"THE AMERICAN 'in ii 9: 'syOr t I i fin Up-to-date, Absolutely Accurate, Beautifully Illustrated ATLAS OF THE WORLD Especially prepared to meet the wants of Fanners, Merchants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who desire a complete work at the minimum of cost. ' ' T7-; - . ,-m-!i'WJj-,-. Hlnlaturs Cut of Atlas. Actual S lie, Open, 14 by Clotted, It bj 11 laches. If ipeclal Information regarding any Na tion, Province, State, City, Town or Village is desired, the knowledge Is rarely obtain able from a school geography, which nec essarily has only a few general fucU and the location of Important cities. Railroad maps are notoriously incorrect and misleading, hence the puzzled trutb ":ker, where large libraries are inacces sible, Is without relief unless be is the happy owner of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People's Atlas. Ail Countries on the Face of the Earth are Shown. Rivers and Lakes are Accurately Located. Among the Illustrations are the follow ing: The Masonic Temple at Chicago (tall est building In the world), the Auditorium Building at Chicago (one of the largest buildings in the world), the Woman's Tem ple (the handsomest building in Chicago), Its Special Features Relating to the United States Are: The Popular and Electoral Votes for President In 1864, 1888 and 1892 by States. List of All the Presidents. Agricultural Productions. Mineral Products. Homestead Laws and Civil Service Rules. Statistics of Immigration, 1820 to 1891. Public Debt for the post 100 Years. Gold and Silver Statistics. Number and Value of Farm Animals. Cultivable Aroa as Compared with Increase of Population. Postal Information, with Domestic and Foreign Rates, and Other Information that should be in every Home, Store, Office and School-room. Every person who reads the current periodical literature of the day needs a concise, accurate and comprehensive Atlas of the World, for the purpose of geographically locat ing the stirring events with which the world teems. We live in an age of intelligence an age of multiplied means for acquiring knowledge an age that condemns Ignorance because of these numerous sources of information so freely and widely diffused. If you wish to keep abreast of the times, by accurately locating in your mind every violent upheaval of the earth, the march of contending armies where war exists, the progress of scientific explorers in unknown lands, or the happenings and accidents constantly agitating every part of the world, you should have at band a copy of the "People's Atlas of the World." Never before has so valuable an Atlas been offered at ao low a price. ko CENTS," POST-PAID. We' will Send You the Atlas TOCETHER WITH The American, 1 year, for : The American, O months, for No Commission to Agents allowed; all orders must be sent direct to this of fice accompanied with Cash, AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, IMAKEIA SPECIALTY OF ALL KINDS OF Secret Society Printing. RITUALS, . . . APPLICATION BLANKS, CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS, BLANK BOOKS, ETC. A BUSINESS EDUCATION. DO YOU WANT IT? For sale a Scholarship in the BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE in the city good for either Business. Shorthand or Telegraph Courses, time not limited which 1 will sell at a sacrifice If' u are thinking of taking a course this year you will save money by writing to; H. Gr. McLEAN, 1103 E. 16th St., KANSAS CITY, MOx Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. Many of Them Double Page. 140 New and Superb Il lustrations. A Whole Library of Itself; of vital and absorbing interest to every mem ber of the household. Population of each Statt and Territory, of all ' Counties of the United States and of American Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants. 22 inctiM Bartholdl's Btatue of Liberty, h White House at Washington, the Great Brooklyn Bridge, Mirror Lake (Yosemite Valley), El Capitan (Yosemite Valley), Waterfall and Cave (New Zealand),Jordan River, Murchl son Waterfall (Upper Nile), Pilot Knob (Iron Mountain, Missouri), United Htatos Signal Service (Pike's Peak, Colorado), Giant's Gap (American River Canon, Col orado), Scene In Tropical Florida, Falls of the Rhine, the Mattcrborn Mountain (Switzerland), Scenes In and near the City of Peking (China), Island of Juan Fernan dez, State Capitols, State Seals, etc., etc. All the Large Cities of the World, the Important Towns and Most of the Villages of the United States are Given on the Maps. It gives a Classified List of All Nations, With Forms of Government, Geographical Location, Size and Population. 2.00 1.18 Printers, WRITE FOR ESTIMATBS. Weak ,Irritable,'l .red l Was No tfood on Earth." Dr. Miles Nervine atrrnirthons the weak, builtla up tho broken down constitution, and itcrmanently cures f very kind of nervous disease. "About one yrarmg t tramatJtirted ritk nrrroumueuM, mleeplemmnemm, t'reeplng mentation in my trgm. Might palpitation mf my heart, IHmt rafting con f anion mfthe mind, Herlonm ! or lapme of memory. Weighted dtrn trltk care and trorry. completely taut appetite And felt my vitality trearlng out, t tram treak, irritable and tired, Jig freight warn reduced to ISO lb:. Mi fart I tram MO goad, an earth. A friend brought me Pr. Miles' book, "New and Start ling Facts," and I finally derided to try a bottle of I'R. Milks' Ke oratlve Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I could I could iWjf ell as a fi ! fJfjk, vturned " -f'S sleep ax we lO-yr.-old boy, appetite re greatly increased. If hen I had taken the mUth bottle 31 g weight inereamed to 1 70 bm.. The Herniation In my legit tram gone! JHy nervem uteadled completely; tig memory tram fully remtored. tig bralnmeemedelearerthanerer. M felt a good am any man on earth. Itr. tlllem" Itemtoratire Kerclne. im A great medicine, I ammurm you." Augusta, Mo. Walter K. Hi-hbank. Dr. Miles" Nervine is sold on a positive giiaranu-e thut the flrht bntile will lietient. Alldruggistggellltaisi.o bottles for $5, or It wi be bent, prepaid, on receipt of price by Ui0 ir. Miluu Medical Co., Klkhart, ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health THE WESTERN TRAIL is published quarterly by the CHIC l(0, KOCKJISLiSD & I'AIIFIC RAILWAY. lit tells how to get a farm In the West, and it will be sent to you gratis for one year. Send name and address to "Ed itor Western Trail, Chicago," and re ceive it one year free. J0II SEIUSTUN, 0. P. A. Fremont, ElKhorn & Missouri Yalli Fbkmont, Hastings, Wahoo, Lincoln, Skwaed, Superior, . David City, York, A.LBION, NOBFOLI , A HDD ALL Northern Nebraska, Black Kill AND CENTRAL WYOMING. OHLT DIRECT LINI T", Sioux Cit' Minnea 'olis an St. Paul. Ticket Office MOlFarnam street and WebsM Street Union Station. H. a. BURT, (Jia'l Minuter. J. R. BUCHANAN (Jea IPassAit Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed. Price 40 Const. SUBSTITUTION I MARRIAGE, Prloe SO Cents. Rev. Joseph Blatter? Is tbe author of boU of tbe above books. They are lust what thr titles indicate, and are printed In good, cleat type and bound In paper covers. Sent by ez pressor mall. Address, AMERICAN I'UBLISHINC CO., 16 15 Howard street. Om ha, Net I Main St.. Kanans Oil v, Mo. Ulark and Kiindoluh. OhlcaKO. II. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED BT 13 K. JUSTIN D FULTON This is one of Dr. Fulton's best books, deals with the question of cfllbacy of thi priesthood from a religious standpoint; alsi the past and present history of the Komai Catholic Church. Price, in cloth cover, I. Or Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by AMERJCAN PUBLISH'NG CO.. MARIA MONK Paper Cover 60 Cents. This little volume relates tbe terrible ei perlence of a nun who was confined in th 'Black Nunnery" of Montreal It has prob ably tbe largest sale of any work of the klol ever published, and several Attempts to Suppress II have beet, made. The price In cloth Is HOC and in papei SO cents. For sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Net Main St., Kansas City. Mo. A Visit of Jesus Christ TO fovb nus IX. One of VICTOR HUGO'S wittiest and most sarcastic poems, translated from the GHASH ROYS, 631 F 8treet, WA8HINQTON, D. 0 Christ takes a look Into the Vatican; con verses with one of the pope's guards and t cardinal. Single copy 10c 10 copies stir 100 copies $5.00 NOTE New edlt!on, increased by 16 paos, The life of Victor H-igo: TheCanon Laws and their source; A. P. A. Principles from auth entic source; Irish Miisearre of 1041. related ly the French Kotraa Catholic hlitortar,, Lamartlne; Tbe iMi.rrian Contract that must be siinied by a Protectant to obtain a Roman Catholic brlile, with cabinet size half-tone uicture o' t!e cuthor. W WAMt A: ? ic WISH to Sell i rtl nnornc VVinrori Cliid HHIUtU nr'iihar( H & CO,6 FlttHirt & Bt,PhllaPa sjHiiirjiat IM, HARBA? Jit GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION ir Tea United States of America. FKANCIS C. CAMPBELL. M. W. U. M., ROBT. W. JOHNS 1' IN, Supreme Nvretary. Troy, New York ml. r.tniK, tun ii i d,u.i n....t... iki v. Orgsinlftfr for linuttrinieal uf NobrimW, low, i7 Ui.v.i .1ll,..1 UllAXUK I'lilXClrLES. On behalf of the Loral Orange Lodge of tbe United States of America, and with a view of correcting the false impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the minds of men who are unacquainted with Orat.gr principles, are these few statements made: The Loyal Orange Institution is a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by hree ties- Justice, Truth and Righteousness. It bas no hidden alms It Is Kraternal and Henevulentasalsllng; and protecting members while living and their widows and orphans when they are re moved by death. It upholds the right of private Judgment" the untrammelled freedom of oplalon; be. llevos the public schools are an essential safeguard of the state, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that persons disloyal to tbe government who hold a mental allegiance to the pope of Rome should be rlgorovxly excluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance is due to the government which protects tbe lives, liberties and properties of Its cltlsens, and that ecclesiastical authority should aof under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of acltlsen in the exercise of his or her right of franchise, under tbe guise of relig ious orsplrltual authority should be pun ished as a crime against the state. That It is the duty of every citizen to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and inimical Influences, as well as against armed assailants, to the end that our glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourages habits of frugality and in duslry among Its members, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become a public charge or accept pauper bread. It believes In tbe restriction of immigra tion and tbe extension of time for the natur alisation of cltlsens, and that the public ands shall be held for actual American cltl sens who become settlers. The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the United States of America has certain requirements for membership: That a man shall bean actual American Cttlien, having complied with the lawsof the Dnlted Slates with regard to naturalization, and without a mental reservation. That the applicant shall be a Protestant, and also that his parents and wife shall be Protestant. That he shall be thrifty and successful In his business; honorable and truthful in his dealings with his fellowman. and shall be known as a law-abiding citizen. That be will endeavor to give his children or any children under bis charge at least a food common school education, being care ul to avoid all popish doctrines, and That he (.hall lie In sound health at tbe time of making application. It makes no difference where a man was born, so long as be meets the foregoln requirements. These are the Qualifications reaulred o every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American oruer can offer a better arravof nrtnclples and teach ings. J. 0. U. A. 91. A Loyal. Patriotic Organization, Fra U'rnal and Itcnellclal, Ntrittlj Non- Partisan and Non-WH tarian. DECLARATION Or PKINCIPI.EH. The National Council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics In annual semtlon assembled declares: That the constant landing upon the shores of the hordes of ignorant, vicious and lawless criminals of the Old World should be viewed with alarm by the loyal and patriotic cltl sens of this country. We a Hi rm a warm and hearty welcome to all immigrants who desire to better their condition and become a part and parcel of our nationality, but we have not one square Incb of room for tbe anarchist, the socialist or nihilist, or for any one who is not willing to bow allegiance to that flag which Is powerful enough to shield and protect them as well as us. in the exercise of all civil and religious liberty. We affirm our devotion to the public school system of this country, we believe in com pulsory education, and that all teaching in our schools should he in the English lan guage, to the end that future generations may oe aoie to lase tneir piace in tne ranss of our country's workers, educated In the history, the customs and manners of Ameri cans. We guarantee to every man the liberty of worshiping Ood according to the dictates of his own conscience, and would give everv as sistance to protect all in the exercise oi bis liberty, but we object most strenuous to the Interference of any church, no matter under what name It may exist, in the tern noral affairs of this country. We believe that the Bible should be read In our DUbllc schools: not to teach sectarianism but to Inculcate its teachings. It is the recognized standard of all moral and civil law; we therefore believe, that our children should be educated In Its teachings, but that no dogma or creed should be taught at the same time We believe thnt patriotism and love of country should be Instilled into tbe hearts of children, and that, with the words of Mother." "Home and "Heaven." our chll dren should be taught that our flag is the symbol of all that makes a "home" for us. We would place a flag upon every public school in our land, and a Bible within, and the object lesson therein set forth should be a beacon light in every storm which threat ens to engulf us. In this noble and patriotic work we ask the cordial and hearty co-operation of ail good citizens. In this grand work we need the helping hand of all organizations holding tbe same views and principles. We have no time for Jealousies and bickerings, but with a united front we should march forward, shoulder to shoulder, remembering that "United we stand, aivtaea we ran." In the strictest sense we are a national polltt :al organization, but we oppose with unanimit y the slightest taint of partisanlsm. "Our country" Is our motto, and we keen this motto steadily before us. We are cogni zant that there are great and powerful enemies within our midst, requiring the strictest surveillance of all who are at heart, word and In deed Amtricam. We, as member of this Order, amrm our allegiance to the objects of tbe Order as paramount to any Dartlsan affiliation, and urge uuon the mem bership harmonious, united and intelligent action in carrying out tne principles. OBJECTS OF THR ORDER. First To maintain and promote the inter ests of Americans, and shield them from the deoresstnff effects of foreign comrjetltlon. Second To assist Americans in obtaining employment. Third To encourage Americans In busi ness Fourth To establish a sick and funeral fund. Fifth To maintain the public school tvs tern of the United States of America, and to prevent sectarian Interference thei with, and uphold the reading of the 4oly Bible tnerein. THE QUALIFICATIONS fOR M1HBIR0BIP. K'uuire that an applicant shall be: A. while male persov born id tbe Dnlted HlaUw of North America, or si UiS pro Uv lloo of tu Bag. Of good moral rbararwr. A bvllwrr la Uioslsunci f a Hupraine Helng mm tbe Creator and I'iMnrver uf Uie Universe. OppuatMl to any unloa of i-hun-b and state. favorable to fre (Mtucaiioa and Wis America Public N'biMil nyuiu. Between 16 aoil tu yeara of age for bene ficial iiieuiU-r.liip; over Suva rs honorary nieiiilMrlitp. The word ' Junior" in the tlu has no rota tion to the age of members. It was adopted kt OI"llnguiii Hie Order from the O. U. A. M., and has uo other slgn'tli-au-. Nor Is the word ' Mix'haliU'" to be Construed literally. It ref rs in uo uiaonvr to arluaus, but embraces evry pursuit. OKQANIXIHa WtRTKU. We want a Oouni'ii of the Jr. O. t). A. M la every city, town and village in Uie Uulutd States. It Is the leading American patriotic and beneficial orgauutilon, and mo eirongiwt and uu of me oldest, couBued to native born. Itlsonly necemary to make Its oblerts. prliiciplvs aud workings Known to easily secure enough charter members to start a Oouucll. A liberal premluui will be paid to any oue orgauuiug a Couucli. tor full par ticular add rem,. V. W. TYLKIl. Richmond, Va. Malioual Councilor. DIRECTORY. NATIONAL COUNCIL. N C-C. W. Tyler, Richmond. Va. N. V. t'. Perry A. Schanor, Pittsburg. Pa, Jr P OJ U A Ricuter. Hoi Ml, Cauuiu, J. National Organiser Waiter K, orange, Plttaburgb, Pa. , Meets tu 1 leaver, Colo., the third Tuesday In June. lnmi. HTA I K COUNCIL OK ILLINOIS. Incorporated February 4. imi. O O T 11 llryson, tM.16 Wuutwurth avenue, Chicago. S V CTbos Rowan, TDD Union st, Alton. JrPH C--Thos J Coen. 4U7 Sliellluld are. Chicago. H V Bec'y Joseph 8 Reynolds, P O Box i... Chicago. S O l'reaaB II Sample, RU4 Armour ave Chicago Meets at Alton, fourth Monday lo August, 1HV4 SUHOR01NATK. Oeorge VTaslilngton Council, No , meets nrsl and third friuay eveuliigs or tcb month, at Alillne hall, 7a K Randolph b nl- cago. JoaephS Reyuolds R S. lftlo 1 ash ave. v laiurrs always welcome. Ellsworth council, No Iti. u. f days at oino neutworiu ave. M,tti. ou n B. Wi lionore st, Kng'ewood. Oollax Council, No i-i, meets Saturday evenings at 1 O O K hail. South Chicago ave. jonn w noger, k b, nox t;. Uaulul Webster Council, No. 8. Jr. O. U. A M meets nrsl aud third Satuidav evenings of each month in Modern Woodman hall, Murray. Neb. Visit lurf brothers alwava wel come, James Longbridge, recording secre tary. UMTKD AMEKICAJi MtlHANRS. Its Orgunlziitinii aud I'rlut lplcs How to ltecoine a MciiiImt. We would respectfully call your attention to the fact that there la In this city a council of tbe Order of United American Mecbaulos, to which we would be happy to have you give a moment's thought, and If favorably impressed, would like your name proposed for membership. Tbe Order of United American Mechanics was organized In Philadelphia on the 15lb day of July, 1845. lu Hrst Inception was for the protection of Mechanics and Working men alone, and for a number of years none but operative mechanics and worklngmen were admitted to Its membership; but the great Interests of princlpleslnvoived in lu existence, caused a departure from that plan, and the Order has for years existed and exlsU today as an order of speculative me chanics, recognizing every one possessed of the birth requlremunU, who works tor a malntalnance either by hand or brain or both as eligible lo membership, and numbers among lu members wen of every profession, and calling in life. The objects of this order are to assist each other in obtaining employ ment; to encourage each other in business; to establish a sick and funeral fund; to establish a fund for tbe relief of widows and orphans and to aid members; and to aid members who, through Providence, may be Incapacitated from fol lowing their usual vocations, in obtaining situations suitable to their afflictions. The membership of this order Is composed of white male citizens born in the United States, or under the protection of lu flag Tbla order has existed for nearly fifty years. and Is at present, rapidly spreading through out the Dnlted States. As an American born, and having the welfare of yourself and family at heart, as well as that of tbe nation at large, we would most heartily Invite you to become a member of the D. A. M as it 1 the only Order in existence founded es pecially to promote the InteresU, olevate the character and secure the happiness of tbe American mechanic and business man. It therefore appeals to the head and heart of him who wields the pen as well as to him who swings the scythe or wields the sledge hammer of the mechanic. In lu councils, a free discussion of principles relating to the fostering and care of tne lnteresu of indi vidual meubsrs is permitted; but nothing of a political or sectarian character la ever al lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation with such institutions as Trades Unions, KnlghU or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or the like, and desires not to control either capital or labor, as It would be doing a gross Injustice to many of lu members, who are taken from both classes. The membership of the Order is scattered from Maine to Call fornla, and from all polnuco ues lhe glorious news that the Order is gaining great strength In all Jurisdictions. Ao endowment branch s also''Connected with the Order, both national and -state, which Insures those who seek lu benefits, enabling them to leave a sum, which is In all cases substantially and promptly paid, to the dear ones, when death marks lu mem bers for Its own. It seems very strange Indeed that the American does not feel Inclined to become so peculiarly national In his ideas and as oclatlons as do tbe English, French, Oer man, Irish, and other nationalities. Kaeh and all of the foregoing have their peculiar national organizations, and take; pride in same. But the American Joins order aftei order, composed of a mixture of national! ties, and leu bis own countrymen severely alone In the matter of secret and fraternal societies. We would not belittle any of the existing secret beneficial associations. Far from It. They area power for good in the community, But we do ask him who is to the manor born to turn his thoughts to home and native land, so that he can oln in the glad refrain "Thou art my native land, I own thy fostering hand; Though far from thee I roam, Still thou art my home." Americans, we or tnis Brotherhood appeal to you o aid us la this work we are now ... ..... r ... . i . i . . 3 i"S uu, x uu uius, ciuior ue " WI against us. Choose quickly and let us show to the country that we firmly believe in American principles, American Industry, American protection and American govern ment. Strikes rloU and boycotting are terms too harsh to be applied to Americas Mechanics. Bonded together by promptings of patriotic affection, may tnis Order grow and progress, until every man who calls him self American can staud up and say In all sincerity. I own no man as master of uiv actions' LODGE DIRECTORY. NEBRASKA. vtatb oncucii. or aaaaAsaaf -WM F. n.HAPP. I' ti Hoi iv. Omaha. C.-li H IIAHriKM.il. PiaiUiuouta. Secy.-tiKO.C. FKN ION, P. O bug 0 H H O. . t). Oman S tl. I'reaa - OilUCtor-ll. . HAHSt.K, I'laUlIHHltk. anlea-ll. P. tXKMIM.h, llaveiock. W Me L Rll Ith II AM. Plallamouin. It, .prewnlatives to National Council W4 NAPP. II. L. UAV. P. it. MuALLKY. J. K. h nr. iiuiii'f.K s. r, uulsa.i The next regular meeting will be held osi the third Tuesday In July, Iwa, at Piatt- W FRANCIS H. KEY COUNCIL No, meets Hvt.rv Krlil.,i, avrirtiiirf &l fl. A. It llil latumouth. Neb. Vlsillug brothers oor dlally Invited. O. K. JOIINHON, Uoc MO. WA8IIINOTO.N COUNCIL No. I. mecla " ever Tuesday eve. In Idlewild na.4. J4ih and Oram reels. Visiting brutnora always welcome. J. II. IIahvsT. Sue' INOOLN COUNCIL No. 1. meet la Urn 4 coin, Nebraska fOLUMHIA COUNCIL No. a, meets every " TueMjav eveulutf la PaLUtraoii block. I.la and Faruaut Sireeia. A. L. l.ioiiTrooT, Councilor. A. tl. r l.l ST, K. Pec y, add rasa care County Clerk. (JARFIKLD COUNCIL No. S. meeu evsr v Tuesday uignt lu Sou in Omaiia. VAN ItSA. 11. II. I IHHCH, Couuc.llor. Secretary IHKKTY COUNCIL No. I nieeta every l '1'llt.wll.V HV.IIIIMJ I tl II tf llll I ..1 vllle. Nub. f. II. Lucas, Ruu. Sec'y. COUNCIL No. 3(1, A. P, A., Cameron, Mu., meets every second and fourth Mundae evening, at fraternity Temple. Visitors welcome, 11 LUFF CITY COUNCIL No T meeu every Wednesday eveulug In O. A. R. Hail. Oouucll II I u its. la. LINCOLN Commander No. t. II. A. M. meets every Thursday evening In P. O. S. of A. ball. Council it lulls, la. A. M, Uuruhaui, ttocoruur. AMERICAN LOYAL OltANUB LODOK, No. til, meeu tne Hrst and third l'ue layi eveulug uf ea:h moiilli, at S:iw o'cloca, UKO. F. CO.MSl'OCBl, Seo'f MISSOURI. . STATK COUNCIL OP MISSOURI. 8, C F. C. Horden, llolden, Mo. S, V.C. Rev. 11. A. siaugulur. Hi. Jomi.h Missouri B. O. Bee y Holla U. Carroll. Warrenabius. MlHHourl Will meet in Clitlllcothu, Mo.. February 1H1W. KANSAS CITY COUNCILS I'ANHAn CITY COUNCI1, NO. Meet " every Friday night at luia Walnut atreeW J as, niciNamara, hec y Inuu hast loth St. flOLUMBIA OOUNcil, NO. 15-MeeU every HiLliirilKV nliriiL mi. i.iim i-hpiw. f T i, . and Cherry streets, W. r.sneaver, RecoiU lug Secrelary, 140? Madison street. pATRIOT COUNCIL NO. M-MeeU every ...,......, .. H ... vr. KJ, ? . OaiU 1421 h. hlgbteentu street, J. fc. Fisher, Ro, 7KSTPORT COUiMCI L NO. 87-MeeU every " Friday ulgbt at Westoort. W. H hi.h.. Rec. Secrelary, MA H. Klguin street. ATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Meeu every Monday night, corner Itfth and Penn Hi.. over drug store. CPHINOFIKLI) COUNCIL No. 40-Meeis 'J every Thursday ulgut, between Jlst aud 32ud ou Holmes. gHEFFIELll COUNCIL No. dS-MeeU al -. j ...... j uiHub, xuumaai Smllh, Rec. Sec y, Suuliield, Mo. ABE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. 18. AMKkl. can Protective Association meets every sec ond aud fourttt Weuuesday of each month la i. j, u. r. nan, l iatuiuiouiu, null. Visiting members are welcome J. ll. Smith. Sec. AURORA COUNCIL No. 2, W. A. If, A. n Meeu every Wednesday afternoon at I o'cloca, al tno A. P. A. Hall, 4rf Minnesota avenue, ttausa City, rau. DROSPECT COUNCIL No, 61. A. P. A.-meess every .tlonUay evening at tbe corner uf Twenty-ihird and Pronuuct avenue. Kui.u Olty, iUo. Persons desiring to Join may en close their name, street aud number, ward, ago uu occupation, auu uirect to box ma Kansas Olty, jio,. America Council No. 7, meeU at Wood, ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 a. in sparp, third street aud Lafayette avenue. naiisaa jn.y, .no. ah visiuug friends will be cordially wel- corned. Mrs. C. Abhott, President, Mug. Ida Phillips. Secretary.. CDREKA COUNCIL No. 1, W. A. P. A. Mesas u second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock lu the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor ner pacsard aud Osage avenue, AruiourdaiO, Visitors are cordially luvlted to attend. UMOK AWAKE COUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A " meeu every Friday night at Wth saifl L Road, Orlgsuy's hall, Kansas City, Kan. EXCELSIOR COUNCIL NO. 8, W. A. P. A. " meeu on the Hrst and third Thursday afternoon uf each mouth, at : o'clock, al Hell's hall, Southwest rlouieyard, near slat line, Rosedale, Kansas, Friends of other councils are cordially Invited to attend, fcvery irue American lady Is invited to com and joiu us. and assist in the good work. Iniallou feeil.uO fJATK CITY COUNCIL No. 8. A. P. A. u Meeu every Saturday evening at T Min nesota avenue, Kansas City, hi as. Visitor Cordially invited, roUNCIL No. 7, A. P. A.-Meets every Moo. v day evening at Chamber of Couiinerow Hall, lilvervie. Visitors cordially Invited. fOUNCILNo. ill A. P. A.-Meeu at Wooo. v ward s Hall every Tuesday evening at 8,p, tn. sharp, fuirdstreeiaud Lafayette avenue, A cordial invitation is extended to visiting friends. A ROENTINK COUNCIL No. 12, A. P A Meeu every Monday night in Nokes Hall, Argentlue, Kan. Ail visitors welcomed. TOPEKA COUNCIL No. 14, A. P. A. Meets every Monday eveulug in A. O. U. W. Hail 418 Kansas aveuue, lope a Kansas. AH visitors will oe cordially welcomed. Oostdyk Council, No. I, W. A. P. A. of Kan sas City. Mo., meeu every Friday afternooa at t: o'clock at ldos Penn St. Address, Posk odice box 3Jt, Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower Lode, L. O. L., No. 264, meet second and fourtn Tuesdays of each ruontn at 8 p. m at Claliin's ball, corner of M1U street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan. Visltitg brethren are cordially Invited to at tend. John Oavidwin. rv. M., Wiu. Mo Naughtou. Secy., 715 Reynolds Ave. Liberty Council, No. 15, Jr. O. U. A. It, meeu every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and Osage streets, Aruiourdaie, Kansas, Thos. Rolf, secretary. (ANSAS PURPLE STAR, L. O. L. No. 30ft " Meeu flrst and third Tuesdays of each month al8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. Hall, corner Fourtn stieet and Minnesota aveuue. Kansas City, Kan. ;amuei Harrtsou, W. M. Wm. Ballagb, secretary, 5.17 Northrup avenu Visiting brethren cordially invited. ROSEDALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meeu a every Wednesday night at McOeorge'a hall, Rosedale, Kas. All friends cordially nvued. SUPrtE.VIc CASINcT American Orange Knights, OBJECTS. This order is formed of persons whose ob jects is to maintain tbe supremacy of law order and censtltutlonal freedom; to pre serve inviolate the citizen's franchise;, i perpetuate and defend the precepu and free Institutions of civil and religious liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United tales and established by our forefathers. pko AKts bt rocia. For information regarding the formation of new Commanderies, or supplies, write to the supreme secretary, M, L. OOK, Sec'f, J. M. Bankkh. C. C, 1615 Howard St., Saganaw. Mich. Omaha. Neb FOR KKN T C.iilM-ll.H inches, at 75 cent per dozen; smaller suj j.i ceuu per doteu, al 1U15 Howard street. Oiutha.