THE AMERICAN 8 THE NEW DAILY SCHEME. Tb frloJ at Onihk r trying U T uRU-U-nt capital to start n American daily. They already have t fair Urt, but desire the iwlmnw t( friend every where in the Unlt-d Stale. Cao you take one or more hares, on account of true Americanism? ThU It their plan: la amwer to repeated rcjuc'i we bare finally contented to undertake the Utk of starting a Daily A memo an lo Omaha. ThU would be an tay thins to do If people were to act as they talk. "Yet It will not bo impoiwihle, even if Ihey do not, for there are thousands of patriots who aro anxious to have the new anxlou to give tho Protestant preacher an fair a hearing as U ac corded U Unman prlcsU and Itinerant lecturer of the Jesuit Sherman etaiiip who will rxspond to our call for aub acrllvr for stock to enable us to estab lUh a Daily American. We have consulted with our friouds, and they have suggested thin plan: Increase the capital stock of the American Publishing Co. to ttoO.Ou). Divide into 10,tH) shares of 115 each. llegln business when IOO,00 has been iubserlbed. Each stockholder must le a nub crlber. Subscription pricoof the paper, first year, will be 110; tS the second, and whatever the director! decide there after. The management of thecomnny will be placed In the hands of a board of directors, who will be elected from among tho stockholders, by a majority of the stock represented, at the regular annual meeting. Tho Indebtedness will not be over 40 percent, of the capital stock at any time. If you want to heloestabllsh a DAILY American, fill out and return to this office the following blank, keeping this statement as our part of the contract: O Ui t-H S-) o w Id O g a, v o o o o v S oa o a 03 s C O o hJ D O w W-I S3 OS 0) j3 to -o 3 a a 41 a w 03 O O a O O o 2 - a) o u a. o .2 "3 w 03 f O Q o a 3 to V u o O o J O w ! o 3 O 03 0 3 0 0) u o3 03 01- .4 bet'D H ken for in the scheme to get up a patriotic dally paper In Omaha: Nrb .iihros. bii i(.. Ill ' lr.iolllt. Nb 1 " Klurr, Nfb I " U W " Mlnm-iiM MIdo.. t " H, irn,'. Nrb, I " Komu It l t " I. tiiilr. Wyo I " There are to be 10,(t shares. Kaeh hare I 115, paie when has h'n subscrllKd. The capital stock Is to he tl.'iO.Ooo. How many shares will you want? Let us have a dally. The IV is Not ( Minlnir. V have beard a great deal of late about tho I Ionian Catholics getting con trol of this country. Some have thought the day almost at hand when the pope shall let up a throne on our shore. It la a needles fear. Itomanlsm is not and never can ba the religion of this country. It can never ba a controlling political force. According to Dr. Kob erU, missionary secretary of the Presby terian church.t he last census shows that but 10.7 per cent, of tho voters of the land are Ioman Catholics. There were In l8!Kt some 18,010,311 men of voting ago In tho country. Of those 4,.VS,412 were communicants of Protestant hurches. and 1,912,082 belonged to the I Ionian Catholic church. Doubtless a very large number of tho Iloinantsts themselvos would resist any attempt to override tho freedom In matters of re ligion guaranteed by the constitution, or any attempt of the church to control the state. These facts should be duly considered when It Jj asserted thai we need Protestant organizations for the protection of American Institutions. Brethren, the pope Is not coming to America. Epuorth Herald. MONTH AM0NU Tilt: .KOINTAINS. Teachers anil their friends, tx, for that matter who want Information about tho koat, absolutely tho test, way to reach Denver at the time of the National Educational Association meet Ing next July should write to J. Francis, Omaha, Neb., for a copy of a little book recently issued by tho Passenger De partment of the llurltngton Routt. It is entitled, "To Denver via the Burlington Route," and contains 32 pages of Interesting information about the meeting, the city of Denver, the state of Colorado, tickets, rates, hotels, side trips, train service, etc. This book Is free. Send for It. "3 o rH la .a of S3 a o T3 4 - 03 t3 4) 02 Also, please fill out the following blank fer our information, as we do not want to have a Homanist associated with t s 'n business: x !? o o - to js a o . C oj O G a O to J h 03 hi &-SH 03 o3 91 c 2j oH c ej 3 hi o o .o S5 9 v e g I c s-i aq at VO O 00 o o 03 03 S 2 ? S -2 03 ?H 13 "3 pfl oj "3 i I 5? ? : O S3 U 3S5.S 2 : f 2 ol 0 s5 : - S3 t. to a 03 o c 8 a o K S3 03 a. 5 :s5 03 3 03 s I 3 M C-i " r; 3 3 t, - -5 : o a-s O rrt ?m'2 a 3 3 a : go :0 g .5.H The following numbers of shares have "The Malion" for June. The June number of The Ration will contain many excellent papers on sub jects of general interest to everyone, among which may be mentioned, "Democracy vs. Pultocracy," bv lion. M. V. Howard; 'Our Mortgage In debtednesj," by John O. Yelser; "The Morey Famine," by Hon. Paul Van Dervoort. These are articles which will set men to thinking, inasmuch as they deal in questions of vital import a nee to all citizens. All newsdealers sell The A'af'Vm, or It can b procured by sending 10 cents to J he sSutwn, JOla Howard street, Omaha, JNeb. Tkrrateat l athtr I'brUa. ST. Iji'L'ls, May 15.-1 he Christian Kmfc avorers will no look to Arch bishop Kaln, of this city, to punUb Ilev. Father D. S. Phelaa for his c!i torlal comment on their annual conven tion. M;r. SsUilli, the papal delegate, whom the Kndeavorersof Asbury Park, N. J., '.ltloceJ to reprove Father Phelan, has written to Ilev J. P. Dawstin, the sender of the memorial, that the matter belongs to Archbishop Kaln. Father Phelan has received many let ters denouncing him for hit utterances. The la'-est Is from Dr. John II. SelfTert. of Wa-hlngton, D. C, who declares that he 1 indgnantat thetatemenU made, Iki ium! his daughter Is an F.odeavorer. Speaking of hi daughter, he says: ' She is a sincere and humble cbris tlon and does rot go to the Christian Kndeavor meeting to see and be with men. Your base insult Is entirely un called for, and if I ever gat In reach of you I'll let you feel my presence quite sensibly. I may be in St. Louis next fall- Eat Dy ball's Candies, 1518 Douglas Do you subscribe and pay for Till Amskian? Yes or n will dt)oLd how much you are Interest! in the advancement pf Americanism. cj as 5 I o Edward Itaumky, ind St. Marys Ave for livery, I7th Dyball'sdellciousCream Candles 1518 Douglas St. When down town drop In at John Hudd's and leave your watch, if it is out of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 10 St. Every reader of The American should secure a copy of the Juno Natwn. It will be filled with good things, con taining among other things a fine half tone photo engraving of Hon. James Allan and "the emblem of the A. P. A." Do you want an dull-Roman book, if so seiul in your order to u. Look over our advertisements for wlial you want. D. W. C0MST0CK, Painter.dPaper-Hanger KALCOMININO AND CLAZINQ Klrst-class work giiHrnnti'ed In every par ticular, Ulve me h trial. 8HOP: 32nd and Half-Howard Bt., Omaha, Neb. Notice to Non-Kesidnit Defendant. Canon Laws. Rev. Dr. Hershey is making canon law an important subject in his lecture course. And here is the criterion oy which the Uomnn Catholics should be judged. It is sufficient without waiting to see whether they will stand by the canon law or not. One of the peculiarities of all Roman Catholic, laws is, that they are adjust able to all circumstances, and are put Into full force whenever the conditions are propitious. Like unto a robber who carries an invisible grip full of burglar's tools alwaj s used If the op portunity ursents Itself. Attention, Comrades! You are earnestly requested to attend memorial services, to be held next Sunday morning, May 20th, at Meth odist Church, corner of Tenth and Pierce streets. Especially Philip Kear ney Post. No. 2, also Sons of Veteraus, attend. By order of ladies of Garfiold Circle, No. 11. Ill Tempered Babies are not desirable in any home. Inef ficient nourishment produces ill temper, Cuard acainst fretful children by feed Ine nutritious and digestible looa. 1 ne Gail Borden Eacle Brand Condensed Milk is the most successlul oi all lniant foods. Archbishop Ken rick in Court. St. Louis, May 20. Leading Roman Catholic clergymen and laymen of this archiepiscopal diocese filed a petition Saturday In the circuit court for the appointment of another trustee for the church property, noiding tnat tne ven erable Archbishop Kenrick is unable to care for the valuable property. Orangemen. The regular meetings of American Lodge No. 221, L. O. I., will be held every Saturday night at Uedmen's hall, loth and Douglas street. All members are requested to be present. OVR friend, A. B. Olson, paid a visit to Omaha last week, and while there called at The American office, and was shown through the various depart ments by Editor Thompson. Mr. Olson was accompanied on the tour by Senator Noyes, who marveled much at the ex tenslveness of the plant. Few of the readers of The American realize the number of men employed by this com pany in the publication of patriotic papers, magazines, books and general Job work, or ihe amount of money spent in the work, and they should visit American headquarters when in Omaha, as Friend Olson did. Lewis P, Hmi.inoml, non-resident defend ant, will tkn notice that on tlie 2:ird day of January, 1S1. The Oinnlia Real Kstat & TniNt loin pun v. plaint 111 herein. Hied Its peti tion In the district rourt of Iiouttlaa county, sicalnst Ueorvti V. Monro and the said Lewis P. Hammond, defendants, the object and prayer ef which Is to foreclose a rertaln real estatM cent i act. executed by Lewis I. Hain-r- oiid to me plalntllf. and assigned by Lewis I. Uamuiono to the defendant, (ieorir V. Munro, with the consent of the plaintiff, the object of which was to secure the payment of the purchase price of Iotas. 10 11, 12, 11. 15 HI, 17 ai d 1H In block 14 lu Saunders & llline batigh's Highland Park adultloo to tliecliy ef Omaha, which said purchase price was seventeen hundred and fifty dollars; that there Is now due upon said cont ract.and taxis paid on said real estate, the stun of nineteen hundred and seventy-five dollars if LU7A.IM). for which sum, with Interest at the rate of eight (Hi per cent, per annum from May Hill. If, plalntllf prays furadecree that defendants be required to pay said sum or thatsald premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on the 24th day of June, 1M. Dated May llib, INCi. OMAHA UKAL KM'ATK & TKL'PT COM PANY, t'lalnt ff. By Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey Its at torneys. 5- Notice to NoifKesiilent Defendants. To Henry, George C. Lee, Henry W. HlgtfltiMin, Janus Jackson and Gardiner W. Lane, doing business under the II no oame and style of, Hlggluson & Company, nun- resident uelcnuiiois. You are hereby notified that on the 2Jrd dav of January. 1(05. J . KalsUm Urant, ulain- tllf heroin. Hied his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against I'harles K. Squires and Kiln J. Squires, the city of South Omana; nenry, ueoreeu. Lee. llenrv V lllgglnson. James Jackson and Gardiner W. Lane, doing business under the ti mi nan e anil stie of Lee, Higglnson & Con pany. the object and prayer ol which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed on the 1st day of Deremlter, 1NW. uy the Uelena ants.. I'harles B. Squires and Kll J. Squires, to the plalnlltf. upon the following described real es atu. ttuated In Douglas county, Ne braska, to-wit: Lots four (4). live ;. six id) and seven t"). In block one (1). In Improve ment Association addition to the elty of Omaha; also Uits lx and seven i7i. In block slxfli), of John I. Kedlck's subdivision to the city of aba. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a promissory note often thouiaad dollars (SKUO.OU). dated December 1st. lsss, and there Is now due thereon the sum often thousand six hundred and six andtkt-lOO dollars tf It) autt.n with In tertst, at, the rate of eight (HI per cent, from Kebruarv 4th. lssis, for which amount with Interest and costs the plaintiff prays for a decree, that the defendants be required to pay the same, and In default thereof said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before June 17th, lsiki. Dated, Umaha, Nebraska. May 10th. 1895. J, KALSTUN GRANT Plaintiff. BV SAtTNDEHS. MACFARLAND & DICKEY, 5-10-1 II is A ttorney s. otice to Jiou-Resltient Defendants. To K.rnestS. Busch, Mrs. Busrh. flrst name unknown, bis wife. 1 run k h Koman koff and Mrs. KoinankolT first name unknown, his wife, non-resident defendants You are herebv notified that on 'he 20th day of February. 18H5. William R. Bennett, plaintiff herein. Hied his petition In the Dis trict couri Ol iwugias ciiumy. flruriwKB, against Krnest S. Kusi'h. Mrs. Busch, first name unknown, his wife, Frank E IJimiankoff and Mrs. KoinankolT, flrst name unknown, his wife, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage enecuted on the s!nd day of Janu ary. Isi7. bv Ernest K. Busch to Frank E. Komankoff, and by Frank E. Romankoff as signed to C. S. Bennett, and by her assigned to the plaintiff, upon the real estate described as follows, situated In Douglas county, Ne braska, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 2.1, township 15. range 10; aid mortgage was given to secur 1 the payment of two promissory njt s daud November 15. issu.and given by Ernest Busch to Frank E. Romankoff, and by him assigned to V. S. Bennett, and by her as signed to the plaintiff, for the sum of fTiOUUO each, due and payable three and five years afterdate, respectively; mat mere is now one and navable on said note and mortgage the sum of fUOO.OO, with Interest thereon at the rat of 10 per cent, per annum rrom November 15th, ISSti, together with f-Jl.Sl tjixei uaid. for which sum. with Interest and costs, plaintiff prays for a decree; that the defendants be required to pay the same, and In default of such payment said premises nmv be sold to satisfy the amount round due, You are required tc answer said petition on or before June litn. ikk. Dated, Oiuabi, Nebraska, May 10th. 1S95. WILLIAM R. BENNETT. Plaintiff, By SAURMRS, MACFARLAHD& DlCKRT. L. HIBBELLER. Desires to call the attention of the public to his Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, as a suitable place in which to hold Picnics, Day and vening Parties, Dances, Etc., HOWLING AI.LLY, 1HM E HALL, . . AND BAR IN (0NEITI0N. J. W. RLaLaHR, Attorney-at-Law, f01 osr York Lire HulUlinu; OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North 16th street to 1 6 1 8 Chicago Street. Telephone 00. : OMAHA, NEB sJy lflrJu-''' themorn- a a a 1., unii a new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dntit fourth floor, frown Hlk lttih & Douglas, okaha, nib. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel & Maul. Undei taker and Embalmer 1417 FA UN' AM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases, cloth ne cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 Cuniiiigr St., OMAHA. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber Formerly with M. O. Maul. Tbi.ephonk 01X1. 613 South 18th St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. CHRIST. HAM AN Watctimalter and Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty 612 South 16 Street. OMAHA, NEB American Ladies! When Needing the : ance of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forfret to call on MRS. J MES GILLAN. 21.3 Xorfi Siith Street G, W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contractors. Builder Storm Doors and Sash. 1807 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB Snwial Master Commissioner's Sale. I'nHer nnd hi virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of niormaiie Issued out of the district court for Douulas county. state of Nebraska, and tome directed, 1 will, on the lTth day of June, A. D. I5. at ten o'clock a. ... nf ould Hv u . t h A Oil t. f rnn t fl OOr Of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, IKuitfias county. ewrasKa, si-n . uuwui. auction to the hlphest bidder for cash, the property aescriuea in saiu oruer oi saic w Follows to-wit: . . . teenibiiin Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of Omaha, assurveyea, piatieu anu re- ...',t...t Ha Aut Otpiui lAi feet, t.hereuf sold to A. J. Whidden, together with all the ummrti.nancps thereunto oeionKiDK. anu sltuawd in Douglas county, state of Ne braska. T . c.iu Ull'm i ij ' w w n ..1 .. i I tV V,u aim, ,,f nine nil n- nniWUi UlalUUll lincm, " dred, twenty-elulit and ao-UH) dollars ii!i28.l with Interest thereoa at rate of seven T per ..... u.,n.,.., f.,,, k'ehrtl LTV irli. and thirty-seven and 5S-100 dollars (fcl" 5i costs herein with inwresttnereon irom ine mi uy a i ivim until nutit tiirether oi rcuru.ij, ' ..v.. with accruing cosfs according to a judgment renuerea oy tne aisirici coun w m ..wu laseounty, at its tebruary term. A. D. !!, In a certain action men wm nine wherein J. D. Brown was pla'ntlff. Peter M .1 tt.-tMi..... & Utr,wn Ht.fennHntja. Dated at Oinaha, Nebraska. May , 895. Ppeotal Master Oommissioner. ta-,- r tia. w Dttnrntv for nliiintiff. RrowDTs.Laux.etal. Doc. 46; No. Wi. 5-1.-5 Removed . . To 107 South i6th Street. Where you will fin.l W. N. WHITNEY showing au elegant line of OXFORD SHOES. They nre just what you want for Spring and Summer. Kemember the place, W. N. WHITNEY, 107 South 16th Street. SHOES BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADlKf SHOES worth 15.00 will go at H.T6 WEN'S I-HOES .Best Goods In the market. 4.00 ami 2.50 s.oo 5.110 3.1X1 2.50 3.00 2.50 1.75 ;4.5o: a.75, 2.65 2.00 Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for SO Days C. LANG. 718 South 16th St. IF CHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS? UY M. AV. HOWAUD, the Most Sensational Book Ever Written! It eclipses all other erotic efforts! The wickedness of the Capital City exposed and Its disorderly houses mapped out. Has been read by President Cleveland and his Cabinet, and by Senators, Congressmen and their families. It Is the boldest exposure of vice and cor ruption In hl(!h places ever written. Head it and learn about your high officials, your sens ators and ci nnressm n and their mistresses and the desecration of our National Capital. Sturtlliitt dl-closures made known for the first lime! Head and learn. Over l.i.OOO copies sold in Washington In i weeks. The best seller out. Now In Its third edition. Price SO Cents. panes, Illustrated, tn'nt poslane prepaid upon receipt of price. THE HOWARD PUBLISHING CO., 20 J'ark littw, 2iew York City. AGENTS WANTED. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. "CASE FOR BI-METALISM." By HON. PAUL VAN DERVOORT, Commander-in-Chief of the "Industrial Legion." o N interesting: Pamphlet dealing with the subject of "Bi- "" Metalism" and other economic questions. It explains the position of the People's Party with regard to bettering the great Financial System of our country, and is replete with facts, figures and interesting data. 4-10-4 ills Attorneys. Show cards, For Rent cards, Business rards. everv kind of cards at the Amer ican Publishing Co. Job Department, 1615 Howard street, unama. It is well worth reading. PRICE: Single Copies 25 cents. Six " $1.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Address, PAUL V1AT DBRVOORT, If 10 South 3 2d Street, OMAHA, NEB. The A. P. A. Magazine. It will be 'he sensation of the year in periodical literaturo. Number 1 is just ready, and any newsdetler of the American persuasion will be glad to take your order for a copy. If you do not like the nrst numoer you win not need to take another. It will be one of the largest msgazines published in America, containing 96 large quarto pages filled to overflowing with matter which will prove a mine of information ana aengni to an wnu are luwrcsveu in toe great A. P. A. movement. It will be full of fire, and will print in each issue a number of pages of the hottest attacks on the A. P. A. from the Catholic press of this country. Don't fall to secure a copy of the first issue. Price, 25 Cents a Number, or $3.00 a Year. 1JTJ1$L1SHKD MONTHLY. If you have no American newsdealer in your town, send stamps or coin direct to the publisher. Agents waDted to sell the Magazine at council and other meetings. Mention this paper when you write. THE A. P. A. MAGAZINE, Box 2608. San Francisco, Cal. Motii e for Publication. Notice Is hereby given thut the under sluiii'U have formed a corporation under the staJlites of the state of Nebraska; that the name of said corporation is "The Admore Con. pany." The principal place of business Is the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne braska. The general nature of the business to be transacted is the buying and selling and trading In Fuel, Lumber. Grain, Live Stock, I'rovislous. Produce, Flour, Feed, General Merchandise and real estate, either On own account or commission. To collect rents or money on own ac count or for others To manufacture any n.erchantable article, either for self, on commission or royalty. To borrow or loan money, either on own account or con. mission. To build houses or Improve lots or lands for sale or trade, or to hold permanently for In come investments. To mortgage real estate when necessary as well as personal property, and to make such lnvesti. ents as will assure profits to said corporation. The amount of capital stork shall be oue hundred thousand dollars, and must be fully paid up at begin ning of business, and to have power to In crease capital stock at any time to two hun dred thousand dollars, which must also be fully paid when capital Is Increased. The t ime of the commencement of the business of said corporation shall be on May 1st. l.sM.i.and all continue for Hfty-Uve years thereafter. The highest a. ount of indebtedness to which said corporation may at any time subject It sell shall not exceed sixty per cent, of the amount of the paid-up capital stock. The tt 11 airs of said corporation shall be conducted by the President. Vice-1'resldettt, Secretary and Treasurer, and Board of Directors, who may appoint a uvneral Manager acd such agents or helpers as the business may require. Omaha, Nebraska, May 4, ls'.fS A. W1LLPIE, F. C. CHAPMAN. E. A. HAMMOND, 5-3-4 Incorporator. rTlOD fl C I T Ffl U j Send me has d - writ ing 1 n UlOrUOl I lull i natural style and 1 11 send you In return character of writer. F.nclose stamped envelope addressed to yourself, aico a fee of ten cents. K. E. Dillingham, M Col orado arenue. Kansas tit v. KHii. f per dozen: smaller size at SO cents per dozen, at 1615 Howard street, Omaha. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas o uuty, Ne brasKa, and to me directed, 1 will, on the litn day of June, A. D. 1MI5. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, nf, the north front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described tn said order of sale as foiioffs. to-wli: Lot one I Din block eight(8)of Walnutllill, an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. Said properly to be sold to satisfy The Wal nut Hill Savings and Investment Company, the sum of one thousand, twentv-one and 77 1WI dollars 11,021 77) with Interest iherenn at the rate of eight (8) per cent, per annum from February 4tn. 1SW5 and costs of suit in me sum oi twenty auu oouars (520.381 with Interest thereon from the 4th day oi February, 195, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered Viv n,a district court of said Douglai county, at Its rtriiiunijr wnu, i.j, in n ceriai n act ton then and there pendiug, wherein The Wal nut Hill Savings mid Investment Company was plaintiff, and Joseph llannle, et al. were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. May lrtth. 1895. SEYMOUR M. SADLER, a a .fP-lii;' Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attornevs Doc 45; No. 148. 5-17-5 Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a chattel mortgage given on the 20th dav r,f Apri'. '",'? Mr.. Elizabeth B. How to A.T. Elwell for two hundred and fortvdol lanfmilO) payable mx months afwr.Tdate with interest at the rate of ten 1U) per cent per annum from date until paid: now there. I wn'l'off '.'rl1 ' ,S,,"d P'-nt andTnt,i'rerst I wl l offer at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In Tsald chattel mortgage, to-wit: A Mve room cot- iJL.fn !"'"? 1vU,K"V: county, Nebraska. Dated Omaha, Neb., May 8. 18!5 . ,n, A. T. ELWELL, 5-10"2 Mortgagee.