The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    IMIIMiIO I KTll K.
Oreoftne tnt Smi'ortunt tValur
o( the patriotic roov nient W Huh rlng
upon the oranhati. n of the hour
tif w r nutivt . I'nUl iwntljr it
jr rt raHy tu d thl Mr. Iw-cii,
of Maine, woulJ K made -tur with
out ition. lVrhai that would
have bevn the caw had not Mr. Kee4'
ambition Wkotl beyond the nakThll
to the presidency, and induced him, as
U ha Irduet d many other a'!rlnjf H
Itliana, U qieUe with tho jciuitka!
cabal for the IrUh ilt voto. Since
bUrtvapade with Saiolli at the tlrld
Iron club harqut t, however, there have
bc nreettd rumor of om -mUod to
the Maine tatvnian. Mr. Cannon and
Mr. H.klns, of lllinoin, ha cloth been
N)keo of a candidate for theieakcr
ahlp; and though neither of tl ems gen
tle men ban avowed the. Intention of
Mfklnfr the place, yet the sentiment of
the patriotic order, and of tho country
atlarjje, U In favor of a palur from
the great valley of the Mlwlippl, who
would 1ms In touch with tlm hulk of na
tive Americana; or at leaot with Prot
ectant American, ha grown stronger
and htronger, until it U now tafo to ay
that Mr. Heed hlmw lf U urn asy. ThU
la tuailo evident by tho fact that hi
nupportem have been forced to recog
dIjlo the facts of the caso publicly, and
to enter upon their regular tact lea of
bragging. In a recent isme of tho Ere
t Slur of thin city, a I teed organ, the
lowing iqutb appeared:
"The ever ready erv of Wtetern man
t being Invoked In certain quarters in
connection with the organization of the.
next houte. While It l not probable
that anything of eonsiquenee will come
of It, there la an effort being made by
a number of too old Republican mom
be ra re-elected to the next congress who
do not like Mr. Heed or who fear thut
their prot-cU are not bright for com
mittee assignments which they desire
to get a western man among tho con
tentant for the speakership against
Mr. Heed, They have belovtcd Mr.
Hopkins, but it appears that he U not
willing to enter tho contest, but they
may find some other man who will go
through the candidacy merely for the
precedence it would give him. This
movement might have some small
chance of success if It were not for the
largo numbers of new members elected
to the next congress. Among the old
niemliers there have been some rivalries
during the past three or four years
which have weakened Mr. Rood's inllu
enco. Moreover, the fact of his being
prominently mentioned as a president-
ial candidate leads the friends of other
candidates to discourage the disposition
to make a hero of the "ex-czar." Among
the m.w members, however, Mr. Reed
Is greatly admired. He is known to
them through his reputation, and none
of them have been put in contact with
him In a manner to excite jealousies or
emulation. All of there new member
take It for eranted Mr. Heed will be
elecUd speaker. This condition of af
fairs Is likely to discourage all Idea of
another candidate entering the field."
The Star makes a niistaka In the
tenses. Mr. Reed was greatly admired
once, but he is not greatly admired now
The times charge and we chang with
them. Nay, more, about 100 of the new
members of congress nearly all of them
Republicans are pledgid In writing to
support no man for position who Is not
Bubllclv ncd dtfinltlv known to bo In
sympathy with the patriotic movement
and Mr. Heed Is known to be Inimical
to it. These men, therefore, will find
great embarassment If Mr. Heed should
be nominated by the Republican caucus,
They might sacrifice themselves to pro
pitiate the centaur; but theirs would be
an unhallowed martyrdom. We believe
these new men would prefer Mr. Cannon
for the speakership; at any rate, Mr,
Roed should not count upon the sym
pathy and support of those who depre
cate the growlrg power of the jesulta
in this country.
A special collects n wa9 taken by or-
ber of Cardinal Gibbons, In all the
churches of the archdiocese f Balti
more in behalf of the papal Indian mis
sions, the bureau of which Is located at
No. 941 F street northwest, in this city
It is thought that the sum raised in
the district parishes alone will approx
Imate $2000, although the precise
amount has not jet been reported from
the chancellor's office at Baltimore
The cardinal is wai mly interested in
the Indian bureau, which originated
about June, 1881, through his agency
seconded bv the active cooperation of
the late Mrs. Gen. Sherman, whose
cdncern for its welfare ceased only with
hf r death.
Until recently Dr. Stcphan has been
aided in his work at the bureau head
quarters by a western priest, B. J. Kel
lv. but it Is learned that Kelly, was
transferred to Dakata a few days since,
and mat not return, owing to the need
for his missionary services in the west
It may be appropriate here to state
few facts of interest relative to the In
dians now in the United States. The
Irdians of the present day number 2!M),
000 iDclubing the 40,000 inhabitants of
Alaska. They dwell on reservations
or on land held by the government for
their use. Eighty thousand Ind'ans live
in the Indian Territory. Among them
are the civilized tribes the Cherokees,
Seminoles and Creeks. Ihebioux are
the largest uncivilized tribe, and num
her IW.OtKl The Indians under the care
I the government art) called wan). It
old in triift for them over tY. ui ,IM.
They mat U come eitUen. They hive
nllrU d in the regular army In ronu'd
rable number, and the Indian regi
ments are noted lor tneir enuuranoe
nd bravery. The government main
. .. IT .. . 1 ..
lam nearly ."U ooaruiog aim uay
tchooU for the Indiars, at a cost of over
million dollar a year.
The supreme ciiurt ha been engaged
for a week or t J In considering the In
come tax ease. I bore Ha l en only
one vacant scat on the bench, and the
array of counsel on each side ha been
very strong. The argument was flnlthed
last week but the decision of the court
has not yet been handed down.
I had the pleasure of meeting today
Mr. Woodward, of Hot, ton, and Mr.
Morgan, of thl. city, w ho are connected
with tho new A. 1'. A. dally which will
appear In Boston about April I. Mr.
Morgan will be tho Washington eorres-
liondcnt and manager and Mr. Wood
ward will Iks on tho editorial staff of
the (ier. It is to he known as tho
Slamliirtl, and will lie Issued every
morning. Mr. Woodward say that the
equipment 1 fird-class, and that there
are ample means at nana 10 assure ine
success of '.he enterprise.
W, J. 11. TRAY.NOK.
Statk or Ohio, rm or, I
l,iien i utility. I
I'iiimi .1. I iikmv makes until Hint he Is
Die senior partner of the firm of K. J. HKNKY
Co.. ill. Inn business In the cllv of Toledo.
unit v "ml Slate aforesiiiil. mm mat aiu
Hrm will pay tho sum of ONE III .M'KMi
Hol.l.AliS fur each and every ease or
ATAIIIOI that cannot lie cured liy the use 01
! KA i n. J. t nr.r.i
Sworn to before m Hint subscribed In my
presence this "III day of December. A l. Issti.
v 1 M' I : I l' A Si I M
lA'-1 ' Noiary IMhlhr.
1 1 ilII'm ('Htitrrh "uro Is taken Interniilly
iiml net direct ly on the hlood and mucous
surfaces of the systen , Send fur test linonlals.
free. 1' . .1. ( H KM r.x & luletlo. u.
Siild liy UruKKlsts. I.'k-
Will the A. 1'. A. He Kqual to Its (oilden
EdlUir The Amkwcan: There Is, as
we see it, a magnincens opportunity
within the reach of tho A. P. A , if it
will organize ltsolf into an oien politi
cal party such as is demanded by tho
patriotic Americans and tho reform
forces of the country. Such a party
would get to Itself great glory, and go
down to posterity as the leader in the
mightiest political and moral reform
of the century. The platform thus de
manded, we believe, should include not
only the excellent patriotic principles
now endorsed by the order, hut also
equal suffrage, the protection by law In
the right of one day In seven for rest
and the liquor issue declaring for the
entire suppression of the manufacture,
sale, Importation, exportation and trans
portation of alcoholic liquors as a bever
age by federal and state legislation, and
perhaps other planks as might be
agreed upon. Such a party, ordered to
be organized by the supremo council of
the A. P. A , wisely managed and
energetically pushed, would probably
sweep the country In '00.
A terrible battle with ballots is soon
to be fought between the allied enemies
of good government and the pati iotic
and united forces of national reform
When we examine the enemy's lines
we discover that they are really weaken'
Ing, notwithstanding all their pre
tended Increase of strength. The papal
hierarchy in thiscountry is wonderfully
stirred uo as never before. Its deeds of
darkness, deceit and treachery are com
ing to light and are being discussed.
It trembles at the developments of its
despotic and bloody history, and It Is
fearf il of the near future, well knowing
that the accepted infalibility of the
pope renders any essential reform im
possible, consequently its priestly
dictation and political despotism in this
country must come to an end.
The liquor power, though apparently
increasing in influence, still It shows
marked signs of fear and trembling,
To save itself it has felt it necessary to
give another painful turn of the liquor
screw to republican politics, which will
tend to arouse the attention of good
citizens and hasten its final overthrow
And in fact its uneasiness is increasing
everywhere, well knowing that a new
oartv of reform will soon come to the
front and consign it to everlasting ob
The wily politicians also understand
that there will soon be no use for them
In reform politics of this country, and
we warn the coming new party to be
very cautious how it trusts them. Hence
the precar ous condition of tho enemy's
lines Is an encouragerotnt to the patrl
otio Americans, and the allied reform
forces of the country to thoroughly pro'
pare, and then in '96 make one general
united and well directed fire of reform
As we see it. if the A. P. A. should
be organized into an open political
party, Including in its platform all the
essential principles of true national re
form, no doubt it could make a success
ful campaign with reasonable assurance
of an early national victory. It is re'
rxirted that the A. P. A. now numbers
millions of patriotic Americans in this
country; doubt it could take
nearly the same proportion into an open
party who would prove true to the
patriotic principles to which they are
pledged as a secret order. If this be so
then the party which, for convenience's
sake, we will name the Patriotic Reform
party, will be of itself a mighty force
In politics, extending all over the
country wherever the A. P. A. is or-
ganbed, and will command such a
wide spread l(f) tence at will enahie it
to take a leading position In th' great
nation ! Issues. The leader of the
Patriotic Reform arty will then eon
suit with the various rclortu force, Cull
national con ferenca nsi-tlng of all
the anti ltsn forot for consultation,
organiAtllon, platform making, and
other necessary business The patriotic
American will be well represented
then; the small prohibition churches,
the Prohibition party, the antl saloon
itizecsof tho Populist party, of the
IVnioeratic and of the itrublican party
and In fact all who are opiMised to
priestly dictation in Htlc8, the saloon,
system, financial greed and monopoly
ill all be represented in thl great
conference of national reform insuring,
of course, a full representation of the
W. C. T. U.
Now, then, with such a glorious
future within the grasp of the A. P. A.
we ask with earnest solicitation, will
that noble and patriotic order bo tqual
to Its golden oKirtunity? We hojHj it
may; wo believe it will. But should H
fall, from any cause, to enter the op n
door of opportunity, other combined
reform fo ces will come to the front
and lead olT in this glorious national
reform and save th country, or our free
institutions will soon Ik; dt stroyed and
our republic broken up.
DL'NDKK, 111,, March 2o, 1895.
'For Charity Sufferelh Long."
Mr. Laura C. Phoenix, rtilwaukee, WU.
"Jlatron of a Hettevolent Home
and knowing the Rood nr. Miles' Nervine
baa done me, my wish to help others, over
come my dislike for the publicity, this
letter may give me. In Nov. and Dec, 1MI3,
The inmate had thtt "LaGrippe,"
and I was one of the first. KesutnliiK duty
too soon, with the care of so many sick, I
did not regain my health, and In a month
1 brcame no debilitated and nervout
from sleeplessness and the drafts made on
my vitality, that it was a question If I could
fro on. A dear friend advised me to try
Jr. 31 Hen' Kent or a tire Servine.
1 look 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am
In better health than ever. I still continue
ltn oeeanional . an a nerve food,
as my work Is very trying. A letter ad
dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reaeh me."
June 6, ISM. Mhh. Lauiia 0. I'iioknix.
Or. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first I Hue. will lienelit.
All druniristssell it at 1.6 bott les for JR. or
It will 1 sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the lr. Miles Medical Co., Klkhart, lud.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Mm Aow Vorlr Llfo ltulidltm.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB
Undertaker Emalmber
IFormerly with M. O. Maul.l
Telephone Bi.
613 6ou1h 10th St., OMAHA
Office removed from 113 North Iflth street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telenhona 90. -:- OMAHA. NEB
f atcnmaKer and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
512 South 16 Street
Contractor Buildei
Storm Ooors and Sash.
f 705 St. Mary's Aue., OMAHA, NEB
American Ladies!
When Needing the Assist
ance of
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
2i3 A'orfh 25( h Streef.
t,rlt fit
Teeth ex
tracted In
the morn
tnir and a
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. OR. WITHERS, Dentitt, fourth
Boor, trown Blk., ltith & Douglas, ohah. ntl.
No premium books with The Amf-RI
CAN after April 5.
HH'lal Muster Coiiiiiilshloner'H Salt.
I'lidc r slid liy virtue of u order of Mile on
crvi-i.f foreclosure of inortifiote iMicd out
of the district conn for IioukIiu. courtly. Ne-
hrtmka. snd to me directed. I will, on the
Mlh day of Auitl, A l. 1SU.Y at one o clock p.
in. oimtlil ily. lie norm iioni tioor m un
eounly court hniine, In the cily o' Omaha
Doiorlas county, m iihmih. m ii hi. ouiiiic
auction to the hiuhest bidder for easli. the
rnerty dM-ribed In kuM order of sale as
'oIIowh. to-wlt ;
t'oiiiiiieiii lni; at a uolnt lifty live (.Wi feet
south of a pnlnt one IniiKlred and ninety
eltlil il'.tM feet wet of the north-east corner
of lot forty six i4M In c. K. Kouers plat or
Okiihonia. thenci' runi'lntf wiuth twenty
Mven and one-half cjrit feet, thence west
one hundred and thlriy-lwo ii:cii feel, thence
north twenty-seven anil one-nair t.'i',)reet.
thence east one hundred and thirty-two Oltii
feet to ulace of bcirltinliiir, lielng a part of
said lot forty-six Oil in S. K. (toners' plat of
Okahoina. ail addition to the city of Omaha
and situate 111 Oiiunlas county, state or e
tiraska. Ktld property to t)e sold to satisfy J. W.
Squire, trustee, plaint lit herein, the sum of
nine hunnred ninety four iKi-pm dollars
(t' Wll jiiditinent with Interest thereon at
line if six one half I't'ii pel cent per annum
from heu'enilier K. Ih'.d. and forty and 4'i HKI
dollars with ten ill'l per cent. Interest
frotn said date.
To satisfy other lien upon said described
premises in the order of I heir i-riority as or
deied by the decree of foreclosures Issued
out t f thlscourt in tills cause.
To satisfy the sum of foriy-six Is-iiw dol
lars i4ii lxicostsheretn. with Imprest thereon
from the Kill (lay of Septemler, lsH4 until
uald. touether with aecriiinii costs accord luK
to a judgment rendered by the district court
of said loui!ls county, at its September
term, A. 1 1. 1M4. in a certain action then and
there pending, wherein .1 W Squire, Trustee,
was plaint ttt, and Sarah M. l'rtss and others
were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. March fl 18!k.
Special Master t;on niissloner.
(leorire K. Turkinuton, altorney.
J. W.
mi ui re. Trustee vs. f arali si. rress. et ai.
Hoc. 44; No Ml.
Special Muster ('niniiilssimier's Sale.
L'uder and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of niorticaite Issued out
of the district curt for UouKlas county.
Nebraska, and to ne directed. I will.
on the Uth flay or A4NI, a. i. isro. at one
o'clock P. M. of said day. at the East front
dtsir of the county court house. In the city or
OtMtha, Hounlas county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the blithest htuuer rorcasn,
the property den -rl'oed In said order of sale
as follows, to-wlt :
Lot nine t)ln block twenty-three (J) or
Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska.
Said property to lie sold to satisiy ine
Walnut Hill Savings and Investment Com
pany, plaint UT herein, the sum of thirteen
hundred nliietv-elKht and Ki-I(lu dollars
(i?i;ilis H."u Judgment, with Interest thereon at
the rate of eluli (HI per cent per annum from
Septet ber 17lh. 1XH4. and twenty two and
Sl-ltlU dollars (iws cos:s uereiu uineiiier
with accruinn costs, accordinit U)a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Douglas
count V, al Its September term. A I). 1W4. in a
certain action then and there pending.
wherein The W.ilnut Mill Savings and in
vestment. Company was plain ill, and John
W lb Hand Mis. K.-1I were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska Man liTlh. IS'.tt.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfiuland A. Dickey, attorneys.
The Walnut Hill Savings and Investment Co
vs. J. hn W. Bell Do- 44: No. HIS. H 8-5
Notit'e to Noii-Kesitli'iit Dereiitlnnls.
To Helen J. I'rnvn, I.annon l'. Pruyn. James
I.. I.ovett. Marv K. Kirestoi e, Elmer S.
t'lresione. iion-res tlent. (ie ei d'ints:
Yon urn hereby notltlcd tliat "ii the lHh
dav of l'"elir,iarv. 1M'.". M ry A Mai tin com
menced an action aualnst you and impleaded
wiih . lames A. Woodman to f reclose a cer
tain mortgage executed on the 3d dav of
July. Iss. by said defendants, Helen J. rruyn
and Larmon 1'. I'ruyn, her husband, to
Daniel D. Smith, and by him a slgnsd to tlm
plaintiff on the sou- h twenty-five (251 feet of
ine soul n nr y (tii reet oi iois e'eveu un aim
twelve (121 in block twoCil In Hillside addi
tion No. 2. to the city of Omaha. Douglas
county. Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and
r. corded. Said mortgage was given to secure
a promissory note or bond of th'rteen hun
dred dollars (Sl.KKi em and Interest coupons
executed by the said lleh n.I. I'rttyn and
non I'. I'ru n. on the 3rd day of July, lss'.i,
which said note Is long past, due and pay
able, and there Is nowdueon the said note
the sum of thirteen hundred dollars iJCKO.Ubl
with inter, st thereon at, ten (Itii per cent per
annum from the 3rd day of July, 1M14. for
which su . wlih Interest, pi ilntin prays for
a decree that said defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount round due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or befi re tne iflth day of April.
By H. V. Thomas, her Attorney.
Dated Match 21, Is 5. 3-22 4
Legal Notice.
choenf elder, Non-Resident
To Minnie
You are hereby no'ilied that on the Kith
day of February. ISA5. William Schoenfelder
tiled a petition against you In the District
court In and for Douglas county Nebraska,
the object and urayerof which is to obtain a
divorce from you on the grounds of desertion
for over two years and adultery.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before t he llrst day of April. ls!C.
Some illustrated with line engravings of
Washington and Lincoln. Fine Uartield and
Prohibitio i envelopes, printed in colors,
illustrated many .tyles 2(1 for 10 cents. 40
rents per 100. Fine motto letter paper, illus
trated in colors, beiutl'ul picture, free
tracts, etc. Address, the FAITH TRACT
1IOCSE. 20 Elm street I'tica. N. Y.
WANTED. A Ut nu or woman in tnrj (
ounty when w ban not fclreBdy lecunsl j
: mirtfDtMiTO w ii our jitthu. snfcr
f solJO MKTAUKDirea, Foriiand Spoon, to con-
nrntrat saolid mrui wlnteu fUTCrt no puic w
wevoffi food, roarantwd to WW e lifetime cott
aboOM-Wntbthklof lilvori the chance of a lite
time ! afeoU aramre from to I00 per week, and
neet wiUj ready ealee ererywhere, to (treat il the
demand for our Solid Metal Go"dj. Over One Mil
lion DoUarf' worm in daily ui. vise or umpm
Frro Aikirew KtandBrd Nllverwau
Co.. Dept. 4 Hoaloa, Hau.
$25 to $50
to Afvntv
"Old Unliable Plater. O-lf
preMtioftl w-j ui rfplkt wtj ftOl
wmrm Ibr., imm. Met
quioklj done bj dipping in m"!
rariavl . No experirnoe, pollitin
or BkchiQeTT. Thiek piw
operation; lull 5 to 10 fw Am
floiab when ukrn rrom tb platw
ItTttry f-milr ha p;ting w
W. r. HwrtM Ctv, UluhN,U
No IncooTtnteftc. Simple. .v
nr. iasottniLi ruilT!:
from any iniuriom nrhaiancav
6uAf(iiTt.C 1 :liS6 or fxtotid trow mooet.
frl-i .oopr btn. Sand 4e. lor traant.
f UKMOMT MKDitAX CO.. Buaton, 1 -V
- C no
n rn
! For Boys, Girls and Children, f
f Ihoy ttro Hit rattle, Cuntfftrtiiltlc, Chvuit.
X Try Them.
t 103 South Fifteenth Street. Opposite PostofTice. J
Here's Another
List of Snaps
your Dollars reap a harvest in
1 my. We keep no seconds;
the lest for the least money:
Mustard Sardines $ .07
Oil Sardines 04
Com Starch 1 lb 07
Can Corn 2 lb 05
Can Tomatoes 2 lb 07
8 Ru'3 Gjod Laundry Soap 25
Tickles per bottle 09
CaUup er bottle 08
Lima 15 ans 2 lb 07
Chewir,' Tobacco 1 lb 25
Cijrsrs .01c .02o .O.'tc 05
Newsboy Chewing Tobacco 35
Quail Cuts 3 pkfrs 25
Honey-Strained per jar 10
Famous Excelsior Flour 1.05
Good Fiour per sack 05
Best Goods in the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
O- LANG. 718 South 16th St.
Spct ial Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decrt'e of foreclosure of a tnortitatie and land
contrart Issued out of the district court for
Dminlas county, Nebraska, and to uie di
rected, I will, on the 11th day of April. A. IX
ls'.iTi. at one o'clock p. M of said day. at the
Kast front doorof the county rourt house, in
Uteclty of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska,
sell at public and ion to the hiulu-st bidder for
cash, the property described in . Id order of
sale as follows, to-wit :
Lots twenty-one (ill and twenty-two i23) In
block twenty-three (Xmf Walnut Hill, an
addl-lon to the city of Omaha, all In Douglas
county, state of Nebraska.
Suld property to be sold to satisfy The
Walnut Hill Havings anil Inve to e..t Com
pany, plaintiff heiein I he sum of turee thous
and's x hiiti'ired and eiuhtv-seven and 75-110
dollars i:t.tis7.75i judgment, with interest,
then on at the rate of -laht(K) per rent per
annum from Septembi r 17th. lK'.H, and
twenty-two and 5J-.U0 dollars (Ji'.";il costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the (list riot
court of said Douglas couuty, at Its Septem
ber term, A. D. lh!t. In a certain action then
a d tht re pending, wherein The Walnut
11 "II Havings and Investment Company was
plaintiff, and Albert Dufour and Airs.
Dufour, ids wife, were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 7th. 1H.
ulAimjf. v iiwLnmiun,
Special Muster U)uimlisioner.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys
for plaintiff. Due. 45; No. 77. 3 &-S
SKfial Master t'onimissioner's Sale.
l'uder and by vli tue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the oistrict court fur Douglas county,
Nebraska. and t me directed. I will,
on the llth day of April. A. D 1MB. atone
o'clock p M. of said dav, at the north tn-nt
door of the county court house, in 1he city
of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auct ion to the highest, bidder for cash,
the prop -rly described in said order of sale
a follows, U)-wit:
The east one-half (e V',) of lot nine (9) in
block eight (), and the west oue half (w !i of
lot nine (0) in block eight (Hi, all In Walnut
Hill, an addition to the city of On aha, Doug
lascounty. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy H. J.
Twlntlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of seven
teen and 74-100 dollars 17.741 judgn ent. wi ll
Interest thereon at the rate of tenjIOi per
cent per annum from September 17th, IK'.U,
and thirty-one and !KI-1(M) dollars CIl.SXO costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, . t Its Septem
ber tern , A. 1). IHw4. In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein II. J. Twintti'g
was plaintiff, and Mary Oarllchs, Robert L.
Uarliehs James O. Taylor Marv A. Yates
and Henry W. Pennock were defendants.
omaha, Nebraska. March 7m. 16.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys.
H.J. Twlntlng vs Mary Uarliehs.
Doc. 45. No. 47. 3-8 5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
I'nderand by virtue of an order of sale
on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued
out of the district court for Douglas county, anil in me directed. I will on the
llth day of April. A. I. I'm. ai one uoiw:
u. in. of said aay. mine r.asi m.m.i
the county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, neurasm. sen - H;'"
auction tothe highest bidder for cash, the
property described in saiu oruer in saie as
follows, towit: . , A t, .
The south eighty -two (82) feet of lot thirty
six (JKllinS. K. Rogers' Okalioma addition to
the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne-
Said property to be sold to tatlsfy P. L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of nine
hunored eleven and Si-1(0 dollars $11.8l)
judgment with interest thereon at the rate of
ten iioiper cent, per annum from September
17th. 1W4. together with the further sum of
ninety-one and 18-1(0 dollars cSU.lSI attor
ney's fee herein, with Interest thereon at ten
dm per cent, per annum from September lth.
lsi. and tiie sum of thirty and ss-100 dollars
(10 tW costs herein, together with accruing
costs according to a Judgment rendered by
the dist rict court of said Douglas county, at
Its September term. A. D. 1!4. in a certain
action then and there pending wherein P. L.
Johnson was plaintiff, and Arthur Murphy.
Mary Murphy. Margaret Murphy. Daniel
Murphy. Margaret Lovett. (iuardlan. and
Frank K. Moores. Clerk, were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. iarrn ;. ,,..
Si'clal Master t'oiiimlssioner.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey. Attorneys.
Johnson vs. Murphy, et al. Dot:. 44, No. '.1.
good values on everything you
no Uankrupt Stock, everything
Coffee from .17c per 11). up
Teas from .2oc per lb. up
Larpe Thick Pencil Tablets
Iloll Toilet paper .02:
Square pkj; Toilet paper .03c. . ,
Box Letter paper & Envelopes. .
Got d l'ens per grots.
Quarter team note paper 10
Good Envelopes per pkg. .01
Watches Stem wind & Sot
Bread & Batcher knives each.
Alarm Clocks 58
Tea Spoons Silver Plated per set. .25
All Steel Adz-eye Hammer 30
Granite Coffee pots 50
10c Paper tacks 05
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LAIUKS PHOEH worth 15.00 will go at S1.7
4.00 " 300
" 3.00 " 2.50i
" " " 2.ft0 " 1.75
IF.N'S SHOES " 6.00 " 14.50;
" 5.00 " 3.75;
' " " 3.00 " 2.65
" 2.50 " 2.00
Reduction for CASH, for 80 Days
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
TJnder and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of tho dlst rlct court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to mc directed. 1 will, on the llth
day of April, A. D. lrtfi, at one o'clock P.
m . of said day, at the East front door of the
county court, house, in the city of Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sale as
follows, to wit:
Lot. two (2i In block one (II of Miiyne I'lace,
an addition to tin city of Omaha, In Douglas
county. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of three
hundred tifty-seven and 73-luo dollars
11157.731 judgment with interest thereon at
rate of seven (71 per cent, per annum from
September 17'h. 1H1H. and sixty-eight and
10-100 dollars "SM 101 Costs herein, wit h Inter
est thereon from September 171 h, 1S'.i4, to
gether with accruing costs according to a
judgti ent rendered by the district rourt of
said Douglas county, at its September term,
A. 1) lS'.U, in a certain action then and there
pending, wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff,
and Joseph 1'. Thou pson and lieuben W.
Hoss, executors of the est ate of Reuben Koss,
deceased, l'rancis I. Thomas. Dexter L.
Thomas. Andrew Miles, executor of the es
tate of John I. Miles, deceased, and James
Thompson were defendants
Omaha, Nebraska, March 7. 1805.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey , attorneys.
Johnson vs. Thompson et al. Doc. 44. No. 347.
otiee to Son-Kesitlent Defendants.
.los.'iih W. Ruffner.
The Mineral Springs
Ui.ttllnir li-tlfimttlVllf 1
Humboldt, lowa.and ! Notice for Publication
T. W. Rogers. Tr as- I
U'er oi saiu com
Tothe Mineral Springs ltottllng Company
of Humboldt. Iowa, and T. W. Rogers. Treas
urer of said Company, non-resident defend-
aIYou, and each of you. will take notice that
Joseph VV. Ruffner. of the county of Douglas,
and state of Nebraska, did. on the 1st day of
March, lKii.1. Hie his petition in the county
court In and for Douglas county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you. setting forth
that you and each of you are Indebted to
hlni In the sum of S252.45, as a balance due
him from you and each of ym., for services
rendered by him for you and each of you.
and for expenses incurred on behalf of you
and each of vou. and praying for Judgment
against vou and each of you, for the sum of
SJ 2.45. with Interest thereon at seven per
centum, perannum. from February 2iith. 1XH5.
That on the same day the said plaintiff also
Hied his affidavit for attachment, in said
cause, and his affidavit for garnishment, in
said cause, asking that certain debts, dues
and credits In the hands of W. A 'lark, and
in the hands off. W. Reed. ow. d by them
and each of them to you and each of
at tached, garnished and appropriated by the
provisional remedy of attachment unci garn
ishment to the payn ent of plaintiff's claims
against you and each of you. You and each
of you will further take notice that the
debts, dues and credits owing by t he said W.
A. Clark and C. W Keed Ui you and each of
you have been attached and garnished In
wuiil cause.
You and eacn or you are nereny notified
that you are required to appear and answer
the iiiaintlrt's petition In the aforesaid cause.
on or before Monday, the 15th day of April.
H1I5. or said petit ion will be taken as t rue and
judgment be rendered accordingly, and said
attacnea anu garuisneu propeny win oe ap
plied tothe payment or plaintiff s Judgment
to be rendered in this action and the costs of
this action.
Covell. Churchill & Winter, attorneys for
plaintiff. a-S-4
Legnl Not ire.
To Charles Anderton, non-resident defend
ant,: You are hereby notified that on the 14th
day of March. 1805, Julia Anderton tiled a
petition against you in the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that vou have willfully
abandoned the plaintiff, wit hout good cause,
for the term of t wo years last past.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 2Mb dav or April,
liy W. W. Si.AUAi-iiit, her attorney. 3-14-5
1 1
r- i
f- r ft