The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 24, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
THE AMERICAN THE Engineer Corps of Hell; on- w low u I j Icxiiro a Jew ini n? the J"Wi, that jou might bo enabled gather together mil Information for the benefit of your order an a faithful tul d Ur of the pope. lou nave Been laugbt to lnsldlou! (ilant the wed of jealousy and hatred bi'ttfwn coiumuDltlin, province an taU that wore at -cn, and Incite thera to dtdn of blond, lovoWlnjf them la war with each other, and to create rt' volution and civil war Id countries that were independent and mr-ermm. cultivating the arU and the cler anu en j tying ice Diekiiings or peace. To tike aides with the combatant and w act ecrv!tijr in concert with jour IV. Mt nf Illinois. .. .,KaK.u Ihr Marlln I.iUliiTof America, tli t'lwnl nml K rl.-nil of AlirHhvin l.liifeln. 'itio Murlvr Ion the Other tide., but Openly Oppotted ROME'S SAPPERS AND MINERS. oiillnlti th tcilin of llm 'MllltU of th I'oik ml oilier iult. r Inleiiwly Int. ntliit. eii..'lHllj i. or tlif Sis rel Vmmnl nf llir JratiHM, II U , . . I... L .. . I I . . w , . . .. I . iltl OllH'r luKMtm lllli'liwiy Ml niinp. w-,m .... . ... ' - ....M wm .1 a vi , and rvllitloua ill" rtJT. lillH'lm-er Ul-lK-rwil throughout tll Ulutw.g Miiru ril AND IHAkHUTIII T (EDWIN A. 8HIRMAN, 3 3. t t;r tul Hi t'UIri r of 'lie (iraml ComUtory of the SM l'srcpof I tie Ain'lent anil Accepted fevtlli-li hue of FieemaMitnf of Ilie -lleof (nlirornla, unit "si-reinry of I lie Mmainlc Veuiran Am Utlon of the Tuclttc I'oimu, etc Sold 6y Piivatt Subtcrii'tion Only, and Under Stipulated Condition. (OI'YKIUHT fKl T!KI.. TiVTIIK KKV ril AHI.H i IIIMyt l . or pu Anna. n giumm- i ouniy. Male or liliimln. I iiIU'U Mnii'." 1 ti tat work la moM rre-nlent of tlie deillraleit 1') leniMclfullv nnil TIIK tl'MI'ILKtC. TARODY OK TIIK rAKAUISK OK MA IIOMKT. at TIIK JV.Nl! IT xhhji:k In a rlilieuUnw book ot the "Oocupa tion of the Saints," we aro awwured by (Chatr 73 ) I. "Tint the nu n and women arc plena antly occupied with fisU, masquerades and bulb." II. (Chapter "4 ) "That the angels are dlnfiulted a women, and appear to the saints with munptuoua dreiwesof ladleB, with their hiilr curled, and with chera 103 and petticoat of muni In." . III. (Chapter 68.) "That eich Mowed one In heaven ha a particular habita tion; and thut JtMu Chrlct abides In a magnificent palace; having thoro largo fctrcets, beautiful and grand quare, castlei and oltadola." IV. (Chapter (12.) "That the supremo pleasure oonslsU in kissing and embrac ing the bodies of the Mowed; and that they batho in fountains after this, where they sing a nightingales." V. (Chapter 65 ) "Thattho women have blonde hair; thoy aro adorned with rublei and jewels, in the Bamo manner as hero below." This ray of madness, and we can pardon the Jesuits of tholr writings if thoy do not take other pages. Has not the Father Enrique ridiculed the holy things as much or moro than Voltaire? Our readers can judge. For the council of tho Jesuits exposed In Trebells, tho famous tunio of Jesus, and by their own council exhibited in Our Lady a nail without producing as much as tho tunic of Trebolis, have satisfied with usury tho flr6t costs. INSTRUCTIONS r'OK THE CATHOLIC ATOSTOMO SOCIETY OP THE 8AN FEIHSNAS (OR THE JESUIT OKDKR OF THE HOI.V FAITH.) (Hy the Catoahlstn and adjoined oath of tho sacrilegious teet of the San fedbtas, the same as the Paolottl IPaullst Fa then, an organization within the society of tho Jou!ts, we can truly seo tJ what extrotr.o isuper- tstitlon and fanaticism will lead. Free men of the world, be on the alertl He a? eager as the Atjonav ti of the fable, and do not he betrajed by hypocrisy. Desire that God shall tear away the mask thatcoveratboeuomlojcf liberty, that they may appear as they are; this is with all the other evil defect that they have.) OATH. IlKUICATKU HY THK I'AIMHNAI. JOS AI.BAM. I, N. de N., in the pro enco of God Omnipotent, Father, Son and Holy Spirit of Mary, always the Immaculate Virgin, of all tbe co ostial court of heaven, and of thee, honored father, I 6wear t3 let my right hand bo. cut off, my throut cut, and die of hunger or in tho most atrocious torments; and pray Almighty God that he will condemn me to the pains of hell, btfore that I should I etray or injure ore of the Illus trious fathers and brothers of the Cath olic Apostolic Society in wnlch I am In this moment become enrolled, or with out scrupulously observing lis laws, or 3o not give assistance to my needy trethren. I swear to firmly maintain the holy eaiue which I have embraced. I will not guard consideration for a single individual of the Society of the Liberals, whatever may be his birth, parentage or fortune. I will not have pity for the cries of the children cor the aged; ard will spi'l unto tho lat drop of biood of the infanous liberals, without regard t j sex, age or condition. I swear, in fine, Implacable hatred to the enemies of our holy Roman Catho lic religion, one and true! PASSWORDS AND COLLOQUY OF RE COGNITION. Salutation. "Viva!" (Halloo!) Answer. "Viva Pues!" (Halloo then!) Question. We have a beautiful day? Ans. Tomorrow I hope it will be better. Ques. I am pleased that this street is so bad? Ans. In a short time It will be re paired. Ques. Ans. Ques. Ans. Ques. light? Ans. Ques. today? Ans. Quo, crook? Ans. Q.ies. An. What is tho length of your In what manner? With the bone8of the Liberals. How are you called? South. From whence cometh the From Heaven. What do you think of doing To always persevere in sepa rating the wheat from the chaff. It is sufficient to pull down. What tree produced it? A laurel planted in Palestine, grown in tho Vatican. Ques. Do you proixise to travel? An. Yes. Ques. Whither? Ans. Unto the nhores of felicity and religion on board of the little bark of the fisherman. The following Is for tbe initiates of tho sucrlor clans: Ques. "Viva! (Halloo!) You will be welcome; tell me as follows who you are? Ans. A brother of yours. Ques. Are you a man? Ans. Yes, certainly; and content that my hand may be cut off and my throat cut, and die of hunger In tbe most atrocious torments, If I at any time injure or betray ono of my brethren. Ques. How shall I know that you aro a man faithful to your God and to his prince? Ans. With theso words: Faith, hopo and Indissoluble union. Quel. Who admitted you among t ho sanfediBtas? (Holy fathers of tho faith). Ans. A venerable man In gray hair. Ques. What was done to receive yju? Ans. I was mado to kneel upon my knee on the cross and to place my hand upon tho holy eucharlst, and I was armed with the blejsei steel. Ques. In what place were you re eelved? Ans. In the bends of tho Jordan, In a place not contaminated by tho eno mles of the holy religion and its princes, in the same hour in which was born our dlvlno RoJeemer. Ques. What we e your color? Ans. With tho yellow and black colors of the Austrian flag my head was covered, and my heart with the white and yellow colors of the papal flag Ques. What is your duty? Ans. To hope in the name of God and of the t rue Roman Catholic church Ques. From whence cometh the wind? Ans. From Palesttno and the vatl can; that will dispone all the enemies of God. Ques. What are the t'es that bind you? Ana. The love of God, of country and of truth. Ques. How do you sleep? Ans. Always In peace with Gcd and with the hope of exciting war with the enemies of his holy name. Ques. What do you call your pass words? Ans. The first Alpha, the second Ark of Noah, the third Imperial Eagle, the fourth Keys of Heaven. All. Have courage, brethren, and persevere. CEREMONY OF INDUCTION AND EX TREME OATH OF THE JESUITS. When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be e'evbted to command, he is con ducted into the chapel of the convent of the order, where t here are only three others present, the principal or supe rior standing in front of the altar. On cither side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dag-gcr and red cross above a skull and cross bones, with tho word IXRI, and below tbon the words "lustum, necar, reges, iuipios." The meaning of which is: It is just t j exterminate or annihilate impious or ho-etlcal kings, governments or rule-s." On the floor is a red cross upon which the postulant or candidate ktee'.s. The superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the supe-ior at the same t ime pre sents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart the superior still holding it by the hilt, and thus addresses tho postulant. SUPERIOR. My son, he-etofore you have been taught to act the dissembler; among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Cath olic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Hugue nots, to be a Huguenot; among the Cal- vinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants generally, to be a Protes tant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce, with all the vehe mence In your nature, our holy relig ion and the pope; and even to descend to that with which you might bo con nected; only that the church might be the gainer in the end in the conditions fixed in the treaties for )eace, and that the end justifies the means. You have been taught your duty as spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information In your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into lie confidence of the family circle of Pro testants and heretics of every clas and character, as well as that of the mer chant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parlla nents and legislatures, and in the ja dietaries and councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the pope'i sake, whose servants wo are unto death You havo received all your instruc tions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, con fessor and pr(est, but you havo not jo been Invested with all that is necessary to command in the army of Loyola in tho service of the pope, l ou must servo tho proper timeasthelnstrumen ana executioner as uirocieu Dy your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with tho blood of tho heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation suro, you will, in add it 'on to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the popo, rope it after me the extreme oath of th" Jcult (See page 0 for extreme oath of the Jesuits.) SUPERIOR, You will now rise to your feet and I will Instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus be longing to this rank. In tho first place, you, as a brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Cathollo would; then onoero-ei his wrists, the palms olhis hands open, the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with the forefinger of the right hand to the center of tho palm of fie loft, the other with tho forefinger of the left hand points t the center of the palm of tho right; the first thea with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left Bide of his body just below his heart; tr e first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down tho ttomach and abdomen of the firet The first then says lustum; the others answers Xecar; the first then says lliaes. The ether answers Impios. The meaning of which has aticady teen explained. Tho first will ttea present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally, and on opening tbe name Jesu will be found written upon tho beae and arras of a cross three times. You will then give aud receive with him the following questions and answers: Ques. From whither do you come? Ans. From the bends of tho Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome. What do you keep and for what do you fight? Ans. The holy faith. Quej. Whom do you serve? Ans. Tbe holy father at Rome, the pope, and the Roman Catholic church universal throughout tie world. Ques. Who commands you? Ans. The successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ. Ques. Who received you? Ans. A venorable man In white hair. Ques. How? Ans. With a naked dagger, I kneel ing beneath the banners of the pope and o our sacred order. Quos. Did you take an oath? Ans. I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and their rulers, and to spare neither age, eex nor condition. To bo as a corpse, without any opinion or will of my own, but to Implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesi tation or murmuring. Ques. Will you do that? I will. How do you travel? In the bark of Peter the fisher- Ans. Ques. Ans. man. Ques. Ans. globe. Ques. Ans. Whither do you travel? To the four quarters of the For what purpose? To obey the orders of my gen eral and superiors and execute the will of the pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath. Que. Co ye, then, into all the world and take pon!on of all land In the name of tbe pore. He who will not accept him a tbe vicar of Jesu and Hi vkvge-cnt on earth, let him be ac cursed and exterminated. THK KXU. Send Furlt-It'sl'rw. Kvery man who Is dissatisfied with bis surroundings who wants to better his condition la life who know that he can do so if given half a chance, should write to J. Francis, Omaha, Neb., (or a copy of a little bojk recently issued by the Pas-wnger Department of the Burlington Route. Ilia entitled "A New Empire," and contains 32 paes of Information about Sheridan County and the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, a veritable laud of promise toward which theeyesof thous ands are now hopefully turned. One of the independent women voters visited a dry goods store in Boston to buy a costly garment, and as she was about to purchase one she remarked: "I came here to trade because you ad vertise in the S'amUtrd the new Boston A. P. A. dally " "We do not," re plied the clerk; "we do not dare to for fear of a boycott." "Then keep your garments," replied the lady, throwing the one she was about to purchase on the counter. "I'll not give my money to such a cowardly firm as yours." A few such acts as this on the part of Protestants will help to adjust matters. Wom'tn's Voice. UicVcles haVe iyjrYjS- A.L.DEANE&CO. II. TAYLOR, Mnnniror. 1116 Farnam Street. - - OMAHA. NEB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bieyeles and Supplies Where He Passed Him. Pit Ye'sez Oi'm not e good an Amerikin ez ye are. Begorra, Oi'm a dom Bight better wan. Native A. P. A. How Is that, you bogtrotting Fenian? Pat Because ye wuz born on Ameri kin an' cudn't help yersolf, whoile Oi'm one of me own free will. Brooklyn Life. Mother de Sarforios Head. Rochester, N. Y., May 10. A pri vate cable dispatch from Paris an nounces the sudden death of the Rev erend Mother de Sirtorlos, sujierior general of the religious ordor of the Sacred Heart. J Errors of Youth.! SUFFERERS FROM i Rfirtnns IVHilitr Ynnrhfnl i j i i - ii Indiscretions. Lost Edited, ' BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. ( Vnm ttif rfiecti f Tuthttil impnj- ff dfttrf , luvc brought hut tit ft wenkiifH 0 nil ni nuurt(i nv iifitcnu nvnirttv au mui.ii to 0 in it m1 allium rvvry t-tluT diiK'nitr; and the m: 9 cautw "f the trouble wam-ly evr being uapeiit-d. 0 thry art? ilotrtl tor vrr thinj; tit tl.r Pglit out. W During nitrrxti'imive Culu-tje anil hoapital jirawtiOf 9 we hsv liiumviTtfl nt'W 1 cintit-ntrau-a r'tn- w diet. The tvoiiipmty i i fr prt-M'npttuii It ottered & U ft CKRTAIN AMI HI'KF.hV TI KE, himdmln of ome having tyn-n r"tn-d tn pt-rt'ei-t hetHh by iu K ue after all ott'er n-imliea laikii. IVrfr tly pure m itifrredirnt uiut tu uhiI hi the prtparaiiuu ut tun A pr)crtllon 0 R Krvthrntylon corn, i drachm. w Ji-riitx-rtiii, I drarlmi. a V llt'lomai I'ira. 4 drmrhm. w (ifUfitiin, N grama. a Kurt. i(rnat: aniHrir falo1',',,', I fraina. w ak Kxt. (cptandra, i fXTuptfa. Q m Glycerin.', (j. Make fl pilli. Take 1 pill at an-i another V m on (roina i-i 1mm!. Thta rt'inedy ia lasted to every weakneai In either w. and e-pviMaliy in thtiw "tea reaulting from iinrudt-noe. The recuperat-ve power of this renttralive are antntnahirg. and it w ontinued !r a hirULjiecnaitfr''" tr.e languid. dehilitated, nervelw coi A life and vigor. w Tn thi who M remit tin ti, a aen ilitmr. to or v t"wd ' ron'd pre ff'r to obtain It of ol hy w a aeaieif pa knze n niua. intkimiji'd. ill Irf -ot hv mail mm A our private lafxrat'rv, r we will flimiah A park- 0 affea, which will cure imat caact. for $5. Ml Wi 9 tocndlf confidential. W NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL INSTITtJTE, J 12 Tr.mont Row.Boatnn, Mat.. ? HYPNOTISM Send $1.00 and twelve full Information. Easily learned by everybody. 15. S. MAllTIN, 33 Colorado Avenue CnlClOO, ILL. CEORCE MICHEL, Merchant Tailor 739 1-2 W. Van Buren St., CHICAGO. A LIST OF GOOD BOOKS Coxe's Book of Martyrs. A large quarto volume or ;i.loo; doubli Column pages, and Is a standard work In every particular. Cloth, 12.50, lesl by express. LeCaron the Spy Gives a history of the Fenian raids ot Canada, and a complete expose of the!) plots again the British government Paper, SO cents. lain Talk About liomanisn of Today By Rev. Hughaftontgoiuery. This llttli work Is by no means uninteresting. 11 draws a comparison between poper and Protestantism, and contains muck historical Information. Price In pape cover. SO cents. The Assassination of Lincoln- is an Intensely Interesting volume written by T. M Harris, one of the mil itary commission which tried the as sassins. Cloth. 12.50. PLENDIO NEW PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES Some Illustrated with fine engravings of Washington and Lincoln. Fine (jHrlii'ld and Prohibition envelopes, printed in colors, Illustrated many nyles 20 for 10 cents, 40 cent per 100. r me motto letur paper, tllus- rated In colors, ueaiitrul picture, free tracts, etc. Address, the FAITH TKACT HOUSE. 20 Elm street. Ltioa. X Y. 4 AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER!! f 0 We want liRO more active agents before f VUlJ ist. v v. in k uii ti ivu V-v vfv jroi uj can ne eiasiir iuaae in any locauiy ; outkoous tell furnish a large roll of aa.mDlea emtirelr VRKK and allow fin rxr cent, commission on all Bales, fiend to-day tor full parttpuiara, or we win send wun flame a al u Able sample of our Roods In . V. 14 V,,t In tun kA A dres.,- ST.1MI1K1) blLVERWAilE i T CO., Boston, Mass. V WANTED A buyer for a splendid Smith Premier Typewriter. Cost Jloii.OO. and practically Is a new machine now. Will sell for 175.00 in ca-sh, and ai this price It Is a lar- ain. Ur will exenange Tor a first class .odalc. r ull particulars for a 2 cent stamp. Klrat come, Hrst at rved. KEV. J. W. UIVAN, t-Boi 15. Custer City, S. 1) We Carry the Largest Stock of Standard Bicycles in the West. YOU CAN SAVE HONEY!! lly Writing for Our Prices and Catalogue. HORSEMEN, DAIRYMEN, POULTRY RAISERS and DEALERS IN. FINE BLOODED STOCK Will Consult Their Own Interests by Using Lockhart's Nutritious Condiment IT IS THE Purest and Best Horse and Cattle Food AVAKUFACTUKSP TOPAY. Absolutely Free From Poisonous Matter ot An Kind. HGAPQUARTSRS IN: London, England, Glasgow. Scotland, New York, Chicago, Omaha. HAVING investigated this Horse and Cattle Food, and having become convinced that it was superior to any preparation on the market today, I have consented to take the general agency for the Middle and Western States, It is now beine used by many of the leading horse and cattle men, some of whom testify to its worth and money-saving qualities. Among the number who have endorsed it may be mentioned: Robert Bonner, Esq., of the New York Ledger; William Lockhart, Esq., Veterinery burgeon; JJan Mace, the lamous trainer and driver, and ii. E. Bonner, Esq., Veterinary Surgeon, all of New York; H. M.IIosick & Co., Tallow, Hides and Wool; The Lincoln Park Commissioners; John Ford, Metropolitan Market; Armour & Co., Packers; Miller & Armour, Packers; J. C. Pennoyer & Co., Teaming; Gen. Tor rence; Lincoln Ice Co.; A. II. Revell; William Thompson Ice Co.: Gen. Newberry; Consumers Pure Ice Co.; E. K. Bond Packing Co.; Thos. J. Lipton & Co., Packers, and others, of Chicago. 1 his Condiment is recommended by a dairyman who says his cows gave one-third more milk while he used it during the winter. It is just the stufif to build up all stock, and is a great feed-saver on account of its nutritious qualities. Price per Barrel (150 pounds) SH.nn 100 Pounds 8.0Q 60 Pounds B no 25 Pounds 3.65 sample racKage containing e rounds tng Send in a Trial Order. If vou use it once vou will never be without it. Address, JOHN C. THOMPSON, Care American Publishing Co TO GOON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE BUILDING. Visitors Invited. Day and Evening Session. . . . Students Enter at Any Time. NDIVIDAL INSTUCTION. MODERATE EXPENSES