The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 03, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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4 -H
I . . . a.
W BTjrOTnrMT T3HWFRS iThl.b onlyallvln piclur. w o. oo-
IiAUttWluwi xjw i. "'k.... h ,he MH)1,)e, and a lot-ream
(.f what our fulurw will be unl.aa we
.. v. iv. i. I?. ,mn Ciihn e r M u , anu, u .....,.
" "n,"li" " " ; . - .. i.i. m .11 the
medium, ue poS dm - ,,,.,.,,
j ....i.ii. ,.t.. DiaiH'nen ui uurKuv. -......,
nuniiwiwj ...... .... t.
Um of the UniUd SUU-. of America all oationa that are not In ucord with
rltb forego nation. 1. a aham and a MU dogma., mir.ffuo. ; muu .u.F-
fraud, the proWt with which to cover
n iKa main iMinatlli nti' V to dtdroy thU
........ . ih!.v hv the money power ALMOST HK( BLI.IKr'.
W1VU aa f - ' J ' - w
h l he nobility of
V. ... - - . ...,!. T-I. l-
v.,..w. h. Waklnir down the commer- It I rue lairim-Di m v . .
clal loU rrt of thla Und. It la a well- t br Human Trie!.
known faot that thin Jew, a member or , , () t rii o". Tit
the St. Leopold Society, conlro the of J mH (( ve nQ ei(J
money of the pope, or the Ionian ii 1,1,.
cburA. and ha. recently. .! the in tl. Wl tj. Ai.ol.lU.lj.t4l.-
of Dr. IVpew to the popo, invent! all urine Diamk, living with her .lan-h-
hla money with the ltothchlld, or baa her ami aoii-ui law, A ml re w rvicha,
debited with them, for Inventment, al 37 IJautrr Ktreel, thm city, be
and now, as evidence that money or the k 1 ,1 ()f l.r fani-
vatlcan are being: ued In our commer- ' ., , , . , , n
. i, 1 - i wnc muni i" -
Ui lown-pw uu ivimiuiii I -1 1 I'll- Irtu... I. h.,.w.;t
Hon, the .reM of thlanornlDK contain. nor Kra..m-.......r,,. ...
the lact that the Ilothachllda will take iim.Nted thai bc Miould call in the
the projiowd bond Wue. Their agents Koman Catholic riel, I. Honiiinki,
are active, and AujfUKt Itelmont confon wj,k.j, abHolutely refuaed to do,
rlth SecreUry CarlUIe, the result MVjn, ..J ,i0 t want lWimtki; I
. , ....... .1.. ....kiln IT1W J B .
rnicn ia nov vei uinuu .uu..v. . , . . lv.i.u. K
-Ml . mllll,.n itnllRM of I I""" "
Will WKO W UUMI w I . ,
v tu,n,u ThU In taken from the
Cbkai;o irr On an, February 1, So 1 was called, administered all the
Does thin not convey to the mind con- aacrainent to her and prepared her
clunlvely the truth of the declaration ror jt.alu Monday, March 20, 1P95,
that are herein made that Home U con- ,hu ol(l .,(ly aiiMl. Andrew Soel.a
trolling our financial and co.nmerclal ihj f(inerK j.
ffain, a. one 1 identical with the J?
other? Taking up our bond a they "' - h o - -t
have heretofore, tnvetimr In the com- and drunkard, ts.a.le Uiem iirunn
merceof the country, nnd, when they and ordered them to steal the boJy
cannot control H, aecklng to interdict. 0f ,j, 0,l lady, bring it to Ins church
Aa another evidence or the influence 1 j t jn the jorl8,lia'B cein
01 Home wiw our commerce, 1 w u ... , f
quote thl passage: "itappear irom a . , , n
' r . ... I ...w.itl.. u-nrn i.r.iui.llt mill t.tpV lllil
. 1. ni. 11 i.'.i.. 1 iii'ini c 1 v ,..... " .....
ataiement maue oy oir vuriu mi ' " .
that the ftiald to each of tho leading not Biicceed in their undertaking,
British counnel, on the recent Bohrlng On the next morning Prieat KoHinski
Sua arbitration, In Parla, was 7,,)(H) ent two men to Andrew Sod.a, of
guineiu." If this amount was paid the jlim l0o ,f he woujj ot ti,e
.. 1 . . 1L-VI I. . a ...... ni 41 &
After the Hibernian Armery.
A bill wa filed recently in the
superior court to fortfloe a mortgage
on tbe pniperty held by tbe Hibernian
Armory aranclatlon. Tbe complainant
In the cae Is D. II. S rge, who on
December i. 101, waa given a note for
:i,Hl secured by a truol deed on the
al ee'le of the association.
The note wa to run two year, but at
the expiration of that time it wa re
newed for a year, or until December 1
at. The complainant ay tbe prln-
pal and interest due amount to
Eat Dyball'a Candle, 151 Dougla
Edward IJauinl.y, fur livery, l"lh
and St. Mary Ave
Mullaney (at O'ltdfferty' wake)
An' this muttt be a pr ro id momint for
Tim owl aint rUt it:"
Hanrahan "l'r-roud, indade! An'
him in purgytory a-seeln' th' wlddy
havln' all this fun?" White J'hin$
' m " 11
The regular meotings of American
Lodge No. 2m, L. O. I., will be held
very Saturday night at Itcd men' hall,
15th and Douglas atreet. All member
are nquebted to be present.
I'leasant lit Take.
vestihuled Chicago train that glide
east from the Union Depot every after
noon at 5:45, and into Chicago at 8:45
next morning, with supper and a la
cate breakfast. Every part of this
train is K1GUT.
Other trains at 11:05 a. m. 'and 4 p
m. dally good, too.
City Ticket Olll 00, 14U1 f arnam street.
Notice to Noii-KcKident Defendant. A. T.i.Mlll.E, I'llllllUlT,
Urltlsn counst-i ny n.m n amou., b o RmlmiVH church
any, was paid to the American counsel
nf this arbitration? It Is well known In "-
Europe, and should be made known all of the house. The funeral was held
over America, that Sir Charles Uussoll March 21 at our chureh, and the
la an Irish Koman Catholic, who has i,rjal took place at our cemetery.
acted a tho enemy of the LnitcUbiatc Atthe((am(S tim0 we hei(j funeraj
government, as k .man, service presente corpore Priest Uoh-
mon and churchmen have done in , , ,
t.,ii in Mt iiiatiefl mski alio had funeral service abscnte
111 t I tea. a v un.'u k t m v t j .
of Encland, and wa In America with corpore, and even preached a long
the late Lord Coleridge. ' funeral oermon. The Ilosii.Hki party
Let me quote the following United intended to steal the body from our
Pres. tcleit ram from the InUr Omnof cemetery and take it to Ilorhtnnn's
January 12: cemetery
UKRLIN, Jan. i--tne uecave on w , ,)pen excomnulnicated
the antl-Revolution lilll wa resumea
today in the Rebhstag. HerrSpahn, "ewi.ty-.even times before, but Sun
Centrist (Romanist), opposed the meaj. lay, March 17, we were again ex
ure, on the ground that it Introduced communicated and condemned to
exceptional laws. He believed the lvt ,y xe j,ojie St. Peter himself,
Itrong root of loclalUm were to be Now 0W ll0Uj ten I0sinski in
fouDdinunoriaiearreeuomoitraaearu . i8t ) hMj 0f Mrs,l)uanik
commerce, nnnrauur vuu uuuruiuuv , . . . .
w,l.l1t.,tl,nr,.tleUm.ofthablll.sav- P" K(,m,sh The old
Ing that the aollcitude for the welfare lady did not die a Romanist, she
Of the working classes had nothing in received the sacraments from me,
common with it determination to com- From hell there is no redemption.
tat aoqlalUm." Wl.m then, wns Hosmskiss re
S Ui convey, bryohd the perad- .m fof lje fi0l of t,)e oK
!",r.L Wj? According to his foolish
in, th. Intermeddling of the pone, teachings she was already in hell.
through hi agencies, in the commer- Will hi requiem sermon redeem her
clal affair of this nation, with a view from that place to which he claims
Of bringing the United States govern- the exc0,nnumication ot the pope
ment to hi feet, and to allow trie aeo- ha( Mnt ,ipr? Dof Rosinski be
larauon 01 tne lnuepeuuence ui no , . , f 1 0
, " , . . ... V, heve nhisfoo lish excommunication?
In America, and the recognition of hi , , . , . ,.
temporal power and the power of his If o why does be not stick to his
nf th Roman nrincmles? Kxcomm.inication IS
church (so called) to be paramount to nonsense. No reasonable man, not
our constitution, our laws, our methods eve, tj)fl Komi8b priests and bishops
of national government, our commercial 0,,ijeve
BVatt'IU, 1U 111 I1C rvBWiua ui w 1 f . . r .1 1
, 1 ti Pftest Ko8ink. failoti to get pos
banner that fltaU over it. Herein U of the body of Mrs. Duanik,
expr ssed In action a desire to float the so he tried to steal her old husband
papal flag above our stars and stripes, Joseph Duanik, who is still living
and to substitute alien plans for thoseof Andrew Socha went to work M arck
our own commercial relations with the j wife and daR,ter viRitetl
1 J A I T tkll. 4kat kla I 0
worm ai irife, duuiuihh -u . ,i . AM i
foreign ecclesiastical power is forming our ceme cry, leaving the grand-
. . .v. i father and three small children at
pictures ui muuy tiuai ro vuiy iiou.u
In popish dreams, although the people home. Priest Rosinski hired a car
of the United State may be deceived riaire and three women, Mrs.Smigel
m . 1 1 . 1. !. .3
lor me present as to tne intrigues auu . , . en,
oonsplracie of this machine ecclesias- , , , , ,d
tlcal, yet I think that he will awake l" ...
hu.iLW will th American man-to save him from hell They
people, to a realization that this is dan- found t he doors locked, so the wo
creroua cround uDon which to tread. and men opened a window and got into
o . i 1
that a dangerrmenace our country.and the house, taking the old man by
that both awaking at the same time, foree tjir0llgh the window into th
un tnere . oeeu Ma.rr.w . The old man and U
tratlon of our people for a time, yet she children crying and screaming, at
will arise and awake from her slumbers traded trie attention or uie
and declare this American nation for bora, who came to their assistance
Americans Indeed, and establish the and the abductors were forced to let
precedent that we control our commerce Kjr lUanik stay where he was.
at borne ana upon tne seas, anutnatine Thig ,B ft Ae of the tae(ic8 fo,
. . 1 . n .1 f . . . Tlnln V. . . l.a. I '
IT . , 1 m 4 1 lowed by the Romish church in th
the American people will not recogn lie c '
aueht save that given to us by a Wash- present year or our i,ora isua
inpton. and it shall be a Guarantee to F. Koi.azbwski
the people as a protection to its com
merce at every mart upon the surfaced Money for Everjone
v. lKo 1 can't understand why people conipUi
"ID """" 1 i,un ,1,,,,.. tti,,.n in, woiimn or miia c
It in an absolute neoessitv on the Dart make from ." to iio a day easily. All have
It is an aosoiuie necessuy on me pari -nnderful success of the Climax
Of the United States government that it I Dish Washer; yet we are apt to think we
. I on' ninne ai'lllnii It: lint anyone can
maintain its Constitutional rights and mHe nioney. because every faintly wants
the country, with -the evidence before on I tVpif M?eed t
US Of SO recent date, in the presence Of a my reuuUr business btsUies ) ou don't have
., ,, . . to canvass: as soon people know you have
priest or me itoman ainouc cnurcn ,. tnr KHiP tii.v send for a Dish washer. Ad
Hoiikkt T Maxwf.i l, Defendant.
In the dlsitrlct court of DoukIud county,
To Abel P. t'rautwr, Non-Healdent IHfend-
V011 are hereby notified that on the Mist
nv of lleccnilMT. ism. l alro A. Trimble,
plalutllf herein, tlle.l her pell lion In the dis
trict court of HoiD-'hn county. Nebraska,
analnst llolH'rt T. Maxwell and Anna M.
Maxwell, ( hits. J. INobes. Murvaret J. Klllolt
ami Join. Klllott. the oIiJih'I and prayer of
which Is to foreclow' a c rtaln inortKane exe-
uted by the defendants, llolicrt 1. M ix well
id Anna M. maxwell, to uaniei n. ciniiii,
ml by ulm assailed to plalntiir herein upon
followlux described premises, to wit: U)t
"I O It a-a-a-afiBS U
SJ 2 SI T 3 2
I faaaaa X gm c
SI 1 3 8
- 3 o
I 0 -co
J. W. ElLiLidFi,
MUt New York Llfo Hulltlliiir,
Office removed from 113 North lath street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. OMAHA, NEB
f atchmaXer and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
513 South 16 StreeU
American Ladies!
When Needing the Assist
nee of a
wIuk described premises, to wli
one (li, block fifteen K. In the City of rioulh
Omaha, IIoukIus county. Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded. Hald mortKHjte
waa given to secure one promissory uoie inr
the sum of seven hundred dollar (fTilMai)
dated rieptcmber 17, IssM. That there Is now
iieonsutd note and iiiorlusite the hihii of
seven hundred and Blxty-Uve dollars i7tVUH,
Ith Interest on seven hundred uonarsi.iw.wi
at seven (7) per cent, m-r aniiuin, and on
sixty-live dollar il'i.tKh at. 10 per cent, per
annum, ail iruin me i.mi ay 01 reuruarjr.
for which ai, oii'it ulalntlff prays fur a
decree that said defeudiiiits lie reuulred to
niiv t he same or that said ureinlses may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due; thai
an. uerenuaiils lie torever uarreu 01 any
nd Uriiultv of redemptloB lu said uiort-
Kaired preinlsi'S.
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before lhe 27th day of May. WXt.
Dated Uiuaha, Keb.. April l, ism.
By It. V. Thomas, her atuiruey. 4-1H-4
Notice to Xon-Kosiilcnt Defendant.
BSNIBS, swtt, 1
Josgfll t. WAMPI.RR, et al. )
In the district court of Douglas county,
To Jvneph P. Wftnilller, Luclnda Wanipler,
Marcus 0. I'atHrk. Hen 8. Clark and Benja-
n V. (lark, non-resioent aerenuanm;
You are hereby notified that nn theSlh day
f March. lWCi, the pIsintitT, Jennie S. Scot tj
court. Iniple
tiled her petition against you in said ais'aj'-J
muleaaeo. wun oiners, mic ujk: "m
raver of wn CD IS to ioreciose a ccrvniu
inortBaxe executed by tald Joseph I).
Wanipler and Luclnda Wampler to the Klm-ball-Ohamp
Investment Company, the latter
havtnir sold and assigned the same to the
said plaintiff; and which said mortttaKe was
given to secure one wniu pruimsnwij
of one thousand, two hundred and fifty dol
lars (tl.moui, and Interest, and o vert.ii vne
property described In the plaintiff's petition.
Ui wit : Lot No. twenty-stx law. in d.ock iour
ten (Ui. In Walnut tt 111 addition to the city
of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska; ald
note was made due ana payame nve yenn,
from date; that there Is now due and payable
upon said note the sum of one thousand, two
hundred and fifty dollars il,iS.' and Interest
rom June 30tn. ISStt at the sai oi six auu
one-half (64) Per cent. p.
uraver of the petition Is th
. - . . 1
ier annum, ine
at on default of
the payment of said note and interest oy
said defendant that said property be sold to
satisfy the amount found due with cost.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 2Hth d y of May, lKW.
Dated at Omaha, Auru.
By John W. Lyttle, her attorney. 4-llM
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
AOrfi 'J.MII Stret.
Contraetor& Builder
Storm Doors and 8ah.
1807 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB,
JLT 1 tne uirn"
a a a " lnir and a
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth
floor, trown 131k., Win & Douglas, ouaha, Hta.
For Boys, Girls and Children, f
They urc Durahlo, Ctnnfortitblc, Choup.
Try Them.
i 103 South Fifteenth Street. Opposite Postoffice. t
t. 4-t-n-n.4-H-M-'H--H
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth tt.00 will go at K)7f
4ui " iuo
" a.(j "
" " i.M) " 1.75
WEN'S SHOES " .) "
" S.( " 375,
- aiw
Best Ooods la the market. " ' " 2-50 " " 2.U0
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 30 Day$
C. LANG. 718 South 16th St.
If Christ Sam
To Congress
The Most Sensational Book Ever Written!
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of George A.
Bennett, deceased: ... .
Notice Is herehy Riven, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the administra
trix of said estate, before nie. County Judge
of Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county
court room, tn said county, on the 10th day
of June, 1SI5, on the 10th day of August, lKUo,
and on the 10th day of October. lttUn, atD
o'clock A. M. each day. for the purpose of pre
sentinK their claims for examination. adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
for the creditors to present their claims and
one year for the administratrix to settle said
estate, from the 8t,h day of April, lMfc. This
notice will be published in The Amkrh'AN
for four weeks successively, prior to the toth
day of June, MB. IRVING F. BAXTKR.
4.53.4 County Judge.
The wickedness oi the Capital City exposed and its disorderly houses
mapped out. Has been read by President Cleveland and his Cabinet, and by
Senators, Congressmen and their families. It is the boldest exposure of vice
and corruption in hlph planes ever written. Read it and learn about your
high officials, your Senators and Congressmen and their mistresses and the
desecration of our National Capital. STARTLING DISCLOSURES made
known for the first time! Read and learn. Over 15,000 copies sold in Wash
ington in three weeks. Tbe best seller out. Now in its third edition.
364 Pages, Illustrated. Sent Postage Prepaid tn Receipt of Price.
1615 Howard St.,
24 E. Randolph St.,
807 Main Street,
COR KENT CABDS-llxU Inches. at75centg
r per dozen: smaller size at SO cents per
poien. at Hil5 Howard street. Omaha.
. ... . a I J V. I'li.nai irn I J" I jlllmtll I lflll-
a moo ana inciting tnem to ; ,y v .nV,;-:T1d ; ,
will very soon have a full pocket-book and a
...... . . t t. - H..t v In!.,.,.,
their positions upon the Car lines in the O,,erof such opportunities, and 1 also think
etreeU of Brooklyn, to the great detrl-
ment of travel and traffic and commerce I others may be bi nented.
We Carry a Full Line of These Coods at the
Following Low Prices:
CRANOLA, Mb. package, 12c. (An invalid P;-
binationof grains so treated as to retain iu
ree of nutrient qualities, while eliminating every element of an irritating
OAT MEAL BISCUITS, 2-lb. package, 23c.
OAT MEAL WAFERS, 2-lb. package, 29c.
No. 1 GRAHAM CRACKERS. 2-lb. package, 19c.
FRUIT CRACKERS, 2-lb. package, 29c.
WHOLE WHEAT WAFERS, 2-lb. package, 19c
ZWIBACK, 1-lb, package, 9c.
Bennett's Big Bargains.
Extra Fine Nickel Alarm Clock, 58c. and 75o.
. i if. l?-. TaT4u a)v
VA Stem-set, silverine casesl0nly $5.95
Silver and Silver-Plated Belt Buckles, irom iw. up.
Ladies' Side Combs. 8c and 10c a pair.
Five-Cent Napkin Rings for lc.
$15.00 Quadruple Plate Tea Sets only 7.00.
Gent's 2 50 Roll Plate Wa-ch Chains, $1.37.
Razore-the celebrated Griffin $3.00 Razor for $2 00.
Razor Strops Fine quality Horsehide, at 18c.
Nickel Plated Shears, large size, 25c,
S,ctacles and Eye Glasei, accurately fitted from 8c per pair up.
Good large Bread and Butcher Knives 9c and 10c.
1502-12 Capitol Avenue,
i Question?
It is one of the best books ever written. The great Financial
System of country is discussed in a clean, simple, yet forcible
manner so that all may understand. It is printed in good type,
on good paper, with heavy paper cover,
Price, 25 Cents,
Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by
124 E.Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL.
807 Main St., KANSAS CITY, M0.
1615 Howard Street,