The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, June 21, 1895, Page 3, Image 3
THE AMERICAN 1UU A EE WELCOME. lad We Thauk Urn Im K-tr. frlnr kind YVrd. Cleveland. Ohio, Jum 10, 15 Editor The Americas: I reoulTed copy of your true patriotic paper to day, and I rel therein a letter from D. V. Martin. I thank both you and Fritnd Martlo for tne very high com pliment you have given me, and I fr dire you It give me courage to fight openly RomauUm. I have alway con tended that to be a true patriotic- man one must shout hl patriotism from the housetops. I have been called too bold In this city, but when one sy man can be too bold in the fight against the Romish hierarchy, he betray the fact that he does not understand Hoiuantsm. To say that I have suffered at the" hands of the Roman Ca' holies, would be a mild way of expressing myself but, with all their boycott and perue- ontlnna T m still In the rlMT. I dO not intend to abuse the poor, ignorant deluded lay Roman Catholic, but I hate and despise the workings of the Homun blfimrehv. and I make the announce mnt nubllclv that I hope God will take tha life out of my very being If I ever cast my ballot to Increase the power of the pope. And any man, woman or child who believes the pope to be the Interpreter of all law is worse by far than were thoe who lougnt on toe con fndrat side in the war of 1861-65 And the sooner the weak-kneed Prot- pstants arouse themselves and extlr pate Romanism from the soil of Amer ica, the sooner we shall be able to luuy realize and appreciate the Immense import of the doctrine of civil and re ligious liberty. We have people in this city who talk about the freedom of America, and yet they would run If thev were asked to give three cheers for the American flag. I used to drop into the office of the Allied Amencan and read your paper every week, but the A. A. has "jrone up," ana conse quently I have not now access to The American, but for which I hope to be able to subscribe at no distant day. I am to address the citizens of Cleve land In about two weeks. Subjects: "Why I Am an A. P. A." and "Who Ah, tha Friends of the Worklngmen?" i' 1 pray earnestly for your success, and ' thank vou again for your compliment, md. hoDlner by our united efforts In this cause that we will be able to Land over to our children this country in better condition than we found It, I remain yours fraternally, John C. Hardenbergh. Rome and Civil Marriage. A few days ago some of the dally uaoers furnished a rather sensational report of the death of Mr. Prank Ryan at the Southern Hotel, in which It was said that three Catholic priests had re fused to "absolve him until he had re pudiated, his wife," to whom he had been married by a justice of the peace at the SDriDes. It must be reroem bered that a marriage performed by anv one except a Romish priest Is In valid, and that a civil marriage (that is, a marriage in accordance with the civil law), except where a priest per forms the ceremony, Is no marriage at all: therefore, children from such mar rlages are illegitimate. Reporters for different dally papers endeavored to learn the truth concerning Mr. Ryan's death, by Interviewing members of the family. In these interviews it was de nled that absolution of the dying man was conditioned upon his repudiation of his wife. We give below several paragraphs from the Western natch man, which paper Is owned and edited bv Priest David S. Phelan, of this city "If Frank Rvan had not repudiated that civil wife of his, he would have been buried like Peter Morrlssey was The church has not one law for the poor and another for the rich." "That Catholic woman who con sented to marry Frank Ryan before a 'squire down at Hot Springs should have all that the la w allows her. She is a fool if she consents to any compro mise of her claims. If she Sold her soul to the devil, she Bhould insist on payment in full." "Frank Ryan, who died ia this city on Monday last, was a very successful merchant, and amassed a large fortune. He was married twice, but died a wid ower." "The late Frank Ryan had many friends among the clergy, but there was not a hand lifted to absolve him until he had repudiated his unlawful wife. Then every hand was raised and all lips moved with the words of par don. When the sinner repents the heart of the true priest goes out to him with all the love of a father." Here is the testimony of a Catholic priest, and of a Catholic newspaper, which not long since published the pope's approbation, communicated threugh Delegate SatollI, that the priests did refuse to the dying Mr. Ryan the forgiveness of his sins, and thus prepare him for heaven, until he had repudiated and renounced his lawful wife, thus declaring her to be an adul teress. We care nothing about the priests' pretense of forgiving the sins of the dying man; the point is that Rome defies the civil laws of the land. This is not loyalty, this is not patriot ism. Our contention is supported, that Rome is at war with the institutions of this country, that she is not and can not be loyal to this country, to its laws and institution, with the IUnnanUt canon law uperior to the civil law. $!. Louii True Anterktm. tit III Sc-alp. The member of the A. I. A in Washington are lo a frenzy of joy over tlrlaU-st t-lumph Tbey claim to have knocked JudireThoma A. Moran, of Chicago, out ef the attorney general ship became he u foreign-born ana a Catholic. The A. P. A. numbers 14.0(H) in thl city, and they are aa aggres sive lot. When they heard that J udge Moran wa being considered f r the blace they brought every possible in fluence to bear upon the president to Induce bim to turn down the eminent Chicago jurist. The claim 1 made by A. P. A.claquer that President Cleve land is himself very favorably disposed to the doctrine of the order, and that he pay quick attention to protests from Protective quarter. In support of the claim that President Cleveland is In sympathy with the A. P. A. they point to the fact that he has never had a Catholic close to him, with the possi ble Bingle exception of Colonel A. A. Wilson, marshal of the District of Co lumbia, who, by the way, would never be suspected of being a devotee to Ca tholicism. They boisterously assert that .hey "did up" Judge Moran for the solf And only reason that he Is a Cath- ol'j, and that they made the fight against him squarely and fairly on that Issue. The Information Is further volun teered by the claque that the A. P. A. already controls 104 votes in the next house of representatives and 20 in the senate, and that an effort will be made to place further restrictions on the Im migration of foreigners. The regulations in this particular have been tightening for several year, and an additional cinch will be given next winter, unles A. P. A. plan mis carry. Membership In the order is said to be growing, especially In the south, Louisville being regarded a the very hotbed of the idea Washington Despatch in Chicago Evening I'ost. An Antl'A. P. A. Mass-Meeting. A mass meeting was held on Thurs day evening of last week, at the Taber nacle in Kansas City, Kan., to protest against the action of the board of edu cation of that city in refusing to re appoint five of the old teachers because they were Roman Catholics. The call for the meeting was signed By a number of Protestants, and the meeting is al leged to have been non-political and non-sectarian. Porter Sherman, late non-partizan candidate for mayor; C. F. Hutchlngs, John B. Scroggs, James F. Getty, Nathan Cree, and other promi nent citizens were among the speakers. The rejection of the names of the five Roman Catholic teachers, by a vote of 3 to 3, In the meeting of the board of education of June lltr, has caused no end of gossip in Kansas City, Kan., and has resulted in a renewal of the reli gious troubles between the A P. A. and the Roman Catholics. May Appeal to the (Jueen. Winnipeg, Man., June 9. Manitoba ministers and members of the legisla ture are already gathering for the meeting of the legislature on Thurs day, when the schojl question will again come up for consideration. ArchbUhop Langevln returned from the east yesterday. He says the Cath olics are determined to press for their school rights, and that if the legisla ture refuse them he will personally ap peal the case to her majesty Qieen Victoria. Clorofiirmed. Where? In some bawdy house? No; the New York World says at a convent in Naples. Who by? Some town tough? No; by the elderly fathers and abbess And yet Ireland says, in the face of these things: "We are not afraid of the A. P. As." And the church says: "We are stmper eadtm (always the same); we must have America, have our convents, with her past and present evil associations; we must run or ruin, kill and kidnap the A. P. A. who dares to open his head against us. State of Ohio. City or Toledo, l Lucas County. t ' Frank J. Chkney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doinK business in the city of Toledo. County and Stat aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catakkh that cannot be cured by the use of HAWSCATAHBBCCBE.iANK Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this Bth day of December. A I. lt. , A. W. GLEAON. seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and act directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the systotr . Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo. O. t-Sold by Druggists. 7jc. Important Sew Train Service. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway company added an additional train to the Chicago and Omaha ser vice April 7. The new fast flyer leaves Chicago at 6 p. m. daily, arriving at Council Bluffs 9:10 a. m. and at Omaha 9;35 a. m , thus giving through service in a night's ride. Our Big Five, Chi cago to Des Moices, Omaha and Denver, will continue to leave Chicago at 10 p. m. as heretofore. Consult new time card for additional service between Chi cago and Peoria and all Texas points John Sebastian, G. T. &P. A., Chicago. Call on George F. Lee, corner Adams and Dearborn. HE FORBIDS THE SERVICES. SapertntrHdent t th M. Lul llu t Ktfufr llarti Kmaa I'rfrkt. ST. Locis, Mo, June 14. For nearly a quarter of a century Mima priest con nected with the FraneUcan monastery, located near the H ue of Refuse, ha celebrated dm at the Utter lnslltu tk n each Sunday, for tho spiritual wel faraof the Roman Catholic InmaW. Mayor Walbrldge rect-ntiy appointed Josiah Bristol a superintendent of the llouse of Rtfuge, and he ordered the discontinuance of the Roman Catbolie services. Supt. Bristol claim that the celebration of man I demoralizing, es pecially to children, and emphatically declare that neither altar, confes sional nor sacrament shall be permitted Inside the wall of the House of Refuge while he I in charge of that institu tion. The matter has bsen referred to Archbishop Kaln, and it 1 probable that be will ak Mayor Walbri'dge to take such action a will permit the Ro man Catholic Inmate to receive spirit ual consolation. The Roman Catholic element of the city la greatly exercised over the mat ter, and many freely criticise Mayor Walbrldge for hi pronounced parti ality toward the A. P. A. in making up hi list of appointment. A few day ago Judge Peabody, one of Mayor Walbrldge' appointee, wa presented In open court with a stand of colors, after an exchange of addresses of the most rabid character, by mem bers of the A. P. A. Similar proceed ing have occurred in other depart ments of the municipal government, and have created Ill-fooling- between Roman Catholic and non-Roman Cath olic citizen. To-night the municipal council was asked to Investigate the alleged action of Supt. Bristol. In the mean time Mayor Walbrldge has left for the sea shore on three weeks' vacation, and serious trouble is threatened before hi return. HOT Sl'KlXUS, S. 1). If indications count for anything, the Hot Spring of South Dakota are des tined to become the most popular resort between Chicago and the Paclfio Coast. They are situated in the gontlo and beautiful canon of Fall River, and are the center of a splendidly built little city of three thousand permanent in- habitants. The efficacy of their water for rheumatism, dyspepsia, and, in fact, almost every chronic disorder of the system, Is too well known to require statement. It is testified to by the an nual arrival of thousands of invalids, and the departure of these same per sons, after a few weeks, in much im proved or wholly restored health. The Spring are surrounded by many ob jects of surpassing natural Interest, as Wind Cave, equal In extent to the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, and far more wonderful In formation, filled with striking beauties and Btrange fantasies of structure. Not far away are the romantic Cascades, and near by are extinct craters of geysers standing up like holes that had been built rather than excavated, and by their puzzling appearance meriting the name they have received, "The Devil's Chimneyp." This is but a beginning of the list of attractions in the vicinity, to fairly see which would entrancingly occupy a month. The hotels and the bathing accom modations for guests are unsurpassable, and nothing is left to be desired by any grade of people, from the nabob travel ing for amusement to the poverty stricken invalid in search of cheap and speedy restoration to health. The Passenger Department of the Burlington Route has Issued a well written and beautifully illustrated folder, containing a great deal of inter esting matter relative to this famous resort. For a copy or for information about the Burlington Route's rates and train service to Hot Springs, write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. P. S. Half rates to Hot Springs May 24, June 7 and 19, July 3 and 19, August 2 and 23. A Good Paper. It is impos-ible to sneak too highly of the Jackson County Tribune, pub lished at Independence, Mo. The bold stand it has taken should be copied by every paper in the United States. We quote a portion of its platform: "It has no political favors to ask, nor anv net Doliticians to support. It is strictly American, and within its col umns will be found patriotic sentiments and facts which party organs dare not mention. "It conceals nothing that should be brought to light. "It tells the whole truth on all ques tions, regardless of name, religion, oc cupation or standing. "The Tribune is simply going to be the people's popular paper in Jackson county, and no power of man or brute can stop it. There Is money and hon esty behind it, which is bound to be successful. Dishonest, corrupt, sneak ing, selfish, villainous methods will sooner or later run against a stump." Don't miss the June Ration. It Is on sale at all first-class news-stands. Price, 10 cents. POPE, BISHOP & CO., OF ROME AND WASHINGTON, D. C. Pardon Brokers Purgatory Loan and Insurance Co. Manufacturer and wholesale dealer in GENUINE APOSTOLIC RKLICS, Miraculous Medal, tho Scapular Life- Preserver, Charm, Consecrated Wafer. Hair Shirt, Thumb-Screw, Flosh-PInchur. Whip, Branding-Irons, Breviaries, Image, Bone, Bead, Crosse, Stlnk-PoU, Babylonish Garment and all other aid to faith. Contractors for Masses for the Dead. T15KM& CASH DOWN. NO DISCOUNT. HOLY WATER JOHN INDULGENCES ST. PETER'S SKULL Genuine, full sized, at a bargain. Heretic have triod to discredit the genulnenes of thl skull because wo have bIho In one of our branch house a smaller skull of St. Peter. Were It not for their invincible Ignorance, the heretics might know that one skull I that of St. Peter In manhood, when he was pope in Homo, the other when he wa a fisher boy in Galilee. POLITICAL OFFICES Obtained for applicants on commission. Naturalization paper obtained free for all Roman Catholic immigrant. Special rate procured for those taking out Retail Liquor License through our agency. An Intelligence office is also con ducted by our agents of the Society of Judas. Employment guaranteed to all good Catholics. PAWN OPPIGR For the accommodation of our numerous patrons who often come Into possession of small article Inconvenient to keep, we have an arrangement by which these articles, or the money value of them, may be depoalted with us, and credit given on the depoBi tor's name in behalf of his own soul or those of friend in Purgatory. We Strive to Please. We Will Not Be Undersold. Pope, Bishop & Co., ROME AND WASHINGTON, D. C. Branch Offices are Being Established In all Large Cities. CftC MEDICAL G fever, Sort and Ulcer Remedy. m m hlm. scald ne ao. salt aneum mm OLD SOKE I ;- MILK LEO m Mhw mm. AOffWTa WWTTP tfy IM tlM Umim) Sum, mt CtMdt I . X) ? C. A. C. KIEDICA C. A. C. MEDICAL CO. CflKAOO. ILL. W Wanted at Once! The well-known and Hble preacher and lecturer, Hcolt F. Herahey. Pa. 1)., of Huston. Is at work on a book, which will deal with the Roman papacy, as always and every where opposed to civil and relliclou liberty. Dr. llershey has brought all the past under the contribution of his powerful pen. and his book will have an Immense Influence on the patriotic movement of the day. and will have theblgnestsaleof any hook of thlsgetieratlon. Two Experienced Agents Wanted In Every County In Iowa Not Taken. Special Offer! Send for Circulars! Who will apply first? None but patriots and those full of business need write. Address, BACK BAY BOOK CO., Berkeley and Columbus Ave., BOSTON A Valuable Book BY A LEADING AUTHOR. The Roman Papacy BY SCOTT F. HEKSHEY, l'h. I). We want afpnt-s everywhere, and persons who will get up a club. Largest pay to both classes. (School teachers who want employ ment, and those who can devote their even ings to circulating a really groat bock ; and ladles who can dev.rte a few lio jrs a day, we can py well. Write us at once. Address, BACK BAY BOOK CO. Columbus Ave. and Berkeley St., 11 0 S TON. A. P, A. SONGSTER. Only One In Existence. BY REV. O. E. MURRAY, A. M. B. D. The best collection of Patriotic M uslc ev l offered to the public for Patriotic gathei lngs, homes, schools and all who love ou nation. Word and Music, IOO Pag, 102 Bong. Price s Cant. Postpaid. al bt THE AMERICAN. Pr. MIWNERVB 1'fJkSTKRScnre RHKUHA T1SM. WEAK HACKS. At draw lata, only io, AND PROPRIETORS OF Rollxd. tillered and Mcswil, wnrranUrf toconlnln no lnTetlcal tmrllll. tlootl lor vermlu. The bout illitlnfwtaiit. AIIovIhIks tin' pnnirn of roniu-li-uca la kli'UtoinnnU nd klnOred dlsviuH-s. HOLY La. SULxLxIVAN, Received Supreme Unction. The A. P. A. Magazine. It will be the sensation of the year In periodical literature. Number 1 Is just reedy, and any newsdetler of tbe American persuasion will be glad to take your order for a copy. If you do not like the fir.t number you will not need to take another. It will be one of the largest marine published In America, containing 96 large quarto pages filled to overiiowleg with matter which will prove a mine of information and delight to all who are Interested In the great A. P. A. movement. It will be full of fire, and will print In each lwue number of page of the hottest attacks on the A. P. A. from the Catholio press of this country. Don't fail to secure a copy of the first issue. Price, 25 Cents a Number, or $3.00 a Year. 1JU13LISH1D MONTHLY. If you have no American new-dealer in your town, send stamps or coin direct to the publisher. Agents wanted to sell the Magazine at council and other meetings. Mention this paper when you write. THE A.P.A. MAGAZINE, Box 2608. "CASE FOR By HON. PAUL VAN DERVOORT, Commander-in-Chief of the "Industrial Legion." ( N interesting Pamphlet dealing with the subject of "Bi "" Metalism" and other economic questions. It explains the position of the People's Party with regard to bettering the great Financial System of our country, and is replete with facts, figures and interesting data. It is well worth reading. PRICE: Single Copies 15 cents. Six " $1.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Address, 1WUL VAN DBKVOOHT, 1110 South 32d Street, In the Clutch of Roaie BY "GONZALES." HondlnPapr:Prlc 25 GENTS, bent on Keoeipl ot Price. - J TOS SlorS Was Published in Serial Form in IK' mata American, and lad a Yff Circulation. rdarprom THE AMERICAN, THE OIL In conwxTnU'd nil we i!W s rnra bnrititln soiiit nf I In' Idi'iitlcal lot Hint ksh coiiMo'rHU'd In HiinUm In IhHM. vlixn the grunt Koinso kulght Knd puxilUt, Partial and Plenary, at low rates, redeemable at light a our branch office In Purgatory. San Francisco, Cal. BI - METAL1SM. 99 OMAHA, NEB.