THE AMERICAN 7 'MjpsL BEST LINE TO DENVER , AND CALIFORNIA RAILROAD TIME CARD. O MAMA, NEB. HI KLINtiToN liol TE-East. I'UPAKT. t hlcagn Vi sii ulc l iver, dally . 4 4piii I hicago Express, dally V ,'nam Chic, and St L. Express daily.. 7 5 pm l'ac. .1.. daily Ex. Sun ..11 i'mm AHKIVK. ('..III. & S. I.. Ex.. Kx. Sun K no am Chicago Express, daily 4 l'm Chicago Express, daily 1' aOum Local, daily li 1" ijiii Est -Maily. dally 2 tupm BC KLINtiToN KOI'TE-West. HKI'AHT. No. No. Kxp., Den. and p Is In Net)., d'y .10 Kx., S., v.. It. 1.. K.. d'y ex. Sun in East Mall do Lincoln i dally.... 2 Hlk. 11.. Mont. Ai I'. S. Ex.,dy.. 4 "The Hurl's No. a" for Ken., d'y. 4 l,u, ruin Local, daily h. Sun... X Lincoln Local, daily Kx. Sun... U I" am l. am 4"pm a" pin il"i pin 15 am tii pm AIIHIVK. Denver Vestibule, Llui.d'y 4 H. II.. Hut. i 1". S Kast Ex.. d'y. 4 Hoover Local fcxprcss. d'y . .. . V Local Express, daily Ex. Sun.. T Local Kx press, dally Kx. Sun. .11 10 pin 10 pm 4o am 4;' pm 2j am HIULINUTON P.Ul'TE-Soi Tit. IIKPAH r. No. 2 Kansas City Kay Exp., fully... 9 Ml am ' 4 k. C. Night Kx. via Co. H., d'y.. M 4o pm AIIHIVK. No. 1 Kansas City Hay Exp., dally ... 6 10 pm 3 K. C. Night Ex., vial o. H.d'y.. tt Ml am CHICAGO & N'Ol.THWESTEKN. HKl'AUT. No. 8 Kay Exp., via I . 1'. Tr. d'y 11 Oiam B Chicago Ex., vial'. l'.Tr..d'y.. 4 unpin ' 2 Limited, via li. P. Tr., daily . ... 5 4"i pm ' 10 Mo. Valley Local" " .... tl ;Vam AKIIIVK. " 5 Local Exp., via U. I'. Tr.,d'y.... fl 4f'um " 1 Limited " " .... 1 4"pm " 7 Omaha Mall " " .... ft :m pm " 11 Mo. Valley Local ' ' . .10 Mum F HE MONT, ELK HOllN & MO. VALLEY, t DKI'AHT. No. li Dead wood Express, daily 2 10 pm ' 1j wyn. Sat ur y ifor points west of I'liadron 2 ' 15 Hastings, s. & L. line. ex. Sun. 2 " 5 I'rcinont. N A t V. Ex. ex Sun " 14 St. Paul Express, daily H AKItlVK. No. HI Demi wood Express, dally 4 " Hi Wyoming Ex. except Monday.. 4 ltl Hastings. S. .St L. Ex. 1'e. ex Sun 4 " t) I-'rcmoiit & Nor. Ex. ex ' 111 St. I'aul Express, daily 10 n pm in pm o. am 10 pm ;V pm :Vi pm .V pm iiil am ;i." am CHIC, RUCK ISLAND & PAC1EIC- East. IlKPAItT. No. 4 A. Ex.. vlaT'. 1'. Tr.,d'y ex Sun. 11 00 am 6 Vestibule Llm. " " 4 HO pin " 2 Night Express " " (I S pin " 8 Oklahuia & Texas Ex. ex Sun...ll HOpm AKItlYE. No. 1 Night Exp. via U. P. Tr, d'y.... 0 .Wain " 3 Atlantic Exp. " "....HO.'ipm ' 5 Vestibule Lmi " " 1 0."pni " 7 Ok. &Tex. Exp., ex, Sunday 5 l.iain CHIC, UUCK ISLAND & I'ACIEIC-West. DKPAIIT. No. 7 Tex. Exp. d'y ex. Sun., ft l.Sani ' 5 Chicago to Denver, dully I 10pm All HIVK. " 8 Denver to CM'-ago. dally 4 00 pu. " 8 Ok. & Texas Exp., d'y ex Sun .11 pm Secrets of Romish Priests Exposed Price 40 Const. SUBSTITUTION I MARRIAGE, Price SO Cents. ' Kev. Joseph Slatteryts the author of tot of the above books. They are lust what tb titles Indicate, and are primed In good, cle type and hound In paper covers. Sent by e press or mall. Address. AMEK1CAN r'UBLlSHIN( CO.. IB. 5 Howard Street, Oiii ha, N 8 Main St., Kansas City. Mo. Clark and Kandnluh. Chicago II. no iiiitiT i ninpiiuo .WoWISHtoSellV 1 H Tl n n t w uxnurini v Lanterns Wanted 4niiforSle nrV'.xrhangn uoa Filbert St.,Phila., Pa taw'-:--GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION (IF TBII United States of America. FRANCIS C. CAMPBELL, M. W. O. M.. Minneapolis. Minn. ROBT. W. JOHNS I IN. Supreme Secretary, Troy, New York M. L. ZOOK, 1B15 Howard Street. Omaha. Neb.. Organizer for depart mentof Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. ORAXGE I'lilNVll'LES. On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of the United States of America, and with a low of correcting the false Impression that enemies are endeavoring to convey to the minds of men who are unacquainted with Orange principles, are these few statement made: The Loyal Orange Institution Is a brother hood and sisterhood, bound by three ttei Justice, Truth and Righteousness. It has no hidden aims It is Fraternal and Benevolent-assisting and protecting members while living and their widows and orphans when they are re moved by death. It upholds the right of private judgment--the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be lieves the public schools are an essential safeguard of the state, and should be kept free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control and that persons disloyal to the government who hold a mental allegiance to the pope J MM HaiWaCU A CO., of Kouie hould be rigorously excluded from teaching therein. It believes primary allegiance Is due to the government which protect the live, liberties and properties of lu cltliens. and that eccle.taj.Ucal authority should jot' under any circumstances, be permitted to meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer cion of a oil lien In the exercise of his or ber right of franchise, under the guise of rellg I jus or spiritual authority should be pi o tshed a a crime against the state. That It Is the duty of every cttlten to de fend the lawfully constituted authority and Institutions of our country against corrupt and inimical Influence, a well as against armed assailants, to the end that our glori ous freedom be protected and transmitted unimpaired to posterity. It encourages habits of frugality and In dustry among it members, and Is proud to boast that Orangemen seldom become a putiilc charge or accept pauper bread. It believes in the restriction of Immigra tion and the extenslouof time for the natur alisation of citizens, and that the public anus shall be held for actual American clll sen who become settlers. The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the Culled Stales of America has certain requirements for lucmliershto: That a man shall oe an actual American jltiten. having compiled with the lawsof the United States with regard to naturalization, and without a inentuareservatlon. That the applicant shall Ilea Protestant, and also that his parent and wife shall be Protestants. That tie shall lie thrifty and successful in his business; honorable and truthful in his dealings with his fellowinan. and shall be kuowu as a law-anlding citizen. That he a 111 endeavor Uiglve his chlldreu or any children under his charge at least a good common school education, being care ful to avoiif all popish doctrines, and That he shall be in sound health at the lime of making application. It makes no difference where a man was born, so long as he meets the foregoln requirements. These are the qualifications required o every applicant to the order, and we do not think that any patriotic American order can offer a better arruv of nrinclples and teach ings. J. 0. l!. A. M. A Loyal, Pal not ie Orgunizntioii, Fra ternal ami UenclW iul, Mricllj Noti Partisan and Noii-Mi'larinn. I1KCI.AKATION or PKINCIPI.KH. The National Council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics lu annual session assembled declares: That the constant landing upon the shores of the hordes of Ignorant, vicious and lawless criminals of the Old World should be viewed with alarm by the loyal and patriotic citi zens of this Country. We affirm a warm and hearty welcome to all Immigrants who desire to better their condition and become a part and parcel of our nationality, but we have not one square Inch of room for the anarchist, the socialist or nihilist, or for any one who Is not willing to bow allegiance to that Hag which Is powerful enough to shield and protect them as well as us. In the exercise of all civil and religious liberty. We atttrm our devotion to the public school system of this country. We believe in com pulsory education, and that all teaching in our schools should be In the English lan guage, to the end that future generations may be able to take their place In the ranks of our country's workers, educated In the history, the customs and manners of Ameri cans. . We guarantee to every man the liberty of worshiping God according to the dictates of bis own conscience, and would give everv as sistance to protect .all in the exercise oi his liberty, but we object most strenuous to the interference of any church, no matter under what name it may exist. In the tem poral affairs of this country. We believe that the Bible should be read in our public schools: not to teach sectarianism, but to inculcate its teachings. It Is the recognized standard of all moral and civil law; we therefore believe, that our children should be educated In Its teachings, but that no dogma or creed should be taught at the same time We believe that patriotism and love of Country should be Instilled Into the hearts of children, and that, with the words of "Mother," "Home" and "Heaven." our chil dren should be taught that our flag is the symbol of all that makes a "home" for ua. We would place a flag upon every public school in our land, and a Bible within, and the object lesson therein set forth should be a beacon light in every storm which threat ens to engulf us. In this noble and patriotic work we ask the cordial and hearty co-operation of all good citizens. In this grand work we need the helping hand of all organizations holding the same views and principles. We have no time for Jealousies and bickerings, but with a united front we should march forward, shoulder to shoulder, remembering that "Unlt.'d we stand, divided we fall." In the strictest sense we are a national polltl al, organization, but we oppose with unanimity the slightest taint of partisanlsm. "Our country" Is our motto, and we keep this motto steadily before us. We arecognl zant that there are great and powerful enemies within our midst, requiring the strictest surveillance of all who are at heart, word and in deed Amrricans. We, as members of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the objects of the Order as paramount, to any partisan amnation. ana urge upon tne mem bership harmonious, united aud Intelligent action in carrying out the principles. OBJECTS Or TUB ORDER. FlrstTo maintain and promote the Inter ests of Americans, and shield them from tbr depressing effect of foreign competition. Second To assist Americans In obtaining employment. Third To encourage Americans In busi ness. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral fund Fifth To maintain the public scu.iol sys tem of the United States of America and to prevent sectarian Interference thei with, and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible therein. THE QUALIFICATIONS TOR MRMBP.RSHIP, R quire that an applicant shall be: A white male person horn In the United States of North America, or under the pro tection of Its flag. Of good moral character. A believer In the existence of a Supreme Being as the Creator aud Preserver of the Universe. Opposed to any union of church and state. Favorable to free education and the American Public School system. Between hi and 50 years of age for bene ficial membership; over 50 v rs honorary membership. The word "Junior" in the tlti has no rela tion to the age of members. It was adopted to distinguish the Order from the O. U. A. M., and has no other significance. Nor Is the word "Mechanic," to be construed literally. It refers in no manner to artisans, but embraces every pursuit. OHOAN17.F.HS WANTED. We want a Council of the Jr. O. U. A. M in every city, town and village In the United States. It Is the leading American patriotic and beneficial organization, and the strongest and one of the oldest, confined to native born. Itisonly necessary to make its objects, principles and workings known to easily secure enough charter members to start a Council. A liberal premium will be paid to any one organizing a Council. For full par ticulars address. H. A. K1HHK. National Councilor New Brunswick. N. J. DIRECTORY. NATIONAL COUNCIL. N C J O A Rlehter. Box 37. Canton. O. N T C-C. W. Tyler. Richmond, Va. Jr P N 0--H A Klbbe. New Brunswick. N. J. N Sec'y Edward S Deemer, P O Box. 7(W. Philadelphia; office rooms Nos IB and 17,631 Chestnut street. National Organizer Stephen Collins. Bo 705. Pittsburgh. Pa. Meets in Omaha, Neb., the third Tuesday In June. STATE COUNC1 L OF ILLINOIS. Incorporated February 24. 1802. C C T B Bryson, 6335 Wentworth avenue. Chicago. S V CThos Rowan. 7t!9 Union st. Alton. Jr P S C--Thos J Coen, 497 Sheffield ave Chicago. S C Sec'y Joseph 8 Reynolds, P O Box ji Chicago. SCTreas EH Sample, r:t(4 Armour ave Chicago. Meets at Alton, fourth Monday in August, im. SUBORDINATE. George Washington Council. No 3. meets first and third Friday evenings of acb month, at Aldlne hall. 75 K Kamlolphi at cago. Jooeph S Reynold R s. IMJ ' ah ave. Vtfttlors always welcome Ellsworth council. No lit. nu T days at 15 Went worth ave. I L ( . tiu K b. (kil'i llonore U Eiigjewmnl. Coital Council. No ti. meets Saturday evening al I O O F hall. South Chicago ave John W Hoger. R S. Box t.s. Daniel VVelntter Council. No. s, Jr O V A M.. meet Mrs l an. I third Satuiday evening of tach month In Modem WtHliuaa hall. Murray. Neb. Visiting brother always we) come. James Long bridge, recording secretary. NEBRASKA. STAT OH M II. Iir KKBKA'KA B.l'.-IVM F. h N A I'P. I' ' Box ;.'.VOinilin. S.V.C.-II. S II H1 Mi 'I. I'. I'lallsiiiooib. K C. Secy. t; Ei C. FEN tuN, P. O box tHK Omaha S. C. Treas.-C. II. ALIEN Omaha. Conductor - E l It A Ids I R Platsmouth. Wardeu- II. P. I d( il.l I h. E. lUvclock. Sentinels I". S Mi il'I.I.V. fu. Omaha; H. 1. KIKkllAM. Plailsmouih. R, present aiives to Na.lonal Council WM F. KNAIT. H I. KVV. P Ml A F I.I- Y. J. W Hut I rli K P. IhU.MAN The next regular meeting Kill be held or the third Tuesuav in July. IsHi, at Platts moiith. PliANi'ls S. KEY COC NCI !. No. meets c every Friday evening at li A R. Hall. PlatlNinoulb. Neb Visiting brothers cor dially Invited. O. K. JuilNSuN, Rec. Sec. WASHINUTON CtlLNCII. No. I. meet, every Tuesday eve. m Idlewlld hall 24lh and tJranl streets Visiting brother always welcome. J. II. llAKkY sec y T INCOLN COUNCIL No. 2. meet In Llu- coin. Nebraska. fMl.lMUIA COUNCIL No. 3. meets ever) Tuesday evening In Patterson block, lltb and F amain Slreel-s. A I. LitniTriMiT, Councilor. A. li. Flint, K. Sec y, address care County Clerk. (JAUFIFI.D COUNCIL No. 5, meets every " Tuesday night In South Omaha. William Fahk, Sec'y. T IBERTY COUNCIL No. 7 meets every Tuesday evening, I. O. O. F. Hall, Louis ville. Neb. "T. II. Lucas. Rec. Sec y. COUNCIL No, 20. A. P. A., Cameron, Mo., meets every second and fourth Monday evening, at I'latcrnliy Temple. Visit irs welcome. IH.l'FF CITY COUNCIL No 7 meets every " Wednesday evening In (J. A. R. Hall. Council Bluffs, la. LINCOLN Commandery No I, V. A. M. meet.s every Thin sday evening lu P O. S (if A. hall. Couucil II In li-. la. A. M. Burnham, Recorder. AMERICAN LOYAL ORANCE LODGE. No. 2-1, meets the first aud third Tues day evening of each month, al soul o'clock. M. L. ZOOK. secy. MISSOURI. STATE COUNCIL OF MISSOURI. S. C F. C. Borden. Hidden, Mo. S. V. C Rev. IE A. Slaughter, Warrens burg, Missouri S. C. Sec'y Rolla ti. Carroll. Warreusburg Missouri Will meet at Hannibal. Mo February. 115. KANSAS CITY COUNCILS. NSAS CITY COUNCIL NO. V-Meeu every Friday nlghi at lolil Walnut street. Jas jicivamara. rec y r.ast nun m. IIMUII fl ITl 'I I. XI I tr, Mi.tu nvpru Siitnrdav ntkrht at the corner of Twelfth and Cherry streets, W. Y. Sheave r. Record ing Secretary, 1407 Mail is, m street. lATIUOT COUNCIL NO. 111 Meets every O. U. W. Hall. Wednesday night at A. 1421 E. Eighteenth street. .1. E. Fisher, Rec Secretary, 2121 Flora avenue. TESTPORT COUNC1 L NO. 117 Meets every ' Friday night at West port. W. B. Shtink Rec. Secretary, 1225 E. Eighth street. f ATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44 Meets every U Monday night, corner lilt It and Penn Sts., over drug store. CPRI NIJF1 ELD COUNCIL No. 40-Meets O every Thursday night, between 31st and 32nd ou Holmes. CIIEFFIELD COUNCIL No. tt-MeetB at Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomas Smith. Rec. Sec'y, Sheffield. Mo. ABE LINCOLN UDUNCIL NO. IB. A M E Ill Can Protective Association meets every sec ond and fourth Wednesday of each month Id 1. O. O. F. liall. Plaltsmouth. Neb. Visiting members are welcome J. H. Smith, Sec, AURORA COUNCIL No. 2, W A. P. A.- " Meets every Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, 437 Minnesota avenue. Kansas City. Ran. DROSPECT COUNCIL No, 01. A P. A. -Meet every Monday evening at the corner ol Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas City. Mo. Persons desiring to Join may en close their name, street ami number, ward age and occupation, and direct to box 521 Kansas City, Mo. I America Council No. i, meets at Wood ward's Hall every Wednesday at 2 p. m sharp, third street and Lafayetie avenue. Kansas lily. !o. All ( Isltlug friends will be cordially wel- coined .Mrs. C. A iiiiott, President. Mhs. Ida I iui.lips, Secretary. CUttKKA COUNCIL No. 1, W.a. P.A.-Meeto second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the A. P. A. liall. Souiheast cor ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armuurdale Visitors are cordially invited to attend. WIDE AWAKE COUNCIL No. 10. A. P. A., " meets every Friday night at f tit Fi and L Road, (jrlgsby's ball. Kansas City, Kan. tfXCELSlOR COUNCIL NO. 3. W. A. P. A J meets every Monday afternoon at 2:30 at Bell's hall, Southwest Boul'-vard, near state line, Rosedale. Kansas. Friends of other councils are cordially Invited to attend. Every true American lady Is Invited to come and Join us, aod assist. In the good work. Dilation fee il.oo. PATE CITY COUNCIL No. 8. A. P. A. VJ Meets every Saturday evening at 437 Min nesota avenue. Kansas City, Kas. Visitors cordially invited. POUNCIL No. 7, A P. A.-Meet s every Mon v day evening at Chamber of Commerce Hall. Riverview. Visitors cordially lnvltd POUNCIL No. 11. A. P. A.-Meets at Wood u ward's Hall every Tuesday evening at8l m. sharp. Third street aud Lafayette avenut A cordial Invitation is extended to vlsltlDJ friends. ARGENTINE COUNCIL No. 12, A. P. A. n Meets every Monday night in Nokei Hall. Argentine, Kan. All visitors welcomed TOPEK A COUNCIL No. 14. A. P. A.-Meet. 1 every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall 418 Kansas avenue. Topeka Kansas. Al visitors will be cordially welcomed. Oosldyk Council, No. 1. W. A. P. A. of Kan sas City, Mo., meets every Friday aflernooi at 2:30 o'clock at liioy IV tin St. Address. Post office box 521. Kansas City, Mo. Sunflower I.od ;e, L. O. I... No, 204, meeti second and fourth Tuesdays of each mont! at. Hp. m.. at Clallln's ball, corner of Mil street and Osage avenue. Kansas City. Kan Visitltg brethren ate cordially invited to at tend. John Davidson. W. Xl., Win. Mc Naugbton, Secy.. 715 Reynolds Ave. Liberty Council. No. 15. Jr. O. U. A. M. meets every Wednesday night, corner Pack ard and Osage streets. Armourdale, Kansas Thus. Rolf, secretary. KANSAS PURPLE STAR. L. O. L. No. 2IIV 41 Meets first and third Tuesdays of eaci month at 8 p. m.. in A. O. U. vt . Hall, corne Fourth stieet and Minnesota avenue. Kansa City. Kan. Samuel Harrison. W. M. Wu Ballagb, secretary, 5.17 Northrup avenut Visiting brethren cordially invited. DOSEDAI.E COUNCIL No. 13, A. P A., meet every Wednesday night at Mctienrge's hall. Rosedale. Kas. All friends cordially nviied. WHY PRIESTS SHOULD WED By DR. JUSTIN D FULTON This Is one of Dr. Fulton's best books deals with the question of celibacy of thi priesthood from a religious standpoint; als, the past and present history of the Romai Catholic Church. Price. In cloth cover, I O Sent postpaid on receipt of price, by AMERICAN PUBLISH'NQ CO., rSITl l) AMUUH A MH II IMUS. It Oncmilatliin anil l"rlnclile - Hun t Ibwiiir a Mi'iuImt. We would respectfully call your attention to the fact that there l lu this city a council of the Order of United American Mechanic to which we would tie happy to have you give moment's thought, and If favorably lmpreswHl. would like your name proposed for memls-rshlp. Thellrderof United American Mechanic u orgaiilied lu Philadelphia on the 1Mb day of July. IS45. Its first luceptlou was for the protection of Mechatilcs and Working men alone, and for a mini 1st of years none but operative mechanics and workingmen were a milted to lis membership; but the great Interests of principles luvolved In Its existence caused a departure from that plan, and the Order has for years existed and exist today as an order of speculative me chatties, rc-ogtilrltig every one possessed of the birth requirement, who works for a malntaliiaiii-e either by hand or brain tir both as eligtlde to iiien.tH-rsblp. and numbers among Its luemliers men of every profession and calling In life The ohj.vts of this order are to assist each other In ol'i iuilugemploy meiil : toencouragi each olli.r in business; to establish a sick and funeral fund; to establish a fund for the relb fi f widows ami orphans and to aid memtM-rs; and to aid member who, through Providence may be Incapacitated from fol lowing tin Ir usual vocations. In obtaining situations suitable to their afflict Ions. The membership of this order is composed of white male citizens born In the United States, or under the protection of "lis Hag This order has existed for nearly fifty years, and Is al preneut, rapidly spreading through out the l ulled Slates. As an American horn and having the welfare of yourself and family at heart, as well as that of the nation at large, would most heartily luvliuyou to become u member of the U. A. M as It Is the only order In existence founded es pecially to promote the Interests, elevate the character and secure the happiness of the American mechanic and business -nan. It therefore appeals to the head and heart of him who wields the pen as well as to bun who swings the scythe or wields the sledge hammer of Die mechanic. In Ha councils, a free dlscusslou of principles relating to the fostering and care of the Interests of Indi vidual members Is permitted; but nothing of a political or sectarian character is ever al lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation with biii'Ii Institutions as Trades Unions, Knights or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or the like, and desires not to control either capital or labor, as It would be doing a grosti Injustice to many of Its members, who are taken from both classes. The membership of the Order Is scattered from Maine to Cali fornia, and from all polntsco ufs the glorious news that I In: Order Is gaining great strength In all Jurisdictions. An endowment branch also connected with the Order, both national and slate, which Insures those who seek Its bcnelits, enabling them to leave a sum, which Is In all cases substantially aud promptly paid, to the dear ones, when death marks Its mem bers for Its own. It seems very strange indeed that tin American does uot feel inclined to become so peculiarly national In Ills Ideas and as sociations as do the English, French, Ger man, Irish, aud other nationalities. Each and all of the foregoing have their pecullat national organizations, and take pride In same. But the American Joins order aftei order, composed of a mixture of nationali ties, and lets his own countrymen severely alone in the matter of secret and fraternal societies We would not belittle any of the existing secret beneficial associations. Far from It They are a power for good In the community But we do ask him who is to the manor born to turn his thoughts to home and native land, so that he can oln In the glad refrain : "Thou art my native laud, I own thy fostering hand; Though far from thee I roam, Still thou art my home." Americans, we of this Brotherhood appeal to you to aid us In this work we are now carrying on. You must either be for us ot against us. Choose quickly and let us sho to the country that we firmly believe In American principles, American industry. American protection and American govern ment. Strikes riots and boycotting are terms too harsh to be applied to American Mechanics. Bonded together by prompting of pat i lollc affect Ion. may this Order gr iw and progress, until every man who calls him self American can stand up and say In all sincerity. I own no man as master of my actions. titic'. To Nellie Irvine, Non-Ri sldcnl Defendant: You will take notice that on the 131 h day of February, ISM. Alexander F Irvine filed a petition against you In the District Court of Douglas county, Nebraska, the object anil prayer of which are to obtain a di orco from you ou Hie ground that you have comn lited adultery, been guilty of extreme cruelty and have been for more than two years last past an hlbiiual drunkard. You are. required to answei said petition on or before the Hth day of April s:i5. You will further take notice that on the loth day of April. IsM between the hours of 10:00 a in. and 11:00 p. m.. before competent authority at the Town Hall, In the city of Stanford, county of Falrtield. and state of Connecticut, the plaintiff above named will take the depositions of Andrew Lowry and other sundry witnesses In this action, to be used us evidence on the trial of the above entitled cause, with authority to adjourn from day to day. between the same hours. until they are completed. Ai.kxandkk F. I uvisk. Plaintiff. Patriotic Order Sens of merica WASHINGTON CAmP No. 1. P. O. S. of A ' meets each Thursday evening at Re Men's Hall. Fifteenth aud Douglas Sts. WASHINGTON CAMP No. 12. P. O. S. o ' A . Council Bluffs.-Meetlng In theli hall over lu Main street, every Wednesda; night at 8 o'clock. I-. Mc.M anaoii. Secretary SUPREME. CABINET American Orange Knight OBJECTS. This order Is formed of persons whose ol Jects Is to maintain the supremacy of la order and constitutional freedom; to prr serve Inviolate the citizen's franchise; t perpetuate and defend the precepts and fre. institutions of civil and religious llbert' guaranteed by the Constitution of the Unltei States and established by our forefathers PRO AH1S KT niOIS. For Information regarding the foru.atlo. of new Commanderles. or supplies, write V ttie supreme secretary. M. L. ZOOK. Sec'y, J. M. Ivankkr. C. ('., 1I5 Howard Si. Saganaw. Mich. Omaha. Net W. t. 1'. t. Persons desiring Information In regard to ine . . i . t. saouoi address either tin president or secretary. State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Harv Kemp 2t." E. llth street. Fremont. Neb. State Secretary of Nebraska. Mrs. J. Wltispear. Ko? N. 27th street. Omaha, Neb TOR RENT CARDS-llxD Inches, at 75cents 1 per dozen; smaller size at 50 cents per pu'cu, in on. i nowaru street. I'luaha fln Up-to-date, Absolutely Accurate, Beautifully Illustrated ATLAS OF THE WORLD Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who desire a complete work at the minimum of cost. 9 . ' ' ' "P I 1 s. W"-1-'- -A ill fft I M k t 11 -m Mlnintur. Cut i.f Alls. A. tiisl M. Ih.u, 14 br Clowl, 14 hy II IikIm.. If special Informnllon regarding any Na tion, Province, Hlato, City, Town or Village Is desired, the knowledge Is rarely obtain able from a sc hoi il geography, which nec essarily husoiity n fewgeueral facts anil the locution of Important cities. Railroad limps nro notoriously Incorrect iiinl misleading, hence the puzzled truth seoker, where large libraries tiro Inacces sible, Is without relief unless he Is thfl happy owner of a kiiowledgn-sullsfyiiig, pleasure-giving People's Atlus. t All Countries on the Face of the Earth are Hlinwu. Hi vers and Lukes aro Accurately Located. Among the lllust rations are the follow ing: The Masonic Temple lit Chicago (tall est building In the world), the Auditorium llulldliig nt Chicago (one of the largest buildings In thi! world), the Woman's Tem ple (the. handsomest building In Chicago), Its Special Features Relating to the United States Are: The Popular and Kloctornl Voles for President in lss, HHH nnd INTO by Htntes, List of All the. Presidents. Agricultural Productions. Mineral Products. Homestead Laws and Civil Hervlce Rules. Htatlstlcs or Immigration, 1S-J0 to 1MH. Public Iiebt for the past 1(10 Years. Hold and Hllver HtntlstlcH. Number ami Value of Fiirin Animals. Cultivable Area as Compared with Increase of Population. Postal Information, with Domestic and Foreign Rates, and other Information that should bo In every Home, Store, (Illlce and Hchool-rooin. Kvcry person who rends the current periodical llteruturo of the day needs a concise, accurate and comprehensive Atlas of the World, for the purposeof geographically Indit ing the stirring events witli which the world teems. Wu live In un nge of Intelligence im ngo of multiplied means for acquiring knowledge itn nge that roiidemns Ignorance because of these numerous sources of Information so freely nnd widely diffused. If you wish to keep nbreast of the times, by accurately locating in your mind every violent upheaval of the earth, Hie march of contending armies where war exists, the progress of scientific explorers In unknown lands, or the happenings und uecldcnts constantly agitating every part of the world, you should luivo at hand a copy of the "People's Atlas of the. World." Never before has so valuuble an Atlas been offered at so low a price. ko CENTS, POST-PAID. 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It gives it Classified List of All Nations, Willi Forms of tloveriiinent, tleogrnplilcal IM'iilliin, Hl.e mid Population. .wn r mrT FREE. y Lj: J-' i H-'Hi. I'-k: . fur,:. UmI 11 I ' i I ' T I -I M'tirf ' JikJ ' I I'IVn.ft rVM fr .ith I 11 " J V1P ''""'' I' Barr'f fr l' f-f iK BfSwji T-Sa- l'.:K.-MtL ilkO,,U.Curldl buri ft. t. Fremont, tiKnorn & Missouri vainj isroK,xxi. SOUTH Frkmont, Hastings, Waiioo, Lincoln, Skwakd, Supkkioh, David City, York., Albion, Nokfoii, AND ALL Northern Nebraska, Black Hli AND CENTRAL, WYOMING OSI.T DIKKOT L1M T" Sioux Cit" Minneapolis ard St. Paul, nonet Office 1401 Karnan. stre' t and WdiMi Street Union Station. . C. BURT, J. R. BUCHANAN 'i-n'U' Al A Solid Town FORT SMITH, ARK. No bank failures In IS','2 '! or '! Urnai in spite of depression of hard times. Kor peculiar reasons and circumstances a resi dent of Port Smith desires to exchange good residence and business houst in corner lots, facing each other, five blocks from bus iness street, one bliM'k from the tli ?st school In the state; on streetcar line; taier and ewer connection; cottage pluailx I for gai new cottage. 5 rvHims. clean and newly painted; store room on comer 2ti. feet, with three riMims liixlii; well and water con nection; one 15x i i butcher shop. Here i bargain for a man who war's a home acd good business stand Price $.".i). 1'or par tie ilars call ou or write IIakhy H. Hindi, 4itt-6Hii7 Main street. Kansns City. Mo. Store iKVtiuled. doing a good business. i W EST . EAST.