COST OF BICYCLES. Sara a la Maklaf T- ee ftaaae I'ropla Tale a. Rotarillns the rtwt of nmnufactiirlnit a firtt-cUsa bicycle. a writer In the j Chicago Times-HrUI hu thU to say: j To the doubting Thornm no are ver aaswllnij thai the rout of a bi cycle U liironvtjucntUl roniarel with lis selline. price. tb following brief ketch of the material that enter Into the Intrcral part of a wheel are bore enumerated: A machine vm recently ' directed," and In the bearing alone W minia ture iteel bulla were found. The chain poaaeaaetl 138 plecea, comprlolng llnka, rivet, nut and bolt. The two wheel had sixty piano wire tpoko. each of which was fastened to tha rim by a nipple and washer. Tha saddle con Uined eighteen parts, exclusive of the rivets Unit help to fasten the leather to the metal csntle. The valves In tha pneumatic tires contained four In dividual mechanical contrivances. Each pedal had ten separata parts, nd tha brake and connections forty Component parts; add to those already mentioned, sprocket wheels, crank hafts, chair adjustments, girds, han dle bars, tires, rims, frame, forks, hubs, axles, cones, washers, etc., a grand total of over 500 individual parts la easily arrived at In a thor oughly hlsh pratfe bicycle, esch 0 the Integral elements la made by a costly piece of machinery, operated by skilled artisans, whose attention to detail and accuracy are assured fact. The ma chinery employed In the majority of cycle factories to-day Is of an auto matic nature, and tha cost of some runs up Into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then take Into consideration the capital Invested In buildings and material In conjunction with theneces eary expenditure for the proper mar keting and selling of the product, such as advertising, clerk and salesman hire, depreciation of machinery and tools, and othor innumerable facts, It will be readily seen that a first-class machine costs far more than the aver se buyer imagines. A WICKED PHOTOGRAPHER. Gets Folk to I'iMe In a Group and Than Walks Away. Tha circus waa In town Wednesday and with It tha customary grist of countrymen, who were fooled In tha same old ways that are told about In story books, says the Syracuse Post Not less than two score of them were victimised by Just one man, and that, too, In tha face of numbers of their fellow-men. The vlctlmtzer was a common ph6 tograph "fiend." He operated anywhere a crowd could be found. He would gather together several men or several women or sin gle persons, whom he would Induce to atand for pictures. He would spend several minutes posing them; some he would get Into tho most fantastic posi tions. When he had them ready, with a-crowd gaping at them, he would silently fold up his apparatus and walk away amid the imprecations of the victim and the laughter of the au dience. Toward the close of the day he was forced to run for his life, how ever, as nine-tenth of all the farmers had organized to have his blood. tJramlfathor A Now NneUI Coda. Paul Hourget has had more then his Chare of American attention, although there isn't a first-class reporter on the New York Sun who could not have written a more truthful and Interesting Account of the country as a whole than he gives In "Outre Mer." Perhaps some fine points In the analysis of an "after noon tea mind" might have been left out of Mr. Townsend's or Mr. Ralph's account of New York, If either of thera had been the Sun man chosen to tell the tale, but they would undoubtedly have given us a clear, historical, and Interesting picture. M. Bourget. himself Is deprecating the discussions the book has called out He wants to know why people continue to talk about his donylng grandfathers to Americans. He says he considers it nothing against them, that he didn't have a grandfather himself, that he Is & man of the people, who Is quite satis fied to be known by his works without any advantages of family. It appears to him, he adds, that Americans might be content with their good qualities without wanting to set up a new social ode. M. Bourget lives in a beautiful house In the most fashionable corner of Paris, and receives his friends, when they call In the morning, In a rustling silk dressing gown. Tha famlle. The electric candle is in great re quest In England for the lighting and decoration of dining and other tables. An Ingenious device for lighting the candles Is provided by placing small pads under the tablecloth, and taking the current from them by means of two pin points In the base of the can dlestick. The candles, of course, are extinguished on being taken from the table, and are relighted when they are placed In their proper position. They are so arranged that the bulb and the glass imitation of wax candle can be removed, when the candlestick can be tised for an ordinary candle. Whan used with shades of colored silk, the lectrlc candle makes one of the pret tiest additions to a dinner table that Is possible to Imagine . Not Much Book-Learning, Yacht Owner (at the helm) Do you know that tho nautical term "star board" comes from steerboard, and was so named because the steerboard or rudder was formerly at tha right side -of the boat Instead of at the stern? Hired Sailor No, sir, I han't much book-larnin. but I know if you don't move that steerboard, as you call It, a little more to starboard, we'll b up-ot- HE KNEW HIS BUSINESS. A Io( Thai Rfe4 la It tha rraa rtf af Straacar. I onca knew a dog In Ireland a Urge retriever says a writer In the London Spectator, who had been taught always to bring his own tin dish In his mouth to be filled at dinner time. For some reason his master wished to make a change and to feed him twice a day Instead of once, to which be had always bvn accustomed. The dog re sented this, and when told to bring his dish refused, and It could nowhere be found, on which his master spoke angrily to him and ordered him to bring tha dish at ouce. With drooping tail and sheepish expression ha went down the length of tba garden and be gan scratching up the soil where he had buried the bowl deep down to avoid bringing It at ao-uujf which he did not approve. )mimir In 1S73 wa came to live In England. after a residence upon the continent, bringing with us a Swiss terrier of doubtful breed, but of marked sagacity, called Tan. One dsy, shortly after reaching tha new home from Switzer land, the dog was lost under tha fol lowing circumstances: Wa had driven to a station eight miles off, East Hard ing, to met a friend. As tha friend got out of tha railway carriage tha dog got In without being noticed, and the train proceeded on Its way. At the next station, Eccles Road, the dog's barking attracted tha attention of the station master, who opened the car riage door, and tha dog Jumped out The station master and the dog were perfect strangers. He and a porter tried to lock up the dog, but ha flew viciously at anyone who attempted to touch him, although he was not above accepting food. For the next three days his behavior was entirely method ical; starting from the station in the morning, he came back dejected and tired at night At last, on the evening of tha third day, he reached home, soma nine miles away, along roads which he had not before traveled, a orry object, and decidedly the worse for wear; after some food he Blept for twenty four hours straight off. Now, he was a dog worth owning, wasn't he? ALL SHORT OF ARMS. An Eplclemla of Maiming Null flare Btrnrk tha Mack Road, Out at the end of tha Black road, near the McCormick Reaper works, a visitor stood on the bridge that spans the slip known as Mud lake. He was Intently watching a man coming out of a saloon; tha latter had a growler In his right hand; his left arm was miss ing. When he reached the sidewalk he was Joined by a man whose right arm was off at the elbow. Tha attention of the visitor was momentarily divert ed by a bcow passing under the bridge. As he looked at It he saw that the man who was "poling" was minus an arm, the left one; he rested his pole on the stump and with ,thls leverage jabbed the pointed stick Into the overhanging bridge, and by throwing his weight against It gave the boat a perceptible motion through the Blugglsh water, says the Chicago Times-Herald. At this moment the two one-armed men were joined by a third, who was also minus an arm. A look of dismay spread over the face of the visitor and he started for Blue Island avenue cable car, feeling of his left arm with his right hand. As he turned the first cor ner a colored man without any arms came out of a house and got on a West ern avenue car. At the sight of him the visitor's face became paler and he quickened his pace. When he took a seat In the cable car he heaved a sigh of relief and wondered what had led him into that section of the city. He was a solicitor for an accident-Insurance company. Prajrrd While The Cnt Off inn Ear. Joel Handst, an Amlsh farmer, who moved to Henry County, Ohio, from Pennsylvania about a year ago, Is a typical representative of his sect. His creed being to fij 'it no man at law, numerous depredations were made on his farm and no one was punished. Becoming suspicious of his forbear ance, his enemies began to associate his name with several mysterious dis appearances of farmers during the past year. Recently a band of masked men went to his cottage, but a search failed to confirm their suspicions. Handst was praying when the marauders made forcible1 entrance, and continued In a suppliant attitude while his premises were being ransacked. The gang de liberately cut off his right ear and then left. Handst made no resistance. He said he would leave their punishment to their Maker, and urged that the case be dropped. His wounds were dressed by his wife, who takes the outrage as calmly as himself. The authorities are Investigating the case. Heedless Driver. A middle-aged lady, nicely dressed, who refused to give her name, waa knocked down on the corner of Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street, yester day, just before noon, by the wheels ot a passing wagon, says New York Re corder. This fact illustrates the danger to pedestrians from heedless drivers. The police ot New York, it might ap pear to a casual observer, are omnipres ent, but yet It Is Impossible for one of ficer to be on both sides ot a street at once, and the majority of drivers in the city will slacken for nothing but brass buttons. Split Open by atStroam of Water. While William Simpson, head lann dryman at the Hotel Colorado, of Glen wood Springs, Col., was in company with a crowd ot young teen in the swimming pool they undertook to outdo each other in fool-hardy acts. Finally Simpson undertook to sit on the nozzle from which tho water spouts, which has the power ot 120 pounds. Tha water buret him open. Ha will die. THE AMERICAN. IMPARTING SU(.Ak r kHH. Naval a vera, Ilea r a ratted b a Nil aaJ Wife la Iba HrlM.h TiaL A new profession for "geMlefolk" ha been discovered In Lonili-a by two Impecunious members of the class. They have discovered that there la a livelihood to be gained by "polishing off" the neuveaux riches and others whose manners "have that repose which stamps the case of Vere de Vere." 1 hey are a well-born, well bred married couple who are still suf ficiently young to be adaptable. They have been used to the ways of the leisure class and they are clever enough to teach them. Anything from the cure of the cockney accent to the proper way to entertain a duke Is taught for a "consideration," The wife describes her share of the work thus: "I generally," she says, "undertake to engage the services of all specialists, such as superior maids, who know what Is what and can give Judicious and useful hints to tbetr mistress; also manicurists, teachers of deportment, and sometimes teachers of elocution. I have cured one very bad case of mere outward vulgarity In three weeks for 10 guineas, and I have corrected a cockney acent In three mornings for 3 guineas; while, on the other hand, a certain city man who never aspired to anything better than heavy English dinners. Friday to Monday at Bright on, and Mansion house balls, until he married the daughter of a west end restaurant manager she knew nothing of life beyond her own narrow sphere gave us carte blanche to make 'fine folks' of thera. Not much could be done for him beyond keeping him quiet, but she lent herself to our pro cess. Now they have a very pretty place In Hampshire and entertain some rather nice people In the summer. We ourselves received 100 guineas for our advice, but the husband must have spent over 25,000 In adopting our hints as to mode of living, and he tells us that what he has got for It Is worth double as much." DOWNED THE JANITOR. A Servant Girl Ha Illra Fined for Locking Her Out. An amusing incident occurred In a London "mansion" or apartment house, recently, that Is believed to be the first step In an unwritten code of flat law. A servant maid was refused admission the other night at the residence of her master by the Janitor on duty because his sense of decorum was outraged by seeing the young woman shake hands with her sweetheart at parting. The exhibition was too much for the Ideas of this confirmed misogynist, and he used force to protect the house against such a demonstrative inmate. The girl Slapped his fans, and then bad tha m&n summoned for assault before a justice. It then turned out this rancorous por ter had kept her standing in the street till 2 In the morning, and she had only succeeded In gaining an entrance by sending a telegram from the next sta tion to her mistress, saying she was waiting at the door. Mr. Janitor was promptly fined $10 and costs, with the alternative of going to Jail. Kamtio'a Close Tall. It was a Tennessee Methodist clast leader who had before him a six months' probationer, whom he was questioning for admission to all the privileges of the church. "Well, Sambo," said the class leader, "I hope you are prepared to live a Christian life In accordance with your profession. Have you stolen chick ens during the last six months?" "No, Bah. I done stole no chick ens." "Have you stolen any turkeys or pigs?" Sambo looked grieved. "No, sah!" "I am very glad to hear this good re port," continued the class leader, "and I trust you will continue to live an honest Christian life." After church Sambo hurried home with his wife, who had overheard the catechising. When they were fairly out of everybody's hearing he drew a long breath of relief and turned a self approving glance to his better half. "Golly" he said, In a half cautious whisper, "ef he'd er said ducks I'd be'n a lost niggah, suah!" A Mean Fellow. Mr. Blinks I met a woman to-daj that I thought a good deal of once. Mrs. Blinks Oh, you did? "Yes. I used to do my very best to please her." "Humph!" "I did everything I could to win hei affection." "My goodness!" "And at last I succeeded." "Wha " "She granted all that I asked, and by so doing made me the happiest man alive." "Merciful '" "I asked her to come right up to the house with me to-day, but she had some shopping to do, And cannot get here until supper time." "Mr. Sinks, I am going right home to my mother." "She isn't at home, my dear. It was your mother that I met She gave me you." The Royal Road. mall Boy (in growing village) Pop, the boys Is gettin' up a little fire com pany. May I join? Pop (a well-read citizen) Yes, my son, certainly, I am glad to see such a commenaaDie ammtion in one so young. Join it, and, when you are old enough, Join the regular volunteer fire company, and run with the machine every time it goes out This town will be a big city some day; and if you've run well, and fought well with a fire company, a grateful people will elect you to high offices, where you will get big salaries tor doing nothing, and will have a chance to ateal all you want to New York Weekly. LI HUNG CHANG MOURNS. Tha Craal Premier af hlaa I-ookad l.lka a Blaming Hrgcar. A Chinaman, be ha king or coolie, U devoted to bis father and mother. When either parent dies custom or dains that the son shall resign all hon ors and employments (o go to the an cestral tomb and mourn there for a long period. Mr. John Russell Young relates how the Chinese premier, LI Hung Chang, was prevented from punc tiliously observing the custom by an Imperial decree. The aged mother of the great Chinese statesman died, and be hurried to celebrate the rites at her grave, accompanied by bis brother, tha viceroy at Wuchang. Everyone waa expecting the premier's resignation and his enforced retirement from all official positions. His enemies thought that LI had gone Anally, his place would be filled by another and his pow er become a memory. Suddenly there came a decree from the throne com manding LI to lay aside mourning and at the end of three months resume of fice. His brother was permitted to remain at the tomb and do the filial reverence. The decree was without precedent; the emperor was sacred and his command supreme. LI Hung Chang returned to Tientsin, his home. When Mr. Young saw the premier's yacht anchored in the harbor of Che foo he went on board to pay bis re spects. The premier looked like a starving beggar. He wore the coarsest raiment. His beard and his queue hung down from a clotted mass of hair. Lines of sorrow streaked his face, and his hands were grimy. The first man in the empire, noted for his carefulness In raiment and cleanliness of person, appeared as the meanest subject that he might by privation and penance do reverence to his mother's memory, ac cording to the creed of his ancestors. A few days later when Mr. Young met Li at Tientsin the beggar's meln had vanished, and he was again the well appointed nobleman. MOLTEN METAL AS CARGO. Tha Liquid Iron Carried from Farnaee to Mill It Train. Great pots of molten metal go dally skimming along the Erie railroad from the Cleveland Rolling Mills Company's central blast furnace to the Newburg mills as sedately as If this traffic were of long standing. The plan, put Into operation last Monday, Is a perfect success, says the Cleveland Leader. It takes Just fifteen minutes for the metal, after It is poured Into the big ladle cars, to reach the mixer In the mills, some five miles away. Eight trips are. made a day, as follows: At 6:20, 8:20, and 11:20 o'clock In the morning, at 2:10 and :10 o'clock in the afternoon, ana thro trains at night These trips are made at a time when the tracks are practical ly cleared. Thus delays are avoided, which would be expensive, for if long continued the metal would cool and the purpose of the special delivery thus be defeated. At the rolling mills the car is raised on a hoist to the mixer, the ladle Is tipped by machinery, and the liquid metal poured Into the mixer. Relieved of their load, the cars amble back to the furnace at their leisure, In time for the next trip. About 500 tons of hot metal Is thus carried every day over this long rail road route. The Cleveland Rolling MUis company nas to pay a pretty fig ure for the freightage, it is said, but there Is economy in the operation. A Mean Fellow. Mr. Binks I met a woman today that I thought a good deal of once. Mrs. Binks Oh, you did? Mr. Binks Yes. I used to do my very best to please her. Mrs. Binks Humph! Mr. Binks I did everything I could to win her affection. Mrs. Binks My goodness! Mr. Binks At last I succeeded. Mrs. Binks Wha Mr. Binks She granted all that I asked, and by so doing made me the happiest man alive. Mrs. Binks Merciful Mr. Binks I asked her to come right up to the house with me today, but she had some shopprng to do, and cannot get here until supper time. Mrs. Binks Mr. Binks, I am going right home to my mother. Mr. Binks She Isn't at home, my dear. It was your mother that I met She gave me you. J Errors of Youth.! SUFFERERS FROM Herms Debility, YomMal fc. Indiscretions. Lost lascooi BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. m Mny mra, from the fffwti of ymithruA Impru AuVnc, have brought about a atate t weaknea0 lhat haa rrduceU th general gvitftn o much aa to A induce aimoat rvrry other disease ; and the real 9 cam rf the trouble carer! ever beint; tiitnertfd, Q they are doctored for everything but the right one. W During our extensive college and hmpital practice W are have discovered new ai d concentrated reme- diet. The accompermnf prescription it offered aa a tirtain ami ftrKRov fruit, hundreds of w eases having been rertored t perfect health by its one after all other remedies failed. Perfectly jiure w a ingredients must be used in the preparation of thia prescription. 0 R F.rythroxylon coca, ) drachm. 9 Jerubehin, i drachm. a Helonias Dioica. ft drachm. w Crelsemin, 8 grains. A K.rt. ignativ amane ak-o-,l f riM. W t leptandrs, ecrup4ea. 4) m Glycerine, q. s, Make 0 pills. Takel pill at 9paW an4 another W on going to bed. This rentedy is admited to every W weakness in either se, and especially In those W cases resulting from imprudence. The recuperative powers of this restorative are astonishing, and its use continued for a ahorttime changes the languid, f debilitated, nerveless condition to on 9 wwed w life and vigor. . A To thoae who would prefer to oWarn ft ofw, ta m remitting 91, a seated package contain ff pills, J carefully compounded, ill be sent by mail from A our private laboratorv. or we will furnish pack- 9 age, which will cure moet caeca, for $4. AU mfrt 0 aai liaffy eowjlrfsanlnt V HEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, B 12 Trtmont Row.JBotton, Mat. g) XX7ANTED A buvfir tot a PDlenflld Pmlth V Premier Tvoewrlter. Cost tlUS.00. and practtrall; Is a new machine now. Will sell for I75.UO in cash, and at this price It Is a bar gain. Or will exchnnge for a Hrst clam Kodak. Full particular lor a x cent stamp t'lrstcome, flr atrved. Rkv. J. W.Giva K. Box 15. Custer City, 8.1) IR.DIII'S Celebrated Female owlr never fail. L. ilk) Lajv. (I-. tiital ft arid mm (after ftulinl I,Il'l''- In. . I. Wi, u l A.L.DEANE&CO. J. II. TAYLOR. Manager. 1116 Farnam Street. - - OMAHA, NEB WHOLESALE Bieyeles and Supplies We Carry the Largest Stock of Standard Bicycles in the West. YOU CAN SAVE HONEY!! By Writing for Our Prices and Catalogue. HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, . . POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interest by Using- L ockhart's N utritious Condiment IT ISiTHE Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food ttAHUFACTURSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter ot An Kind. HSAPQUARTGRS Ht London, England, Glasgow, Scotland,? New York, Chicago, Omaha. HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States. It is now being used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery Surgeon; Dan Mace, the famous trainer and driver, and H. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; II. M. Hosick A Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour fe Co., Packers; Miller Sl Armour, Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor- rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. H. Kevell; William rnompson ice uo.; Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, 01 umcago. This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who says his cows itave one-third more milk while he used it during the winter. It is just the stuff to build up ail stocjc, and is a great feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. Price per Barrel (150 pounds) 100 Pounds 60 Pounds 26 Pounds Samole Package Containing 8 Pounds Send in a If vou use it once vou it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON. Care American Publishing Co ra THE BLACK POPE," OB Jesuit's Conspiracy 10 IN THE THIRD EDITION. This was the book that the Romanists burned while In the bindery. Nearly 300 pages. Over 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives from most of the patriotic orders. IT WAS THE FIRST A. P. A. BOOK EVERCPRIRTEDJ riRIGE IN CLOTH, $1.00. A cheap paper cover edition Is being prepared at SO cents. FOR BALE BY AMBRICAN PUBLISHING CO. AND'RETAII $11.00 8.00 6-00 3.00 1.00 Trial Order. will never be without THE vs. Amoiicanisin,