The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 22, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Clutch of Rome.
HV "(,() :u
Mlf Martha ifa.v.d fervently for
light. Then iau- nt.-rn, t!i.. tK k
her way to the fa:ni!v i arW, which
was tji)Oi-ite the rtti t tion room. A
tuin pHfSM'd uiiii the i ie?l t! id out coiiie
forth, the grx-wfeviri-h ith iniiiiia
tion and iiupatu oi' The faint turn
tutu of the piano hi the cin'.ant .-1.i.1
room pit-ret il her nerves hke sharp in
strument.-: lor it hruitirlit to her mind
the hattd trovernes.-', who was giving
Jeannie ner uiur-ic Iismiii. Atlast,Mi
Martha procured a wrap and betook
hers If to the ean'.ni, where the sun
shone warm and i'ear.aut after a heavy
winter rain. Martha, however, saw
nothing of the beauty around her. The
out-door air was pure; that of the
hout-e was heavy and oppressive he
caut-e of the presence of the priest. Miss
Martha, cuming around a curve in the
path, met Father St. John face to face.
The priest with a Kw was hurrying on
his way; but the spinster held lit) her
band, and lu a voice fi-m and rasping,
said: "Stop, you priest of Hual."
An idea that Miss Martha had be
come insane, passed through the
priest's mind, but he stood still at the
"No; I am not ll dlamite, sir," she
said, intuitively reading his mind, "and
It is to keep others sane, that I have
stopped y J to request you cot to step
ins-ide yonder house again, till my
brother, Senator Maxwell, returns
home "
Well, really, my dear lady, as Mrs.
Maxwell herself has given me no such
orders, I do not see that "
Again Martha raised her long arm
before the face of the astonished priest.
"I know all you would say, sir, so
don't say it. I am not the mistress of
the mansion, and have no right to In
terfere with the incoming and outgoing
of any one the wife of Senator Maxwell
may choose to see. But you must know,
sir, that'my brother gave me a sacred
charge before he went to his duties
abroad. cllis charge to me was," and
Martha came a step nearer the priest
and though she was not his equal in
height, she seemed now to tower above
" 'Martha, stand by my wife and chil
dren, should any danger assail them in
my absence.'
"The danger has come. Time has
proved that he left in his house a she
wolf in sheep's clothing. Her mate has
now broken into the fold and together
they seek to devour the unwary lamb
they are-deluding and trying to beguile
into their green and flowery pastures,
which are but a snare and a c elusion.
For your gteen dales are artfully con
cealed p!tfalls,and your banks of flowers
are rank poison, and are the homes of
slimy reptiles."
The large black eyes of the youthful
priestfell before the angry steel blue
ones of the follower of Calvin. Angry
In spite of himself at being so har
rangued,he said, ironically:
"Allow me to congratulate you,
madam, on your ability to preach in
each f figuratively beautiful language.
And now, will you allow the wolf to
pass, seeing that h6 is not bodily carry
ing off the lamb; and well catamounts
are not to his taste."
An amused and mocking laugh rang
out on the air and Dr. Wood came from
behind a laurestina bush.
Martha and the priest both startled
turned' quickly.
Father.St. John, quickly recovering
himself, lifted his hat and walked
rapidly away.
"You dosed him well, my dear Miss,
uponimyiword, you did. He got it back
on you at last, though, didn't he, now?
The sleek wolf draws the lineatcita'
mounts, eh? Ha! ha!"
Mis9 Martha glared at the doctor
and said pointedly:
"I wonder what we have done that
the devil has turned his own loose in
our abode, some boldly entering our
house and others hiding in our garden."
"Never mind, now, Miss; you got the
best of one' imp; he will goto his master
and tell,him to put a lew more roses
over his .reptiles, as their tails stick
out to view."
"How long have you been eaves drop
ping behind the bush, sir?" said Martha,
"Well,5Miss-Martha, it was this way
I was coming to make a social call on
you and soiing you wandering in the
garden, maiden meditation fancy free
like, I was going to join you, when, be
fore I got-quite near enough to speak to
you, I saw you and the priest meet.
Then, when you raised your arm and
called a halt, I at once scented battle;
so as neither of you had seen me, I
stepped quietly back behind the bush
to see the fun. What did the devil's
son want anyway?"
"What all thesonsof the devil whom
he has sent abroad this afternoon, want,
I suppose. Anything he could find.
And now as you say you came to make a
call, perhaps you will come Into the
And Miss Martha, straight and grim,
In her painfully plain dress, stalked on
towards the house.
Mis Dillon, from window, totk
cote of the couple ard smiled:
' ThoM? two old fetir.f will pair cfT
some day, or I m my gut ; acid may
the saints bp. d the union ."'
Fth r St. John went direct to the
office of the archbishop. Hi grace
ushered lira into l.U inner room, and
listened calmly and nodded approval
now and then ma Father St John re
latcd to him how he had awatfi'i.ed the
conscience, of the wi luan who had so
nearly tKcajH-d the church.
"I think we have In li-ru true p.-nt-t
Dt, your gra -e. Cod grant sfco li ny
not turn back."
"Aiu- n," re-pimded th-i archbisht p
Ther. in the r-aiJO tircutli, "You did not
tell her of the forlate we hold in tnirt
for her?''
' No," suid St. John, "I did not think
the lime quite rie for that."'
"Your di.-cretion is commendable. St.
John. You are doini; your work well.
Continue to the end without faltering
and the church will reward you."
"1 have yet to tell, your grace, that I
encountered a lion, or more strictly
shaking, a lioness in my path, as I left
the residence of Mrs. Maxwell. A sis
ter of the senator, who proved herself
to be a ranter of the worst form. She
forbid me the house till the return of
her brother." And Father Fabio re
peated as nearly as potsible the uncom
plinientury figures of speech the hater
of Catholicism had hurled at his priest
ly head. "And, your grace, in spite of
myself, I felt a little guilty "
The arctliishop frowned darkly.
"You felt guilty, you say? Guilty of
whut? I) les your conscience prick you
when you are doing your duty. Verily,
I think you need to pluck the beam out
of your own eye before you undertake
to take the mote from the eye of an
other." '
"I did not mean that 1 felt guilty of
any great sin, your grace," said Father
Fabio, humbly. "I felt that I was truly
stealing into the fold when the master
was away."
"The church knows no master, my
young follower, when in the discharge
of her duty. I thought I hud trade this
plain to you on a certain occasion which
you can scarcely so soon have for
gotten." "I have not forgotten, your grace,
and I am indeed weak. Hut I pray
daily for strength."
The archbishop arose and the inter
view was ended. Poor Father Fabio!
He had yet to learn that he must
strangle his scruples ere he could give
them voice.
When Father St. John reached his
home, he found on his table a tqusire
white envelope addressed to himself.
He opened it and a look of impatience
came over his face as he read the deli
cave writir g on the thick. cream-colored,
rose-scented paper. The letter sum
moned him to the home of his wealthi
est parishioner. Mrs. Ida Olney was
rich, aecompli.-hed and very beautiful
Her husband, a weakhy railrosd mag.
nate, was in every resp ct a thorough
man of the world. Theirs had been
union purely physical, a passion begot
ten in a ball-room by the commingling
of slo'v, voluptuous waltz, and its life
was as short as the life of the flowers
which breathed their dying perfume
over It. tiut their vows hud been
plighted beforo the a'tar of the Lord
and a high nuptial mass had made
their marriage holy In his sight. Hut
the months had r.ot numbered a year.
when this husband and wife fomd
themselves t;o Indifferent to each other
for hate; so each sought to make the
best of life, Interfering as little as pos'
sible one with the other.
Robert Olney, though baptized and
confirmed In the Catholic church, was
the most indifferent of memb rs. He
rarely entertd a church of any descrip
tion except to attend, a lunerat or a
wedding. His religion was his money
and the pleasures It brought him
Seven years had passed away since the
union of these two lives. No children
had come to them, and as the years
went by leaving this great void unfilled
their ways grew further apart. Ida
Olney was a regular attendant at
church. It was part other life to glide
down the aisle of the cathedral and
sink on her knoes on the velvet prayer
cushion. Her devotions were material
and her thoughts never soared beyond
what her eyes could see. But since the
handsome young half Spanish priest
had been appointed to the pastorate of
the church of the blessed sacrament,
she had generously paid for her pew in
the cathedral and dedicated it to the
use of strangers. And when it was
known that she paid her devotions to
the Lord In the distant and more
humble church, no one questioned this
queen of fashion whose scepter was
great beauty wreathed with gold.
Mrs. Olney was waiting in her bou
doir for her self-appointed spiritual
adviser. A fitting ante-room to Para
dise, this luxurious private room of Ida
Olney. The mcsaic floor was almost
hidden by the skins of leopard and
tiger, and prayer mats from Persia and
Turkey. The walls were hung with
the richest fabrics the Oriental looms
could produce. The ceiling seemed
like a sea of ryes, so perfect had been
the art of the decorator. Tall vases of
jasper and jtule, small marble statues
and bronzes in various nooks, and bric-a-brac
from every land; ottomans of
rose-hued plush, low chairs which in
vited pressure, a couch covered with
cloth of g"ld, and he.-d high with
cuhUi)i of silk and -ulerJon, Itowls
of rtwii on tables of and buhl, all
united U make the owner uuforlable
hen a- chose- to pt- lew 1: nr in
In nn alcove swung an F.gvptian Ump
w'uosts burning oil diffused an odor of
rundal-wiHKl through the ruoiu.
la this luxurious room, wluu wry
pictures on the wall apH-a til to the
sen, IdaOlm y awaited the only man
who in the seven tmply )-arso' her
liiiirritd l:fo had awakene.1 her pas
sionate nature into iife enough to make
her ignore the fact that she a
wife of another. She hail fallen in love
w ild me young prlct.1 In the very sain:
tuary ol the Lord, and the knowledge
that the fruit she longed for was so far
above her reach, made the longing
Mrs. Olney was read in lilt ra
ture which developed only certain
setii-es. Fiction and history told her
that priests had lieen the lovers of wo
men. Why should not this one love
Ida had at lait found a man suited i i
every way to make her happy; but her
darls of lire had fallen on marble. To
night, rt bt fi in black velvet which
molded itself to every outline of her
tall slim form, which was as graceful
and supple as that of a cat, with car
ouncies glowing with their dee)) per
petual fire on the tips of her curs and
at her throat, holding together th
high Mtdici collar of her gown, with
her hair piled in a blue-black mass on
top of her head, and held In place by a
dagger of dull gold, she waited with
impatience her priest visitor. The
wavy fringe of hair falling over h
forehead shadt d great black hungry
eyes, brilliant with the reflection ol the
fire within. Her mouth, molded like
the mouths of the voluptuous Egyptian
women, showed a vivid scarlet against
the dead white of her complexion
With her slim, nervous fingers, she lit
a lamp nearly as tall as herself, a lamp
which was a masterpiece of carving in
alabaster, and representing a feast of
the gods, the god of revelry himself
holding high above his head the wine
cup which held the burning oil. From
this room all gas or electric lights were
excluded. Close to tho lamp stcod a
small table of onyx and gold, on which
rested an ivory crucifix beside a rosary
of malachite. Mrs. Olney seated her
self beside this table and idly picked up
the heads, each one of which repre
sented a rich man's prajer; and as she
passed them carelessly through her
fingers, the fire from her rings min
gled with the delicate green of the
beads. A low knock at the door, and
Ida Olney threw the ro.-ary from her
and stepped quickly to the door and
opened it. Father St. John stood be
fore her, handsome and elegant in his
dead-black clerical dress, unrelieved
except by the narrow white priest's
co lar which encircled his slender neck.
When they were seated, Ida Oiney
furtively watched the priest with her
heavy lidded eyes hilf veiled, as their
conversation tl.iwcd smoothly on in
tones of cultivation and refinement.
Ida Oiney had several times been seated
thus, opposite the young priest, in the
subdued light ol the room, and devoured
him with gleamii g eyes half veiled by
their heavy lashes, as a velvet tigress
might have Ia n, half hidden in the
tangle of the jungle, making amorous
parley with some indifferent mate.
Mrs. Olney was chairman of the com
mittee of arrangements tor a fair to be
held for the benefit of a convent, and
this had been her excuse for sending
for Father St. John to consult with him
about some of the important details of
the affair.
Father Fabio was a priest. He had
taken the vows of celibacy. He had
made a vow to Heaven never to look
upm wotix n as other men looked upon
them. These fetters had rested upon
him as light as thistle down. In his
calling as priest he had mingled freely
with women, but they had been to him
simply the daughters if Eve, whom it
was his duty to keep in the path which
would lead them to the Paradise their
sinful mother had lost But Father
Fabio was never quite at his ease in the
presence ol Mrs. Olney. He knew that
this woman, with her twenty-five years
and her Cleopatra-like beauty would
prove a temptress that a man of any age
would find difficult to resist, If he came
in the slightest degree under her in
fluence. Seductive as she was, and as
close as their relationship had been as
priest and parishioner, Father St. John
had never yet felt his pulses throb or
the blood run faster in his veins when
brought into close contact with her.
But tonight, in spite of himself, he felt
a certain something stealing over his
senses that he had never known before I
in the presence of women. By slow de
grees, Mrs. Olney had introduced the
subject of love and her own unhappy
"No; you priests cannot comprehend.
xou commune with the saints, and your
piritual love for women of earth Is an
nihilated before it is born, is it not?"
And the temptress leaned forward and
looked the priest full in the face with
hungry gleaming eyes. Father Fabio
St. John was a priest, but he was also a
man, with the hot blood of his Spanish
ancestors in his veins, and this woman
was beautiful and seductive enough to
make St. Peter himself surrender to
her the key of Heaven. And Fabio was
man f lw n'y
v fl ..lulled trim
Mr. O.m-y cxhul aully noted tl
i motion f the priest. It Ma the I'trd
yiiiptoui of a pas-ion which she ha
ft It confident eoiilj le aw akened. Sh
Imd ciutc . ittia'.t-d all the guile in h
nut. ire ai.d throw n it lino her t yes
subdue thin n-ao fun-sworn tti her wi
"I will ni'tkc hku love me: he shall I
Hill e, cvt n if our l wo - nils pay th- for-
d it." she had kept reH'atirg to In i n
a 1 t' e day.
In orv rather St. John hud tvgalm
I ! co'iipO"ure cutaigh to answer ht
-he hud thrown In r-e!f back In h
chair with a heavy nich, s.- y I n; :
.ah, no; you pii.-sts can only lei
mlmly down on us from your hi
e leftals, and bid us do our duty in tli
n atria-. i which the church s.iys ii
hi.s blessed."
fno lad word o' the woman, wl,
was holding out to him htcious fruit
the tree of knowledge, recalled tl
priest to himself.
"Yes, Mrs. Olne ;(lotlntid thecliure
have joined you and jour husband
ei ther; mid no man, priest or layman
may presume to break assumler or d
lile w hat 1 1 is hands have welded
Then like a phantom there arose before
him the image of another woman, whose
union to tho man of her choice no prle
had sanctified; they, too, had defied all
authority to consummate what tin
church must denounce as a (letll
marriage. And to this sinful couple,
whom man, not (I.hI, had joined
cither, sweet children hud biten sent,
iiml the passing years added to, instead
of decreasing their love. And this wo
man In-fore him, whom (lod had given
to a man for a wife, and over whote
union a high nuptial mass had been
celebrated had confessed herself the
most unhappy of women and as trying,
he could Ignore the fact no longer, to
tempt him, a priest of the holy temple
to break his vows for her sake. Uxn
which of these marriages did tho hie
sing of God rest?
Then his duty arose clear before him
lie must Interest this woman in some
gi oil work and make her see that he
irounie was a ining ol her own per
verted imagination. So he said: "Mrs,
Olney, did you ever look around you
and see the real misery there is in the
world? Trust me, you will find balm
for your own suffering in relieving the
pain of others."
A baltful, baffled light flashed from
Mrs. Olney's eyes.
"I always give liberally to the
church, your reference, and to th
pior fund, to the heathen fur.d, and all
the rest of its charities. And I am now
giving my money ard my time to make
this coming fair a financial success for
the benefit of toe convent."
And her bitter tone grew more bitter
as she added:
' But I shall never go into the slums
of i he city and pla :e myself in actual
contact with en uteres repulsive with
dirt and disease to find haiuiiiiess
Have you any o her source of swee
comfort to offer me. inv spiritual ad
vlser?" And IdaOnlev arose and made
mocking courtesy before tho priest:
then turned and wulked to the extreme
end of the room, the long train of her
dress winding in aid out among the
furniture like the tail of u serjient, to
the alcove where tho Egyptian lamp
swung languidly to and fro Tho lamp
was smoking so she turned it low,
Father St. John had slowly followed
the .angry, restless woman, thinking
earnestly. He must not leave her in
th s rebellious frameof mind. She was
after all, a gotd church woman. If she
refused to work among the slcms, he
would find work for her in the upper
As Ida Olney turned from the lamp.
she found the priest standing beside
her. Pale and languid now she leaned
on the ba:k of a chair. The priest,
grave and stern, stood opposite her
"My daughter, as your priest. I com
mand you to cast from you the evil
spirit which has taken possi ssion of you
tonight, and to listen to me, while
talk to you for your good."
rri. ... , , , ....
men, Keeping oacK all mat was
sacred to the church, her told he of the
effort he was making lo bring again
into tho arms of the church the mis
guided tut pure wife of Senator Max
well, and related with reservations his
interview with her in the afternoon
He besought her to help him in his
great work, to strengthen and aid this
erring woman; suggested that 6he get
Mrs. Maxwell interested in the coming
fair. To give Mrs. Olney time to think
over his words, he turnei to examine
some curious heavy scented flowers
which filled a bowl on a table near him.
Mrs. Olney was acquainted with the
wife of Senator Maxwell. She knew
her to be one of the purest of women,
with an idolatrous 1 ive for her hand
some, distinguished husband. She had
seen her informally in her home, sur
rounded by her lovely children; and
ceu sue, wuuse imagination was ol a
kind to give birth to any evil suspicion,
could think no evil of the priest's inter
est of this fair pure woman. Then her
woman's pi ide asserted itself and the
polite subterfuge of the lar.gunge of the
world passed her lips.
"Yes, Father St. John, I will help
you in this, so far as it lies in my
Tho priest turned from the flower
and thanked her, saying: "You will
no saint, hut a mortal
six years. Ilia pale fat
profit her much and yourself niorn by
on dolii!; " TluMi, bending over the
f! wer, he said: ' Th-"' It iw. ra arc
cry curious, hiuI a'i entirely unknown
Ui me "
Id O'ncy moved a'owly to th t table.
"Yes," she raid, "a friend st lit llieni to
me today. T'iciv are none like them
In the city, I Udleve, cxex pt Ihtrmi In
bis conservatory. They are of the
Dion, a sni-ie. They feed on Ii h -cI
Tin !r s ifiiin Intoxl ales them and
llicy and the Ituwer closes over them.
A happy death. tnfier all, and the in
loxiration which lead to it, U x rhaps
Worth nil eternity of cold, scentless
life "
Tho prlt st looked from the It.iwers to
the dark, beaut, ful woman U-fore him
II-r hungry glcamim; eyra were fixed
upon his own and he wassM- ioiind.
A young r-1-.l.-r of Mrs. t)ln- y's was en
tcrLtinlng company of her own, in mils
taut room, and the tones of a mandolin
played by some master -hand, came
Healing to them. The lUep Oriental
embroideries of the drawn curtain of
the alcove fell against Ida Olney as she
stood motionless looking at him.
The Egyptian lamp, Its s rfutmtl oil
nearly exhausted now, swung dim ami
languid The soft low music still floated
around them. The distant light which
the god of revelry held in his hand,
filled the room with a soft ro-y glow.
The atmosphere was heavy and lang
uorous with the combined tdors of the
murderous flowers and sandal wood and
altar of roses. All moral obligations
die in sucli a combination of voluptuous
ness; but the rank, murderous flowers
of passion thrive in It.
Father St. John, Intoxicated like the
Insect, felt himself drawing nearer and
neuter yet to those gleaming eyes and
to that trembling sjarlet mouth. He
opened his arms, and clasped them
tightly over a slim, lithe form which
sprung into them. And he who slnee
manhood had known no kiss except the
pure one of his mother, was now in a
delirium of tho senses hitherto un
known, and unimiiglned, pressing burn
ing kisses on the moist hot lips that
had fastened upon his own. Tho for
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bidden fruit from thU tree of knowl
edge, which be laa'cd t might for thrj
flrt tiino, ana rnaddt ning In lU afreet
i.oaa. ('!,, rami r yet he held l
him the form wh'ch I, ml grown a di ad
wi Ight now in hl arms. Caught la
that -oi of pass;oi which break
all tu, kil's honor and have red
ruin an.) d. relation In t track, Father
St. John was in Imminent danger of
moral destruction.
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on m f i mI '1 in riiti'-"! )vU"l to tv
9 oakiH H ht rilhrr ru, ami ra)t " iai. in ).?
rvwiiUmn (ii 'in in.f.""'l in' 1 1 iifitlup
V p,.wra r Hiia ir-d-tanv. an- a-1itni.lni.K, atnl it
uat (i.i a mirt W tiai-ifatU'
Itltthlafx), iteffwi-aa mini iliof ti Utit vaetj
A life ami vifr
w T. tttoar ml
ii lil !
4 ft t t'l I'lrtaW II nf !! t
i. k-ut' n.iilattiit rl' Julia,
ill m arnt hy mal I mm
r .ill t,,.., nh .. (
il raara, fur $.'. AU blurt
A "fiiiittip.f f I, a n. tnin. in. i
iir private tat "'tali
am, wtiieh il t it
crvji'jl rnfliitntii
12 Iramont Row.Ooaton, Man.
I Taa E i ihHi J.uiitn innr Itooia
f I III III-T il yuti uaaa v
Tak ill filar, of M vm III,
ruiuia In iihliwIhi In N-w I iiulii4
V jrara lliati.ttt a ai,, ll-l til n-f-f-nni
Itarnitlf Mi Nl.-r a . A fi'l tiiltti'i
t tTO l"TI'li I' ImKMKIJ.C .
lO V f.t. , M-nm. ln .
a Peer in Lllaratura. "Hki iikth or TUB
Convknt" la a Htiirlllnx liimk. Yiiu wiiultt
link ynur frlernls to reiul It. MhIIimI, iC i-twita.
I'aki ni l'i ui.iMiiiNU CoMi'ANir, I'lillmli'lijlila,
I'a. 2U-W- lui ,
qualities. Among the number
The Lincoln Park Commissioners:
Trial Order.
will never be without
Cover, 50 Cents.