The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 26, 1895, Image 1

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"AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that all men are A nerlcans who Bwwr Allegiance to the United SuWi without a mental reworv atlon In favor of the Pope.
Volume V.
We ask no man where he was born,
as nationality is no bar to membership
in the A. P. A. The American Pro
teotie Association U not a political
party, and does not control the nolltl-
cal affiliations of Its members, but is an
educational order
We cannot vote for any man who
owes his first allegiance to the pope at
Rome, and takes his politics as well as
his religion from the banks of the
Tiber instead of the Potomac. When
I make this assertion I make it with'
Out fear of contradiction. I will quote
from the laws of Romanism: "(1) The
holy father is the supreme ruler of the
world in temporal as well as spiritual
matters. (2) It is the duty of all Cath
olics to plot and labor for the absolute
It is the
supremacy of the pope. (3)
duty of all Catholics to take part In
elections, to know that politics is part
of morals. Politics is morals on the
widest scale." And, my friends, we
have only to look at the city of Chicago
to see the result of the filthy politics of
Mayor Hopkins, who left the mayor
alty chair with the city in 17,000,000 of
debt. In fact, it has become a saying
that the Jews own Chicago, the Irish
run it, and the Americans can stay
here If they pay their taxes and behave
themselves. My friends, every Roman
Catholic is a corpse In the hands of his
superiors (the priests). Roman Cath
olics must vote at the dictation of their
pastors. 1 Canon law says: "They must
also give perfect submission and obedl
ence of will to the church and the sov
ereign pontiff as to God himself. They
must acknowledge no civil superior
before thei holy father, that in their
political work they must always and
in the first place serve the interests of
Catholicism." Archbishop Ireland, at
a council at Baltimore, when he had
worked his audience into a spirit of
enthusiasm by his fiery eloquence, said:
"Go to your homes with the enthusi
asm you have shown here. Spread It
in every state In the Union, and say
there is a new departure among Cath
olics in the United States. Tell them
the long-expected day has come when
Catholic ..bishops, '"priests nd laymen
will rise ud and say, 'Henceforth we
will wife as one man in accordance with
our religion.'"
As an ex-monk of the Roman CatL
' olio church.' I say to you, my friends:
Go to your homes with the enthusiasm
tou have shown here. Spread it in
every state in the Union. Tell the A,
P. A.'s. the P. O. S. of A. 's, the
Orangemen, the Junior Order of United
American Mechanics, and all our grand
patriotic societies all over this broad
land. Tell them tbe long-expected day
has come when A mertcans will rise up
and sav. "Henceforth we will vote as
one man in accordance with our Amer
ican principles."
We also uphold the Constitution of
the Unitet atf,es of America, and no
portion of It more than its guaranty of
religious liberty. The gre at and est!
mable principle guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States, that
every one can follow without interfer
ence the dictates of his own conscience,
has insured the right and privilege of
all communities and of every individual
in the land to practice and preach any
relicrion which Is not In conflict with
the Constitution itself. Every intelli
gent citizen is very anxious to preserve
this right and this privilege from in
frlngement or abridgement. Thou
sands, yes, millions, have come to
America, the land of freedom, to enjoj
this privilege, -having fled from coun
tries where it is denied. The Roman
Catholic church 'does n t believe In
liberty of conscience, freedom of speech,
freedom of the press, or in free public
schools. I quote from the Rambler, a
Roman Catholic paper: "Religious lib
erty, in the sense of a liberty possessed
by every man to choose his religion, Is
one of the mosHwicked delusions ever
foisted uponjthis age by the father of
all deceit. The very name of liberty
except In the sense of a permission to
do certainldefinite acts ought to be
banished from the domain of religion,
It Is neither more nor less than false-
hood. Ko man has a right to choose his
own religion. None but an atheist can
uphold the principle of religious lib-
erty. Shall I, therefore, full Into this
abominable delusion? Shall I foster
that damnable doctrine, that taoclnlan-
ism and JCalvinism ard Anglicanism
and Judaism? Are not every one or
them mortal sins, like murder ana
adultery? Shall I hold out hopes to
my erring Protestant brother, that I
will not meddle with his creed, if he
will not -meddle with mine? Shall
tomnt him to foreet that he has on
more right to his religious views than
he has to mypursc, to my house or to
my life-blood? J No; Catholicism Is the
most intolerant of creeds. It is lntol-
erance Itself, for it Is the truth itself,
We mlghts rationally maintain that
ne man has a right to believe that
two and two do not make four at thU
theory of religious liberty. IU Impiety
Ij onJ eq'd by 1U absurdity." Thui
w b rlKht 10 condemn Rome out
of erown mouth. In the words of
PtP,ck Henry: "Give me liberty or
eive me death."
I We ar ,HO 'n fTr of the little red
school-house, and we believe the free
public schools (which Rome hates) to
be the best place for American Protes
tant children to be taught. A boy who
goes lcto the little red school-houte
may enter as a German boy, an Irish
boy, an Italian boy or a Swedish boy,
but he will come out an American boy
We are also against the employment
of Roman Catholic teachers la our
public schools. Do you not know that
75 per cent of the public-school teach-
era ' Cnlca? re Romanists? Fathers
ana mothers, it is your auty as Amer-
lean citizens to see that your children
are brought up In the free public
schools, and that no teacher who owes
his allegiance to the Pope of Rome
shall teach your boy or your girl. You
muBt fall Into line with those noble men
and noble women who uphold the Stars
and Stripes by every means in their
We are in favor of niacin? foreign
immigration under severe restrictions
for at least twenty years to come. Some
of you, no doubt, have witnessed at the
theatre the play, "Mugg's Landing,"
but we need not go to the theatre to
see mugs landing, for we can go to
Castle Garden and see "mugs" landing
every day In the week Irish mugs,
Italian mugs, Hungarian mugs.
Major McKinley may go about the
country preaching protection to the
poor worklngman, but he has not solved
the problem yet, unless he preaches for
the stoppage of foreign Immigration for
at least twenty years; then we shall
have work for the poor worklngman,
and fewer strikes.
We are In favor of opening the con-
vents to official inspection, and want to
sav to those who are therein confined:
"Come out and enjoy the liberty for
which your forefathers bled and died,
and do not hide your light under a
Imehel, tor Ocd eT, -fj- your HrhS no I
shlne before men, that they may see
your gocd works and glorify your
Father which Is in heaven."
Harry A. Sullivan.
OM niAnrt) Iha Fifth Fl.ur Wa llnvft
Uad-What It Means.
"Old Glorv. or the Flac of Freedom."
was the subject of a recent sermon by
Rev. J. Q. A. Henry, of the La Salle
Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago. The
fiHifi,,n Wntifullv decorated with
flags and flowers. The text was: "Thou
hast given a banner to them that fear
thee, that it may be displayed because
of the truth." Psalms lx, 4.
After referring to the origin of flags
and their gradual growth In beauty
and significance till these standards
came to symbolize the dominant and
peculiar characteristics of life, govern
ment, mission, and hope, be said: "The
loyal American believes that Old Glory
is the brightest, most blessed, and
most benign of all national emblems of
all time; that it symbolizes the holiest
hope of human kind concerning civil
and religious liberty, personal freedom,
and national Independence; that it em'
blazons the climeteric point of progress
and purity, equality and fraternity.
Old Glory represents the youngest of
the nations, but is the most venerable
of national emblems, taking precedence
over the flags of the principal European
"Since the beginning of our republic
there have been five flags for which
our people were willing to die: 'The
Pine Tree,' the 'Rattlesnake,' the
Grand Union,' the 'Flag of 1777,' and
'Old triory.' uur ensign was never
known as 'Old Glory' until after It had
been baptized In the tears, love, and
blood of the great rebellion. It Is the
symbol of life, law, and liberty, of gov-
ernment, protection, right, and right-
eousness in short, of true American-
ism, first and forever. It means prog-
ress In government, education, justice,
morality, and peace. It celebrates
mental and moral victories no less sig-
niflcant than those triumphs of shot
and shell. In origin and history it is
closely identified with woman. Her
nana rashloned It because her heart
loved it, and on more than one occasion
she has been ready to defend it, as
Mrs. Day, rarson urownlow's daugh-
ter, Barbara Fritchie, and many other
noble women have attested.
"We have bad great leaders, but we
have also had a great flag. It ex
presses all that is noblest in self-sacrifice,
greatest in heroism, sweetest in
liberty, and most Inspiring In hope. It
went up never to come down. It will
continue to wave when thrones perish,
tyranny, Ignorance, and superstition
are no more."
Frank O'Brien, a Candidate for Print's
Orders, Is In Trouble.
When Frank O'Brien, candidate for
priest's orders and fresh from the bal
lowed walls and cloisters of the Vatican
at Rome, seta foot In Chicago, his na
tlve town, today, he will be warmly
tr roe ted. not only by relatives and
friends but by officers of the United
States customs service, who will charge
him with what looks like an attempted
violation of the revenue laws.
Friday a book carefully wrapped and
addressed to F. E. O'Brien, No. 537
West Twelfth street, was received at
the post-office. The book bore Euro-
peaa stampings, and consequently was
examined to see if it was subject to
duty. It fell, and, bursting open, re-
vealed that a section had been cut out
oi tne miaaie, ana in ma space iuu
made snugly reposed five pearl and
I silver necklaces. Accordingly, Air.
O'Brien will be given a chance to pay
the duty or submit to the confiscation
of the articles by the government.
Frank O'Brien, the young man who
is said to be the principal In this Intor-
estlng episode, is the son of Mrs.
I O'Brien, the widow of John O'Brien,
who was killed In this city fourteen
years ago while In the employ of the
Burlington. There are five children
I In all, Theodore, John, Mary, Anna,
and Frank, all of whom are grown.
Theodore Is a blacksmith for the City
Railroad Company, and John, who was
formerly a book-keeper at RIverdale, is
also a candidate for priest's orders and
is (tudying at Baltimore, Md. Ex
Alderman James O'Brien Is an uncle of
these young men. Frank graduated
three years ago at St. Ignatius College
in West Twelfth street. After finish
lng study there he went abroad, and
during the last two years has prepared
himself in Rome for the service of the
church. He left Italy on the 11th of
the present month, and according to
previous plans will arrive in Chicago
today or tomorrow. His mother and
sisters are deeply agitated over the un
fortunate affair, and are certain that
the investigation which they will at
mo. dmnd will olewr Itaa young oelU
bate of all guilt. They say Frank had
never before sent a package of any
kind whatever. Beyond this the family
positively declined to say anything
Besides explaining what use a candi
date for the priesthood has for five
pearl necklaces, Mr. O'Brien's home
coming win tbrow light on another
matter which Is chiefly important to
but one ir dividual. On the fly-leaf of
the book containing the pearls is the
name and stamp of the circulating 11
brary of Mrs. Haines, No. 989 West
Madison street. Mrs. Haines is proud
of the popularity of her books, but up
to this time understood their circula
tion was confined exclusively to Amer
ica. Chicago Tribune, July 22.
Taught a Lesson.
Do you believe the Roman Catholic
party and their sympathizers will again
attempt to engage the loyal men of the
north and south to fight and to assassi
nate another President of the United
States, with a view of capturing our
The Pope of Rome and Jeff Davis
(the American traitor) have taught the
American patriots a lesson that they
will not very soon forget; they have
learned that Roman Catholics (particu
larly the Irish) cannot be trusted that
there were more tra'.vors among them
than among any other nationality
(perhaps more than all the others com
Dineaj. statistics snow that 72 per
cent, of Irish soldiers deserted from the
army during the war of the rebellion
The Americans have learned that It is
not safe to place Roman Catholic off!
cers in the army, but when we have
American, German, English, French,
Swedes, Danes, Dutch, or any officers
from any Protestant country, we feel
perfectly easy and safe. Military men
understand these matters well.
It Is to be hoped that the government
will never be 60 blind as to promote
any of the pope's cadets, particularly
those who have been drilled in Roman
Catholic churches, even to the position
of corporal. It is just as dangerous to
promote Roman Catholics to military
positions as It is to elect them as public-
school directors, judges, governors, leg
lslators, or to other civil posts. When
there are enemies in our country, it Is
the duty of citizens to punish them
Every intelligent, patriotic person and
every ten-year old child knows that the
Romans are continually, knowingly and
willfully violating the Constitution and
laws of our country. In the city of
Washington the pope has his spies
watching our senate and the house of
representatives; and now Leo is to have
spies in London to watch the parlia
ment. It is now reported that the managers
of the Roman corporation are attempt-
lng to discourage Protestants of Euro
pean countries from emigrating to the
United States, and Xotncvitragt Romans
of all parts of Europe, particularly the
Irish slaves of the hierarchy (because
they are "so valuable in our chureh"),
to flock here. What precious jewels
they are!
The greatest humbug at the present
time Is: The V'Uh In America are
raising money under the pretense of
freeing Ireland that is, to enoourage
all the Irish tools to emigrate to Amer
ica Do the pope and the hierarchy
believe that the true Americans have
SO thick heads that they cannot pene-
t'ate their scheme? If the pope and
is emissaries could possibly create
animosity between the British and the
American patriots, what a jubilee they
would have! But Protestant Britain
and the northern and southern patriots
have shaken hands, and those who
were once made enemies through the
machinations of pope and hierarchy are
now friends, and such they will con
tlnue to be. Patrick La Conor.
Eloquent Pulpit Orators Attract Large
The increasing Influence of the Jesu
its here Is attracting attention In relig
ious circles, says the correspondent of
the New York World, writing from the
City of Mexico. The earliest mission
arles In this country were Franciscans,
and this order has the enthusiastic
support of a great majority of the Mex
ican people. Recently the Jesuits se
cured possession of the Church of San
Francisco, which had passed Into Prot
estant hands. The Franciscans urged
that the church, which, before confis
cation under President Juarez, had
been the property of their order, should
on Its restoration to the Catholics re
vert to them, but the Jesuits were more
enterprising and had obtained money
to buy the church. The Jesuits now
have the churches of San Francisco,
Jesu Maria, San Hlplit and San Brig
Ida among the great and fashionable
churches to which, by the ability of
their pulpit orators, they are attract
lyt large congregations of wealthy
people. "
There has always been a strong
undercurrent of opposition here among
Catholics to the Jesuits, and their in
creasing Influence In these modern
times is arousing ancient animosities.
People who side with the Franciscans
assert that the Spanish Jesuits have
entered upon a regular campaign to
gain control in ecclesiastical affairs
here. The Jesuits sent trusted agents
Into this country eight years ago, but
their reports were unfavorable on ac
count of Archbishop Labastida, who
was hostile to them. Tbe present
archbishop, a much venerated prelate,
is apparently more friendly t j the Jesu
its. The government will maintain an
attitude of Impartiality as long as the
clergy do nothing in violation of the
famous reform laws, which define rig
idly the relation of state and church.
Catholics opposed to the Jesuits as
sert that the latter are gaining a pre
ponderating influence socially, and will
in a few yers control ejclesiastlcal
affairs in this country.
Ready to Sited Their Blood.
Winnipeg, Man., July 12. Ten thou
sand Orangemen celebrated the anni
versary of the battle of the Boyne here
today. Special trains were run from
all parts of Manitoba, the occasion
being made a monster demonstration
against Roman Catholic separate
schools. At an open-air meeting strong
resolutions were carried with loud
cheers condemning the dominion cabi
net for attempting to force parochial
schools in Manitoba despite the wishes
of the people as declared In Premier
Greenway's recent answer to Ottawa.
The resolutions declared that Orange
men would give up their life-blood, If
necessary, as a sacrifice for their
schools, which should be freed from
religious Interference.
An Able Liar.
The Chicago Inter Ocean is an able
newspaper liar. Editorially, on Sun
day, July 7th, it declared that no one
was injured by the Roman mob in Bos
ton July 4th, and offset the wanton at
tack of the pope's Irish on the A. P. A.
procession and little red school-house
by relating an Imaginary assault on a
Roman Catholie picnic in Indiana.
What better could be expected from
the lnkr Ocean? It Is one of the worst
Rome-ruled dailies in America. We
are reliably informed that one Smythe,
private secretary to Archbishop Fee-
han, is one of the press censors on the
lnkr Ocean, and that he permits noth
ng to appear in its columns injurious
to Rome. The Inter Oceun account of
the Boston Fourth of July riot was
about five inches In length. Liberty.
Seed for a sample copy of The
Americ an, if you are not a subscriber.
Aa A. P. A. Ctmnnl Demands that the
City Take the (.as Trtmt'i Mains.
Some of the A. P. A. councils took
up Iat wek the demand that the
mains and gas-plpos of the Kansas City
Gas Light and Coke Company now In
the streets be Uken into the city's pos
session. A set of resolutions which
were Introduced - i feral Councils and
adopted e council, No. 62,
on the South wi. boulevard, makes
some very clear demands on A. P. A.
aldermen. The resolution begins by
reciting that the mains are worth
500,000, that they are now In tbe city's
streets, and, though the supreme court
has decided against the company, it
still claims them. It Is asserted very
positively that they belong to tha city
according to the state laws, and that
any act on the part of the council to
ward placing the company in posses
sion of them will be equivalent to a gift
to the company by the people.
The resolution closes by domandlng
that the "aldermen friends" Insist ujon
securing to the city and people all tbe
ownership of the mains and their uso
for publlo purMses.
No. 02 has tho reputation among tbe
A. P. A.'s of being the most radical
council in town. Kansas City Star,
Our Public Schools.
The Prussians have a maxim, "What
ever you would put into the lifo of a
nation you must put Into the common
schools." Second only to the home,
the school life is paramount In de
termining character. Children are
marvelously susceptible to surrounding
influences. The chlld-mlnd Is soli ever
ready for all kinds of seed. His habits
are not fixed. His mental and moral
natures are not developed. lie is easily
moulded by the atmosphere which he
breathes. Teachers have almost un
limited Influence over pupils. We are
often told that the pupils of Dr. lfeman
Bapgs came unconsciously to imitato
the manner In which he carried his
head, which was really the result of a
physical Infirmity. So subtly does the
personality of the leador Imprint itself
on dependent lives. In point of moral
and religious tendencies, this Is doubly
true, xne lact is tnat school-lire as
influenoed by teachers and fellow-
students has almost an absolutely de
termining power over the young.
This being true, it is almost alarming
how few of our public school teachers
are Christians. An investigation was
recently conducted in Wisconsin to find
how many principals of the high schools
in fifty villages and cities were mem
bers of evangelical churches. It was
found that only five, or one in ten, had
such connections, while six were out
spoken unbelievers. Probably much
tbe same proportion would bold e'sc
where. In many of these schools card
playing, etc., is allowed. Now, this I
a serious matter. It Is necessary that
home and church influences be made as
strong as possible to counteract the
secularizing and irreligious influence of
our publio schools. It also shows us
the need of sustaining Christian col
leges. We munt depend upon them
more and more to provide teachers for
our public schools who will set before
our boys and girls the example ot a dc
vout Christian life. The state schools
turn out young men and women well
trained intellectually, but they are not
putting Into our school teachers of
religious character to exert a Chris-.ian
Influence upon our youth. This aUo
places a double l urden upon our young
people's Christian organizations. Tbe
Junior League must take the pupils
who are In the lower grades of the
schools, and the Epworth League those
who are in the higher, and in a measure
counteract the secular and Irreligious
tendencies which prevail. Epworth
Bishop Newman on Papists.
At the Methodist celebra'ion on the
Fourth of July, at Round Lake, N. Y.,
Bishop John P. Newman, of Omaha,
delivered an oration on "America for
Americans." His speoch was a "pro
test against Roman Catholic efforts at
domination in regard to school moneys."
He said that one of the grf atest evils
threa'ening the republic today was the
Irish and Italian element at the head
of affairs in tbe Romi-h cburch. There
was one braach of the paal church
that he would wa'ch as he would a
thief, and that was the Jesuits. He
called upon all Pro'es'ants to swear
that they would never consent to the
appropriation of public money for sec
tarian etoo'.3. The foreigner, he saiJ,
must learn that all Americans hold
their rights as inherent in themselves
not as the gift of pope or potentate.
Romish Persecution.
According to the Independent, a
Hungarian woman of New York City,
who recently left the Romish church, is
suffering outrageous persecutions from
thotia who have sought but failed to
win her back. She receives dally
letters and cards from unknown people,
full ot vulgarity and threats. Tbey
have even set upon her with stones and
knives. It would not Ihj j to rsjo
upon the Cathollo church such conduct
If this were a single IuUiioe, but the
fact that such Incidents are of frequent
occurrence, and that almost every one
who leaves that communion is followed
by just such treatment, there Is no other
legitimate conclusion than that it I
the estentlal spirit of Rotnanlit .
Central Uaptint.
Ben Harrison and the Flag.
Old Forci, N. Y., July 20.-Ex-Presldont
Harrison was called upon
this afternoon by a committee having
in charge a flag-pole raising at this
place next Saturday, and was told by
Dr. Blumenthal, of Syracuse, that the
summer colony thought it proper to
erect a flag-pole in front of the Old
Forge House.
"I am heartily in sympathy with the
object," said General Harrison when
the doctor had finished. "I not only
believe that the American flag shoufd
be hoisted on top of every school-house
and on every publlo placo, but It should
be planted In the heart of every Amor
lean citizen."
The ex president promised to be pres
ent at the polo-raising and to make a
speech. Great preparations are now in
progress for the event. The Grand
Army men of Onondaga, Oneida and
Horklmer counties will have charge of
the exercises. Ex-Congressman Theo
dore Poole, of Syracuse, will give the
flag, and, speeches are promised from
many distinguished men.
Those Vlglluiit Watchmen.
What vigilant watchmen of pur lib
erties the editors of our Demodratlo
and Republican press are in not sound
ing a single word of warning on receipt
of tbe Boston dispatch telling of the
papal crimes in that cltyl But let the
A. P. A.'s oppose the nomination of a
papist to an office in which he will have
the care and keeping of our liberties
the liberty to speak and print about
Rome and these editors, now so silent,
will wear out the hinges of their jaws
denouncing A. P. A. bigotry. Toledo
We endorse the above as being cor
rect, and Invite the attention of the
editor of the Bollelonte Democratic
Watchman to the same, as it fits hia
case. He should read the account of
tbe Boston riot on July 4th, and per
haps he might get the fact through his
brain that there are Irish Roman Cath
ollo bigots In that cltv who did not
hesitate to attack defenseless women at
the rear of the procession, and suc-
c.eded In murdering one of their own
gang by mistake. Iluutzdule Observer.
Brown and Ross Discharged.
Tbe bearing in the cace of John Ross
and Harold G. Brown, chat gel with
shooting John W. Wills, the Eart Bos
ton rioter, on Independence Day, ter
minated Saturday afternoon in the dis
charge of both prisoners. Judge Em
mons decided that the conflicting na
ture of the evidence would not warrant
the court in holding them for trial.
The release of the prisoners was hailed
with delight by the largo nuatberof
members of patriotic societies in at
tendance. These riots were romarkable for two
facts, viz: The trouble was started by
a drunken Irish Catholic woman, and
the same kind of women lined the
streets, insulted those In the proces
sion, and the cowardly men competing
the mob did their fighting for the most
part by throwing over the heads of
these viragos. Yet, despite the fact
that they were the aggressors, not a
single Irish Catholio was arrested!
lloutzdale Observer.
"o Difference
Editor The American: Please take
notice of the fact that Cbauncey M.
Depew is again In Europe. Watch him
and Cardinal Gibbons. Never mind the
pope! We saw Benny Harrison & Co.
pulling strings with the cardinal and
his archbishops at Steve Elkins' farm
last year, and then Chauncey went to
see the pope. Where does McKinley
come in? His bishop is quiet now.
From your pictures lat week it
seems to make little difference whether
Republicans or Democrats are in office,
as Rome owns us just the same. Right
you are, Mr. Editor. Go for 'em.
It Tolls.
What with Father Phelan's attack
on tho Christian Endeavorers, Priest
Cleary's attack on the woman suffra
gists, and Martin's attack on the Amer
ican public schools, Rome is showing
how completely out of harmony she is
with advanced civilization. Is it any
wonder that she hates tho A. P. A.?