8 'THE AMERICAN CITY AND STATE Deputy City CWk llolbrook hat re turned from a Utt of several we ks to Minnesota. B. R Cell, rcretarr of the Water loo CVanury Afoolatlon. ia eon fined to hi ntme with malarial Jeter. Thoa. Godfrey, of the MUwourl IV e'fio, dotf.o'1 purpose to be behind the other fcllowa In the matter of Sunday xcurlon to Kanxa City. non. H. F. Thomaa, of the Hate Smith Inwtmi-nt Co., loft on a bual- Ca trip to Mlncourt Thursday. IIo ex pecU to N gone about a week. The rrf ular meeting of the fcocond Ward Republican Club will be held at club hall next TburwU evening. Ser era! pood tpkert will bo protect. After thrr"uph examination by a strong mafnlfjlng fiaa and other clentiflo appliance, no blood was to be found In the atrce'a of Omaba last week. Attorney F.don Rich will take bit aummer outlrg among the lake, river and mountains of the state of Washing ton. lie expecU to le pone about two weeks. The llurllnffton'a Kansas City excur sion Saturday and Sunday if a trip you can't afford to mint. Round-trio ticket tlM. Call at the ticket efflce, 1324 Farnam street. City Clerk Iligby, Deputy Comp troller Wertberg and John Rutler, of the judicial department, of this city, are enjoying a few days "camtvllfo" on one of Nebraska's lakes, nearTckamah. An Interesting article from the pen of Col. W. S. Morgan appears in the August number of the Ration, entitled ''Monev: Its Relation to the Price of Labor," which is well worth reading, Jt is reported that Toltce Officer Farrell was found drunk on his boat in the Third ward, and while in this con dition be was relieved of his star, hoi mot and club, which weresenttithe station. The receivers of the American Water Works Company are endeavoring to se cure an order from the United States court to expend about M5.000 in the improvement of the plant and the water service 01 the city. The Fifth Ward Republican Club was reorganized Wednesday evening. Re publicans of this ward propose to make a e'ean sweep this tear. W. A. Saun ders was eleoted president; Dr. Rlytbln, vice-president; W. E Stock bam. secretary, and Bob Christie, treasurer. The army of "specials" employed, by "Chief" White to keep down Mayor Bern la' imaginary "riot" were din charged last Saturday. It I understood that the "chief" has nromlscd them a remuneration of $5.00 esoh for the'r "gallant fervices" in protecting I?) the police headquarters. , The first grand rally of the Ben nington Harrison Club was held at that place Thuday afternoon. Among the sneakers pTwnt wore Hon. J. M. Thurston, lion. D. H. Mercer, Judge C.R8 ottsnd many other prominent Republicans of the city and county. The Republicans of Bennington are wide awake and can always be counted on the right side of the fence. Geo. G. Wallace, president, and J M. Gillen, secretary, of the Omaha Sunday School Aspociatlo", areserdlrg out circulars to the various Sunday school superlnterdents of the city, with a view to srrargtng a Sunday school children's parade and a day at the fair, In September. There Is no doubt that the undertaking will be a sucoess. Par ticulars will be announced later. The bsr docket for the September term of the district court Is now being prepared. An examination of the vari ous filings of cases that will come up for bearing shows that the famous law firm of Saunders. Macfarlsnd A Dickey ia Interested in abrut one-twelfth of the entire nvmber of caars on the new dorket; and there are srmMhing like S.r0 attorteys practicing In the court. The Chicago & Northwestern Rail way will run a sp"clal excursion from Omaha to Boston and return for those who desire to attend the triennial con cl vve of the Knights TemDlars. The fre for tre round trin will be 3l."5. T ckets will be gcod going from August ItHh to the 24t h. George F. West, the cfy ticket agent of the company, guar antees the best accom modal ions and one f the finest excursions of the season. At a meeting of the Omaha commer cial lawyers, Thursday afternoon, the following delegates were chosen to at tend the national convention of com mercial lawyers, to be held at Detroit, Mich., the coming week: W. A. Saun ders, of the firm of Saunders, Macfar 1 "d & Dirkey; E M. Bartlett, of Bart It tt, Baldrlge & DeBord; E. M. Mo Gtlton, H. E. O'Neill and Chas. Walters. The delegation will return home next Tuesday. Considerable Interest has been mani fested by various physicians and milk consumers of the city of late over the problem of pure milk. The Waterloo Creamery Association, which owns and controls the product of more than forty-seven dairies, has come to the If nt with a solution of the question. They have adopted a simple and effect he process of Pasteurizing milk. The mi k alone of high-grade cows is se lected. Only fresh morning's milk is subjected to the Pasteurissiog process, wh ehisthus described: As soon as received and inspected, the milk is p'aeed in a Pasteurizing vat, which hsi a capacity of about 500 gallons. wh re it is slowly heated to about 160 d p-ees F. It is then drawn out into ten gallon cans which have been thor oughly washed and steamed, and Is shipped to Omaha. During transit the V mperatureof the milk deviates but little from 160 degrees F. When re ceived in Omaha it is immediately (while at the above temperature) put Into bottles, which are sealed and then f aeked in ice, where it remains until t reaches the consumer. Notice to Redeem frm Tax Kale. To iisr II Kllo (!. II. KrlUw and to nil mli.-t. abora It ml i-oni-vrn: Vu r hen-li mfliM that on th 1-th of NorrmtN-r. 1ml, K H. Hut imn h-d al (mlilli' ta al ol the InHurnnil lai'ula county, rwnraaaa. Tor inn uii"iini ''" and rotmt, lat-a of he rrnr lVi In follow ing dnM-rllHil rl eatat. altuanxl In IKmikI rount. !iiiraa, to-all: Iah t mi of ll-k vH"uf Milna's rWtind ait.lltma to Ihe elty tit llmihii that Mlil rral ear at") aa tat.il for the jrr lavsL and a cold for the i!Wlni"'iil slat una i-ouuty tan- of the year IKK; lhal aalfl rral iniato a laieu in nauivtit C. II Ki-lloirif fur the y.-ar !. In the naino of Ooo II. hi'lloiif for the year IKUi: that the (aid K. H IUit knta aoltl and wlinril to I i aaln cvrtiHi-ale of aald rral eatal to lhi underHliined, who la now ihf otiwr and holdi'r iif lha aaiue. Ycu ara further notltlrd that lh" tlina of rrdfiiipllon of IIik aald nal ratal from aald tat etulro on tha ihth day of No-uiler. I's. I', t.. JtillNSUS. Dated Jul V. Is'rt. krdeiiinilon ran Iw niaile at rounty trraa- un-r'a ofllro befora e(ilratloo of tlnm to reuwuu. i - tt lee to Itetleem from Tax Sale. To John Mlllnite. Ilia Mutual Inveatinrnt iHitupanr, and raw aril l. jouea. anu ilia owner anu all tienu'iiainaetuui paeaHion or ik-eupHiiev oi tha real eMalo diwrloed iHlow.a ulliera whom Itmav concern: You aro hereliv nollHi d that on the 17th day of Novemtx'r. Imo. the limmraet Truat tompany purehaaea at public tax vale of t lie ireaaurerof iHiumaa ciunty, muraka, ror the deimiient county tar or the year imtj, the folloaliiK deacrllH ii real ralate, allualed In llouiilaa county. Neliraka. to-wll: Lot twnnly-eliiht to tiloek thlr-en In Orchard Mill addition to Omaha, lkxiirlaa rouaty Nehraaka. Hald tax aal rertlllcalB wki af terward axilKni d to the unilernlmied. That aald real eatat waa taied for the year In:'! and waa "old for the delinquent county tanea of the aald year WJ. That aald reul es tate waa taied 111 the name of John Mlllfite and of the Mutual Investment Company, for the year I WW; In the name of John MlUnice and the Mutual Investment I'oimmny for the year IMWli In the name of John Ailliiiite ror meyeariiwf, ana in me nimie or joiip kiii lak'e for the year 1KM. You are further not I Hed that the tlmeof redefinition of IhealMive ui acrioeu real eatate rnini aaia tax aaie will expire on the 17th day of November, l'S. Hated July 91th. 1M. Uedemutlon ran he made at county treaa- urer soiuce berure exuirauou or time tore deem Notice to Ketlccm from Tax Sale. To Otirlatlan Wuetrlch (Wurthuch) Ida Wuet- rlch, John Llnuet or l.lnden. the owners, and all peraona In actual poaaeaalon or occupancy of the real ratate described be low, all othrra whom It may concern: You are hereby notified that on the elirh teenth day of November, lmtl, the Homeraet Truat Company purchased at nubile tax aula of the treasurer of Ihiunlaa county, Ne- niaaka. ror tne aeunqueni county taxes or me year IWi. tne ronowinK Ueacrltiea real eatate, an uatea in I Hum-Ilia county, .M'liniskn, to-wll : Uit Hve In liha'k eleven lu K. V. Smith's addition to the city of Omaha. Doug las county. Nebraska: aald tux sale certifi cate was afterward aNslmied to the under- alunedi that aald real estate was taxed for the year Imi'j, and was sold forthedellnuuent count y taxea of the said year 1M'2: that aald real estate whs taxed in the name or Chrlat Wuetrlch or Wurthuch for the year IHVl. In the name of Chrlat Wuetrlch. John Under for the year Imn, In the name of John Under fur the year 1W4, and In the name of Ida Wuetrlch for the year lslft. and In the name of Christian Wuetrlch for special taxes. You are further not I lied that the time of redemp tion of the above described real estate from said tax sale will expire on the eighteenth uuy or ixovemner, iwo. n.. A. IV a U KHUN. Hated Julvwilh. i.ssa. Kedemnltun can be made at county treas urer's uilice before rxplratlon of time to reueein. i-jy-j Notice of Expiration of Time of Itcdcmp- tion. To Thomas B. Mlnahnn and T. R. Mlnalian, owner, iMua r. aiurvin auu same uoroach, reortiraKeea. You are hereby notified that on the liith day of November, lxua, the undersigned sought at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Douglas county. Nebraska, at his ollloe In said county and state, the following do- si;rlbed real estate, to-wlt: The west one- half (SI of lot two (21 and 11 of lot three ;i) in niovK eigntiai, ivountr.e riace, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, for the delinquent county taxes for the year IMC!, and that said property Is taxed in the name of Thomas H. Mlnahan for the year Imci, and In the name of T. H. Mlnahan for the year IMKI, and In the name of Thomas H. Mlnahan for the year 1WH: that the time of redemption of the same will expire on the Itlth day of November, lwtt. TUB UATKS-SMITII IN VKSTMKNT COM PANY, By (J. K. Kates, V. r, 7-2ti-a SptH-lal Master ItmimiHsltiiH'r's Sale. I'nderand by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage bund nut of the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the ltn day of August, A. 1). ML at 10 o'clock A. at. of aald day. at the north front door of the county co rt house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the iroperty described In said order of salens ollows. to-wlt; Lot Heven (I) In block fourteen 114) In Oma ha View, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, to be appraised, advertised ana sold as follows, to-wll: The west one-half tot said lot seven (7) In block fourteen (UI In Omaha View above described: said property to be sold to satisfy Nebraska Mian ana nuiiaing Association, plaintiff herein, the sumo One Hundred Eighty-sev en and SKMUO if 187 301 dollars with Interest thereon at rate or etghl (Hi per cent per annum from February 5th, lNUSi To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association, plaintiff herein, the further sum of Three Hundred Seventy-three and 13-ltO (SI73 U) Dollars with Interest thereon at rate of eight iHi per ceut per annum from rrnruarj tn.n, io:k. The east h If of said lot seven (7) In block fourteen (HitnOmal a View above described: To satisfy such sum If any as may remain unsatisfied of said sum of IST.;1 with Inter est thereon at eight (Cl per cent per annum from February 5tli. 1H above described af ter the application of the proceeds of sale of west b i If of said lot seven i7l as herein above ordered : To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association, plaintiff herein, the sum of One Hundred Klghty-seren and dO-100 (JH7 Jm Dollars with Interest thereon at rat of eight ( per cent per anbuni from February 5th. ins; To satisfy the sum of Forty and 73-100 1$40.73) Dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by rne oisirict co irt oi saia lAmgias county, at Its February term, A. D. 18115, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein No brasko Loan and Building Association was Slalntiff and Jessie F. lsbell and others were efendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July Uth. m. GKO. W. POYNTON, Sneclal Master Commissioner. James W. Carr, Attorney. Nebraska Loan and Building Association vs .'essie K. lsbell. et al. Doc. 46; No. MS. 7-12-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, eorsks ana to me airecieo, i win, on tne loth day of Seutember. A. D. 1X95, at 1 o'clock p. m of said day , at the north front door of the county court nouse. in me city or uniana, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows to-wlt: The north twenty-fl ve (35) feet of the south fifty (50) feet of lots eleven (III and twelve iz), D'.oca twoci, niusiae auiuon no. z to he city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. Bald property to be sold to satisfy lira. E. P. Kvaus, plaintiff, the sum of twelve hun dred seventy-two and 14-100 dollars ($ 1.S72.14), with Interest on twelve hundred dollars (tl. 200.011) thereof at seven (D per cent, per annum, ana on seventy-two ana 14-lou soi ls rs i72 14) thereon at 10 percent, per annum, all from May ft, PW5. To satisfy James A. Woodman and James L. Lovett, defendants herein, the sum of ninety-five and 62-luO dollars tiOfi.62), with in terest thereon at ten I0l per cent, per st num from May S, 1855. together with coats of suit and accruing costs according to a Judg ment rendered oy tne uistrict court of said Douglas county, Nebraska, at Its May term. MCi, Is a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Mrs. E. P. Evans was plaintiff and Helen J. Pruyn et al. were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. August 9th, IW. ISAAO N. WATSON. Special Master Commissioner. Benjamin F. Thomas, Attorney. Evans vs. Pruyetal. 8-9-5 Doc. 49; No. 80. utlce U ItetWm fraut Tax Sale, To Nathan Mheldnn, aod to nil others whom It uiay i-oni-rra: You are herrby nntlfleti that on the 1'ith day of Noveii, ta r. Irtit John F. Flack Com pany ptin-ha-ed at public lax aaln. of the treaaurvr of IKiugiaa rounty. Srliraaka. for the delinquent slat and county taxea of the year laic, the following dcwrlbrd real eatate, ilualei tn Ihmglaa niunty. .Nebraska, to wll: Lota eleven .111. twelvi tI2i and ihl.Uen il.il In Morae A lirunner I'lu-e, a subdivision of Park place, an addition to the rtty of Omaba: that said real ratal was taxed for the year Is'j2. and was sold for the delinquent slate and county taxes of the year 1M2; that aald real eatate was taxed In the name of Nathan hhelton for the year Iaw2, In the name of Nathan Modioli for the year law. Id the name of Nathan Mieltoa for the year M4. and In the name of Nathan Hhelton for the year au5; that the said John F. Flack Com pany has sold and aaalgned the tax sale car tlNi aleof said real ealaUt to the under signed, who la now the owner and holder of Ihesame. You are further uolllleU that the lime of redemption of the aald real eatate from sld las sale will ejplre on the Ihth day of Novemla-r, lC. ', L. JOIINmjN. Dated July a. Ihi5. Kederniitlou ran he made at county treas urer's ullltro before expiration of time to re deem. J-JrV3 id ire to ItcdH'tn from Tax Sale. To Frank Weeks and to all others whom It mi y concern: Youaie hereby notified that on the lath day of NuvemlM-r, IMU. W. II. N-hllep pur rhaaed at public tax sale, of the treaaurer of iHiuglis county. Nebraska, for the delin. quent taxes fur the year ll'-' the following uc.crlhed real estate, situated In Douglas county. Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot 5, block 4i. Omaha: that said real estate waa taxed tor the year IKU2. and waa sold ror the delinquent taxes of the year laid; that said real eatate was taxed In the name of F. Weeks for the year Isw. In the name of Frank Weeks for the ytar la A; that the said W. II Hcbllen has sold and assigned I be lax sale cert It) 'ale of said real estate to the undersigned, who Is now Iheowner anil holder or the same. You are further not I lied that the tlmeof redeieu tion of the said real estate from said tax sale will expire ou the iMh day of November, iki.V W. t. rvkhLKK. Dated July 25. 1HM. Keilenitit ion ran lie made at roiintv frcua. urer's ontee before expiration of time to reueem. 7-ia-i Notice to lU-diTiu from Tax Sale. To Horatio Fowkcs, A. S, Potter and to all others whom It may concern: You are hereby notilled lhat on the l:ith day of November, lsva, W. II. rVhllep pur chased at public tastaale, of the treasurer of IKiugiaa county, neiiraska. ferine delinquent taxes or me year iws. me roiiowingdeacrltied real estate, sltuatod In Douglas county. Ne braska, to-wlt : Lot 2. block tlU, uiaha; that said real estate was taxed ror the year IMi2, and was sold for the delinquent taxes of the year IMI2; that said real estate was taxed In the name or A. . roller et al. for the year miu, in ine name oi iioraiio rownes ror the yesr Mxi; that the said W 11 Hchliep has sold and assigned the tax sale certificate of said real eatate to the undersigned, who la now the owner and holder of the same. You are further notified that the time of redemption or me saia real estate rrom saia tux sale will expire on the 13th day of November, lues. Dated July 2.1. ln. Hedeuintion can be made at county treas urer's ofllce before expiration of time to reueem. i-ztl-s Notice to Keiloem from Tax Sale. To John W. I'aul and to all others who m It may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of November, Edward B. Baer pur chased at public lax sale of t ie treasurer of Douglas county. Nebraska, for the delin quent rounty and city taxes of the year 1892, me luiiowing uescriuea real estate, situated In Douglas county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Hi, block 1, Uorbach's second addition to Omaha; that said real estate was taxed for the year ls2, and was sold for the dellnouent county and city taxea of said year 1802; that said real estate was taxed In the name of John W. I'aul; that the said Edward W. Baer has sold and assigned t il tax-sale cent Hc.ate of said real estate to the undersigned, who Is now the owner and holder of the same. You are further notified that the tin. e of redemp tion of the said real estate from aald tax sale w.ll expire on the 13 Ih day of November, ino. - r. L. JUUNSO.X. Dated July 25, 1805. lieitemntloii can be made at county treas urer's ofllce before exuiratlon of time to re deem. 7-20-3 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sule. To Murium Mchell. A. E. McShane, and to all others whom It may concern: You are hereby notified that on the lmh day of November, 1803, J. F. Flack Company purchased at public tax sale, of the treasurer of IKiugiaa county, Nebraska, for the delin quent state and county taxes of the year me. lonowing uescnneu real estate, situ ated In Douglas county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots four (4) and five (5) in block three (3) of O'Nell's suodvlslon of Lowe's second addi tion to the city of Omaha; that said real es tate was taxed for the year 1802, and was sold for the delit quent state and county taxes of the year 1802; that said real estate was taxed in the name or A. K. Methane for the year 1802 and In the name of Anu K McShane for the year 18'.ft; that the said J. F. Flack Com pany has sold and asslgnt d the tax sale cer tificate of said real estate to t he undersigned, who Is now theownerand holderof the same. You are further noli Hod that the time of re demption of the said real estate from said tux sale will expire on the Itlih day of No vember, 1805. P. L. JOHNSON. Dated July 25, 1805. Uedemutlon can be made at county treas urer's ofllce before expiration of time to re deem. 7 2(1 3 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To Edward Dewey and J. H. Prugh and to an others whom it may concern: Y'ou are hereby notified that on the lAth day of November, ISV3, E. B. Baer purchased at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Doug las county, Nebraska, for the delinquent state and county taxes of the year the following described real estate, situated In i Hiugias county, Nebraska, to-wlt: L,ot24 In block one (1) of Monmouth Park, an ad dition to the city of Omaha; that said real estate was taxed for the year 18U2. and was sold for the delinquent state and county taxes oi tne year isw:; tnai saia real estate was taxed tn the name of J. H Prugh for the year 1SS0J, In the name of F'dward Dewey for the year 1'.'.'. that the said E. B. Baer has solu and assigned the tax sale certificate of said real est ate to the undersigned, who Is now the owner and Jiolder of the same. You are further notified that the time of redemp tion of the said real estate from said tax sale will expire on the liilh day of November, ism. v. it. juuaaua. Dated July 25. 119 . Reden ntion can be made at county treas urer's ollloe before expiration of time to re deem. 7-2A-3 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To Alice A. Havemeyer, J. W. Taylor and to a i otners wnom it may concern: Y'ou are hereby notified that on the 16th day of November. 1803, E. B. Baer purchased at public tax sale of the treasurer of Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delinquent state ana county taxes or tne year vsn. tne roilow log described real estate, situated In Douglas county. Nebra-ka, to-wlt: Lot 21 In block 8 of Monmouth Park, an addition to the city of Omaha, that said real estate was taxed for the year 1802, and was sold forthedellnuuent state and county taxes of the yeir 1802; that said real est ae was taxea In the name of J. W. lay lor for the y ar in the name of Alice A. Havemeyer for the year 1805; that the said E. B. Baer has sold and assigned the tax sale certificate of said real estate to the under signed, who Is now the owner and bolder of the same. V ou are further notified that the time of redemption of the said real estate from said tax sale will expire on the 18th day Of November. 1805. P. L. JOHNSON. Dated July 25, 1895. Redemption can be made at county treas. urer's office before expiration of time to redeem. 7-26 3 Notice of Expiration of Time of Redemp tion. To L. A. Kedney. owner, and the Central In vestment uompany, mortgagee. Y'ou are hereby notified that on the 18th day of November, 1803, the undersigned bought at tax sale, of the treasurer of Doug las county Nebraska, at his office In said county and state, the following described real estate, to-wit: ine east seventy-five (75) feet of lot seven (7). block eighty-one (81) in city or soutn uniana, uougias county, Nebraska, for the delinquent city taxes for the year 1802. and tie satd property was taxed In the name of L. A. Kedney for the year 180, in the name or L,. a. Kedney for the year 1803. In the name of L. A. Kedney for the year 1804; that the time of redemption of the same will expire on the 18th day of November, 1805. THE BATES-SMITH IN'KSTMEN'T COM PANY, ByC K. Bjt-- l 7-20-3 Notice ! Kedeesa frsaa Tax Sale. To J no. T llonklna. Chas. A. Wvman. W. If Huaaell. Uis owners, and all prrws In actual H-lual unaarsaloa or occupancy of the real wtate deai-rioed below, ail others whom 11 eal teay r.Hii-ern: You are hen-hy BoliSed that on the four teenthdayof November. IXM. the tsnu.raet Trur Company purchased at pu die lax sale of tne treasurer or ikiugiu rounty. Ne braska, for lb delinquent rounly and clly taxes of Ibe year IK'i the following described real eatate. ailuated in Douglas county. Ne braaka. to-wlt: Lota two and three In Hillings' aubdlvlalon of lot two. block seven teen. Weat Omaha addition to the rny of wo sua, ixiuKiaa county, euraaka; saltl tax sale rerttneate aaaigned to the under slgued: thai aald real estate waa taxed for the year l'J. and was sold for the delinquent county and city taxes of the aald year lIKi; lhal aald real eaiale was (axed In Ibe name of Jno. T. Hopkins, Cba. A. H yuian, for the year laflr'. In Ihe nuiue of John T ilopklos for the year Is'.'.l. In the name of John T. Ilnpklrs for the year la'.al. and In Ihe name of John T. Hopkins for the yer.r IHM. and in the name of W. II. Kuaaell for special taxes. You are rurlher notilled thai Ihe time cf redemption of the at ove described real estate from said tax sals will expire on the fjurt-enth day of Novemlwr, la'.iV K. A. KNL'DsEN. Dated July aith, 105. Kedrnijitlon can be made at county treas urer's oflu-e before expiration of time to redeem. 7-2&-d Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To Mary E. Realty and to all others whom It may concern: Y'ou are hereby notified that on the 14th day of Novet. her. 1KU3. the undersigned pur chased at public tax sale of the treasurer of Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delin quent taxes of the year 1802, the following descrllwd real estate, situated In Douglas county. Nebraska, to-wlt: LoU L t. i. 4. 5. a. 7. 8, Valid I'l. all In bb ek eight 18) of Boyd's addition to the clly of Omaha; that said real esiate was taxed for the year 1802, and waa sold ror the delinquent taxes or Ihe year 1802; that said real estate was taxed In the name of Mary K. Beatty for the year 1802. lu the name of Mary K. Beatty for the year 1805. You are further notilled that the tin e of re demption of ihe said leal estate from said tax sale will expire on the Uth day of No vember, 105. JAMES W. DVOUSKY. Dated July 25, Ih'.O. Dedempllon can be made at county treas urer's ollloe before expiration of time to redeem. 7-20-3 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To C.J. Elliott. 8. A. Bent, Bam'l A. Bent and to all others whom It may concern: You are hereby notified th it on the 18th day of November, la03, E. B. Baer purchased at public tax saleof the treasurer of Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delinquent slate, county and clly taxes of the year 1802, the following described real estate, situated in Douglas county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots six (HI and seven (7 in block ie veil (7) of Walnut Hill, n addition to the city of Omaha; that said real estate was taxed for the year 1802, and was sold forthedelinquctit state. county and city taxes of the year 1802; that said real estate was taxed In the name of S. A. Kent for the year 1802. In the name Sam'l A. Bent for the year 1805; that the said E. B. Baer has sold and assigned the tax sale cer tificate of said real estate to the undersigned, who is now theownerand holderof the same You are further notified that the time of redemption of the Bald real estate from said tax sale will expire ou the 18b Cay of No vember, 1805. P. L. JOHNSON. Dated July 25. 1805. Redemption can be made at county treas urer's ollloe before exp. ration of time to redeem. 7-2d-3 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To Heirs of Daniel Wolf, deceased, and to all others whom It may concern: You are hereby notltiid that on the 9th day of November. 1803. J W Dvorak y our- chased at public tax saleof the treasurer of Douglas rounty, Nebraska, for the delin quent state aLd rounty taxes of the year isw:, tne roiiowing real estate, situated in Douglas county. Nebraska, to-wlt North east quarter of section 12. township 1(1, range 11 east; that said real esa( was taxed for the year 1802. and was sold for the dellnouent state and county taxes of the year 1802; that said real estate was taxed In the name of Daniel Wolf for the year 1802. and In the name of 1). Daniel Wolf for the year 1805. You are further notified that the time of re demption of the i-ald real es'ate from said tax sale will expire on ibe Oih day of No vember, isw. . j, w. uvuitsn-x. Dated July 25, WW Kedeniiiti, n can be made at county treas urer's office before expiration of time to redeem. 7-31 8 Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale. To Horatio Fowkes, A. 8. Potter and to all others whom It may concern: You are hereby notified that on the 13fh dav of November. 18)13. the iiiirieralffnud mir- c based at public tax sale of the treasurer of Douglas county. Nebraska, for the delin quent taxes of the year 1802. the following descrlbi d real estate, situated In Douglas county. Nebraska, to-wit: Lot one (1) In block 230 of the city of Omaha; thatsald real estate was taxed tor the year 1802, and was sold for the delinquent taxes of the year 1802; thatsald real estate was taxed In the name of A. S. Potter et al. for the year 1802, In the name of Horatio F'owkes for the year 1805. You are further notified that the time of re den ptlon of the said real estate from said tax sale will expire on the 13th day of No- he 13th day of No J. W. DVOKSKY. niDer, iNim. J. w. uvui Dated July 25, 1805, Redemption can be made at county treas urer's ofllce before expiration of time Ao redeem. 7-26-3 Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. To Joshua Stowman and Mrs. -Btowman, first and real nan e unknown, his wife: Please take n jtlce that on the 5th day of July, 1805, Philip L. Johnson, plaintiff herein tiled his petition In the District court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Joshua Stowman and Mrs. Stowman, first and real name unknown, his wife, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certificate dated November 15th, 1802. and covering lot 17, block 158. In the town of Florence, Douglas county, Nebraska; that there Is now due upon satd certificate the sum of 111.00, for which sum, with Interest and all costs, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants Ie required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the an otint found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 201 h day of August, 1805. Dated July lHrh. 1805. PHILIP L. JOHNSON. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at torneys. 7-19-4 fULL8er$C tTBCTH $J ttrftctfit Teeth ex tracted In the morn Inir and a new set made the same day. Teeth extracted without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth floor. Brown Blk., 18th & Douglas, ouaha. ma N. J. WEYRICH, (Successor to C. W. Baker.) Undertaker Embalmer Tklkphomi 69S. 613 South 10th St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. CHRIST. HAM AN. Vatctmater ail Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty 612 South 16 Street. . OMAHA. NEB. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel & Haul. Undei taker and Embalmer 1417 FARMM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. J. W. HLkL.HR, Attorney-at-Law, GOO 2Vew Vorlr Uto Handing, OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. FOR CASH Summer Shoes 107 South Sixteenth Street. BENNETT'S ' A PPET1TE APPEASERS. SOME BARGAINS THAT CREATE AN APPETITE Baked Beans, per can 6c Can Corn 5c Can Tomatoes 7c Table Sauce, per bottle 8c Sweet Chocolate, per cake 4c Can Salmon 9c BASEMENT SNAPS. Mexican Hammock 59o Croquet Sets 69c Market Baskets Croqkery Brown Tinted Teas set of 6 55c Opal Fancy Plates 8c Water Set complete JSC Stationery Shelf Paper all colors 5 yards for. . 3c I Pencil Tablets, lo; Ink Tablets. ... 4c! Ltubber tip Pencils, lc, or per doz. . c . . We are Headquarters for . . TBAS, COFFBES AND SPICES, A Full Line of Pickling Spices in Stock. Tru Bennett's ROR ICED TEA. W. R. BENNETT CO., 502-ia Capitol Avenue. A.L.DEANE&CO. 1116 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. CAN SAVE YOU HONEY!! Keep your eye on the National Bicycle in the Six-Day Race. WE WILL SELL: Only two $100.00 Bicycles for " four $80.00 Bicycles for " six $60.00 Bicycles for. " teven $40.00 Bicycles for " two $30.00 Bicycles for J. H. TA.YL.OR, Manager. L. HIBBELLER. Desires to call the attention of the public to his Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, as a suitable place in which" to hold Picnics, Day and Evening Parties, Dances, Etc., B0WL1S6 ALLEY, WASCE HALL, . . AND BAR IS COXXECTION. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office remoTed from 113 North 16th street to 1618 Chicago Street Telephone 90. : OMAHA, NEB ONLY! AT COST OR LESS. N: WHITNEY, TO PURCHASE. Oil Sardines 4o Bottle Pickles 8c Fresh Bread w 21c Can Lye .'. 4o 8 bars Bennett's Bargain Soap 25o I Grape Baskets, per 100 ..2 50 ..2 75 Berry Boxes, per 1,000 3o Bargains Jardiniere in colors 10c China Cuspador 34o Department. Toilet Paper, per roll 2o 120 sheets Writing Paper..". 10c liox Paper, at 3c, 5c and 9c per box. CorsicQn Blend OMAHA. NEB. "if v-CTV Call at Once, . . $80 00 60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 Before They . . Are G-one. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit in all cases, cloth ng cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 fuming St., OMAHA. American Ladies! When Needing the assist ance of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. gl3 Aorth ggfh Street G. W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contraetor& Builder 8torm Ooors and 8ash. 1807 8t. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB.