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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1895)
THE AMERICAN 8 A 1' ltmk M. Itn W. VYlrl tu nil iheoUuMrtUy.whlM riJtrjr thnnitrh thehlMaof Maw-m-hiii- etl, which werv worn -hound, and fringed with the oak hruh, I read the "Story of St. Patrick. ' hy thai w holar- ly writer, IV. StidVron, ttnu "Ireland and the IrUh." Iy Dr. Hndlay. Thc' lwoh! writer have rendered n al i rvlco to I'roiisUnUmn, and the caiiM of historical aivuracy. Ttierv has Wm n much iiiiMinuVrlanJln of the ancient Irish church, and n.uch m'srep'-ew rtatln of that Iri.h Ktle 1'atritk. lr. Sat ilerrnn decrlli the early wttler, and original lanf;uHt;e and religion ef lreljmd, In an tnU'net Inif way. He is In full apreemi nt vith the Jeadlnir authoritleH, wlnn he eu larpc iiion tie learned and highly christian character of the early Irish Science, philosophy, and letter reached dec roe of ieriVct!on in Ireland, not equalled by any other nation of western EuroK. The "SUry of Patrick" lit an extra ordinary one. Ho lived In the early part of the Fifth century. When he win !." year old, ho, with aome 2lX others, wan token by aoino piratical wanien, oft to In land, III birthplace wan near the Clyde. In Scotland. He wan sold to an Irish kin? near the pre ent town of Itallymeua. He jent some six year In herding cattle, when by prayer and faith he bejran to lay hold of the Saviour, and experienced a won derful spirit awakening. He escacd from slavery, returned home, and pre pared himself to become a missionary to the Irish. His father and grand father were apt ritual leaders, or prleutn, and both were married. In fact, In the early Hrltlsh church, the clerjry ha bitually married. The evidence I t Isfactory that HrltUb chlstlanity sprang from Asia Minor, and not from Rome, and lor Boveral hundred years was not subject to the authority of the papacy. Patrick, was he living in our day, would bo regarded as a Protestant preacher of the evangelical type and with evangelical methods. lid was wholly out of lino with the doctrine, spirit and forms of the Roman church, which has so strangely appropriated him as Its great Irish saint. Ills teach ing was emphatically scriptural and evangelical; he taught that communi cants should have both bread and wine In the Lord's supper; that conversion was the woik of divine grace in the heart, while no reference is found to image or saint worship. In the Irish church of his day, the popes bad no place. In fact there is no allusion to them. This Is shown by the fact that the popes mttke no stah merit whatever of the religious affairs in Ireland. In the church at Rome it appears that nothing was known of the revival of Patrick. In his own writings, and they are very valuable for their bearing upon his own religious feelings and state of heart, there is no reference to any au thority of bishop or pope over him, in his call to the work. It cmne from God. The early Irish monastery, estab lished and fostered by Patrick, was not so much a monkery, as it was a college, to prepare missionaries for the work of the Gosel. It was a great educational and spiritual cen're. The monastery became famous for the service rendered to God. The Irish scholars went out from these christian schools, and over ran Europe, doing faithful and hero'c work for both religion and education. These wero the days prior to the papacy In Ireland. The Roman church is not the cause of that anchnt Irish religion and learning, but she is the cause for the decline of both. It is to be hoped such a book may find Its way into tens of thousands of homes. It is quite time that Irish history should be cleared of the fog cast about it by the papal church. Such early Gospel teachers as Patrick of Ireland, Columbo of Scotland, Bede of Britain, and Walds of Spain belong to the Pro testant faith, and not the Roman Cath olic. They should be reclaimed. The second part of this great book, by Dr. Flndlay, is chiefly valuable for lis exact reproduction of an immense amount of historical data bearing upon the Irish of the early christian cen turies. Findlay is a ripe scholar, and a pains taking and faithful chronicler. I know of no book attainable so cyclo pedic on eany Irish Christianity. Every Protestant minister in the land, with this one book will have the whole mat ter cleared up about the Romish per Version of the Irish church. Boston. Who Is Responsible! That the Roman Catholic church is decidedly opposed to the "constitution" of the United States of America, no thoughtful student of the times will stop to question. It has always been opposed to It, and .In fact, looking at it from Rome's standpoint, she has an ex cuse for being opposed to it, as it dots not give her the rights and privileges she would enjoy. This opposition is no new thing, but was apparent in the very beginning, by the pope not sending his blessing upon the efforts of the colonies in their struggle foi liberty from the tyrannical rule of King George of England. The reason his blessing was not con ferred upon the colonics, I suppose, is because he well knew it would be re jected with as much impunity as was the chests of ei which were unloaded In Itootoo harbor, which circumstance I known a "the Boston tea party." When the memorable "declaration of lndcemb'noe" wan offle'ally algned.and the 'constitution of the I'nited SUU wit drawn up a id "adopted" by that colonial congreso, there 1 no trace or record of any tilotwiiijf (?) being cn'. by the pope tiHn it. Why? He knew better, a the Inquisition, insTu nenU of torture, the stake, the gililn t, the stock, the rack, the thumb aerew, etc. eUv, having betn empl yed by him, or, at his direction In the punishment aud death of many Prot slant who would not recant and submit to KmuUh dic tation, had not yet died away in the mlmltoftho "father" of this country, and for him to have sent hU bl wing upon the constitution, to be received by these vemrable father of "American liberty," would have apcartd to them a a curse in disguise. While the hihj desire were ts ward this country and ho would liked to have become It sovereign controller, jet he saw it must be procured by some means of sub'iity. Accordingly ho set himself busy to weave a web about u. It must be remcmlwred that the Hit man Catholic church 1 the most per fect and complete organization in the world. Its adopted schemes of keeping it adherent in superstitious Ignorance cannot be (quailed In any partof the In habited world. The whole organiza tion is moved by ono h ad the pope who resides in the "vatlcun" at Rome, Italy. He nods and cardinals move. The cardinals order and the bishops oKrate. The bishops call out and the priest resMind. The priest xnir forth their instructions and tne peoplo obey. They give no order; it 1 theirs only to oloy. They are taught that to disobey tho directions of tholr priest Is a mor tal Bin, for which they will receive the cutse of the .holy church. And like so many sheep at the voice of their shepherd (?) they como forth. Poor dupes and slaves, what a condition is theirs. If it could with safety be given them, they deserve sympathy rather than censure. But they are like the )oionous serpent when chilled and cold, "It is only warmed that it may bite its innocent victim." So with a member of the Romish church. To "cherish" and "befriend" him is only giving him a better opportunity to lacerate his innocent victim with his poisonous fangs of Romanism, all of which his religion (?) will justify and uphold him in doing. The responsibility of the attitude of the Roman Catholic organization against this country does not rest with the laity of that church, but belongs solely to the ofllcers of that church. They are to blame. They are respon sible. Let us locate it where it belongs. They are the sworn enemies of our "free" republic, of our "free" institu tions. It is them who largely dictates our laws, and frame the leading poli tics of our nation. Is it not time for us to b gin to cry out, Oh, Consistency! Oh, Consistency! where hast thou flown? Shall we, as iree," loyal American citizens suffer these unprincipled too! of a foreign power, a foe to civilization, foe to edu cation, foe to freedom of conscience, speech, press and pulpit? I say shall we free Americans suffer such men as these to run our affairs? Rome's method of securing this country is to tako con trol little by little until she has the reins of government in her own hands. Now to every voter who loves th is free country, with its free schools, free speech, etc., I would say, we have the power to extricate ourse,lves from the forthcoming thrta's of the onslaughts of Roman Catholic tyranny. Shall we dolt? REV. J. II. WOEKTENDYKE, ALONQUiN, 111., March 4, 18U5. ew Train. ew Route. The Burlington Route's Black Hills. Montana and Puget Sound Express which leaves Omaha daily is the fastest train via the shortest line to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. Through service of Sleeping and Free Reclining Chair Car. Our advertising matter gives full in formation. Send for it. J. Francis, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. California! If you want to get there com'ortably, cheaply, quickly, write to J. Francis, Omaha, Neb. and ask for information about the Barlington Route's Person ally Conducted Excursions to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. They leave Chicago every Wednesday evening; Omaha every Thursday morn ing. People who patronize them once are pretty sure to do so a second time. Wanted. A man about 50 years of age to work in onion patch. Work to commence about the first of April. Call on or ad dress T. S. Rice, Waterloo, Neb. When down town drop in at John Rudd's and leave your watch, If it is out of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St. Eat Dyball'sdeliciousCream Candies. 1518 Douglas St. Edward Baumley, for livery, 17th and St. Marys Ave Eat Dy ball's Candies, 1518 Douglas- YEARS OP INTENSE PAIN. ir. J. It. H ntin. druggist ami hyl rlu. liumlsildt, Mb, liosu(T.n-d witb heart dM'u fur four yearn, trying every remedy and nil tre;itriw nt known to liiitf elf and frlioa-jiractliioiiers; believe that bc.irt diM-UM- Incurable, lie files: "I itlsli tit tell ahatyotir valuable medl clne h:n cl.nn f..r n.e for four fi-an.1 luil heart iliwaNr f Hie very ciM kind. S-ireful iliylclan I roniulted, :i.d It w:t Rheumatism of the Heart. It l ullKiCl lltl- rnduraMe; with ft h o r I ii v of breath, pa I pi ta tltiu it, severe pIllllH, Ulliihle tO fcli-ep, e-p i-iully oil the l ft fclde. No jM-ti run de serilie my miller- Iii-h, particularly luring the. l;-t m. mi In of tllKM! fuur weary years. 1 Anally tried vh. J. it. waits. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, aud Hurpri-.e,l ;ii tlie rt-sult. It put new II fo Into and nuiUc u new man of me I have imt liinl a t.yni-ioiu of troulilu miu'i' and I inn MiiMi.-.i )nur nieiUi'tio- lias cured Uio fur 1 liavo Hnw enjoyed, bim-e taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I lul'lit add tliat I am a dmi: m-,1 mid have guldmid reromiiiemied your Heart I'ure, fur 1 know ttliut It Ii is ilc. no fur lite mid only wlsli I could Mato wore clearly p.y Kiiffer Ing tlii-n and llai fond dealt Ii 1 unw enjoy. Your Nervine ami oilier remedied aIo give excellent H.uisfa lio;i." J. U. W atts. Humboldt, Neb., May 0, Ir. Miles Hcirt Cure Imw-.ld on a ixultlvo (JIlaiaiiK-e tlial tlie In .1 iNillle Hill Unelit. All I m I I wll It al ft 6 bottles forift.or It hiII lieheni, iii panl, on rweija of jirlia by Uiv iir. Mill-a Co , Klkn:il t. lull Dr. Miles Heart Cure Restores Henlth .Nnlice lo Non-Kcviilciil Defendant. In illMrlcl court In and for iKnilahCounly. Nebraska. liroritu W. Covell. ) rlaliitin, nocKeny; No.a VH. Marcuw I'. Mason. Notice for I'ubllcat Ion. IlefeinUnl. I To Marcus 1'. Mason, non-resident defend ant: Marcus I, mason will take notice that Georifc W. CovcM, of tlie county of hoiikrlas. and slateof Nebraska, did on the 2nd day of march. IN'.n, tile Ills petition In tne otllce or the t leilt of tlie district court of and f r Hounlus county. Hitnlnst said Marcus P. Mason, selling forth trial the said Mar.'iis I'. Mason wax Indebted to the salil (o'lirtre V. Covell. in the sum of i"0.i(l. an a balance due lilm from Miircim 1'. Mason for scrvlccii rendereil by lieorire W Covell an attorney for Marcus r. Mason, ana praying for Jiitlionent Hiialnsl Marcus I. Mason for the sum of fiMI.WI, Willi Interest thereon Bt sevt n per centum, per annum from July 1st. Ii4 That on the same day the plaintiff also llleil an antilavlt for attacunuMit In salu cause. asklnir I hill real net ate biliuitflim Jo mill Marcus I'. IMasoii, Hltuaied In the county of I lunulas. and slate of Nebraska, be at'a' hed and ap propriated, by the provisional reineuy of attachment, to the payment of DlaliUlll's claim aitalest. said Marcus I. Mason. 1 he Haul .Marcus 1', M ison will further take notice that, certain real estate beloiik-ln to him ilcsc lljed as follows: Lot 1. In bloi'k 11, Kllby Place adilltlon to ( imaha. and lo's I, H, H. HI and II. In block In Carlhaite aiidltion. and lots 1. 4. s. II. l and 14. In bloci. it. In ( iirlluiKe addition to Uinalia. In DnuL'la county, Nel raska, has been attached In said cause, ami lias iiecn taken liv attachment in salil cause to pay the rliiiui of the sulci li I tl nt 1 IT' aiiainst said defendant 1 lie said jlarcus f. Mason Is if urtlier notified that he Is required to appear and answer the plain tiff's petition In the aforesaid cause, on or before Monday, the l."th davof April. IXX, cr said petition will be taken as true and juil ment rem ered accord inirly and said at tuched property will be sold to pay stl. u Judgment and the cost of t liH action tiuiiOh. w. uim r.i.i.. ;H4 I'laintiff. Churchill ,tr Winter, attorneys forpbiiniilT S .tlusicr Commissioner'! Sale. (Jnilerami by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of liioiliriiKC issued out of the district court, for I loin: I as county. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the Uth day of April. A 1). I!C. at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at the Kast front door of the county court home. In the city of Omaha. liounlaH county. Nebraska, sell at pu'illc auction to t he iilKlieit bidder for cash, the property described In said order of siilo us follows, towlt: the south eli:ht v two (S:i feet of lot, tlilrtv- slx (iMi In !. K. Hoiters' Ukahoma addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy I. L. Johnson, pi iii ii t i IT herein, the sum of nine hunt! red eleven and M lxl dollais iSUI.Mi jildiriiieut with Interest thereon at the rate of ten tint per cent, per annum from !eptemier 17th. ls'.d. together with the further sum of ninety-one and IS-tin) dollars i.U.I8l attor ney's fee herein, with Inteiest thereon at ten t In) per cent, per annum from September 17th ls"l. mill I ha sum of thirty and ss-HKI dollars l$:tj ti) costs heroin, together with accruing lists according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Houglaseounty.xit Us September term, A. II. Inaeerlain action then and there pending wherein I. L. Johnson was plaintiff, and ArthurMurphy. Mary Murphy. Margaret Murphy. Iianiei Murihy. Margaret l.ovett. tiu irdian. and Frank K. Misires, t'lerk. were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska. March i. sn.j. tiKOHtiK. W. HOI.BKOOIi. Sued at Master C.immissloiier. Saunders. Macfarland lllckev. Attorneys. Johnson vs. Murphy, et al. Doc. 44, No. 21. i s-ft Special Muster Commissioner's Sale. I'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and t me directed, 1 will. on the 11th day of April, A. I) lsns. at one o'clock p M. of said dav, at the north front door of the county court house, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at puunc auction mine highest bidder torcasn. the prop-rty described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit: The east one-half (e ' jl of lot nine (W In block eight iw. and the west one half (w t) of lot nine t'.b In block eight mi. all In Walnut Hill, an addition to the cltyof On. aha, lloug-lasi-ounty, Nebraska. Said urouertv to be sold io satisfy H. J. Twlnllng. plaintiff herein ha sum of seven- wen auu i4-iim auilarsiS)7.74i judgn ent. wt n Interest thereon at. the raw of ten (0j per cent per anniiiu from September 17th, lS'.K, and thirty-one and (Hl-lno dollars (ill. Wn costs herein, together with accruing costs accord ing ma judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county. . t Its Septem ber tern , A. IJ. 1S!4, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein H.J. Twintlng was plaintiff, and Mary tiarllchs, Robert I.. Garlichs James t. Taylor Mary A. Yates and Henry W. l'enn.x-k were defendants. Om ilia. Nebraska. March 7tn, 1SH5. OKOHtiE W. HOLBROOK. J Special Master Conimissioner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, atmrneys. H.J. Twlntlne vs Mary Garlichs. Doc. 45. No. 47. 3-8 5 l.ctal Notice, To Minnie Schoenfelder, Non-Resident De fendant: You are hereby notified that on the Kith day of February, lusts, William Schoenfelder tiled a petition against you in the District court in and for Douglas county Nebraska, the object and orayer of which is to obtain a divorce f roin you on the grounds of desertion for over two years and adultery. You are required to answer said petition on or oerore tlie first day of April. I"!". 2-22-4 W ILLIAM SCHoKNr ELDER. Stockholders Meetiug. The annual meeting of stockholders of The Mutual Investment Company will beheld at the otllce of said company, In Omaha, Neb., on Tuesday. April Inn, lsy,, at 4 o'clock p tu tor the purpose of electing directors for the eusult g year, and for tlie transaction of uch other business as may properly come before said n.eetlng. W. II. RUSSELL. O. C. OLSEN, I'resideiit. Acting Secretary. It Wirr of larvrtNiralioa t( Jamn A. Clark Company. Nolle fa hr-by flen ihi a t-orp ration lim lin b of gained liitiler the tf-n ral itat utett of the wtrtte of N tiraska. lo I lie ,i aimer mid for Hie purpo here nfter sp ,ltled.U li Krt ii'lfi of iit-!rpornt!ot, were on lb lth lay of lh cemiier. s.4. tiled In the eltice of I be county clerk of Ifciuylai. couMy, Ne braska: A I II I E I 1 ft1 nt, ine ,if thr C4it p rMiioti Is "Jul. -m A Clark 4 oinpany." ami an prtmlp;il pl:u-rif irau-ael llg IW blisllirHs is in tlie t'liy of iUi.uha, Douiaii county. Nehfask. A IJTICI E II. Th geia-ral liitlure of tt.e business t.i Is? t r nsacied l-y said cor: oral lou slmli Im- buy li g and fe-iliiig I-si t.i i'r.Mjui-e. I i ulti. Nuis. Holler. Kil.s, t hii kens. l uiKeVs. Du.-ks. i.c-s... ( jlii-x and all Wild lowU and Ai in.als Also ! buy nf.d ell Hie alsive named prouiiieon commission, and in faet to do a general ciiiiiiiilss.ou tiustu ss, and ibe corsir lion iiail also h'tv the po,-r anu authority to buy. eoiisi rm-t. rent or lease riei-esfiii , reslt-iaie ami building lo err on Its busit.eU and to bind or inoitgae liie same. ARTICLE III. The authorized capital 'lu ll sI.hII fa-five thousand dollars urn Hm dlt nbd lulu sfi:,res of one humirtd tloil.irs .shBinup ei-i and to Is- fully pa d up at I he I line of Issu ance. Tne existence of this corporation shall i-onuiielice on the sthil:tyof ilecen ber. s.'4. and continue dining I he pi nod of twenty ijw. years, unless sistiier dissolved by a voi of the stock holders hoiuiug l.i llillils of Ihecilplla stia k Issued. A UTICLE I V. Tin highest amount of indebtedness to which said -orporailon shall at any tine subject itself i.hall not la more than an am. .iii.t equal Hi two-thirds of its paid uj Cftpiial stoek. and In no event shill the private property of said slock-holder be liable for ttie Indebtedness of said corjjora tioii. ARTICLE V. rl'tie otlieers of said corporation shall be conducted I. v a boaid of three directors I'resldent. Vice-Fresldent. ecrelary and Tri'iisun-r. I n testimony whereof, said Jan es A. Clark Company have caused this notice to be pre pared and published. JAMEs A CLARK COMPANY. Ity J AMI S A. Cl.AHK. President, It. Ratkkin. Se ret:trv. 2-l.VJ Sjieclnl Master CtMiiiiiissimicr's Sale. I'nder and by virtue of u order of sale on d cree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the lull day of April. A D. Is'.". at one o'clock p. in. or sabl day. at the uorl Ii riont door of the county court house. In the clly of Omaha Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public am lion to the highest bidder for cash, the iroperty descrited lu said order of sale as ollows. lo-wll : Commencing at a point fifty five t.Vii feel south of a point one hundred and iilnely elght tl'is) feet west of the forth-east corner of lot foi l -six i4ti in S. E. Rogers' plat of Okahoma. thence riiiiriing souih twenty seven and one-half t27'i) feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-t wo (1 12) feet, thence north twenty-seven ami one-hair tJi'jifeet. t hence east one hundred and thirty two ilitji feet to place of beginning, being a part of said lot forty-six .4tii in S. E. Rogers' plat of Okiihoma. an addition to the city of Omaha and situate in Douglas county, slate of Ne- brasua. Said property to be sold to satisfy J. W. Squire, trustee, plaintiff herein, the sum of nine hiinured ninety four ll Km dollars tt'.m mil judgment with Interest therein at race of six one- hall tt.',i per cent per annum from Sepiember 17. ls'.it, and forty and 4") HKI dollars Sti4."n with ten ill!) per cent. Interest rrom said date. To satisfy other lien- upon said described premises In the order of their priority as or dered by the decree of foreclosures issued out f thlscoiirl In this cause. Tosatlsfy the sum of forty-six lN-ltKi dol lars fttl ltocostshereln. with Interest thereon from llic I7ih day of .September, ts'.sl until paid, together with accruing costs according to a judgment, rendered by the district court of said Doutrbis county, at Its September term, A. II. Ism, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein J W Squire. Trustee, was plaintiff', and Sarah M l'ress and others were defend am s. Omaha, Nebraska, March B !. CHARLES S. ElXil'TTF.R. Special Muster Commissioner. George E. Tiirkington. attorney. J. W. Squire, Trustee vs Surah M. l'ress. et al. Doc. 44: No ill 1. 3-K-fl Special Muster ( (iniiiilssiiiiicr's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage lsued out of the district c urt for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to n e directed. I will, on the llih day of April, A. D. ls.i'i. atone o'clock p. si. of said uiiy. at- the K, si front door of the county court house, in t he cit V of On. aba. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder forcash. the properly di s Ti'ced In s.iid order of sale as follows, to-wit: Lot nine (9) in block twenty-three (21(1 of Walnut, Hill, an addition to the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy The Walnut Hill Sivlngs and Investment. Com pany, plaintiff herein, the sum of thirteen hundred ninety-eight and M-ltM dollars islil'.w Kit judgment, with interest thereon at i lie rate of eldi (Si per cent per annum from Septei ber 17th. ls'.it, and twenty two and 2il-KKI dollars (S22 2ib costs herein together with accruing costs, according toa judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its September term. A D. 1SU4. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Th Walnut Hill Savings and In vestment Company was plain iff. and John W H-11 and Mis. Hell were defeLdants. Omaha, Nebraska Man h 7th. ts'.i.V GEORGE W. HOLHROOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfailand & Dickey, attorneys. The Walnut Hill Savtngs and Investment Co. vs. Ji hn V. Bell Duo 44; No ills it K-4 Special M stcr Commissioner's Sale. I'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of a mortgage aud land contract issued out of the district court for D uglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I wit', on the 11th day of April. A. D. IS'.i.,, at one o'clock I. M of said day. at the East front door of tlie county court house, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fi r cash, the property described lu s. id order of sale as follows, to-wit : Lola twenty-one i2l)and t weniy-t wo t22) In block twenty-three (211 of Walnut 111X1. an addition to the city of Omaha, all In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy The Walnut Hill Savings and Inve tn e t Com pany, plaintiff herein the sum of three thous and six hundred ami eighty-seven and 75-1(0 dollars (iM.tis7.75) judgment, with interest thereon at the rale of eight (Si per cent per annum from September 17th, ls!4. and twenty-two and .W-IUU dollars ($J.'.";n costs herein, together with accruing costs accord Ing to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its Septem ber term, A. D. ls4, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein The Walnut Hill Savings and Investment Company was flalntifF, and Albert Dufour and Mrs. lufour, 'lis wife, were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. March 7th. IS'.i.i. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys for plaintiff. Doc. 45; No. 77. 3 8-5 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of tho district court for Douglas county. Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the 11th day of April, A. D, ls6, al one o'clock P. H. of said day, at the East front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction lo the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to wit: lx)ttwot2lin block one (1) of Mayne I'la e, an addition to the city of Omaha, In Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy P. h. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of three hundred fifty-seven and -Hm dollars iil57.7:i) judgment with interest thereon at rare of seven (7) per cent, per annum from September 17th. 1!4. and six'y-eight and 10-IlW dollars i lui Costs hereto, with Inter est thereon from September 17th, ls'.sl, to gether with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its September term, A. D. Is'.t4. in a certain action then and t here pending, wherein I. L. Johnson was plaintiff, and Joseph l Thompson and Reuben W. Ross, executors of the estate ol Reuben Ross, deceased. Francis I. Thomas. Ilex let L. Thomas. Andrew Miles, executor of the es tate of John L. Miles, deceased, aud James Thou pson were defendants Omaha, Nebraska. March 7. ISICi. OEORGK W. HOI.BlfOOKi Spei'lal Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland Dickey, attorneys. Johnson vs. Thompson et al. Do:. 44. No. ii47, 3-S-5 L.... i WW A- STAXDMORn SCHOOL SHOES, i For Boys, Girls and Children. I lioy lira tturuttlc; Comforlnhh', Chvnp. Trv Tiit-nt. W.N.WHITNEY, T 103 South Fifteenth Street. Here's Another List of Snaps At Tim lUlOl'LWS 1HG STOIilS, where ) our Dollars reap n harvest iu gotul values ou everything you luiy. We keep no seeomls; no Bankrupt Stock, everything the lest for the least money: M until rd Sardines $ Oil Sardines Corn Starch 1 lb Can Corn 2 lb Can Tomatoea 2 lb 8 Rirs GimxI Laundry Soap Pickles mt bottle Catsup per bottle Lima B; ans 2 lb Chewirff Tobacco 1 lb Cigars .UIc .02c .O.'lc Newsboy Chewing Tobacco Quail O its 3 pkgs Honey-Strained per jar Famous Excelsior Flour 1 Good Flour per sack .07 .04 .07 .05 .07 .25 .09 .08 .07 .25 .05 .35 .25 .10 .05 .05 W. R. BENNETT CO., of all Best Goods In the tuiwket. Children's and Boys' Shoes at same O. LANG. Motice to 'oti-ltesMent Defendants. JoaODh W. KutTner. t'Uitiiin, vs The Mineral Sprints Kot.t tnir ('iiiiiiiuiiv or Humboldt, lowii.inid ! Notice for Publication. T. W. lingers. Tn as- I u-er of sulil Com puny, I I lerenunnis. j To the Mineral Surlnes Mottling Company of Hii'i boldt. Iowa, mid T. V. lingers. Treas urer of said Loinpuuy. non-resident defend ants: You. and each f sou. will t' ke not use that Joseph W. KutTner. of t he county of Ilouglas. and Kinte i f Nebraska, did. on tne 1st. day of Mari'h. 1X). tile his petition in the county court in and for Douglas county. Nebraska, against you and each of you. setting fori h t hat you and each of you are Indebted to him lu the sum of S2.v;.4.". as a balance due him from you and each of yen., for service rendered by him for you and each of you. and for expenses incurred on behalf of you and each of vou. and praying for Judgment, ngalnst you and each of you. for the sum of 2 2.45. with Interest, thereon at seven per centum, per annum, from February 2iith. 1W.I.V That on the same day tlie said plaintiff also tiled tils altl tavit tor aitaciiiueni.. in sum cause, and hN amilavit tor gariiisnment, lu said cause, asking that, certain debts, dues and credits In the hands of V . A I nk. and In the hands oft.. W. Keed. owi d by them snd each of them to you and each of you. be attached, garnished and impropriated by the provisional remedy of attachment ana garn ishment, to the payn ent of plaintiff's claims against you and each of you. You and each of vou will furt.'er take notice that the debts, dues and credits owing by the said W. k. t'lar- and O. W 'teed to you aud each of you have been attached ami garnished lu said cans -. You and each of you ure hereby not Inert that you are required to appear and answer the idiiini ill's ion in the aforesaid cause. on or before Moiuiay. the 15th day of April 1 !i.. orsaid petition will be taken as true and judgment be rendered accordingly, and said attached and garnished property will be ap plied to the payment of plaintiff's judgment to be rendered in this action and the costs of this action. . , JOSKl'll W. KUK StK. Plaintiff. Covell, Churchill & Winter, attorneys for plaintiff. 3-8-4 TO IMPROVE THE COMPLEXION! Use Howard's Face Bleach ran A DARK and SALLOW SKIN and SUNBURN. This blench removes all dlscoloratlons and Impurities from the skin, such as freckles. Moth Patches. Sunburn. Sallowness. Flesh worn 9 and Pimples. For sale by all ttrst class Druggists. Price $1.50 rer bottle. $500.00 WILL BE GIVEN For an Incurable rase of Black Heads or Pimples. HOWARD MEDICINE CO., Llnrnln, Aef. - and - Chicago, 111. Mention paper n writing to advertiser. r A CR AN D DISCO VERY 1 1 U7ANTED.-A Hn man or woman In evtr? dfe Iff Mmnif hra we have not alfrulv secured a a ; tvnTMpDtatiT to Mil our "ftevaua Oliver" I Kt il l ii MKTAL Knivei. Forkiatid SdoooMo eon ot roodt roarante-d to wr art lifetime, cott I i about OM-knth thai of nlffri Uiertianceof a life i i time i -U average from to $100 per week, and , I meal wilh ready aalea arrrrwhere, an (treat if the ' f demand mrourBohd Mrtai Ihhhu. (rver una Mil i lion Ioliari worm in aaiiv ue. "e 01 Mmpm Free AMruB Itn4rd Wllwcrware Co., Iept. fH HaUn, Maw. I fees. K$ nr' x TVSV Opposite Postoffice. Coffee from .17c rr lb, up Teas from .2ks ier lb. up " Large Thirk I'encil Tablets 03 Uoll Toilet paper .02c 03 Square pky Toilet paper .03c... .04 Iiox Letter paper & Envelojies. . .03 Good Pens per gross 20 (Quarter Ream note paper 10 Guod Envelopes per pkg. .01 .03. .05 Watches Stem wind & Set Bread & Butcher knives each. . . .09 Alarm Clocks 58 Tea Spoons Silver Plated per set. .25 All Steel Adz-eye Hammer 30 Granite Coffee pots 50 10c Paper tacks 05 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. SHOES BOOTS Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADIES SHOES worth 15.00 will go at $1.76 4.(111 " 3.00 3.(10 " 2.50. ' " ' 2 50 I "5 MEN'S SHOES ' 6M " i.W, 5.00 . " 3.75; ' " ' 3.00 " 2.(15 2.50 " 2.00 ' ' Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days 718 South 16th St. CHRIST. HAM AN Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Uepairivq a specialtjs 512 South 16 Street. OMAHA. NEB H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALUER. Otrlce removed from 113 North Kith street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted without pain. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, fourth floor, I'rown Hlk.. li'.ili & Douglas. OMAHA, ncb. G, W. GILBERT, CARPENTER Contractor Builder Storm Ooort and Sash. 1706 St. Mary's Ave., OMAHA. NEB. J. W. RLvLaRR, Attorney-at-Law, MHi Now York l.lfo Hulllln(r, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel ft Maul. Undei taker and Embalme 1417 FARSAM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA, NEB. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber Formerly with M. O. Maul. Telephone 696 013 South 16th St., OMAHA. LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED. American Ladies! When Needing the Assist ance of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN, 2l3 Aorth, .KfrecJT M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantee a perfect fit In all cases, cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 liiiimifr St., OMAHA. nKPfKITinW! rnd me iiand-wrlttiig In UIOrOOlllUM! natural Ntvle and I'll send you In return clmriicter of writer. KiicIobb htati.pi d envi ridiirerM'd lo yourself, alfo a fi e of leu ci'iit. K. K Dllllnghau., 7 Hi Col orado atenue. haiihim t:ity, Kan.