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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1895)
THE AMERICAN 8 I i THE NEW OAILY SCHEME. Th friend at Omaha r trjlntf U) ralM MiffiVlfnt capital to turt an American dally. They alrradj bare fair Urt, hut tlenlr the aUioo of friend everywhere In the UolUsI Stair. Cm you take one or more narva, onacowuntof true AnierlcanUm? ThU U tbelr ln: la answer to reprau-d reqtwU we bare finally consented to undertake th uk of urtinjr a Daily America in Omaha. Tble would be an cajr thing to do If people were to nl as they Ulk. Yet It will cut be tinpolhls eveo If they do not, for there are, thousands of patriot who are anxloui to have the new anxious to five the Protestant preacher at fair a hearing- a 1 ac oidid to l' n to rlc -ls trd Him tint lecturer of the Jecult Sherman atamp who will rtspond to our call for ub erlber for stock to enablo u to estab lish a Daily American. We have, consulted with our friend, and they have ufgeiU'd thU plan: Increaae the capital stock of the American Publishing- Ca to tl50,0O0. Dlrlde Into 10,000 hare of 115 each. llegln business when 1100,000 ha been subscribed- Each stockholder mutt be a sub crlher. Subscription price of the paper, first year, will be 110; 8 the second, and whatever the director decide there after. The management of the company will be placed in the hand of a board of directors, who will be elected from among the stockholder, by a majority of the stock represented, at the regular annual meeting. Tho Indebtedness will not be over 40 x r cent, of the capital U)ck at any time.. II you want to help establish a DAILY American, fill out and return to this t ffloe the following blank, keeping this statement as our part of the contract: o o l-H I a a CO W - J J to r3 A 9, a, & 2 to 00 C3 D Oh CO a P3 o w a O O t-H (-1 W W n I- J3 r o Q 03 X3 3 o a, .3 a. w 0) 4 ca b0 OS cj a a to CP O o o o o U o to d DQ a P S to 03 J3 5 of 03 s o u CP T3 a CJ S3 01 P T3 CP i .) O ' cd CP a O .2 o 53 C C O C o r5 CP o o o 2 Also, please fill out the following Mar k for our Information, as we do not war.t to have a Romanibt associated with us In business: O P a15 D c. ao S5 .s C is fS CP cp o OX0 P cj s , 3 3 13 C CP CJ 03 O 03 73 o.2 ;3 o , 3 . i-i 5 c: S a 33 .2 S CP '. 03 sj -r H 5 .. To so "9 J5 525 2 CP Ch O 03 2" a : C cp C5 O C? k-1 - . 03 CP Cm to to t; CP CD m CO Jt5 :s5 at cp 2 C4 as O0 4 r.l M o 5 "Sj33 2 "i 1 : .c I i - "S 03 CQ cS CO " , U CP o to CP . rQ O J J cj O to , a "So a s CP i4 to S3 Pi The following.numbers of shares have hero iMkea for in the cheme to get up a patriotic dally paper In Omaha: (.ta. rb l.S Uir. (. Ill " Hnavttl.Nt. W " Wlurr. Nrb H..o la. " Winii-mU Mlaa 1 I torHn. Nrb, 1 " Kiuh City. M I " Laramie. Wyo I " There are to be 10,0) n) share. Ech share 1 US, pyale when HOo.Ooo ba heea uncrUied. The caplul ctock Is to be II.XOoo. How many share will you want? Let us bave a dally. (J. 1. 1U Sociable. An Ice-cream and cake sociable will be given by the Garfield Circle No. 11, Ladle G. A. It, at the residence of Mr, Geo. Johnson, 1406 Sherman Ave. Friday evening June 21, lf-95. All old soldiers, their families and friend are cordially Invited to attend. Summer Teunu Here are the name of a few of the hundred of pleasant resort included In the Burlington 1 Joule's tourist ticket ing arrangements for the season of 18!5: Colorado Springs. Denver. Estos Park, Colo. Glcnwood Springs, Colo. Helena, Mont. Hot Spring, S. D. Manltou. Yellowstone Park. If vnu want information about any of these places how best to reach them, vhat thA trtn nrwU. what's to be Been, what'a to be done, etc. write to J. Franc Is. G. P. and T. A. Uurlington llouto, Omaha, Neb. 6-14-3 Do vou subscribe and pay for THI Amkkian? Yes or no will docUd how much you are Interested in the advancement of Americanism. J. Hendcivon, 810 N. Sixteenth Hreet. Umbrellas covered and repaired. Edward Raumley. lor livery, 17th and St. Marys Ave &Eat Dyball' Candies, 1518 Douglas The Yarutionutt will find In the various tourist publica tion issued by the Burlington Route just the Information he needs about Just the resorts it will pay him to visit. Here are their names: "Hot Sorlnirs. South Dakota." "Summer Tours in the Black nills " "The Yellowstone National Hark." "Kates Park. Colorado." Which do YOU want? They're all free. J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A. Burlington Route, 6-14-3 Omaha, Neb. cO'otlce to N'oii-Resident Defendant. Kit-hurt) A. llulilmrd will tnkn notice tlmt on th Urd day of May. 1W5, Arthur K. HitUI win. aJuatli'iMif the ovaceof lkniirlnncounly, Nebrnk, lnmitd an oriltr of aUHchn'ent for thsiiiii of SO In ai-tlon wndlim bnforn hhn, wht-reln Krarlc K. Alvord Is plalntllT and th nald Hlt'hnrd A. Hubbard Ik ili'fcnd ant; that propt'My of di'f-ntlant, eonslstlnx f MKiiit-y In lh hands of Ocorno V. Buck, ai atlininlNlrator of the eat of William L. Hubbard, deceased, has been afachfil under aid order Said cause wan continued to the l-i n day of July. 1kii5. at o'clock a. in l'UAN K E. AlVDKII. 0-31-3 lMalntlfr. Jiotice. Haniuel Walker, defendant, will take notice that on the nth day of May, 1M0, Jeannetle Walker, plalutltt heiH-ln. Bled her petition lu the IMstrlct court of IHuiKlas county. Ne braska. aialnst said defendant, the object and prayer of which la to obtain a divoice from said defendant upon the ground of desertion and of failure to siipuort; and for thecustodv of Johu W. L. Walker, an Itifaut olT-spilngof said t arrlaitn. and for rnils- lon to resume her maiden nan eof Jeannetle Payne. You are. r quired to Miswer said petition on or before the 17th day of June, Dated May tuth. 1S1W. JKANNKTTK WALKER, lalnttff. By BACNPKHS, MACrARI.AND & DlCKKY, 6-IU-4 Her Attorneys, Speelul Master I'ominissioner's Sale. tinder and by virtue of an order of sale oi decree of foreclosure of mortaite Issued out of the district court for IHiuulas county, Ne braska, and to nie directed. 1 will, on the 2nd day of Julv, A. 1. 18lk, at one o'clock p m. of said day. at the mirth front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha IHiuulas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hlvhest bidder for cash, the property described tu Bald order of al! us follows, ttv wit : The south eighty two (821 feet of lot. thirty six (Mb. In M. K. Hovers' Okahotua Addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Ne braska; said property to be old to sat Isfy t L. Johnson, plaintiff ere n. the sum of nine hunilred, elev. n and 81-100 dollars iSHI.sli Judgment, with Interest thereon at raw of teu tltu per cent per annum from September 17tb, in!i, touetber with the further sum of ninety-one and 18-1(10 dollar attorney fee tereln, with Interest thereon at ten (10) per cent per annum from September 17th, 1(94. To satisfy the sum of thirty and 88-100 dol lars tJ.IU.88) costs hendn, . h interest thereon from the 17th day of September, 18m, io- Ktuher with accruing costs accoroine to a Judgment rendered by tho district court of said Douglas county at its September term. A. D. 18m In a certain action then and there pending wherein I'. I.. Johnson was plaintiff, and Arthur Murphy, Mary Murphy. Margaret Murphy, Daniel Murphy, Margaret Lovett. guardian, and Frank & M.ores were de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May 31. 18S. UKOKUK W. HoLBKOOK. Special Mas er t'ommlssloner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. P. L. Johnson vs. Arthur Muruhv etc at. Koc. 44: No. 31. 5-31-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Coder and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for DouKlas county, Ne braska, and to nie directed, I will, on the 2nd day of July, A. D. IsW. at one o'clock p. tn. of said day. at the north front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as Follows vo-wu : I ai two ,2i. In block one (1) Mayne Place, an addition to the cltv of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska; said property to be sold tnaaiifv P. I.. Johnsoti. ulaiutitf herein, tlie sum of three hundred, tifty-seven and 73-100 dollars liM.TS) Judgment, with Interest Uiereon at tne rate oi seven ui percent, per annum from September 17th. 18D4. To satisfy the sum of sixty-eight and 10- 100 dollars (8. 10i costs herein, with interest thereon from September 1, tn, jnh. togemer with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Itoug las county, at Its September term, A. D. 18S4, tn a certain action then and there pending, wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff ai.d Joseph P.Thompson and tteuben W. Komi, executors of the estate of Keuben Ross, de ceased. Frances I.Thomas, Dexttr L. Thomas, Andrew Miles, executor of the estate of John L. Miles, deceased, and James Thompson, were defendant. Omaha, Nebraska, May 31st, lfl!6. GEOKl.EW. HOLBKOOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. V. L. Johnson vs. Joseph P. Thompson et al. DOC. 44; NO. 374. 6-31-0 Npr-ial X ater t ai'ier's hale. a . A a. . . -.4 m u 1 on U"t iVT l HIITS IIS1HITIII unnaav a.. A-t r-i.-t cnurl fiaV I Is XI if lata 'aUJtll V all out at the k a. H 111 SAIU USJ siw w a v rtuiily rMiri bus In Ht ftiy of U. he aha. INIUflM MIHT. wrs sa. w-s wu . . ... C. I t f..S ink- the t .....t.. .1, Is fil.u-lr at. a t U.' t ....a 11.11 a, ..till .aa a., t Ka MilU Ul A. sf- H Uliirn, wnw mil "" pporuttantfj ilirrruniu lM-lniintr. anil tiuiHi la lHutli county, tm uf Nw brkft, ... htklti m) rir in lm .! to usTy J. u. rimtn. mintin nrn'in, iitt sum ui nmr nmi dml, irmy-rtj'ht and -U JilUr .".J'i wilh tntrfl Uirrnin t ral of wrvrn u pr rnl pfr knnuiu from rVtrurjr 4th, IV, mid unny-ti'vrn anu iw-w uunai t brttn with lnt- ri ilirmm from Ui4ih dy of rrurunry, . unm i4im. xm u- - V. - u.......t S.a - t.wl Willi ilTfUIOII as iiiums m J'iu iisv-h infituniy, t lu rrlrury urm, A. I IkA in m .friKIU W HOB v " uruiiissn. whtTflo J. L. Hrowti wu pUnillT. 1'eUr M. I . II III! A U...H .1.- - lMlvU ml XJUimilm .irurwBit. iuiii, t-v. ( U A Kl.f l;. TiiOMAii. IexUr L. Thomas, attorney for plaintiff Brows s. l.aui. rial. loc. 44; Nu. IUi. 4 I7-J Special Master (omnilssioner's Sale. l'nder and tit virtue of an order of aale on Wiu i,f fiirm-hiaure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Ne braska, and to me directed. I will. on the -nd day of July, A. D. IMc. at one o'clock p in of said day. at the north front door of the county court bou. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, nenrassa. sen at puunc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property descrtla-d In said order of sale as follows, towll: Lot eleven (II). in tilo-k eighteen list of Bedford Place, ao addition lu the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded. all In lNiugla county. stal of Nebraska: said property to tie sold to satisfy Harry J. Twliillng, ulalulllf herein, the sum of one nuntireu, sixty-eignt anil tn-nu kihswi dol lars iudgmeut, with Interest t hereon at rate of ten i KM per ceut per annum froix February 4lh. 1810. To satisfy the sum of forty-three and XI I0U iS4;i.3li dollars costs herelu. Willi interest thereon from February 4th. ISM, until paid, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county al Its February term, A. D. ISM, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twlntlng was plaintiff and F.lhertT. Duke, trustee, F.lliert T. Duke. Caroline A. Duke and John F. Flack were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May 31st, ls5. UFA) UtllC W. IIOi.KKOOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. It. J. Twlntlng vs. t. 1. Duke utal. Doc.. 4.'.; No.i'i. 5-31-5 Special Master ('oiniiiissloner's Sale. Cmlri Hiid'bv virtue of an onli'rTif sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage lnued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne- Drassa, nun to me (t recieii. i will, on tne zna day of July, A. D. 18U5, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house, in the cliy of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction tu the hlgucst bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, tu-wlt: The undivided one-half (4) of lot seven (", also the undivided one-half (41 of lot eight (8i, all In block fifteen (l.V, Isaac and Selden's Addition to the city of On aha, Douglas county, Nebraska; said property to be sold to satisfy Philip L Johnson, plain tiff herein, from the proceeds of sale of said undivided one-half 04) of lot seven 7i. In block fifteen ll.'il. In Isaac & Seluen's Addition to the city of Omaha, above descrllied, the sum of two hundred. Ilfty-elght and IM-, with Interest therei n at rate uf ten (10) per cent per annum from February 4th, 1KM, to gether with the sum of twenty-live aud 81 100 dollars ta 81) attorney fee. To sail fy Philip I,. Johnson, plaintiff here in, iroin tlie proceeds or sale oi saiu unuiviueo. one-half ,) of lot eight (81. In block fifteen lift), tn Isaac & Selden's Addltlou. In the cltv of Omaha, above oescrllwd, t lie sum of two hunUreu. Hfty-two and 01-100 dollars t$22.01). with interest thereon at rate of ten (H per cent per annum from February 4th, 1 '.", to Ret her with the sum of twenty-live aud 20-100 dollars (2.V-M) attorney ree. To satisfy from the urticeeds of sale of all property, as herein ordercu. the sum of twenty-ulne and 13-100 dollars if2U13) costs, with Interest thereon from February 4, 18SIA, tovethi r with a, -crultig costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district co irt of salii Douglas county, at Its February term, A. D. ls'AV In a certain action then and there pending, wherein I'liilip L. Johnson was plain 111' and t'harVs (.'. Housel aud Maria llotl-el were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska May 31st. 1H1I.V UKuKtiK W. 1IOL.HHOOK. Special Master t'oinnilssloner. Saunders. Miicfarland Dickey, attorneys. I'hllip L. .lohnsou vs. Charles U. Uouscl et al. IHH-. 40; No. 2711. 5-315 Special Master l oiituiissioiicrV Sale, l'nder and by virtue of an order of pale on decree of foreclosure of mortgiige Issued out .. . t .It...!... 0 I.......1 ... X,.. 1,1 I lie uisiriL ,. vnuri i,,r iniumaa ,:,iiiii y, it- brasita. and to me directed, I will, on the Hltn day of June, A. D. 1115. at. 1 o'clo,:k p. M. of said day. u the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at nuulic auction to Hie highest bidder for cash, the property described tn said cider of sale as follows, to-wl : Lot one 1 1) lu block eight (8) of Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas County, neuriissa. Said properly to be sold tu satisfy The Wal nut Hill Savings and Investment Company the sum of one thousand, twenty-one and 77 100 dollars ($1.021 77) with Interest thereon at the rai of eight (8) per ceut. per anuuui from February 4tn. 18H5 and costs of suit In the sum of twenty and 38 100 dollar- 120.38). with Interest therenu from tlie 4th uay of February, lrtkV together with aei ruing cost according to a Juugment rendered by the district court of said Doncla county, at its February term, A. D. 1805, In acertaln action then unci there pending, wherein The Wal nut Hill Savings ai d Investment Comuanv was plaintiff, and Joseph Kanule, et al. were Uerentiants. Omaha, Nebraska. May tilth. 1895. SKVMotK M SADI.KR, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. Doc 4.'; No. 148 5-17-5 otice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. Notice Is hereby given that uuder and by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated tin the 31st day of May, 184. and duly Hied in the omeeor tne county eierK oi Douglas county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of June, 1M at 11:07 a. m.. and executed uy Ottu Buseck to Mary I), fchrenpfort to secure the payment of the sum of one hundred and twentv-Bve dolUrs 1125.00), with Interest at eight t) pttr cent, per annum from June 1st, and the further sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars (125.0O), with Interest at eight (81 per cent, per annum from June 1st, 18D4; and the further sum of one hundred and twenty-live dollars iJliYIK'i. with interest at eight iK) per cent, per annum from Juue 1st, 18!H, and for the further sum of one hundred dollars OiiiOoO). with Interest at eight (8) per cent, per annum from June 1st. 180,, and upon which there Is now due the sum of four hun dred and seventy live dollars (H"o.00i. with Interest at eight (8) percent, per annum from the first day of June. I8i4; default having been made In the payment of ssid sums, to gether with interest thereon, and no suit or other procetdluga at law having been lnsti tuted to recover said debt, or any part thereof, therefore the undersigned will sell tho goods, chattels and property in said chattel mortgtge described, vis: Ore office building (brick), one story, on the nortneast corner oi lot . oiock z, or s. r.. Rogers' addition to Omaha, Iti feet, by 16 feet; one greenhouse. Iti feet by fO f'Mt (brick foundation), adjoining oltlce building; one srcenliouse in, 48 feet, rear of otlice building one greenhouse Iti feet by 58 feet, in rear of ottlce building; nlate aud rafters for green house 18 feet by art feet; plate and rafters for two greenhouses 12 feet by 40 feet; tK) hot-bed saah; 1 building (potting room) 16 teet by Id feet uu roof; 1 building (soli room) 8 feet by 32 feet, shingle roof; 1 bulk! log (boiler rcom) 20 feel by 24 'feet, tin roof; 1 steam boiler (Carter & Sons, makers.) 12 feet long, 36 in. diameter. 26 three-inch flues; 5,iu feet of steam and water pipe; all located on lot 5, in block 2 of S. E. ttoccra1 addition to Omaha, Nebraska, at public auction, on the premises aforesaid, that is tu say, on lot 5, iu block 2 of S. K. Rogers' addition to Omaha, Nebraska, at No. lils South Eleventh street, iu tlie city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, on Monday, the tirst day uf July, 18&, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated June 6th, ls'.ti, MAKV D. EURENPFORT, 6-7-4 Mortgagee. By John 11. G BOctSM ann, ber attorney. 3 CJ ft D. W. COMSTOCK, PainteriPaper-Hanger KALtOMININO AND CLAZINO First-class work guaranteed tn every par ticular. Ulve me a trial. SHOP: 32nd nd Half-Howard Bt., Omaha, Neb. L. HIBBELLER. Desires to call the attention of the public to his Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, as a suitable place in which to hold Picnics, Day and Evening Parties, Dances, Etc., ' HOWLING ALLEY, DAME HALL, . . AND BAR IS CONNECTION. J. W. ELLER, Attorney-at-Law, SOD New York Life Building, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER, Office removed from 113 North 16th street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. OMAHA, NEE FuuserfrZ , t "ft sarottf. SI fc.J. . . leetn ex ractfd In lie tnorn- I ne and a new set made the snmf dav. Teeth extracted without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist fourth floor. Prown Blk., lfttb & Douglas. OMtHA, kit CHRIST. HAM AN. WatCumaaEf anil Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty 612 South IB Street. OMAHA. NEB. G, W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contractor& Builder 8torm Doors and Sath, 1807 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB American Ladies! When Needing the assist ance of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget lo call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. 21.3 Aorti 2!ith Street C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber Formerly with M. O. Maul.l Telephone 694. 613 South lettl St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel & Maul. Undertaker and Embalmer 1417 FARNAM ST. Tel. 225. . OMAHA. NEB. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit in all cases, cloth UK cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 Cuming St,, OMAHA. ("battel Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby given that a chattel mort- f'ape was given on the 20th day of April. 1SU1, ly Mrs. Elisabeth K. Howard to A. T. El well for two hundrt-d and forty dollars i&IO.GO). due months af tr oat, wltn Interest at the rate of ten 1U) uer cent per annum from date, until uaid; and upon which there still reniains unpaid the sum of SUO 2ti. ratd mortttatie was duly recorded tn the ottlce of the county clerk. In and for Douglas county, Nebraska. Default having been made In the condi tions of said mortgage, I will otter at public auction, on June iflii, iwj. atone ociock p in., at the east front door of the court house in the cltv of Omaha. Nebraska, to the high est bidder for cash, the property described In said chattel mortgage, towlt: A tlve ntotn cottage, situated on the west 50 feet of H awes' addition to the city of Ouiaha,Douglas county, Nebraska. Dated Omaha, Neb., June 8th, 1MW. A. T. KLWELL. g-7-2 Mortgagee. 5.8 ! INI : t1 x5 i Pi.: i 5; I 3 Removed . . To 107 Where you will find W. N. WHITNEY showing an elegant line of They are just what you want for Spring and Summer. Remember the place, W. N. WHITNEY, 107 South 16th Street. "IT PAYS!! To Trade at Bennetts" Is an expression we hear every day from our well-pleased Patrons. BARGAINS STABLE! ALL CHOICE FRESH GOODS. 2 lb can Sweet Corn 5c I 3-lb can Pears 12ic Mb package Corn Starch 5c I Bottle Olives 8c 3-lb can Tomatoes 7c 2-lb package Breakfast Oats 8c Boston Crystal Gelatine, per packaze.Sc 7 lbs Rice for 25o 3-lb can Apricots 12c I Good Raisins, per lb 5c BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY!! Good Plug Chewing, per lb 20c Good Smoking Tobacco, per lb 18o Ice Cream Freezers, 2 quart $1.29 Rubber Lawn Hose, per foot 8c Garden Rakes and Hoes, each 15c Ladies' eet Garden To jls 9d Copper Bottom Vv ash Boilers 58c 5 dozen Clothes Pin 5c Clothes Lines 53 Full size Hammock C5c Good Wash Boards 10c Rubber Roller Slothes Wringer. .$1.60 Box Letter Paper , 3c The whole store is now Bristling with Bargains at prices lower than anybody W. R. BENNETT CO., 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. FX Best Goods In the market Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days O. LANG. 718 South 16th St. Special .Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virt ue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of inortKaxe issued out of the district court of DourI as county, Ne braska, aud to uie directed, I will, on the Win day of July. A. IJ. 15. at 1 o'elocK P. M. of said day. at the north front door of the county court hous. In the city otUmaha, DoukIu county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the propi rty described in said order of sale a follows, to wit: Lot four () In block seventy-six (70) of Djndee Place, an addition to the city of Omaha. I ouifla8 county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Sealand W. Landon. plaintiff herein, the sum of live hundred, sixty six and MMOO dollars (.Vi.!)) wiih interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from February 4th. 1M)5. To satisfy the American National Ilank of Omaha, Nebraska, defendant herein, the sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty-Hve and 9J-100 dollars (4,445,i)0), with interest thereon at rate of etirht (S) P'-r cent per an num from September l!)th. 18)12. To satisfy the sum of twenty-one and 73 100 dollars (S21.73) costs herein, with interest thereon from February 4th, 18SI5, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court, of said l)ouif las county, at its Feliruary term, A. I) lslio. In a (rmin action then aud there Denuln wherein Sealand W. Landon was plaintiff anu Dundee BrtcK Company. Kooert W. Patrick, John 1). Montgomery, 1'he American National Hank, of Omaha, Nebraska, George A. Hoagland Paxton & VierllnK Iron Works aud Susan K. Wheat weredefeudants. Omaha. Nebraska. June 14t.h, ls'.tt. OEOliOE W. HOLKKOOK, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickry. attornets. Sealand W.Landoa vs. Dundee Brick Co. et al. Doc. 4(i; No. 92. d-14-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the 16th dayof July. A. D. lt5, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sle as tollows. to-wit: Lot twenty-two (22) In block seventy-five (75) of Dundee Place, u addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Sealand W. Landon, plaintiff herein, the sum of Hve hundred, sixiy-six aud 00-100 dollars (.., with Interest, thereon at rat of seveD (7) per ceut per annum fiom Februarf 4th, 1S!).". To satisfy the American National Hank, of Omaha, Nebraska, defendant herein, the sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty live and 90-100 dollars ($4,445.90), with interest thereon at rale of eight (8) per cent per an num from September l!tn, ls!'2. To satisfy the sum of twenty-two and 88 100 dollars t228) costs herein, with Interest thereon from February 4th. lsys, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at its February term. A. D. 19.". In a certain action then and there penaing. wherein Sealand W. Landon was plaintiff and Dundee Brick Company. Robert W. Patrick. John D. Montgomery. The American National Bank, of Omaha. Nebraska, George A. Hoaglund, Paxton & Vierllng Iron Works and Susan K. Wheat were defendants. Omaha, Neb., Juue 14th. 1HU5. GEO HUE W. HOLBROOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. Sealand w. Landon vs. Dundee Brick to. Doc. 40; No. 93. 6-14-5 Eat Dy ball's delicious Cream Candiea 1518 Douglas tit. South i6th Street. OXFORD SHOES. 120 sheets Commercial Note 10c No. 5 White Envelopes, per pkg 2c 3 dozen Lead Pencils for 10c Gold-plated Watch (as long as they last) 1.24 8 day Cocks (as long as they last). . 1.85 Bryant's Root Beer 8o White Granite Plates, all eiz';8 5c White Granite Bowls 5c Decorated G. B. Fruit Plates 8o Terra Cotta Hanging Baskets 21c Torra Cotta Cuspidores 8c Wash Bowl and Pitclier 59o SHOES & BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADIES PHOE8 worth IS.00 will go at 13.76 4.00 8.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 6.U0 5.(10 3.00 2.50 1.75 4.50 3.75 2.65 2.00 MEN'S SHOES Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to nie directed, I will, on the day of July. A. D. 1MO. at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the North front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, self at pu')llc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, towit: Lots ninety-nine (93) and one hundred (100) in Olses addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy from the proceeds of the sale of said lot ninety nine UK)) In Glses addition, aforesaid. H. J. Twlntlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of one thousand, twenty one and 34-100 dollars 11.021 341, together with the sum of one hun dred, two and U-100 dollars iiioj.13) attorneys fees, with Interest on both said amounts at rate of ten (10) per cent ptr annum from Sentenilier 17lh, ls4 To satisfy from the proceeds of the sale of sa'a lot one hundred (1001 in G ses addition, aforesalu. II J Twintttig, plaintiff herein, the sum of lx hundred, eighty one and Is 100 dollars i&isl.isi. together with the sum of sixty-eight ana 18-100 dollars cSW.18) attor neys' fees, with iuterest on both of said amounts at rate of ten (10) per cent per an num from September 17th, 1HH4. To satisfy from proceeds of sale of all property as herein ordered sold, the sum of ninety and Os-100 dollars cflKl.OS) costs herein, with Interest thereon from September 17. 1894, together with accruing cosu according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its September term, A. 1). 1894. lu a certain action then and there pending wherein H. J. Twlntlng was plaintiff, and Mary Jackson. Scott Jackson. Lue Jack son, his wife, Edwarddackson. William Jack son, Mary Jackson and the city of Omaha, were defendants Omaha. Nebraska, June 14. 1895. GEOKGE W. HOLBKOOK, Special MasterCouimlssioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, Attorneys. H. J, Twlntlng vs. Mary Jackson et al. Doc. 41; No. 197. 6 14-5 Speeiul Master Commissioner's Sale. .... j .,. . ut. v,. mi uiutji , sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out ui uicuisuiutcuurfc lor uuuKias county, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the Ultn day of July, A. D. 1895. at 1 o'clock P m. of said day, at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. kU....v.t, ........-.nn. an ah pUUUC auction to the highest biuder for casn, the uiiiirii.j um iiueu jn oruer or sale as follows, to-wit: Ijtt. alv,v.nna Ifil I I n Oloa . n A A I . I ...... ,,.,iu wta.flnummin In lne city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska: . ..... . , , mj wwhmi n. j Twlnt lng, plaintiff herein, tuesum of two hundred twenty-cix and 38 100 dollars rt22.:i, with interest thereon at rate of ten llui per cent per annum from September 17th. 1S94 and ninety-seven and 21-100 dollars (M.2.) 'costs herein, with Interest thereon from September lah, lriil. together with accruing costs ac cording to a judgment rendered by the dis trict court of said Douilas couuty. at Its Septoi, ber term, A. D. 1h94. ln a certain ac tion then and there pending, wherein H J Twlntlng was plaintiff and Mary Jackson Scott Jackson. Lue Jack-on. his wife Ed ward Jackson. William Jackson and Mary Jackson were defendants. -ry Omaha, Neb., June 14, 1895. GEOKGE W. HOLBROOK. Saunders. MacfMand I'Im","'"- 6-14-5 When down town drop in ak John Uudd-e and leave your watch, if it is out of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St .( MIX a. r . r at if ( Y f