The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8
WASHINGTON LETTER. Elaborate Manoeuvres Eitcuted By American Soldiers in Honor of Satolll. A Crimm4 I the .Urate C'ae Tm Ke4 AiliM I -Te Mrarmaa Truble The la come Ta ( . One of the moat mnguUr outrage ever eqetrtel hf an American army officer ooeiirml at Fort Mver, near thi city, Ut The Ital ian mountrl'anW, Stulli, n'mite.l tJie jut beyonJ thi point tbt foiled State government ill not g nor ill it coniJer itelf hereby UmnJ to take part in war in huh a South American republic may enter with a Kuropean eovereig", ben the ol ject of tbe latter i t tbe estab lishment in place of a iubverte.l re public of a monarchy umler a Ku ropean prince." On May th tbe mpreme court of the I'niteJ State will acain take up ibe income tax cae. It iH once more l' into the merit of all tbe point irivolveil.aiul ill not confine tbe argument to tbe fiuention whether or not a rehearing of tbe cases hll be granted. In reopen- will not a- retehed woman rail all neat U f-IBBE!LLR, day ana irutgr meurv nj wr rsorW to that elf ht What tfcoe meuarrt were i not at prvaeot known a J what tbe victim u3fivj ere dea'h relieved her to tuofu will ever tell. It l ujoeeJ that she burled at 2 o'clock a. m. oo SaturJiy, March K a the doc of tbe district were heard to bark at that hour. It wm given out that morn In it thathe had fled. Tnoe who had o Industriously labored for ; DirniPt. flat and Ffgllin? PaftifiS. Dances, Etc., Detire. to call the attention of the puttie to hi Garden, At 44TH & LEAVENWORTH, a sul'.able place In blch to hold the woman' welfare, declared neit tuorniog that she had fled from tbe buuae at night and could not be found. Tbe police at first uptcted nothing, a they bad heard of her menl derange ment, and It wa thought that she bad commltud suicide while temporarily insane. The peaantry declared that the fairies bad taken her, body and all, and that she was to be seen riding at night on a gray horse. 'Foul play was firet suspected by a member of the neighboring coniitanu fort nJ iu borer of !' 1 ol Gordon, who bol.l tbe command jna tie fIe ,!,, cf,urt there, ordered elaborate maiuvuv res cs(e lhe rj,,r ,t i,a ma.te aireaay, of Ibe troop for bis enterutniiieiit.kut ;u ,.t ,u decision stand f' Ury, acd when the authorities had been No Trotestant preacher of any coun t(e.,rellt w,u only modity put on the alert careful search i . 1 ... 1 1. a I . - i .... 1. . 1 1. a . I 1 . t . i. . k 1. akli.h k..l Vu.,n tu try was ever tint iionoieu, im i (lt original entry in me rtrni imi miuowr tuo -" ....... American in tbi citT are in l.gnaut a rut 0f ,,, r,arument a ma- wen motion mat i nnuinr w.. Hu. LV.i tr..r is a . -. ..f .1.- vr. marvelous. it uau ihtb uouuoru uF I - .IB lltltH IM .11 I I I 1.U1W 1 V av(K MUM " ' ttonilNti llLEi, UkME HALL, . . AMI It IK IS ttl lTIOi. to tbe lat degree : .. . t ..i. ... i . t r..r. recular ien oi papim. ""- rule tne conclusions ""v , , . . ,.B lain of tbe post i one, and many of rMl,iea. thrown over the plaoo. It was tbe tbe ofticer are sut)jects oi ieo-viii. jt ,H the purpose ot lue court i newly cut appearance oi tnese siicu Tim siiL'uestionof I.achaise to "form i.ave ,jie wi,l0 t.ase reargued, and that attracted attention to the rpot i L.vJn rl .. - . lThi lana in which the hole had been .(A I'nniiiiini'ii rmiiuniai in viitariiai rrnim initi at iuii irni:uii - Catholics," seem to have been acted inorJortilata final disposition of 1"?S1 J! upon in respect to tbe principal fort the queHlion may speedily be readied. ExllmlDaUon pr0ved that the which l supposed to guard tne tapi- woman had ben burned to death." tal of tbe United States. 1 bis mat- q,, pri 05 tj,e police magistrates ter w ill be called to tbe attention ot wpnt through the New ork xnE vor( 0( reorganlaslng the police concress at its very next session. .eliate wv a vote of 29 to 12. This ftroe of Kansas City took effect on hat Foreign influence in the army must iegiPiatCB 0ut of office all of the urday, May 4th. The board of police .1 I , i. .: ... .i ...;ii I commissioners kwu mnwj uiu j-" HO Of luinsiru. I 1 a 111 lli:i II V ponce lupocn uu "i" , , -...,..1- l-l..l.l..t 1 - m m , in rtiiiuv mif ici baiu ,uwi, iuu" be tbe means of bringing about some . . , outl.rown thelr usefulness and A case came before Judge Miller's 0g desired reforms. The bill now become obnoxious to the better class of court last week which has excited 0ea to the assembly to have a few taxpayers, and who were in no sense of i . ..1.. . . . . 1 . 1 1 ao .,..!, n .nt. It was a case oi ... nor amendments concurred in, me wora nt mj oe longer rei.m biuamv in w hich one McAtee. a afler wl.ioli it will be handed to guardians ot me peace in Kansas Governor Morton, Tbe governor No doubt, ere this, they are well aware that their removal for some time has St Alovsius church, bad 1 .... ... . . 11. performed a marriage ceremony oe will si?n it without question, ne conU,mpiato(1( aml for what cause tween a woman w ho bad a husband h)a8 already urged this bill upon the they certainly must know. The ap- living and not divorced, and a man legislature in a message, and will polntment of Colonel Irwin as chief named Frost. The couple was mar- undoubtedly place his signature to meets with general approval, the sore Tied without a license, and the priest it as Koon as it reaches him. The heads and part, bullies excepted . The , , . , , , i- American predicts for Colonel Irwin a made no return of the marriage to prospects of tbe other pending re- tar As aboy In his teensbe the civil authorities. When called f0l , bills are also ,"',,'"'K1y went lnt0 the army to defend the dear to testify he refused to answer tbe bright. Mayor Strong has fixed May olll flttj, anj our glorious union, and he questions propounded by counsel and as tbe time lor a bearing on tbe cortalnly can be trusted to command the court on the ground that his bi-partisan bill. a police force. Under his military . t.i : ;.;,, t,i,i,R.lf discipline the force will become an answers wumu mvi itii'n 4 1. . , . . tti. i- . .... honor to the city he represents. His When priests carry their repudiation I the Pennsylvania leg.s ature a , y of civil marriage so tar as to tie par- bill has been introduced to "i,exo perception cf humanity, his natural ties to bicamv, and to perform the Philadelphia. The politicians have tact for commaadlng will tend to aid marriage rites w ithout legal author been conspiring to defeat tbe bill, him in administering the affairs of his ity they should be summarily dealt but the Citizens' Municipal Asso office wlsoly, lmpartia ly and judicious with., and measures are in progress ciation of Philadelphia is back of IXT:! looking to the indictment ot tne con- t.Ve movement, ana u iu - evtntually rally to his aid, well know tumacious jtf lit. successful. hng his worth and ability. A'an.w CiV it was throng!! a memorial if"infflfri(m ti.. i..n..,. ...1.., lavn honn trvinc tbn Association that Senator Penrose ., .1.. : Lff 1 i.-.a fm,ia r.o!iitionJ We are pleased to notice thatour to raise a tow in tne oru r ,n ... our. .... new board of police commissioners have terestofTomKeed and the ward ,n the senate. be association la detorffilnod 0 weedlng the department politicians of this city have bad a deeply interested in tbe success of Qf E0 nluny b(X,d connections, who for merited backset lately, and this itis- I lie resolution. 11 ueieves uiaiauuses yearg have -n 8UCking the city's pap If) 3 ' Ni W iSi 5 1 CO I, i 1 1 on w P G3 J. W. RLLEH, Attorney-at-Law, litUt Now Vorlf I.H'o lltilliHuu, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMED. Office removed from 1U Norvh lilth street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. -: OMAHA, NEB it? ?.2" I$5 Renioved . . To 107 South 16th Street. Where vou will tin-l W. N. WHITNEY showing au elegant line of OXFORD SHOES. Thev are just what you want for Spring and Summer. Kemember the idace, W. N. WHITNEY, 107 South 16th Street. Fuuser of Ttt JH ftrftl ft Teeth ex t meted In the iiuirn I11K Hint H new net miiile the HHtiie dnv. Teeth exlrm-ied without, ualn. DR. WITHERS, Oentiit fourth Boor, erowu Hlk IH1I1 & IHuxU. vhha. nt. HEALTH, WEALTH, BEAUTY. We Carry a Full Line of These Coods at the Following Low Prices: CRANOLA, -lb. package, 12c. (An invalid food prepared by a com bination of grains so treated as to retain In the preparation me niRnesi ue greeof nutrient qualities, while eliminating every element of an irritating character. OAT MKAL IHSCUITS, 2 lb. package, 23o. OAT MKAL WAFEUS, 2-lb. packige, 21o. No. 1 GRAHAM C'KACKEUS, 2 lb. package, l(Jo. FKUIT CKACKEUS, 2-lb. package, 2lo. WHOLE WHEAT WAFERS, 2-lb. package, 19c ZWIDACK, l ib, package, Ho. Bennett's Big Bargains. Extra Flue Nickel Alarm Clock, 58c. and 75c. Stem-wind and Stem S t Watch, only io. New Model Wattham Watch, Stem-wind and Stem-set, silverlne cases.ouly o.05 Silver and Silver-l'lated Hell lluckles, from lOo. up. Ladies' Side Combs, So and 10c a pair. Five-Cent Napkin Kings for lc. $15.00 Quadruple Plate Tea Sets only $7.00. Gent's i50Uoll Plato Wa'ch Chains, $1.37. Razors-- tbe celebrated Griffin $3.00 Razor for $2.00. Razor Strops Fine quality Horsehide, at 18c. Nickel Plated Shears, large size, 25c. Spectacles and Eye Glauses, accurately fitted, from 80 per pair up. Good largo Uiead and Hutcher Knives o and 10o. W. R. BENNETT CO.. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. M. O. MAUL, Suecenaor to Hrexel & Maul. Undei taker and Erabalmer H17 FA UN AM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA, NEB. trict will send honest men as gates to the supreme council. dele- exist in the municipal government and that thev should be corrected It believes that abuses exist in poli 1 . . ...... 1 In a recent interview between ticians wiic are tmieriv opponea it- Secretary (iresham and tbe Nicara- a Lexow, nnd if they become too guan minister a few das .go. M 1,. wU, fca!le(, At which r Jrom the United States in her c n Iroversy with Great Britain to pre vent the seizure of Corinto vanished. (iresham gave the Nicaragua!) to understand verv clearly that tbe United States would not interfere in tli enP us it stands. So now there are three courses open to Ni caragtn, natnelv, to pay the indenv tiiiy, to permit the occuption of Cor into or to finht Messrs. Shelley snd Fyke are by no m .ans favorable to having so many brothers, uncles, cousins, and bro'bers- In law on the police pay-roll. Kignt you are, gentlemen. AsUp In the right direction. What say you to ap pointing a few Americans on the force.' Don't you think Ireland has had her ting -...1 . ., tl ,. . I 1 , I nit IflllllD prominent " Khftrn of tho oii for the ptet twenty hi make speeches lavormg tne . j 1 committee. l WASlilMiTON, 1). C. jeart? She certainly has; and no one is better aware of the fact than our new police board. SUPERSTITION IN IRELAND. ONLY In a country Rome curted and priest-ridden like Ireland would It bo A Chance to Make Money 1 v.-... ...,.H.. t tun i-Ikiif'V In H8 dV9 and ai tended to my noiisenoio amies wcniu, urnt I think tills In loin spienum uir nu- POSalblo to find people SO superstitious llllin iexperleneed ill buslnesH. Any. nB Can 1 ... .... .... 11 ....r.,., anina tii hnv. and every that they would burn a person, at tills inj wHts a than Washer. 1 don't ennvass late dav In the world's history, for the at all, people come or send for the Washers, law uay in mo wui mo " BIUi evry Washer that, itoes out sells two or alleged crime Of witchcraft. llicre, Hiree more, as they dotue. work to uerfee however, the deed was committed, with JJ" t",;" Z aid l Tm 1 .-in .-leur .11 H uttAmtant horrors, as shown bv this year. My sister and brother have nn. . :.: )...!. tlm i,rm. - .. , started In the Dusliifss. anil are uoinw . n- i'wi-iiivm. , . this account, irom tno iow iur did. v..,. .... n .in.iiiii'te Instructions ny adoresslnn the Iron t'lty lWh Washer Co., H.' Ill-l. I Ave.. Station A. l'lttsburn, I'a.. and If you don't make lots of money. Its your own fault. '" " " .... 1 dent in this matter is mat tne uis jitrau; Dute is one entirely between Great "The victim was a handsome young u.' lii i'Ii the I woman, onlv 20 vears of acre, and mar A I llitl II a lit! lt.i i ti v I v f " I Tuitil States has no call to inter tere, unless mere r.iwu.u .u,, nj he fathor. Pat mitt.,t iniurions to American , , , ... ,,' . .v. 1 Orangemen interests , Nicaragua, or there oT ItZml Bhould be shown disposition by ently, and contented, uotll a abort time J' nlghi atuedmenshall, Great Britain to acquire Nicaragua aro, when Bridget, under the Influence J nnlurl .tmL All members territorv. On each of these points a favorable assurance has been bad frnm (irv&t Iiritain. and all it is said Eat Dyball's delicious Cream Candles 1518 Douglas St. that can now be done is the course of events. f ..,,...,lr r9 ....lj-naad KoO-nn til flufTttl I r,la With .tronm u. rB requoswu H.u.. terstltlon her husband, so the story went to consult a "fairy doctor," Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas . tres, to walcll hn Heilaifd that the real Bridget n anKunrih and nav for THE ---- Cleary had been stolen away by tne amkrian? Yes or Q) ill decide In the ease of the war between fairies and that an evil spirit had taken Kow mUch you are-interested In the her placo. To banish this demon, re- advancement of Americanism. me Hal measures were resorted to, and the confused evidence before the coro ner opens a vlsU of appalling lgnor- a c . Horbs were administered, a disgust- Spain and Chili in 18CG, upon being appealed to in behalf of Chili in the name of the Monroe doctrine to pre vent the bombardment of Valparaiso, Secretary Seward wrote to United Slates Minister Kilpatrick at San- ing decoction was poured over ner tiago as follows: nd Iora law ner mo"lQ' 'our . I MAM Vftlinnf Van riAtrn nn thft nun. H. "The government of the UnUed - - ' " . ... . 1 """ o Estates win -maimain auu insist wuu . d her thr08t ge all decision and energy which are verely gripped to make her swallow She was then dragged into the next Edward Baumky, and St. Marys Ave fur livery, 17th Cheap Kates to I'einU on the tlkhorn April 23rd. One fare plus $2 00 for round trip. Minimum selling rale $7.00. Limit 20 days. Stop over on west bound trip. Ticket Office: 1401 Farnara street. Depot: 15th and Webster streets. Tost lourself compatible with our existing neu trahtv that the republican system room and held with her naked flesh . , the burlinzton s new line to Bll which is accepted by any of those pressed on the bars of tbe hot grate. ung8) Montana; the wonderful country . " BU,T 4 uy " . I While there she was made to repeat it runs through the time .t will save to (Soutn American; state sua . M her own Dame and that of her husband Helena, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. 1m wanton V assailed, ana lliat It .. . , ., yurwireriwmj imwr 8wiu." . . mree Hme, ceriam iuuM formation. Sent on requetst. shall not be subverted as an enl of a5d &nd 8he was then put back to bed. j. Franis. G. P. & T. A., a lawful war bv European! powers' "It is hardlv surprising that the Omaha, Neb. NI. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect tit In all cases, cloth nin numiil IIVH I 1. II 1 1 r II 1 1 111 V I 11 . 17 i '11 in i ii ir St.. OMAHA. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber (.Formerly with M. O. Maul l Tltl.KPIIONK 0M. eis south ieth St., LADY ASSISTANT FUR NIWHto. TO IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION Use Howard's Face Bleach FOIt A DARK and SALLOW SKIN and SUNBURN. This bleach removes all discoloration! and linuurllleu from the skin, audi iih freckles Moth 1'alchen. Snnliurn sallowness. rlesh' worms anil I'liuules. Kor sale hy all WrsV claws DruKKirits. Price St. SO Dor Bottle, $00.00 WILL BE GIVEN For an Incurable ruse of Illack Heads or Pimples. HOWARD MEDICINE CO., 1n:H) Sf. Afar-' Are , OMAHA, NEB Mention paper n writing to advertiser. fees: I'J CAC MEDICAL 6 f ever, Sore and Ulcer ttemcdy. WIN cht WLEi. SCALD HEAD, SALT RHEUM m4 OLD fcWE6 msm4 MlUt I tO mm4 otlwr ilia. CAA OO ill t fiwM lot mi oi abovt Mrat4 aiiaiM iku J rrmrAy will hm tart AflPNT WAVTFD hi n J" u C4a, ) C. A. C. MEDICAL CO. W. 0- Baa CHKAUO, ICU MARIA MONK Paper Cover 50 Cents. This little volume relates the terrible ei Perlence of a nun who in contlued In tb Hlack Nunnery" of Montreal It has prol ably the largest sale of any wurk of the Irln ever published, and several Attempts to Suppress J have beeii made. The price In cloth Is and in papei Xl cents. For sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. 115 Howard Street, Omaha, Mel Main St., Kansas City. Mo. THE deadlock lo Kansas City's upper houne worried the anti-A. P. A. peopl more than it did the "faithful." -x SHOES BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, . GREAT REDCTION, LA HI KB blloKH worth Kv.00 will 0 at ta n 4.110 " aio a.ui " 2.w " " " 2,V) " 1.75 MEN'S SHOES " H.ou " ;4..V): " 5.110 " a.75, " a.iio " 2 5 i. .i 2,5u 2.UQ. Best Goods In the market. " " Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for SO Days O. L-AIMG. 718 South 16th St. .Notice lo Noli- Ki'Mtleiit IN fciidiints. T. kr,,,..! s Uiiu'Ii. Mm. llusch, lirat name unknown, bis wife, Frank K Hoinun knil and Mis. KoinankolV llrst name unknown, Ills wife, non-ieslilent di -fendaiita: Vou are hereby i.olltleil that ou itio ioili dnv of l eliruary, 1H'A, William K. Hennell, pluinlll! Herein, llieu uis peiiuou in me nr irlct court of lHiiiKlas coiiuiy, Nebraska, Bisalnst Kruest (t. Huacli, Sirs. liuscn, Hist inline unknown, ins wue, mum r.. IfomankoiT and Mrs. Komaiikolf, llrst mime unknown, his wife, the object and uiayeruf which are to forei-lose a certain iuoriKHKeeocuted on the 2Jiul day of Janu ary, laij, by Ernest t. Kusch to trunk b. ItoiminkolT, and uy Frank b. Komaiikolf as signed H 0. S. Itennelt. and by tier assigned to the plaint I II. upon me re,i esiun- u, i iif,u as follows, sltimtid in Dounlas couniy, Ne braska, to-wit; 'Ibe southwest iuai'ler of tbe soul Ii west quarter of section 2.1, township lft, ral.i III; Iliorinane was n" iu secur the payment oi two proiuiasuij u,,i n dated Novemlier l.', lssti. and kIvcii by Ernest ln.HCh lo Frank E. Komankoil, ami oy nun ..ii, i i.i i' s lieiuiei.t. and Ii V her as- siii i to tlie plalnlitr, for the sum ot ."iUUU) each, (lue and payable three ami live jeurs arterilale, respectively I uiai ineru m iiw i . mill miviilile on said note and inorlKuue the sum of JliKHI.Ul, wlih liiK iesc, thereon at Ibe rate of lu per cent, per annum from November Kith, lhml, together wllb t-U.M taxuspaid, for which sum, wbh interest aud costs, plalntiir prays for a decree! that Ibe iir..i,li,iii. lie leiiulred lo Duv tbe same, aud in default of sucli paymi i.t Bald promises mav be sold tosatisfy tlie ainouni found uue. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before .lune 17lh. Is'.'.'i. Dated, Ouialii , Nebraska. May tilth. IHi'5. VlLLlAM K. IIENNE'I T, 1'laliiliir. Hy StONbiHK, Maci aiu.aki) A Hickky, S-jo-4 His Attorneys. Notice to Non-Resident DcfciidantH. To Henry, Oeorife V. Lee, Henry W. IliiitSinsou, Janus Jackson and tiardluer W. Laue, lining business under the II I'm name and style ot, IllKiiiusou & Company, nuu rtisuient defendants. Vou are hereby notified that on till) 2llrd day of January, ls'.i5, J. Kulstou (Jraut, plitiu till' herein. Hied his uetition Hi llie dilrict Court of Dotiulas county, Nebraska, anaiust tunnies K. Niulres aud Mia J. squires, tuo c.iy of houtli Omaha; Henry, UeoraeU. Henry W. lliujiiosiiu, James Jackson and tiardluer W. l.ane, dolim business under the II rm nan e anil style of, HikKiumou & Company, the objectand prayer ot which are to foreclose a cert iln inorl irtu" executed ou the 1st day of December, Isks, by the defend ants,..t'harles E. .Squires and Ella J. Squires, to tbe plaiutlir. upon the followiux desi'rlbed realesiaU), situated in Dounlas county, Ne braska, lo-wif. Lots four (4. live i.h.hixiUi and seven (7). In block one it), in Improve ment AssiH'iullon addition lo the city of Omaha; also Lots six Hit and Hcvcn ui. In block .lxii, of John 1. Kedlck's sulMli viniuu lo the city of O aha. haid uiortKaKe was Klveu to secure the payment of a promissory mil of ten thousand dollars (lu,(M).(lilj, daUd Heceuiber 1st, lsss, and there Is now due thereon the sum often thousand six hundred and six and ml-IK) dollars jiu iI.Htll with lu tertstat ilia rale ofeignt () per cent, from Februarf 4tu, 1HH5, for which ainuuut with liiteresl and costs the plalulilf prays for a decree, that the defendants be required to pay tlie same, and in default thereof said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before June 17th, 1k'.i.". Dated, Omaha, Nebraska, May loth. lhHS. J. K ALSTON OKA NT. I'lalutlff. By Sadnhehh, Ma( kahi.ahk & Dk kky, 5-HI-4 His Attorneys. I.Kii, et al. 1 Notice to Nun-Resident Dcfemluiit. Jknnik S. SClITT, vs. JOMKI'll D. Wami1 in the district court of Douglas county. Nebraska. ToJseph l. Wampler. I.uclnda Waiupler, Marcus C I'atrlck, Ken S. Clark aud lleuja Ii In b Clark. non-rtsideut defttndanls: Vou are hereby notified that on thetlih day of March, lsn,". tbe plelnliir, Jennie H, Hcolt, Hied her prill ion HKallisl you in suld district court, Impleaiied with ol hers, tne object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain moi'iktaire executed by said Jienli Wampler and Eucimla Wampler to t lie Kim ball-t liamn liivestmeiit I'omoauy, the lullt havlnt: sold and assigned the same to the said Ih t ii 1 1 tl' ; and which said inoriKHKo was ttlveu Ui secure ontt ceri am promissory nolti of one thousand, two hundred and tifty dol lars iSl.2."i.aii. and interest, ami c vered the properly described in the philnlttT's pet it Ion, to wit : Lot No. twenty-six rjili, in block four teen (141. In Walnut Hill addilion to I lie cliy of Omaha, Douglas counl.v, Nttbraska; sabt note was mitde due anil payable live years from dale; that there Is now due and payable upon said note the sum of one (housaml, two hundred anil II fly dollars iifU'.Mn and Interest from June llillh. lxie al the sale of six and one-half ill'tl per cent, per annum. The prayer of the petition Is that ou default of tbe payment of said note and Interest by said defendant that said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due with cont. You are required to answer said petition on or before tbe Juli d y of May, 1n!i,'i. Dated at Omaha, April 12. Is'.i.V JENNIE tf. SCOTT, I'lalutlff. Ity John W. Lyttle, her attorney. 4-lu 4 Notice. Samuel Walker, defendant, will take notice that ou the lith day of May, 1H!1, Jeannutte Walker, plaintlll herein, tiled her pel II ion in the District court of Doutrliis county. Ne braska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a divorce from said defendant upon the urouuil of desertion and of failure to support; and for the custody of John W. L Walker, an Infant oIlspiliiKof said u arrlaKO, anil for pel tuit ion to resume her iitaitieu nan e of Jcanneite I'ayiio. Vou are required to Hitwer said petition ou or nefore tlie 17th duy of June, islrt. Dated May lot Ii , lHlw. je;.iNNe:tte walker, laintltr. Ky Saoniikhh, M A Dii kicv, ft-lo-4 Her Attorneys. id . S) er J FOK KEN rCAKDH 11x14 Indies, at 75 cents per dozen; smaller size at 50 cents per down, at 1015 Howard street, Omaha. Ml at! el Moi Iff uue Sale. Notice Is hen hy given, that by virtue of a chattel iiiortmttro Kiven on the lli duy of April, IWH. by Mrs. Kiualietli It. Howard to A, T. Elwell or two buiiureu ami forty dol lars tt.HUMn u iyanle m mouili.H af r i iaio wlti Interest i.l lite nte if ! n d"j ner cent per annum from dale until , aid; now, there fore, lu default ol s.iio payment and interest 1 will offer al. public uu liou to the hlxhest bldderforcash the properly descnlied in said chattel morltfaim, to-wit ; A h ve room eot taKe, situated iu Haas' add.tlon lo Mm Omaha, known as U14 llrlninl utr,.,.i i t.u city of Omaha, DoiiKlas couniy. Ntthritska. . . Dated Omaha, Neb., May , s',i,i ' irs A.T.EI.WE1.L. VS 5-10-2 Mortitaiiee. G, W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contractor& Builder Storm Doon and 8aih. 1807 8t. Mary'$ Ave., OMAHA, NEB.