THE AMERICAN. g- - . I I . ... ..1 ( . .L . I. I THE AMERICAN Cnti-r-d kI !.!. a -!" m-mr JOHN O. THOMPSON. - TOB. W. C. KUXkV, Hti-ilm-- Mr . ITtl!IU:i WF.KKLV Y TH UEEICiH PUBLISEIKG COMPAKT, OllllEt 16IJ Hr4Mnt, Oman, VIraV. peanut iiolltlca, manipulated toy bit mutter, who I the prince of slar-cham her and gum-boot methods, PATIENT AND PERSISTENT Ooo year ago we called attention to ...... .t--I.L.. I t..t ki 1Af n.ul tut mlBLl.H at hli attempt U dictate to you in uwiki nir... whet, coo- - petition, a trie to aisi mem TO THE CITV COUNCIL. Gentlemen: Mr. IlMewater eipects to lampoon you into the attitude of being tbe enemies f good order and oriety. He expect you to take offense THK AMKKH'AN OKHt KS. IMS llownr.1 ftrwt- (Xu.ha N" h K,hiii 4. 1-4 . KiJlkh Ml. MO. 111. i LI MA V h, l'. THK ladle of 0. A. It Garfield Circle No. 11, will give a ball at Fort Omaha, Tuesday evening, May H. All are cor dially invited to atu;iid. New Yokk'8 police commissioners have been uperded and there is a great hue and cry going up. Tbe same wa true la Kansas City last week, and will be of Omaha In the very near future. courtu you s.iojiu purtuo idcrlng the bond presented by Messrs. Charles J. Brow and D. Clem Deaver neit Tuesday night The men who elected you expect you to do nothing but your duty. Your duly U clear In this instance. It U to decide whether the bond offered by Messrs. Brown and Deaver are good and sufficient. Every citizen In Omaha know a bond signed hv J J. Brown and A. J. Simpson for fcl.OtW 1 good and sufficient. They also know that a bond for the name imount signed by J. It Kitchen and W. A. Paxton U equally good and iuf- flclent Lot u have no mistake. If In establishing complete religious lib erty. At that time we called tbelr at tention to the fact that the poe could not accede to tbelr request, for the baU of the I Ionian Catholic doctrine is in tolerance. Thin our Method lot friend have commenced to realize, 'or their committee, appointed last April, con sisting of Revs. John Lee, John O. Fos ter, and M. M. Parkhurst, to bring to year.' " the notice of the head of the I Ionian Catholic church that the Protestant of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia were not permitted tbe tame liberty of conscience an the citizen of the United State, re ported yesterday a follow: Every stop of the movement thus ft r of the Chicago Methodist minister' pbye or other person re'uslngto permit or interfering in any manner, with the Inspection of any ucb private or public hospital, reformatory home, house of detention, convent, aylum, toctarian school, feminary or institution by the county commissioners, the grand jury thereof, or any pt-rton duly appointed and authorized by a court of record In the county, In accordance with the term of this act, shall be d guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon con viction be punished by a fine of not les than t."00 and six month imprisonment for the first often e, and for each addi tional offense not less than flO0 fine and Imprisonment of not less than two WHAT NEXT? On East North avenue, with Cleve land avenue on the west and Hudson street on the east, is a block owned by the Roman Catholic hierarchy. A church, convent, monastery and pa rochial school are situated on this The terlan member of the First Presby church of South Omaha will If the will of the people I to bo de- give a mcptlon to Rev. It L. Wheeler feated through trick and imposition, respectfully w at Twenty-fifth and J. streets Friday et u not be by men elec ted by the A. dressed to Pop .-.,-. Ma 17. im. to which all . ,,.. ' r... '"P86?: but no meeting to secure religious liberty for Uquare, but a public alley run through it to the north. At the entrance to the lley I a lgn thus: Qualities are second to none in this re public. Two registereu letters, mo:t ritten, nave ooen au- any one is to override the law, let It be the" Protestants of South America has it 1 met with the warm and hearty ap- Mr. Ilosewater and hi Roman tool. p,.0Val of men who in staUBman-llke H DHIVINO IN THIS AI.I.KV rHTKR THAN A WALK Irt Hll IH I HI 1 KU IXUH1 l-lt.1AI.Tr. n..nlnff. May 17. lWfi. to which Protestants are cordially invited P. A. The people like fairness. Let the city council give them an example. Then, If Ilosewater or his hench men go into court to defeat tbe end of Washington council No. 1, Jr. O. U. A. M.. will listen to a lecture upon .... . .i .. . TV. ...I, I In !,.. Pnhll.. 1 a.r.ov.s... - nniB . . h, th . - Schools." by J. M. Glllen, In Idiewuue - hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant Greets, will give him uch a turning down thla next Tuesday evening, May 14. fall a he never experienced before, make this 'ope Leo. Ample time has elapsed, but no reply has been received from the Vatican yet. Larainai Ulb- bons, who leave Baltlmoi-d for Home this month, has been requested to in vite the pope's attention to the corres pondence entirely overlooked which he has received from this ministers' moet- We expect Rosewater to The church of Rome Is patient and persistent; the Methodist church is going to be equally putlent and per sistent. A parochial school on North avenue and Hudson street, has a pool and bill iard table in the basement. This, of course, Is there so mat mose woo uo not cross themselves at service can at least uphold tbelr pagan religion by crossing cues. Chicago American. KiiwARi) Kosewatku may go to Europe to evade the issue he i making mistake, and we are not afraid to meet Amerlcan citizens will know to what for the fall campaign, but his dlsap- unfairness with fairness. extent the church of Rome is the friend pearance at any time before election under uretenso of ill-health or what not, will lie construod as a cowardly de sertion of the Roman cause In this com munity. Approve the bonds. of religious liberty. WORTHY OF INDORSEMENT. Poor old Rosey, of the JUe, froths at the mouth because he is not acquainted Chief Redkll says he appointed the men he did as lieutenants because Before this contest is ended of their fitness, preference being given to those longest in tbe department. This may .o down in some quarters, but it won't tro down everywhere. No one is more aware of the untruthfulness THE FIGHT IS ON. of those aSBeitions than Redell. He For year we have been urging that knows that there were men examined law bo nassed bv the several states for the uosltlons who passed a better compelling the Roman church to open examination tha- the men he ap her convents, nunneries, homes and pointed. We say he knows this. It cloisters in which vounn trlrls and wo- has been sta ed to us that Tom Ruane to save bim from the pain of an exami nation that (it to be made. Mike Mc Gowan, the cxmpUinant, "would not have cared so much, only tbe skin went to patch up a d d Istttrhman;" besides, the "old siio wa brought from Olr land" THE NEW DAILY SCHEME. In anawer to repeated requests we have finally consented to unJertiike tbe task of starting a Daily AmekicaN in Omaha. This would be an tai-y thing to do If people were to act as they talk. Yet it will not be impossible, even If they do not, for tiere are thousands of patriot who are anxious to hive tbe news anxious to give the Protestant preacher as fair a hem-In as is ac corded to Roman pries'. and iin rant lecturer of t .e J mit S.ierman stamp who will r snd to our call for sub scriber for si. ck to enable us to estab lish a Daily American. We have consulted with our friend, and they have suggjatjd this plan: Increase the capitil stock of the American Pjblisning Co. t j $1"0 000. Divide into 10, (MO shares of $13 each. Begin business when $100,000 has been subscr.b. d Each stockholder must be a sub scriber. Subscription price of the paper, first year, will De n; $3 me seconu, anu whatever the directors decide there after. The management of the company will be placed in the bands of a board of directors, who will be elected from among the stockholders, by a majority of the stock represented, at the regular annual meeting. The indebtedness will not be over 40 percent, of the capital stock at any time. If vou want to help establish a Daily American, fill out and return to this office the following blank, keeping this statement as our part or the contract: lK a sectarian Issue is forced Into the with Mr. George W. Lower, who sue fall campaign It will bo done at the in- ceod Dr. Duryea on the school board. ... . . i i t. I mu .. . u . ... v.. . V. l..,t lr In1 nf a -v u- - uriVw...t tiui n kilil Diut. nmn liknnwn hw tna com-1 wminvu .v - w , iV .owmj-vwuv,, , D n" cause would have n"o vTtal! pany ho keeps," and if GeorgeW. Lower -pport in Id.cne. and lu .cry a de- Instated the new chief find , W ,. tx....., , Thrt nartiimii I hna Went hln trarinents clear of the con-1 bauched and licentious priesthood. We much better qualified than any of his obioctof the A. P. A.i to keep the laminating touch of Rosewater during have published a number of accounts of associates that he makes him lieuten i itKo inhuman iwa mnnt nnmpni)fi li 11 .11 ihn wnHr nf h U mslilnnrfi in Umaiia. "uo - - b-. - i ' that in Lselt Is enough to commend Mr, church and state separate. THE governor of Illinois Is not always Lower to the decent, honest and law crazy or imbued with anarchistic ideas, abiding public. We like his stand on the piinion oil itosev thinks the board made no Hllliard. Ho proceeded upon the theory effort whatever to select a man worthy that the employers taught him to do- Uq succeed Dr. Duryea, simply because fraud, and if they wore in turn victim- the board dared to act without consult- lzod it wai not so muoh tbe fault of hng the old fossil on the hill. 1111 lard a tbe Instruction he bad re ceived. "A NUMHER of alleged Catholic" have "been designated among the lieu tenants of the various hose companies" bv "Chief Redell," says the Ye. This is very good. Just how the lUt can find eleven men among four Is alto gether too deep for us. Probably the people can see through the wilful in tent of this papist apologist to deceive them. If they can't God pity them. The lift editor wilfully and Inten tlonally lied when ho published in h Is paper that the "Cburchlll-Russell or- sran had the audacity to deny that Churchill was a member of tbe A. P. A. order.when Churchill himself had made no secret of tbe fact and wa known and recognized a one 6f Its leaders." The "organ" rover touched the question neither afllrmlng, denying or equivo cating. IT IS tafe to say that Chief Bado- noch's order discharging 500 policemen has thrown more members of the Clan na Gael out of soft suaps than any that was ever issued. The gang will db cover that this Is not a good year for the associates of murderers and kindred criminals, snd we hope that the red After Dr. Duryea had sat night a ter night In committee investigating chareus against Sam MacLeod, which ' I . 1 . . . V. . ! . T 4 were trumoed ud in the vile den of the P'a( mauB TBUl"" luolr "" .llmv that edits the Ike. the 0 a band of J outhful, enthusiastic, M 'I ... . . . A-i.j i aI.. ... U reverend gentleman was very emphatic noeriy-ioving.uou-iea. mg pa,nuw uu in ..i.rin Mr faT.ofl nnt nt.1v tn- havenemanaea mai me uoors w mose ant. lie takes the most Incompetent who have made their escape, and in man out of No. 1 Dutch Iiill Laux nearly every Instance we have sup- and makes him lieutenant. He ignores pressod, at their request, some of the the oldest and most compotent man In most revolting of their experiences. No. 8, and puts Mr. Ormsby, a very Yet whnl we have printed has been good and a very liberal Romanist, in sufficient to open the eyes of a great as lieutenant. And so we might go many of our best citizens, and they through the department. It was anti- have moved against thoso unholy A. P. A.lsm that got a majority oi nlanes. So far but little progress has thosa lijutenanta their jobs. It was been made, yet many have wearied of nothing else. the fight and loft the field; but in the nocent of every charge made against him, but declared that MatLood was, to his mind, the best man who could be had for the position of superintendent of school build lngs--capable, honeBt, Incorruptible and clean. Then the IUe denounced Dr. Duryea and every mem ber of the committee as dishonest, in sincere, and unworthy, of public confi dent in fact, a mere whitewashing committee. Now the Ike slops over nd pictures Dr. Duryea as one of the grandi st and bt st men who ever graced '.his citv. When did jou lie, Rosi- water, then or now? State Senator Hahn, while in Omaha recently, made the statement that there were several senators In doubt as to how to vote on the Omaha institutions be thrown open. The band Are and police bill wnen it was nciore above referred to is the Christian En- the legislature, but when they saw the deavor societies of Missouri, which are class of men who were there opposing in convention at Salem, Mo. The dls- it, they felt that no mistake could ne been spoken for in the scheme to get up a patriotic dally paper in Omaha: Omaha. b I.HI share. Clitcano. Ill " " Bronllle. Neb 10 " Winner. Neb I " Boone, la " Minneapolis. Minn. - " There are to be I0,0O share. Lach share is 115, ptyaMe when 1 100,000 ha been subscribed. The capital stosk is to be I loO.Ouu. How many shares will jou want? Let us have a daily. The Council Mirror, monthly publi cation devoted to the interests of the National Union, is edited and published by J. V. S r.horn. It is an interesting and alirac lre publication, and will anly represent this large and growing b.-nencent aoa pttr otic oraer in tni- ctgo. Inter Oram, May 5. Mr. Str-horn i a practlcil printer and an experienced newspaper man. He is a Democrat opi od to offensive for eignism and offensive partisanship. In the new du l s upon which Mr. Stra horn has entered he will find a fair field for the exercise of his talents and his energies. The American wishes the new American journal the success to which it is entitled. patch referring to the subject says: 'The convention of Christian En deavor societies at Sa'em, Mo., passed resolutions and will appeal to the gov ernor and legislature to pronion me 'incarceration of girls and women in stitutions'from which they cannot be a prominent citizen of Omaha, after the released exceDt bv expensive lititra- hattle had been lost, that the Koman made in voting for it. Mr. Hahn stated, furthermore, that thousands of dollars were offered for vote against the bill, and that it was well known who the parties were that handled the boodle. Count John A. Creighton told tion.'" Good for the Endeavorers. Rome will not stand long before their assaults They a e the grea est body of chris It Is not the object of this article to Uan8 in the country and exercise a great, influence for good government. detract from Dr. Duryea's reputation, but we do say that the ke can change color more readily than any reptile known to science. Liars need good memories. The lice is not even a good liar. Then what is it? ONE OF HIS TRICKS. Catholics relied upon Rosewater to de feat the measure, and that their money, between $7,000 and $10,000, had been wasted by tbe lobbyists in the legisla ture. And Rosewater threatens to se . .. . . i i cure a vindication irom me peopie oi Probably the Pennsylvania branch of Dougia9 C0Unty. It is doubtful if the Roman hierarchy will feel like trusting him with funds enough to hold his fol lowers in line, after the mUerable fail ure of last winter. A contest of this kind would furnish occasion fdr expos ing in detail the whole hideous array the same association had something to do with the introduction of the follow' Ing bill in the legislature: "Section i. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of o o s : : i 1 o w : I 4 I I- CO 2 C5 M. I 23 J: a : d - h : M 2 : : : y .5 rt - O ' u o r . : w w 3 3 o S : i : ! " H ! S ' '- s 2 : m : 2 : : : & : - : : : 2 3 : :" .S : S, S m u o o ; "5 : -. ti, - 0 1 '. 8 g : - 3 O oi aj 0 Ja 03 . 0 J u r t 01 v ' ""T a S : S ! 5 2 O e O 1 c3 r-l H 3 tn in" : j o 83 a S 2: 0 o o -c Q O O Ch Ph A recent issue of the Omaha lice comp imentod the Omaha public schools in unmeasured terms. The same paper, on Tuesday of this week,' rapped the school board over the knuckles because its members were inferior to some of thd members on the board of 1S70. Tbe offense of the school board of 1895 was that it had elected George W. Lower, who could not be used by Edward Rosewater, as a member in the place of Dr. Duryea. How is it that a school board made up of numbskulls can man age a system of public education on a par with that of any city in the coun try? A blind man can see the animus of the Lee's last article. This paper has not hesitated to critl- clso A. P. Tukey when it thought he was wrong, and it will not hesitate to praise Lim when it deems he is worthy of praise. His attitude toward the pro position of the American Bxik Com pany backed by the good sense of the members of the board of education saved the taxpayers about a thousand dollars. The Bchool board of 1870 could not have done better. In another column will be found an advertisement of the C. A. C. Medical Company, of Chicago. The article ad vertised has great healing properties, as a young lady iriend 01 ours wno nas suffered for years, and has been under the care of the best physicians in this city, has tried it and is rapidly recover ing. Give it a trial. Banner Council, No. 2, W. A. P. A., will give a May party and ball at Patterson's Hall, Tuesday evening, May 14, 1895. Tickets 25 cents, including refreshments. Don't fail to attend. the common we ilth of Pennsylvania in For several hours on Tuesday last D. general assembly met, and it is hereby of boodlers who have figured in the so Clem Deaver and td. Ivosewater were enacted bv authority of the same, lhat 1 .,ua ;t ,f t.h (Mr.tntnr in the nanutu clique vuainiurucreu ur.romu dotted wth Governor Holcomb atthe every private or public hospital, re- t Paxton. It was there that Rosey die- formatorv home, house of detention, tated the appointments on the present convent, asvlum. sectarian seminary, The Supreme Council of the A. ir. A I ... I.. -r ' l- a TT .11 ril . fire and police boa-d. On tbe same school or institution shall be open at is in session in .uioeny nan, iuwu- wlll never again get the city of Chicago In ItS grasp. OCR 'riend atd fellowtownsman, II.C Anson, wto is employed by the Adams Express company, is mourning the loss of his brother, Olive- Anson, who died recently at his home in Council Bluffs Mr. Anson was a veteran, of the late war and was laid to rest in Walnut Hill cemetery with military honors, He left a wife and brother, who will re ceis the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their hour of bereavement. evening the Lee contained the following any and all times, to the inspection of kee, this week. There are between 300 announcement: tbe several commissioners of the county and 4UU delegates present, r0presen,iuK "Governor nolcomb returned to Lin- lc which any such institution is situated; a membership of more than d,000,000 nin m rt.irtmn without, naming the h n-on.i i,irtr thrnf. or to thn In- in the United States, according to tne successors of Messrs. Coburn and Hart- Bnecti0n 0f anv nerson or persons duly reports presented to the convention, man as members of the nre and poice . . . . . rt of exceeding by more than a quarter of a comanssiou. im p.u.muvu., v.u.u.. . .. . iti!. O, unttmr st.wnrt.h n thn Rn In Una fnr- iwn t nii Hro I record in ine saiu cuuniv, uwra 11 ueu- uumuu ...v b Charles H.Brown and D.Clem Deaver.' tion beintr Dresented to him requesting man Catholic Church. One of the A fpw hours later the cltv council was I the same, sUned by twenty citizens of pleasant features 01 tne meeting win n, wv ,k v,W rwn and said county. be, It is nintea, tne presentation nn f... "SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of magnificent gold badge, set with dia " I ..... .. it I Jt - A nUna iMinn Onnou f K . This Is another example of how the each and all or the county commission- mouus uu u.uCl y. 1 ... 1 1 ... I fntV,rt rt 4Viq nn.lof M.iTirtr V Hnaropa Bee Is subordinated as a newspaper to ers to visit, unannoyncea, every private i w " ' the personal and political schemes and or public home, house of deiention, con- The badge is valued at $1,000. Much iira nf 1 A,ntr. It was honed bv vent, asyium, sectarian seminary,scnooi im"' - vi. nnn m,i h taWon K0 or institution once every four months' to ajd, while the uiux uw vvmuv I - . . . .... J. 1. surprise, and that In-the confusion the note the conditions and treatment, and paicnes preuic . u. umuu, I ... ....... I .Knwi Brill n . it ha an 17 at to receive tne comDiaint, 01 tne inmates M" ojr uuo.o j There is altogether too much tax dodging in this country. Think of a daily paper In Chicago worth $3,000,000 being assessed at less than $20,000! You men who have a little home, or a rnimln of old horses, a watch, or a few knmWH rfniinr. in hnk. ar assessed bond s would be approved without in- ..HmUAf thi.. Tt u tim for vestitration by that body. This con- thereof. v j .u.ii.. i n,.t, elusion is confirmed bv a conversation "SECTION 3 .w.lT.i,u .n.i- n,m,ti, which took place between Ed. Simeral, the county commissioners to file a full nfo,.imi(,fl.,ltinn Thvbav la Rosewater henchman, and another and complete report of the results of the let us bear the brunt long enough. Associated "Press dls- safe there will not be any, as the utmost good-will and the most perfect harmony prevail among the delegates', They realiza that through their efforts must public sentiment, be awakened to . . . .- i . .w tn the croinc danger irom itoman ag man n I hl.tll.intH a n ft HBrn.TTl HinH LK I lUDLIKLLlUUa Ul VUV W . V .MOV.w..vuw . I ' -' 111 n II AM 1UU U . II aUU . M ' uhu. w w I I I .... . I . . . , ...t . . ,ii,m iml it. la aaf tn Kw no mips. on Wednesday morning. Simeral vented the court oi common pieas oi tne county b'""" It shall be the duty of "Are we to reoulre a relleious test his wrath against the council for not and pnblish the same in two daily news- for membership and promotion in the approving the bocdi and stated that papers of general circulation, the first fire department?" yells the Lee. We the new fire and police bill would be day of the months of January and July numrestthat a little relitrlon even in tied ud In the courts at the proper time, of each year. .Via Ki jiioi-tmont vAiild nnl Ka & hail I Thiia It la hnrwiri Vtv Rnsnwater and a I "Section 4. Any county commis- tion that will disturb the tranquillity of tbe meeting or thetquanimity of the members will find a place in Liberty Hall this week. thing. Heretofore, in many cases, the irreligious, the drunkard and the lib ertine has been promoted over "men of gocd character, high courage, and so briety." We are in favor of ft religious test, but not such an one as an apostate Jew would apply to either Romanists or Protestants. an Ir shman has i.f..i t n.!..oi ohcti.a to. dfpt Uloner or Derson anoointed by the court lln ban Francisco .vi.-m f .K. nla vn-fi9 in violatlmr anv of the provisions of this brought suit for $25,000 damages for the the statute laws of the state. act shall be deemed guilty of a mlsde- loss of grafts taken without consent It may be added that Governor Hoi- meanor and on conviction shall be pun- from his thigh and transp anted to the u v, v. n.i tho .ih Ishfld hv a fine of not less than $100 for head oi a .teutonic paueu.. and dienitv of a great people, is lend- the first offense, and ot 00 lor eactt aa Inir himself to a very small piece of dltional offense hudineas bv encairlne In this kind of "SECTION 5. He claims that the grafts were taken while he was under the influence of au anses- Any official, agent, em-1 thetic, given, as he was led to believe, Also, please fill out the following blank for our information, as we do not want to have a Romanist associated ith vis .n business: is 01 H o -a 4 to si e "S o . a e O 3 . a O 03 h c3 U si o O 0) . u a O 3 01 03 5 1C o 00 3 IP- .t; oi 01 J o o .s c3 O i e3 s o c3 5 s C3 O 1 S3 y. C3 a 9 2 01 SO S O) 03 O i-1 20 5 5 1-1 5 blD-v 0) 01 .2 a rG 03 '. S3 3 Si3 C S3 .. 03 H SS5 IS c to 5 C CJ 41 01 2 -3 S3 3 CS c3 j m .S r J3 1 5 is Ch oi c:-q3 S3 01 S5 3 N - I t I r-3 o a tn ' o S3 3 S.f-i X.H O 0Q JO I "m r-H 03 03 C3 S3 5 03 il The following numbers of shares have The Elks' benefit at Boyd's Opera House next Monday night should be a biilliant success. Floral Piece to Be Campaigned. Saginaw, Mich., May 10. The big floral piece, "Little Red School House," presented to Congressman Linton, the well known A. P. A. leader, in recog nition of his work in behalf of non-sec tarian schools, will hereafter be de voted to raising church debts and help ing charitable institutions. Tbe piece, which is in red, white and blua immor telles'and other flowers, began its ca reer the other night, in itj new ca pacity, in the Epworth Methodibt Epis copal Church. Lithographs of it in colors have been made and are sold at the exhibitions. After Its exhibition here It will, in its debt-raising capacity, make a tour of the state. Mr. Linton volunteers the use of the design with out charge. Want Sutolli Expelled. Rev. T. C. Easton, of Washington, D. C, who recently accused Dr. Park- hurst of pantheism, in a recent sermon vehemently denounced Mgr. Satolll for making the suggestion that the United States send an envoy to the Vatican. At the close of his remarks he sub mitted to the congregation resolutions i 1 . V. Li. j ! . : . Hi wuiuu ins uuuuuuitftuous were seb forth, and a demand made for the ex pulsion of Satolli from the United States. The resolutions were adopted, and it was resolved to send a copy of them to President Cleveland. Removed. You will now find W. N. Whitney at 107 South Sixteenth street, where he is showing a splendid line of Oxford Shoes. Call in and see him at his new location. What Can't Be Cured must be endured. But before you make up your mind to endure what you think nothing can cure, give the waters of Hot Springs, S. D., a trial. And take the Burlington Route when you go If you want information about rates, trains, etc., write to J. Francis, city passenger and ticket agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Beautifully illustrated folder descrip tive of Hot Springs sent to any address on request. Show cards, For Rent cards, Business cards, every kind of cards atthe Amer ican Publishing Co. Job Department, 1615 Howard street, Ohama.