The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 31, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Of Fri4lj Cntnl f Public Vhtl
la l'rMt .
Tho following wm written bj Victor j
Hugo In relation to an effort of the
pricola to got control of oJuratlon In
"Ah, we know you! We know the
clerical parly; it U an old rty, Tbl
it it which l found forth truth tluwc
two nmre'ou supporter, Unoraneo
and error. Ti U it i which forbid to j
science nl s nlu the going Ujond
the tnls-al ana which w he loclolnler
thought in dogma. Kvory step which
the Intelligence of Kurope has taken
ha tven in pii of it, Itt history I
written In the hlMory of hunmn prog
rv, hut It I wriltoa on tha hack of the
leaf. It in oppowtl to It all. ThU it 1
which oauMM I'rinclli to bo arourgod
for having m!J thai the tttara would
not fall. ThU it 1 which put Catnpa
nclla evea timet to torturo for saying
that tho number of world was Infinite
and for having rnught a glltn(w3 at tho
secret of creation. ThU It I which
orecutctl Harvey for having proved
the circulation of tho blood. In tho
name of Join It thut up Galileo. In
tho name of St. Paul it Imprisoned
Christopher Columbu. TouUoovcr a
law of tho heavens wm an impiety, to
find a world wa a heresy. ThU it U
which anathematized Pascal in the
name of religion, Montalgno in tho
name of morality, Molloro in the name
of both morality and religion. For a
long tlmo tho human conaclonco has
revolted against you, and now demand
of you, 'What it it that you wlnh t f
nity' For a long time alrovly you have
tried to put a gag upon tho human In
tellect; you wish to bo the masters of
education, and there la Dot a pout, not
an author, not ft thinker, not a philoso
pher that you accept. All that has
boon w ritten, found, dreamed, deduced,
inspired, imagined, invented by genius,
the treasure of civilization, tho vener
able inheritance of generations, the
common patrimony of knowledge, you
reject. There U a book a bonk which
Is from one end to the other an emana
tion from above; a book which is for
tho whole world what the Koran is for
Islamlsm; what tho Vedas are for India
a look which contains all human
wisdom Illuminated by all divine wis
' dom a book which the veneration of
the people call The lljok the lUblo
Well, your censure has reached even
that unheard of thing! Topes have
proscribed the Hlble. How astonishing
to who (-pint; how overpowering to
hlmplo heart to mo tho finger of Home
placed upon tl o Hook of God! And
you claim the liberty of teaching.
Stop; bo sincere; let us understand the
liberty which you el alio.
You wish us to give you the j o jple to
Instruct. Very well. Let us see your
pupils. Let us seo those you have pro
duced. What have you done for Italy?
What have you done for Spain? For
centuries you hae kept In your hands,
at your discretion, at your school, these
two great nations, illustrious among the
Illustrious. What have you done for
them? I shull tell you. Thanks to
you, Italy, whoe nume no man who
thinks turn any longer pronounce with
out inexpressible filial emotion Italy,
mother of genius and of nutions, which
has (.pread over all the universe all tie
most brilliant marvels of ptotry and
the arts, Italy which has taught man-
ki-.d to re id now know not how to
rv iJ' Yes, Italy is of all the sta o f
Europe that where the smallest num
ber knew how to read. Spain, mugniil
cently erdoweJ Spain, which received
from tie Romans her first civilisation;
from tie Arabs her second civilization;
from Providem e, and in suite of vou, a
world, America Spain, thanks to you,
a yoke of stupor, which is a yoke of
denulition and de -ay; Spain has lost
this sect ct power which it had from
the Romans; this genius of art which it
had from the Arabs; this world which
It had from God; and in exchange for
all you have nade it lose it has re
elved from vou
the inquisition, which certain men of
the party try today to re establish;
which has burned on the funeral pile
millions of men; the Inquisition, which
disinterred the deaj to burn them as
heretics; which declared the children
of heretics Infamous and incapable of
any public honors, excepting only those
who shall have denounced their fathers;
the inquisition, which, while I sreik,
still holds In the papal li
brary the manucrl.ts of Galileo soaled
under the papal signet. These are
your masterpieces. This fire which we
call Italy you have extinguished. Tais
-colossus that we call Spain jou have
undermined the one in ashes, the
Other in ruins. This 1 what you have
done for two great nations. What do
you wish to do for France? Stop! you
have just come from Rome! I congratu
late you; you have bad fine success
there. You came from gagging the
Roman people, axd now you wish to
gag the French people I understand.
This attempt is still more fine, but take
care, it is dangerous. France 1 a lion,
and is still alive!"
A Logical Sequence,
Peter Morrlssey, a saloon-keeper, was
elected to a seat in the state senate of
Missouri from SU Louis, some time
since, which position of trust he held
Utl recently. A number of year ago
he wa Indicted for ballot box stuffing,
nd doubtless dewrvrd a job in the
late penitentiary, Upon the Um pile,
but he and hi alooo together were
tuch a strong political center that they
were rewarJcd for their villainy with
election to ihe utate K uaUrhlp. Th y,
we ay, Uvause the naloun wa the
prime factor all the way through, and,
whether ill a pleasant cJcflon or
not, it wa the siloon, cot the man,
that went to the senate a legislator of
the people. Hut recently Morrly
gave up hi portion a slate senator
for death at the hand ot a
Such U the end that await our boasted
aolf government if we as American till
Sen iermit the control of state and
nation to con.e through the dramshop.
It will ie just uch a violent end dealt
out by the hand of the worst elements
of society. It I a logical acq ue nee of
that kind of misrule. Hut it is about
lime the patriotic cltUenshlp of this
land drew the blade on thl vampire
whoso only buslr.ei I to grow ft on
the life blood and treasure of the land.
Municipal reform will be a temorary
pam, nnancial prooiem win ever
frown, omo great malady will threaten
to disrupt the republic a long a tho
saloon 1 H.rmtttcd to exist. Pull up
that tap root of curc. Remove that
disturbing element. Slay that mother
of harlot and generator of gambler.
Hum down that crime factory. Then
oatrlotism will have a chance to do
something for the country. But till
then the noblest citizenship of tho land
will play nurto and garbage gatherer
for tho lowest and most infamous insti
tutlon in the land. Omaha Christian
Oraiiwlsm in America.
How often have wo heard tho ques
lion: "Why do the Orangemen bring
their feuds Hiid quarrois to this coun
try?" Why do they not leave their
Hiitugonlsms at home? What has Amer
ica to do with tho strife between Prot
estant and Catholic Ireland? This is
entirely too narrow a view of the prln-
ciples of Orangelsm. Orangelsm is not
a war of one locality against another,
but a contention of principles against
antagonisms, und consequently la as
serviceable and necessary in other coun
tries where the samo antagonisms exist
as In Ireland, the land of It birth
The trlumnh of William, Prince of
Orango, was the triumph of Protestant'
ism over Roman Catholicism; and the
battles of the Hoyne and Londonderry
determined whether civil and religious
freedom or the tyranny of the Roman
hierarchy should prevail in the Emer
ald Isle. Principles are the same and
Immutato In every country and cllme;
and wherever the same antagonisms
exist, active opposition Is essential to
their maintenance and security from
When the north-country Irishman
comes to America he finds Romanism
hero in full force and rapidly rising to
political ascendency, cursing public in
stltutlons and manifesting the same
tendencies to usurp authority, to grasp
the reins of government and to break
down institutions that advance tho in
telligence and consequent freedom of
the people. Is It any wonder that he
remembers the blocdy massacre of his
forc'athers, and shouts anon the victo
ries of the ILyne and Londonderry Is
It a fault that he joins hand and heart
with his brother Irishmen in an effort
to prevent In his adopted country the
necessity of a repetition of such sad
history? The Orangeman of America
has transferred his patriotism to his
adopted country; and, finding tho same
power Raining groucd that for cen
luries has cursed bitterly his native
land, he finds the principles of Orange
ism as necessary here as there. He Is
then, an Orangeman in America be
cause Romanism is Romanism in Amer
lea. The freedom, the intelligence and
higher clvillzatioa which he finds iu
America cannot fall to cause him to
reflect upon his native country, even
with increased bitterness against the
institution that has oppressed it; and
the logic of centuries of misrule and
orlestlv tvrannv has taue-ht him to
scent from far political dangers to his
adopted country from that same reltgio
political power.
Between American Orangelsm and
Irish Orangelsm there is a difference
only in the center of their respective
interests. In Ireland, Orangelsm is in
defense and for the promotion ot Prot
estant ascendency in a monarchical
government. It stands in antithesis to
revolutionary methods in that It never
meddles with, only to improve, existing
oolitical Institutions. In America it
contends for civil and religious freedom
and orders Its course in the Interest of
the institutions of the great republic
against the encroachments of the Rom'
Ish power.
This institution has been too long
viewed by the American people from
the wrong standpoint, looked upon with
too much suspicion, and regarded as
the mere survival of an old Irish feud
It were far better for this country had
the public Inquired earlier Into the
principles of Orangelsm and heeded the
warning voice emitted by that institu
tion. Much of the corruption in our
national and state government, that
now disgraces us in the eyes of the na
tions of the world, would have then
been avoided, and the "Civic Federa
I tion" would have been in existence long
ago, to prevent ra hf r than to detect
lection fraud. The American Pro
tective Association would not now have
b en in lU infancy (a giant in lu cradle),
but an abler and mightier institution
for the protection of purity and hon
esty in polities. L'g ago the Orange-
rn sought to persuade u that organl-
allon against political Romanism wa
necessity; and we awoke from our
etharcy not a motrent too soon for the
safety of our otintry. We were fifty
ear behind oar Deeeeitiei. Had the
A. P. A. been organli-d fifty year ago
It might have done with ease what can
be accomplished now but with great
pains and only after year of suffering.
We roust endure a while, however
active we may Ikj, the coiisi-quoaec of
ear of lethargy. We shall expiate
the crime of our negligence and sordid
security in hard times and suffering.
The U-a-t ha hecotuo too strong to be
aslly shaken from hi grip upon our
vital. G.h1 speed the principle of
)rangeism and the A. P. A. Xurtk-
! .1 M ( ICO li.
French Tricot.
It Is impossible for anyone to say not
guilty to the conduct of the Jesuit of
France if their history is examined in
that country, unless it is admitted that
they accept as a dogma, ' The end jua-
tifle tho moan." These gentry are
expelled from that country, and that is
the cause of the largo number being
here In tho United States plotting
against the government. They are
ever the same plotting according to
the Instructions of him who is their
captain or leader. They make their
gods by the bushel, and plot to destroy
the nation that will not worship them.
The Mother Cliiircli.
Bow did she become mother? Let
us read a few words of history. "The
Pontiff of Rome, Boniface III., obtained
decroe from the tyrant Phocas, who
had seized upon th imperial crown,
after the murder of the Emperor Mau-
rlolus, that tho Romish church, Ihe
apostolic seat of the blessed Apostle
Peter, should be the head of all the
churches." This result. d from the
contest with the Patriarch of Constan
tinople. Made mother because a tyrant
said so, and the said church became a
tvrant because sho wanted to. And
tho play has not ended yet.
r.urli Hants the Nomination.
DksMoisks, la.. INIav 20. There
is the bitterest light in the state be
tween Drake ami MeFarland for the
republican nomination for proverno
in this county. McFarlaiul has ma
nipulated the A. 1 A. faction, but
lost the Swede vote, anJ Drake will
probably bave more than half the
forty delegates to the state eonvt-n
tion. The war is so bitter that Mc-
Farland is making a personal can
vass of the county.
5 Errors of Youth. I
"f serrous locility, ToitMtl
rfj Mscretions, Lost MMooa,
'J awMaMawMHawMHB
m.m. m.n from thi rfT.'cU of Youthful
A dtnirtV have hruuil)l lwut ft tm of fknfa
m tht hfti ntliipfd Uto Ketnrl vstem much at to
m M i ..tlit-r dit'ac: mi tlif rei
nu.P of IhMroiUile icam lv evft twinR aiiapfM lvl.
llH-v ftrliortl f" ""''Vllii(t but tlio riKHI
During tiufMtenaiv wlWf? '! hoapiWl iirttrticr
W w hvi diwovemi new n il conri'iitrbd " '-
.iiH Tti 'fitiiuiaiivhitr imwriiMnn) i ont'iru
u I CRKT A1 N ami srnti-v UKR, humtr. lU of
A pwi h.viitR hwti rpt.'ivl (" i'rrort hltri by iu
ukc nrtfr all other rcinwhea fatV-t. .Vrttvtlj pure
a in(tmhnu tnu.t br uma! id llie i'rcpratioD of thu
w prvriiUii.
R Krvthroxyinn m. 1 drachm.
J.Tubebui. 1 (Intclitn.
W Hfioi.tM iMoira. i drachm.
(IcliM-min, H jtraitn.
Kit. tunat.a' amarir falfo" 1 ffatut.
t:t. Icpiaiulra, n-ruplea.
Make nilU. T 1 pi" -t Pak t(l another
- on ftoin t.. bril. Tht rvnwty i attatrd to every
weaktJMi In either x, "d wpi'cially in tho-
reiultitift fhnn imrtnWm-e. I he recuperative
power of Ih it r'toritive are atmhiig, and Its
A uae continue.! tW a horttiinecl.aiifi.ithe lanintid.
,i, hilitalt, nerveiem rytiditu-t: U ov v t"o
life ad igor. . . .
m remfttiufr $1, a aeali'it t-n mnwlnf A nilla. f
W carefullT compounded. HI Iw' ft by. "
m our private laboratory or we will ftirnnh fl nack-
W aKeaTwhich will run' cam, for Ail lmrt
a 12 Tramont Row,Boton, Mm. ,
American Orange Knights
This nr.ler Is formed of nersons whone ok
Jecta lg to maintain the supremacy of la und cnnHtituUotml freedom; to or
rv Inviolate tlie cltleeu's franchlHe: ti
perpetuate and defend the precept and fre
Institution of civil and religious llbert?
guaranteed by theConstltuUonof the Unllei
States and established by our forefather.
For Information retfardlnit the formattoi
of new Commanderies. or supplies, writ
the supreme secreiary. m. u. (.uun, ,
Sacanaw. Mich. Omaha. Net
Fifty Years -n.-
Chureh of Rome
This Is a standard work on Romanism r.
ltsn-ret worklniis. written bone wboough
to know. The story of the assassination t
I.lnrriln bv the Dald Uxils ot th
Roman Catholic Church Is told in a clear im
convincing manner. It also man
facta resardlns the practices of priests an
nun tn convents and monasteries. 1
has 834 12mo. pages, and is sent postpaid c
INU m.. lnis Howard Street. Omaha Neb.
or. Cor Clark and Randolph. Chicago. Ill
is published quarterly by the CHIC iGO,
It tells how to set a farm in the West,
and it will be sent to you gratis for one
vear. Send name and address to ka
ltor Western Trail, Chicago," and re
ceive it one year free.
fc,-r.v ivr?-: ..3,
Jlra. J-1'. Ilell, OsnxitrafoHiiV, Kan,
ifeof the il;ur of The (jraphic, tbelead-
m i-al pup. r of M.uml county, writ
'I M cl troubled trith hrurt lifo
for Hz years, wvcre pnlpittttious, short
ness of lri:ith, l.v'.-tlu r itu u-b cx-tn-me
m rvouMK'i, that, at tuuu I would
walk the floor tn-arly ail iiiiiht. We
consuls d the U-sl biedical tulent.
They maid there u am no help for me,
that 1 had organic diM-ai of the heart for
which there was uo remedy. 1 had read
your aiivt rtlM-metit In The Graphic and
ayearau, as a last resort, tried one Uitthuif
lr. Slit' Xrtr t nre for the Heart,
which cuiivlm-ed me that there was true
merit in it. 1 uik three bottles each of the
Heart Cure and liestorative Nervine and
It eouipletcly rured me. I Hlrep
well at 111 ht, n y heart beats regularly and
I have no mora mimhIk rlni: spells. 1 wib
to say to all ho are sulTerlni; as 1 did;
there's relief untold for them if they will
only give your rvinelii jut one trial."
Ir. Miles Heart Cnre Ip iold on a positive
guaranu-e t hat t he tirst bottle Im-ik-Iiu
All nru'-'iri-tM-a it at 1, 6 bottles for."), or
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Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
DARK and '
SKIN and
This bleach removes all discoloration and
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Moth Patches, Hunburn Hallowness, Flesh
worms and IMinples. i;or sale bv all first-
class Druggists. Price Sl.SO Der Bottle
For an Incurable case of Black Heads
or I'lmples.
ISL'O St. Afnrj-'s) Ai-o, OMAHA, NEB.
Mention paper n writing to advertiser.
fend $1.(K) and receive full information.
Kaslly learned by everybody.
33. S. M A11T1X,
33 Colorado Avenue tHlf00. ILL.
Merchant Tailor
739 1-2 W. Van Buren St.,
Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
A large quarto volume of 1.100, ooul It
column pages, and Is a standard wort
In every particular. Cloth, I2.S0, er
by express.
LeCaron the Spy
Gives a history of the Fenian raids ci
Canada, and a complete expose of then
plot again the British government
Paper, 50 cents.
Plain Talk About Komanisu
of Today
By Rev. Hugh Montgomery. This 11m
work Is by no means uninteresting. I;
draws a comparison between poperj
and Protestantism, and contains mucl
historical information. Price in pape
cover, W cents.
The Assassination of Lincoln
is an Intensely Interesting volume,
written by T. M Harris, one of the mil
itary commission which tried the as
sassins. Cloth. I2.M.
O Some tllusM-ated with fine engravlnp of
Washington and Lincoln. Fine Uartield and
Prohibition envelopes, printed In colors.
Illustrated many Myles 20 for 10 cents. 40
cents per 110. Fine motto letter paper, illus
trated In colors, beaiiti'lil oietui-e. free
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HOUSE. 211 Elm street Tjtica. N. V .
We want im) more active agents before
July 1st. Ve will Ruarantcef3)to$3perda7
can be easily made in any locality; our goods
sell themselves ; we furnish a lArKe roll of
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cent, commission on all sales. Send to-oay
for full particulars, or we will send with
same a A al liable sample of our goods tn
Solid Silver upon roeelpt of 10 rents In
stiver orstanips, Kstabltshed in 13. Ad
CO.. Boston, Mass.
KANTF,I)-A buyer for a splendid Smith
vv Premier Tvuewrlter. Cost ilfkYOO. and
practically Is a new machine now. Will sell
for S75.UO in cash, and at this price It is a bar
gain. Or will exchange for a first class
Kodak. Full particulars for a 2 cent stamp,
Urstcome, nrs -m rvea.
Kkv. J. W. GlVAN.
Box 15. Custer ( it y. t. 1)
Paper Cover 50 Cants.
This little volume relates the terrible
perlence of a nun who was confined in ti
"Black Nunnery" of Montreal It has ovo
ably the largest sale of any wurk of the k(
ever published, and several
Attempts to Suppress 1.
have beeu made. The price In cloth 1 HCt
and In papei 50 cents. For sale by
1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Nil
Main St.. Kansas City. Mo.
FOB RENT CARDS 11x14 Inches, at 75 cent
perdoren: smaller size at 50 cent per
dozen, at 1615 Howard street, Omaha.
J I. TAYLOR, Mminiror.
1116 Farnam Street.
Bieyeles and Supplies
We Carry the Largest Stock of Standard
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JJy Writ in? for Our
Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using
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HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and Laving
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This Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who saya
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feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities.
Price per Barrel (150 pounds) o"22
100 Pounds 00
60 Pounds
25 Pounds 3
SamDle Package Containing 8 Pounds OO
Send in a Trial Order.
If vou use it once vou will never be without
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Care American Publishing Co
Visitors Invited. Day and Evening Session.
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Prices and Catalogue.
Glasgow, Scotland,
cattle men, some of whom testify
qualities. Among the number