The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 09, 1895, Image 4
THE AMERICAN Catvr at I'oiUiltl't mm Kant-cim matfr JAHH C. THOMPSON. OltCB. W. C KFLLFT. HttiB Mar. rCBLIMIKD FFKLY BY THE 4MEE1C1H FDELISEIKS COKFAKT, l14 1Iwm Sraitirr, Omi. Nk. TIIK AMFKIOAX OKKU KS. mt Howr.t fiiwt, ih. N-b. K.m . Mala Miwl kan.aallif, ""A Koum . I.4 M liiiloll Mft, LM- lOk III. . jiiMNI a Yrmn MrU-lly -!. AUGUST 9 I'.i5. Tut.UK wa do "riot" and no "blood hed" in Omaha. Vknai.ii aiUenthroned lo the office of the Omaha In the lexicon of Roaewater there It no uch word as veracity. Roskwatek la the acknowledged leader of the Nebra.ka Wry-Neck. aoclal standing la on an exact piano with hi xjllilcal stand ing. . Thk disfavor of the Senior Slrawater la a pretty aura paport to the favor of the people. IT ia high time that the votarld of venality were driven from tho temple of journal Urn. OUR Taut and SUaa are not of one accord, aa were the Paul and SUaa of sacred history. Roskwatkr did hla best to place Omaha In a bad light before the American public. Robewatkr's methods and manners are consistently contemned by those In whom the civic virtue Inhere. Tub very flower of Omaha'a citizen consort with thoso whom Rosewater stigmatize aa "howling dervUhea." The denationalization of the Amer icana of the State of Nebraska Is too big a task for one alien Bohemian Jew. Rose WATER, thank to a quickened public conscience, can no longer hood wink any citizen who la both patriotic and intelligent. The Senior Slmwater'a homilies on clvlo virtue are highly amusing to those who are acquainted with tho real character of the horalllst. To the ambitious politician: Here after, if you want to get elected to an office of honorand emalument, contrive to have the Inmt oppose you. The young men in the Insect office whom the Senior Slmwator htt taught the science of "journalism" must tcol especially proud of their preooptor. The control of a newspaper of the venal character of the fee gives Roie water no real advantage over a man of the indisputable Integrity of Sam Mac Leod. IN Act III of "A Midsummer-Night's Dream," Bottom the weaver appears wearing the head of an ass. Such is the role which the editor of the Omaha Ike has been enacting for a fortnight. John Ireland says: "Next to re ligion is patriotism." We would re verse that, because a patriot is broad enough to accept religion, while a re ligious man may be so bigoted that pa triotism can find no dwelling place In fa is heart. There has been no talk of rioting in Omaha except that Indulged in by the offictal organ of the Roman church the Bet which has published columns cf libelous articles against the Ameri can Protective Association, in the hope of inciting the ignorant Romans to deeds of violence. But no trouble has resulted, and no blood has been shed Its anarch Is tlo utterances failed to boar fruit. DON'T censure Cnarley Greene for holding up befora the court the fact that the A. P. A. counted upon the suffrages of "thousands of our citizens,'1 and then, in the next breath, lauding the Roman Catholic church, and par ticularly the Roman Irish, in so ex travagant a manner, while defending the old board of fire and police oommiS' eloners. Mr. Greene wasn't fighting the A. P. A. Ha was helping them. He knew the court would be fair If he abused Protestants and upheld Ro manism. Holmes says that Emiliae Clgrand, one of his so-called victims, confessed her ruin (by Holmes) to a Roman Catho lic priest, and Is now confined In a con vent. What an example for our young women! Think of their being com pelled to confess to an over-fed, lech erous, unmarried priest, all the horrible details of their ruin, under fear of ex communication from the holy (?) church. Toung women and married women must tell in the confessional things which they dare not tell ti their fathers, husbands or brothers. Just think of the ignorance and superstition of such a belief being taught in this en lightened century! WHERE THE RESPONSIBILITY WILL REST. The reiteration of It water' charge by Dever aid lirowo'a counsel, that if the new rvmtutwlonrr secured control of the fire and police department there will bo riot and bloodshed in Omaha, might aa well be analyzed now aa later on. lias a citueo 01 urn an nearu in supporter of Mer. Van Dervoort, Broatch or Foster deelare that tb-y would resort to unlawful means to aee that the new law was put ia operation and effect? Has a citizen of Omaha ever read or ever heard of, or ever known the men favor ing the new law to commit an overt act? Ilave they ever been known to defy law? Ilave they ever counte nanced disorder? Have they ever up held anarchy? No; they do not ap prove of anything which will endanger the peace and good order of society. Then who must be held responsible If act of violence, if mob law, follow the displacement o' Drown, Demi and Deaver? Men of their Ilk; of the Ilk of Rosewater; the alums, which the Roman Catholic Church vomit on every community where she la lotting political power and prestige! They are the ones who must be held respon sible for all overt acts, for all disturb ance and all damage resulting from mob ruU. Van Dervoort, Foster, Broatch, and the friends of the new act will obey the law; their allegiance Is to the law of this country; and they are willing to submit to the orders of court. The flesh pots, tho spoils of office, are not so dear to them that they cannot wait until the cause 1 properly adjudicated by the proper tribunals. Therefore, let It be understood that if there are any riots, if there la any bloodshed, those riot and that bloodshed must be the work of the lawless element in the Roman Cat hollo Church, under the direction of the priests of Rome and at the earnest solicitation of . Rose water. Amorloans will not be a party to any lawless demonstrations, nor will they utter any Inflammatory language. There will be peace, order and quiet, unless Rose water's crowd commit the unlawful acts. CONTENDING AGAINST LAW. Last week, when Messrs. Van Der voort, Foster and Droatch attempted to assume and perform the duties devolv ing upon them as tho board of fire and police commissioners, Judga Hope well, upon the petition of Brown, Deaver and Bern is, issued a restrain ing order, and cited them to appear and show cause why an injunction should not obtain against them. The case came on for hearing Tuesday morning, and has occupied the atten tion of the oourt since that time. The opening argument was made by Rose water's chief lackey, E. W. Simeral, of Douglas addition fame, who was fol lowed by a sub-lackey, also of Douglas addition fame, Geo. W. Doane. The arguments of these gentlemen were ex ceedingly weak and pointless. Mr. Frank T. Ransom opened for the defendents, Van Dervoort et al , in a powerful argument, backed by a num ber of strong citations. He was fol lowed by Judge McCulloch In one of the most able arguments we have ever heard presented before a court of law or equity. His citations were simply unanswerable. Judge McCulloch was followed by Hon. R. S. Hall. Mr. nail not only raised many new questions, he not only demonstrated the untenable positions of the plaintiffs, but he lined up all the authorities In such a formid able way that counsel for the defense found it convenient to shift from one position to another, in order to have any appearance of good faith and hon esty, to back up the position their clients had assumed. At the close of Mr. Hall's argument Mr. Charloj J. Greene began the clos ing argument for the plaintiffs. He began talking Thursday afternoon, con tinued Friday morning, and resumed his argument at 1:30 p. m. Friday. From the manner in which Mr. Greene handles his case it is plain to us that he went into it without preparation, or else that he has the weakest case any lawyer of standing ever undertook to bring to a successful issue. Mr. Greene concluded his argument at 2:30 p. m. Friday, and the court announced that a decision would be handed down Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. MR. GREENES QUESTION. Mr. Chas. J. Greene, one of the at torneys for the usurping board of fire and police commissioners, asked this question Thursday afternoon, in the course of his argument against the new law governing the appointment of the fire and police commissioners of cities of the metropolitan class: "What great question of public importance was at stake In this issue that this change should be made In this law?" We opine that Mr. Greene bad an answer framed to his own mind that would have satisfied every man, woman and child In this community barring the few sympathizers of the malcontents whose battle he was fighting. We opine that Mr. Greene's answer to his own question, if clothed In words of ordinary use, would have sounded something like this: "Your honor, the Interest at stake- vu the right of every man to cast an un trammeled ballot; It wa to prevent the levying of blackmail for political puruotr; It wa to plaoe tlie fire and police department beyond the control and manipulation of un scrupulous poLticlan wboaaouly claim to reaKM'tahlllty and decency lie la the fact that their villainies, their shield ing of boodler and their crime agaltt every kind of virtue had not been panned upon by the court; the question of public moment wa whether law and order should prevail, or threat of riot, anarchy and bloodshed hould bo ud to Inflame the passion of the Ignorant and luperslitlou a often as and when ever the purpose of certain politician eemed to need the assistance, of that class of our citizenship; the question at iiuiM w whether the cliizensof Omaha should rule their city or whether it should be ruled by a despotic band of politic at shyster who had for years fattened at the public' expense, while assuming to stand unalterable for good government and for the constitutional rights of our citizens; the great ques tion at Issue was whether one man should continue to dictate the ap pointees on that board or whether the right to petition would continue to have weight In matter of publio concern; the quostlon at Issue wa whether un scrupulous politicians should continue to hold a club over the gamblers, over the saloon-keepers and over the dive- keepers, and compel them to contribute to the campaign funds and rush to the support of the candidates selected by that coterie of political mountebanks, or whether they should exercise the rights guaranteed to them under the constitution, and vote for whom they please. These, your honor, are some of the reasons for the changing of this law; and, it your honor pleases, they were sufficient If other and weightier reasons could not be advanced." And now comes John Ireland once more, on his great wave of patriotism ?) pat. applied for and speaks his little piece: "Next to religion, Is pa triotism; next to love of church, is love of country." As there is but one church the so called Holy Roman Catholic Church and as a man's coun try must come after tho church, there must be many thousands In the United State who have no country, as the? belong to churcheB which are not churches. If you have not got religion you cannot be patriotic; or, In other words, if you are not a member of the Roman Catholic church, you are not nor never can be patriotic, and are not Americans, as you have no country. This is the kind of patriotism (?) that Induced thousands of the Roman Cath olic Irish in the Union army to "shoot" to Canada when the Pope of Rome sent his blessing to Jeff Davis. May the holy (?) church keep all suoh patriot ism, and, for fear it will become con taminated, lock it up in cells in con vents. Nearly two weeks ago we received what purported to be a dispatch from a citizen of Chicago, stating that he could furnish 5,000 armed Americans to put down the law-breakers of Omaha. Since then we have mado a thorough search through the various patriotic orders of Chicago for a man bearing the name signed to the telegram. So far, we have failed to locate him. He is not known to leaders In the Orange order, the A. P. A., the Jr. O. U. A. M. or the P. O. S. of A. We presume it was one of Mr. Rose water's friends who thought to trap us Into making some indiscreet comment on the same. We do not have to go out of Nebraska to find men enough to put down law breakers. That is what we keep Judges Scott and Hopewell on the bench for. General Harrison is talked of for president again, says the Houtzdale (Pa.) Observer. It was under his ad ministration that Frank Satolli, the dago pope of America, made his triumphal entry into this country, be ing transferred from the ship in which he sailed to a government vessel, miles out from New York, and was received upon our shores with as much eclat as some mighty conqueror. We are of the opinion that Harrison is not the man wanted. How would Hon. W. S. Linton, of Michigan, do? It will re quire a thorough and uncompromising American to clean out the papist nest at Washington. Rev. James Boyd Brady, of Bos ton, Mass., some two weeks ago inti mated in a sermon that McEinley and Harrison were members of the A. P. A. Gov. McKinley's private secretary, Mr. James Boyle, has written a letter denying that the governor is a member of the American order. Mr. Harrison has not been heard from. Gov. Mc Kinley's denial was not necessary. Peo ple have not forgotten the last State Republican convention In Ohio, or the attitude of the A. P. A. toward the governor. Boston Excursion Notes. Half rates liberal arrangements August 19th to 24th good till next fall. Through cars via "Northwestern Line." THROUGH CARS, MIND YOU. No change at Chicago. The last Eastern Excursion this year Niagara Falls, baratoga, Mew York. St, Lawrence River, White Mountains, Boston. Ask questions at 1401 Farnam street and check your trunk at your house. "Haw we Apple De $!." Toledo, O., Aug. 1. A urtilng de nouement ha occurred la connection with the well-known theatrical people, Edwin Holt and Mabel Eaton. Holt poaed a a single man, and It wa under stood wa soon to marry Ml Eaton, who It a wealthy belre, her mother In Chicago holding her property a guardian until she I 25. She is now 22 year old. They have boco giving Shakepearean performance in what i called the ' Forest of Arden" since their company disbanded for the sea son, and have been patronized and Uonlzt d by the swell people of Toledo. But Holt forgot to pay several large debts, and one trouble led to another. Mrs. Holt and throe children came here suddenly, and the same day Mis Eaton's mother arrived from Chicago. Holt disappeared, but wa finally trapped In a farm-house, where he was hiding. A warrant was sworn out by Mrs. Holt charging him with desertion and neglect. Mr. Eaton endeavored to persuade her daughter to return home, and says ber daughter has been deceived, and Holt Is a villain who has complete control over her. Hereafter, until the engagement closes, Mrs. Eaton will remain with her daughter. The separation of Holt and hi wife is now probably permanent. Holt la in trouble financially and socially, and is In danger of severe pen alty under the Ohio laws. Owing to the high connection of Miss Eaton here the affair has literally rent the upper ten circle of society. Miss Eaton an heiress! Ye gods, when did this happen? And Miss Eaton's "high connection" will afford food for reflection in Omaha, where she was raised. Sees a Difference. Chicago, August 3 Editor The American: In your issue of this date I notice the following: "What! Amer icans actually acquiring positions under the city government of Chicago?" If I am not misinformed, I think you will find most, if not all, those appointees are Republicans, and their American Ism was not considered as against their Republicanism. Some of these gentle men no doubt secured their positions through their ability to carry the pri maries; and one of them boasted in my presence that he could conduct and had conducted just as crooked primaries as the other side. What he meant by that, I do not know. On the other hand, I know of several capable Amer icans who applied for positions, but who received no recognition whatever. They had, except in some cases where the presidents of the precinct clubs were unable to sign their own names, and had to make their X marks, pro cured the endorsement of the ward and precinct organizations. Think of the president of a Republican club being unable to write his own namel Like Ireland says: "Next to the Roman Catholic religion, is patriotism; next to love of the church, is love of coun try." Next to Republicanism, is Amer icanism! A Benedict Arnold who ab sconded with funds of the Independent American Citizens' party, last fall, is now a bailiff in one of the courts. An other "patriot," who furnished the Re publican campaign committee with affi davits, is holding down a clerkship as his reward. The golden rule, "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you," is becoming American ized, and now reads: "Do others, or they will do you." We have a Republican legislature and a Republican city council, and we have heard nothing but bocdle, boodle, boodle, since they have been in office. Our legislature votes to adjourn with out ordering an investigation, and some members of our city council are in dicted for putting boodle on ice. White wash is cheap; the people have had a nine days' wonder. And at the next election you will be told of the excel lent ticket put up by the party leaders, and which you are expected to support. When the people learn to vote for candidates who have no Republican, Democratic or Roman collar around their necks, then you may find some Americans in office and the complex- Ion of the Irish village and the annex will not so closely resemble the town hall of Cork. Oh, no; don't worry over Americans in office in this city, as G. Baldy Swift says he took his appointees from lists furnished by the regular ward and pre cinct clubs, and thus we have a busi ness (?) administration. If there are any Americans in office, they must be acting as dog-catchers. Ajax. More Subscribers for American Tapers. The A. P. A. is one great brother hood, organized for a special purpose, the object of which is now getting to be very well known in political circles, The order has many elements of strength, one of which is its periodical literature, of which we propose now to write. The A. P. A. has many ably conducted periodicals in different parts of the country, but we believe that they are not so well supported as they should be. We are often astonished and pained to find that so few, compara tively, of the order take any patriotic paper, but when we express our sur prise they always say with much as surance that when the time comes I they' will vote all right. We do not doubt their honesty and aineerity, but they do not realize what they are losing, for American periodicals are excellent, patriotic food for the order, aod essential to lu growth ia numbers, intelligence, influence and integrity. The member who take no American paper are not the one who are the most punctual at meeting of the coun cils, nor the beet worker for the good of the order, but they are the very one who will be most likely to be lured away by the force of circumstance at the crucial moment. Bat these lapse may be prevented in part if the member of the order will do their full duty in getting subscribers for American papers. Let each mem ber of the order have some definite plan of work and get at least two paid up subscribers every six months, and more if possiole, which seems a small thing to do, and yet it would accom plish wonder. And If you, my patriotic fellow workers, will enter upon this business In earnest, you have no idea how well you can succeed. You will have subscribed yourselves, of course, then take your paper with you with certain pieces marked, give a short lecture and urge them to subscribe; and If any make the objection that they have not the money on hand offer, If you can, to anyone the pay and wait on them till they can get It. And if you will persevere In this way you will be surprised to see your own increase of Interest in the patriotic cause, and of the rapid progress the noble order will make. Let no membpr of the A. P. A. or friend of the order go without an American paper simply because of pov erty. Let the councils discuss the merits of the case at their meetings, and if they find any one too poor to sub zribe and pay for bis paper, help him in part, or to all, as the case may be, by passing the hat for his benefit. If this plan should be strictly followed the numbers and efficiency of the A. P. A. would be more than doubled by the next session of the Supreme Council next April, at which time three more daily patriotic papers could be estab lished, atd well supported; one in Washington, D. C, one in the soutb, and one in Chicago or in the west, which would make sure the election of an A. P. A. president in '96, or, at the furtherest, in 1900. This view of the subject is no flight of fancy, no out burst of the imagination, no chimerical scheme or desire, but a sober reality based on actual cause and effect, worthy of the consideration of every American patriot In this momentous crisis, which will determine the success or defeat of the order and the life or death of the republic. And now, my patriotic friends, what are we going to do about it? Shall any of us become false to our patriotic prin ciple:? Shall we become slack and in different in the work we have in hand? Shall we refuse or even neglect to sac rifice time, money and efforts for the good of tne order? Can we afford to rob ourselves of the intellectual pleasure, the increased intelligence, the patriotic firmness and the knowl edge of the right of all which the American papers will furnish? We answer, No. No. A thousand times No. Rather let us all be united and true, at all hazards; let us be intelli gent, self-sacrificing, firm as a rock against all opposition, and have a proper sense of our individual responsi bility to do our utmost for the patriotic cause, as though the whole weight of responsibility of success rested upon us personally. Hence, with such an in creasing army of invincible patriots, it is only a question of time when they will triumph, and when our country will be rescued from priestly political dictation and papal tyranny. J. G. P. Roman Labor Union. In the West Bottom and a part of Kansas City, Kansas, a labor union is being organized solely of Roman Cath olics for the purpose of boycotting all Protestant industries. Men, women and children are being initiated into the fold, and if reports of their members bo not false, they intend to try and diminish Roman patronage to a fine point. They are good people to pattern after in this line. Perry Controlled by the A. P. A. Perry, Ok., Aug. 5. -The A. P. A. is a potent factor in politics here. The council, which is controlled by the A. P. A. organization here, refused today to confirm Captain Dwyer or J. E. Pat terson for chief of the fire department because of their supposed Catholicism. When chief and other policemen and all other city officers were appointed, the A. P. A. knocked out every Cath olic appointment. The lines are being closely drawn and the next city election will be on this line. Talking About Excursions, did you ever hear of anything cheaper than the Burlington Route's1 $2.50 rate, Omaha to Kansas City and return? It's for one day only Saturday, Au gust 10th. ' Special excursion train will leave the Union Depot, Tenth and Mason streets, at 9:15 .p. m. Back Monday morning in time for breakfast Tickets and full information at 1324 Farnam street. What stops Neuralgia t Dr. Miles Fain Pills. MORE ABOUT OMAHA. Probably tbe most deperate fight the Roman Catholic hierarchy ba ever engaged in In this country 1 the one now being waged in Omaha against the A. P. A. When the A. P. A. waa first organ lzed in that city the hierarchy believed the interest of the Roman church would be best tu beer red If repre sented by an organ a thing which they sprung upon that community a few weeks after The American wa launched. The column of that organ were filled with vile attack upon Prot estantism and upon member of the A. P. A. But public sentiment did not sustain the venture, and after a pre carious existence of a few months its creditor were astounded by the report that the plant had been removed from the state between two day. For a time the hierarchy remained quiet; assumed an air of injured inno cence, and trusted to the trenchant pen of a certain Episcopalian minister to vanquish the hated order and to defend Rome's rotten history and the disloyal utterances of itself and tbe laity. But that, too, waa insufficient to drive the cohort of true Americanism from the field; and aain the Romans dis appeared, only to cry bigotry, persecu tion and religious intolerance. Now they have come to the surface again, and are doing all in their power to bring the A. P. A. into disrepute. They have secured the services of a daily paper, which belabors the Ameri can order and certain of its members In the most approved Roman style re sorting to base fabrications, misrepre sentations and libelous innuendoes to such an extent that people have grown weary of iU un-American attitude, and have commenced to withdraw their support, subscriptions and advertising from Rome's disgraceful champion, whose editor has been repeatedly ac cused of being guilty of some of the most heinous offenses against good order, law and society. But Rome will be whipped this time as she has always been whipped before, and the friends throughout the country will have occasion to rejoice because of her discomfiture and her utter defeat. Just at present the question of supremacy depends upon the action of the supreme court. If it decides that the new law governing the appoint ment of the fire and police commis sioners of Omaha is constitutional, Rome will never again be a factor in the politics of Omaha; and the opinion of many of the best attorneys in the state is that the law is valid and con stitutional. The sustaining of this law means tbe complete overthrow of the Omaha Bee and its editor, E. Rosewater, who has assumed to be a dictator in Nebraska politics for years. Until the session of the last legislature he never opposed anything but what ha was sustained. Then, however, he undertook to im peach Judge Scott, and could not induce a membar of either branch of the legis lature to father the charges. Then he asked the governor to sign the sugar bounty bill; but that he refused to do. Then he opposed the fire and police com mission bill, but it passed both branches and went to the governor for his signa ture. At Rosewater's solicitation, if not at his dictation, the governor vetoed the measure. It then went back to the legislature and was passed over the governor's veto by more than a two thirds vote, in both house and senate, and became a law August 1. Rosewater now attempts to retain in power, without warrant or authority of law, the old fire and police commission, which was legislated out of office, even going so far as to incite riots and cause bloodshed in order to have his prediction, that the city of Omaha would be in a state of anarchy if the A. P. A. was placed in charge of its fire and police departments, verified, So far there have been no disturbances; and there will be none If he waits for the members of the A. P. A. to be the aggressors. The end is near at hand, and the de feat of Rosewater and Rome is almost assured. Roman Pressure. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 5, 1895. Two Romanists of Kansas City, Kan., made a descent upon one of our large packing houses and presented the names of eighteen of their Roman friends, demanding that eighteen Prot estants who were employed by the firm be discharged and the Romans placed in their positions. One of those present ing the names was a priest. This shows the persistency of Rome and the un daunted gall of the priesthood. The sooner these promoters of papacy can be dethroned, the better for the Amer ican people. It is time to call a halt, and a permanent one at that. SPECIAL EXCURSION To Kansas City Only $2.50. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC will run a Special Excursion to Kansas City, leaving Omaha about 9 p. m., Saturday August 10th . Returning, leave Kansas City Union Depot at 9:15 p. m., Sunday evening, giving the full day in either Atchison, Leavenworth or Kansas City DON'T MISS IT. For further information call at City Offices, northeast corner Thirteenth and Farnam streets, or at the depot.