The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 08, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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ril IrtT 4 Tril What llr
TtiliiU ff lb" Aiiri an I'rvtw-
Utf AMN t4tlllll.
KJitor of the Uu f',tUt .l'ir n.m:Yu
Kik me for f w woiu. fr in my
Hiint, upon the jrr at rus you arv do-
viUd U, and the crt at work N for
you. Thi i my tii. Tlii-t are mat.y
Korean Catholic that atv pood citiens,
and ho ih Ui he American'. YVe U thi hl.-wdnjr, and
haying studied their ca' for fifty yearn,
I Uv that I run do for them what their
... - . . l . ..... - .. i . i...
own WHliop oiiirni 111 lin wuuk m
Jeult will r.ol-lt thorn do. Whlit
BoulU'nab'iMl thu French vU v -y ami
and H-ok to understand In hU day, 1
moan to make American urdi-rcUnd.
If they ace. t tho papal yrinianj, a
IUwwult did, lot them add a ho dld
"so far hut no further. Your utijimniiv
we will not roooKnUe; In civil affair wo
will bo (Frenchmen) Americana, and
suffer no intermeddling from Home."
Now, I van not heeome, the champion
of any secret society In public affair:
It would bo Ineonsltitont with my avowed
principles of thought and action. Hut,
in my opinion, your A. I. A. needs no
champion. I do not we that your ad
vermirlou make out their ea?o. You
socm to lie a truly American Lcatus to
uphold American Institution. ir
jicr'a Wetkly gave uh the inu-traita and
characters of your leading m n. I can
trust mioh nan. Jut ho, a company
of hank director or life insurer, U
with cloacd doors-and kin p their on
secret; but If we can confide In their
knon character, wu conlldo to them
the care of our money and provisions
tot our families. H 100111 to me your
ecrota amount to this and no more.
You are 'honest, men, who have seen
your dearest right invaded, your schools
threatened,, and corrupted also, your
chlldre n put Into the charge of Hitter,
ate and unprincipled politicians, and
yourselves beaten away from the polls
by "deputy sheriff," appointed to pro
tect rocghsjand to beat or Bhoot down
honest voter. This wa proven to the
satisfaction of Governor Flower. And
now bore i my point again. There i
a aecretfsoclcty working among us under
alien direction, aud for purposes hostile
to American Institutions. It i a society
with a roeord that "smells to ht aven"
for It atrocities; a society, driven forth
as intolerable by every Romanized na
tion and by Home Itself by the Roman
people; a society, which a popo wa
forced to dissolve and to declare forever
abolished, for it crinus; a society,
which In spite of all thi-, has uplifted
iUlf (iy.ii; mastered the jxipe and
obtained from the present virtuous pon
tiff all Its forfeited pjwers which not
even Pius IX dared to restore; which
has made the city of Washington, the
Beat and center of Its operations In or
der to enthrone a vlee-popa among us,
and by the aid of corrupt and venal txil
itlclans to grasp political power and In
yolve us in the flames of u social war.
Like European countries, In order to
regain our freedom and the control of
our own affairs such will be the result.
Here's a secret society, known of all
men for its infamy, which la responsi
ble for all that is charged with justice
on Tammany, its tool and its ally; yet
nobody but you ha dared toopposa It.
While such a secret society is fostered
you have a right to exist. Preposter
ous indeed, to foster the Jesuits and rail
at the A. P. A.
A few years hence, let us bo sure, men
will speak of the present awakening,
and of the opposition it encounters
somewhat as follows:
"The people had allowed the nation
to carry in its flanks a monstrous evil,
in and disgraceful contradiction t
its fundamental principles. Their ex
cuso was the belief that free institutions
ivould inevitable work out its speedy
extinction. But that hope was a de
lusion. AKenistn, instead of yielding
to the influences ot freedom, struck its
roots deeper Into the soil and began to
stretch forth its dead-man's fingers to
the heart strings of the people. Claim
ing a constitutional guarantee, inter
woven with vast political interests and
fortified by prejudices of religion, it
grew so rapidly in power that it as
sumed to control conventions, dictate
politics, elect congressmen, perscribe
opinions and fetter ahle the pulpit and
Vie press. Then came days never to be
recalled without a blush when po'itic
ians bowed down to the foreign vote as
to an idol, and worshipped it.
When the press decorated Romanism,
winding its hideous brows with wreaths
of praise and when even Protestant
preachers fawned upon it and revok ed
their interpretations of holy writ with
vauseous profession of liberality."
There was but one thing to do, in the
actual conditions, and thai was for the
friends of freedom of every name and
description to sink their party differ
ences, to unite in a new party, to nail
the glorious device of "free speech for
free men" to their banners and march
to victory. But oh! cried the timid
that means social war! If it doss
should, have been the reply never
strike sail to fear This filled
older minds with horror and dismay,
but to younger men it seemed (to use
DeQuincey's phrase) as if the morning
had come of a mighty day, full of awak
ening and preparation, a day of crisis
and of final hope."
Kow, nearly every word of the above
(ave the itaU.iO l just what wan raid
a'xuit the pro slavery period and lt
upimrter, In an eliKjt'enl peech re
cently deliverd in New York by Mr.
Park ti.itiwin! The day will come
when he will Mush, Indeed, that the
editor of the Ne York Ki ti,intj W,
wa none the wis r for e ieilcn.t. Let
Mr. Curdwin read hi wn word and
see what will U n Id of bt.11 and such
journal Uls a he has en in le than
the urt decade of i'Mht.
With cordial wUlies toall true Amer
ican for ' A Happy New Your." I am,
your friend and brother.
A. C'l.tVKI.ANli Coxk.
I iillui-Uvin (he Ned of Hie Hour.
If America' free and patriotic people
could but realiu that one of the great
est need of our country i more zeal
and enthusiasm along the various line
of reformatory work, lfwould not take
a very greatj while U) kindle into life
one grand tlamu t hat would burn out
ignorance and alleviate the woe of our
struggling masse.
As we rise up'and out of the entangle
ment of every system of thought, either
social, political or ecclesiastical, and
look down upon America with it many
sided question of reform, and come to
reali.ittlon of the mometitoui-ness of
the hour, we naturally puso and won
der at the lethargy of the eople In
refo-ence to these great issues In-fore us.
To bo freclo lalsir for the right and
the best needs of our country, we must,
a a people, burst asunder every chain
that hold us In bondage to creed or
form. Liberty In the broadest sense of
the term can only Ihj enjoyed by those
who are free from superstition and fear.
In every time of need when great na
tions have been "troubled with such
hotorogenious questions us arise before
u today such as the Romatists de
mand for'pre-cminence; capitalists op
pression of labor, and labor's resistance
of capital; the lndomt.itable and ever
aggressive teuioraneeC reform; the
earnest need for the enfranchisement
of woman: and the ever increasing nota
tion and rottenness of politicians in
power; want and woe staring us in the
faco from every side, while jieino and
plenty crown our nation like a divine
benediction from God all, all make us
to feel that the great author. and leader
of nations, has opened a new Ixxik of
revjlatkms to nuin'Jwhich is proclaim
ing to u that American liberty, which
came as a forerurnerof things to be, is
yet but in Its infancy; and if this, out
great and gifted republic, would enjoy
peace and perfec t freedom, we must, as
a people, advance out of the- chrysalis
of our dormant state and mount up,
upon the wings of freedom, and dwell
in a higher state of civilization. Man
was created in the image of, God's in
telligence; and just In proportion as ho
is willing to possess himself of that
intelligence., jiiHt so fart may he enti r
in and possess the1 land where true
liberty Is known.
For although wc stand today chle'
among the nations of the earth, hain
made a record second to none, Yot in
this m vtter of the science of govern
ment and religion, .Jwe -have yet the
world before us with its many vacillat
ing questions of reform unsolved; and
If we would master' our national diffi
culties aud bring, about an amicable
settlement of the same, we must noeds
as a true and loyal people lose sight of
self interests and bicome one with the
great body politic, whose first and only
object should bo for the gooi of its
Hut In this country, and especially in
our larger cities where we have a pjo
ple so heterogenious, the question
naturally arises as to how or what
methods may be adopted to bring about
a higher clvili.atiou and lei our people
out into the glorious liberty that may
b-3 enjoyed if we will on'y advance to
embrace opportunity.
In the first place, the A. P. A.'s have
no quarrel with the Romanist from the
fact that he Is a Romanist and wor
ships God according to his creed, for
we, a government of the people by the
people, and for the people, stand upan a
platform too grand and broad in its
character to dictate a religious faith
any. We believe that a man's con
science should harmonize his relation
to, and with his God. But that any In
dividual should presume to control
governmental affairs should not and
will not be accorded to any; but tho
sovereign power, even the Christ,
which implies truth from the bee-hive
to the throne. Christ himself did not
come to defy powers that be, but to ful
fill the perfect law of liberty.
The laborer does not deplore the fact
that he is a laborer, but his simple de
mand is that his labor shall be rocog-
nized equally with capital; for without
labor capital would be powerless to act.
The temperance reform does not pre
tend to curtail the liberty of trus
Americans, and only for the foreign
element whose God is the pope, would
our country ever been plunged into
such a cataclysm of woo as has made it
necessary for .the present detnonstra
tions in denunciation of tha saloon.
The enfranchisement of women his
not been brought to the notice of our
people from the thought that woman
would become more mmfi; but as a
method to promote the highest and
best interests of our country, to elevate
the entire body politic by way of purify'
ing a pollutted government. To settle
these ma iters that are squarely before
us will rt quire the highest and bent
thoughts of thi great and patriotic
n-oplo, and it should be l In; prayer of
every loyal heart that we may he
divinely led, a we go on to pe the
world' b st ltlertv American fre.
dom. Rev. Kuiiiia P-w liitnl -r in Hit
1 m rt'u n i'ntivt.
I I'lrlirntod.
On Friday, February iT.'.id. the Mt.
Pleasant school of New Sauta Fe, Mo.,
celebrated Washington's birthday wish
an elegant programme and-flag pre
sentation. Tho celebration wa brought
a'Hiut mainly by C. E FU inii g, a nieu
bcr of Kansas City Cminail No. 9, Jr?
O. U. A. M., MSfist. d by Mis Jeffrie!.'
the teacher, andMrs. Dora King, the
clerk of the school Imard.
The school room whs nlo ly decora t d
In front, over the black -1m ard was the
word "Welcome" In a Jhalf circle, and
underneath wa a fan u.Hiio of bunting
on the right and left oft the word wel
come was hung picture of George and
Martha Washington. ' On tho sides of
the room were quite a number of pict
ure representing Washington indiffer
ent attitudes. The st In the center
of the room w-is wrapjKd with red,
white and blue bunting. The exercises
began promptly at l .'io p. m. The pro
gramme was rather lengthy, but Inter
esting, and wa rendered by the school.
Htatk or 01110. c itv ok Toi.rtMt, I
I.iu'hh County. 1
Khans J. iiknky untto-n out ti that lie Is
the senior iiurtnrrof the linn of V. J. iiknky
.b I'ii.. ilulnit liiinlneHH In the eltv of Toledo
futility anil Mule aforesaid. Hiid Hint wild
II r m will pny the sum or UK III .MIKM
III .!., KS fur toirh mid every ense of
f l lO(il I hue 01 11 not he cured liy the uso of
Ham, s l ATAKHii i in-:
Hwurt to liefure me and s ihscrllH'd In my
presence this til li day of I emlier. A II. Issti.
; . , A. W liLKASON.
Lmkai.1 Notary l'uhll
Unit's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intorniilly
nnd acts direct ly on the hlood and iiiiii'iiiih
mo-faced of thesysten Send fur tent linoniiils.
free. r . .1. t H r. r.X ft I II., TcllfUO. II.
Jf"Slld hy lH-UKKlsts. 7.V.
IP you desire to assist the cause sub
scribe for The American.1
When down town drop in at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out
of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St.
Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas
A man about TiO years of age to work
In onion patch. Work to commence
aliout the first of April. Call on or ad
dress T. S. Rice, Waterloo, Neb.
1 Edward Baumley, for livery, 17th
and St. Marys Ave
Eat Dyball's delicious Cream Candies.
1518 Douglas St.
Kissed ami Made l'p.
Our friends, the enemies, Mr. Mc-
Anony and Casey, of tho Columbian
Banner and Columbian Catholic, re
spectively, who have been waging war
agalast each other for some time past,
have, we understand, on the advice of
their superiors, the priests, kisted and
made up. As a matter of course, when
the holy father calls a halt the poor
blind papist must necessarily get down
on his marrow-bones and cry tut, Mea
rn'p, or Ptvcavi, I'tccavi, Miserrere mei
I ':'"i
Thou ml h ot both men and iroitien
whose dally life Is niakitis severe drafts on
their vitality, require something that wltl
bring now material to tho worn out nerve
centers. This Is just what Dr. Miles' Re
stornttve Nervine does.
Jioil tfrN Buffering for years
from headaches, neuralgia, sleeplessness,
and general nervous pros'.rallon, unfitting
me for social, household and business
duties, and, periodically, was
Completely prontratetl trith pain,
I tried several physicians and a great, many
remedies, but received no benefits until I
I eI Ifr. Miles' liestorative errine.,
when I found almost immediate relief, and
have become quite my former self and am
Again able to attend to mg ouHinean,
liioh is tnui of a brush manufacturer. I
have recommended the Nervine to others
who have used it with the same pood results"
Milwaukee, Wis. Mns. Anna Tkcseb.
Tr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first Viottle will benefit.
All druggists soil it at tl, 6 bottles for5,or
it will tie sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., .Elkhart, lud.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Notice for Final Settlement.
In the county court of Douglas county, Ne
brak: In the matter of the estate of Wllhttin L.
Hubbard, deceased :
Martha J. Hutibard, Henry F. Hubbard,
Kiehard A. Hubbard. Llllio M. Balfour,
Hattie Hubbard, Cecil Hubbard and Eddie
Hubbard, the last two being sons of Charles
M. Hubbard, deceased, at d all other persons
interested in said inatter are hereby not.llied
that on the 2nd day of February, lieorge
VV. Buck tiled a petition in said county
court, praying that histinal administration
account tiled herein be settled and allowed,
i.nd that be be discharged from hi trust as
administ rator de bonis non. and that if you
fail to appear before si-id court on theiMh
day of March. IS'.C. at 9 o'clock a. m. and con
test said petition, the court may grsnt the
prayer of said petition and make such other
and further orders, allowances and decrees,
a to this court may seem proper, to the end
that all D alters pertaining to said estate
may be finally settled and determined.
2-S-4 County Judge.
Vi. IK B
,J. W. BL.L.KLR,
AIM .V.-u' Voik I. Iff Hull-llnu.
M. O. MAUL. to lirexel k Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
hi; fa it vim st.
Tfx. 2i'.. OMAHA. NEB.
Undertaker rEmalmber
IForinerly with M. O. Maul.l
Tltl.i.PHIN ''.
eis 8ouin iath at.. omm
American Ladies!
When Needing the Assist
ance of a
First-Class Dress Maker
t-hould not forget local! on
WatclimaKcr and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Kkpairi no a spkcialtt
512 South ltt Street.
Office removed from 113 North llith street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone GO. -:- OMAHA. NEB
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. OR. WITHER8. Dentist, fourth
Hour, i'rown Blk., liUh & liouglas. omaha, .
Contractor, Buildei
Storm Ooors and 8ash.
1705 St. Mary's Aue., OMAHA, NEB
Spcciul Muster Coiuiiiissimicr's Suit'.
I'nder and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of a mortgage and land
contract Issued out of the district court fur
lliiiiglits county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 11th day of April. A. I).
IsHV at one o'clock f. M of said day. at the
Fast front iloorof the county court house, in
thecity of Omaha, liouglas county. Nebraska,
sell at public auctiiiii to the blithest bidder for
cash, the property described la s. id order of
sale as follows, to-wit :
Lots twenty-one fill and twentv-two (22) In
block twenty-three CJUmf Walnut Hill, an
addition to the city of Omaha, all In Douglas
fniintv Ktutpnf Nebraska.
haul property to oe som xo suiisiy inc
Walnut Hill Savings and Inve tn e t Com
pany, plaintiff herein the sum of ttree thous
and six hundred and eighty-seven and 73-110
dollars itxtixi.75) Judgment, with interest
thereon lit. the rate of eigm ixi per rem per
annum from M'ptemuer liin, imh. anu
tweity-to and ;.)- dollars is'. rusts
herelu. toi! ther with accruing costs accord
Ing to a Jtidgmeiit rendered by tlie district
court of said lunulas county. Mt Its Septem
ber term. A. I). 1MU. ill a cei tain action then
aid there pending, wherein The Walnut
11111 Savings and Investment Company was
plaintiff, ami Albert llufour and Mrs.
imfour. is wife, were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 7ih. IMtt.
Special Master ton nil Hloner.
Saunders. M',farland A lh key. attorneys
for plaintiff. Hoc. 4. ; No. 77. ;i 8-5
Spwiul Master loiiiinissioiier's Sale.
I'nder and by viMue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
or the district, court for liouglas county.
Nebraska. and tn me directed. I will,
on the 11th day of April. A. 1) MM. atone
o'clock P M. of said dav. at the north fr nt
door of the county court house, in the city
of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auctiou tothe highest bidder for cash,
the prop rty desctibed In said order of sale
as follows, to-wit: . , , ,
Tbe east one-half (e of lot nine (9) lu
b'ocK eight iSi. and the west one half (w , of
lot nine (i in blin k eight no. all in Walnut
Hill, an addition to the cltyof Ou aha, Doug
lascounty. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy H. J.
Twtiitlng. p aintiff herein the sum of seven
teen and74-IUUdollarsil7.74i.uilgii ent. wl h
Interest thereon nt. the rate of ten (Hl per
cent per annum from September 17th. IMU,
and thirty-one and W-HK) dollars Cll.lKli costs
herein, together with accruing costs accord
ing to a judgment rendered by the district
court of Mild Douglas county, t its Septem
ber tern , A. II. In a certain action then
and there ( ending, wherein II. .1. Twintlng
was plaintiff, aud Mary (Jarlichs, Roiiert 1.
Uarllchs .lames G. Taylor Marv A. ates
and Henry W. l'ennock were defendants.
Oiu'iha, Nebraska. March 7 ti. 18!.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macfarlanu & Dickey, attorneys.
H.J. Twintlng vs Mary Uarllchs.
Doc. 45. No. 47. 3-8 5
Legal Jiotiee.
To Minnie Schoenfclder, Non-Kesident De
fendant: , , . .
You are hereby notified that on the lMh
duv of l-ehriiarv. lK'.d. William Schoenfelder
filed a petition against you in tbe District
court in and for Douglas county Nebraska,
the object and urayer of which is to obtain a
divorce from you on tne grounasor ueseruun
nvt.f turn vettrs unll iLdllltei'V.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the first day of April. ls!.".
2 22-4 WILLIAM St .HOf.iNr r.ii'r.r.
DARK and
SKIN and
This bleach removes all discolorations and
Impurities from the ekln, such as freckles,
Moth Patches, Sunburn. Shallowness. Klesh
worirs and Pimples. F'or sale by all first-
class Druggists. Price $1.50 per Cottle.
For an Incurable rase of Black Heads
or Pimples.
Lfnenln. Ae'i. - atitl - Oictro, ,
Mention paper u writing to advertiser. '
R KENT CAKIW llxH Inches, nt'-tcenta
tier dozen: smaller size at. 50 cents per
po.en. at luia iiowara street, utuaua.
Ttl wen
! For Boys, Girls and Children. !
'7icv arc iitirnlile.
103 South Fifteenth Street.
Here's Another
List of Snaps
At Tim 1'UOI'LIS'S lilG STOKIS, where
your Dollars reaj n harvest in good values ou everything you
lniy. We keej no seconds; no Ilankrujit Stock, everything
the ltest for the least money:
Mustard SardiDts t .0"
Oil Sardines 04
Corn Starch 1 lb 07
Can Corn 2 lb 0.'
Can Tornatoe 2 lb 07
8 liars Good Laundry Soap 2."
Pickles per bottle 09
Catsup per bottle 08
Lima Beans 2 1b 07
Chewing Tobacco 1 lb 25
Cipara .01c .02o .O.'ic 05
Newsboy Chewing Tobacco 35
Quail Odts 3 pVgi 25
Honey-Straintd jier jar 10
Famous Excelsior Flour 1.05
Good Flour per sack 05
Best Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
LANG. 718 South 16th St.
Errors m Roman Catholic Church,
This is the latest and best books published, being compiled
and edited by some of the best
contains nothing of a sensational character, but is a clear and con
cise statement of facts which are matters of history. It points
out the causes which have led to the formation of patriotic organ
izations and their fight againtt
Elegantly bound in cloth and
good paper. In fact it is worthy
sale by the
Npet iiil Master CmiiniisswnerN Sale.
it. i . .4 v. .. ..ii.,.! , n .fAi.T nf uiln nn
I' IKltT HIIll tiy vmucwi n w. w. ....
j c. I ... .. u kf t.u.H it u irn twuiltn fill!
of the District ctuirt for Doulns comity.
.i . . ..... , ..I 1 uilH rn tltP
INtMiriiKa. Hl'll H lilt "iin i" w....
i'Jth dy of March. A.I). Wit5. atone o clock
. u n...ili fr.iit rtimr nf
U. III. OT saiu unjf. ni. i" ........ , -
the county court house, in thecity of Omaha.
Douglas couniy, .-e iim!, v h--;
auction tothe lilifhest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale, as
I,U.'W8l'":r,V .o:,. ,,.. nf In.
1 lie norm i w.-m j-..... - ; Z
seventeen (17). hloi W one ill. Arinstronff h lirst
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas
county. Nebraska. ,..j
Saiu proLerty lo ne sum m u"ij .... ......
.V.lliaries llirsuiii in "I-. j
Bveand TO-KiU dollars (tS5..0i with Interest
on si hundred dollar (WWII thereof at seven
l") uer cent per annum, and on thirty-tive
and 70-100 dollars (M.Y7 thereof at ten (III)
per cent per Min.iiii, an irum .-i-nmi j. v..
lS'.lt. toiretherwith costs of suit and accruing
costs aecoruinn ui a jira!.' "' ....... ..." -j
the district courtofsald Douitlas county at
lUs eutetllle lerin. i' m
action then and there pendine. wherein
Howard W. Charles was plaintill, bred Han
sen and Hilda Hansen were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska, Keuary. 14.
Special Master Coniuiissioner.
B. F. Thomas, attorney.
Charles vs. Hansen. IVw. 4i ; No. 2-S-..
Spet-ial Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district curt for Douglas county.
Nebraska, and to ne directed. 1 will,
on the 11th day of April, A. D. at one
o'clock p.m. of said clay, at the hast front
door of the county court house, in the cit y or
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder furcash.
the property described in said order of sale
as follows, to-wit:
Lot nine (!h In block twenty-three (2.1) of
Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska.
Said properly to be sold to satisfy The
Walnut Hill Savings and Investment Coui-
Kany. plaiutilT herein, the sum of thirteen
undred ninety-eight, and t-VlW dollars
(SlliWt k5) judgment, with interet thereon at
the rate of eiah . (Si per cent per annum from
Swptee ber 17th. ls'.H. and twenty two and
it UK) dollars I?t2 'ill costs herein together
with accruing costs, according toa judgment
rendered by the district courtofsald Douglas
county, at Its September term, A D. 1H!4. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein The Walnut Hill Savings and In
vestment Company was plain iff, and John
V it. 11 and Mrs. Hell were liefeudantn.
Omaha, Nebraska Man h 7th. lsiii.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfa.lard & Dickey, attorneys.
The Walnut Hill Savings and Investment Co.
vs. John W. Hell. Doc. ; No. 31H. 3 B-5
Ctmifnrttilili', Cliatit.
Opposite Postoffice.
Coffee from .17c per lb. up
Teas from 2oc per ib. up
Large Thick Pencil Tableu . . . .
Roll Toilet paper .02j
Square pk Toilet paper .O.'lc. . .
Ilox Letter paper & Envelopes. .
GiK'd Pens per grots
Quarter lleam note paper
Good Envelopes per pkg. .01 .03.
Watches Stem wind & Set
Bread & Butchtr knives each...
Aliirm Clocks
Tea Spoons Silver Plated per set.
All Steel Adz-eye Hammer
Granite Coffee pots
10c Phjier tacks
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LAMKS HOEii worth I5.0U will go at 13.76
4.(K) a.oo
3.11 " 2.W
" " 2.M " 1.75
men's shoes " e.oo 4?,;
' 5.1HI " 3. 'S.
" " 8.(10 " 2.6S
" " -5" iA
Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
known writers and ministers. It
Romanism. It is proluseiy
printed in good, clear type and on
of a place in any library, ror
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execut ion Issued out. of the
district court of Douglas county. Nebraska,
and to n e directed, 1 have levied upon the
following described property of E. It. Over
all, et al.:
Lot eight (Hi. block "8." Lowe s addition to
the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and
recor li d. all in Douglas county, state of Ne
braska: and I will, on tho lih day of March.
A. D. lHiii, st Id o'clock a. in. of said day, at
the East, front, door nf the c unity court
house in thecity of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction the property
above described, to satisfy The Mutual In
vest ment Company, plaint I If le rein, the sum
of one hundred and fifty-one and iV l(l dol
dollars iilf.1 -" damages, and three and : 11HJ
dollars (Si 'M cents of suit, which by the Judg
ment of John S. Morrison. Justice of tho
I'eac e In and for said county, on the 3rd day
of August, ls'.U. (a transcript of which judg
ment was on the til h day of August, Mil, duly
tiled and docketed In the district court within
and for fald county! The Mutual I uvestinent
Company recover, d against the said E. It.
Overall, et al.. with Interest, thereon from
ihe 3rd day of August. A. D ls'.U. until paid,
and also tne f irther sum of one dollar and
sixty cents (Sl.tiO) the costs of increase on
said Judgment, and the accruing cost s hereon.
Omaha, Nebraska, February . I"'1"'.
Sheriff of Douglas Count y, Nebraska.
W. H. Kussell. attorney.
Mutual In v. . o. vs. Overall, et al.
Docket L; No. 40. 2 8-5
DISPOSITION! ura!ren.'
you in return eh invter of writer. Enclose
stamped envelope addres-wd to yourself, a i-o
a fee of teu cents V. K. Dllllnghau,, 708 Col
orado avenue. Kansas Citv, Kan.
. fl eounty when we br not already lerured t
nprawnutive to tll our "Nevada Milver"
HOUU MKTAUKmvet, Forks and Spoons to con
kramcnt a solid metal white ai silver i no d late tit
) wear off i goods ruaranteeil to wear a lifetime i cost
k about one-tenth thatof silver t the rhinr nf ih-
E time t af enta aTeram from ,W to $100 per week, and
dennd for our Solid MetalUood. (Hr On Mil
iiinn wtui rowy . "V"" m' Rreai ts the
lion Dollars' worth in daily use. Cine of samnlee
Addrau Ntandard ftllvrrwiare
lo.flepi. H
nusMin, nau.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a prrfert fit in all cases, cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
21U7 turning M.,. OMAHA.