AMERICAN I ( ( opposition to the American idea of political unUm, viz., hilitical disinte gration. Wo roust not fo'get that are receiving constancy iooreasirg thousands from the lowest ranks ol the na'l u, of which 57 per if nt are illiu r a'e, aid where when mint) patriot hotrt Long live Italy,' mob of thes ilii'erate lower classes will gather a'oui him shouting, 'Long live t .t paiiacy.' "Remembering that UKin all que'--tiots of s cial reform tai t are involv, d in state or national legislation, the vote of this foreign born eVuient and their immediate descendants, can he counted op a almost bolid, the important role played by this element in men logisla tioo, the following fae 8 from the eleventh census p'ainly indicate: "Of the lti '.tjo.nil malts of voting age in the United Slates, 1,710 4.V ure colored, and 4,a 1S,4."1 an: foreign-born. The native white voting element duiu bers 8 N C.22.", while the fore q f le nient numbers ti 3'.i2,C3.", Atmlyzirg tnese results etil further, we Una Ilia of this to al d u in Ik r of the fuieign males of voting age, C.04!,0-J.j are in the North Atlantc, Nerth Central, and Western Divisions, the males of voting age of native white parentage in too same divisions numbering tillW.yii.'t. Again, in the North Atlantic and North Central Divisions the males of voting age of native white parentage cunibe r 5,iioS,l."i, while those of tie foreign element number 5,410,901, and of this number 3,000,'J'1 are foreign-lwrn. In both the North Atlantic and the West ern Divisions the males of voting age who are foreign-born or of foreign par entage already exceed in number the males of voting age of nativo parentage. In each of these divisions the number oi foreign born males of voting age is very nearly twice that of the males of for eign parentage. About one thud, there fore, of, the entire voting element in these divisions is foreign-born In nineteen of the states and territories north of Mason and Dixon's line, the foreign voting element outnumbers the native." Our premium book oiler will be with drawn April 5. NEW A. P. A. OFFICERS. End of the Ies .Moines, Iowa, Session On Annual linen. Dks Moines, la., March 21. The state council of the A. F. A. in eighth annual session, today elected the follow ing officers: President, II. P. Bowers, Clinion; vice-president, Dr. R. F, Dunduss, Sioux City; secretary of state, J. II. Campbell, Des Moines; chaplain, J. S. Ferguson, Keokuk; secretary, 11. Robinson, Missouri Valley; treasurer, R. Duncan Grant, Boone; sergeant-at- arms, N. B. Borden, Holaday, Adair county; euard, B. M. Cobb, Marcus; sentinel, I. II. Moredyke, Villisca; trus tees, J. E. Wilkins, Des Moines; Ovid Vlen, Council Bluffs, Samuel A. Smith, Lake City Des Moines was selected as the next place of meeting. It was decided that the per capita tax should bo reduced to 25 cents per annum. An amendment was passed that no member should be dropped for non-payment of dues until one year in arrears. Resolutions were passed indorsing the stand taken by the mayor cf Savannah recently in uphold ing true American ideas aDd principles ol government, and a memorial adopted for the late lie. Ueiinls Murphy, of West Liberty. Our premium book offer will be with drawn April 5. Becoming a Catholic Sea). During the present year the Catholic university expects to finish and occupy McMahon hall, a splendid new struct ure devoted to the technical lectures demonstrations. Washington is rapidly becoming a Catholic seat, with thi great university and the papal delegate located here. Next year it is the pur pose of the managers of the university to erect another large building, to cost about $750,000, and the plans for this grea' institution involve the ultimate expenditure of about $:i0,000,000. Of course it will take as many years, and perhaps longer, to carry out this work, but the day is coming when the Catho lic university of Washington will be the greatest seat of learning in the world OOD'S Sarsaparilla is carefully prepared by experienced pharmacists from Sarsa- parilla, Dandelion, Man- ttii&drake.Dock.Pipsissewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known Vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and rurativa power Peculiar to Itself, not pos sessed by other remedies. Hood's arsaparilla Cures Scrofula, Solt Rheum, Sores, Boils, Pimples and all other affections caused by Impure blood: Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Ilemlache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com plaints. It is Not What we Say, but what flood's k Sarsaparilla Does, that tells the story Hood's Sarsaparilla URE5 HOOd'S PUIS r purely vegetable. S3o. I 3 1 I One effect of the growth of the univer lty Is alrvao'y apparent, and that is a rapid rise in the value of 1 tnd about its site. It i eotivuVd that thia university , authorities have not as jet purchas. d a ' quarter of the ground which they will i ultimately m cd, ai d tlx iuh real estate ' elsewhere la the suburb of Washing' i tun is practically not to r sold at any i price, dor ng these hard tiim s, that lying adjacent to the university grounds is ht 1J at stiff and advancing figures. Ch.cujolUrM. HE MAlK A HIT. lirhersllv of America tdiM-itrd hy Hon. v. S. I.iiittm. At a m-etirg of the International council of wom-n, held at Metzerott hall, in Washington' recently, Hon. W. S L'nton. of Michigan, by invitation d live red an address on the subject of the proposed university of America. There was a large and distinguished audience, Including many of the leading citizens of Washington. Among the ladies who took part in the programme were Mrs. Hinnah Bailey, the million aire quakeress,, Mhs Susan 1$. Anthony Mrs', lielva A. L'.ckwood, Miss Kate Field and the countess of Aberdeen. The last mimed lady delivered the clos inir address of'the evening. Mr. Linton made a great bit. He received an en thu-iastic ovation, and was cheered lustily at the end of almost eve ry sen tence. In the course of his remarks he began by calling attention to the fact that just loO years ago, in 171)5, George Washington, wrote one of his strongest state naoers. advocatinir the establish ment of a great national university in this city. Mr. Linton called upon the organized societies of worn in all over the country to lend their influence to the realization of Washington's dream. He stated that bills had bee n repeatedly Introduced in congress during the pres ent century, commencing with Mr. Bar low's bill, prepared at the suggestion of Thomas Jefferson, and introduced by Senator Logan, of Pennsylvania, in 1800, and ending with the bill of Senatjr Kyle at the second session of the pres ent congress. He said further that a beautiful site had been selected and set aside by the Father of his country on the banks of the E'otomac, which is still owned by the government, and known as University square, being the larire. fine reservation on which the national observatory now stands, Mr. Linton then called attention to the val uable adjuncts of a university already established here, namely: the army and navy medical mu-eum, the botanical garden, the Smithsonian institute, the great national museum, the agricul tural department with botanic and ex perimental adjuncts and its museum, the navy yard, the patent office, the Cocoran art gallery and thecaptol build ing, with their treasures of pictures and statuary, besides the vast stores of knowledge collected in the geological survey, the coast and geodetic survey, and the different department buildings; and above all, the magnificent library of congress, which is now and always will be, the most complete collection of books in the western hemisphere. Mr. Linton thet entered upon an earnest 8nd eloquent appeal for au endorsement of the Hainer bill, jost introduced, which provides for the establishment and maintenance of the University of America, and sets apart the remaining public lands for its endowment, thus creating the very largest fund provided for the support of any university in ex istence. The bill provides for the ap pointment of the student annually from each congressional district, aggregating about 4 000, who are to receive the same privileges and emolument as giv en to cadets at West Point and Annap olis, including $500 a year for their sup port and incidental expenses. The sou- dents are to be selected by competitive examination from the graduates of the schools In each district, and the compe tition is to be open to all, regardless of sex or worldly circumstances. After thus describing the bill Mr. Linton stated that millions of acres of the public land had been frittered away and are now in the hands sf speculators, who are, in many css-s, wealthy for eigners. He saiel that the government had generously given other millions of acres to the states to assist in establish ing and perpetuating our grand free school system. "Now," said he, "save the remnant of this public domain for the establish ment of the University of America, and it will be a fitting cope stone for the ed ucational system of our country." He further said: "We have established schools (or war, therefore, at this peace meeting, when the brainy women of the world are present, it is fitting that ac tion should be taken toward establish ing the greatest institution of its kind in the world, an institution devoted en tirely to the art of peace, progress and prosperity. "Within its portals," said he, "would be gathered the brightest boys from all over the land, from the great cities and farms; from the poor man's home as well as from the palace of the rich, boys and girb who had out stripped their fellows in gallant compe tition for the noblest prize to be attained in the student's life a prize won in a contest where brains is not blue blood: where character and not caste; where scholarship, and not sex; where merit and not money would prevail. With merited respect for established univers ities. Including tho of Kurope, we can readily we that thU university would have such tducatlonat advantages that it would no 1 mger at time b consld i re J net' ssary or even fashionable to send our youth abroad to deriv the highest culture. The University of America, If founded and provided for In the manner suggested by i's promoters, would become the intellectual center of the human race."" At the close of his address Mr. Lin ton whs warmly congratulated by many of the ladie O'i'istitutii.g the Interna tional Council, a well as by numU-r o' persetns in the audience who cmne upon the platform. M'ALMVi 10 ItE TiaNsl.ATEO. Humor Tliat He lit lo Hcrmnt' Coadjutor Arrliliioliop of idiot mi. BOSTON, Mass , M irt h Hi News ha been received 'r mi R me that Bishop John Lineaste r Spalding, of Pioria, 111., fll le translated in the near fu ture lo b come coadjutor archbishou of Huston, with the title of mice'Crsion. Dr. Spaldirg, w lio is a m phe w of the late archbishop of Baltimore, ranks as the foremost scholar among the Rinnan t'a.holic bishops in this country, and is widely known as a divine of great emint nee and fo ce of character in the church. Besides being a distinguished public lecturer and p -eachcr, he is the author of several important works ot great research and erudition which have taken high rank and directed the special attention of Rome, whore his zeal and ability are well known and most highly appreciated. Bishop Spalding comes here more particularly in consequence of the severs attacks said to have bee n made here on the ehureh and Catholicity in general for many years past with no defence. As this was considered a humiliating con dilion for the Catholic laity to bo con stantly subjected to, it was thought wise on the part of Roinu to take the matter under consideration. Dr. Spal ding is quite capab'e of protettirg Catholic interests whether in the pul pit or from the public platform, as he is one of the mo-,t polished and forcible speakers among the American hie rarchy, and is regarded in ecclesiastical circles as a much abler man and more profound scholar than Satolll. Dr. Spalding is a distinguished grad uate of some of the most famous uni versities of EurojH', where he won the highest honors in the lino of degrees. His uncle, us archbishop, presided over the Second Plenary council of Balti more. Bishop Spaldirg was especially selected to take charge of the Catholic educational exhibitat the World's Fair at Chicagt). To is is not iin unusual circumstance in the Catholic church, where, under certain exigencies, it may be deemed wise and prudenton the part of Rome, as in the case of Bishop John Kain, of Wheeling, West Virginia, who has been appointed coadjutor archbish op of St. Louis, with title of succession, to take the place of Archbishop Ken- rick, who has been permanently retired from the ministry. WANT THE JESUITS EXPELLED. Canadian Protection Association Hints In a Manifesto at Civil War. TOKONTO, Ont., March 10 The ex ecutive committee of the Canadian Pro tection Association has issued a mani festo in which a solemn protest is enter ed against dominion interference in the Manitoba school question. It accuses the Catholic hierarchy, which it says is controlled by Jesuits, of stirring up feelings of discontent in the minis of French half-breeds, who if let alone would have accepted the school act without question. There is also a slightly veiled threat that if the do minion government acedes to the hie rarchy's demands civil war will be en gendered, "as happened," to use the words of the manifesto, "to the great country to the south of us, when $4,000, 000,000 was expended and the lives of nearly a million men were sacrificed to make good arguments for state and fed eral rights." Continuing, the mani festo says:' To prevent a recurrence of attempts to destroy the public school system of the various province's, and to restore harmony among all our people, irre spective of creed, we ask all our mem bers aud every patriotic citizen to unite in the jut demand that Jesuits be forthwith expelled from this country. The manifesto is being sent broad cast over the country by mail and wire tonight. No premium books with The Ameiu can after April a. The A. P. A. as a See-ret Order. Kditok The American: The only- way for an outsider to judge of the right or wrong of a secret order is by its pub lished principles and visible results, and even then he in:y not judge wisely, not knowing the character of its s ?crot work. We believe that the A. P. A. considered it necessary, under the cir cumstances, to organize as a se'Cret order as the only suecess'ui method of inaugurating a non-partisan reform within the existing parlies, s reform commencing njne too soon for the good of the order. But many friends of the order doubt its ability to ac complish in this way the work it has in hand But the order will, however, decide for itself whether or not it can do it, and whether it will be goeid policy and wise statesmanship to continue on its present line of secrecy, well knowing the oppo!lloii of many themsands to secret of den, rsHH-ia'ly In po itie. The U-ad-rs o! the A. I. A. movc- mentare undoubtedly giving much at tctithm to tho beit inu rest of the order, whether It sh I i-ontinue iu pie-tent policy a s. i r, I ordt-r or or gani'i's-lf into an op. n party for na tional reform. It Is to be hoped, how ever, ttil wise tmiiiM'ls will prevail and that harmony and efficiency will attend it in all iu future plans. The implacable eneiuU of the A. P. A. are greatly fearing its Inll.ienie and power in Klitics hut they are hoping that as the order suddi nly apiK-urvd in its Increasing strengtl like a e'iMiiet dashiiitr in the ht av. ns, mi like that luminary it may H soon begin lo receMe and dis.ipiioar. But tima will tell the H-rmauem-y of the order. J. G. PlNintt E. Di nkkk, 111., March l'i. Is;t5. No premium Kniks with The Ameri ca N after April 5. I rt i iliiiii of Hie Press ami Pulpit. Are they f.-eo in ties United StalesV We hear of inde pendent journa'lntn but where are the Independent journals? There miy be a few exceptions, especi ally among the small papers printed for local news; hut generally the pre-s is not free; ii i gagged, and the pulpit Is gagged, with a few honorable excei tions. Why is tliis, iu a land over which tho banner eif freedom waves? Why is the pulpit, and press, secular and re ligious, s.) cautious, timid and reserved, that they refuse to discuss without fear and defend with patriotic zeal and christian fortitude, tne great, funda meut il principles of our religion and civil institutions? Yea, questions that Invjlve the very existence of the repub lic? Surely there i an influence from some quarter thut will account for this strange attitude. We have constitu tional liberty This is the land of free men and not of slaves. Why do ntt toe pulpit and press use this liberty more hea'tily and fully to defend and per petuate our inheritance? What is the pulpit and press for? Are they n it in structors of the people? Or are they only the tools of demagogues and in struments of priestcraft and designing politicians? Intelligence, sound -elig-lous in-it ruction and patriotism are the bulwarks of our nition. But every generation needs to be taught the true principles of meirality and religion, civil rights ar,d duties or they will grow up semi-barbarians. The gener ation which will be the glory or shame of our nation, are today nurselings helpless infants, btbes and they will b) what wo make them, by our neglect or by our faithful discipline and in struction. It becomes us to ask, what kind or an inheritance shall we hand down to our posterity? Our fathers have left us a precious inheritance the boem of civil and religious liberty. Shall we sell our birth-right tj strang ers, and become the slaves of a tyranni cal priesthood, the ''shaven pated despots of Italy?'' Shall sircery, the "lying wonders" of the Babylonian harlot intimidation, the howling mob and the threats of murder, close the lips of patriotism and silence the heralds of God, sjnt into the world with the tid ngs of peace and love and good will to men" The pulpit and pro?s are mfghty ajents for good or ill. They largely mould the senti ment of a comm jnity. A large part of society is controlled in thjir judgments and opinions by the pulpit and the press, because they are not independent thinkers and suffer themselves to be carried along the current and prevail ing sentiment of the p ess. They are like a nose of wax you do not know which way it points, unless you know who twisted it last. Too many are willing that someboJy else should do the thinking. If the masses were thinkers, intelligent, sound in principle, had the power of analysis and were the friends of the truth in polities and re ligion, they would control both pulpit and press, and these would have to voice the sentiment of the people or step down and out. No degree of Jesuit ism could wheedle that class of ieople into false measures. But unfortunately that is not the cae with the masses. But we should aim to make all the people intelligent, wise and honest. Then demagogues and knaves would have tostand back. The people would no longer be the servants of government ofticerj and tricky poli ticians, but officers would be servants of the people and would have to do the people's business or be out of a job. But many in the land cannot read and so limited iu knowledge that the-y are un able to grapple with the greater learn ing and cunning craftiness of press and pulpit, and so are led astray and be come the victims eif delusion, and sell their manheiod and birth right to dem agogues and rascals. But the "little red school house" would stop that game. Kducate the people. This is the design of our free schools, that every child in the laud should have a good education, and they can get it in our sehenils. But this is just what Satolli, the American pope, don't want, because a graduate of the little red school house would not be an easy victim. Again, the press and pulpit become victims of Jesuitism, of intimidation and through greed and selfishness, sell the truth for earthly gain and earthly hon-ir. ThU ought not so to bo. The pulpit and pre ru two great edu cators, and are a curMtor a blessing ai- conling to their character. "A corrupt trtHi c ii. not bring forth gt"id fruit." Win n the) pulpit and press are corrupt, tint nation will lie corrupt, "Like prh st, likt Hip'et." An Intelligent, moral, poople will not sus'ain pros that has gone over to the nitln of evii. How great Is tho resxinIMllty of the pulpit snd pres.! Arc tln-y not Unind te defend all tho Interests of the nation? The prt in former years has tiet ii less timid than now. But of lute Jens It has fallen under the espionage of the worst set of men on earth, the Jesuits. In fact, the whole troip of Babylonians, from Leo XIII. down to the hiwt si womhii'r of tho dragon, Is a spy! What an affront to American freemen that foreign int adorn should ikulk thr-emgh our land as spies, to plot aealnst our liU-rty, and by Intimida tion, Il ittery, "speaking lies In hypo crisy," to delude our politicians to gain au er.ti restrain tho pre-s arid pulpit and thus silence the voice of freedom! Has il come Ul this, that freedom of sp:'eeh Is to be silenced by the howling mob which gets its inspiration from Rome? If Hie pojit! so much admires our f t-e institutions, why does he not teach his disciples to respect them? Shall Americans hold their ponce when office se-ekors and politicians noil their country for Roman votes? Shall we sui renj -r all that has made, this a great nation and the home of tho free? Shall we rest supinely, and by criminal Indifference allow ollleo-sei kers to be tray our country Into tho hands of the worst tyrant on earth? Why did President Cleveland write that letter tf congratulation lo Piqie L "o and pr-nUe the "Holy father" for his admiration of American inrti'.u tions? Damnable lit pocrisy! A black falsehood for political ends. Why did he not write a letter of comfort to per secuted ministers in papal lands and words of encouragement to tho poor, oppressed vassals of papal tyranny? No! Hi writes to their oppressor and congratulates him on his success in do grading millions of his fellow men! Did Cleveland ever read the encyclical let ters of the popes? L"tters full of curses on our freso schools and freedom of the press, as tho very centers of moral pestilence! And to lay, the papacy is doing its utmo4 to make its anathemas a reality, by the overthrow of our free schools and freedom of speech, Institutions that have done so much to make us an intelligent and free people. It is time that Americans were awak ing out of their sleep. They are awak ing, but none, too soon. Rome is de termined on the subjugation of tho UoHed Slates, but God be pra!st'd,there are some people that neither Leo, Sa tolli, nor all the Jesuits, can seduce. They cannot be deceived nor intimi dated. Rome would make this beauti ful lanl like degraded Spain, Mexico and Italy. We say to tho pope, you and your successors are the "men of s!n," and Rome is tho "mother of har lots." She is that woman John saw drunken with the blood of the saints and with the bloeid of the martyrs ef fesus." Mr. Sa, oil I it Co , Who slew the martyrs of Jesus? It was the sear let woman that rode on the ' beast wlta seven heads and ten horns." F,very reader of the Bible and history knows who shed the blood of the saints. His tory does not lie. These things are all on record. Prophecy has foretold all the bioody deeds of Rome and she has fulfilled the prophecy exactly. Yet in defiance of all tnis prophecy and his tory, the intelligence of the people, Bibles, schooN and Protestant churches in this country, she hits so much in solence, conceit, and boastful power, that she expects to seduce and subju gate the people of the United State, reduce them to spiritual slavery and the dominion of the pope. "God for bid." But popery and righteous lib erty cannot live together in peace. There will be perpetual strife and riot till one or the other is victorious, Kventually, the United States must be Protestantor papal. Amerlcans,which shall it be? Free schools, free Bible, free press and pulpit will settle that question, if we are true to our princi ples, to God and our country. Rome cannot face the light, and that is why she is opposed to our free institutions, and this exoliins illiteracy in papal countries. Let the pulpit and press speak out and protest against the riot ous opposition of 1 tome to our freedom of speech. Banish the Jesuits, abolish nunneries and convent j or demand that they be open to government inspection annually, that no one be imprisoned behind their walls. American patriots, b? your ballots, create a loyal congress and a loyal legislature in every state. Be faithful, be heroic. Say to Rome, "Hands off." Calvin. New Traiu. ew Koute. The Bjriliigton Route's Black Hills, Montana and Puget Sound Express which leaves Omaha daily is tbe fastest train via the shortest line to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle and Taeoma. Through service of Sleeping and Free Reclining Chair Car. Our advertising matter gives full in formation. Send for it. J. Francis, C P. T. A., Omaha, Neb. Pond's 'sjssBsr Extract cure ALL PAIN IN FLAM MAT I O N 8 AMD HEMORRHAGES. 4)h tirop f i'ttHtt'm ttrnrt vmrth CI I l:AI SUBSTITUTES, maim: tki im:i.y, WHICH DO NOT CURE. lion 1 hey "Finiglit and ll d." General (ieorgo S. Bntoheller, In re porting his "highly Interesting inter view with Poki Lihi XIII," reports his highness as saying, "In your civil war, t.'a' holies fought and died side by side with Protestants," The New York IVmlil shows how it was done, only it Is ruees-ary to thrtiw Inalhtlo light from ihe Boston .ImrncuM Citizen to round up the record. R -ferrlng to one of Mayor S'rong's new fire com miss loners tho New York World say: "Austin K. Ford, who was a Republi can candidate for congress last fall In the Seventh district, Is a resident of tho Thirtieth assembly district, though his life has been spent in tho down-town district. He Is a nephew of ".Patrick Ford, odltorof the J rink World and tho Fmmnn't Journal, and ,ls a journalist employed on those periodical. He was born in Boston lnl S."7. His father was the first volunteer lo answer tho call of Lincoln In 111. The family had teen identified with the abolition came. He was educated In the miillcischools of New York and a Catholic;collcge in San Franclso and for twenty-one years he has been managing editor of the Irish World. Ho took a prominent part In the Blaine campaign of I'.)4, and had tho name- of 'Blaine Irishman' fastened on him. Ho ran for congress in the Seventh district in 1X02, and polled a good vote, and a largo ouo last year.' " By way of throwing 'In a little light the American Citizen adds: "The above comes as a surprise to those who have dooked over the war record of tho Massachusetts Ninth (Irish) regiment, in tho adjutant gen eral's office at tho stite house. It will thcrobo seen that Patrick Ford now editor of the Fmintn's Jowntd) and Austin Ford, (father of Austin K. Ford), both deserted bjfore bdng engagod in a single battle, and fled to Canada. Thus waj Austin's father 'the first vol unteer to answer tho call of Lincoln.' Perhaps be imagined Lincoln was call ing him to 'scoot' to Canada." A Pleasant Party. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Harvey gave an enjoyable Peanut party in commemora tion of the forty-eighth wedding an niversary of Mrs. Harvey's parents, at their residenc, 4228 Krskine street Omaha, last Monday night. They had decorated -.heir house with Jflags, bunt ing, lanterns and lloers,n in such a manner as to give a pleasant effect to the character of the entertainment. Tho following program was rendered: Prayer, p r pardon. Patriotic Piece, per party. Peanuti purtr.iyi d , Piece, per professional player. Patriotic Principles presented. Painless Palital Performance pru dently presented. Piece, performed per proper person. Pincushion Polka, pjr Pretty Puu line. Potatoes, per prayer. Piece, per professionals. Salute to the Flag. Part two of the program consisted of refreshments, which were delightful. No premium book with The Ameri can after April o. Send for it. It's Free. Every one who is dissatisfied iwith his surroundings who want-s to better his condition in life who knows that he can do so if given half a chance, should write to J. Francis, Omaha, Neb. for a copy of a little book recently issued by the Passenger Department of the Bur lington Reiute. It is entitled "A NewF. rpire" aud contains 32 pages of informatioa about Sheridan County and the Big Horn Bas in, Wyoming, a veritable land of prom ise t.iward which the eyes of .thousands are now h pefully turned. Our premium book offer will be with drawn April 5. A. P. A. state presidents from the clergy learned of to date are: Rev. J. W. Ford, I). D., New Y'ork: J. B. Dunn, 1). D., Massachusetts; Rev. D. B. Cheney, Wisconsin; Rev. B. F. Huddle son, Culifornia; Rev. J. A. Dearborn, ML-sourl, and Rev. A. W. Talbee, Ken tucky. The school board elections through. out Iowa went our way.