The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 09, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
f THE AMERICAN. GOLDSMITH AND AMERICA. r!4 rMr TM fnaliT II IU Not r Ollvrr had tut lately compWeii riihif wild snd irriftilar course of at college, snd hi kinsfolk bad Insisted that lit should become a coun try parum, as hi poor fatbor hd bwo befort him. lie flt bit unfilniwt for uch caning, but he cared less for that than for soma of the trksoms re traluts that It would 1iiido. ln lanee. be could not bear the thought f being obliged to wear louf wig bm he preferred t short one, or of tietng always dressed ill M'k coat hen one of brlsht color suited hi fancy so much better. He had frankly told his relative that b preferred j,r.,,r fi-.v.. ,0 ,he nllrj 0t 0f a poor parson; ond yet, as neither he nor they could think of any other business for hlrh h ww better fitted, he at last consented to apply for holy orders. Hut when the time came for him to go lo the lllshop of Elphln to be ordained, he could not resist the temptation to wear a pair of beautiful scarlet breecbo with lang hose and the brightest buckles. For would he not become a parson to morrow, and be forever afterward con demned to sober black? The good bishop waa horrified at auch levity, and refused to ordain htm. Perhaps upon examination he found that the young man was entirely Ignorant of the cate chism. This failure of Oliver' had been much less of a disappointment to him than to his friend. Hut as be was now S3 years old, and his mother was very poor, it was highly necessary that he should find something to do. And so be bad found employment as a pri vate tutor In a weal:" family near Llssoy. From his pupils' point of view, he was, no doubt, an accomp lished and successful teacher. He was only a great boy himself, and life would have been one long holiday to every body if he could have had his own way. Hut his way did not please his em ployer, and finally, after a quarrel for which Oliver was doubtless to blame, he was dismissed. The money which he bad earned at tutoring, however, was sufficient to equip him as a knight er rant, for it enabled him to buy the boras snd the splendid new suit of clothes with which, as I have said, be rode one fine morning Into the city of Cork. To his great satisfaction, he found a ship already In port waiting only for favorable winds to sail for America. He lost no time, therefore, In selling his horse, and In making a bargain with the captain for his pas sage to the New World. Then he sal lied out to see the town. He had no difficulty In making friends; for he had money In his pocket, and he proceeded to Bharo It with all the beggars and street loafers that he met. He was ready to relieve every case of distress that came to his notice, and many were the boon fellows that he helped to en tertain at the tavern. Several days were passed In this way, and the 30 hi bis pocket had dwindled to but little more than 80 shillings; and still the ship, upon one pretext or another, de layed Its sailing. One fine night, how ever, while Oliver was in the country enjoying himself with some newly made acquaintances, a favorable wind sprang up, and the captain, entirely neglectful of his passenger, ordered the easel to be cast loose from her moor ings and the sails to be set for the voy age. And In the morning, when Oliver sauntered leisurely down to the wharf, lie found that he had been left behind. -James Baldwin, in St. Nicholas. VENETIAN MOSAICS. Am OI4 aad llMtitirol Art Kt4 f The revival st Venice of the mosaic art. chiefly for Internal and external artistic dr-corMlon of private snd pub lic bulldln.T, goes on uninterruptedly snd working In mosaic Is now (our consul says) carried on In that city 00 Urge scale snd with great success. says the tandon Pally News. A mosaic Is a work framed by the use of 'tes serae" or small cubes of enamel, mar ble or other material and of a gold-snd-s'lver leaf between two films of the purest glass of various colors, which are skillfully mixed on cement so as to produce the effect of a picture. The composition of human figures in different attitudes, animals, draperies or other objects repulrlng a careful de lineation are Intrusted to the best workmen . and the execution of the background to loss trained workmen. The splendid mosaics which are made at Venice continue to be In great de mand In the artistic markets of the world for the skillful manner In which the tesserae are arranged, for their ex treme beauty snd delicacy of color, the rich harmony of effect and from their being nenrly indestructible. The man ner In which mosaics are now made for decorative purposes is quite dif ferent from the elsborate system used by the ancients, which consisted In fix ing the tesserae one by one on the cement previously applied on the wall. The modern method of the Venetian school conslsU In executing the mosaic In the workshop by having the tesserae fixed with common paste on the section of the cartoon aBslRned to each work man. When all the parts of the mosaic are complete they are put together on the floor or on a special wooden frame. The mosaic, which is then a perfect representation of the original cartoon, Is again divided into sections on the reverse side, marked with a progres sive number and carefully packed to be sent off to the place for which it la Intended. The surface of the wall where the mosaic Is to be fixed is then covered with cement. Into which the sections of the mosaic are uniformly pressed according to their numbers and the key-plan supplied to the fixers. When the cement has hardened the paper on which the tesserae have been pasted Is gently taken off and the faith ful copy of the original cartoon is again exhibited on the right side. Rat II Was 1M "! Itratta Oat" t Asrea ! lb tairt. lt. One of the family ot twelve ostriches studied to Cells' circus, which has been wintering at lllver Front Park, ent to his long home yesterday, a Icttiu of curiosity and a voracious and Indiscriminate appetite. About 1 o'clock yesterday one of the Ircus attendants brought a lot of hains and whltlletrees from the upper floors and threw them down In front of the ostrich pen. All of the chains were attached to the whiflletrees except one, which lay loose among the pile. The attendant left them lying there for while, and after he had gone away tie ostrich, more curious than the others, caught sight of the shining haln. Quick as a flash he dnrted his ong neck through the bars and seized the chain in bis bill. He threw it Into the lnelosure, and his companions stood eyeing him curiously to see what be as going to do with the chain. They were not left long In doubt. He at once began to make a meal of It. Ink by link it disappeared down his clastic oesophagus. It was very evi dent that the task was no easy one, for before he got It half way down he seemed to repent of his bargain. But would not give It us, and finally U disappeared altocether. The bird rooked around as If In triumph, but its triumph was short-lived. In a few moments he was seized with par oxysms of pain, and, as all ostriches do when sick, he lay down on his stomach on the floor of the pen and stretched out his neck as far as it would reach. Mr. Sells happened to pass through th animal department and noticed the po sition of the bird and at once surmised that he was ill. As the usual troubles from which these birds suffer are Indi gestion and "similar complaints, Mr. Sells gave him the customary remedy- large dose of castor oil. This, how ever, had no effect on the bird, which continued to show signs of distress. Nothing that was done gave him any relief, and within a half hour after bolting the chain he turned over on his back and gave his last kick. BEINFORCINQ THE BLOOD. HYPNOTIZED JOCKEY. x" tlow He Won a Race In the Longe Tliu an Record. "W'hut was de time dat you run dat mile in when you win de race?" said one Jockey to another. 'Foh' hours, lebben minutes, an' six teen seconds." "Ga 'long, man, whtit you talkln' bout?" "I'se talkin' 'bout de troof. Yob. see, dab. wus three bosses In de race, an eb'ry owner wus skeered to win, 'case tie didnl like de odds, an' wanted ter aave up 'Is chances fob. annudah spin. Bo in de home stretch eb'ry boy laid hlsse'f back an' pulled de lines, an' kep' on a-pullln' tell de hossos stopped, 'case no one wouldn't go 'long ahead. An' dah we stood, 'case eb'ry one er us was boun' not ter be a winner. I eot an' sot, an' de fus' t'lng I know, I done got sleepy, an' de hoss Jes' natch erly walked In 'fore I knowed K. I neb ber will b'llebe but whut one er dem yuther boys done got me mesmerized." Washington Star. Aa Interesting Operation to Restore Elhauated Yltatltv. An Interesting surgical operation, ons which Is new to Springfield, was per formed about two weeks ago by Dr. W. A. Smith, one of the new members of the fraternity In Springfield, Mass., says the Republican. The operation was the infusion Into an exhausted system of a satin solution to Increase the sup' ply of blood. For years there have been occasional operations of transfusion of blood from the veins of one person to those of another to meet the same pur pose, but the operation is so dangerous that It is rarely attempted, except In cases of the most urgent necessity. The danger comes In the likelihood of bub bles of air getting Into the blood which Is transfused, and these bubbles usually mean death. When they tiave run their course through the veins and reach the heart, the heart needs to be kept full, and the slight resistance of the air Is In sufficient to keep the valves working. It was for this reason that, the old method went out. But out of It grew the method of Infusing a solution of salt and water Into the veins. The blood is saline and the solution Is transformed Into blood rapidly and produces an effect which Is not only stimulating but permanent. It was first attempted In Germany a year or two ago, and has often been done In Europe, but perhaps never before In this city. The patient In this case has been suffering for a long time with a tumor In the abdomen, which has sapped her vi tality till her system could not stsnd the cutting which was necessary. It was found 'advisable to take this method of strengthening the system, and the oper ation was performed at the Buscall Hos pital on Mattoon street. The patient was put under the Influence of anaesthetics and the Injection was made between the breast and the muscles of the chest About a pint of the solution was Inject ed, a fountain syringe being used. The breast absorbs the fluid quickly into the veins, and In this case wlthlng twelve hours all the solution had been taken up by the system. It has been quite sue cessful. and the patient Is so much stronger that It Is hoped that the re moval of the tumor can be attempted before a great while. Rebuked ty Hannibal Hamlin. Mr. Hamlin was a true gentleman. Tunctilious himself In the observance ot all the requirements of gentlemanly Intercourse, he was equally exacting of every courtesy due hlra from others. He permitted no man to be rude to him, or to assume the attitude of a superior. On one occasion one ot the able men and leaders of the Senate, distinguished for a self-consci us, lordly air in his deportment. In the change of seats which occurs once in two year3 in the Senate chamber had gained a seat by the side of Mr. Hamlin, and began at once to practice upon him those little exactions and annoyances which he bad been accustomed to impose upon others. After a few days of yielding to these encroachments, Mr. Hamlin turned, and In a tone that did not re Cnire repetition, said, "Sir, it you ex pect to b treated like a gentleman, you must prove yourself one." There was never occasion afterward to repeat the admonition. Exchange. The Deepenl Mine, It has been the undisputed claim oi Austria that she possesses the deepest metal mine In the world, 3,675 feet be low the surface at the time of the great fire in 1892. It has now been surpassed says The Engineering and Mining Journal, by the No. 3 shaft of the Tam arack Copper Mining Company, Michigan, wnicn on December i was 3,640 feet deep, and Is now more tha 3,700 feet deep, the average rate sinking being about 75 feet a month This makes it beyond question the deepest metal mine In existence, and only one other shaft has reached greater depth, that of a coal mine In Belgium, for which 3,900 feet are claimed. The Adelbert shaft in Ger many reached a depth ot 3,281 feet. The Changeling, Who are the friends that draw ancar, Whose coming fills my soul with cheer? Tae foes whom once I feared to meet- Old Age and Death? How changed! How sweet! "Meads I Win, Tall Ton Lose." Sandwich, Mass., offered a bounty oi 25 cents for a muskrat's head, and the town of Bourne 25 cents for a musk- rat's tail. The boy hunters sold the head at Sandwich, paid 5 cents car fare and sold the tail at Bourne. Each town changed its offer at the same time, and the boys cheerfully sold the muskrat's tall at Sandwich and the head at Bourne. Now the town fath era will meet and agree to pay for elth er the muskrat's head or talL Bama Effect. Jack What's the matter with you 7 LoveT George No; only tie grip. 'LINKED SWEETNESS." A TRAGEDY IN MID-AIR. A FAMOUS WALL. Soma Facts A limit It That Ought to He Remembered. The entire history of China, like that of Egypt, Is divided into dynasties. The great Chinese wall was begun by Che- hwang-te, first emperor of the Tsln dynasty, 240 B. C. It forms the north ern boundary of China, and was built lo prevent Invasions from that direc tion. Every third man In the empire was required to give his help to build It, and it took five years to complete it. The wall is not solid, but consists of two thick walls, filled in with earth; every foot of the foundation, however, Is of solid granite. It la lined with bat tlements and towers, and is so wide that six horsemen may easily ride abreast on Its top. The towers are about one hundred yards apart, and there are steps here and there for per sons to ascend. Recently, In a sur vey for a Chinese railroad, this stu pendous barrier was measured; the measurement gave the height as eight een feet, and the length as thirteen hundred miles. It goes over the moun tains and plains, crosses rivers and tra verses great marshes. It Is estimated to contain enough material to girdle the earth with two walls, each two feet In thickness and seven feet In height The Hawk (atrhee tha easel, bat Get tha Want of lb The weazel Is a dainty and luxurious liver. In bis way, says the Houston Post. He steals the freshest eggs, se lects the tenderest chicken of the brood, and will sometimes kill several for single meal, sucking the warm blood and eating only a small portion of the flesh. He Is not only sly and cunning, but remarkably courageous. He will often attack an enemy much larger and stronger than himself, and he does not lose his wits even In Im minent peril. This heroic quality Is sometimes strikingly evinced. Two farmers In Titus County, Texas, were eating their midday meal, when they noticed a large hawk circling in the sky overhead. He was gradually narrowing his circles while ap proaching the ground, and It was ap parent that be would soon drop upon his victim. The men looked about cautiously, without movement or noise, and presently discovered a weasel stretched out upon the warm side of a log, not far away, probably sunning himself after a long morning's sleep, for the weasel does his sleeping In the daytime and his work at night But the weasel quietly blinked at the sun, either unconscious of the danger or In different to It. The farmers had Just made this discovery when the hawk came gliding down, swift as an arrow, seized the weazel In his powerful tal ons and rose again alomst perpendicu larly. All seemed at an end for that weasel. Soon, however, the move ments of the great bird became strange and unnatural. His wings worked rapidly and convulsively, as If making a great effort to sustain flight, then he began to sink, slowly till finally be fell straight like a plummet to the ground dead! From under the outstretched wings crept the weasel, apparently un harmed. What had happened? The weasel had quickly stretched his long supple neck under the hawk's wing, stuck his teeth into a vital part and sucked out the life blood. The mus cles of the hawk relaxed as the blood was rapidly drained. There was a last desperate effort at flight; the wings flapped uselessly in the air, and the heaviness of death brought him swiftly to the ground, very near the spot where 'he weasel had been basking in the sun. T HERE are but few bo ks of this character in exUtence which have had a a wider sale than "MARIA MONK." The startling revelations of the secret and diabolical practices In the Ilotcl Dieu, or Black Nunnery, ot Montreal, Canada, maintain an interest stranger than any work of fiction. This book should bi read by everyone. Sold by the American Publishing Co,,' A LOVE MAP. The Rent Parrot Varn Yeb A man whose niece had coaxed him to buy her a parrot suceeded in getting a bird that was warranted a good talk er. He brought It home, and, after putting It In a cage, stood before it and Bald: "Say uncle, Polly!" The bird did not respond, and after repeat ing the sentence a dozen times or more with no better success, the uncle put his hand Into the cage, and, grabbing the bird by the neck, shook him until his head wabbled around, all the time yelling to him: "Say uncle, goll darn you, say uncle!" The bird looked limp and lifeless, and, disgusted with his purchase, the old fellow took the parrot out Into the yard where he had a coop of thirty chickens. Thrusting the half dead bird in with the chickens he exclaimed: "There, by gosh! You'll say uncle before you get out!" Next morn ing the uncle went out to see how the parrot was getting on. Looking Into the coop he counted twenty-nine dead chickens, and In the center of the coop stood the parrot on one foot, holding the thirtieth chicken by the neck and shak ing it f" Its head wabbled, and scream ing: "Say uncle, goll darn you, say uncle!" It Was on Annabel's Face and It Made Her Rather Suspicions. "Annabel," cried a Harlem mother over the banisters, as she heard the front door close. "Yes, mamma," replied a sweet girlish voice, and Annabel Googan slowly framed herself In the darkness of the staircase. "Was that Mr. Tlnberry, Annabell" "It was, mamma." "Do you know that it is 20 minutes past 11?" came In cold tones from the wrappered figure In the upper hall. "Mamma, we hadn't the slightest Idea It was so late," said the young lady, earnestly. "You see," she con tlnued, "Mr. Tlnberry has been telling me about China and Japan. He said everybody ought to know about the war, and it was so Interesting we never thought how late It was getting. Do you know, mamma," added the sweet girl, as she reached the landing, "that In China they " "Did Mr. Tlnberry draw a map of China on your face, Annabel?" asked Mrs. Googan, sternly. "Why, mamma?" said the daughter In Btartled tones. The young girl rushed to a mirror and saw with horror-stricken glance that the left side of her face was streaked and stained with Ink. "Heaven and earth," she screamed "his fountain pen must have leaked Into his waistcoat pocket!" and with a shriek of horror the beautiful girl fell fainting to the floor. New York Ad vertlser. I'njnut Fate. "Here Is another one of them plutes, said Mr. Dismal Dawson, "in the paper that says he never was so happy as when he was workln' by the day." "Well?" ventured Mr. Everett Wrest, with languid interest "Well, you say? WT'y it Is Jlst this. Here Is a feller that really likes work rollln" in more money than he kin count, and here Is you an' me, that money would do some good I guess vou know where we are without no furder words." Cincinnati Tribune. Cnrlons Bridge Bnllding. Clifton suspension bridge and Niag ara suspension bridge, built by Roeb ling, are both 245 feet above water. Neither of these, however, can com pare with the Klnzua viaduct, near Alton, Pa., which was designed, built, and finished In eight and one-half months, without the use ot any scaf folding whatever, or even a single ladder. It Is 2,100 feet long and 300 feet high. Friend What rent do you pay for this house? Taxpayer Alas! . I wn It I Errors of Youth. J ft SUFFERERS FROM bf Kerrous BcmiitT, Yosilln! J m W BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. w -. - fw.m th pffiH-t. of Tnuthhll impru. onn hv'trmj!hl thout o( taknw th hM iwiuwil Hie m-wml nvMom M limrh u to TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION Maria Monk Hound Cloth, '"$1.00. lJotind in ; Heavy I?aper, 50c. 1 121 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL. 807 Main St., 1C15 Howard St., KANSAS CITr, MO. OMAIIi, NEB. IF CHRIST GAME TO CONGRESS? BY M. AV. HOWARD. The Most Sensational Book Ever Written! It eclipses all other erotic efforts! The wickedness of the Capital City exposed and its disorderly houses mapped out. Has been read by President Cleveland and his Cabinet, ana by Senators. CoiiKressmen and their families. It is the noiccst exposure or vice ana cor ruption In hlnh places ever written. Head It and learn about your ulxh officials, your sens ators and conitressnu n and their mistresses and the desecration of our National Capital. Startling dlw-kwures made known for the Hrst time! Head and learn. Over 15.000 copies sold In Washington In i weeks. The best seller out. Now In its third edition. Price SO Cents. 'M panes, illustrated. Sent postage prepaia upon receipt oi price. THE HOWARD PUBLISHING CO., 20 Varlc Row, New York City. AGENTS WANTED. LIBERAL DISIOL 1ST TO THE TKAJJ1S HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment IT ISiTHE Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food WANUFACTURSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter ot An Kind. H6APQUARTGRS Wi London, England, Glasgow, Scotland,? New York, Chicago, Omaha. jtvttfinl By worn w tnurn u io indue Imert evry otmr aiM-ate na m w am of the troutde tcm-ly ew being tuBPeotea, ir doctortt trr cvrryimnji out uic m(i rvnie- W diet. The iccmpiiyu.g prwcnpiittn it off" A ft! ft CURTAIN AM BI'FFIT IT, hundmw Of w oi-m hswhif beta rrtd to jrft hrUh by iu 0 ustafterail oinr miwuir. isureu. Purine ourtemiv colieard hospital Pi 0 we have discovered new ai'd eon cent raled J:.- nit.. ....n.nnxiiK nrMrnnlinn IB t t aa a CURTAIN AM (trFFiMf it, iwnarww oi iortU io wnm n-mi j fiW PerfwllT Dl A injrrwdienu must Oe meu in wir j ivi v ... v prescription. 0 R Krythroxylon iwi. i drachm. Jefubvbin. 1 drat-hui. A W Heloniai Iu.ia. 4 drachm. w (ieUemin, t irrainB. ..... . Frt. ifmatia- amar (aire""! I imiM. Kxt leptandra. U temples, 4 Glycerine, q. Mak pillf. Take 1 pilWt 8 p an4 another on coin to bed. Thw re im-dy la,tea to every we.W. in either -ntf P -i thow catea reiiiltmn from ""PiT! power of this rwUrtiw are "'"'"l'T m Iiae continued fir a ahnrt timechangw the knrfd f debilitated, nerveieai condition to oi l"wd U T?thnte who wonM prefer to ohtaw I nt n", by A remittinn 11. Mini parkw Conin J? niUa, W carefullr compounded, will be -em by '1J.m m m our private laboratory, or we S MeaT which will cure moat cae, for V- A" a NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 2 12 Trtmont Row, Boston, Man. m HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and H. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; H.M.Hosick & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour, f ackers; J. U. l ea loyer a uo., learning; uen. ror rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. ll. Revell; William Thompson Ice Co.; Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who says his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the Winter. It IS JUSl me biuu w uuuu. nu oiutn., uu io a gieui feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. ASK FOR Howard's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. New Orleans. June 15, MM.-For fifteen years I have suffered with a dreadful disease Chronic Diarrhoea. 1 tried a (treat many remedies, but found no relief. Howard's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended to me by a traveling man, and to my great satisfaction It cured me, and I am never without it In my bouse. Jamrs Fisdai.s Address: HOWARD MEDICINE CO., 1S20 St. Mary's Ave., Omaha, Neb ITTANTED An A. P. A. man with liVi.OO to I VV DuMlsb a paying oamphlet. Addreaa, C. B., Chicago American oilice. Price per Barrel (150 pounds) IOO Pounds 60 Pounds 26 Pounds Ssmnle Package Containing 8 Pounds . . .$11.00 ...8.00 ...6.00 ...3.00 ...1.00 Send in a Trial Order. If vou use it once vou will never be without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON. Care American Publishing Co ft i JJ THE BLACK POPE OR THE Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. Ameiicanism, lB IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that the Romanists burned while In the bindery. Nearly 300 pages. Oyer 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives Irora most of tne patriotic orders. , IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. A. BOOK EVER;;PRIRTED1 PPICE CT CXiOTXI. $1.00. A cheap paper cover edi:'u is being prepared at 50 cents. FOR SALE BY AMBRICAN JU13LISHING CO. v