The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 26, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    IN THE
Clutch of Rome.
In Washington, Senator Maxwell
was performing the dutle of hU (tui
tion as United States senator. The let-
M ters he received from his wife were full
1 of Affection and domes-tic happeniurs.
with little smattermgi of society gos
sip. With the hasty readirg of a man
deep in jKilitieal issues, he read and
answered these tokens of tweet asur
ance that all was well in his distant
home. The letter from his sister
Martha, which would have warned him
that all was not so clear in that distant
horizon as it ought to have been, was
mingling with the earth in the form of
A chamber-maid was arranging Sena
tor Maxwell's rcoms one morning, when
a nurse-maid having the charge or a
little girl belonging to some lady in the
hotel, came into the room for a social
gossip. The morning mail had just
been brought in and placed on a table,
to await the return of the senator. The
two women, deep in gossip, let the
child wander at its own sweet will
around the room, till a sudden scream
of delight drew their attention in its
direction, and the nurse reached her
just in time to see her throw a letter
into the bed of red-hot coals in the
' grate. It blazed up instantly. The
, frightened nurse dragged the child
away from the fire, exclaiming:
"Oh, Mary, whatever shall we do:
This horrid child has thrown one of
Senator Maxwell's letters into the fire."
The easy going lady of the chambers
"walked leisurely over to the table,
bushed the rest of the letters and
papers out of the reach of the child,
aying softly:
1 "Oh, sure, what docs the loss of one
itter amount to among so many?
That's this you were telling me about
ymr madam getting notes from Col.
Ganger, unbeknown to her husband?"
fhus perished Martha's note of warn-
lardinal Pizani sat waiting for an
exacted visitor in the reception room
of jhe archepiscopal residence. The
rooh was large, square and lofty. The
daitly tinted walls were bare except
for large painting of the Holy Family.
In corner stood a time worn, stone
croi, on a pillar of granite, and on the
din-, marble manlle-shelf vs an iron
oriufix. Two round tables of oak were
plied at a short distance apt rt, with
se ral high-backed wooden chairs in
f proximity to them, and the chairs
j same make were arranged against
e cardinal felt that the crops to
ully sown and watched, and culti
toted, were on the point of yielding a
fruitful harvest. The celebratiou o'
jlhe centenary of the American hie
rarchy, and the first Catholic congress
' ever neia in America, was to tuKe
place in two days. Toe meeting of this
congress would be an event in the his
tory of the church.
Long had it been in the mind of the
Italian, ana the subtlety of a mind cul
tivated and enriched by the severe
asceticism of the body, was manifest in
the planning of this very congress, for
it was to be a mingling of priests and
laymen. The church must move on
with the ago. The Italian cardinal
had studitd America, the American
people, and her institutions, and he
saw with those farsciirg eyes of his.
that the laymen of the American
church must be made to feel that the
ecclesiastics oMhe church were proud
to pay deference to their enlighten
The Italian, while he saw the policy
of the movement did not like it. It
was against every principle of the
church. Blind and unquestioning
obedience to the king and princes, and
the nobles of the hierarchy, was the
fi'St lesson the church taught its chil
dren, but in Protestant and Republican
America, the church must stoop a little
to conquer. Hence, the calling to
gether of delegates from every city in
the United States to this congress, and
these delegates -were, without excep
tion, men of education and keen poli
ticians, and it was for the advancement
and good of the church, that religion
and politics should walk hand in hand.
Perhaps the political laymen cared
little for the religion of the church, but
in advancing her interests, they would
further their own.
Cardinal Pizani had so managed the
convention, that it should meet on a
presidential year, and while the United
States senate was in session. Musing
on an inese things, his eminence sat
patiently awaiting the archbishop of
California, for already the visiting
prelates and clergy were in the city.
The representatives of the foreign hie-ra-chies,
including Cardinal Bonnet of
Canada the only man in America
Pizani feared a French Canadian, ap
pointed cardinal some years after Piz
ani, and whom he sometimes thought
of as a possible rival of himself for the
papal chair, were lodged in the arche
piscopal mansion. Cardinal Pizani was
thinking of this man, who was, at the
time, in the rooms above, assigned him
and his suit, when a servant ushered
his grace of California, into his pres
ence. Archbit,b"p O'C'onor had once, while
in Washington on church business, had
the honor of being enU rtain d by his
eminence. He had never covetel the
honor a second time. The asceticism
of the cardinal was painfully obtrusive
in his domestic regime. Today, as he
had approached the massive three
story structure of iearl gray marble,he
had mused, "if I had been elected to
occupy this pnlatifl building, the in
side sheulJ not shame the outside;" and
as he ascended the long flight of marble
steps leading 10 the imposing portico, a
vagje idea ran through his handsome
head that the coining of an American
pope might bo a well laid plan, that
would tako another century to mature.
Pizani wae growing old, and his asceti
clsm would surely hurry his soul to
Heaven, and, in that event, another
cardinal would be in order, and the
scarlet cap bad nearly dropped on bis
head, when the servant met him, and
conducted him into the presence of the
present incumbent.
The greeting between these two high
ecclesiastics was extremely cool. Out
side of the church, they had nothing In
common. The two prelates at once
commenced the discussing of the mo
mentous question of asking Senator
Maxwell of California, to take the nom
ination for the presidency. Once the
nomination of this man a fact, his elec
tion should follow though he wsded
through blood to the White House.
Senator Maxwell president, the pope of
Rome dead, and the holy Bee trans
ferred forever to the capital of the
United States of America, what greater
joy could Heaven itself offer to the
heart of a good Catholic; and his grace
of San Fram isjo, and the pope to be,
carefully calculated the time of the
rising of this bright star on the now
rosy horizon.
Of course, a dark night of political
struggle must follow the lurid sunset of
Protestant rule, but the bright morn
ing star of a new regime would give
promise of future suns of unparalleled
brilliancy, which would ever rise and
set on a temporal government, held in
check by divine authority. Then, the
infallible religion should go hand in
hand with education. If need le,
science herself should be made to fit
into the intricacies of this religion.
Heaven seemed to smile on the morn
ing of the celebration of the centenary.
No snow had fallen for a week, and the
weather had remained clear and cold,
and the sleighs went fUshieg by, or
were drawn up at convenient places for
their occupants to watch the procession
of prelates and priests, as they marched
according to their raak. The back of
the cathedral formed the boundary of
the grouuds back (f the cardinal's
residence, which faced on a fashionable
street parallel with the one on which
the great cathedral fronted.
Thu, the procession formed aiquare
of brilliant color, as tho emerg d from
the door of the cardinal's residence to
the entrance of the ca'hedial. With
the tread of royalty itself, the two
princes of the Amrican church, envel
oped in dazzling scarlet, and prvceJeJ
by a cloth of gold robtd cross bearers,
with their purple vestured court of
blsrops, stepped from the great por
tico, down the ruaible step, between
double lines of guards with the papal
colors and banner of America inter
mingled, and the helmets and sabers of
the guards of honor, glittered with the
reflection of the winter sun.
So onward, to the temple of the Lord,
moved the scarlet-robed cardinals, and
the purple-draped bishops, and the
white-surpliced priests, and the aeo
lytes bearing tho trains of the royal
vestments, and the golden robed cross
bearers: for the remembrance of how
the poor Saviour marched, foot sore
and weary, carrying his heavy, wooden
cross, must bj kept evt r before His
royal followers, lest they become puiTed
up with pride or vain gloriousners.
Senator Maxwell had been taken by
surprise, when the archbishop of San
Francisco had called upon him at his
rooms in the hotel; for though they
were men of prominence in the city of
their mutual home, they were far apart
in every interest of life, and had only a
speaking acquaintance. The senator
received thp prelate with courtesy, and
waited politely for him to show forth
the motive of his visit.
Archbishop O'Conor was well in
formed, and he was an intelligent
talker, and the two gentlemen were
soon in an animated discussion on the
great questions of the day. Very art
fully, the prelate led the conversation
up to the presidential nomination, so
soon to take place, and when the prel
ate, after a few obscure hints, proposed
that the senator should think of him
self as a candidate, the senator thought
the prelate was pleased to have a little
pleasantry at his expense; but when tue
prelate assured him that he tever was
more in earnest in his life, he was puz
zled to know why this man, supposed
to be entirely devoted to the regulation
of the spiritual life of the people, should
show so great an Interest in affairs tem
At last, the archbishop carefully un
folded the political plot. The senator,
In politely, ironic terms, declined the
honor of being made a center for the
priestly plot to revolve around. In re
ply to some remark of the archbishop',
the naUir said:
"Don't you think you prlo.sU rather
overrate your power in this country?"
"Xo, senator, we priest know with
tolerable accuracy the distance our cat
can jump."
The senator colored. "I decline, sir,
as I am not a Catholic to hoooiuo one ef
your leaping cats."
The archbishop warmly abjured such
an Imputation. Then, In his q jiet, low
monotone, which had of:en carried con
viction to tho ears that were deaf to
loud thunders of eloquence, he said:
"I will U.11 you, why, In this particu
lar case, at least, we do not overrate
our power. Monday next, a congre-ss
composed of Catholic laymen, from
every large city in America, will moot
in this city. The majority of ihis great
body, of course, will bo eomiwscd of
representatives of the cities of our
union. San Francisco will be repre
sented by three delegates. These men
have oeen se lected for their Intellectual
merits; many of them, indeed, having
held or are still holding high ruunicl
pal positions in their respective cities
These men, for their own advancement,
will bo as wax in the hands of the ec
clesiastics, whom they know have un
bounded Influence over the common
voters. Thus it U, Mr. Maxwell, we
secure the advancement of our own in
terests, and those who intrust them
selves to our care."
And he flashed a meaning glance
from his steely eyes at tho man, he felt
sure of winning in Hie end, as he said
"Let us grant, purely for the sake of
argument, that you favor this proposi
tion of mine, and wish to become presi
dent of the Unitid States. You well
know that you can never reach the
chair, if every man of your party voted
for you, if tho Catholic vote was given
to your opponent. Your wife being a
Catholic, the vote Is yours by right."
"All you say, sir, may be true, but I
beg to remind you that my wifo Is no
longer an active member of your church,
at which you would not wonder, if you
knew the circumstances. Your church
was cruel to her in her early youth,
and, excuse my plain speaking, my
children shall never, so long as I have
power over them, be united with it.
Have I made it plain to you, sir, that
while I have no objection to your mode
of worship, I do object to its political
meddling? Indeed, I think any church
a dangerous convoy for our ship or
The archbishop arose. "Mr. Max
well, if you should conclude to take tho
helm of this ship of state, I am at your
The senator politely bowed his cleri
cal guest outof his rooms, assuring him
that he had no wish to navigate in such
dangerous waters. The archbishop
left the pretence of the Pacific Coast
senator with less confidence than he
bad entered it, and with some; uneasi
ness. What, if after all, this man
should prove lo be a grand exception to
human nature, and had no ambition to
enter the lists (when a place was offered
him with almost assured success) to
compete for the first grand prize of the
nation? I' the glittering prize could
not shine down his boasted principles
and prejudices, the cause of tbe church
might be injured, iir-d its enemies grow
clamorous in denunciation. Yea, the
archbishop knew that unless Senator
Maxwell empower the church to place
him in the presidential chair, he would
when he came to know that the church
had, unknown to him, meddled in his
domestic bffiiirs, und had gone to far as
to baptize bis children, proclaim his
wrath ou the house top.
Senator Maxwell was an ambitious
man, but he ha 1 never yet allowed his
ambition to conquer his honor, and
never, till now, had these two great
principles of his life met In to violent a
struggle, for he found himself weighing
over and over again, tne prize the
prelate had ottered him, and it ever
gained ?n balance.
Sunday afternoon Senator Maxwell
was sitting in the reading room of the
hotel ostensibly reading a newspaper,
but in reality, listening to theconversa
tion of two gentlemen, guests of the
hotel, who had attended the celebra
tion of the morning.
"Oh, yes," said one gentleman, "their
form of worship is well enough, if they
enjoy its forms and ceremonies, but
judging by that pedal intercession for
the pope, chanted by those six hundred
clergy, there is more pope worship than
God worship in it."
"lee," said the other, "and it is that
very pope worship that makes them a
dangereus faction in a country where
they have the upper hand."
Dangerous? I should say so," said
the first speaker, "if they were content
to let their 'Most Exalted' have full
swing over their Heavenly prospects,
and let others take care of the earth, it
wemldn't be so bad."
"No, "said the other, "but they never
will. Once let them get their infallible
monarch seated in the United States,
and we shall have tremble; and, I tell
you, their numbers are big in this
country, and the majority of our for
eign immigrants are superstitious, pas
sive agents in the hands of the priest
hood, who say to them, 'here, as soon
as you become a citizen of this country,
you must vote as we direct you, or you
will go straight to perdition.' These
priests are a keen lot, I tell you, as this
new departure ef calling together a
con grew of laymen show. They have
found it a correct thing to pay Mime
def retice to their enlightened A nierl
can adherent "
"I have no sympathy with religious
Intolerance," mid the- first speaker
"lor, I think. If there is anything a
man or woman should have perfect lib
erty In, it is his or her religious views
and, for that reason, I believe In leav
Ing religion entirely out ef tho affair
of the government."
"We will grant," said tho second
gentleman, "that the Catholic are ihes
most dangerous, on account of their h!
legianeo to one xHir human being
whom, tho moment a body of men, like
himself, elect him popo land by the
way, I'll bet there's leits of holy wire
pulling before ho gets there) become
endowed with a jiower over Heaven and
"Hut didn't tho Methodists end in
petition to one of our newly elected
presidents, asking him, for the take of
religious decorum and for tho good
morals of tie nation, according to their
standHint,' to dispense with tho tlmo
honored inaugural ball?"
"lex, I believe they did," said tho
other, "but the ball rolled on, and I
warrant you now, if tho preordanlsts
had full swing, they would never put a
man In ofllee till a solemn body of pre
ordained had vat upon him and deter
mined whether his 6e'at in the next
world was assured; and tho Baptists
would Immerse bim from head to heel,
and so on, it would go through all the
catalogues of religion. By the way, did
it ever occur to you, that religion and
Christianity are two widely different
"Yes," said the other, as they left
the room.
Senator Maxwell was conscious that
ho could have told tho gentlemen some
thing that would havo strengthened
their convictions regarding the danger
of allowing any religious power to
handle the reins of government, That
evening, Impelled by an Impulse ho
could not resist, he joined tho Immonso.
throng of people pouring into the
cathedral. It was with some difficulty,
he found a seat in the crowded gallery.
The senator wns like the rest of the
world, impressed with tho grand scenic
effect produced by this religious dis
Tho high altar wiih its jeweled sym
bols was ablaze with lighted candles
and on either side, on a richly can
opied dais sut tho cardinals in their
vivid, scarlet robes, und a purple robed
bishop, with a jeweled mitre on his
head, and a richly gilded crw.ler in his
hand, was chanting the pontifical ves
pers. the dark clothed congregation
brought into strong relief the purple
ranks of the bishops, and the white-
surpHeed priests, who lined the front
and sides and filled the aisles of the
vast cathedral; and over all tho white
and gold of tne dome resplendent with
incandescent electric lights.
As SonaU)r Maxwell watched the
studied gestures of the richly vestured
prices and acolytes at the altar, the
significant words of the. Relate, who
formed a part of tho silken nia-s of
color far down bc'.ow him, came float
ing le him in the subtle fumes of the
burning incense, and were wafi.d to
bim in the peals of melody from the
org,m. The vSsper service camo to an
end, and with the conferring of the
papal b'.es-iing, the centenary of the
Catholic hierarchy was over in Amer
As Senator Maxwell walked back to
his hotel, he instinctively went out of
his way to pass the White House. Long
rays of light from the windows glim
mered on the froz; n snow. He looked
long upon the gleaming white mansion,
and began to imagine himself its mus
ter: to have his name indelibly en
graved on the register of its tenants,
for after ages to read, to have his de
seendents point to his name e ngi avd
on this nat'onal roll of honor, with as
much pride of ancestry as the proudest
scion of royalty.
"All theso things will I give thee, if
thou wilt fall down and worship me."
And what worship, after all, had that
crafty envoy demanded of him? In
elTect, his words had been:
"We are ready to confer upon you
the highest gift the nation has to give.
All the return we ask is thatjou will
allow your wife, who is already a Cath
olic, to come back in full communion
with us, and to pledge yourself to us in
secret, that once in the presidential
chair, you will use the power with
which we have invested you, to advance
in every way our Catholic interests "
Ah, but his beloved wife! Well he
knew what a tyrant her religion was.
Would it ever come between their
hitherto undivided lives? Horrible
thought. Once in the power of this
ravenous church, would she not demand
that he give his children to her?
Would not his wifa, once more under
the influence of the crafty priesthcod,
herself demand that these children be
given to her? No; his wife, for love of
him, had defied the curse of the church,
her priests and her own mother. What
had he to fear now, for the years had
added to, and not taken awav from
their love. He could afford to risk
something to be president of the United
States,and why not meet craftiness and
subtlety witn its own weapons? After
all, one form of christian piety was as
good In the sight of God as another.and
once in the presidential chair, he knew
he hud stamina enough to keep In check
any Injudicious meddling of Mil par
tlmlaron , in tli. affair of tho nation,
or In his own domeetlc elrelo.
Senator Maxwell fcit very confident
that w ith the united strength of this
political church ho kUxhI a greater
chance ol reviving this gift from the
jHiplo than any eligible man of his
party, for he wan no figure head In the
senate chamber, and hi ceehe; were
litwd to with flattering attention by
hi audiences, and commented on freely
and favorably by the press, and If he
used til wife' religion a an agent to
reach tho highest pinnacle In the
United States, It would not bo the first
tlmo In the history of the world that
religion and ambition stood boulder to
shoulder. So on through the long
hour ef tho night he lay sleepless on
hi lied, arguing to himself for and
agiinst the great question of his life.
The aye won tho day. Ho would nn
nounee himself a candidate for tho
nomination, and as ArchblshopO'Conor
Imardod tho train en route for San
Franciseo, when the congress was over,
ho thought ho saw tho asmircd future
of tho church shining blinding bright
In the clear distance.
Cardinal Pizani wax more man satis
fied witli the results of tho congress,
and he plainly saw the papal throne
standing beside tho presidential chair.
"Ah, yes," mused tho cardinal, when
the last of hi guests had left hi home,
and the quiet routine of hi life began
again, "this congress has shown our
great strength, and given us more, and
when wo havo quite pushed thi Pro
testant president into tho chair, who
shall say nay to anything wo may wish
to undertake? Not ho, or" and the
descendant of tho Borglas left tho
thought half former! In his Dory brain,
and picked up a pacr from a table near
him, which had been placed before him
by one of tho priests of tho household.
(To bu Continued.)
published In book form, miner cover, und run
be li ml liy sending & rents In e'tisli to tho
The Nun Hliu KseajM-d Fnini (he Hold
IHeii, Montreal, Canada. Fresh De
velopments. In tho winter of 1HIH) and IS!) I the
celebrated Chas. Chiniquy, commonly
called Father Chiniquy, and now proba
bly the most famous cx-prlest in the
world was in Washington, D. C. Here
ho delivered a course of nineteen lec
tures on Romanism. Ho was then In
his 82nd year, t-ing now 18!),ri, he would
be 8ii years old.
It fell to my lot to serve as his assist
ant and I was with him daily for aliout
throe wei ks. Being one day alone with
him in his room, I asked whether he
knew anything about the story of Maria
Monk and her famous book, Awful Dis
closures. Chiniquy was about 2H years
old at the tiiiie of Mbs Monk's escape,
in 1 S.'lfi; und I kne w thut he h:td been
much in Montreal where the Hotel Dieu
Is si uated. lie refilled that ho did, and
that one occasion, when he had lieconi"
too ill to continue his arduous labors as
a priest and "ApoHtlc of Temp ranee,"
as he. was often called, his bishop s.'nt
him to that very hot 1 to take some
needed re t, saying to him: "The sisters
will give you a room, and nurse you
tenderly, and you will soon recover your
usual heakh." While he was theio a
very old nun often c ime into his room
to minister to his want-; and one day-
he a.ked her whether she knew any
thing of the sVry of Maria Monk. She
replied that she was well informed on
that subject, and had read her book,
Awful Disclosures." "Well now, "says
Chiniquy ' wee you hero during the
time when she cluinies to have been
here?" "Yes," she said, "I was here
and I knew her well." "Then." says
he, "I wish you would tell me whether
the awful statements she has made of
de. ds done in this nunnery were tru-.'
Upon this question, the old nun as
greiiMy agitat.d and begged to be ex
cused from answering; but on being
pressed for an answer, consented, pro
vided he would promise never to icveal
anything sh.. said until after her death.
He promis' d, and she then stated thai
Miss Monk's statements in that book
were tru1; and says she, "I have teen
worse things done here than anything
that she has told."
My attention was again turned to the
Maria Monk affair, by seeing a little
phamphlet recently published in Lon
don, Kng., by a Catholic house, endeav
oring to prove that Miss Monk's Aw
ful Disclosures were a fraud. I read
the phamphlet through; but it does not
seem to me to disprove any part of her
story. Besides, this statement of the
Rev. Chiniquy is a direct confirmation
of the truth of Miss Monks story, new
evidence, which I have never before
9een published.
But I have just received, most un
expectedly, some very interesting and
very reliable statements from another
While Friend Traynor, State Presi
dent of the A. P. A., was in this city
recently, he gave me the name of a Rev.
gentleman now living in New York City
from whom valuable information con
cerning Miss Monk might be obtained.
I wrote to him, and received substanti
ally the following: That it was his
mother, who first protected Miss Monk,
when she arrived in that city after her
escape from Montreal In tho year 1S35.
He say: "It wa extremely difficult
to m-Ut-t a refuge with any prt'iii!6 of
afety, an xple w r al rt and niimer
on, and danger of dlneovery was In
creasing." The name of thl protectrii
wa Mr. Sarao W. K- even, famou for
her beauty, breadth of mind, daunlles
courage, and sublimity of character,
combined with such lovable trail and
womanly grae a coiiiri ended her for
thl charge lit a time of great (x rlt
Her love of justice, I. aire 1 of w rong
and unfaltering devotion to humanity
decided the question, and watehman
Began M'lJ'd a favorable opisirtunlty,
and wM-retly hurried Maria Monk to
Mr. Reeve's residence where ho and
Mr. Ilogan welcomed her at midnight.
She was Immediately Meereted on the
top floor, previously prepared for her,
which ho occupied for months, where
when restored to health and strength,
she wrote her famous liook, Awful Dl
closure." "The truth it contained were ter
ribly emphasized by the suWqucnt
excitement, and flood of vituperation
with malignant iierHccutlon, coupled
with threat of assassination."
"It Is Idle folly to attempt to discredit
her book In tho face of the venomous
fury aroused, and tho consternation
which forced tho leadlng'mlnds of tho
Roman Catholic church Into tho con
troversy." "Maria Monk at length tired of her
captivity, and one day Incautiously ap
proached a window, and was recog
nized." "That night a mob besolged the
house, demanding her Immediate sur
render." "They were dispersed, and
another mob apeared tho next day."
"The third day, Fifth street from
Avenue D to Avenue C was filled by a
frenzied mob of howling fanatics (Ro
man Catholics), who threatened to razo
the houso to tho ground, unless Miss
Monk wa surrendered at once. Mrs.
Reeve preferred to take chances rather
than surrender. So the neighbors ral
lied and guarded tho house until Miss
Monk was safely conducted to other
quarters three days later. My
mother often reicatod this story, but
had I received your Inquiry five weeks
sooner, I could have given some start
ling details," for his mother died just
five weeks ago.
"Tho words quoted aro as I received
thom from the son of this heroic. mother.
If Miss Menu was not an escaped nun,
why did tho priests stir, up Romish
mobs to recapture her? And if those
convents are not places of lewdness and
wickedness, why did Popo Innocent
VI It. publish a bull demanding refor
mation in monasteries and other relig
ious places, and declare that "members
of monasteries and other rellirlous
houses lead a lascivious and truly dis
solute life."
Why is it that all escaped nuns toll
the same ury of those prisons?
For my part, I should deem It truly
wonderful that these escaped women
should all agree so well, though wholly
unknown o each other, and living In
widely different times aud far remoto
from one another. Kverv lawyer ac
customed to sift and weigh evidence,
knows well that witness: cannot so
agree in all the essentials of a story as
these e scaped nuns do, unless they aro
telling the truth.
This bonk should be In every family
in the world Tho boy or girl who has
read it, will rot b llke'y to be beguiled
into the dens of Romanism.
Yours truly. Ohask Roys.
'i.'il F St N. W.
Washington, I). C.
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