8 THE AMERICAN CITY AN INSTATE. The Philosophical Soe'oty mtU ewj Sunday fn-roooo st VhlnirUn Ils' KlffMtmh and lUmejr strwU. AH Prwthlnkem sre trvlllly InvlWU. Tbo cilirirt InatltuUnl before Judye Cunolnfusm It Scott, I a. I wrk. todUhsr lion. IVn S. nkr, cbrgrd with unprofessional conduct, termi nated Monday evening to an acquittal. Mr. Frank Jones and family bate fjone to Tckamah Bluff. Neb., where they will camp out for a number of week. They will he accompanied by a number of friends, and anticipate a very pleasant time. Mr. J. B. PlrtT baa received the aad Intelligence that bla wlfe'a father pained awa. a the ape of 89 yeara. at bla home Ir Connecticut The family will bare the sympathy of a boat of friends In their bereavement. Pursuant to the new law, the Board of Education met Monday evening and elected a secretary, a cuatodlan of aup- fillea, and a superintendent of build rtgn. The successful applloanta were Messrs. Glllen, Southard and Banker. Contrary to expectations, the city oounoll succeeded In finding a man whom they could conaclenttoualy sup port for city treasurer to All the unex plred term of Henry Bolln. The lucky man waa J. H. Dumont, an old and re spected citizen whom the mayor bad first appointed and who bad bean re jected by the council under the misap prehension that he waa In sympathy with the so-called citizens' movement, which died a-bornln' last week. After the Slmwaters. Omaha, July 3, 1895. ToThk Amer ican: The following communication waa on the day of Its date aent to the Omaha Bee: "Omaha. July 2, 1895 To the Omaha Bee: My standing offer of 1100, not for any article in the Omaha Bee, within the last twenty years, concern ing David Van Etten that is, or ever was. true, but for any one material sentence in any article within that time, that now is, or ever was, true, Is still good. "Your article In last evenlng'a and this morning's Bee concerning the r'lannagans' so called lost borne ana the Van Ettens (which home and all the property they, or either, ever had, were secured for them by Van Etten, for which services Van Etten has never received 10 per cent, of any reasonable and agreed pay they so often promised blm), is simply the suggested Invention, adopted by untutored minds, of dis honesty, oy men wno, at every oppor unity, have preyed upon these Ignorant people, until stopped by van ktten and by whloh they ungratefully hope to avoid their lust obligation! to van Etten, and this pietended sale of their home is only a part of a fraudulent trick to put tbem into position to de feat any execution of the judgment that they expect Van Etten will obtain against tbem, into which they have bten advised by their new pretended friends, aad for whloh action, to their knowledge, Van Etten has been prepar ing his petition. It they nave inu tuted action on their trumped-up scheme, to give it oolor of honesty, the whole difficulty, as to the Flannagans ana tne Van Ettens, prooaoiy may sun be settled In the one action. David Van Etten." The above communication was sent to the Bee not with the expectation thst the llbeler would allow Its publica tion in the Bee, but to renew the oft repeated exposure of this "monte bank's" hypocrisy and false pretenses. This Slmwater presiding over the Bet pretends, ar.d so announces in its col umns, that the Bee is always open to correct any of its libelous insertions, which is as false as is everything else connected with the professional falsifier, blackmailer, hypocrite and libeler. He knows that Van Etten neither fears nor fawns to the imp, and therefore he never tails to vilify, traduce and be little Van Etten and his turroundlDgs, upon every opportunity which villainy can suggest or invention provide, well knowing that whatever he might say or cause to be publUhed would not in jure Van Etten among decent people, where he is known, but hoping his in famous lies, in his most Infamous, libel ous sheet, clothed in the garb of truth and respectability, will reach further and thus injure him. Respectfully, D. Van Etten. Do you subscribe and pay for Thi Amirian? Yes or no will decided how much you are interested in th advancement of Americanism. WiAn dnvn trtwn tir-nn In m f TV,m Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out m repair, to De axed. 317 north 16 St. Mr. Inntgrt & AnltA Etaa,CaL ! Like Other Women I bar suffered for ts rears with a eompnoauo f troubles, with continuous, almost unbssrs, N pan m my nil i m n also prostra- Sarsa-parilla J-jood's M me. But Hood's arsaparnia has eared a of all nv traublaa. art I cannot speak tea Mxhlyottt MaaE-K. Smith, BoitItna,Cal. Msod 'a lUia sure aeadaehs sad udliesttoa. Qures THE NEW DAILY SCHEME. The friends at Omaha are trying to raise sufficient capital to start an, American dally. They already have a fair start, but desire the assistance of rlends everywhere In the Un'ted State. Can you take ore or more shares, on account of true Americanism? This is their plan: In answer to repeated requests we bave finally consented to undertake the tak of starting a Daily American in Omaha. This would be an eay thing to do If people were to act as they talk. Yet it will not be impossible, even if tbey do not, for there are thousands of patriots who are anxloua to have the news anxious to give the Protestant preachers as fair a bearing as is ac O'did toliinsn jr1Ms and itinerant lecturers of the Jesuit Sherman atamp who will if spond to our call for sub scribers for stock to enable ua to estab lish a Daily American. We have oonsulted with our friends, and tbey have suggested this plan: Increase the capital stock of the American Publishing Co. to 1150,000. Divide into 10,000 shares of 115 each. Begin business when 1100,000 has been subscribed Each stockholder must be a sub scriber. Subscription price of the paper, first year, will be t)10; t8 the second, and whatever the directors decide there after. The management of the company will be placed in the hands of a board of directors, who will be elected from among the stockholders, by a majority of the stock represented at the regular annual meeting. The indebtedness will not be over 40 er oent. of the capital stock at any lme. If you want to helpestablish a Daily American, fill out and return to this office the following blank, keeping this statement as our part of the contract been spoken for in the scheme to get up a atrlotlc dally paper in Omaha: Omaha. Neb , l.fM tfcarea. ( h Irani. Ill ins " Hr.)ullli S-b IS wturr, Neb J " IWn. la.... .. IS " Minnapilla Mian I - i Utrucr, Srb I " kul ll. M J " Laramie. Wyo 1 There are to be 10,011 share. Each share Is tl5. psyaMe when 1100,000 has been surwrl bed. 1 be capital sto?k is tobell.VMXKi. How many shares will you want? Let us bave a dally. What a Woman Can Dot I want m V ladv friend, to know of the new Held now open fur tlieiu. In the put ell tuontha we hare made a prod! of Sw7.fi, after paying- all penea. All our sales bave Urea made at bone, not bavins' can fanned any. My official dutlra railing; me away niiHtt of the time. 1 left the DUh Waxher bunlneat In my wife' control, with the above reaulta. The bualneaa la rapidly Increaaing. and will root In ue to grow uetll every family has a Clluia IMh Wanner. Not a day pasM-t but what we sell ooe or two. and some daya tlfleen or twenty dln washers. It's eaT selling what everybody wanta to buy. You can wash and dry the dlahee perfectly In two minute. Cor full particular, address the Climax Mfg. Co.. Goluuibus. Ohio. Uet a sample wa-her and you can't help but make money, iney only ruet so. you may Just aa well be making- lb a day as to bo doing nothing. O CD w a CO to e-J t-l pa D Cm fit A o a o to a 4 m a Q O 9 o M t 09 A. O ert a to 8 . a a a o a 2 S o 9 u u o Pi a o o o o w en t-t a cq fit O M a, iC OS CO b- S3 T3 to 3 to n e hi oJ A 02 eO . V X 05 a) B O t3 ! CO o w Also, please fill out the following blank lor our wiormatlon, as we do not want to have a Romanist associated with us in business: A- 5 00 to 2 s eA A to JS a ti o A o ol a a V U OS O w- rl 09 as T3 a 83 S S'3 M 01 o e 2J5 Vwe l .0 Hi o co to (.1 C O (T) eS a?S B 6 o.2 c4 -S . CO o 35 S i j Cm B 1 09 ?"OUS. 2 O "oSO CO cs o s to . erg ta bo , oo ! 03 3 03 0 OS i. no . fW' oS O B. C bo S.2 S3 A -3 u OJ " to X3 A V3 SO lo ts The following numbers of shares have Eat Dyball's delicious Cream Candle s 1518 Douglas St. J. Henderson, 816 N. Sixteenth etreet. Umbrellas covered and repaired. Eat Dyball's Candles, 1518 Douglas The YaraUonist rill find in the various tourist publica tions issued by the Burlington Koute lust the information be needs about just me resorts it win pay Dim to visit iiere are tbeir names: "Hot Springs, South Dakota' 'Summer Tours In the Black Hills " "The Yellowstone National Park." "Estes Park. Colorado." Which do YOU want? They're all free. J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A. Burlington Route, 6-14 3 Omaha, Neb, Summer Tours. Here are the names of a few of the hundreds of pleasant resorts lnoluded In the liurllngton Route's tourist ticket ing arrangements for the season of 1895: Colorado Springs. Denver. Kates Park, Colo. Glenwood Springs, Colo. Helena, Mont. Hot Springs, S. D. Manitou. Yellowstone Park. If you want information about any of tbese places bow best to reach tbem, what the trip costs, what's to be seen, what's to be done, etc. write to J. Francis, G. P. and T. A. Burlington Route, Umana, Neb. 0 14-3 Notice. To Charles Powell and Mrs. Powell, first ana real name unknown, nis wire: You will please take notice thaton the 8rd day of July, 1KV6, Walter E. Keeier. plaintiff herein, tiled his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Charlea Powell and Mrs Powell, first and real name unknown, bis wife, the object ana prayei or wnicn are to rorecioae certain tax certificates dated Novemcer 12th, 1KU3. and covering Iota 1. 2. 3. 4 and 8, In block a, Cote Brllllante Addition to the cltT of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska; that mere ta now uue tnereon, upon saia certin rate, and taxes paid thereunder, the aura of IVUKX for which turn, with Interest from this dat, plaintiff prays for a decree that the de fendants may be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that the defend ants be forever barred from claln log any Interest In the aforesaid real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or oeiore me izm a ay of August, leva. Dated July 3rd, 1HS. WALTER K. KRRMCR.PlKlnt.iir. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, His At torneys, i ot Special Master Commi88loner'g Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the ltith day of July. A. D. trie, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the North front door of tne county court bouse. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at puollc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to wit: Lot nlnetv-nlne (M) and one hundred (1(10) In Glues addition to the city of Ouaba. vougiaa county, neDrasaa. Bald property to be sold to satisfy from the proceeds of the sale of said lot ninety nine W) In Ulses addition, aforesaid, li. J. Twlnttng. nlaintlff herein, the sum at one thousand, twenty-one and 34-100 dollars It i.uta m, toget her witn tne sum of one hun dred, two and la-100 dollars ($102.13) attorneys' fees, with Interest on both said amounts at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from 3ei)tember 17th. 1M4. To satisfy from the proceeds of the sale of said lot one hundred (100) In Olses addition, aforesaid. H. J. Twintlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of six hundred, eighty-one and 18 100 dollars (I6H1.18). together with the sum of sixty-eight and 18-mo dollars iHW.18) attor ney' fees, with Interest on both of said amounts at rate of ten (10) per cent per an num from Peuteniber 17th. 18M. To satisfy from proceeds of sale of all property as herein ordered sold, the sum of ninety and Oti-100 dollars (twi.ONi costs herein, with Interest thereon from geuteiuber 17. 1894. together with accruing cnxta ai-nirdlnir to a Judgment rendered by the district court of sai Douglas county, at its Heptemoer term, A. 1). 18VH. in a certain action then and there pending wherein tl. J. Twintlng was plaintiff, and Mary Jackson, Scott Jackson. Lue Jack son, ins wire, Kdwara Jackson William Jack son, Mary Jackson and the city of Omaha, were defendants Omaha. Nebraska, June 14. 1895. UKOKUE W. HOLBROOK. Declal Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarlnnd & Dickey. Attorneys, tl. J. Twintlng vs. Mary Jackson et al. Doc. 41; No. W7. 14-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court of Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the ltlth day of July, A. D. 1885, at 1 o'cIock p. m. of said day. at the north front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the nroprrty described In said order of sale a follows, to wit: hot four (4) In block seventy-six (76) of Dundee Place, an addition to-the cut nf Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska. p aia property to oe sold to satisfy Zealand W. Lanuon. nlaintlff herein, the sum nf Ave hundred, sixty six and IW-100 dollars (H.VW.SW) with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) ner cent per annum from February 4th, 1X9$. To satisfy the American National Bank ot Omaha, Nebraska, defendant herein, the sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty-five and 90-100 dollars (f4.44.VW). with Interest thereon at rate of eight (8) pr cent per an num from September 19th, mi. To satisfy the sum of twenty-one and 73 100 dollars (121.73) costs herein, with Interest thereon from February 4th. 18WS. together with accruing costa according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at Its February term. A. D. 18D5, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Zealand tV. Landon was plaintiff and Dundee Brick Company. Robert W. Patrick. John D. Montgomery. The American National Bank, of Omaha. Nebraska, George A. Hoagland Paxton & Vlerllng Iron Works and Susan K. Wheat weredefendanta. Omaha. Nebraska. June 14th, lm. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarlnnd & Dickey, attorneys. Sealand w.Landoa vs. Dundee Brick Oo. et al. Doc. 48; No. wi 6-14-6 r OS Edward Baumley, tor livery, 17th and St. Marys Ave Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne- nrasaa, ana to me aireciea, i win, on tne lmfa day of July. A. D. 18U5. at 1 o'clock r u. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot sixty-one (til) In Olses addition tn the city of OLiaba, Douglas county, Nebraska: nam property to oe sola to satisry ti. j. Twint luf, plaintiff herein, the sum of two hundred, twenty-ix and 38 100 dollars (tXU8), with interest tnereon at rato of ten HO) per cent, per annum from September 17th. 18M, and ninety-seven and 21-IU0 dollars (IH7.il) costa herein, with interest thereon from September 17th, IrM. together with accruing costs ac cording to a Judgment rendered by the dis trict court of said Doutla county, at lu Septer. ber term, A. D. I8i4. Id a certain ac tion then and there pending, wherein H. J. Twintlng was plaintiff and Mary Jackson, Scott Jackson. Lue Jackion. bis wife, Ed ward Jackson. William Jackson and Mary Jackton were delendanu. Omaha, Neb., June 14. 18D5. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK. Special Master Commissioner. eaunaers, macranana Sl Dickey, attorneys. H. J. Twintlng vs. Mary Jackson et al. Doc. 42 i No. ftv. 6-14-5 Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage, Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on the 31st day of May , 18V4. and duly filed in the otlice of the count v clerk of Douglaa countv. Nebraska, on the 2nd day of June, 1814 at 11:07 a. m.. and executed by Otto Buseck to Mary D. Ehrenpfort to secure the payment of the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars tl2.Y00. with Interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from June 1st, 184; ana the further sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars (1125.00), with Interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from June 1st, 18W4; and the further sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars (1125.00), with interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from June 1st, ISM, and for the further sum of one hundred dollars (S10U.U0), with Interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from June 1st, 1S9, and upon which there Is now due the sum of four hun dred and seventy five dollars (H7&.U0), with Interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from the first day of June. ISM; default having been made In the pavment of said sums, to getber with interest thereon, and no suit or other proceedings at law having been lnstl tuted to recover said debt, or any part thereof, therefore the undersigned will sell the goods, chattels and property In said Chattel mortgage described, vis: One office building (brick), one story, on the northeast corner ot lot 6, block 2. of 8. K. ttogers' addition to Omaha, 16 feet by 16 feet; one greenhouse. 16 feet bv 60 feet (brick foundation), adjoining office building; one greenhouse 164S feet, rear of office building: one greenhouse 16 feet by 68 feet, in rear of office building; plate and rafters for green house 16 feet by SO feet; plate and rafters for two greenhouses 12 feet by 40 feet; 60 hot-bed sash; 1 building (potting room) 16 feet by 16 teet tin root: 1 Duuaing (sou room) s reel oy 32 feet, shingle roof; 1 building (boiler room) 20 feet by 24 feet, tin roof; 1 steam boiler (Carter 4 Sons, makers.) 12 feet long, 36 In. diameter. 26 three-Inch flues; 5.00U feet of steam and water pipe; all located on lot 5, In block 2 ot 8. E. Rogers' addition to Omaha, Nebraska, at public auction, on the premises aforesaid, that is to say, on lot 5, in block 2 of S. h. Rogers' addition toOmaha, Nebraska, at No. 1U1S South Eleventh street, In tbe city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, on Monday, the first dav of Julv. 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. uaiea June oin, ihw. MARY D. EHRENPFORT, 8-7-4 Mortgagee. By John H. Orossmahn, her attorney. Notlca. To Edmund T Allen and Mrs. Allen, first ana real name unknown, bis wife: Please take notice that nn the 2it.h daw nf May. 181)5, William G. Saunders, plaintiff herein. Hied his petition in the district court, Douglas ouutf. Nebraska, airainst Kdmnnri T. Allen, Mrs. Allen, first and real name un known, nis wire, John T. Rogers, Frances Rogers, his wife, Mutual Investment Com pany, Omaha, Nebraska, and Omaha Belt Railway Company, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortvairn executed by the defendant John T. Rogers and Frances Rogers, his wife, to the Mutual InvetmentCoi. pany, and by It assigned to the plaintiff, upon the following described real estate, situated lnDouglas county, Ne braska, towit: The south one-half of the west seven and 56-100 (7 5t-lli acres nf the south eighteen aid 6-100 (18 6-100) acres of the south one-half of the northwest quarter of section 20, township 15, range i. east, oi me sixin principal meriaian, which said real estate is more definltel described as follows: Commencing at a point thirty-three (33) feet east of the soutu west corner of the northwest nuarter of sec tion 20. township 15. range 13. thence west 148 1-10 feet, thence e.st 1.131 feet parallel to the one-half section line, thence south 14S 1-10 feet to the one-half section line, thence west 1.131 feet, said mortgage was given to secure the payment of one certain nromlssor note dated August 11th, 1890, for the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ri&.vmi dollars. and there has been a default In the payment of Interest, and there is sow due thereon the sum of twenty-flv hundred (C500) dollars, with Interest at tbe rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum from March 1st. 18M. and Interest on one coupon of 187.50 from September 1st, 18V4, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, to gether with the sum of 1247. 18 taxes paid by tbe plaintiff upon said real estate, with in terest on said sum from May 23rd, 18U5. at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum; said taxes so paid by the plaintiff being the city taxes for the years 18! and 184. and the state and county taxes for 1894. rlalnttff prays for a decree that the defendants may be required to pay vue same or tost saia premises n ay be sold to satiif v tbe amount found due and that the defendants and each of them may be barred and foreclosed from any right, title or interest therein. You are reouired to answer said netltlon on or before the 12th day of August, kvi. July 3d. 1816 WILLIAM G. SAUNDERS. Plaintiff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, his at- torneya. 7-S-4 Notice to Kon-Resident Defendant. Richard A. Hubbard will take notice that on tbe 3rd day of May, 18Df. Arthur E. Bald win, a justice ot tne peace or uouglas county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for the sum of tlwl 50 in action pending before htm, wherein Frank E. Alvord is plaintiff and the said Richard A. Hubbard Is defend ant; that property of defendant, consisting f money In the hands of George W. Buck, as administrator or tne estate or wiuxtm L. Hubbard, deceased, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 12m day t July. 1SU5, at 0 o'clock a. in FRANK E. ALVORD. 6-21-3 .Plaintiff. W. N. Whitney's GRAND . . e e CLEARANCE SALE OF MEN'S. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Summer Shoes. Men's Tan Lace Shoes, Boy's and Youth's Tan Lace, Ladies' Tan Lace Shoes, Ladies' Tan Oxfords, Misses and Children's Tan Slippers, 12.00 to $4.00 1.30 to 1.75 2.50 to 4.00 .90 to 2.50 1.00 to 1.50 TRY OUR STANDMORB SCHOOL SHOES THEY ARE GREAT WEARERS. Wm. N. WHITNEY, 107 South Sixteenth Street. OMAHA, NEB. "IT PAYS!! To Trade at Bennetts" Is an expression we hear every day from our well-pleased Patrons. BARGAINS F0" .TABLE! THE ALL CHOICE FRESH GOODS. 2 -lb can Sweet Corn 5c 1-lb package Corn Starch 5c S-ib can Tomatoes 7c Boston Crystal Gelatine, per pack age. 8c 3-lb can Apricots. 12Jc I 3-lbcan Pears Bottle Olives 2-lb package Breakfast Oats. . . . 7 lbs Rice for Good Raisins, per lb ...12r0 8o ,....8o ...25o ... 5c BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY!! Good Plug Chewing, per lb 20c Good Smoking Tobacco, per lb 18c (ce Cream Freezers, 2 quart $1.29 Rubber Lawn Hose, per foot 8c Garden Rakes and Hoes, each 15c Ladles' set Garden Tools 9o Copper Bottom Wash Boilers 58o 5 dozen Clothes Pin 5o Clothes Lines 5c Full size Hammocks. .. . . . , 65c Good Wash Boards. r 10c Rubber Boiler Clothes Wringer. .11.50 Box Letter Paper 3c 120 sheets Commercial Note lOo No. 5 White Envelopes, per pkg....2o 8 dozen Lead Pencils for lOo Gold-plated Watch (as long as they last) $1.24 8 day Cocks (as long as they last).. 1.85 Bryant's Root Beer 8o White Granite Plates, all sizes 5o White Granite Bowls 5o Decorated G. B. Fruit Plates 8o Terra Cotta Hanging Baskets 28c Terra Cotta Cuspldores 8c Wash Bowl and Pitcher 59c The whole store is now Bristling with Bargains at prices lower ttian anybody! W. R. BENNETT CO, 1502.12 Capitol Avenue. OMAHA, NEB. L. HIBBELLER, Desires to call the attention of the publio to his Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, as a suitable place in which to hold Picnics, Day and Evening Parties, Dances, Etc., BOWLING ALLEY, DACE HALL, . . AND BAR 15 COS SECTION. American Ladies! When Needing the aatitt anee of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. 2t3 North ?3th Street Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out nf the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will, on the 16th day of July. A. D. 1SU&, at 1 o'clock o. m. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, the property described In said order of s tie as follows, to-wlt: Lot twenty-two (22) in block ieventy-five (75) of Dundee Place, sn addition to the city of Omaha, DouglaB county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Bealand W. Landon, plaintiff herein, the sum of five hundred, sixty-six and SW-100 dollars (Inti6.99), with interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum fiom Februart 4th. 1895. To satisfy the American National Hank, of Omaha, Nebraska, defendant herein, the sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty five and 90-100 dollars ($4.44A.!K), with interest thereon at rate of eight (8) wr cent per an num from September 19th, 1892. To satisfy the sum of twenty-two and 88 100 dollars C22.88) costs herein, with interest thereon from February 4th, 1895, together witn accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at in reoruary term, a. i). itw.. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Zealand W. Landon was plaintiff and Dundee Brick Company. Robert W. Patrick. John D. Montgoniery.The American National Bank, of Omaha. Nebraska. George A. Hoagland. Paxton ft Vlerllng Iron Works and Susan K. Wheat were defendants. Omaha, Neb.. June 14th. 1893. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK. 1 Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. Sealand w. Landon vs. Dundee Brick Co. Doc. 48: No. tW. 6-14-5 D. W. COMSTOCK, PainterPaper-Hanger KALSOMININQ AND CLAZINO First-class work guaranteed In every par ticular. Give me a trial. Omaha, Seb. shop: 32nd sad Half-Howard St., CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Pink Watch Repairing a Specialty 612 South 16 Street. OMAHA, NEB. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Embalmer Formerly with M. O. Maul. Tblspboni (90. eiS South leth St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. G. W. GILBERT. CARPENTER Contraetor& Builder 8torm Ooors and Sath. 7507 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel & Maul. Undertaker and Embalmer 1417 FARNAM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. otlce of Appointment of Administrator. In the county court of Douglas county, Ne braska: In the matter of the estate of Columbus Coffey, deceased. Amanda J. Coffey, Nellie F. Gardiner, and all other persons Interested in said matter, are hereby notified that on the 20th day of June. 1895, Amanda J. Coffey filed a petition In said county court, alleging among other things that Columbus Coffey died on the 2Sth day of April, 1895, leaving no last will and testament, and possessed of real and per sonal estate valued at li.tKO.CK) and that the above named constitute the persons Inter ested In tbe estate of said deceased; and praying for administration thereof. lou are hereby notified that If you fail to appear at said court on the 19th day of July, 18'., at 9 o'clock a. m.. and contest said peti tion, the court will appoint Amanda j. Coffey, or some other sultab e person, admin istrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. IRVING F. BAXTER. J. L. Kai.et, County Judge. Attorney for Petitioner. e-7-4 M. DALEY. Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth ng cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 Cuming St, OMAHA. J. W. HLxLaRR, Attorney-at-Law, fiOO jrewr Vorlr tifo Building-, OMAHA, - . NEBRASKA. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North 16th street to 1618 Chicago Street Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB (TO 'S3 $5 fUUStT TttTM FtrfntJIt auaranttsa. Teeth ex tracted In the morn ins and a new set made the same day. Teeth extracted without pain. DR. WITHER8, Dantiit, fourth Boor. Brown Blk., ltlth & Douglas, okaha, nil