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Among the illustrations are the follow ing: The Masonic Temple at Chicago (tall est building in the world), the Auditorium Building at Chicago (one of the largest buildings In the world), the Woman's Tem ple (the handsomest building In Chicago), Its Special Features Relating to the United States Are: The Popular and Electoral Votes for President in 1884, 1888 and 1882 by States. List of All the Presidents. Agricultural Productions. Mineral Products. Homestead Laws and Civil Service Rules. Statistics of Immigration, 1830 to 1891. Public Debt for the past 100 Years. Gold and Silver Statistics. Number and Value of Farm Animals. Cultivable Area as Compared with Increase of Population. Postal Information, with Domestic and Foreign Kates, and Other Information that should be in every Home, Store, 0(11 ee and School-room. Every person who reads the current periodical literature of the day needs a concise, accurate and comprehensive Atlas of the World, for the purpose of geographically locat ing the stirring events with which the world teems. We live In an age of Intelligence an age of multiplied means for acquiring knowledge an age that condemns ignorance because of these numerous sources of Information so freely and widely diffused. If you wish to keep abreast of the times, by accurately locating In your mind every violent upheaval of the earth, the march of contending armies where war exists, the progress of scientific explorers In unknown lands, or the happenings and accidents constantly agitating every part of the world, you should have at hand a copy of the "People's Atlas of the World." Never before has so valuable an Atlas been offered at o low a prlco. - . . ko CENTS POST-PAID. IrVe will Send TCCETHER WITH The American, 1 year,' 'for : 2.00 The American, G months. Tor : 1,15 No Commission to Agents allowed; all orders must he sent direct to this of- lice accompanied AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, . AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, MAKE A SPECIALTY Secret Society Printing. RITUALS, . APPLICATION BLANKS, CONSITUTION AND BY-LAWS, BLANK BOOKS, ETC. A BUSINESS HO YOU WANT IT? ForsaleaScholarslilDinthe BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE in the cltv good for either Business. Shorthand or Telegraph Courses, ttnienot limited which I will sell at a sacrifice. If you are thinking of taking a course this year you will save money by writing to H. G. McLEAN, 1103 E. 16th St., KANSAS CITY, MO Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps, many of Them Double Page. 140 New and Superb II lustrations. A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorbing interest to every mem ber of the household. Population of each Statt and Territory, of all Counties of the United States and of American Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants. 22 inch ; rtartholdl's Rtatue of Liberty, the White House at Washington, the Great Brooklyn Bridge, Mirror Lake (Yosemlte Valley), Kl Capitan (Yosemlte Valley), Waterfall and Cave (New Zealand),Jordan Kiver, Murrbl son Waterfall (Upper Nile), Pilot Knob (Iron Mountain, Missouri), rotted States Signal Service (Pike's Peak, Colorado), Giant's Gap (American River Canon, Col orado), Scene In Tropical Florida, Fulls of the Ithlne, the Matterhorn Mountain (Switzerland), Scenes In and near the City of Peking (China), Island of Juan Fernan dez, State Capitols, State Seals, etc., etc All the Large Cities of the World, the Important Towns and Most of the Villages of the United States are Ulven on the Maps. It gives a Classified List of All Nations, With Forms of Government, Geographical Location, Size and Population. You the Atlas with Cash, Printers, OF ALL KINDS OF WRITE FOR BSTIMATBS. EDUCATION. UH ".Ut SOUTH Fkkmont, Hastings, Wahoo, Lincoln, SKWARD, Sl'PKBIOR, David City, York, Albion, Nokpou AMD ALL Northern Nebraska, Black Hi 1 AND CKNTKAL WYOMING. OHLT I 1HXT LIHI T" Sioux Cit" Minnea olis an St. Paul. Ticket Office 14U1 Farnaiu street and Wet st Si iwt luloo Statutn. M. C. BURT, Ua'l Wnuer. J. M. BUCHANAN itt IPanAt A Visit of Jesus Chris TO rons m us ix. One of VICTOR HUGO'S wildest and most sarcastic poems. translated from toe French by GHASE HOYS, 831 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. 0 Christ takes a look into the Vatican; con verses with one of the pope's guards and cardinal. Slugle copy 10c HI cooles IUU copies .". NOTE-New edition. Increased bv IB page. The life of Victor H'igo; The Canon Laws and their source: A. P. A. Principles from auth rutin source; Irish Massacre of Hit I, related I V the French lioinan Catholic hKtorlan Luinartlne; The Marriage Contract that must be signed by a Protestant to obtain lioinan Catholic bride, with cabinet site half-tone picture of the author. Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed Prlc 40 Const. SUBSTITUTION I MARRIAGE. Prloe BO Cents. Kev. Joseuh Slattery Is the author of botl of the above books. They are lust what till titles Indicate, and are printed In good, cleat type and bound in paper covers, sent oy tt press or mall. Address. AMEKICAN PUBLISHING CO., 18iB Howard Street. Om ha, Nel I Main St.. Kansas Cltv. Mo. Clark and Kandoluh.rhlcago.il niCDflCITinW! Send me hand-writing In UlOrUolllUHi natural hi vie and I'll send vou In return character of writer. Enclose stamped envelope addressed to yourself, n'to a tee or wn cents, r. r.. liiiiingnam, odvoi orailo avenue. Kansas Cltv. Kan. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED BT DR. JUSTIN I) FULTON. . This la one of Dr. Fulton' best books. deals with the question of celibacy of thi priesthood rrom a religious standpoint; aisi ih iat. and uresent history of toe Roinai Catholic Church. Price, In cloth cover, .Or Sent postpaid on receipt or price, by AMERICAN PUBLISH'NQ CO.. $25 to $50 V A strut Old K.lUbir Pltr. O-l, prvii-ai ij to rrpikW nut aitd vara IkI'm, fort a, bbomb, U quickly done by dipping in diIv4 metal. No cipricQM, polUhtnf or machinery. Thick pli at om opfraiioD; luti o to 10 rrfl; D niiiMB whro uit-a rrom tut pitwr K?cr fBinily hu platinf to d Plltr Bi'tli rBf1ilT. Prnfitt larf V. P. HkrHMMAUioluibaO THE BLACK POPE B' TH Riv. O. E. Mussay, P. L. D. A comolote ex Dose of t his Kluant lc octupus Invaluable to every liberlvlovliiR man and woman. Contains 1H lectures on uuestlons aeiilinit with the vital principles nt our coun try, uver Hiu illustrations; nearly .n.u panes. CLOTH, I.OO; RARE, BO CCNTS. Remit by registered letter or postoflice order. PATRIOTIC PUBLISHING CO., Room 1401 Manhattan Bldg.i Chicago, Illi Oonvent Life Unveiled.' Bt EDITH O'UORMAN This little work relate the hitter experience or a young lady who was induced thraugn tn' cunning of the Jesuits a ad the Sisters o Obarlty to enter a convent. Her story of thi heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks o' Iniquity is told In a convincing style. Prlc In cloth f 1.25, sent post paid by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., STARTLING- FACT fc OR Deeds of Darkness Expos BT REV, J. Q. WHITE. This excellent w irk deN with ths hjM1 v methods of the Roman Catholic Church contains much food for thought and 1st warm Americans will find It Interesting r ing. It Is printed In good, clear type. bound In cloth. Price 11.26, postpaid, F sale by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO.. 1615 Howard Street, Omab J Ml or.Oor. Randolph and Clark, Oblcsgr.T) SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS FAT PEOPLE m. i i n i j furs. ABBOLOTILT fSlll' from any Inturioui simttsncs. Ta. w1 UB01 iBDOMItn SIDOCID. Wa GUlRaNTEE a ill RE am mtunri .u. Iiire BS.OO pr bottle. Send 4e. for trasfita.' Wanted at Once! The well-known and able nreacher unii lecturer. Scott K. Hershey, I'd. II., of Boston, Is at work on a book, which will deal with the Roman papacy, as always and every where opposed to civil and religious liberty. Dr. Hershey has brought all the past under the contribution of his powerful pen, and his book will have an Immense inlluerice on the patriotic movement of thedav. and will have the biggest sale of any book of this generation. Two Experienced Actents Wanted In Euery County in Iowa Not Taken. Special Offer! Send for Circulars! Who will apply first? None but patriots and mose iuiioi uusiuess neea write. Address, BACK BAY BOOK CO., Berkeley and Columbus Ave., BOSTON D R.DIK'S Celebrated Female 1'owderw never fail. frand nit (after tailing ith Tarn? Bird IVnnrroTml PilUt. particular! taeata. Dr. & X. Cli, Back liaj, BoUod, Maaa. .mmr tupt) GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION or th United States of America. p-RANCld C. I AMI'HU.I.. M W O. M. Minneapolis. Minn. Huur. n. juii.!i fuprvii, cs-reinrr. Truy. New Vork WIS Howard ftiwt. ln.aha. Neb.. Organiser for department of Nebraska, to hauMa, Mlawiuri and Colorado. Oil ASMS I'lilSVlt'LKS. On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of the United !taum of America, and with view of correcting the false Impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the oilndsof men who are unacquainted with Orange principles, are these few statements made: The Loy-.l Orange Institution Is a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three ties Justice, Truth and Righteousness. It has no hidden alms It Is rraterual and Benevolentassisting and protecting member while living and their widows and orphans when they are re. moved by death. It upholds the right of private Judgment the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be lleves the public schools are an essential safeguard of the state, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian Control and that persons disloyal to the government who hold a mental allegiance to the pope of Rome should be rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance Is due to the government which protect the lives, liberties and properties of its cttisens, and that ecclesiastical authority should jot under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer clon of ac.lt lien in the exercise of his or her right of franchise, under the guise of rellg lout orsplrltual authority should be pun ished as a crime against the state. That It Is the duty of every cltiien to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and Inimical Influences, as well as against armed assailants, to the end that our glorl ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourages habits of frugality and In liuslry among Its members, and is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become I public charge or accept pauper bread. It believes In the restriction of 1 m to III ra- tlon and the extension of time for the natur alisation or citizens, and that the public anus snail ue Held for actual American eltl tens who become settlers. The Loyal Orange luBtltutlon of the Dnlted Htales of America has certain reuulrements for membershiu: That a man sua II bean actual American cllisen, having compiled with the lawsof the United otates with regard to naturallsat on. and without a mental reservation. That the aonllcant shall be a I'rotestant. and also that his parents and wife shall be rrotestants. That he shall be thrifty and successful In his business; honorable and truthful In his dealings with his fellowman. and shall be known aa a law-abiding cltlten. That be will endeavor to give his children or any children under his charge at least a good common school education, neing care fill to avoid all popish doctrines, and That he shall be in sound health at the time of making application. It makes no ditrerence where a man was born, so long as he meets the foregoln requirements. These are the Qualifications recti I red o every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better arrav of nrlnclples and teach ings. J. u. u. a. n. A Loyal, 1'utriotic Organ iznt Ion, Fra ternal anil Hcnclliliil, Milctlj bow 1'artiMin and .Nmi-secliirlan. tIROI.AKATION Or PHI NCI PI, KA. The National Council of the Junior Order of Uulti'd American Mechanics in annual session assembled declares: That the constant landing upon the shores of the hordes of Ignorant, vicious and lawless criminals of the Old World should be viewed lib alarm by the loyal and patriotic cltl tens of this country. we amrm a warm and nearty welcome to all Immigrants who desire to better their condition and become a part and parcel of our nationality, nut we nave not one suuare Inch of room for the anarchist, the socialist or nihilist, or for any one who Is not willing to bow allegiance to that tlag which Is powerful enough to shield and uroteet t hem as well us. In the exercise or all civil and religious liber v. We amrm our devotion ti the nun Ic school system or this country, we believe in com pulsory education, and that all teaching In our schools should be in the M in lan guage, to the end that future generations may oe a'ue to tune tneir place in me ranks of our country's workers, educated In the history, the customs and manners of Ameri cans. We guarantee to everv man the liberty of worshiping Ood according to the dictates of nls own conscience, and would give everv as. sistanc.e to protect all In the exercise oi bis liberty, hut we object most strenuous to the interference of any church, no matter under what name it may exist, tn the tem poral affairs of this country. We believe that the Bible should be read in our public schools; not to teach sect arianism. out, to lncuicaie its leacnmgs. it is the rec.ognlr.ed standard of all moral and civil law: we therefore believe, that our children should be educated In it teachings, but that no dogma or creed should be taught at the same time We believe that patriotism and love of Country should be Instilled Into the heart of children, and that, with the words of Mother. "Home and "Heaven." our chil dren should be taught that our flag Is the symbol of all that makes a "home" for us. We would place a flag uuon everv nubile school in our tano, and a Hioie within, and the object lesson therein set fort h should be a beacon light In every storm which threat ens to engulf us. In this noble and Datrlotlc work we aak the cordial and nearty co-operation of all good cltlxens. In this grand work we need the helping hand of all organizations holding the tame views and principles. We have no time lor jealousies and Bickerings, but with a united front we should march forward. shoulder to shoulder, remembering that Dnlted we stand, divided we fall. " In the strictest sense we are a national politl al organization, but we oppose with unanimity the slightest taint of partisanlsm. "Our country" is our motto, and we keen this motto steadily before us. We are cogni zant that there are great and powerful enemies within our midst, reuuirim the strictest surveillance of all who are at heart. word anil In deed Amertcani. We. as members of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the objects of the Order as paramount to any artisan affiliation, and urge upon the mem ershlp harmonious, united and intelligent action In carrying out the principles. OBJECTS OP THK OHDRR. Klrst To maintain and oromote the Inter est of Americans, and shield them from the epressing errect or rorelgn competition. Second To assist Americans In obtaining employment. third to encourage Americans In busl- ess. Jiourth To establish !a sick and funeral fund. Hfth To maintain the Dublic school m. tern of the United States of America, and to prevent sectarian Interference thei with, and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible therein. TB OfAI.triCATlONM rim iminiti R'aulre that an auullcant shall be: white male person born In the United tf.'?!.,u of lii Hi. Of good moral character. A believer In the oilstone of a Supreme Rein aa the Creator and I'rwHtrver of lbs Unlverme. ttplswed to any union of church and state. favorable to fre education and the America I'litiHc Hchool yleiii Het ween I and Bo rears of sue fur bene. flclal titeiiilM.ri.hlp; over Ail rs honorary luen.iierMiip. The word "Junior" in the till hatnorvla tliin hi Urn kki ut inrnilirrt. It was adopted u uiMiiiigun.il ine i inter rrom tlieu. Li. A. M and has no other significance. Nor Is I he word 'Mechanic" to be Const rued literally. It refers In no manner to artisan, but embraces every pursuit. OHIIAMIfKHH WASTrtl We want a Council of the Jr. O. II, A. M In every city, town and village In the United that. It Is the leading American patriotic and beuelictal organlullon, ami the strongest and one of the oldest, con line J to native born. It Is only necessary to make Its objects, principle, and workings kuown to eaullv secure enough chart.T memlier to start a t'ouncll. A lllieral premium will lie paid to any one organising atouucll. for full par Hollar, address. II. A. K I Hit K, National Councilor New Hruntwlck. N. i. DIRECTORY. NATIONAL COUNCIL. N O J O A Klchler. Hot art. Canton, O. N T C-C. W. Tyler. Richmond. Va Jr I' N 15 It A Klblie. New Brunswick. N. J. N sc'v Kdward H lleeiner. I O Hoi. 7M. Philadelphia; olllce room No lit and 17,8.11 Client nut street. National Organiser HU'phen Collin, But ?u Pittsburgh. I'a. Meet In Omaha, Neb., the third Tuesday In June, HTATK COUNCIL OK ILLINOIS. Incorporated February It, Isiii. C C--T II llrj son, tU.13 Wenlworth avenue, Chicago. 8 V C--TIHW Rowan. 7HII Union st. Alton. Jrl'tJ U-Tho J Coen. 4U7 Hhellield are, Chicago. H C 8ee'y--Joseph 8 Reynolds, I1 O Bog u Chicago. H C Trea--Gil Sample, ftttl Armour av Chicago, Meets at Alton, fourth Monday In August, 1HV4 SCBORIMNATK. George Washington Council. No 3. meets Brst and third Friday evenings of tch month, at A ll Ine hall, "i K Kandolpb nl asb days R B, cago. Joseph e Reynolds R H. IM1 ave. Visitors always welcome Kllsworth council, No III. mt T at HIM Wenlworth ave. K L r. bu 6,112 llonore st, Kng?ewood, Colfax Council, No 2:1, meets Hat unlay evenings at I O O K hall. Houth Chicago ara, John W Hoger. R (. Hot C. -J Ilaulel Webster Council. No. 8, Jr. O. 0. A. M.. IneeU rlrsl and third Hatuidav evenlnirs of each month In Modern Woodman hall, Murray. nei. visiting brothers always wel come. James Longhrldge. recording secre tary. UMTED A.MF.UllAN MKl'IIAMCS. It Organization anil rrlneliili-llow l lteciiiiic a MciiiIht. We would respectfully call your attention to the fact that there Is In this city a council of the Order of United American Mechanic to which we would be happy to have you give a moment' thought, and If favorably Impressed, would like your name proposed for membership. The Order of United American Mechanics was organized In Philadelphia on the 15lb day of July. IMS. Its first Inception was for the protection of Mechanic and Working' men alone, and for a number of year none but operative mechanic and worklngmen were admitted to It membership; but the great Interests of principles Involved In It existence, caused a departure from that plan, and the Order has for years existed and exists today as an order of speculative me chanic, recognizing every one possessed of the birth requirements, who work for a malntalnance either by hand or brain or both as eligible to membership, and numbers among Its members men of every profession, and calling tn life. The objects of thi order are to assist each ether In obtaining employment; to encourage each other in business; to establish a sick and funeral fund; to establish a fund fur the relief of widows and orphans and to aid members; and to aid members who, through Providence, may bo Incapacitated from fol lowing their usual vocations. In obtaining situations suitable to their afflictions. The membership of this order 1 composed of white male citizens born In the United ritates, or under the protection of Its flag. This order has existed for nearly fifty year. and Is at present, rapidly spreading through out the United States. As an American born. and having the welfare of yourself and family at heart, as well as that of the nation at large, we would most heartily Invite you to become a member of the U, A. M.. as It It the only Order In existence founded es pecially to promote the Interests, elevate the character and secure the happiness of the American mechanic and business nan. It therefore appeals to the head and heart of him who wields the pen as well as to him who swings the scythe or wields the sledge hammer of the mechanic. In Its councils, a free discussion of principle relating to the fostering and care of the Interest of Indi vidual members Is permitted; but nothing of apolitical or sectarian character Is ever al lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation ith such Institutions as Trades Unions, Knights or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or the like, and desires not to control either capital or labor, as It would be doing a gross Injustice to many of Its members, who are taken from both classes. The membership Of the Order Is scattered from Maine to Cali fornia, and from all points co ne lbe glorious new that the Order is gaining great strength In all Jurisdictions. An endowment branch also'Connected with the Order, both national and -state, which insures those who seek It benefit, enabling them to leave a sum, which is In all cases substantially and promptly paid, to the dear ones, when death marks Its mem ber for Its own. It seems very strange Indeed that the American doe not feel Inclined to become o peculiarly national tn hi Idea and as sociations as do the English, French. Ger man, Irish, and other nationalities. )Each and all of the foregoing have their peculiar national organizations, and take; pride In ame. But the American Joins order aftei order, composed of a mixture of nationali ties, and lets his own countrymen severely alone In the matter of secret and fraternal societies. We would not belittle any of the existing secret beneficial associations. Far from It. They are a power for good In the community. But we do ask him who Is to the manor born to turn his thoughts to home and native and. bo that he can oln In the glad refrain: "Thou art my native land, I own thy fostering hand; Though far from thee I roam, Still thou art my home." Americans, we of this Brotherhood appeal to you to aid us In this work we are now carrying on. You must either be for us or against us. Choose quickly and let us show to the country that we firmly believe In American principles. American Industry, American protection and American govern ment. Strikes riot and boycotting are terms too harsh to be applied to American Mechanics. Bonded together by promptings of patriotic affection, may this Order grjw and progress, until every man who calls him self American can stand up and say In all sincerity. I own no man as master of my actions. i NEBRASKA. STAT (Ult'KI'll. OP MtBHASSA! O.-WM r. KNAPIM-O Hot Omaha. V. C II H II AHTHnl.lt. PUtl.i.H.uth. H. V. Nvy.-OKO. C. r KN ION. P. O bo 7Jtt, Omaha d C. Treas - . Al l. FN. Omaha. Conductor-F. i IIAHKKR. I'laUmnutfe. Wanlen-ll I' Cim. x.h, lly..,, k. Henilneis-p. 8 Mi Al I.KV. ho. Omaha: B. L K I UK II AM. PlalUinoulh. RrpreaentatlvNi to National Council-WW. K. KNAPP. II. I.. HA V. P H McAl LF.Y. J. W llu! I'r It R. P. INILMAN The next regular meeting will be held ow the third Tuesday In July. I'M, at Platta mouth, PUANCIHH KEY COUNCIL No meet every Friday evening at It. A R. Hall. Plattaiiiuuih, Neb. Vi.lilng brother cor dially luvlied. o. K. JOII.Y.N. Kmc. Deo. U'AHIIINOTON COIMIL No. 1. meeu " every Tuesday eve. In Idlewllil hall, !tth and Grant street. Visiting brother always welcome. J. II. II ahvst. Hec'y T INOOLN COUNCIL 14 coin, Nebraska. No. t, meet la Lla- fiOLUMHIA COUNCIL No. a, meet evRr, Tuesday evening lu Patterson bliM'k,17tll and Farnam HtreeU. A. L. I.KiiiTruiiT, Councilor. A. II. FLINT. It. Hoc'y. address care Conn I y Clerk, (JAKFIKLII COUNCIL No. , meeu ever " Tuesday night In South Omaha. Wm.i.iam Famk. Sec');. T I BF.KTY COUNCIL No. T meeu ever 14 Tuesday evening. I.o. tj. K. Hall, Louis ville, Neb. T. II. Lucas. Itec. Hec'y. COUNCIL No. 9), A. P. A., Cameron, Mo., meet every second and fourth Monda evening, at Fraternity Temple. Visit iri welcome, IILUFK CITY COUNCIL No 7- meet ever ' Wednesday evening la O. A. R. HalL Council Hluits, la, LINCOLN Commandery No. I. H. A. M. ' In every Thursday evening In P. O. H. of A. hall. Council II lulls, la. A. M. Buruhaiu, Itccordcr. AMERICAN LOYAL ORANGE LOOOU. il No. 221. meet the first ami ihlr.l T..-. day evening of each month, at. H:uu o'clock. "M. L. .OOK. Secy. MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OF MISSOURI. H. F. C. Hordeu. Ilolden. Mo. S. V.C.-Rev, II, A. Slaughter, Warren burg, Missouri S. C. See'y-Rolla U. Carroll, Warreusburg Missouri Will meet at Hannibal, Mo., February, 1H86J RANSAS CITY COUNCILS. I'ANSAH CITY COUM'IL No. -MeeU 1V every Friday night al ni:t Walnut street, J as, McNainara. Hec'y ltmu Fast Itlth St. ftOLUMBIA COUNCIL NO. Ifi-Meel every vy Saturday night at the corner ,,r TwOfit and Cherry streets, W. V, Sheaver, Record ing Secretary, 1407 Mad I sou street. PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. al-Meet every 1 Wednesday night at A. O. II. W, Halt 1421 K. Eighteenth street. J. E. Fisher. Secretary, 2421 Flora avenue. WEHTPORT COUNCIL NO. 37-Meet every " Friday night at West port. W. H, Shflnk. Rec. Secretary, 122ft E. Eighth street. GATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Me'ets e Monday night, corner Kith and Penn vert n HU., over urug store. CPRINOFIEL1I COUNCIL No. 0-Mee every Thursday night, between Hist and ilJnd on Holme. CIIEFFIF.LD COUNCIL No. .KV-MeeU at " Hhellield every Thursday night. Thomaa Smith, Roc. Bec'y, Hhellield, Mo. A HE LINCOLN COUNCIL NO. 1(1. AMEK1 can Protective Association meet every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In I. O. O. F. hull, Plattsmoulh, Neb. Visiting members are welcome J. II. Smith. Sec. AURORA COUNCIL No. 2, VV. A. P. A - 1 ltl...,l AV..CW WUI....U.I.. .. ..... . . o'cl ... . ... j .. v-u,ici..,i,j mi.Tlloon AS I ock, at the A. P. A. Hall, 4;i7 Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan DROSPECT COUNCIL No, HI, A. P. A.-M 1 every Monday evenlnir at the corn.. eeto corner of Twenty-third am Prospect avenuo. Kansas un.y, mo. i ersons uesiring to Join may en close their name, street and number, ...... . ....u ..,, , n.ru, age and occupation, and direct to box Kit vard, age ami m;cii Kansas City, i I u. America Council, No. 7, meet at Wood ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 p. m sharp, third street; anil Lafayette avenue, Kansas city. Mo. All xlsiilng friends will bu cordially wel- coined Mrs. C. Abbott, President. aIiih. Ida Phillips. Secretary. piJKEKA COUNCIL No. I, W. A. P, A.-Meeta u second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the A. P, A. Hall, Southeast cor ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdale, Visitors are cordlittlv Invlli-d to attend. UHKE AWAKICCOUNCIL No. 10, A. P. A.. " meetsevery Friday night at lilth and L Hoik!, Urlgsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan. PXCELSIOR COUNCIL NO. , W. A. P. A. 1J meetsevery Monday afternoon at at Bell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near state line. Konedale, Kansas. Friends of other councils are cordially Invited to attend. Every true American lady Is Invited to coma and Join us. and assist In the good work. Inlatlou fee fl.uu. (JATE CITY COUNCIL No. ft, A. P. A. v Meetsevery Saturday evening at 4117 Min nesota avenue. Kansas Cltv. Ku Vl.iLnr. cordially Invited. fOUNCIL No. 7, A P. A.-Meets every Mon- (li,v evenlnir ut. l'hutl,u. ,,r i. Hall. Rlvervlew, Visitors cordially invited COUNCIL No. II, A. P. A.-Meet at Wood u ward's Hall every Tuesday evening at ftp m. sharp. Third street anil Lafayette avenue. A cordial Invitation is extended to visiting friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12. A. P. A- 1 M ..... uvur Kl ..... i .. n . ,. ..... j ...... jm.t uKMi, in num Hall. Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomed. TOPEKA COUNCIL No. 14. P. A. Meet every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall tin Kansas avenue, Toueka Kansas. All visitors will be cordially welcomed. Oostdyk Council. No. 1. VV. A. P. A. of R-b. sas City. Mo., meet every Friday afternooa at l:,t) o'clock at lti Penn St. Ail, I otHce box 521, Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower Lodge. L O. L.. No. 2fU. ,. second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at ft p. in., at Claflin's hall, corner of Mill street and Osage avenue, Kansas City. Kan. Vltiltitg brethren are cordially lnvii..l t, i.'hu. joiiii i-iaviusori. v. At.. Win. Mo- Naughton, Secy.. 715 Reynolds Ave. Liberty Council. No. 15. Jr. O. n. A.M.. meetsevery Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and Osage streets, Armourdale, Kansas, Thus. Rolf, secretary. IANSAS PURPLE STAR, L. O. ik Meets first and third Tuesdi L. No. 20s 'Hllavs of fk&ch month at 8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. Hall, corner rounn stteet and Minnesota avenue. Kin... City. Kan. Samuel Harrison. W. M. Wm. Ballagh. secretary. M7 Northrup avenue: Visltlug brethren cordially invited. DOSE DALE COUNCIL No. 13, A. P. A., meet " every Wednesday night at, McGeorge's hall. Rosedale. Kas. All friends cordially nviied. W. A. r. A. Persons desiring Information in the W. A. P. A. should address eli.her th presidium or secretary. Male president of Nebraska, Mrs. Harvey iemp. 2.13 E. Illh street. Fremont. Neb. Statv Svretarv of NcbriLsLu. Mr- I ll Wlnspear, 1707 N. 27th street. Omaha. Neb Pdtrioiij rJa; S:ns of Amarica. WASHINGTON CAmP No. 1. P. O. S. of A., ' meets each Thursday evening ut uA Men's Hall. Fifteenth and Douglas Su. 'ASHINGTON CAMP No. 12. P. O, 8. of A.. Council Bluffs. Meetinir In ih.i. hall over lid Main street, every Wednesdar night at 8 o'clock. F. McManaiul., Sec notary T.t WANTA8AR6A1N ? Vir0 WISH to Sell ? ATHmLanterns Wanted am yvji. M A sd ftir S.I erKxrksa . kCH 4 CO, 800 Filbert S t Phlla-Ps 1 IXLL hars3 1 r