THE AMERICAN. QUAKER CITY DUNCrONS. Valla Whir Ara Irilr4 Mar thmm Tkra Mtrt 1 ara H4. An 14 Englinb lnitn aa brought to Usht ymterday by ilia li-ailn Aavm f a building In lha r"ar of plckl. fac tory on 8(rui- atrwt, lu lu t-cond. Ths bullJiniE t IhoiiKlit to luve Na nor than thro huinlit-.l yrar old. Emr brick In It brminht from England, and th building aa one. tha prlda of th Unix colony that Hted thara, tha I'liiia.l. lphia lYta. It was originally. It U a.ud. tha court fcoust of tha atHllvmrut, uiitl tnilrneath tha ground vera those liuiigmuR, or ella, In ahii h prlRnr t-r kppC It la auppoaad that tha cell t uh1 aa temporary place of ronnwmtnt and Bot for prlaonara aw ting long terma, touch tha aame aa tha "lo kupa" or sta-tlon-hcisrs cf to-day. Tha workiuaa who ara tearing down tha building any that It la t!.e touitheht Job thfy aver undertook. Tha bricks nick together aa though a aolld stone, and It la only after long prying with a bur tbnt they axa aHaratad. Tha bricks themselves ara aa aolld aa Id tha din a of old. and will be uaed again in another building. Tha old prlron or courlhout-e was in tha neighborhood well known to be tha old eat in tha city. Other big bulldinga hemmed It around until It ana hidden entirely from Right from tha street. It was a three-story structure, about SO feet by CO feet in Ue. Tha flrt floor waa originally uaed for court purposes, but Intr hd been turned Into a dwell ing. For fifteen years it him not been used at all. Leading downstairs to tha cellar waa a flight of broad atepa. Tha cellar Knell during the ycara thnt have passed and gone hud become half-filled with dirt In fact, nobody knew ot the existence of the dungeon that now ses the light of day after three centuries. Tha dungeons so fnr discovered are three In number. Two are about ten (eet square and the other extends twen ty feet toward the street and is about ten feet wide. All ara half-filled with debris, but are deep enough for a man to stand erect in. The roof is vaulted, and In the top of each is a bole, which may have been a breathing place or a place through which to let down food to the prisoners. Near the cells is a big chimney-place fully eight feet wide, In which were found a handful of coins bearing the date of 1627 and some of a much more recent date. The old house has been burned out Beveral times, but the walls were never dumnged much. Tha whole neighborhood is an Interest ing one. The building adjoluiug the one torn down has a fourth floor which is Is wlndowlfps. Instead of the usual windows it has portholes Blaming downward, from which "in days of old, when knights were bold," mon probably picked off Indians or enemies of some kind. A Vlraa Farm. Agriculture being for the most part a rural occupation, it seems rather i anomalous that a city board of health should have a farm, says a writer In Harper's Weekly. It is still no' surprising to learn that this farm 9' located in the depths of the metropolis where land is measured by feet instead of acres, nut this particular farm does not consist ot land. Its surface, as Tntght be expected of a city farm, is upper story of the at that', f' ! "VSS It'll Its entire area Is comprised within tour not very expansive walls. In fc u,ned tbat ne wouW hort to casual observation, this para-,clU u down tQ M Rnd one.half loMdl farm seems to be merely a long hourg for each WMk thftt ed HIU narrow room, chiefly occupied by a he ha(, reduped h,8 nuM ot 8lecplng row of stalls in a doten cows hourg t0 wh,ch nfl claImed wa, are very comfortably stanchioned An ftU tnat wag needed by any one. The unimaginative visitor might be dls- tlme W(jnt by and the old fellow hail pobtd to deny that this Is a farm at all. kept t0 nlg ru,9 Jald down and flnaily Ncverlhele9a It merits the title: for reached the two-hour time. He went fecre, despite the denrth ot land, a aiong for severai weeks sleeping but very unusual soil Is cultivated, and a tw0 nours daliy devoting the time very peculiar crop is produced. The Rained n readlng and advocating his crop, though a valuable and abundant dea while there was a noticeable de one, can neither be weighed nor meaj-' crease n9 weight, he seemed to stand ured. The "soil" is a small place on jt very weli the bnck of each of the cows. j Then he b'cgaa to further talk of re- The person who conducts this unique duclng the timei and when enthuslas establlshment has taken a degree at a tic talkel of the polblllty of cie doing medical college, from which It may be without sleep entirely. He set type correctly Inferred that thli particular and was an old hand on the paper. One kind of farmer requires no little skill morning, about three weeks after he Yet the processes Involved are seeming- had reached his low sleeping mark, the ly rather simple. The hair having been' compositor at the case next to him no shaved from the sides of a cow's rump,1 ticed that the old man had dropped his the operator proceeds to scarify four head upon his arms that were folded epaoes, each about two Inches square, over the case. It was near quitting on the shaved aieaa. and to rub these time. All the forms were up and the abraded surfaces with an Implement old chap was not disturbed. He had which looks like a small bone paper-' gone to sleep. The office was soon cutter, but which Is very appropriately deserted with the exception of the termed a spade. This accomplished, Janitor and the sleeper. The Janitor the first stage of agriculture the sow-j was Instructed not to bother him. The Ing -is complete: for the "spade" has next day when the first men arrived conveyed to the soil the "seed" from he was still sleeping as they bad left which the unique crop Is to develop.! him and snoring so hard that he Jarred Speaking unagrlculturally the cow has ' the tpye In the case on which he rested, been vaccinated. ISome one told his wife where he was Nothing more Is required on th part of the operator for something over! a week, when. If all has gone well, an abundant exudate of clear lymph will be found on the abraded surfaces. This . lymph Is pure vaccine virus, and II constitutes the mature crop of this virus farm. When it has been removed by touching its surface with goose quills especially prepared for the pur pose the harvest Is over. Sometimes at many as twelve hundred quills are thus charged with virus from the back of a single heifer. Each ot these is sub sequently cut Into four pieces, known as "vaccination points." So the cow who has loaned her back for this use ful service might reflect, were she given to such divertisement, that she has he come the benefactor ot some thousand of children, who, through her media tion and (hat of the vaccinating corpi ot the board of health will be given Immunity from small pox. She might moralize, also, as she walks out of ths farm door, and down the inclined plans that leads back to the abattoir from which was borrowed for the occasion, n the ingratitude of mankind in fail ing to pension her for life In a pasture after bo signal a sei vice but fortu nately cows are not given to moralii-if. ON A MODERN CRUISER. Tha Ot4-Ttma Sailor Objn-ta la tfca Strfalallaaa mt (ha I'rnrat. Curiously enough. the til 1 nhellbackt la the uaiy ara down on tha S ddiers Home. They don't want a "mug har bor." They lnltt upon t:;iing upon a cruising man-of-war, a ti l hen they die they want to lie burlrj t . Hut the officers aay lhat the old sea dogs are very troiil.k'it.mie on a modern cruliMT. where ever)thlng la different from what they were accustomed to hen they learned their trade. They object to the new-fangled equipment and the Improvements and conven iences that have been Introduced on modern vessels. They object to sitting down at a table and eating their meals off rhlna plates, with knives and forks, like civilised people, luntead of taking their rations In little wooden tubs and squatting down on their haunches in the shelter of the le gunwale while they cut up their "salt horse" with a jack knife. They object to scrubbing the decks with a new-fangled rublier arrangement Instead of the old holy stone, and refime to obey electric sig nals because they have been accus tomed to hear the officers yell at them from tha bridge or the quarter deck. Nowadays the galleys on board men-of-war are capable of cooking fresh bread for the sailors every day, which !a a serious grievance to the old-faxhloned "Jackie," who prefers bard tsck to raised biscuits and rolls. A large sup ply of frenh meats is now carried in the patent refrigerators on board all the ships, and served to the sailors, alternating with salt beef and pork, at least once day. This Is emphatically objected to by the veterans as an effeminate departure from the rations they received when they were appren ticed in historic times. The sailors of a vessnl that was recently In Monte video and Buenos Ayres were served with tenderloin steaks for several weeks because fresh meat was found to be cheaper than salt pork down in that great cattle country, but after about a week a com mittee from the forecastle waited upon the captain and said they desired to make complaint about their grub. lie was much surprised at the suggestion, because he supposed they were being unusually well fed, and remarked that they were receiving the same supplies that were furnished himself and the officers in the ward room. They ad mitted that this might be true, and added that it was exactly what they were "kicking" about. The boys didn't like tenderloin steaks; (Tiey "wanted something they could chaw on." SLEEP REFORM. Tha Man Who Tried II and tha Way It Worked. Colonel Henry Wattcrson, who is at present lecturing In the larger cities, i : .. . ... v ie"8 BU" ' utn" u,u ""'"f . ltfo had Kven "P lo hard .worlc Bnd tn Uowtng of eccentric ideas. one of which wa that the human race slept too much. He had severa heorles t0. vance ,n support of his Idea, one of them .was t0 l down th u" numb" f BlflpPlng bmbJ dl,at,n and finally arrive st a state where, by practice, one would be satisfied with a much smaller amount of sleep than one in his theory he began to practice the haw Man na Flli-a 1 fa liaimllV filent and she concluded to let him sleep He slept In that position for twenty hours. Then they carried him to a bed at home, still steeping. He slept for thirty-two hours, and when he woke up he had forgotten how to set type and had to learn to read again, although his memory was good In other respects. Colonel watterson uses the story as a simile for a political sltua tion, which he enlarges upon only la select circles, Double Doaa of Lock. Patrick F. Benson, an Oakland, Cat lawyer, has Just received information confirming the recent news that he Is heir to a vast estate In England. Since the first notification was received by him on April 10 another of his titled relatives has died, leaving him a fourth Interest in an $8,000,000 estate. Six weeks ego Mr. Bcnscn rccslvcd news of the death of his granduncle, Sir John Dowles, of Scotland, who left him an Interest in an estate valued at (870.000. His attorney has now received news confirming the death of his granduncle. Sir Andrew Dowles, or Jamaica, Brltlsn West Indies, who leaves him a quarter Interest in his estate valued at fs.ow,. 000. The naw woman Is a failure in one particular: it takes Just aa muoh money to support her as tt takes ta support aa ld one. ASK 10 U lloMtrd'H Colic, Cholera and IHarrhua Kmit'dr. Nkw Om.Baaa. Juna IX IXM -tor ti flora year I baa aulf-rvd with a drradf ul dlm-aaa -Chronic IH.rrh.ra. 1 Ultnl a rrnl Many rron-Uica. hut found ao ivllcf. iloaard Colic. Cholera and Mtarrtiipa K-u.cly waa rwoniiuendi-d Ui mc by a traveling man. nod u ny trrat aatlof wtlon It rurd we, and I aui never allliout It In a.y bouw. Jahih FixuAi.a Addraa: HOWARD VKHK INK tX, l-QU PL Mary' Ave.. Omaha. Neb A .Novel Scheme. Grveo Hay A. 1. A.'a are determined to mak the residents of tt at I(uu!o rulud city familiar with the rabullatio letter of the ataociatian. Oa the rido wulks of aeveial tn-'U lea ling to their hall they Lave ainttd faatiuiilcs of footprint, in the center of which are the !ar!o letters A. P. A. In every ease ihu Uo of the footprints points in the-direction of the place of moetloif, and by following tho tilcnt guides the stranger can find the hall without trouble. Our Groeo Day fi lends are to be congratulated on their alumina and v a t e rpr 1 e. M if h Ujn n 'a f rift. "Where Shall I Spend the Summer!" Our tourist pamphlet will help you solve the problem. We have one about Hot Spring, S. I)., anotner about the Ulack Ullls, a third about the Yellow stone Park, a fourth about Kites Park, Col. Which do you want? They're all free. J. FRANCIS, G. P. & T. A., Burlington ltoute, Omaha, Neb. Northern Wyoming holds out very special Inducements to the summer va cationist, particularly if he be of a sporting turn of mind. It's streams toem with the gamiest, greediest trout that ever rose to a fly. Four-pounder are not Infrequent, and several fish weighing over six pounds have been brought to bank. The fishing waters are so extensive and so accessible that it is really not even nucessaiy to go to the trouble of making preliminary enquiries about them. Just purchase a round-trip ticket to Sheridan, and place yourself after arrival in the h at d of one of the numerous capable guides who make their headquarters there during the fishing season. "He will do the rest." J. Francis, G. P. & T. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Rubber Led by a Woman. Last week three masked robbers held op and robbed a storekeeper at Rome, Mo. They were well mounted and heavily armed. Sheriff Hancock sum moned a posse and pursued the trio over the mountains Into Arkansas, and last Sunday night overtook and cap tured them at Lead Hill. Ark. The discovery was made that the leader of the gang was a woman, attired in man's clothing. Her name is Lydla Brlston, and Bhe was formerly a well- known character in Springfield, Mo. Her companions were Ben Trott, an ex convlct, and John Brlston, brother ot the woman. They were riding stolen horses when captured, and it is said there is an organized band of despera does operating under the leadership of the Brlston woman. Jewel on Tree. Among the curiosities of tropical plant life are the pearls found occasion ally in the cocoanut palm of the Phil ippine islands pearls which, like those of the ocean, are composed of carbonate of lime. The bamboo, too, yields an other precious product in the shape of tree opals, which are found in its Joints. The natives of the Celebes use these vegetable opals as amulet? and charms agtnst disease. ItlKReat I'ollry In Exhuenre. Probably the largest fire Insurance policy In existence or ever written le that covering the property of the Santa Fe Railway company. It was issued by the Phoenix Fire, of London, Eng land, Is in amount $17,000,000, and takes a premium of $170,000 to carry. J Errors of Youth. SUFFERERS FROM JetTons Debility, YoatHlnI : Ft Indiscretions. Lost lanliool BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. Mtnv men. from th rfftfta of Touthtut Impru dence, have bruuicltt about a ttal of weakueu thal haa rrduceU the general avalent ao much aa to indw ahnort every other diaeaae; and the real eute)rf the trouble oarrrly ever being auanected. they are doetowi for verythin(i but the right one. During our extensive collet ami tuwpital practice w have discovered new and concentrated rt-me-dtea. The W!Cornpaiivirt preemption it offered a riKTAIN AM Vl-RKI'Y CI Rft, huTidreda of eajea having been rent.-rvd to perfect health by iti uae after all' other renedie failed. Perfectly pure tnirmlienu muit be uaed in Uit preptuauou of thii prescription. R Krrthroxylon coo. 1 drachm. Jerubehin. f drachm. Heloniaa Dtoica. t drachm, tseltemin. tt trains. ..... Eit mati amara falcr-"t 1 fralna. Ext lepiandra. It scruple. Glycerine, q. a. Make 60 pill. Take 1 pill at 8 pH , and another on oin(t to bed. This remedy is adavted to erery weakness to either sea, antf epec,aliy in those cases resulting from imprudence. The recuperative powers of this restorative are astoniahing. and ile aw eonnnuea lor a iiwniLnwuiaiinM , debilitated, nerve less condtttoc to w sarewed life and vigor. To those who would prefVr to obtam It of m. by remitting $1, a sealed package oontaing pills, carefully compounded, s ill be sent by mail from or private laboratory, or we will furnish pack ages, which will cure moat cases, for AU mars J NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, J I 12 Trsmont RowBotton, Mas. 1 A7ANTKD A buyer for a splendid Smith VV Premier Tvnewriter. Cost 1116.00. and practically Is a new macnine now. win seu For $75.00 In cash, and at this prio It Is ft bar gain. Or will exchange for a first class Kodak. Full particulars for a 2 cent stamp First come, firs-a, rved. R)(y , w GlyA H Box 15. Ouster City, B.D , sa ;wiwf(C tnff aad a Bra art made tlir aamr 1 Ti-tli r nra.-i.-J willioul paio. OR. WlTHtRS. Oani,t fuurtb tfruan li 1 k .. laia A laiusliu. wim. t Nllr. ToKdmundT A lira and Mra. Allen, first and name unkniian. bl. wt'f. 1'lvaM-lakr iiiti- that oo tha 241b daf of Mar. I t. niuiam u. Mui.Ui-r. puintin hcr ln, Bled hi. i-illlon In tlie d'.trli l i-uurt. iMuitlaa c Mint r. Nrbra.ka. aicaln.t Kduiund T. Allcu, M rm Ali'U. ari and mil mni un knoaa. Ill alfe. John T KoicrH. r'ratu'rt U 'Ki-rx. lit. wife. Mutual lun liuTit inr-- Runy. Umiiha. Nt'lra.aa. and Omaha II.-It allwajr tVuipaojr. ilia ulijct and prayer of hich are to fiirwI.NHi a rerlaio uiottnage eiwutrd hj the dt-fi-ndanlo John T. It. ni'-rn and Kranrea lliiicern, bl. if.-. to tha Mutual InXKtnifiit I'un p'tiy. al il hy it aiMlxned Ui the plaint l fT. upon trie fullowInK di ncrllwd rral rtal. ultuat' d IbJOounl a county. Nh hraka. loall: Tie a4iuth one-half of the weft nerrn and bn-hf) I? M-lo i tu-m of the south elKliKH-o a l S-liu (lit B-Iiiii a.T of the mm III tiiie-half of the mrtht iiirl-r of aecilon 2H, t'iwnsh!p U. ramie 1.1 eaat of the .l1li principal merldUn, whlrli nam real eatate In more urnultely deM-rllifd aa follow!: Coiiinii'nclnic at a poliil Ihlrty-llirtw (.tli f. rt eiuit of tliu wiuli t rorncrof the northamt nuartir of aw lion townrt.lp IV ranve IJ. thfiu'e wewt I4K 1-10 fe"t, tht-nreenat l.l il fi-et parallel Ui the one-half aeirllon line. thrn-e noiilh HH l-IO f i t to the one-tiulf aei'tlou line, tlu-nce wi-xt 1. 1 il fett.ald niori)iite waaxiven Ui secure the payment of one certain promissory note dul-il August lull. l-!i. fur the lum of twenty-live hundred dollars 'mill dollars, and thei-e ha lieen a default In the payment of interest, aud there la now due thereon the sum of t wenty-live hundred ;".."mi dollars, with ltiter-t at the rate of sereu ?i per cent, per annum from Murrli lu lv.14, and Interest on one coupon of as? .VI from rieptemlier 1st, l-'U, at the rule ot Id per cent per annum, to icclher with the sum of tit' 1H taxes paid tiy the plaintiff upon said rest estate, with In-ti-ri st on said sum from May L';inl, If.ii. at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum; said taxea ao paid by the pliklutllf belli the rlty taxes fur the years li-MI and lsiX. and the state and con my taxea for ls'.H. rlalntllT prays for a decree that the defendants may lie required to pay the same or that said premises o.ay be sold to satisfy the amount found due ana that the defendant and each of them may be harred and foreclosed from any rinlit, title or Interest therein. You are required to answer said petition on or before the U!ih day of AuKUst, lsDJ. July .hi. 1HW. WILLIAM O. SAUNDERS. Plaintiff By Saunders, Mucfarluud li Dickey, Ills at torneys. 7-5-4 Notice to Xoti'Kesidfiit DtTeuduut. To Joshua Btowman and Mrs. - Ctowman, first and real nan e unknown, bis wife: Please take notice that on the 5ih day of July, lMCi, I'll 1 II p L. Johnson, plaintiff herein Hied his petition In the District court of Douglas county, Nebraska, aitnlnst Joshua Stowuiau and Mrs. Huiwnian, Urst and real name unknown, tils wife, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax certllicate dated November 1Mb. 18!H. and roverlnn lot IT, blix-k l.VI. In the town of Florence, Douglas county, Nebraska; that there la now due upon said certllicate the sum of $1(1.(10, for which sum, with Interest and all costs, plaiutllf prays for a decree lhat the defendant l e required to pay the aame. or that aald premises may be sold to satisfy the an ount found due. You are required to answer laid petition on or before the 2tlth day of August, lsyj. Dated July Iti'h. 1S1I5. PH I LI P U JOHNSON, Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfurland Si Dickey, his at torneys. 7-19-4 Special Master CtiinmiNsioiier's Sale. Underand by virtue of ar. order of sale on decree of foreclosure of iiiiirtvuge lurd out of the district court for Doujtlas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the Vit day of August, A. I). 1NH5, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the north front door of the county co irt bouse. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public, auction to the highest blilder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot Seven (7) In block fourteen (14) In Oma ha View, an addition to the city of Omaha. Uiouglas county, Nebraska, to be appraised. advertised anu sold as toiiows, 1.0-wn: ine west one-half of said lot seven (7) In block fourteen (14) In Omaha View above described; said property to be sold to satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association plaintiff herein, the sum o One Hundred Klgbty-sev-en and 30-100 ($17 30) dollar- with Interest thereon at rate of elghl (8) per cent per annum from February alh. ISIU; To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association, plaintiff herein the further sum of Three Hundred Seventy-three and i;i-l(iO (ti..) 1.1) Hollars with interest t Hereon at rate of eight (8) per cent per annum from February 5th, 18H.Y The east h If of said lot seven (7) In block fourteen (14) InOmai a View above described: To satisfy such sum If anv as may remain unsattstlsd otsald sum of S1S7.30 with inter est thereon at eight () per cent per annum from February fith. 1X'..", above described af ter the application of the proceeds of sale of west hxlf of said lot seven (7) as herein above ordered ; To satisfy Nebraska Loan and Building Association, plaintiff herein, the sum of One Hundred Klgnty-seven ana iiu-iou istfi 30) Dollars with Interest thereon at rate of eight (HI per cent per annum from February 5th, lMi.-; To satlsry the sum or f orty ana is-100 (w. i) Dollars costs herein, ton filler with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district co irt 01 said uouglas county, at Its February term, A. D. 1I5, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Ne brasko Loan and Building Association was latntiff and Jessie t lsbell and others were efendants. Omaha, Nebraska. July 11th. 1895. GEO. W. PoYNTON, Special Master Commissioner. James W. Carr, Attorney. Nebraska Loan and Building Association vs essle F. Isbell, et al. Doc. 48; No. 346. 7-12-5 Special Master Commlssloner'8 Sale. finder and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. 1 win. on tne 13th day of August, A. I). 18W, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the north frontdoor of the c.iiintv court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as 101 lows, io-wii: Lot twenty-six (2HI. In block fourteen (14) of Orchard Hill, an addition to the city of Om aha, Douglas county, Nebraska; said prop erty to be sold to satisfy Jennie S. Scott the sum of sixteen hundred, thirteen and 09-100 l$l,lil3.()B) Dollars with teo (10) per cent Inter est per annum from May . 1895, and thirty eight and 43 110 (SI8.43) Dollars cost. together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at its May term, A. D. 1895, In a cei tain action then and there pending, wherein Jennie B. pout was planum auu Joseph D. Wampler.etal wered fondants. Omaha, Nebraska, July Uth. I8-.15. UKOKUK E. TURKINGTON, Special Master Commissioner. John W. Lytle. attoruey. 7-12-8 otiee. To Charles Powell and Mrs. Powell, first and real name unanown, nis wire; Vnu will nlease take notice that on the 3rd dayof July, 18115, Walter E. Keeler. plaintiff herein, niea nis petition in mo uisixiui. coun nf Douiilas county. Nebraska, against Charles Powell and Mrs Powell, first and real name unknown, nis wire, me ouject and prayei of which are to foreclose certain tax certificates dated Novemcer 12th, 1892, nit vwer1nir lnt 1. 2. 1 4 and 6. In block 3, Cote Brllllante Addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska; that there la now due. thereon, nnon said certifi cate, and taxes paid thereunder, the sum of 55.00, for which sum, with Interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that the de fendant may be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tha amount found due. and that the defend ants be forever barred from claln lng any Interest In the aforesaid real estate. You are required to answer said petition 011 or before tne 1-1 n aay 01 August, iax. Dated July 3rd, 1895. WALTER E. KEELER. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macrarland & Dickey, His At torneys. i-o- WANTED Situation as watchman or tan i tor bv a thorounh American. Can -tA , . .... -0 i.ut nt Httiiiwnn .imri. A til A bodied younK man; willlnft to work; well acquainted in me ciiy. auuran, u. v., care ot Chicago American. tt B a TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION Maria Hound in tf4 Aft cioth, j . vl.vV. THERE are but few books of tbU character in existence which have had a a wider tale than "MARIA MONK." The startling revelatioaa of the secret and diabolical practices in the Hotel Dieu, or Black Nunnery, of Montreal, Canada, maintain an interest stranger than any work of fiction. This book should be read by everyone. American Publishing Co., 1 E. Randolph St, t il It A(iO, ILL. Ha?o "STou Head IF GHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS? BY M. W. HOWARD, The Most Sensational Book Ever Written! It eclipses all other erotic efforts! The wickedness of the Capital City exposed and Its disorderly houses mapped out. Has been read Dy renattirs, oni!reaiiien ana tueir amines. 11, is me ooiuest exposure 01 vice anu cor ruption In high places ever written. Head It and learn about your hitch officials, your sens a tors and conicressm' n and their mistresses and the desecration of our National Capital. Htartllnir disclosures made known for the Hrst time! Head and learn. Over 15.000 copies sold In Washington In 3 weeks. The best seller Cents, m pages. Illustrated. Bent postage THE HOWARD 20 rark Row, AGENTS WANTED. HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using Lockhart's Nutritious Gondiment IT IStTHE Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food AVANUFACTURSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter ot An Kind. HeAPQUARTeRS IKi" London, England, New York. Chicago, HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and H. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; H.M.IIoaick & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour. Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor. rence: Lincoln Ice Co.; A. H. Re Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who says his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the winter. It is just the stuff to build up ail stock, and is a great feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. Price per Barrel (150 pounds) 100 Pounds 60 Pounds 26 Pounds Samole Package Containing 8 Pounds Send in a Trial Order. If vou use it once vou will never be without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON. Care American Publishing Co THE BLACK POPE." OR Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. A.meiicanlsm, IS IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that the Romanists burned while in the bindery. Nearly 300 pages. Over 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives from most of the patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. A. BOOK EVER, .PRIMED. nRICE rtr CLOTH. $1.00. A cheap paper cover edition is being prepared at 50 cents. FOR SALE BY AMBRICAN PUBLISHING , CO. Monk Uound in RAa HeavvPapcr, Sold by the SO 7 Main St., 1C15 Howard St., KANSAS CITY, MO. OMAHA, NEB. by President Cleveland and his Cabinet, and out. Now In Its third edition. Price BO prepaia upon receipt 01 price. PUBLISHING CO., A'ew York City. LIBERAL - DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE Glasgow, Scotland,!? Omaha. qualities. 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