The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Ike !.ur1 UirMMturf I'lt a Hill
I rinrf a t'U Our trij I'Mlihr
Jfikkson Cnv, Mo, March 14,
1'.C - A fi ht watlc fi r thi
of a bill for tl.i ra!'.rrof the American
flp over the public k I.h1 In lh ft!
of Missouri, wl Irh i-1 wnie of lht
IVnu crU l tlirt house In a ereat n-
rtwtr. Tho M l -mJ by lh
publicans, assisted by some IVm crats.
Tie iMt.octa'ie ledrr maJe all tl.e
f jflit that was .I!1. calli'if fr the
ayt and i at son ry necosary ques
tion to h( the bill, anil were dcfeaU-J
at every tore.
Tlio bill will tro to tho h ttat for lti
m um "if Unrein. FUii-were placed
on small stuffs on tin dcrks of many af'er tho bill is carried, and
were greeted with loud elects. The
Mil r ads as follows:
'An aot to provide for tho floating of
our national flsu over public school
houst 8 on school da) s:
'Sutios 1. Itslitll bo tho duty of
tho Ward of directors In each school
district In tho state of Missouri now
orjjanijw d, or which may hereafter bo
organized In a!d state, to provide for
the use of their BchtH.l district, a suit
able rational flag for the use of ttald
chool district.
"Si:c. 2. The clerk of ench Ixmrd of
directors of each school district sh ill
take charge of and keep said llaff dur
injj vacation of school In their district,
but raid clerk of Wrd of directors
shall deliver tald flatf to the teacher or
principal of the school i f hU district on
the first day of each term of school.
"Skc. X It thall bo the duty of the
teacher or principal of ench school in
every district In the state of Missouri
to raise, or cause U) be raised, over each
school house the national flajr, as pro
vided by the board of directors of the
district, and to cause same to remain
raised during each fair, clement school
day of said school.
Skc. 4. Tho expenses Incurred In
making, repairing and raising of said
national flag lu each school district
shall be paid out of the Incidental ex
pense fund o! said district, in same
manner as allot her Incidental expenses.
Skc. 5. Any board of directors,
principal or teacher, or any one who
shall fall to comply with the provisions
of the above section, shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall,
upon convection, be 8m d in a sum not
less than twenty-five dollars nor more
than one hundred dollars, and by Im
prisonment in t he county jail for a terra
not less than ?0 days nor more than six
months; said fines, when collected, shall
be paid Into the incidental school funds
of district where the misdemeanor oc
curred. Skc fl. All acts and parts of acts In
consistent with tho provisiors of this
act are hereby repealed.
Sweet Charity.
We read in the Ornvfrfetl Catholic,
which is edited by an ex-priest, that
"no priest will ever say mas for a soul
In purgatory unless he Is paid for it."
The man has been a priest, and should
know the methods of the priests. If
they are, as a church, charitable to the
living, why are they not charitable to
the same people after they are dead?
Are we compelled to look upon the
scheme as a purely money-making
dodge If it is a method of making
money, and it Is all a farce, can the
clergy of the church give a satl-factory
answer as to why they can be permitted
to do it on anv other ground than that
the "end justifies tho means." Priest
McCarthy, who has been referred to a
calling the Jesuits "the bl ck coated
villains," in answering a statement
msde by an Omah minister: said the
minister could not show him anv rule
or law Id the authorized Roman Catho
f.e works which cause any one to say
that the Roman Catholic church be
lieves that "the end justifies the
means." if they were to have this as a
doctrine In tbo'lr church, the church
would be considered as having a lack o'
good judgment, but without It, the
deeds of the said church, the purgatory
"racket" being one, causes but one In
ferenee, that they are the serfs of Satan
serving in the semblance of the saints.
Do you know of any Roman Cathollo
society which is sending aid to the des
titute Roman Catholics in the west? I
am informed that one Roman Catholic
was burning his fence posts to keep his
family warm, and that a Protestant
gave him a small amount of money and
a personal order for coal. I have heard
of no philanthropic movement among
the Roman Catholics to aid their peo
ple. Probably they are perfectly con
tented to have the things managed by
the state, and therefore take a burden
from their bands.
There are som people who are
afraid of mjustice, if the respective de-
nominations send to their own people,
and must have everything run through
a "common mill." It is truly a fact
tnat tnis is done. If there is anv de-
nomination which is too poor or too
mean to send anything to the poor. they
would, by the stae arrangement, be
materially aided, and then thev could
use their money to build fine churches
and cathedrals, and also have money
for ''war, etc." We do not say t&e Ro
man Cathol ies b a ve not given an vth i n s.
but while we have heard much of what
other denominations are doing, we have
not heard of one contribution being
sent oy ine itoman uathollc church
But when they want a hospital like the
Creighton, they send their nuns on the
streets by the year, and beg from Pro
testants for the hospital for sweet
charity s sake. Menlo Park
For Charity Suffercth jmz"
: '.'V7.A"t ' t V l
Mr. Laura C. I'hocnU, Hilwaukec. WU.
.Wri m Itmrrotent Horn
and kiiowliiK Ilia good !r. Miles' fterviuo
linx dull uf, lit J mtxli to bilp mlirrs, over
iiiniiH Inr tllnllkn or tlio publicity, tills
letter limy (I've uih. In Nov. and IHm-,, s3,
Ihr ihhiho JtMtf tkn " l.aUrippr,"
and I waso.ut of th OiU K. ii'niiif duty
Uai Mam, with tlie cure of mi limnr ali'k, I
did not retrain mjr lu alih, uml In a mouth
I tr r 41 nir tlrbilitalrit unit Hrrtuu
fnnii'eiilisnii and U e (Ir iftji lu.'ula on
my vlmliiy, ttiul li :w a qiu'stiun If 1 rould
fa on. A friend ailvix'd mo U try
lr-. ytilrn' itritvratire hrrvine,
I look i Uittles and am liuppy in hhj, I am
In iK lier lieiilth tlian ever. 1 still routiiitia
tin orvanioHui ur, a a nrrif food,
aa my work Im very try ins. A letter ad
dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach nm."
June 8. ts'.M. Mks. iia I'tiorvix.
Ir. Miles' Nervine In sold on a tonltlvo
pintrnuiee thai Ih.i tlrst IhiIiIo will lieiicliu
All ilruiTLMsiH Hell Hut -II. tt iKirtles (oriA, or
It will 1 wiit, iin'intul. on iix-eiiil of print
by tlio In. Milca Mouicul Co., Klkharl, lud.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores health
Kilt Dy hull's Candies, 1518 Douglas
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out
of repair, to bo fixed. 317 north 10 St.
Fit DylMiU'sdcliciousCream Candles.
I.M8 Douglas St.
Kdward Haumley, for livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
in Now York state 3S per cent of the
foreign element cannot speak the Kng
llsh language; in Pennsylvania 41 per
cent; W's -orsln, over 42 ier cent; New
Jersey and Alinneso'a, 34 per cent;
Ohio and Ni braska, 85 per cent; Ore
gon, oil per cent; California, 48 er cent,
or taking the whole United States, 25
per cent of tho alien population car not
speak the Kngllsh language. Ex.
Statk or Ohio. City or Tot.Ktio, (
Liii'iis ( ounty.
Fhank J. t'HKNitr in a k os oitth that he Is
the senior partner of the llrni of K. J. t iirnky
.Si t ii.. iluliiif business In the Cllv of Toli'ilo
t'ountynnil Slain Hforesulil. and that salil
Hrm will pay tlm sum of UNK IIIjMIKKII
lull. I. A lis fur each ami every ease of
( ataiihii that eimiiot lie cured ly tho use of
r KAN K J. t'HKSUl
8wor t to lieforo iiih and h tbserllied In my
presence this tit 1a day of Iteeemlier. A l. Insij.
A. W. Ul.KAStl.N.
Is1'' Notary Public.
Hall's t'atarih Cure Is taken Internally
anil arts direct ,iy on the blood and mucous
iirfaeesuf thevlt" Sentl for test Irmmhils
free. K. .1. t il KNFV & CO., Toledo. O,
tfSold by ItruKKls's. "."W.
Special Muster Coinmlssimier's Sale.
I'mler and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of imiHifairi' Issued out
of the district c urt for linunlas county.
Nebraska, and to lie directed. I will.
on the llth day of April, A. I. W5. at one
o'clock e. M. of said day. at the Kiist front
door of the county court house. In the city of
Onoiha, I lunulas county, Nebraska, sell nt
nubile auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the property des -riled In sild order of sale
as follows, to-wit :
Lot nine iW In block twenty-three (2.1) of
Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Omaha, 1 lunulas county, Nebraska.
Said property to lie sold to sattsry t ne
Walnut. Hill Savings and Investment Com
pany, plaint lit herein, the sum or t hirteen
hundred nlnety elKhl and S.VNK) dollars
i;tiis S.M Judgment., with Interest thereon at
tie rate of elelr. ts (wr cent per annum rrom
Sette ber 171 h. ls',14. and twenty two and
SI-lot) dollars i"'JD costs herein together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by the district courlnf said Douglas
iiunty. at tl septemuer term. A ii. ism. in a
eruiln action then and there uending.
wherein Tim Walnut lltll Savlniis and In
vestment company was plain llf. and John
w ! ii and Mrs. Hell were nerenuanis,
Omaha. Nebraska Man h t h. lsftv
Hueclal Master ('oiiimissloner.
Saunders. Macfailand A Dickey, attorneys.
The Walnut Hill Savings and Investment t'o
vs. .1 lot W. Hell l)o 4; No. SIS. It s-4
Special Master Comniissiimer's Sale.
riiueramt bv virtue of an order of sale
on decree of foreclosure of mottgage. issued
out of the district court for Douglas county.
Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on t he
llth day of Anrll. A. 1). I'Xt. at one o'clock
p. in. of said day, at the Fast front door of
the county court house, tn the city nt Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at pu'dlc
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
iroperty described In said order of sale as
'allows, towlt :
The south eighty two (82) feet of lot thirty-
six (Wllln S. K. Kogers' Okahoma addition to
the ciiy of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska. Said iimnerl v to be sold to satisfy P. L.
.lohison. nlainlilT herein, the sum of nine
huncred eleven and si-UK) dollais if'!
judgment, with Interest thereon at-the rateof
len i nil per cent, per annum trorn September
17th. ls'.. together with the further sum of
ninety-one and 18-ldO dollars (Sil.lHi attor
ney's fee herein, with Interest, thereon at ten
(lui pi'reent. per annum front September lTili.
lsi, and I he sum of thirty and ss-luu dollars
l$.t.isi) costs herein, together with accruing
costs according to a judgment reudored by
me district court, or said iiomciascounty. at
Its September term, A. D. Issn. In a certain
action then and there pending wherein P. L.
Johnson was plaintiff, and Arthur Murphy.
niary murnny, ,Margart .Murphy, liaulei
Murphy. Margaret Lovett. tJutrdian. aud
Frank K. Moores, Clerk, were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska, March 7. Is;i5.
Sueclal Master Commissioner
Saunders. Macfarland i Dickey. Attorneys.
Jotmsonavs. Murphy, et al. Doc. 44, No. 21.
Legal Notice.
To Charles Anderton, non-resldeut defend
You are hereby notifltd that on the 14th
day of March. isy.i. Julia Anderton tiled a
petition against you in tne ui-irii t court oi
Douglas county. Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that you have willfully
abandoned the plaintiff, without good cause,
for the term or two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, Die aitli day of April,
By W. W. Slakai oh, her attorney. 3-14-5
l.epil Sot ice.
To Minnie Schoenfelder, Non-Resident De
fendant: You are hereby notified that on the Kith
day of February. Issft. William hchoenfelder
tiled a petition against you in the District
court In and for Douglas county Nebraska,
the object and orayer of which Is to obtain a
divorce from you on the grounds of desertion
for over two years and adultery.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the first day of April. I shy
Not Ire ( U-ltrldctit HefraUMt.
la ill.irl. l court la and for luglaaciuoty
leir V Covell 1
I'laiblltr. I D. krt4'.'. No ?4.
Mar'U I. MaMtn,
Notice for I'uiill. atlon
ie'-ndAnt )
To NUn in I' Ma
non-rvhh-nt defend
ant :
Mnri-ii I'. Nwiii olll take ini;.e ihl
lie tire W 1'ovelt. of the roulity i.f t.MUl
and tte,.f Ni-brivLa. 4111 on tliff ?nd ilay of
Wan h I-a tile bl. im l il Ion In tin. orh. . ..
I lie lers of the dl-tti.t court if and f
loui:la county, atialiiMt itaid Mmi-u. I'
Mason, M'ttiiuf forth tnat the aht Mr. us I'
Mhmiii in llidet.t d t.i the !! titogeW
Coved, in the kiiiii of il'mii. an a balance due
liini from Mniiii I Majw.o for servt
r.-n.lred hy tieorge V Cvetl as attorney for
Mttrcu I . Maoci. ami prayinkt-for Judgment
hiImIiii! Mals'Ui. I'. M.cmui lor Hie ollni
iili. with Intereni thertMin al -. u H-r
ceniiiiii. tier aniiiiiii rrom July Nt l.
on the tan day tlii plaintiff also hied an
attiiiavll for aitai lin.eiit lnuald catix- alliot
Dial n ale llile la-loliltlng I" H.I Mari'ilsl
Mumiii. sltuaod lu the county of Ihiuulas
and state of Nebraska, he al'a lied and up
uriinriated. bv the iirovbdona! retue,.y of
uliachuient. t-o the palm tit tif plailit'lt's
cliiim aifaif.! halo Mar,-us r. iaM.n
The Hid Marcus I'. M.imiii lll fiirllu-r take
notice thai certain real estate ladongluii to
him ii- It ed as folio: ltt I. In block a.
Kllby I'lace addition to iimaha. and lots I. s.
V. Ill and II, in bhs k '. Ill I urtlniie addit ion.
and lots 1. 4. s. M, U and 14. lu hhu-. a. In
larthaue addition to Iimaha. In lamu'la
county, Net rnska. has been attached in a!d
caue, and has Im-hii laken bv attachment In
haul cause to pay the claim of the said
plalntitf agHinat said di feudanl The n.tld
Marcus I' Mason Isifiirtlier notified thai In
Is miuln d to alilH'ar and answer lb iilaln-
till s petition in the aforenaid cause, on or
tiefore Monday, t he lath day of April. Is'.o. r
said petition ill Iw t a ken as trm and judg
menl rtm ereii accordingly anu saiu at
tuched iiroiirty will -be sold to nay su h
Judgment aud the coxtsof this action
ti.ui,iiri y . i . r 1. 1,.
II H 4 Maun i If.
Churchill ft Wlnti T. attorneys for plaintilf.
SMH'ial Master Cotiiiiiissioiier's Sale.
I'mler and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of niortnaiie Issued out
of the district court for Douglas county.
Nebraska. aud Im me dlr, cted, I will.
on the llth day of April, A. D !'.!:. at out-
o'clock P M. of sntddan. at the north fr nt
dour of the count y court house. In Hie ciiy
of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to t he hiitiicnt iiidder forcasti.
the prop 'rty described lu said order of sale
a, follows. Ui-wlt :
The east one-half (e ') of lot nine I'll In
h:ock eight isi, and the west one- half iw ', of
lot nine ilti In blis k eigtit isi all in a:uut
Hill, an addition to the ell y of On aha. Doug-liiM-ounty.
Said urouerlv to Ih sold to satisfy II..'.
Twlntlnit, plaintiff herein t he sum of seven
teen and 74-lidollarsiSl7.74i Judgn ent. wl h
Interest thereoii at the rale of ten ildi pi-r
cent per annum from Sepiember I7lh, lsH4,
and thirty-one andWl-lou dollars (.ll.iim costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county. . tits Septem
ber terti . A. D. ISi'4, In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein II. J. Twlntii'g
was plalntitf. and Mary Oarlichs, Kobert I,,
liarllchs James li. Taylor Mary A. Yates
and Henry v. rennork were (terendants.
vlil'llia, nenrassa. autu n tin. ir,;,,,.
Sueclal Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macfarlanu Dickey, attorneys.
II. J. Twlntiiig vs Mary liarllchs.
Doc. 4ft. No. 47. H
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
I'mler and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of a mortgage and land
outracl Issued out of the district court for
Di.utrlitH count v. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the Uih day of April. A. D.
is'.ia, at one o clock I'. M or said day, at. the
Fast front door of the county court house. In
llieclt.vof Omaha. Douitlascotinty, Nebraska.
sell at public auction to the highest bidder f r
cash, tne property described in sld order of
sale as follows, to-wlt :
Lots twentv-otie ciliniul t wentv-two i-.l In
block t wen i'v-three i in of Walnut 1 1 ill. an
addl.lon to the city of Omaha, all In Douglas
county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to tie sold to saiisry ine
Walnut Hill Savings aud I live tn e. 1 Oom
uanv. L lain tiff herein the sum of three thous
and six hundred and eighty-seven and T.VItt)
dollars i:i.tiH7.7."ii Judgment, with Interest
thereon at the rate of eight iM per centper
annum from September 17th. 1S04, and
twenty-two and alt-HM dollars tiJJ.,lh costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
Ing to a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county, at lis Septem
ber term. A. I- in a rtutain action men
a' d there pending, wherein the Walnut
II ill Savings and investment uoiiipany was
plaintilf, and Albert Ihifoill and Mrs
Dufour. ds wife, were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 7th. Is'.ii.
Sueclal Master com ml sinner.
Saunders. Macfatliind & Dickey, attorneys
for plaintilf. Doc. ; : No. i7. A -
Notice to Ntm-Resident left mlauts.
To Helen,!. Pruyn, I.armon P. I'ruyn. James
I.. Lovett, Mary K. r in'stone, Klnier o.
l-'lrestone. non-res dent de'er d'ints:
S ou are hereby untitled that en tne llth
day of February, lNl'i. Mary A Mai tin com
menced an action against ymi and impieaueu
with James A. Woodman to foreclose a cer
tain morttfiiEA executed on the itd day of
July. INSll. by said defend imta, Helen J, I'ruyn
aud bai'inon i'. rruyn, iter nusimnu, to
Daniel D. Smith, and by him a slgnsd to this
plalntitf on the south twenty-live i feet of
the south tif y (Mil feet of lots enn-en (11) and
twelve (12) In block twoi'2). In Hillside addi
tion No. 2. to the city of Omaha. Douglas
county, Nebraska, as surveyed, i lat.ted and
is corded. !aid mortgage was given tosecure
a nromtssorv note or bond of thirteen hun
dred dollars iSlaWOlll and Interest coupons
executed by the said Helen J. I'ruyn and
n n I . I'ruyn, on the .iru aay ot .liny, issn,
which said note Is long past due and pay
able, and there Is now due on the said note
the sum of thirteen hundred dollars i?i;inO.U)
wlih Intertst. thereon at ten (Kb percent per
annum from the ;trd day of July, ls'.sl. for
which su . wlih interest, pi tint ill prays for
a decree that said defendants be required to
Day the same, or that said uretnises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are reiiulred to hnswer situ petition
on or befure tue SUth day of A pril. lsifi.
M A li Y A .MA Id le!.
Hv It. V. Thomas, her Attorney.
Dated Mutch 21. 1SA". a -22 4
Speeinl Master Commissioner's Sale.
I'uder and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree nf foreclosure of mortirae issued out
of the district court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to nio directed. I will, on the
itth day of April, A. I). lslO. at one o'clock p.
m. orsaid day. at tne north rronl door ot tne
county court house, in the city o' Omaha
iimmias county, neurassa. s- u at puuiic
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sale as
follows, to-wlt;
Commencing at a point tifty five (.) reel
south of a Doint one hundred and ninety-
eight (llisi feet west of the north-east corner
of lot forty-six (4ii In !S. r.. Kogers' pint or
Okahoma. thence running south twenty
seven and one-half c.'7'i) feet, thence west
one hundred and thlrty-iwo feet, thence
north twenty-seven and one-nair iiiiiwi,
thence east one hundred and thtrt v-two ilICi
fi-et to place of beginning, being a part of j
saiu lot loriy-six (4n in p. r,. lingers piat oi
Okalioiua. an addition to tlio city of Omaha
and situate in Douglas county, state of Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy J. W.
Squire, trustee, plaintiff herein, the sum of
nine hundred ninety-four no-Inn dollars
ifJ'.im.Dni judgment with Interest thereon at
rate of six one-haif (tl'ti pet cent per annum
from September 17. Is'.'l. and forty and 4. ldO
dollars i?lo ."i) with ten (10) per cent, intert-st
from said date.
To satisfy other lien upon said described
premises In the order of their priority as or
dered by the decree of foreclosures issued
out , f this court in this cause.
Tosatisfy the sum of forty-six 18-100 dol
lars vSPi lsicosts herein, with Interest t hereon
from the lTtli day of September, lrtl until
nald. toyether itn accruing costs according
to a Judgment rendered by the district court
of said DoiiiMas county, at its September
term, A. it. issn, in a certain action then anu
there pending, wherein .1. W Squire, Trustee,
was plalntitf. and Sarah M. l'rtss and others
were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. March It. ls;i.Y
Special Master Commissioner.
George E. Turkington. attornev.
J. W. Squire, Trustee vs. Sarah M. Press, et at.
Hoc. 44; No 311. il-8-S
Some illustrated with tine engravings of
Washington and Lincoln, l ine Oarlield and
I'rohlbitio i envelopes, printed In colors.
Illustrated many nyles-Ju for 10 cents. 40
Cents per Kin. Fine motto letter paper. Illus
trated In colors, beaut i'ul picture, free
tracts, etc. Address, the FA I I II TUAL'T
IIOLSE, 2" Elm street, I' ilea, N. Y.
Sprviul Master ( iiimi.ioner' Sale.
I nder anil ly virtue of an order of aleoo
decree of f.ns-l,,ure f n,ortgaicr l.ut-l oul
of ihouitrlci couri for Douglas county Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the llth
aj of April. A. l l-'o. atone o'ilk P.
y of said day. at the Kat front dtsir of the
couuly ilMiit h,iue. to lliei-lty of Omaha.
Ihiujlan eoiiniy. Nilir-i-U. ih-II at public
iiui tain lu lh hluto-st buldi r for cash, the
property dr-rln-d lu said order of sale as
follows, to wit:
I.,, i iao.ii in block one . of Mayne I'U e.
an add i tj. hi u.tlo city of Ounha. lu Douulas
county, Nelrsk.
sui prop, rty to la wild to saiUfy I I..
Johnaoii. piaiiillft h.rt lti. the sum of three tifty m ven and 71 ! U iliars
it..o.M Judgment with Interest thereon al
rate of seven t7 per ci nt. rn-r aiiiiuui from
s. liicii.l r I. 'li I--4 and i y eight uml
in ii dollars lot c,t lo-iriii. witli Hii.-r-e.i
ihf-re,m from Sepu-mts-r 17th, l'si. t.i
gether wlih accruing costs ai-cording lo a
Jinl.-ii ent renin -n-U by the disirici coun of
said Ihiliglas count V. at ila iv plemlo r li rm.
AD l (. in a c 1 1 itin ai t ,oii men and I ten-p-iidlng.
wi.en in I'. I. Jobii-sui was plamiirf,
and Jostph I". Tlnm pon and lii uls n W.
lioss. fxeculora of the , i tie of lieuts-n Koss,
ili-i'riui'il. I run Is I 'I lif hi as. Is jier U
Tl uih. Ainliew Miles, executor of the c.-
taieofjohit I.- M lien, di-east-d , and James
Thou pson wi'i-e defendants
Omaha, Nebraska. March 7. Is'ii.
t.Klilit.K W. Hol.HlfOoK,
Siss-lal Master i on inlssiouer.
S Hinders. Macfarland A Dii sey. attorneys
Johns, n xh Thoiiip-oii et al. Sk'.4I No. M7
a-s s
Notice lo Nnii-ltesiili'iit llcrcmliiiits.
Joseph W. Kiilfner.
1'l.tiuun, i
vs I
The Mineral Springs I
lloltllng Company of I
Humboldt. Iowa. and ', Notice for ruhllcatloii.
T. W. lingers. Tr as-
u''r of said t om
To the M ineral Springs Hottllng Company
of Humboldt. Iowa, and T. W. lingers. 1 reas-
urerof said Company, non-resident ih reud-
You. and each t f vou, will take notice that
Joseph W. liulTner. of the county of Douglas,
and state i f Nebraska did. on the 1st day of
March. Is'i.Y I e Ills is't tlou tn ttie county
court In and for Douglas county. Nebraska,
against you and each of you. setting forth
that you and each of you are iiidi bled to
1, i mi In the sum of iV-' 4.V as a balance due
Ii l in from vou aud each of yon, for service
rendered by him for you and each i f you.
and for expenses Incurred on behalf of you
and each of you and praying for ludgmeut
against vou and each of you. for the sum of
iS 2.4,1, with Interest thereon at seven per
eiitum. uerannum. from I elu uary jam. tsiia
Thai on the same day the said plaint ilf aim
tiled his n til l i It for nit n li nt,, in saiu
cause, and his allldavlt for garnishment, in
said cause, asking that certain debts, dues
and credits In the ha nils of W. A and
in the hands oft. W. Keed. ow. d by them
and each of them to you
attached, garnished and appropriated by the
provisional remedy of attachment and garn
ishment to the payn ent of plaintiff's claims
against you and each of you. You and each
of you will further take notice that the
debts, dues and credits owing by the said W.
A. ( Iiiri. and C. W Keed to vou anu oi
you have oeen attached and garnished In
said cause.
You aud each of vou are hereby notineu
that vou are required to appear and answer
the idalm ill's netitton ill the aforesaid cause,
on or before Monday, t tie 15th day of April
lsii;, orsaid petition will be taken as true and
Judgment be rendered accordingly, and said
attached and garnished property will be ap
plied to the payment of plaintiffs judgment
to be rendered In this action and thecustsof
this action.
JOSKl'll W. KUfl- Nr tl.
Covell. Churchill & Winter, attorneys for
plaintiff. s-s-4
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order. , t a uerfect tit In all cases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
21 07 t iimiiiK St.
flO Sow York Life If n ',
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
1417 FA UN AM ST.
Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB.
Undertaker Emalmber
Formerly with M. O. Maul.l
Telephone 806.
013 South I6th St.. OMAHA.
OIHce removed from 113 North Wth street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB
. Watchmaker anil Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialti
512 South 16 Street.
0 rt 771$ J
ftrfirt ft
Teeth ex
tracted In
the morn-
Inff unfl H
new set made the same day. Teeth extracted
wit hoot pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentiit. fourth
floor, Brown Blk., Kith & Douglas. omh. hcb.
Contractor Builder
Storm Ooors and 8ath.
706 St. Mary's Aue., OMAHA, NEB.
I1, Uauinifli'e
nunaiu 9
ro a
DARK and
SKIN and
This blefh removes all discoloration and
Impurities from the skin, such as rreckles
Moth Patches. Sunburn. Sallowness. Flesh-
worms and I'imples. For sale by all first-
class Druggists. r"rice i,au oer uotxte
For an incurable case of Hlack Heads
or rimples.
Lincoln, Aof. - untl - C'iIchuo. Ill,
Mention paper n writli'tf to advertiser.
! For Boys, Girls and Children.
J 7 hey lira Duntltli; Cmi fori tihlv, Choup.
Trr Thi rn.
Here's Another
List of Snaps
At Tim ll$OILl$S I$IG STOKl, wbere
your Dollars iv:ij) a Iiarvt-st iu gootl values on everything you
luiy. We keeji no seconds; no I'anknijit Stock, everything
the ltest for the least money:
Mustard Sardines $ .07
Oil Sardines 04
Corn Starch 1 lb 07
Can Corn 2 lb 05
Can Tomatoes 2 lb 07
8 Bars Good Laundry Soap 25
t'ickles tier bottle 09
Catsup per bottle OS
Lima IJans 2 lb 07
Chewiro- Tobacoo 1 lb 25
Cigars .01c ,02j .O.'to 05
Newsboy Chewing Tobacco 35
Quail Cits 3 pkjrs 25
Honey-Straioid per jar 10
Famous Excelsior Flour 1.05
Good Flour per sack (5
Best Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
Icsuit's Conspiracy vs. Anici icanism,
"his was the book that tbe Romanists burned while in the bindery. N
300 pages. Over 100 pictures. Speeches from worthy representatives
from most of the patriotic orders.
:pi2.ic:e iit CLCTir.
A cheap paper cover edition is int; prej ared al 50 cr-r.t,.
Errors m Roman
This is the latest and best books published, being compiled
and edited by some of the best known writers and ministers. It
contains nothing of a sensational character, but is a clear and con-
cite statement of facts which are matters of history. It point3
out the causes which have led to the formation of patriotic organ
izations and their fight agaimt Romanism. It is profusely
Elegantly bound in cloth and printed in good, clear type and on
good paper. In fact it is worthy of a place in any library. For
sale by the
American Ladies!
When Needing the Assist
ance of a
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not forget to call on
'Jl.t A'orr'i 2r,ih Street.
No premium books with The Ameri
can afrr April 5.
Wanted at Once!
Tle well-known and able preacher and
lecturer. Scott K. Hersliey. l'h. I)., of Huston,
is at work on a book, which will deal with
the Roman papacy, as always and every
where opposed to civil and religious liberty.
Ilr. Ilersliey has brouuht. all the past under
the contribution of bis powerful pen. anil his
book will have an immense itilliu nce on the
patriotic movement of the day. and wiU have
the bluest vale of any book of t his(jei-ration.
Two Experienced Agents Wanted
In Every County in Iowa Not Taken.
Special Offer! Send for Circulars!
Who will apply firsl? None but patriots and
those full of business need write. Address,
Berkeley and Columbus Ave., BOSTON.
CofTee from ,17c p r lb. tip
Teas from ,2ia per lb. up
Large Thick Pencil Tablets . . . .
Iloll Toilet paper .02c
Square pkj; Toilet paper .O.'lc. . .
B x Letter paper & Envelopes. .
CJixjd Pens per j'ro.-s
Quarter loam note paper
Good Envelopes per pkg. .01 .03.
Watches Stern wind & Set
Bread & Batcher knives each. . .
Alarm Clocks
Tea Spoons Silver Plated per set.
All Steel Adz-eyo Hammer 30
Granite Coffee pots 50
10c Paper tacks 05
1502-12 Capitol Avenue. $
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth Ifi.OO will go at f3.76
" " 4.00 " 3.00
" 8.110 " 2.50f
2.50 " 1.75
mrviL' uimrc tt a mi tt a ut
5.(10 " 3.75,
' " " 3.00 " 2.fiS
" " " 2.5U " 2.00
Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
718 South 16th St.
Catholic Church,
niCDnClTinW! Sontl me hancl-wrltiiiR In
UlOrUOl I lUtti natural stvlx and I'll send
you in return cliarai'ti'r of writer. Knclose
st amped envelope addressed to yourself, also
a fee of ten cents K. K. IHlllnxlinui, 7lKi Uol
orado avenue. Kansas Citv. Kan.
m no lnconvmif-rc. oimtui" a m m-
innnTirrt s I '!
this. J from anT iniufft ift,tanre. WW M
WtCUIRANllE a CURE or refund rour monei.
frlce s.OOfrhf1ttte. Send 4c Inr trealWi
rBEMONT MEU1CA1 CO.. Bfwton. - ,
$25 to $50 f"wei
-4n,tnt-n. m-.i-k -r ..(Itn
"Old KvIUhlPl'lMUT." Uulf
pruHi.-si av i r. (jiu- rut j t
wm kniif fork, oyuon. rir
t(itirklj ti-m - ot aifpiuK in ntni 4
or miuihiiM?rp. Thick i-lfc-.c u ..m
"prTitrk: intt fi to o frt: Has
flninh when Ukt-n frntn thr plutr
Kvery r!ui!v hut plimn to do.
Piat-rtter.i r.'Hilv. lMtin tare,
W. P. Httrrtwri At(u.,lB-ht.B.l
WANTED. A llw msn or mmu In mn
county when W hv nnl .ln,! ut, ...I m
rtpniuiMin to Mil our "Nevada Mllver"
SOIJi) MKrAL,Kntirf,Forliiatid Spoon. to con (Klid nrltl vliitru ulTeri no plmte to
wraroff; loodi iriMruitwt to lifetime i cut
about oni-lcutli llm of tilviri thi-rliance of a life
time i afmte awaire from to 1W p,.r wrck, and
meet wiUl readr mIpi tf.n.h,N. mi rreet il the
demand for our Solid Metal Good. er One Mil
lion ttoUan' Wftn in dmlr um. C.f of .ample!
free A.ldreea Mianflaird Mliemare
Co., Ire-pi. r, HuiUlD, BlHa.