THE A ME RIO AN. 8 CITY AND STATE Eat Djball s delicious eream candles, IMS Douglas street. The Democratic stateconventloo will we t in Omaha on Aug. 22. The text annual M.'sHm of the com mercial lawyers will be held in Omaha Judge CW1 in attending the na Uonat convention of commercial law yer at 1 troit this wwk. J, M. Madarland announced to &&r the CirCeld Swedish lU publi can Club at lat'crson Hall tonight. Hon. Charles J. Greene bss Rone to Spirit Lake on f vacation. He will remain out t f the city about two week Assistant City Attorney Cornish and mother reli rp.d Monday evening from ten-day trip through Yellowstone Park NextThundi-yeroninjr will occur the repular vrv'lafr of the Fifth Ward Re publican Club, at its hall, Kighteenth and LakettrccU. B. F. Thomas will attend the triennial conclave i f the Knights Templar at llot-ton. He s'arts next Sunday and will be gone about ten day. Receiver E. L. Riorbower, of the American Water-Work Company, le't on Wednesday on a business trip to the reft. He will be absent for several das'. Colonel Howard volunteer to oll few paekaee of Howard' Vepetone Blood Towder to the Slmwater (?ere-g-atlon. He declare that It will build up their shattered constitutions. A picnic will be held at Courtland Beach on Saturday afternoon and even ing, Aug. 17, by the Grand Army ladle of Omaha and South Omaha. All are welcome. Good music, dancing and all other amusement. There eem to bo a sort of premedi tated arrangement on the part of cer tain attorneys to bring Judge Scott Into disrepute before the jmoplo. They lone . no opportunity to attack him cither In court or outside of court. The people thoroughly understand the animosity which prompt these uncalled-tor dem onstration and slur. Last week we published an article under the hiding: "Rome's Attack Upon Our School and Our Youth." That a"lclo has been published in leaflet form by the Press and Litera ture Committee of Boston an associa tion which bat done muoh to arouse patriotic lontlment. These leaflet can be ecured by addressing J. A. Lansing, Box 199, Boston, Mass., at $1 por 1,000, JCNIOK8, TAKE SOriCKt Come to This Brother's Assistance. Not long since, a prominent brother Junior met with an accident which ha confined him for the paBt two months . nd it will he a long time before he to able to be of much service to himself ThU brother la in good standing' in Kansas City Council No. D, Jr. O. U, A. M. True, the council is doing Its part, but the brother, by his illness, has b en reduced In his finances. He has composed many patriotic songs of much merit, and we withhold his name only because of his desire. We must ay, however, to the credit of the brother, that he ha not asked this, but we take It upon ourselves as a da y. It is the duty of every Junior to heed the call. If jou are a brother, be a brother true. The afflicted brother ha a song which he desire to have plates insde (or and to publish the same. He hat not tie money to do so. The song is an excellent one, and will be set to music. It Is patrlotlo and will be dedicated to the Jr. O. U. A. M. If you are a patriot, send 45 cents to this oflioo Immediately, and as soon as about 1100 can be raised the song will be printed and a copy sent to each who ubecribes. The amounts received will be printed each week In this paper. Come to the front, boys! Send to Harry H. Hlnde (member national council), at 807 Main street, care of The American, Kansas City, Mo. PAPIST VANDALISM. Stories of Merchants Lettered A. 1. A. by Ignoramuses. The firm of Hedtler Bros., tckle block manufacturers, on Commercial Btreet, Boston, Is composed of two brother, R. S. and James. They are quiet American citizens and stand high among the seafaring men of the water front. R. S. Hedtler " was one of the East Boston Little Red Sohool-house Daraders, and both are patriotic men. Last Sunday night their sign was muti lated with what was supposed to be green paint. On one of their window shutter was roughly drawn a skull and crossbones, while the other was decorated with letters nearly a foot long, "A. P. A." They have lost the trade of some of their former Catholic customers. Several stores In this city have been similarly decorated by vandals, the proprietors of which are evidently thought to be members of the A. P. A., by the devotees of the confessional. Lowell Herald. Flannel-Mouth "If the howly pope of Roam was an Irishman, phat wood the cardinals become?" Red-Neck "Shure, and they'd all be emeralds." A. r. A. Kale. The oily of Baltimore, being under A. P. A. rule, Uday employ. BIO police men; of this number ?!2 are American, is l'rou-eiant-Irish and four Germans; the balance are made wp of different nationalities, and In lik - proportion are distributed the ether appointive offices .f that city. No one claw of people there are held above Americans. No olhor tlo than American patriotism are reco gnUed In that city as the primary qualification for a position under her almlnbtratlon, but truthfully can it be claimed fur the city that her l a truly American administration from one end to the other. We wish every city in the Unlu d State would pattern after noble Baltimore. May the good work continue, and may the next eleo- tien toe many ctber cities following the example ct by thl municipality U the earnest wish of all true American cltl tons. Kxthange, Rdward Baumley. ir livery, 17th and St. Mary Ave J. Henderson, 310 N. Sixteenth street Umbrellas covered and repaired. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watcliinalcr and Jeweler, Fise Watch Repaikino a sfecialtt 612 8outu 16 Street. OMAHA. NEB. M. O. MAUL. Sdcreaaur k lriel & Mul. Undertaker and Embalmer 1117 FAUNAS ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. Attorney-at-Law, W Kvw York I.lto HuthHnu, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Eat Dyball's Candles, 1518 Douglas SiniscitiHK for The American nd you will receive a dollar worth for a dollar. Send one dollar for six months' subscription. L. HIBBELLER. Desire to call the attention of the public to bis Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, as a suitable place in which to hold Picnics, Day and Evening Parties, Dances, Etc., IIOWLINU ALLEY, MAM'E HALL, . . AJil BAR IS CONNECTION. Si'cnul Mister loinmlsnlimf r's Kale. Utidrr and tiy virtu of an order of le on drercw foreclosure of morlioige Issued out of ih U lt r let roil rt for DoukIhs roituty, Ntv briujifft. Mid to me d'reetml. I will, on the HHh day of fi pU-nitx-r, A. I. IWtt. t I o olo.ik r a. of said day. HI the north frontdoor of the county court liuiwe. tn thai city of Omaha, liouiilns county. Ni-brBsks, ml st public sui-tlon to th highest didder for csfti. the property dms-rlbed In said crdur of sale as follows, to-wtii , , The south twi'ntv-flvefW fentof lots eleven .... , . 1... .14. I.. I.l.u.b mr iV In II III.IiIm Addition No. S tn the city of Omaha, Douglas conm t, neuisHsa .... . fiilil property to be sold to satisfy Mary A rtrd' 'spvt-ntv-t-luht and 13-IHU dollars 'i-U fih wilt. inlMruut ill, tlitrtJin hlimlred l,i,uin.iiiF. nun i" ......... - .i .ii .i niiuiit itiuiuuif Mt muHn 17 Iwr foltL per Biiniini, and on s'v,.niy-l!bt and U-l(K) dollars (..!. II inernot ai i pt-r ui-ui, iror iu num. all from May th, iw. nv. ....!.. I. ljivl.l n1 James A Wiuulman. defendant herein, the sum of i..,.iiu uml na.inu dollars itH&.IU). with ill teresl thereon at 10 percent, perannuui from May. IW'S, together with cost of suit and aci-rulnti coats accoraitiK to a munmeiii. reu .1 ..1 l.u .1. llulrlKt. i.iuirt. lit MILlli DotlllllL cmiuiy, at Its May term, A. I. Iwtt. In a tier lain action men anu mere peiiuniK, num Mary A. Martin wits plaintiff ami llulen J l'ruyn et al. were defendants. umana. - - Hpeslal Master Commissioner Benjiimln F. Thomas. Attorney. , " , Martin va. l'ruyn et al. Hoc. 4; No. Bl Florida Home SECURED Oil PAYMENT OF TEH DOLLARS, For Patriotic American Citizens. T H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North 16th street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA. NEB M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. n.iU.ntAAa nnrfei-t fit tn all cases, cloth- dk cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA. , ii i lira. ruuatr&Z pT ;s " j' ,ia ' yLit f'f"ift new set made the same dav. Teeth ext racted without pain. DR. WITHER8, Dentist, fourth Boor. Hrowu lllk., UHh & HoiiKlas. ohaha. Nil SiMM'lul Muster CoinmisHloner's Sale ti...t.... ..xl alfasa r9 u n nrAtr nt aiiIa nil .. . faKnliLuku nr inibHiruirM ItttlllHlI mil. UlTITtl Ul I"110 ' "'- of the UtHirict court for lhiunUa county, ki..t...ui, u n.w1lrtrtMf1. I aml.nn the 10th duy of tieptember. A. I UWS, at 1 o'clm-k p. m oisaia nay, ai. nie norm ir,m,.u,M v.. ,i,r county court house, in the city of Omaha, iHiuiilna county. Nebraska, sell at public RUUIIHII "I Hin . ; iiroperty described in saia oruer oi saiu as Follows to-wlt; The north twenty-rive (jni reet or me souin n, u t Inia eleven 111) and twelve .i .hi.wU two i-2l. hillside Sddltlon No. to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. ..... V Said property to be sold to satisfy Mrs. K. P Kvans. plaintiff, the sum of twelve hun dred seventy-two and 14-IU) dollars I,2,2.U, wild interest on twelve hundred dol.ars lfl.200.0m thereof at seven 0) P" cent, per annum, and on seventy-two and W-10Q uol lur (ta Ml theron at 10 percent, per annum, all from May ft. 18M. At. To sllfy James A. Woodmnn and James L I-ovett. defendants herein, the sum of ninety-Hve and b2-lii0 dollars i.ttt, with In terest thereon at ten tl per cent, per an num from Msy . WW. lOKeiner wuu cwiui N. J. WEYRICH, (Successor to 0. VV. Baker.) Undertaker Embalmer Tklbphon 896. eia south ioth St., omaha LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. HE AMERICAN HOME COLONIZATION COMPANY, incorporated, has secured 500,000 (CTSIE of the Lest Garden and Fruit Lands in the United States, and is prepared to sell them at prices and on terms the most liberal. These lands are located on the Southeast Coast of Florida, in one of the most healthy regions in the United States no fevers and no malaria. They have never been touched by frost, the temperature averaging 70 in winter and 80' in the summer, seldom going above or below these figures. This land was secured for the American Home Colinization Company by Hon. W. S. Linton, Member of Congress from the 8th District of Michigan, and has been thoroughly investigated by him and other members or tne uompany. SEVEN YEAR'S TIME IS GIVEN PURCHASER, insure good faith of purchaser, which amount will be credited on the first payment in May. Enormous profits are made from these lands and purchasers should be able to pay for a 4U- Acre piece from the profits of one year. INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. n t.i:i: xt:i.v..0 T?i;T, f f!mns tlifl vear round no dead time, enormous ' ..ii0 .WnnlM fnfilitiAfl. healthv climate, no bie coal or wood bills, plenty of fish and game, and other things too numerous to mention in space allotted. Writn of nnd secure an ootion on the most desirable lands in the United States, the lands will go fast and the first purchasers will get the best. Throueh excursion trains will start from Chicago, Detroit, Fittsburg, New ork and I hiladel phia on October 1st, and a one-half fare rate has been assured to Jacksonville Fla. From Jack, ionville south to our lands the rate will be one-half fare, this last amount to be returned to the purchaser by applying amount on the first payment. Address, for full particulars, TTY, Secretary American Home Colinization Company, Rooms 603-4 Association Building, CHICAGO, ILL, o BEA suit and accruing costs according to a Judp iv the aiNinct. court in saiu tieliraska, at its May term, i. . . .. .. I .. a..i .in ttin uml tliere nend lug, wherein Mrs. K. 1'. Kvans was plaliitltf and llel'O J. l'ruyn et al. were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. Auirustth.lW Speilal Master Oonimtsstoner. No. BO. RENNETTS APPETITE APPEASERS. SOME BARGAINS THAT CREATE AN APPETITE TO PURCHASE. Burdick Couldn't Help It! WE SELL THE-y Union and Fenton. n...i..nin p Thnmas. AtturneT. Kvans vs. l'ruyn etal. -- l)oc.4tt; Soeciftl Master romnilnsloner's Sale Pnderand by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Itsued out A ti taiv i.t. iviiirt. riir iitiuicins cuuiii v. i. hmlia. and to ute directed.! will. on the Utto ... A 1) al. ID nvlru'k A. II. of said day. at the north front door of the couui.y i'u i ' Yi i in Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tne nignesi umuer ir i. mo property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: .... n i ... m... ill In hlrwlr fnurteen 114) In Oma- ha View, an sauiuon to me ui vuiou, Douglas county. Nebraska, to be appraUed. west one-half o said lot seven (. ) In block fourteen (Hi in Onikha View above described! said property to be sold to satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association plaintiff . .i... A. I ia k Urtit.v.M.V. nereiDi me mini n- vnv. ........ en and 30-100 i187 an dollars with interest thereon at raw ot eigm ( per com per . I...!....... .Mh 1M14 annum irum ru"i.i.j - . .... To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association. pilllllUH Iiereiu. mo ......... n'i.., il.,nMH Mnvuntv.lhreA and sum m i hi ' o .iui..... " . . . . at rat of eight (S) per cent per annum from Kehruary Atn, iwi , . . v, . The east h If of said lot seven (7) In block . . .1 it Ih i w.h. VI.. iv Mhiivi1eHCrilMd! To satisfy such sum if anv ss may remain .. f.i,i cum nl ii-iT :m with lnur- est thereon at eight () per cent per annum from seoruary otn. iw m" u-"" .l tl.a tMu.M.i1 nf sale i.f west hi If of said lot seven 7) as herein above To sat'tsfy Nebraska Loan and Building AssiH-latlon. plaiutiff hereto, the sum of One Hundred Eighty-seven and 30-100 (Sl'ii.itO) Dollars with Interest thereou at rate of elghtoo per cent per annum from tebruary To tatisf ythe sum of Forty and 73-100 (0 73) Dollars costs nereiui sscur-i ...i costs according to a judgment reudered by the district co irt of said Douglas county, at i kvuniarv term. A. 1. ISiCv la a certain . . i .... .a ihAM nenfllnir. wherein Ne brasko Loan and Building Assm'lalion was plaintiff and Jessie V. Isbelland others were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska-Jul, lUh. TOJJ Special Master Commissioner, James m. v arr, vn"i nr.. . .,,. Nebraska Loan and Building Association vs essie r . isucn. ... . k IVwi- Ifi- No. MA. 7-14-5 Baked Beans, per can So Can Corn 5o Can Tomatoes 7o Table Sauce, per bottle 8c Sweet unocoiato, per case c Can Salmon 9o BASEMENT SNAPS. Mexican Hammock 593 1 Grape Baskets, per 100. 2 50 iruqutk ooub.... j , f - Market Baskets o Crockery Bargains nmwn Tinted Teas set of 6 55c Opal Fancy Plates 8o Water Set complete ooc American Ladies! Vhen Needing th assist ncs of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. 2l3 Aorth Z&tti Street G. W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contraetor& Builder Storm Doors and 8ash. 1807 St. Mary' Ave., OMAHA, NEB He Rode a National Wheel! So did Potter when he broke the State record for one-half mile in 1:00. If you ride a National, of course you keep to the front. Oil Sardine" o Bottle Pickles c Wrauh RrAftd 2iC Can Lye c 8 bars Bennett's Bargain soap mo Jardiniere in colors 10c r'hina. rhianadnr 040 Stationery Department, onina Srarilafop . 3n I Toilet Paper, per roll p.,ti Thit lc- Ink Tahlets. ... 4o 120 sheets Writing Paper 10c Rubber tip Pencils, lc, or per doz. . 9c Box Paper, at 3o, 5o and 9c per box . . We are Headquarters for . . TEAS, COFFEBS ANU SPICBS, A Full Line of Pickling Spices in Stock. . Try Bennett's CorsiGan Blend FOR ICED TEA. W. R. BENNETT CO., S02-I2 Capitol Avenue. OMAHA, NEB. FOR CASH ONLY! Summer Shoes N. WHITNEY, 107 South Sixteenth street. A.L.DEANE&CO. 1116 Farnam Street OMAHA. NEB. J. H. TAYLOR, Manager. The A. P. A. Magazine. ... If ..- notinai Htraturo. Number 3 Is It will be tne sensation oi ... . . . iust ready and any newsdealer of the American persuasion will he glad to take just reaay, ana any ... . t number vou wm not need to LkeF another ItTfii broVeTth"e larCesrmagaZines published in America ta.e anuiner . " . hj flnwinv w t,h matter which will prove a mine m m b ... . . , each ig8U6 a number of pages of the hottest attacks on the A. P. A. from the Catholio press ox tuts counxry. vwi w dovuid at cost price, 25 Cents a Number, or $3.00 a Year. OR LESS, PUBLISHED MONTHLY. If vou have no American newsdealer in your town, send stampp or coin direct y to thl publisher. Agents wanted to sell the Wazine at council and K .. II..II.. II. . n.nsii hsn unit vrlte. otner meeunKs. auxiuuu - j THE A.P. A. MAGAZINE, Box 2608. San Francisco, Cat ( C 3 i