllim to a Judgment rendered by tho district Co jrt of said Doiitilas cuuuly, at Its February term, A. I), lalft, In a certain action then and there peudliiK, wherein No braiko Loan and HulldlnK Association was plaintiff and Jessie F. lsbell and others wore defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. .Inly 11th. 1H!. (KO. VV. I'OYNTON, Special Master Commissioner. James W. Carr, Attorney. Nebrasks Loan and Building Association v Jessie F. lsbell, et al. Doc. 4tt; No. Mi. 7-12-5 Notice. In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska. Caroline A Itust, plaintiff, Vi. Lars John son etal . defendants. To Lars Johnson and Lettle Johnson, non resident defendant: You are hereby notllled that on theStith day of July, ln'.k'i. Caroline A. Kust, plalulllf lierctn, tiled her petition In (he above enti tled cause in tlie distrlctcourt of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Lars Johnson, Lottie Johnson, llenjamin S. linker, F.dla J. I'aln , Carl K. I'alm. Holla A. Williams, John 1. Black, Charles W. Cook. Ilulda 11. Llnd iiulsi. the objwl aud prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain n.ortgageexecutedon the Kith day of May, 1W, by Lars Johnson and Lei lie Johnsou to Daulel II . Hinilh, and by h im assigned to the plaintiff herein, upon the following described real estate, to-wit: The east forty-live (4ft feet of lot six (lb and west seven and one-half (71,) feet, of lot seven (7 In Shlnn's subdivision of the east one-half ("il block "y' Stiina's second addition to Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, as sur veyed, platted and recorded, to secure the payment of a certain promlsr-ory nolo dated May lit, 1SSI2, for the sum of iMiu.UU. due and payable on the Kith day of May, IK(i7. That there is now due and pay aide on said Hole the sum of htlJ'l. with iuu-rest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum from the 1 tit li day of Novo in be r. 1'.4. and all unpaid coupons to draw Interest al 10 per ceul. per annum from maturity, for which sum, with Interest and cost, the plaintiff prays for a decree, and that defendants be required to pay the same, and that In default of such paynentsaid premises may be sold U satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or befoie the ild day of September. INjfj. CAUOLINK A. KUST. Hy B. K. Thomas, her attorney. Dated Omaha, Neb., Aug. 10th . IS95. S-Kj-4 I Doc. 51, page 308. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and tome directed, 1 will, on the 1,1b day of ;-cptemtor, A.D. !;. at ten o clock a. in, of said day. at the east front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wn : Lot twenty-two (2, block eleven (II), In Orchard HID addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy The I'nlon Trust Company In the sum of seven teen hundred and seventy and .dti-lKi dollars ifl.Tvti .utii, with Interest thereon at Hi per cent, per annum from May tlth, lxMS. To satisfy forty-four and .(Vt-100 dollars ($44 (lb costs of suit, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. lsui. In a ceMaln action then and there pending wherein l ulon Trust Company was plalutiff and Elizabeth F. Mc Cartney, Michael Donovan. Jchn O'Keefe. Andrew Murphy. John Hush, Frank K. Moores were defendants. Omaha, Neb., August ttith, A. D. lflW. W.M. It. TEN EYCK. Special Master Commissioner. Jas. W. Carr, attorney for plaintiff. Union Trust Co. vs Kllzabeth F. McCartney et al. a-ltt-4 Doc. 37 ; No. 348. Came HOWARD. Book Ever Written! Cleveland and his Cabinet, an by It is the boldest exposure of vloo GENTS. 1G15 Howard St. Special Master CoiiiiiilhHioner's Sale. 1'iuler and by virt ue of an order of Hale on decree of foreclosure of niorttfaKo lasued out of the district court for I'iiukIiim county, Nebraska, and lo me directed, 1 will on the Uiilh day of M.'pU'mbcr. A. I J. Ih'.i.i, at tea o'clock a. m. of said (lay, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, I lunulas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the properly described lu said order of saltt as follows, lo-wit: Lots three CI) and four (41 In block one (I) of Mayne 1'lace, an addition to the city of Omaha. DoukIiw county, Nebraska. Out of the pioceeds of the sale of said lot llueeiJi tosullkfy l'hiilp L. Johnson, plaint lu herein, the sum of three hundred teniy two and 4S-KKI dollars i.ty 4s with Intoro.t therei.u at the rate of leu (till per ceul. per annum from May dm, IstilS. Auu out of ma proceeds of t lie sale of said lot four (4) lo sat isfy said I'liiilp L. Jobnsou, the sum of Ibree hundred and foity three and M-HW dollars, tf.14.1 Hill, with Interest thereon at the rale of leu (Kii per cent, per annum from said May Dili, 1MI.. And out of Hie proceeus of the s of salu Iota three 3i and tour t4i tosail-fy the defendant, LuulsM. Keed, enooutoro! Hit) last will of Hi njuiiiln It. Folsoin, deceased, tha sum of two thousand elKlit hundred and eighteen and W.I-IUH dollars i;,n, with in-ten-si thertoii from May liili, Ih'.i.i. at the ram ot sevi u(7) per cent per annum, tonutnur with thirty-uue imj costs hero in, together with accruiux cot, Is, accordluK to a Juuxment rendered by tho District Court ol said llounlas county, at I la May term, A. 1). Inn'i, lu a certain action theu and thera pending, wherein I'll ill p U Johnson wa ulaiuiill, and James J. ftldutosh, Mis. James .7. Mcintosh, Ursl name unknown, his wife, Lewis S..lteed, executor of Hie last will ot HcnJ.imin It. Folsom, ueceased, Adam Ickos and Kllen lots, his Wife, were ui fend aula. Omaha, Nebraska, August 2.lrd, lsiw. JOHN L. I'lKltCE. Hpcclal M aster Commissioner. Haunders, MucfailanU A. Dickey, rtLiorueyi, I'. L Johnson vs. James J. Mclnio.hetal. Doc. 4."i No. lii'J. i Special Mauler toiiiiiilHsloiit-r's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure jf mortgage laauud out of the district court of Douglas cuuuly, hta. of Nebraska, and to nie uireetcd, 1 will, uu i... -Aid nav of ttcutombtr, A D. IK'Jo, at Id o'clcs-k a. in. of said day, st the east fn.Dt door of the county cour.-house, in the Oity of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebrasaa, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale, as loiluws, lo-wit: Ihe south half!') ol lot ulncty-eigul l in the Nelson add.tlou to the City of unialia, and lot seventeen (lo 111 block three to) in Kckeruiau I'loce, la the City of Omaha, Douglas coounty, Nebraska, said property to be soiu u saiUly Nebraska Loau & MuiUlug Association iu fie su.u of thirty-two hunureil anu eignty-six and 7,VliM 'ii 7,ii dollars, with 8 per cent, interest from June iSMii. nd the sum of t wenty-seveu and M-IM i.i.oJ dollars cost, together wltu accruing costs according to judgment ren dered by thud strict court 01 said Djugias county, at Its May term, A. Li. laua. Iu a cer tain actluu then and there pending wueieiu Nebraska Loan k Huliding AssK;iatlou waa uiamilir, audoophle L. beuueli, et al., Uo- Uau"uU'at Omaha. Nebraska. August 2id, A.D. 1!5. WM TEN EyCK, Special Master Commissioner. JAS. W.CAHH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Nebraska uu 4t Building Association vs. Sophie L. Heuneti et ai. Uoc. aui No. J"). 8-2J-5 Special Master t'omniisslourr's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court of DougUs county, Smw of Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, ou the 34IH day of September, A. L. lsao. att n'eioL-k u. in. of said day, at the norm front door of the county couri-house.ln the city of i aha Douglas county, Nebraska sell at uXuc "'auction to the highest bidder for ,-ash the property described In said order of He a follows, lo-wit; Lot ten (Ho, block ?4, f Lake's addition In the City of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska. Said properly LWJ wld to satisfy N. V. Heed, plamtiiT f,.Jiin the sum of three thousand fony-oue LI.Ii W-1W dollars, with interest thereon at oVe rate of eight per cent, per annum from r e HID day of September. W4. together woh twenty-seven and 5J-IM) dollars costa TerSin together with accrumg costs acoord tlTa judgment rendered uy the district court of sUd Douglas ltoSopiiuber i",, A D IMt, l" a certain action ineu and there pending, wherein N. C. Heed waa !oreff and Charles W. Cook. Arunnta V. Krker were defendants. Dated at i Omaha, Nebraska, August 23d. A. D. lsUJ. GEOR(JE W. HOLUUJOK, special Master Commissioner. A-riFRS MAUFAKLANO DICKEY. Keed vs. Cook et al. 8"i,- Doc. 41; No. S15. Fatal Kiot at ( tmieh. ST. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 18. At a riot in St. Peter's and St. Paul's Catholic church today Charles Weircyorek was fatally and Tony Fordico and Simon Wagon dangerously injured. Some of the members are opposed to the priest, and attempted to prevent the celebra tion of mass. Three arrests have been made, and the church property is un der guard.