The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 28, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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L-Un 'The rP, th JwulU
Wo quota M a fw of the remarks
made 1y Vhe ri-inonk (a c nvt'rt from
15mie), which he mvotly delivered In
EnckMd, IUrtey and other town
n J cities of UllnoU:
"The title pop, now commonly ap
plied to the Itinhop of Home a the
head of thd I toman Catholic church, U
only different KnfflUh form of the fa
miliar word "pai-father.
"The pope l ofUrn ntyled 'holy
father,' hl hollnea, (toman pontltf, or
overcUn pontiff. I'oi Gregory 1
tyled hirawir Wvautof the servant
of God,' and hit uccewora ttlll u
this at an tfllolal dignatlon. The
pope U officially declared to bo the
uccowHiir of Peter, tho flmt pope, at
they claim. Now, If Peter wat the
first popo, we read that Peter had a and. If a man hat a
mother-in-law, he mutt turely have a
wife We read alo In the Acta of the
Apostles, In both the Douay and King
Jamea verttlont of the Illble: 'When
Samaria had heard the word of God,
they tent unto them Peter and John,'
etc. Think of tending the pope out of
Homo to convert America to Catholi
cism. The pope doea not come himself,
but tend another dago in hit place
Satnlll and tlnoe he has been on our
shores he hat openly avowed himself
against our publlo achoola.
"The pope hat been for many agea a
temporal and spiritual sovereign, and
the present pope still claims that tem
poral power. The comttant appoal In
support of thlt position It to tho words
of Jesus ChriBt In Matthew ivl. 18, 19:
'And I tay unto thee that thou art
Peter, and that upon this rook I will
build my church, and to thee
I will give tho keys of the kingdom of
"Tho popo also ttylos himself 'the
successor of the blossod Peter, the true
viiHP nf JoHus Chrlat. the head of the
whole church, and the father and
teacher of all Christians.1
"f will now ouoto from the canon
law of tho Itoman Cathollo church
Art 7 sayt: 'The yoke Imposed by the
holy see Is to bo borne, though It ap-
near Intolerable and Insupportable.
Art. 0: 'That the p jntlff was called God
bv the pious prlnoe Constantino, and
that ai God he cannot be judged as
man.' Art. 10: 'That as God he Is fa
abovo the reach of all human law and
iudirment.' Art. 11: 'That all laws
contrary to the canons and docrees of
the Roman prelatea are of no force.'
"The Church of Romo It a rellglo'
political lnttltutlon, and U not a rell
irlon, but a relic of paganism and canni
balism, for every priest receives the
power of making his own God out of
little flour and water, and baked like
a pancake, and after the priest blesses
it and says the words 'Iloo est enim
corpus meum, Iloo est enim sanguis
mc' every priest, mouK, nun, ana lay
min must b. Hove that he has turned It
Into JosusChrUt. What a blasphemy!
The Rom n church dishonor! Chrltt,
degradts him and depot-oj him from his
fUcOinnil elves bis glory to human
beinca. Remember, my dear Cathollo
llstenir!, th t the create 1 cannot make
tho Creator, Compare Jesus ChrUt
ith tho Pope of Rome. Jetut had not
where to lay his hod while on earth,
for we read in hit Word: 'The foxes
have holes, and the birds of the air
have nests, but the son of man hath not
where to lay his head.' The Pope cf
Rittnn has a sntendld mansion with
1.100 rooms. Cbrlsthad for his com
panlons twelve poor fishertten, but the
pope has seventy cardinals, a secretary
of state, numerous chamberlains, be
sides a whole host of monks, nuns and
vestal virgins, and nuncios, apostolic
ablegates, prieita, b!sh ps and fcrch
hlshnns. The Saviour was poor, but
the vooe is a millionaire, and Is still
rrasplng for more. Christ, when on
earth, paid his taies, for we read again:
'When the tax collector came to collect
the tax he Jesus said to Peter (the so
called first pope): 'Gi to the sea, and
the first fish thou shalt catch, open its
moutn, there thou shalt find a stater
Give that for me and thee.' But the
Pope of Rome refuses to pay any taxes.
"The second part of my lecture is the
Jesuits. The mot celebrated of all
the religious orders in the Roman
Catholic church is the Infamous Society
of Jesus. This society was founded by
Ie natlus Loyola, a Spaniard, in 1534
He was born iti 1491, and was the young
est son of a nobleman, and an illiterate
but enthusiastic man. He became an
officer in the Spanish army, and was
wounded and taken prisoner in 1521,
while defending Pampeluna against
the French. It was while in his prison
that his tfcoushts turned toward a reli
gious life, and in 1534, with six other
friends and fellow students at Paris,
formed a monastic institution. The
objects of this society were approved
bv Pope Paul III Sept. 27, 1540: 1. The
education of youth. 2. The instruction
of adults by preaching and other means.
3. The defense of the Roman Catholic
church against heretics and infidels,
4. The propagation of Romanism among
heathens and infidels by missionaries.
"The Jesuits take four vows, vU
Poverty, chastity, Implicit obedience,
and the going on foreign missions.
The General of the Jesuits is said to be
the real pope, for It waa through them
that Plut IX was declared Infallible In
I "70. and the logma of the immaculate
conception that the Virgin Mary wa
bora without the leat stain of original
tin wat a doctrine divinely retetl.-d.
"Here It an extract taken from the
contltution of the Jetut'a: 'That w
may In all things attain the truth, that
we may not err in anything we ought
ever to hold at a fliel principle (bat
what I tee v hile I believe to be Mark, if
the tuperior authorities of the church
define it to be to. Therefore, I claim
that the Jeaulls are tho great at ene
mhsa of common aente and truth, and
they are the moat Implacable emmlet
of human and Christian liberty. They
seek to bring man down below the
brute. Here It another: 'Ka for holy
olwdience, that virtue must bo pre
ferred In every point. Let every ooe
persuade himself that ho who 11 vet
under obedience should be moved and
directed by hit tuperlor just at if he
were a orpe txrinde ac i (It-er
tMKt), which allowt lUelf to bo moved
and Iud In ever direction.' Their
motto It: 'Ad majorem Dul glorlam'
All for the honor and glory of God, or,
Tha end iustlfiet the mean). The
Jetuita have been ex,x)lled from nearly
every country Into which they have
entered, and they are flocking In great
number! to the United States. They
should be expelled from the United
States and deported to the banks of the
Tiber, whore they belong.
"The great and Invaluable principle
dAnlnrod hv the Constitution of the
United States, that every one can fol
low without Interference the dlctatea
of his own conscience, hat insured the
rlirht and the privilege to all communi
ties, and to each Individual In the .and,
to practise and preach any religion
which 1 not In conflict with the Con
stltutlon of the Republio Every Intel
ligent citizen Is most anxious to pre
servo thlt right from Infringement.
Thousand, ves. millions, fleeing from
the countrlet where the rights of con
science were denied, have come to our
shores. Our politicians look to Rome
as a rellglo-political machine, for
through the hierarchy they secure the
votes and confidence of the Roman
Cathollo church.
President Cleveland, when elected
to office at President of the United
States, was placed there to be the senr
ant of the people. He was electod by
thn neonle. for the people and of the
- , s ,
people: and what do wo find him doing?
He sat closeted with Cardinal Gibbons
(the hluheBt dignitary of the Roman
Cathollo church to-day In this country)
and wrote a lotter to his holiness and
signed himself 'Your obedient servant,
Grover Cleveland.'
"Now, Americano, you should arouse
from your slumbers and protest against
anv such Infringement of your laws.
You voted Cleveland to be president,
and to be the servant of the American
people, instead of the servant of that
old dago on the Tibar. However, Cleve
land was made a Knight of tho Goldan
Fleece by the pope, who has been
fleecing Grover ever since. The Re
publican president Benjamin Harrison
also catered to Rome when he sent a
gunboat to meet Satolll, to welcome a
dago, an organ-grinder one who will
never take the oath of allegiance to
Uncle Sam, as he has already taken
his oath to bring this country under
the control of his master, the Pope of
"In conclusion, let mo say: When
popery and priestcraft and Jesuitism
and Satollllsm have been extirpated
from American soil, then, and not till
then, will true patriotism and true lib
erty exist in the land."
Butte Militia Se Use the Flag at Rifle
Butte, Moot., June 20. The Butte
patriotic societies, the Grand Army
men and American citizens generally
are very much agitated over the report
that a number of men from Captain
Gardner's company of national guards
have lately been using the United
States flag as a target for rifle practise.
Grand Army members Investigated
the report and found it to be true.
Captain Gardner was in command of
the men, and it is said that In reply to
the protests of several citizens who
witnessed the unusual spectacle he de
clared: :"I don't give a d for the
United States, and It Is nobody's busi
The flag used was a large one, six
feet long, and it was shot full of holes.
The matter has been referred to! Gov.
Rlcka-rds and the commander of the
Montana National Guard, and a de
mand made, tht the desecrators be
Mud Throwing.
The attitude of Priest Phelaa toward
the Christian Endeavor Society and
Epworth League shows that the Roman
church is not only opposed to the A. P.
A. and kindred societies, but she hates
all christian work; and any society
which has as a motto, "The World for
Chrlsh." would be verv distasteful to
them. The Romans must rule or ruin,
and they must have It all their own
wav. This work of Priest Phelan will
have the hearty approval of mother (?)
church, and they might be willing to
ring a bell In Rome because of it. The
Romans will bono- Pholan for that yet.
But if these young people are not ac
qualoted with- Romanietn, thlt may
give them tome Idea of fie character
of the "mother of harlot."
The Roman will make nothing by
thlt act of their editor. CUtX
Although eight year have pted
since the fint council of the A. P. A-
wat organized In Chicago, there It a
clan of political hangert-on which have
not ploughed off, and which, at each
recurring election, work political par
ties with the false claim that tbey are
leader In the new movement for a
truer AmericanUm and are capable of
delivering the vote of the patriotic
orders, and will deliver It for a consid
erationwhich may be in the shape of
an apiwlntment or a given amount in
cold caxh.
Since establishing THE AMERICAN
in thlt city we have pasted through
two campaigns, and we have watched
the course of these "patriotic political
leeches," which has always been to
ward the headquarters having the
greatest amount of boodle, where they
have alwayt succeeded in getting their
We say this at this time for thoce
reasons: r lrtt, there is no unuue ex
citement, no question as to whose can
didate it preferable, and no opportunity
for the boodlora to declare that the
statements are made for the purpose of
injuring the men they are supporting
Second, to warn political managers
agalaxt such detestable and unscrupu
liMia damairocues. and to serve notice
on them that a purchasable rascal can
not deliver even one un purchasable
honest, loyal patriot's vote. Third, so
that boodlers may know that If they at
tempt to ply their nefarious avocation
in future campaigns they will be ex
posed, if we booome acquainted with
tho facts.
Tho cause In which we are enlisted 1
not to id ace some certain fellow In
ofllce, but to keep certain other un
trustworthy aspirants from disgracing
the varum political portions within
the gift of the people, and, unless we
oppose boodllng and kindred evils,
which unprincipled and un-American
members or our nooie orojr are en
doavorlng to introduce into ihe code o
morals now practiced by the men who
make up the rank and file of this asso
ciation, we cannot expect, nor shall we
hope, to retain the cmfidence, the es
teem aDd the good-will of the men who
have heretofore voted with the A. P. A
The A. P. A. was Intended for a great
reform movement, and if we permit il
legal or questionable transactions to be
practiced by men professing member
ship In the order, without raising our
voice In protest, we do not deserve the
support of good, clean, conscientious,
Christian oltizens, nor will we goUt.
For that reason, we do most ear
nestly protest against any political
party entering Into a combine with the
ragtag and bobtail element in the A.
P. A., which has neither patriotism,
prinolple nor common decency to recom
mend tnera to tne oruer upon wnlch
they havejastened themselves in the
houe ot eking out an existence for a
few years, until their variegated char
acters are laid bare before the public.
We hope this warning to that class
will not have tj ba repeated, as we
dislike to bring such unprincipled
wretches before our readers; but, never
theless, shall do so as often as occasion
seems to require. Let us r-egin from
today the task of turning down the fel-
Inwa who live bv their wits and at the
expense of the good name of the asso
ciation In this community. Let us re
member that we are still Americans,
and that we have no part or fellowship
with the political tricksters who have
in the past attempted to, and in some
instances have succeeded in, directing
the political actlom.of the A. P. A. In
bebal' of Romanist and their syropa-
thWnra Rncin vour campaign now. A
Rnman Hvmnathizjr U worse than a
R,mn. Bear that In mind. And re
. v . rf i
member that some ofJ them are mem
bers of the A. P. A. in Cook county.
Chicago American.
State or Ohio, City or Toledo, i
the Mentor partner of the firm of F. J. ( henky
to., aoinir nuMine ui mo tn j ui iwiwuv.
. ... U....A ttf..M.aMfH Mild thftt aula
nrm will pay uie huiu kh vn uunvw"
lutf T A UQ ..... Aui.h anti AVArV riufl Of
CATAHRH that cannot be cured by the use of
H1U.8U1TAKRB 1UB1J. ,,,,..,.
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Dresence this 6th day of December. A 1). 1881
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SKALI Nt.M P., hill-
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and act directly on the blood and mucous
. nrf u.ia nf thsvHUrr .. Send for testimonials.
i.. IT J HENRY &. CO.. Toledo. O
rr"Sold by Druggists. Tic.
Important Sew Train Service.
The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
railway company added an additional
train to the Chicago and Omaha ser
vice April 7. The new fast flyer leaves
Chicago at 6 p. m. daily, arriving at
Council Bluffs 9:10 a. m. and at Omaha
9:35 a. m , thus giving through service
In a nieht's ride. Our Big Five, Chi
cago to Des Moines, Omaha and Denver,
will continue to leave Chicago at 10 p
m. as heretofore. Consult ne time
card for additional service between Chi
cago and Peoria and all Texas points
G. T. &P. A., Chicago
Call on George F. Lee, corner Adams
and Dearborn.
Think of a Romanized Bohemian
dictating to American citizens!
What the A. O. II. I'rapew-t.
Thlt U tter appeared in the Wake-
eld (Mat ) Itiily Item of June 13:
To the Kdltor of the Item: Dear Sir
The undesigned had the honor of
being a delegate to the e mvention of
the A. O. (I., Board of Erin, held is
Boston June 9, and wat a member of
the committee on rewlutiot, of which
the following it a part:
Your committee recommend that
every delegate to this convention pledge
himself to bring about and cause asso
ciation to be organized in every town
nd hamlet In tht-. tlat i, at far at It In
bit power; a we are fully C3gnlzant of
the fact that there It an organization
In existence In thlt country gotten up
for the expret purpose of downing
Catholicity, and particularly Irishmen
in America, namely, the A. P. A., we,
the lepreseotaiivet o' the A. O. II.,
Board of Erin, of Massachusetts, pledge
ounelve individually to support the
Constitution of the United States; by
so doing we are entitled to Its protec
tion when assailed; and we farther do-
clsre that we are at all times ready to
risk our lives and limbs to protect the
same; and we are further determined
that we will, as Catholics and Irishmen,
refute all bigotry toward the country
or our birth or insult to the creed we
worship; we further pledge oureelves
to aid as far as in our power, our strug
gling brothers in Ireland to gain their
country's Independence at any hazard
or expense; we further recommend that
all Irish societies will keep in view the
necessity of being at peace with each
other in order to counteract the treach
ery of organizations hostile to our in
terests. Michael, Keady.
Just a Little Faster.
The "North westorn" No. 6, leaving
Omaha at 4 p. m. daily, now arrives at
Chicago at 7:50 a. m., Instead of 8:15,
as formerly. "Just a little faster."
Don't confuse this with the Omaha
Chicago special, which still leaves at
5:45 p. m. dally and arrives at Chicago
at 8:45 a. m.
City Office 1401 Farnam street.
Makes a Difference.
The tearing down of to American
flag in Davenport by a howling mob of
Hibernian Riflemen, has never yet been
mentioned in the great daily news
paper of the United States. If Hawaii
or San Djmingo had done such an act,
the present administration might possi
bly have demanded reparation, provided
the outrage was not commanded by a
Roman priest. But when the Hiber
nian Riflemen, Rome's treasonable and
traitorous militia, insulted our flag, the
mtter is passed over by the papers of
all parties, because these traitors have
been clothed with the ballot and can
vote. Votes are worth more to our great
parties than patriotism and' justice.
This is the condition the country is in
today. If things continue Romeward
it will soon be a pleasure for our poll
tlclans and dally newspapers to witness
the hanging of Americans and the tear
ing up of American flags. Litxrtii.
Errors of Youth.!
tc lerrons Debility, YouiWai J
Indiscretions, Lost lannood,
Lbe your own physicun.
M.iit iron, from lh. pSVrt. of youthful impni-
oVnc. h.v. broiiKlil " '' "" V
thl Iim mlucU Hi. gn. ml w much uto
Indue .liuort .wry otlur dt-..) nd th. rl
cum of the troubl. vr bflnj luirwrtcd. m
thy .r. doctoral tor v. rythlnj but th. nht one. W
During our ..tenslM foiled. n,l h,piul pnwtlc
. h.. diicovurd new .nd concntrtfed rjm- w
diN. Th. Mcomrnyin prwcnplion U a
U . CERTAIN AND APF.EDT l R, hundmll of
en h..hit tn rmtorr-d to P-rt-l hMlth by it. A
uw .fttr .11 oth.r tmwdi.. f'Vd P. rfr, tly pur.
inraril.nt. mutt tx uied iu Un pr.p.!Wlon of thu 41
K Krythronylon for.. Idrtchm.
JtTubfhin. 1 dnchin.
HrloniM Diiiir.. i drachm.
(ieli.min, 8 ffr.iii.
Ext. Ifrn.ti .m.m flre" 'to I rain.
t.xt. t Krupit. v, u-
Mat. pill. Tk. 1 Pill l !- noth f
on rmn to td. Thin n-medy d,id to ..ry
w3in. In .ithfr x. .nd M-;"y " m
w rwultln from impruninc. . ire i T"'"'." m
po.n of thn r..tor.nv. .r. ..tont.hing .nd it. w
contlnurd tor .h., l.ngmd. f
drhiliuM, nervclm cunditior: to on V -.-.wtd
life.nd.ignr. ..... ,
tv. .l- M nrofrr t(t ObttiK II Of H. tt9
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This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who 6aya
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Price per Barrel (150 pounds) SI 1.00
100 Pounds 8.00
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Send in a Trial Order.
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Jesuit's Conspiracy vs. Ameiicnnlsm,
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