The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 31, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Differrnrt Itetwee German, fmich,
atitl IrUh Human Catholic.
Editor American: Doyou suppose
the hierarchy have intimidated patri-
otic American to such an extent a to
reent every one of them from run
ning for the oftloe of President of the
United Suite next year? The idea
waa suggested to me from the fact that
during the last fifty year four loyal
president, while in office, ctme to
their death very suddenly. Two (Lin
coin and Garfield) were assassinated,
and Harrison and Taylor died very
suddenly and mysteriously perhaps by
poison administered by the order of
thoee who are the cmuiies of public
school, of good government and of all
free Institutions.
Is it not singular that during thin
period no Democratic president died by
violence while occupying that high and
Influential position? Witness Buchanan
who was in a great measure responsi
ble for plunging our country into a ter
rible civil war. Perhaps it is not
strange that he was permitted to die a
natural death, because it is quite cer
tain that pope and hierarchy intended,
while the north and south were fight
lng, to step in and run the government
to suit themselves. And, bad they sue
ceeded, what a bonanza they would
have struck? The pope and cardinals,
archbishops, Jesuits, and the dear
Paulist Fathers would then have had a
national banquet. But let them bear
in mind that, if they attempt it again,
there will be a great scarcity of hemp
on account of the quantity that will be
used in ornamenting the necks of Ra
man Catholic hierarchs, including the
grand hlerarch of the Vatican.
Mr. Editor, what course do you think
the editors of Roman Catholic papers
will pursue in the presidential cam
paign of 18iHi? I presume some of them
will soon take a pleasure trip with their
families to Europe, and while there
make it convenient to casually call upon
the pope at the Vatican for orders. In
which case the octopus may direct
them to adopt the same stereotyped
course which they have pursued for
fully fifty years, namely, split up the
Republican party, make out of it the
Regular Republican party, the New
Republican party, a Populist party, a
Prohibition party, a Silver party, a
Labor party, a Socialist party, a Non
Partizan party, etc. Then he may ad
vise his junta of Jesuit journalists in
the United States, and all his children
and their sympathizers, such as are
sitting on the fence (milk-and-water
men), and those with Roman Catholic
wives, to work with these parties and
pay their proportion of the expenses,
joining their clubs. "By this means,"
opines the pope, "lean deceive tue here
ticsuntil the day of election then
drop them and go solidly to a man for
the candidates whom I through my
archbishops in America shall name.
By this means I shall gain another
glorious victory in 1896. Cleveland
j as done well, and I have no objection
to his serving a third term. If you
gain your point In the next presiden
tial election, I shall visit you and pass
my remaining days at the Washington
Vatican, D. C."
There is a wonderful difference in
the nationalities of Roman Catholics,
particularly between the German,
French, and Irish. For anything in
society that is low and degrading, such
as prize-fighting and boycotting; for
the encouragement of nunneries and
confessionals; for train-robbers, thugs,
thieves, burglars, murderers, groggery
keepcrs, gamblers, bunko-mon, ballot
box stuffers and embezzlers of public
moneys, look at the pope's Irish. They
are noted for their bravery when they
have the advantage exempli gratia,
two or three hundred of them chasing
and stoning two inoffensive Chinamen
and throwing the celestials' new hats,
which they had just purchased, into
the bay (a 'Frisco incident). The Chi
nese are industrious and easy to govern,
while the Roman bogtrotters of Ireland
and their "dago" brethren are gener
ally a criminal and lazy set and a dis
grace to any country. If the Amer
- icans would drive them out and then
take in their place as many industrious
Protestant families from Europe, the
country would be greatly benefited.
Why such intelligent people as are
the Americans Bhould permit a low,
bigoted Irish Roman Catholic judge to
preside in any of their courts, is incom
prehensiblewhen they know that an
Irish Romanist's oath of allegiance to
the constitution and laws of the United
States and of the state in which he
lives is of no value whatever. May the
good Lord save every Protestant from
ever being tried before an Irish Roman
Catholic judge.
As regards the German and French
Roman Catholics, I don't believe they
would elbow an Irishman or a dago one
side for the exquisite honor of first
kissing the pope's gouty toe. For re
finement and for progress in education,
for proficiency in the arts and sciences,
for universal scholarship, for civiliza
tion, look to the Germans, French, and
English. Patrick Laconer.
Ban Fhancisco, May 25, 1N95.
"My Country, 'Tig of Thee."
"I was talking with Dr. Holmes one
day," says a writer in the Chicago In
terior, "when the conversation turned
upon his classmates who were living.
'Now, there' Smith,' he ald; 'LU
name will be hoiored by every school
child In the land ben I have been fur
gotten a hundred years. He wrote 'My
Country, TU of Thee.' If he had said
"Ojr Country,' the hymn would not
bare been immortal, but that 'My' was
a master stroke. Every one who sing
tt e hymn at once feel a personal
ownership in hi native land. The
hymn will last a long a the country.'"
Fmirth ll rutf.
What U roper j f
Well, it has been called "the master
piece of satan," and we believe that is
very near the truth, whe,n we learn that
the inspired prophetcalls Home "MVS
Rev. xvil. I supHko that she is so
called because she has outdone lUbylon
of old in cruelty, obscenity and degrad
ing idolatry. Babylon is a name for
everything unclean and hateful.
But we ask the question for the pur
pose of giving only a partial answer at
this time. We answer it not as a sec
tarian or a Protestant, but as a patriot,
out of love to my country, and that
Americans may have a more complete
knowledge of the papal anti-Christ that
has Invaded our land and is making
war upon our free institutions, and who
is and has teen the gnat enemy of
civil and religious liberty in all lands.
Bishop Keane makes complaint that
the A. P. A. and Protestant Americans
are attacking his church In other
words, the papal empire, with its Pon-
tifex Maximus, or Imperial head, on
the banks of the Tiber. I believe
Bishop Keane knows that it Is not true
that the A. P. A. is attacking Rome us
a church on account of her religion
but, as he has no honest argument to
make in defense of the course of Rome,
ho plays the Jesuit, by misrepresenta
tion and sophistry, designing to preju
dice the public against the A. P. A.
But what if every Protestant society
and every patriot in the land should
warn the people against the evil de
signs, pious frauds, the anti-chrislian
and anti-republican character of Rome?
Is not that both their right and their
duty? Has Rome rights that belong to
noce outside of her pale? Is she the
mistress of the world? Shall Amer
icans become the cringing slaves of
the blaspheming pretender who sits in
the Vatican? We are not yet ready for
ttat. God forbid that this beautiful
land should bo blighted by eithronod
popery! Shall our sun go down in deso
lation and the land be shrouded in the
darkness of moral degradation? We
are freemen; le'us defend our heritage.
Is it not the duty of a nation to defend
itself against every party, political or
religious, that by corrupt principles
and wicked device threatens the mor
als, safety and integrity of the nation?
A nation is a moral agent, and is bound
to protest against whatever threatens
its purity and Integrity. Why should
a papal ble op set up a howl, a Jesuit
ical whine and look so pious because
the A. P. A. and other loyal Amer
icans want to save this nation from cor
ruption and destruction at the hands of
Rome? We do not wish to bo made
like Mexico, Spain, Italy, and ott er
papal nations. We do not wish to have
our f reo-school system destroyed and be
subjected to the iron rule of a tyran
nical priesthood, and have to buy a
permit to read God's Word from the
"shaven-pated" despots of Rome. But
what does the bishop say about our
church, the Protestant? Has not Rome
hurled her anathemas at all who dis
sent from her dogmas? Has she not
kindled the fires of martyrdom in Brit
ain and In continental Europe to de
stroy the lives of those who profess the
truth and dare protest against her
pagan rites and idolatrous worship?
Does not the pope claim to be the su
preme head of all churches and higher
than the kings of the earth? If she
had the power, would she not close
every Protestant church in the United
States tcday? How long since a Prct
estant church could not be opened in
Italy? And how long since Protestant
assemblies were broken up in Frnct?
Can Americans be Ignorant that Rome's
ambition is the conquest of the United
States, and that she is going as fast and
as far as 6he dare to suppress freedom
of speech and religious liberty on Amer
ican soil? Has she not resorted to mob
violence to accomplish her ends and to
silence the truth? Yet, she has the
brazen face to denounce with enven
omed tongues all who dissent from her
and protest against her abominations.
Rome does not believe in equal rights.
She wants to monopolize all the rights,
all the privileges and all the secrets.
St. John the Divine, in Revelation xiii.
10, 17, describes popery exactly: "And
he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
a mark in their right hacd, or in their
foreheads. And that no man might
buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name."
This is the very character and spirit
oi Rome in the past and present she is
aiming at the monopoly and control of
every plate of honor and profit in this
country. It is "home rule" she is
after, and that is Rome rule in every
thing. This is what ails Ireland
priestly intrigue and priestly espionage
through which the country is kept in
a continual wrangle. Eliminate popish
uedJling from Irish affair, acd Ire
land would have peacw and prosperity.
We are glad that, while Home may,
"siieakinir He In hyimcrlsy." delude
the carnal, the Ignorant and the un
wakened, she I utterly unablei to de
ceive those who have been enlightened
by the Holy Scripture and the Holy
Spirit those who have read history
arlgbt. Rome would deceive the very
elect, if it were pONihle but it 1 not
possible. When "the Shepherd of la
nd" lifts a lamb t hi shoulder, both
mUn and the pope cannot drug it down
to bell. But carnal world will accept
a fal re ligion It suit them. "And
all that dwell upon the earth shall wor
ship him the beast, whoso names are
not written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the
world." And they worshipped the
dragon which gave power unto the
beast: and they worshipped the beast,
saying, Who is like unto the beast?
who Is able to make war with hlin?"
"And all the world wondered after the
beast." R.'v. xiii. This chapter de
scribe the rise of the antl christian
empire of Rome; the twelfth chapter
describes Rome pagan. "Wondered
after the beast!" Is it not strange U
It not a shame at this age, in this
country, that presidents, senators and
politicians should wonder after the
beast? That the secular press should
be stunned, intimidated, seduced?
Bishop Keane affect to regard the
A. P. A. as a very Inconsiderable or
ganization, hardly worthy of notice;
but Inwardly he fears, because he
know that these patriotic societies
will call the attention of the American
leople to the character and movement
of Rome, and causo a discussion such as
has never before been known In this
country. This is the very thing needed.
So long as the press is gagged and in
timidated, the pulpit cautious or silent,
and Rome permitted to hide behind
solid walls and pious frauds, the people
will remain Ignorant and "the dragon"
will continue to extend his power on
American soil. But the patriotic or
ders do not oppose Rome merely as a
church; Rome Is more of a political
machine than a religious institution.
She is a religio-political junto. She is
after power, gold and luxury, and not
souls, to save them, but makes mer
chandise of souls to gain the luxuries,
to consume them on her lusts. Rev.
xviil. 7. Everything unclean Is found
within the walls of this modern Baby
lon. He who has pronounced the doom
of Babylon knows all that is behind her
walls. The angol of God has uncovered
this dark den of in qulty, saying:
"Babylon the great Is fallen, is fallen,
and Is become the habitation o( devils,
and the hold of every foul spirit, and a
cageef every unclean and hateful bird."
Rev. xviii. 2.
The reader of history and of the Bible
knows all these things. There is no
use of denying it, Rome is "Tabylon
the great." The walls of the Vatican
and of the convents may hide many
things from an unsuspecting public,
but they are not hidden from the eye of
Why do the patriotic orders oppose
R.nne? Because Rome is a politico-
religious conspiracy against all human
rights a damnable combination of all
that Is anti-ohristlan and immoral and
threatens the peace, prosperity, safety
and perpetuity of the nation. Lst not
Bishop Keane and Satjlli & Co. de
ceive themselves about t'le A. P. A
It is not dying, but just beginning to
live. Let not Americans go to sle?p
over the idea that the Rome of today
Is not the Rome of the past. Rome Is
the same yesterday, today and forever.
She is "the woman drunken with the
bleod of the saints," etc. She cannot
hide her visage. CALVIN.
If indications count for anything, the
Hot Springs of South Dakota are des
tined to become the most popular resort
between Chicago and the Pacific Coast.
They are situated in the gentle and
beautiful canon of Fall River, and are
the center of a splendidly built little
city of three thousand permanent in
habitants. The efficacy of their waters
for rheumatism, dyspepsia, and, in fact,
almost every chronic disorder of the
system, is too well known to require
statement. It is testified to by the an
nual arrival of thousands of invalids,
and the departure of these same per
sons, after a few weeks, in much im
proved or wholly restored health. The
Springs are surrounded by many ob
jects of surpassing natural interest, as
Wind Cave, equal in extent to the
Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, and far
more wonderful information, filled with
striking beauties and strange fantasies
of structure. Not far away are the
romantic Cascades, and near by are
extinct craters of geysers standing up
like holes that had been built rather
than excavated, and by their puzzling
appearance meriting the name they
have received, "The Devil's Chimneys."
This is but a beginning of the list of
attractions in the vicinity, to fairly see
which would entrancingly occupy a
The hotels and the bathing accom
modations for guests are unsurpassable,
and nothing is left to be desired by any
grade of people, from the nabob travel
ing for amusement to the poverty
stricken invalid in search of cheap and
speedy restoration to health.
The Passenger Department of the
The Nation
I FOR JUNE, 1895.
J It contains many
Democracy vs.
The Money Famine,
t Real Estate
Investments in American Commerce by the Pope,
' 15y HON. IIENUY F. BOWERS, of Clinton, Iowa.
I Ask Your Newsdealer for It.
? . If he does not have it ask him to order it for you. " '' !
I dfipPorSlnnlo My Pop Yoar (M ff
1WU Gopo. in Advance, wPl.UU
Published Monthly and sold by first-elass Newsdealers everywhere.
T 124 E. Randolph St., 807 Main St., 1615 Howard St..
? Chicago, III.
Burlington Route has Issued a well
written and beautifully illustrated
folder, containing a great deal of inter
esting matter relative to this famous
resort. For a copy or for information
about the Burlington Route's rates and
train st rvico to Hot Springs, write to
J. Francin, General Passenger and
Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
P. S. Half rates to Dot Springs
May 24, June 7 and 19, July 3 and 1!),
August 2 and 23.
Extracts from United States Con
gressional Record, containing address
of Hon. W. S Linton and discussion in
congress upon sectarian appropriations
of national money to Indian education
and the vote thereon; also remarks
made respecting a requirement to teach
the English language In New Mexico
after admission to statehood, and two
separate votes rejecting such a require
Address, Cen. Green Clay Smith, I'
O. Box 333, Washington, D. C. Price,
postage paid, $2.50 per thousand, or 5
copies 10 cents.
Thank Yon.
The Initial number of The. Ration, a
monthly magazine published by the
American Publishing Company, Oma
ha, Nub., reached this office the past
week. We find the contents to be what
the publishers claim, v,z.: the truth,
and to point out the way to a more
complete realization of a free govern
ment, as was contemplated by the
framers of our national constitution.
Many interesting artich'8 appear in the
first number, chief among which are:
"Was Peter Ever at Rome?"' "The Pa
pacy and the Indian," "The Jesuit
Lobby," "History of St. Patrick," and
"If Christ Came to Congress." The
May number, to be issued about the
15th Inst., will contain many excellent
articles. The price is 10 cents a copy,
or $1 a year in advance. Send In your
subscriptions to The Ration, 1615 How
ard street, Omaha, Neb. North Ne
braska Eagle.
Important w Train Service.
The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
railway company added an additional
train to the Chicago and Omaha ser
vice April 7. The new fast flyer leaves
Chicago at 6 p. m. daily, arriving at
Council Bluffs 9:10 a. m. and at Omaha
9:35 a. m , thus giving through service
in a night's ride. Our Big Five, Chi
cago to Des Moines, Omaha and Denver,
will continue to leave Chicago at 10 p.
m. as heretofore. Consult no time
card for additional service between Chi
cago and Peoria and all Texas points
John Sebastian,
G. T. & P. A., Chicago.
Call on George F. Lee, corner Adams
and Dearborn.
Peculiar Priestly Conduct.
Father Yodyzsus, the Lithuanian Ro
man Catholic priest, of Brooklyn, ac
cused of taking 10 from Joseph Robaz
eroiez, of No. 31 Montgomery street,
and refusing to perform a marriage
ceremony for him, refunded the money
in Lee Avenue court yesterday. He
denied improper conduct towards the
bride, and said he did not flourish a
pistol. Ntxc York World.
excellent Tapers, among which
following leading ones:
Hy HON. M. HOWARD, M. C, of Alabama.
Kansas Gitu, Mo.
The A. P. A. Magazine.
It will bo the sensation of the year in periodical literature Number 1 In
just ready, and any newsdealer of the American persuasion will bo glad to take
your order for a copy. If you do not like the first number you will not need to
taKe another. It will be one of the largest magazines published in America,
containing 90 large quarto pages filled to overllowlrg with matter which will
provn a mine of information and delight to all who are Interested in the great
A. P. A. movemtnt. It will bo full of fire, and will print in each issue a
number of pages of the hottest attacks on the A. P. A. from the Catholic
press of this country. Don't fail to secure a copy of the llr-st Issue.
Price, 25 Cents a Number, or $3.00 a Year.
1'l.ri II. IS 1113 D MONTI 1 l,V.
If you have no American newsdealer In your town, fend stamps or coin direct
to the publisher. Agents wanted to sell the Magazine at council and
other meetings. Mention this paper when you write.
Box 2608. San Francisco, Cal.
Commander-in-Chief of the "Industrial Legion."
GN interesting Pamphlet dealing with the subject of "Bi
""" Metalism" and other economic questions. It explains the
position of the People's Party with regard to bettering the great
Financial System of our country, and is replete with facts, figures
and interesting data. It is well worth reading.
PRICE: Single Copies 25 cents.
Six " $1.00.
Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Address,
iaul, van nnuvoouT,
1110 South 32d Street.
Pop Is Still riifbrglving.
Rome, May 22. The papal nuncios
have received instructions to Inform
the nations to whom they are accred
ited that any messages of congratula
tion or any participation in the Sep
tember fetes in honor of the twenty
fifth anniversary of the annexation of
the papal territory by the Italian gov
ernment, will be considered injurious
and insulting to the rope.
State or Ohio. City or Toledo. (
Lucas County. (
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la
the senior partner of the tirrn of V. J. henry
& Co., doliiK business In the city of Toledo,
County and Mate aforesaid, and that said
Arm will pay the sum of ON F. HL'NDKF.D
DOLLARS for each and every cast of
t'ATAKHH that cannot tie cured by the use of
Hall's Catakkh Cckr.
Hwon to before me and sub-i-rllM-ii In my
presence this tith day of December. A I. Ism.
L ' Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and act directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of thesysteir. Send for testimonials,
free. F. .1. CUKNF.Y & CO., Toledo. O.
tSold by Drutiglsts. 7.'c,
'Foxe.s Book of Martyrs" should be
in everybody's library. You can get a
cloth-bound volume of nearly 1,100
quarto pages for 12.50. It Is worth
double this price to any student of his
tory. Send vour orders to American
Publishing Company.
may bo mentioned the I
ESQ., of Omaha, Neb. X
Omaha. Nob. I
Teachers and their friends, too, for
that matter who want information
about tiie le t, absolutely the test, way
to reach Denver at the time of the
National Educational Association meet
ing next July should write to J. Francis,
Omaha, Neb., for a cpy of a little book
l eceutly issued by ti e Passenger De
partment of the Burlington Routt.
It is entitled, "To Denver via the
Burlington Uoute," and contains 32
pages of interesting information about
the meeting, the city of Denver, the
state of Colorado tickets, rates, hotels
side trips, train service, etc.
This book is fres. Send for it.
Every reader of The American
should secure a copy of the June Nation.
It will be filled with good things, con
taining among other things a fine half
tone photo engraving of Hon. James
Allan and "the emblem of the A. P. A."
kit ! !ht your ttwa
.11 lih T it if you
tine t.
HiKhmt kht in. Hoi of ivisr
it anik tit iunim, .u. m