The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 26, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Jllsi Sfllte Thamas Stark II rr tud
Fwt t nll af NewHV.
CINCINNATI, O., Julj 21.-A wjlU
dreaaed younu womu applied at the
Cincinnati Uor-piul for ad a, i ton je
terdity afternoon. She iirvsont.-d a
letter from the mother superior of the
convent where the young womai bad
resided. The letter eaid the bea-er,
Ilia Nellie Thoroa, had been employed
for some time at the convent, and was
suffering from swollen legs and feet
Nothing except the symptom referred
to in the letter was found in the pre
liminary examination, but later it was
decided to lance the feet, when It was
found the legs and feet were stucic full
of pins and ntedles. Forty one needles
were extracted from her body, and she
was not able until today to endure fur
ther operations. It is thought others
will be found. The physicians believe
that blood-poisoning will set in, acd
the case in any event may prove hope
less. The girl protested, till after the
operations, that she could not tell how
her feet and limbs became imbedded
with these needles, but finally she said
she had been at the oonvent of the
Good Shepherd for several years. She
was an orphan and alone in the world
During her stay there she had done
wrong. Not once alone, but persist
ently. She had done that which she
knew was not right, and for every sin
she had committed she had done pen
ance by thrusting a needle into one of
her legs. She explained that each
operation had caused her agonizing
pain, and that at times the operations
were almost unbearable, but she felt
she must bear the pain as a recompense
for the sin committed. This mode of
doing penance', she said, ha i covered
more than two years. Her wrong do
ings had been of frequent occurrence,
and she was unable to estimate the
number of needles she had placed in
her limbs.
Sister Superior Mary Malone stated
that the outcome of the examination of
Miss Thomas was a startling revelation
to her. She had been aware of the
condition of the patient's legs and feet
for several months, but had no Idea of
the cause. Miss Nellie was able to talk
tonight, but was very weak and suffer
ing intense pain.
Where He Is at Home.
Who can expect any movement In
the line of temperance reform from the
Roman Catholic church while its reve
nues are largely derived from the con
tributions of rum-sellers and while
priests of the church are saloon-keepers?
A St. Louis correspondent of the
Boston Citizen cites two notable in
stances, as follows: "A Roman Cath
olio prieat of this city is running a sa
loon full blast at No. 216 South Fourth
street, and a short time ago a gang of
counterfeiters were, by accident, traced
to his place, where they were making
counterfeit money in the cellar, and
had been making this priest's cellar,
under his saloon, their headquarters
for some time. They probably would
have been there yet, but they got so
bold in passing their product that they
were tracked to Father McGlnnis' sa
loon, and caught. In South St. Louis,
about seven miles from the court-house,
on South Broadway, a priest has a row
of business-houses, and is running a
saloon. He does not pay taxes on the
property, for it is, and has been for
years, given in by the assessors as
church property. The Roman Cath
olic church has over $50 000,000 worth
of church property in this city, and not
one cent of taxes do they pay. Many
thousands of dollars' worth have been
bought by the church on speculation."
Picturesque Watterson.
Colonel Henry Watterson of the
Louisville Courier-Journal is certainly
picturesque when he turns a full head
of steam on. From a three-column edli
torial addressed "To the Democrats of
Kentucky," we make the following ex
tract: The course of national developments
is upon the ascending, not the descend
ing scale, and no fast-and-loose, catch-as-you-can,
go-as-you-please, slobbery,
jobbery concern half sport and half
tramn with Cameron in the lead and
This Elegant
'New Rochester'
Nickel or Gilt
without glutwara 1
will be sent ex-!
press paid to
any address
for fwn
Chimney ind Shade
told everywhere, or we
can supply you.
We make'lO
other styles of
the famous
New Roch-
glim iwiiiuiwi.
The desideratum tors summer v-
i light with one-quarter the neat or k"
ntiA T-ro rn Bridgeport Conn.
UUgcyuil DiN iq Murray St., n.i.w
Vent to bring up the rear with Mor
gan to furnish the learning and Jones to
fill the bucket and Colorado to point
the moral and Sautn Carolina to adorn
the tail .an ever swallow Democrat
enough to carry the day and ii lower
the flaif! America Is still for Arteri
osus. We are n t yet reduced to the
importation of Chinese lanthornt la
philosophy, and Mexican me'.hods of
ca!culaiion. But if some of our local
statesmen do not have a care, they will
be completely lost in the double-shuftls
going on before their very eyes.
DeaTer Orangemen.
Although the Oraneeme a of Denver
have never yet paraded the streets of
the city on the 12th of July, as the
Hibernians were wont to do on the
17tn of March, they have each year,
since the Institution of the first lodge
here, always nut in plta-ing reunion
to celebrate the anniversary of the bat
tle f the Bojne.
Tbe affair this year eclipsed all its
predecessors. Haish Hall was crowded
with Loyal Orange men and women,
and the folio lng program was ren
dered: "America," by the audience; prayer;
duet, Mrs. Hurt and Mrs. Clark; ad
dress of welcome, J. H. Jacks; vocal
solo, A. I. Warren; address, I. R.
Howze; piano solo, Mrs. Vogbt; address,
Mr. MtGae; vocal solo, Mr. Howze; ad
dress, C. W. Stephenson; song, Mr.
Haman. Refreshments.
No association on earth, oath-bound
or otherwise, is more honorably loyal
in its brotherhood than is the Loyal
Orange Institution. So long as there
is honor in the individual member
and almost without exception there
always Is honor in every member so
long may he rely upon bis brothers for
protection against tbe slanderous venom
or the deadly malioe of hi foe;, whether
hostility be engendered because of Jesu
itical plotting or from the malioe of
political foes or personal enemies. Yet
no church association in Christendom
more seriously inculcates good morals,
good citizenship and devotion to the
precepts of Holy Writ than does the
O.'ange lodge.
Americans may well rejoice because
of the growth of the order in this land,
for the nation will have no more loyal
defenders than Orangemen will ever
prove themselves to be. The victory
of William III. was but the forerunner
of tbe victories of Washington. By the
downfall of the popish king of Britain
r jllgiousand civil liberty, uatrammeled
by escleslastijal interfe-ence, was first
secured. It was the descendants of the
Puritans who struck the first blow for
freedo n in America. Denver American.
Resolutions by St. Joseph (Mo.) Friends.
At a meeting of St. Joseph Council
No. 28. American Protective Associa
tion, held Thursday evening, July 11,
1895, the following resolutions were
presented and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, In the mysterious dispen
sation of human life and death, our
friend and co-worker, James M. Cutler,
has fallen before the relentless sickle
of the silent reaper; and,
Whereas, Friend Cutler was long a
faithful member of this council, a man
of sterling Americanism, unfaltering in
his devotion to the principles and in
terests of the order, and an untiring
worker for its advancement; therefore,
Resolved, That while we bow in hum
ble submission to fate's decrees, we
most sincerely deplore tbe loss of our
friend, and shall ever hold his memory
sacred to the cause he so earnestly
Resolved, That the sincere sympathy
of this council be extended to the fam
ily of our deceased friend in their be
reavement, and, as a mark of respect,
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon our minutes, a copy pre
sented to the family of our deceased
friend, and a copy sent to The Amer
ican and to the American Citizen,
Boston, for publication.
Clay Horr,
William L. Kretjzer,
Martin . Casto,
Attest: C. F. Meyer, President.
A. L. Stauner, Sec'y.
F. 0. S. of A Reunion.
The reunion on Saturday last was a
very enjoyable affair for those particl
patlng, and quite a large number was
present. The day was suited for out
door recreation, and Park Grove evi
dently had many attractions, as but few
strayed back to town until well toward
The P. O. S. of A. Band of Osceola
is an organization of which the order
at large may weU feel proud. Com'
posed of men neatly uniformed, correct
in deportment and playing nicely, they
formed a pleasing feature of the parade
and added vastly to the pleasure and
enjoyment of all concerned.
The camp at this place realized
fairly well from their venture, and the
boys have received a new impetus in
the patriotic work through an inter
change oi views ana a co-mingling with
their brethren Irom elsewhere. uoviz
dale Observer.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can
not reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must take internal
remeaies. iiairsi;atarrn uure is taken In
ternally, and acts dlrectlv on the blood and
mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one
of the best physicians in this country for
years, and is a regular prescription. It Is
cornposea oi nest ionics Known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting
directly on tbe mucous surfaces. The per
fect combination of the two Ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. fend for testimonials, free,
F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O.
tV Sold by Druggists. Joe tsr "1
IVUk Affairs at ttiaeaa Mere Mixed
Than Eur.
Winona, Minn., July 16. Tbe Pol-
iih people are again la trouble and It is
feared that the troublesome scenes of
lat summer may be repeal 1. It teems
that the contractors of the fine new
church, whloh will cwt nearly ISO, 000,
are in a squabble.
It is well known that in the building
of a new edifice there are always extra
bills that have to be met Tbe con
tractors, Hall St. Waselewskl, of Min
neapolis, say that these bills will not
be paid by the building committee.
Thus the main contractors cannot par
their men or the subcontractors, and
the men are In just about a good state
to declare a strike. The Polish build
ing committee has about $13,500 to the
credit of the church fund, and tbe con
tractors say if they can get what is due
them they can have their work com
pleted in about two months.
On the other side, it is claimed that
the mala contractor has been paid a
good round sum, and has never turned
any over to the subcontractors.
But this squabble Is not half tbe
trouble. It is said some time ago a
stock company was formed, tbe object
of which was to have the parishioners
lend the church money for the comple
tion of their new edifice, and about
124,000 was thus collected. The loaners
were given no security, and are now at
tempting to collect their money with
out anything to show that they ever
lent the church a cent. Here is an
other bowl.
Then, too, in addition to this amount,
the building committee has borrowed
$17,000 and mortgaged all tbe old
church property near tbe new building
to secure it. This was stoutly fought
against by some of the members of
the building committee, and their side
is taken by a number of the parish
loners. With all this mixture of facts and
crookedness, and the various bitter
stories afloat, it is feared that the
Poles may become violent, and, taking
sides, repeat the stormy and disorderly
scenes of last summer.
The church which Is in course of con
struction is one of the handsomest of
its kind in the northwest. The ex
terior is about completed, and is deco
rated with large statues covered with
genuine g oil-leaf.
Swearing 1'ullcemen.
A subscriber to the Woman's Voice
"I want to call attention to the fact
that many of the police officers of Bos
ton are using profane language while
on duty. I have heard it many times
of late, and think it is demoralizing to
the young. Passing through La
grange street last week, two police
men passed, one pouring forth volumes
of profane language because a case had
be3n decided as they thought wrongly
in court.
A few days ago I was waiting for a
car at the corner of School and Tre-
mont street, and heard a police officer,
not on duty, conversing with a young
girl using most profane language. In
every instance the officer has been an
The remedy for this evil is to have
men chosen to the police force, not be
cause of a political pull, but because o
their fitness lor tne position.
k Fast Train for the Yellowstone Park
Leaves Omaha via the Burlington
Route (B. & M. R. R.) at 4 35 p. m.
daily. Lands passengers at t le Park
inside of 40 hours. Full information
about the Park tour, what it costs,
what's to be seen, how to get there,
etc, is contained in our Yellowstone
Park book. Send for a copy.
J. Francis,
G. P. & T. An Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
Howard's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Salt Lake Citt, Utah, August 4, 1894,-1
wish to certify to the excellence of Howard's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
is tbe finest preparation I ever used for
children for summer complaint or cholera
Infantum. Just a few drops in water soon
relieves and cures the most stubborn cases.
It should be used by all mothers.
Mrs. Sarah Willard.
1820 St. Mary's Ave., Omaha, Neb.
Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Christian Wuetrlch (Wurthuch) Ida Wuet
rlch, John Llndei or Linden, the owners,
and all persons in actual possession or
occupancy of the real estate described be
low, all others whom it may concern:
You are hereby notified that on tbe eigh
teenth day of November, lsW, the Somerset
Trust Company purchased at public tax sale
of the treasurer of Douglas county, Ne
braska, for the delinquent county taxes of
the year 1892, the following described real
estate, situated In Douglas county, Nebraska,
to-wit: Lot rive in block eleven In E. V.
Smith's addition to the city of Omaha, Doug
las county, Nebraska; said tax sale certl fl
oat was afterward assigned to the under
signed; that said real estate was taxed for
the year 1892, and was sold for the delinquent
county taxes of the said year 1892; that said
real estate was taxed In tbe name of Christ
Wuetricb or Wurthuch for the year 1892, In
the name of Christ Wuetrich, John Llnder
for the year 1893, In the name of John Llnder
for the year 1894, and in the name of Ida
Wuetrlch for the year 1895, and In the name
of Christian Wuetrlch for special taxes. You
are further notified that the time of redemp
tion of the above described real estate from
aid tax sale will expire on the eighteenth
day of November, 1895. K. A. KN UDSEN.
Dated July 20th, 195.
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
redeem. 7-26-3
(Successor to C. W. Baker.)
Undertaker Embalmer
Formerly with M. O. Maul.
Telephone 696.
eis south ietn st., omaha.
The Past
The Future
The fact that 1 lood's Sarslp
rilla has cured thousands of
others is certainly sufficient
reason for belief that it will
cure you. It makes pure,
rich, healthy blood, tones ana
strengthens the nerves, and
builds up the whole system.
parilla Cures
Be Sure to pet HOOD'S and
Only HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills art specially prepared to tx
BSksa with Hood's Sarssparllla. tbe. par box.
Notice to Kedwm from Tax Kale.
To Horatio Fowkea. A. 8. Potter and to all
others whom It way concern:
You am hereby notified that on the lath
day of November. 1U, W. II. Hcullep pur
chased at public tax sale, of the treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, far the delinquent
taxes of the year 1892, the following described
real estate, situated In Douglas county, Ne
braska, to-wit: Lot 2. block SM, Omaha; that
aid real estate waa taxed for the year 1x92,
and was sold for the delinquent taxes of tbe
year 1892; that said real esiate was taxed In
the name of A. B. Hotter et al. for the year
IXM2, In the name of Horatio Fowkes for the
year 1895; that the said W 11 tVlillcp has sold
and assigned the lax sale certificate of said
real estate to the undersigned, who la now
the owner and holder of the same. You are
further mil I tied that the time of redemption
of the said real estate from said tax sale will
expire on the I3lh day of November, lM'.tft.
W. K. KEtLhiH.
Dated July 25, 189V
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
redeem. 7-2S-S
Piollce to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Helm of Daniel Wolf, deceased, and to all
others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notillrd that on the 9th
day of November, 18lta, J W. Dvorak y pur
chased at public tax sale of the treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent slate aiid county taxes of the year
1192, the following real estate, situated In
Duuglas county. Nebraska, to-wlt. North
east quarter of section 12, township III, range
II east; that said real estate was taxed for
the year 1x92, and was sold for the delinquent
stale and county taxes of the year 1892; that
said real estate was taxed In the name of
Daniel Wolf for the year 1892, and In the
name of D. Daniel Wolf for the year 1x95.
You are further not 1 tied that the time of re
demption of the aid real estate from said
tax sale will expire on the 9th day of No
vember, IK. J. W. DVuKHKY.
Dated July 25, 1895
Kedemniiun can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
reueem. i-ai a
Notice to Redeem from Tax Male.
To Frank Weeks and to all others whom It
m y concern:
Youaie hereby notified that on the l.'lth
day of November, 19.1. W. II. rtcliltcp pur
chased at public tax sale, of the treasurer of
ltouglis cuunty, Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes for the year 1x92 the following
described real estate, situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot 5, block 45,
Omaha; that said real estate waa taxed for
the year 1892, and was sold for the delinq uent
taxes of the year 1892; that said real estate
was taxed In tbe name of K. Weeks for the
year 1892. In the name of Frank Weeks for
the year 185; that tbe said W. Ii Schllep has
old and assignea tne tax sale certiorate or
said real estate to the undersigned, who Is
now the owner and bolder of the same. You
are further notified that the time of redemp
tion of the said rel esiate from said tax sale
will expire on the lath day of November, 1x95.
Da'ed July 25, 1895.
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
redeem. 7-2H-8
Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Horatio Fowkes, A. 8. Potter and to all
others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified tbat on the 13th
day of November, 189a, the undersigned pur
chased at public tax sale of the treasurer of
Douglas county. Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes of the year 1x92, the following
described real estate, situated In Douglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot one (1) In
block 230 of tbe city of Omaha; thatsald real
estate was taxed lor the year 1892, and was
sold for the delinquent taxes of the year 1892;
that said real estate was taxed In the name
of A. 8. Potter et al. for the year 1892, In the
name of Horatio Fowkes for the year 189 .
You are further notified that tbe time of re
den ptlon of the said real estate from said
tax sale will expire on' tne lath day of No
vember, 18V5. J. W. DVOKSKY.
Dated July 25, 1895.
Redemption can oe made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
redeem. 7-26-1
Notice to Redeem from Tax Male.
To John Mlllage. The Mutual Investment
Company, and Edward U. Jones, and tbe
owners and all persons In actual possslon
or occupancy of the real estate described
below, all others wbom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 17th
day of November. 1x9a, tbe Somerset Trust
Company purchasea at public tax sale of the
treasurer of Douglas county, Nebraska, for
the delinquent county taxes of tbe year 1892,
the following described real estate, situated
In Douglas county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot
twenty-eight In block thirteen In Orchard
111:1 addition to Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska. Maid tax sale certificate was af
terward assigned to tbe undersigned. That
said real estate was taxed for the year 1X92,
and was sold for the delinquent county
taxes of tbe said year 1x92. Thatsald real es
tate was taxed In the name of John Mllleue
and of tbe Mutual Investment Company, for
the year 1x92; In the name of John Mlllage
and the Mutual Investment Company for the
year ixa; in tue name oi jonn jnuiage ror
the year 1894, and In the name of John Mil
lane for tbe vear 1895. You are further noti
fied that tne time of redemption of the above
atscriDva real estate irom saia tax sale will
expire on the 17th day of November, 1x95.
Dated July 20th, 1895.
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to re
deem. 7-28-3
Notice to Redeem from Tax Male.
To Jno. T. Hopkins, Chas. A. Wyman, W. II.
Russell, the owners, and all persons In
actual possession or occupancy of the real
estate a escribed below, all others whom It
may concern:
You are hereby not! fled that on the four
teenth day of November. 1x93, the Somerset
Trust company purchasea at pu blic tax sale
of tbe treasurer of Douglas county, Ne
braska, for the delinquent county and city
taxes of the year 1892. the following described
real estate, situated in Douglas county, Ne
braska, to-wit: Lots two and three In
Billings' subdivision of lot two. block seven
teen. West Omaha addition to the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska; said
tax sale certificate assigned to the under
signed; tbat said real estate was taxed for
tbe year 1X92, and was sold for the delinquent
county and city taxes of tbe said year 192;
that said real estate was taxed In the name
of Jno. T. Hopkins, Chas. A. Wyman. for the
year 1X92, In tbe nme of John X. Hopkins for
the year 1893, In the name of John X. Hopkins
for the year 1894, and in the name of John X.
Hopkins tor the year 1895, and In the name of
W. 11. Russell for special taxes. You are
further notilied that the time tf redemption
of the above described real estate from said
tax sale will expire on the fourteenth day
of November, 195. K. A. KNUDEN.
Dated July 2Uth. 1895.
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer s otlice before expiration of time to
redeem. . , 7-26-3
NU to KeuVrst frm Tax Sale.
Tot' J Klllolt. a. A. Bent. Sam'l A. Host
and to all oilier, whom ll may roncora:
oil arv brn-bf nntlHe.1 lli ,t am liuh
dat of November, lw, k. It Itwr puivha.e.1
al public lax sale of tlie In-rer of Itouglas
county. Neiiraska. the delinquent slab-,
county aud oil taxes of Die yrar 1U3. I lie
iimio ma owrim u rvai aviate, situated in
oiiglaa rounljf, Aeiira.ka. to-wlt: l.-.l. all
i' aud srven iVi In bbs k n-ven iti of Walnut
Hill. a addition lo the i ll V of Omaha: ll,.t
said real wa laxrd for the year Ixv'
aud a sold fur the delinquent lai. county
and city le of Hie year Iw.'J; that said
rval !tli was tated In li Bum of t. A.
Heut for the year Mrj, In I lie name fiam'l A.
Itent for the year lx:5; that I tie said K. H.
Il.ier ban Mild and assigned the lax sale ror-
lineal of said real estate to the undersigned,
wuu is now meiiauer atiu no.ueror the same
ou are further untitled that the lima of
redemption of the said real e.lste from said
lax sale will expire oa the Ixih day of No-
venirs-r. two. r. L. JOHNSON.
Dated July 2S. Ix',15.
Redemption can lie made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of lime to
redeem. 74-3
Notice Is Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Uf-orgn II. Kellogg. V. II. Kellogg and to
an outers wnoiu ii uiay concern:
You am hereby notified that oa tha Ixih
day of November, 1x9.1, K H. Kar purchased
at public tax sale of tbe treasurer of Douglas
county. Nebraska, for tin delinquent state
anu i-ouni j raxea oi ine year invi. ma follow
ing described real estate, situated In Itouglas
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot ova 5 of
block "It" of Milnn's (Wotid addition to the
city of Omaha; that said real esiate was
taxed for the year 1x92. and waa sold for tha
delluqueut stale aad county taxn of the
year 1x92; that said real estate was taxed In
the name of C. II Kelloitu for the vear lxtri
In the nam of Ueo. II. Kellogg for the year
I t , a,..., .I.. .. 1.1 L- u li , . , .
!"-', .km. mi. R.i. ot. I. . i dm SOIU Ml
assigned tue lax sale certlllcate of aald real
estate to the undersigned, who Is now the
owner and holder of the same. Ylu are
further notified that the time of redemption
of the said real estate from said tax sale will
expire on tua ixin uay or November. Ixtxv
1'. L. JollN.HON.
Dated July 25, 1895.
Redefinition can be made at rmint t.rwss.
urer' office before expiration of time to
reueem. 7-28-3
Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Alice A. llavemeyer, J. W. Taylor and to
an omera wnom u may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the Iflth
day of Nuveuiher. 1893, K. H. Haer uurchased
at public tax sale of the treasurerof Douglas
county, Nebraska, for the delinquent slate
ana county taxes or me year istrj, me follow
lug descrllied real estate, situated In Douirlai
county, Nebraska, to-wlt : Lot 21 In block 8
or 31 on mom ii ram, an aunition to the city of
Omaha, thatsald real estate was taxed for
the year 1X92, and was sold for the delinquent
state anu county taxes or tne year iwz: mat
said real estate was taxed In the name of J. W.
Taylor for tbe year 1x92. In the name of Alice
A. navemeyer ror tne year ixim; mat tne said
K. Ii. liaer baa sold aud assigned the tax sale
certlllcate of said real estate to the under.
signed, who Is now the owner and holder of
the same. You are further notilied tbat the
time or redemption or the said real estate
from said tax sale will expire on the Hlth day
Of novemoer, ixki. r. jj, JUHKISUM.
Haled July 2). 189V
Redumption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to
reueem. 7-28 s
Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Mary E. Reatty and to all others wbom It
may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 14th
dav of Noven tier. 1893, the undersigned bur-
chased at public tax sale of tiie treasurer of
lKiuglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent taxes of the year 1892, the following
described real estate, situated In Douglas
county. Nebraska, to-wlt: l-ols I, 2, 3. 4. 5, A,
7. 8. 9 aud 10, all In 111 ck eight (X) of Hoyd's
addition to the city of Omaha; that said real
estate was taxed for the year 1892, and was
sold for the delinquent taxes of the year 1892;
thatsald real estate was taxed In the name
of Mary E. Heaity for the year 1892. in the
name of Alary b iieatty ror tne year lxiu.
You are further notilied that the tin e of re
demntlon of the said leal estate from said
tax sale will expire on the 14th day of No
vember. 1XTO. JA.Ilr.B W, UVUKBKI,
Dated July 25. 1895.
Dedemptlon can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of lime to
Notice of Expiration of Time of Redemp
tion. To Thomas B. Mlnahan and T. B.MInahan,
owner. Ellxa P. Marvin audBallle Uorbach,
You are hereby notified that on the lAth
day of November, 1893, the undersigned
Sought at public tax sale, of the treasurer of
Douglas county, Nebraska, at his office In
said county and state, tbe following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt: The west one
half (' of lot two (2) and II of lot three (3)
In block eight (Hi, Kountze Place, an addition
to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, for the delinquent county taxes for
the year 1892, and that said property Is taxed
In the name of Thomas H. Mlnahan for tbe
year 1892, and In the name of T. B. Mlnahan
for the year 1893, and In the name of Thomas
B. Mlnahan for the year 1MD4; that the time
of redemption of the same will expire on the
liith day of November, 1x95.
PANY, By 0. E. Bates, V. P. 7-2S-3
WANTED True American woman with
1200 or $3U0, by thorough business man.
Best references, to promote business. MoneV
secured; 20 to 30 per cent. on money Invested.
I mean business. Address, J. Wells, Station
D, Chicago.
The Nation
It is replete with Articles on Questions of
Local, National and Social Interest.
Price, 10c Single Copy; $1 a year, in advance.
Hon. John V. Farwell, of Chicago, 111.; Col. W. S. Morgan;
of Arkansas; Hon. M. V. Howard, of Alabama; Hon. F. M.
Washburn, of Boston, Mass.; Ex-Gov. D. H. Waite, of Colorado;
Rev. J. T. Robinson, of Lena, 111.; Hon. Paul Van Dervoort,
Henry W. Yates, John 0. Yeiaer and John C. Thompson, of
Omaha, Neb., and a number of other leading western writers.
615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB'
Notice ts Redeem from Tax Male.
To John W. Paul and Ul all others wboiu It
may concern:
Yuu are nereliv notified that on tha IUh
day of November, I'M. Kdward H. Haer pur
chased ml public tax sale of I , treasurer of
Ihiuulas county. Nebraska, for Hie delin
quent county aud city taxes of the year Isu.
- .idi ueserioeo real esiaie. situaMMl
In Douglas county, Nebraska, lo-wit: Lut
111. blocs I, llorliai b s secoud audition to
Omaha; that said real rstai waa taxed fur
the year ! aud was sold for the delinuueat
county and city taxes of aald year it!; that
sain real esiale was taxed in ine of
John W. Paul; thai the aald kdward W. Haer
has sold ami assigned tb, tax -sale i-ertlSraUl
of said ral estate lo I lis umlersigued, who la
now the owner slid Holder of the same. Yuu
are further uoilued that luelln.eof redemp
tion of the said real estate from aald lag
ale Will expire on lite LilU day of November.
Ixi5. P. L. JoilN.-llM..
Da'od July Si, IMUV
Redemption can be made at county treaa
urvr's oltioa lie for expiration of lliae to ra
il eel n. 7 JtlS
Notice of Expiration ot Time of Redemp
tion. To L. A. Kedncy. owner, and the Central In-
ve.tmenl Company, mortgagee.
You are hereliy noil lied lint on the IHth
day of November, laui, the undersigned
bought at tax sale, of the treasurer of Doug
las couniy Nebraska, at his office In sal J
county aud state, the following described
real esiate, tu-wit: Tha east seveuty-Sva
ilAi feel of lot seven 17). block elgtily-oue (Xl
in city of Houlh Omaha, Douglas couniy,
Nebraska, for the delinquent city taxes fur
the year Ix.i2, aud lie said property waa
taxed In the name of L. A. Kedney for tha
year IKU2, In lh name of L. A. Kedney fur
the year 1893, In the name of L. A. kedney
for the year lxi4; that tbe time of redemption
of the sain will expire on th Uia day of
No vein tier, 1X95
PANY, By U. . Hatsm. V. P. 7-38-3
Notice to Redeem from Tax Sale.
To Nathan Sheldon, and to all others whom
It may concern:
You are hereby notilied that on the 18th
day of November, 1X93. John F. Flack Com
pany purchased at public tax sale, of tha
treasurer of Douglas county, Nebraska, for
the delinquent stale and county taxes of the
year 1X92, ihe following described real estate,
situated lo Douglas county, Nebraska, to
wll: Lola eleven ill), twelvt (12iand thirteen
(13) In Morse A Hruuner Place, a subdivision
of Park place, an addition to tbe city of
Omaha; that salt! real estate waa taxed fur
the year 1x92, and waa sold for the delinquent
late and county taxes ol the year 1x92; that
said real estate waa taxed In tbe name of
Nathan Sbelton for the year 1x92, In the nams
of Nathan Suelton for the year 1X93, In tbn
name of Naihan Sbelton for the year lxui,
and In the name of Nathan Sheluin for tha
year 1x95; that the aald John F. Flack Com
pany has sold and anslgned the tax sale car.
llllcateof aatd real esiate to the under
signed, who Is now the owner and holder ot
the same. You are further notified tbat tha
time of redemption of the aald real estate
from said tax sale will expire on the Hlin day
of November, 1x95. P. L. JOHNSON.
Dated July 25. 1895.
Redemption can be made at county treas
urer's office before expiration of lime to re
deem. 7-2tHI
Notice to Redeem from Tax Male.
To llartni.n Schnll, A. E. McShane, and to all
others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notilied that on tha tilth
day of November, 1X93, J. F. Flack Company
purchased at public tax sale, of the treasurer
of Douglas county, Nebraska, for the delin
quent slate aud county taxes of the year
1x92, the following descrllied real estate, situ
ated In Douglas couniy, Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lots four (4) and Uve 15) In block three (31 of
O'Netl'ssuoolvlslon of Lowe's second addi
tion to the city of Omaha; that aald real es
tate waa taxed for the year 1x92. and was sold
for tbe delinquent slate and county taxes of
tbe year 1892; ibal said real esiale was taxed
In the name of A. E. itlcsbane for the year
K92 and In the name of Ann E. McShane for
the year 1896; tbat the said J. F. Flack Com
pany has sold and aaslgu. d the tax kale cer
tlllcate of said real estate to me undersigned,
who Is now llieowner and bolder of the same.
You are further notified that the time of re
demption of the said real estate from said
tax sale will expire on the liiih day of No
vemlier, 1895. P. L. JOHNSON.
Iluixd Julv 25. 1895.
Redemption can lie made at county treas
urer's otlice before expiration of tune to ra
deem. 7-21 3
Notice to Redeem from lax Hale.
To Edward Dewey and J. H. Prugb and to
all others whom It may concern:
You are hereby notltlxd tbat on tha 16th
day of November, Ixlii, E. B. Haer purchased
at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Doug
Ins county, Nebraska, for the delinquent
state and county taxes of the year 1X92, tba
following described real esiate, situated in
Douglas county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot 24 In
block one (ll of Monmouth Park, an ad
dition to the city of Omaha; that said real
estate was taxed for the year 1892. and waa
sold for the delinquent state and county
taxeof the year lx2; that said real estata
was taxed In the name of J. H. Prugb for the
year 1x92, In the name of Edward lewey for
the year 1X115, tbat the ald E. B. Baer has
old and assigned the tax sale certltical of
said real estate to the undersigned, who la
now the owner and holder of the same. Vou
are further notified that the time of redemp
tion of the said real estaw from said tag
sale will expire on tbe lth day of No vain tar,
PJ95 r. L. JOUNaOt.
Dated July 25, lf9t.
Redemption can be mads at county treas
urer's office before expiration of time to re
deem. 7-JJH
FOR RENT CARDS 11x14 Inches, at 75 cents
per dozen: smaller size at AO cents per
dozen, at 1815 Howard street. Omaha.