"THE AMERICAN. 5 ft trUl commllUe wa appointed lo try the irtits chargi-d. Cronin, strange to say, h a meuhrr of trial com mitue. though he was one t the per om malting the charges. There was a t.rrlbld M-cne h n his appointment whs made known, but the convention I ud to put up with him la the t nd. "At the time 1 left for Karop-. the trial eomtuiiu-e lad hdj .urui-d, at:d Cronin was baik in CuUm-io. The ex'fu'.ive had refu-ed lo su-Uio the action of the trial curumi ti'c ty a ma jority of one, and there the a!T.iir stood. But Cronin would not l. t w. 11 cuouyh alouv. Ho had bi n talking very plainly, and diiiounein Suiivan rijrht and nft. I titund in this trial hy furnishing Sullivan wii!i t thdav.ls for his defence. Cronin af.vrrfardsci.argou Sullivan witn getting' uie admitted into the organization, and with puttie nie into a po.-ition of truht. Tnis did not help mattere. and altojreth'-r Cronin proved hime f to be a very dangerous man in the eyes of Sullivan. Doubtless he po-sossid much information, the publication of which would damn Sulli van forever. What followed is a matter of recent inquiry. Cronin was foully murdered, and Sullivan, with others, was charged with participation in the crime. Sullivan was released, but three men, well known members of the Clan, were convicted and sentenced to penal servitude for life." Such is LeCaron's history of Alex ander Sullivan. Is it not enough tj make Republicans han;; their heats in shame? Is it not enough to make Pro estanU stop and think to what point they are allowing politics to rim? It is, and they w ill think. Some day they will rebuke the- party for its unho'y alliance with the criminal c1 assets; prob ably sooner than the blind leaders an ticipate, unless such dangerous and unprincipled men as Alexander Sullivan are relegated far to the rear. Unless this is done Protestants should take matters into their own hands. They should hold a caucus, put up a ticket and go to the primaries and tee that it is elected, and then go to the conven tion and nominate men who can he trusted, and place men on the central committee who are not a disgrace to their party. Agitate this question, and carry it out next election time. This year matters cannot be helped by causing a disturbance, but give your party leaders to understand that you, free men and lojal citizens, will not tolerate such truckling to the vicious classes. We say, agitate this question, and do not stop until the depraved and lawless element of the population be come the ruled instead of the rulers. Agitate! until the merchant, the me chanic, the preacher ana the deacons have us much influence in the affairs of state as the gamblers, the saloon keepers, the pimps, the priess, the thugs and the boodlers possess today. Agitate! until your political party will not nominate a man to get the Roman Catholic vote under the plea that the candidate is a German, an Irishman or a Polander. Agitate! for purity, for loyalty and for freedom in politics. Agitate! or your country and its insli Unions will pass to papal control. THE NAVAXA1I MOH. It Furnishes a Fruitful Theme For an Able Writer. Wichita, Kas., March 2, 1895 Editor The American: I enclose some views of the late papal mob at Savan nah. My article is rot very elrgant, but comes pretty ner the truth. I think The American grows better. There has been many strong, clear, ex cellent articles in it during the winter. If all the people in the United States would read The American for a few weeks, Rome would have few sympa thizers How she can have any as it is, is a mystery. I expect to leave Wichita soon, and reside at another point in Kansas where my library is, bat I will continue to send something occasional ly. I want to make all Americans see that Rome is the mother of harlots. The late riot and Roman Catholic mob rai-ed to kill ex-Priest Slattery, or prevent the delivery of his lecture on Romanism, leads us to ask, is this the land of liberty of which we have heard so much civil and religious liberty? Have not men the right natural, moral and constitutional to discuss publicly all questions in politics and religion yea, every question concerning the best interests of the nation? They certainly have. It was for this our fathers sac rificed their lives on the field of battle, and shall we surrender these inalien able, blood-bought rights at the de mand of priestly tyranny and a horde of deluded followers? They are con stitutional rights Why, then, should a "Cturer or minister ask of mayors and magistrates for a permit to lecture or preach a sermon in this land of free dom? Well, that is one of the signs of the times that there is in this land an clement, a spirit, a class of people hos tile to our institutions and will not tol erate freedom of speech, because their principles and practices will not bear discussion and the light of day. But thai doe's tot give that class right to raise a mob and suppress freedom of sjx-et h, and with brick-Sat and stones beat out the train f lhoo who dare speak the truth. That may be papal argunii'ut, but that is not the way in telligent freemen rea-on. Do Protes tan's rai-; riots ai.d howl for blood in order ti suppress diteu-sion? Do pa pists have to a.-k for the police and military to seaiter Protectant mobs and protect their lecturers and priests from violeueo and murder, if they come 1 f.ire the public? No, no. Mobs and riots, to si p,)ress free speech, or pre vent a lecture on a particular sunject, to hide corruption, i un American and un christian. It is barbtrian. Does any priest or pulat'- cl Rome have lo get a x ruiit from the civil au thorities tn lecture or preach a sermon? Never! Almighty Cud, thccontinental congress, and a In roic, patriotic army, planted on Ann rlcan soil the tree of Utterly. Shall we permit the vandal hands of tyranny toeut it down? Never! This is the land of freedom, freedom to do right and tell the truth. Light and darkness truth and error liberty and despotism, must Hfht it out in open field We fought for liberty and won the victory. Shall we have to light the battle over again? Pop '8 and relates miy hurl their anathemas atp Protestants and their christian liber ties and free schools, yea, with bitter tongues, send them all to pandemonium, and no one will molest them. A sensible Protestant may cast the smile of con- tempi at the false, tyrannical claims of the "praste," but would scorn to reply with a brickbat argument. That branch of argument is learned in the Roman school of tactics. The late riot at Savannah, (la., was an attempt to rob American citizens of their liberty of speech by intimkUti in, threatened viol ence and murder. We want to know if our coun'.ry is to be kept in a continual uproar by lawless, anti-liberty riots? It is time for us to tell Rome emphati cally to "keep her hands off." Who is responsible for thesj riots? We answer, the Roman Catholic church. The cause of mobs is not in our free institutions. It is not in the spirit ai d doctrines of Protestantism, and we are sure it is not in the religion of the "m;ek and lowly Jesus," as taught by Peter and other apostles, for that is the religion of love and forbearance, and not the religion of the inquisition. persecution and murder. The "canon law" of Rome claims the right of the church to condemn heretics (Protestants) to death and turn them over to the civil power to be executed See canons 20 and 21. The whole his tory of Rome accords with this. It is the character given her in prophecy No intelligent person need be deceived by the honeyed words of prelates when they express their admiration of Amer ican institutions. Don't believe them. "Know one, know all." "Semper cadtm" is the motto. What Rome has been, she is today, and will continue to be till the ungel of G )d declares that she has fallen, to rite no more. Come, now, let us reason together like men, like christians. Come, Mgr. S.ttolli, L'jo, and all ye prelates, lay down your brick bats, sell out the ' in quisition," disband the Jesuits, come out in open day and discuss our diller tnees under the banner of freedom! U Ah sides of a contradiction cannot be true. If you are right, it can be proved. If Protestantism is the religion of the Son of God, we can prove it to ne trne from the Bible. Why? Because all evidence is on the side of truth and in the nature of things. There can be uo true witness, no real evidence to prove that a truth is a lie or that a lie is a truth. There is a fatal error some where. If the martyrs, the glints of Jesus were right, Rome is "Babylon the great," and her doom is written. Americans, be true, true to (J ad; true lo your country, and the "olested and only potentate" will lead you to victory. Calvin. A Noble Human. The efficient, well known, and talent ed young lady now occupy irg the posi tion of state secretary of the W. A. P. A. has, for the past wee k, teen doing her utmost to re lieve the poor and af flicted who came under her notice One of her recent visits was to a family liv ing'at 1732 Tracy avenue. It is need less to say that it is not. necessary for a lady to be dressed in the garb of a sister of charity, in the garb of a sister of St. Francis, or in the garb of any sec tarian creed whatever, to enable her to extend help to the needy. May God bless Miss Florence McNamara, and those with whom she is associated, in the good work now going on. They will eventually counteract that preju dice, that narrow-mindedness, that feel ing of bigotry which should belong to the p-t.-t, and not prevail in this our Nineteenth century. Honor to whom honor is due, and may the Cieator siiower down His choicest blessings on that lady who in a blinding snow would face the elements in the cause of hu manity, and contribute to their comfort by bringing them the necessaries of life. They now have it that Satolli is to return to Italy. If that happens it is an acknowledgement to the world that his mission was a failure, and that he was not equal to the occasion. But the secret agents of Itome, the Jesuits have always failed except in murder. Va6. '..'if' M',V. t .v GF.OHGF. A Died. BKNNKTT-lieomo A., at liis lioiuc. No. H.'O N. Tweiity-slMh street. Saturday. Mnri-li 2, 1'.C, aueil ;i'.l years, I month an J i days. George A. Bennett was born on Wolf Island, Out., January 27, ls"(i. He re moved from there to Bux'on, Out., and from there to Plymouth, Mich. In 1S78 ho came to Omaha, where he has re sided since, with the exception of a few months he spent in Lincoln in 1S7!: He engaged in business, that of horse shoeing, in Ns:i, and left it only after the citizens of this county elected bun to the office of sheriff in IS'.ll. He held the office one term, aud wa defeated for a re-election through the slanderous attacks of the lite. After leaving the office of sheriff he ro.-uni.-d his place at the anvil, and began life anew where politics had interrupted it. At the time he consented to allow his name to be used as a candidate ho was regarded as an uthlete who could vanquish all comers; yet barely a year and a half has passed since ho was first assailed by the Ike, yet the Iron had touched the quick, and, being innocent of the charges, he took them to heart and pined and drooped to death. His funeral was held from Odd Fel lows hall Tue sday. March 5, ls'.r. a ad was attended by thousands of people two thousand being in the hall and on the stair-wuys. while an equal number stood in the streets below. The hall was oanked with flowers, and the casket was almost, covered with the pretty fragrant things. The funeral sermon w p-eajhed by Rev. C. W. Sividge, sonen were sung by the T. K. Quartette, while the Odd Fellows had charge of the remains. After the services were over, the lid of the coffin was removed, and his friends took a farewell look at all tnat re mained of George A. Bennett. The funeral cortege contained ;')()() men and about l.T carriages, and pro ceeded south on Fourteenth to Douglas, west on Douglas to Sixteenth, north on Sixteenth to Cuming, west, on C'unoing to Twenty-fourth, north on Twenty fourth to Parker, west on Parker to Prospect Hill ceme -ery, where ttie re mair.s were laid aay. The orders to which Mr, Bjnnett be longed turned out in such large numbers and assisted lu the sad duty of laying his remains away, as to attest more loudly lhan any words of ours could tell the esteem in wnich ce wa; held by all who knew him. The pall-bearers were, Judge W. W. Keysor, John N. Westberg, Charles Unitt. Eruest S ,uht, J. Peterson, Dr. G. R. Young, D. C. Tnompson and L J. Pogue, who represented the Masons, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodman, Orangemen, A. P. A., Horseshoe r'o Union, Woodmen of the Wvjrld and Redmen. Mr. Chas. E. Brownlce acted as marshall, and under his management not a hitch was noticed in any of the arrangements. To say that the entire American community mourns his death, aid sympathizes with his lovable wife and his other relatives in their hour of atlliction, is not putting it too strongly. Resolutions of Sympathy. Hall ok Rescue Council, No. 1, A. P. A., March 4th, lSito. At the last meeting of Rescue Council No. 1, A. P. A., the following resolutions were introdue'ed and unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Supreme Ruler of the universe in the exercise of His divine will, has seen fit lo remove from our midst our highly esteemed and be loved friend, the Hon. George A. Ben nett: and, Whereas, We, the officers and mem bers of Rescue Council No. 1, v. P. A. feel toat In his deaih, wo have lost an untiring worker in ihe caue we advo cate, and this city a highly esteemed and patriotic citizjn, one whose hand was ivit ready to help a leliow man in disiivs.-, aud one who.-e name w;Il long be cherished for his honesty, upright, mamy characteristics; tueretoro be it IkMiind, That we, the members of Rescue Council No. 1, American Pro tective Association, have beard with deep regret and prolound sorrow of ttie ueath oi our beloved friend, George A. Bennett, and hereby express our sincere and Heartfelt sympathy wuh his sor rowing wife, lather, brothers and sisters, in ihis their sad hour o( alllic tion; and be it further litxotvid, Tnat this preamble and resolutions las spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy bo sent to the wlte of our deceased friend. HF. N.N FIT. The following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted by American Lodge No. 221, L. O. I., at its ngular meeting held Tuesday even ing, March .", lS'X.: Whkkeas, It has pleased Almighty God. in his Infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst and the busy cares of life our highly esteemed brother, George A. Bennett; and Whkkkas, In the death of Brother Geot'L'e A. Bennett we lose an ardent supporter and advocate of the principles of our order ai d this city un honest, upright, patriotic citizen, and his wife adevoud husband; therefore, be it u.wfi'ui. That we, the members of American Lodge No. 221, L. O. I., here by tender our heartfelt sympathy to the wife of our deceased brother in this her sad bereavement; and be it further R'Hilritl. That the secretary bo instructed to drape the charter of this lodge lor thirty days, aud to spread these resolutions on the minutes of this mee ting, and that a copy be sent to the wife of our deceased brother, and thai they be published in THE AMERICAN. INDICTMENT OF KX-JLDK EI.I.EK Appears to he Horn of Political Spile Ami Itevenge. The indictment returned by the grand jury charges that Judge Filer has converted to his own use 9,' cents of one person, $2.04 of another, ill) cents of another, $1.45 of another and continues with like amounts, until the aggre gated amount is $,";! M. It is perfectly safe to s ty that there Is no truth lu the charge, and people who are acquainted with Judge Flier, and know anything of his manner of conducting the ollicj take no stock in the charge agaii.st him. There has Oeen a continued attempt to destroy his reputat on for more than a year, emanating from political ene mies, and the procuring of this indict ment is undoubtedly a part of the pro gramme. Endorse Their Ollieers. Chicago, 111., Fobruiry 27, 1SD5 Editor The American: By u unani i us vote if the counci , I am ordered to forward ouao y of the following resolutions, which were sent to our state president and s'ate s cretary on February (ith. GEO. B. MILKS, Secy. Council No. 1. "To the State President and State S cretary of the A. P. A. of Illinois, Give ting: "Whereas, Council No I, in ses sion, this, ihe tith day of February, l-'.t"). having received the report of its delegate of the state convention, ap prove of the reports; and "Whereas, The action of the stat officers in the past year has had the hearty an 1 e arnest support of old No. 1, through the untiring i (Torts of its of fieers and in mhers, and through the guid ng hand of its president, hereby pledge their iideli y to you this coming year, anil pledge ourselves to renewed efforts to sustain the officers of the state council In all of their acts that are u i der the sp.i it of our constitution adopt ed at the last state convention, held January 22 2.'!. 1 !."; "Resolved, That a copy of the.-e resolutions be sent to the state presi dent, C. P. Johnston, and the state sec retary, Will D Newton, and that a copy of the resolutions lie spread upon t ic minutes of Council No. 1. seal. Fred L. Tidd, President. Geo. B. Miles, Secretary." linn. Ilari'V II. lliude. Representative Harry H. Hinde, who has, as a member of the Missouri legis lature, endeavored to obtain for the citizens of Jackson county such legisla tion as they were asking for, wi,l have charge of The American ia Kansas City after this week. Be has done his best for the people: this cannot be gainsayed. He has given his individual attention to their interests, and has been faithful to the obligation entrusted to him. This each and ever one ol us niut acknowledge, and when on his re turn he will once more assume com mand of The American, ho will be we'eomed as one who stood up boldly, fearlessly anJ above-board and pro claimed himself a true American for America and an exponent of American rights and Ideas. Council 40 A. l A., Kansas City, Mo., held un open imetin at their mutfuifieent hall last Thursday evening, the fiiirst element of AmerieanUra In Knt-n City lielng pr-ent to hear ex Sta'e Senator Clark discourse on uj- erslllioii. Many of our mot pronounced and prominent niemliein were prosent U) ullt by word und net that they were In hearty ace rd with the principles IneuleaWd by the American Protective Association, and loudly applaud, d the lnit;orblo s 'liator h he rehearsed the diff erent uH'rtitlons of the ltiuldhlt, Mah.tiumadoiiH ami Catholic, and showed to every ctilighlcned mind that stiH'rst itlon had Is-en the course of civ ilisation, and what remained for our people to do was to educate thcinu'lves and their tell. iw man, and hen that was done superxlill in and superstition- ideas would have parsed atv.iy, and a fut are would reveal it, el' lo tin attesting the supreme iieir.g in all things. l.hely CorpM-. The itn ' iiifH-t'li i of Council No. 40, A. P. A. of Kansas City, Mo., continues lo Increase, aid as a natter of couisj they will have to look around for a new hall. The present mcuilH'r-.hlp Is in the neighborhood of l.hoo. How is this? Chiniquy's "Fifty Years In Church . f Rome," 2.o0; The American one year, 2.oo; Both for $2.f.. the For Sale. . One-half interest in a good pitying printing office. Party must bo a prac tical printer. Address, "Printer," care American office, su Main street, Kan sas City, Mo. Pond's Extract IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Cures Female Complaints, Neuralgia, Piles, Sores, Bruises and ALL PAIN. CHEAP SUBSTITUTES DO NOT CURE. Not ire lo Nmi-liesMi'iit Dernnlimts. JoMcutt W, KulTncr. I'l.imllir, vs The Mineral Springs llolillnif ( omiiaiiv of Hurnboldt, Iowa, and ! Nuth'i for I'libllraMon. 'J'. W. Koers. Tn as- urer of said i'oni- I pany, i Defendfinis. i To tht! .M literal Sprlnirs Hot t It n tr Tompany of Humboldt. loa. and T. W. Koirers, Treas urer of said t'ornpatiy, rion- residenl defeud antN: You. and eiich i f you. will t-kp notice that Joseph W. Kutl ner. of 1 he counl y of I tonkins, and slate rf Nebraska, did. on the 1st day of Man h. l'.l.'i. tile his petition In the couMy court In and for lloutrlas county. Nehnkfi. Hiialnsl. you and each of you, settlim forth thai you ami each of you are indebted to him In thesuin of 4.V as a balance due him fiotu you and each of yoi., for service rendered by hint for you and ouch of you. and for expenses incurred on behalf of you and each of you. and prayimc for iudmneiit against. V"U and each of you. for theMjiuof 'J 2 4.". with Interest thereon at seven per centum, per a mium, from February Mtith. Is.ci That on the same day the said plaltititf hImi Hied Ids tirtl lavl for att 'ehment. In said cause, and hK atlldavit for jf.irriNhment, In sit Id cause. aktrw; that certain debts, due and credits in t he hand-of Y A ' 1 ik. and in the bauds of . W Ked- ow. d by theni and ech of t hem to you and each of you. be altached. garnished aud Mpproprlaied by the provisional remedy of attai'hmeut and irarn rsliincnt to the payn ent of plaintilT's claims against you :ind each of you. You and ertch of you will further t:ike notice that the debts, d ucs and credit ( win if by t he said W. A. Clarn and W Ked lo you and each of you have oeen attached and garnished in s tid cans.. You and each of you are hereby notified that you are required to appear and answer the plain MIT'- pel it ion in t he u foresaid cause, on or before Monday. Hie. 1 it b day of April Is'.i.V orsaid petition will be taken as true ;md Judgment be rendered accordingly. a"fl said atiached and varnished property will be ap plied to the payment of plaintiffs .iudinn nl to tie rendered in tin, action and the Costs of this aclion. Jo-KIMI V. li C I I N Kl! I'lairUtr. ('ovell, ( hurchiil Wint-r, atton.i ys for pl.unliil. -i b-4 Notice lo Noii-Kesiilent Hefeinlaut. In district court in and for I totiirlas count v. Nebraska. icon;e W. oell I'laiiiliiT, I I im-ket 4i; No. "Ju:i. vs. .Marcus 1. Mason. Notice for ritbllcutiori. Iie'endanl . To Marcus . Maon, non-tesident defend ant: Marcus IV Mason w ill take not ice t hat (o'oiice V, ("ovell, of the county of Ooutfla-., ami stateof Nebraska, did on the Jnd day of March. Is'.Ci. tile his petition in the otlic'e of the ( letK of the district court of and f ir hou'las county, against saui Marcus IV Mast ut. set tinir fort h t eat t he sjiid Man-us IV Mh son was indebted to the said tto"i;e W, lo e il. in tlf nu m of 'j,V'.t il. ;i a ha I a nee d tie him from Marcus IV Maon for services remh-red bv t.eor'" W ("oveli as ni'm iu y for Marcus IV 1 a-oij, and pray iiiir for .ludJTneiit avainsl Marcus IV lason for tin- sum of rJ.'ie.eii. wuh interest thereon at st-vt n per cenluiu. per annum from July Nt lv.'4. That on the sane day the plamtnV also tiled an atlidavit for at tacit merit in said causc.asktm; that real estate beloii-'im: to s im Marcus (V Mason, situated in the county of Poualas. and state of '-hraska, be atia dii-d ami ap LUoori.tted. bv the provisional reti;c,v of attainment, to the pawn tit of plaint . t' s claim a;.i;psi -am Marcus IV Mason. The said Man-us IV M'ison wiil further take notice that, certain leal estate belong tnt: to him desc-ihetl as fiIlows: l,ot 1. in block tl. kiUy i'lace addit ion to Umaha. and lots I. s. hi and II. :n block 1. in arthne addition, and lots 1. 4 s. u Hnd 14. m I doc ;t. in t'arthae add.iion to Omaha, in Houla county. Net r:tsUa. has been attached in said cause, and has been taken hy attachment in said cause to pay the clabn of the said plaintiff against said defendant The said Marcus IV M itM.ui is f urt her notilledthat he Is ret) ut red to appear and answer the plain tttt's petition in the aforesaid cause, on or before Monday, the 1Mb day of April. ivO, or slid petition will be taken as It ue and judtr tnent rencered accordintiiy. and said at tucbed property will be sold to pay such UldKutetit and the costs of this action t.hOKl.K W. 1VKIJ, ; s 4 I'luinliff. t hurchill k Winter, attorneys for plaintiff. SmUI Mtffttrr ('4tiHMlMmr'ft Sul. I'mliT und ty vlrtut' f n iirir of ! ta ilt'rtr f firt lMiir if iuortatfw twuMMt nut f ilii Utntrl l court fitr IhHut romil f, Nt- lrtttift, inl In int iir''iH, I will, mi th nU il iv "f A i r 1 1 A I V.V nt one oVI.n W p. it iif .ti iiy. l llio Mitrtli rnml tl'Nir or thw oumy court Iioum, In 1 14 nly o' Oiimti HUM loll to tin liliflnul hhlij.-r for I'H-h. th irn.Tt y 4ttM-r!lM-t in h) onl'T of nit In M 'oMom. to-wii , ( 'oiitt'iiriio Ml n tmlitt Hfty iivt Yu fk tM Ml I ll of M Hilll Oil lllllr-i Kfltl llllM'lJf- rUhl 1 1 f 't w"t of llu noriti ihh rorni'r f liit fort? hIi 4 In S. I-,. LotrciV l nl of uktttiotoH, I Ih'Ih rum ti t mt li I went y- ll'Vl'll HIM OItt lot 1 f ' I ' 1 ' I'H't tin in- W'4t out- liiiiolrt'd hioI llilriy -t o I SJi . Um-ihns Till I Wdit t -wvi'ii Hint olM Inilf i :. ,t l''- ilo-iiic ati oiii' loiiMlrt'il hid) Ihuiy tiili!t ft tl to put-' of Ih .-Iniiidi!, ( 'lim it pttrl of alii lot fnrty-U In K. KouriV I'Ut f MUiilnHiiIt. .til io 1 .11 1 loll to tin- CUV of Ulu. till Hiitl iMuttti' tit iMunhiM county. Mttitt- of N lu ;ik it rvtitl iroin rty to U oM to rntlKfy J W. iulri". ifiiwt. plttiiititT lir'in. tlio toon of nine tonntr-il lotu ty four '- ! dollar trill) ju.Umiii ht Willi Intrust lio n-oil Mt I II u of i X otH loilf it ,i pei cent per it n mt III fnttti fept'itiber I. I"'' und forty ami fi M ilolUr with ten loi per ct nt. Iitttrfc frotii hhiiI tliit' TortUfy oilit rlien upon otlt ieM'rlln'd pteinUen in the unlet of t heir priority or ileieil l.y the dec tee of f on . eul re i N-leil out f thlscoiirt III Mil t oi"e. To-;tt.ify the huih of fortyNl 14 imiilol lar ! cost s herein, with iniere-t thereon from ih I, in i;ty of September. unit! pulil. together tin itrcriniu roil io'i'oriliui( to it iuilumeiit rendered hy the district court of Kuld Itotik'l.ot roiinly. at Its S plemlirr term, A. I' v4. In ii certain nclloti then Hint there pending, wherein J W Ninrt Trut, wiim philntHT. nnd r-nrnh M I'n m himI other Were defenditutH. Uiimhii, NehrusUii. Murch H, ivi.Y t IIAIilJ h 8. Kl.iil'TT Kit, hpechtl MiiMtt'r i 'oinmKsiotMT. denize 0. I'lirUliitf ton, Htlot ney, .1. W Npilre, rriiNtec v famli M. In.4t nl. Iim-. 41; Nu :ill. ii-H-ft Sh( itil Master CoHiiiiiiHifr'rt Suits I nder und hy vliiue of mi order of HuliMn decree nf forei loHiire of mort itutfi Inwued out of IhoUMrtct coiitt for houtrliiH county, Ne liniNliit. it ml to tiic ill reeled, I w III, on t hi I lltl dny of April. A. I H'T. fit hum nVliM-k H. M . of mild day, lit Do' Kutt front door of tint county court houtr. lu thecily ofMmalKi, I touuliiM county, Nehriiskn. Neil at iiuhlh; uuctlou to Him IiIIm'ni luddi-r for caii. ihn property dtcrlhed in Mild order of mill an follow, to wit : l,ol t wo c.'t In hlock one ( i of MiiyiH' I'ln h, an ad'llliou lothi rliy of Dmahit, In PoiiKlan county, NehriiHUa. Suld properly to hi mtUl h satisfy IV L. JohiiNou, plalullll herein, the nuiii ffllireo h n nd ted tlfty ne ven and 7 l-li dollar itV..;:ii lu.litui'ul with IntercMl thereon at late of Nfvi'ii til n r cent, per annum from September Kill, lvd. and si Hy eluht and lo loo dollar h In mm Imti'Mi. with inter- ett thereon from Heptemher 17th, s'4, to iri'lher with accrtdnu oimt luvotdlnK t" ImU'ii en l tendered by theillslrlcl court (f hiild hoiiluN ctiuniy. at llN September teriu, A. I H'.4. iii a cert a In act on I hen ami I hern pending, wherein I'. I,. Johnson was philntlir, and Joseph I', 'Ihoii.psoti and Keubeii W. Kohh, executors of llieestatt of Heulieli Kos, deceased, l iiiucls I. 'lltou.iis, leUr L, Thomas, Amlrew Miles, executor of tht'i's ttite of .lotin U. Miles, deceased, andJatm'S 'Dioirpsoti were defendiitits Umuha, NehrasUa. March 7. WXt. .huli.K W. lUHJII.'OUK. hpei-lal Master ('oii.inlsnloner. Saunders, Maefarland Ai IMckey, attorneys. Johnson vs. Thompson et ai. lot. 44. No. M7, ii-N-5 Sjet l il Master CoinniisshMierN Sale I nder and hy vlrlueof un order of Halo on decree of foreclosure of morlatfe. Issued out of I he dist rict court for I lunulas county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on ttiu lllh day of April. A I). MO. at one o'clock p. in. of said day. lit the luist front door of t he count y court house. In the city of Omaha, Houiilas county. NchrasHa. sell ut pu ts aui'l ion to t he filches! bidder for cash, tho property described III said order of sale a. follows, towit : The southelnhiy wo iHi feet of loMhirty slx tiUii lu S. K. Idlers' Okahoma addil Ion to the cliy of Omaha, lamnlas county. Ne braska. Said property to he soltl to satisfy IV Johnson. idainiilT herein, the sum of til mi hum. red eleven and hi HX) doll ttiu $U.Hl judtf ment with Interest thereon at 1 he rate of ten 1 1 oi jier cent, per annum mini M'ptemner l.th. Is'.d. together with the f ut 1 her sum of ninety-one and h-Iini dollars itHI.IH nt.Uir ney's fee hertdn, with Interest thereon Ht t'Q (P't per cent,, per annum from September 17th, s!U. and th" sum of thirty and hh-oi) dollar cfcH hSj cosls herein, together with accruing cosIm Hci-ordin ton Judgment, rendereil by the district court of said Oouulascount y, at its Seplember term. A. I. IKM. In a certain act Ion then and there pending wherein IV h. Johnson was plaint iff, and A rt hur M urphy, M ary Murphy. M itraret M urphy, Haniel Muri hy. Margaret Lovett, u irdlan. and I rank K Moores. t 'erk. were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska, March 7- Ki5. tiKOnt.K W. llul.MK OK. Special Master' unmissioti -r. Siiuuders. M icfarland & I He ki y. A I lor rieys. Jot 'ti sou vs. Murphy, et al. Hue 41. No. 'Jl. .( S-.i Notice of Iiicorpui .it ion of .la in en A C lark (Vmpiiny. Notici) h hereby rlven that a corporation ha- been organized under the general stal. ul es of t he state of Nebraska. In I he u anner and for the purpose here nafler spH'clMed.and its articles of ihi'itr porn t ion were on th ' list h) day of Hocemher, ls.14. Ilb-d In t he olllce of the county clerk of Uouxlas county, Ne braska: AKTHXK I. The nam of the coin ration is "Janes A. ( lark i ompany." an its principal place of transact ntr its business is in Him city of Omaha, houtflas county. Nebrask . AKTH bK II. The neneral nalure of the business t i I I r . nsaced ijy said cor or m ion shall ie Imy and s- llin I .n m I roduce ' rirls Nuts, liuiter. Kriis. t hl ken-,. Turkeys, Du ks, i i"ese. 1 'ai ves. and all nu r oi and Ai imals A'so to buy and s-'M t .abovH named piodu von I'liimnis. i n, .oid in fact to do a general com :n Is-ion biisin- s-, .tud this corpor lion shall also have the power and au hori i y to buy, eniist ruet . rem or leas iiec.-ssar. rent estate ami buildings to carry on lis busineis and to hind or mortiXae the saine. AKTM'LK III. The authorized capital tock shall be five tliousand dollars .-mmhuh divided into -hares of one hundred dollars l'ftiou eaj-h and to be fully pa d up at the time of issu ance. Tne e istence of t h :s corporation sui II i-imiiIiii'I on l he sr h ii i V of 1 lc.'eelH:r, !.' and continue dunn; (hi period of I wenty ii" years, untes-i sooner dissolved by a vo,e of "the sIih K holders iiol.iiiu two thirds of the capita stock issued. AKTIt'LE IV. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said corporal ion shall at any tine suhjet-t itself shall not be more than an amount eiiual to two-thirds of its paid u ctt)lta! stock, and in no event sh til t he private property of said stock-holders be liable for the Indebtedness of said corpora tion. A KTK'I.K V. Tne officers of -aid corporation sliad be conducted by a bo.tni of tiiree directors: President. V'ice-rrestdent. Si -cretary and 'i'rea-urer. In test imony wliereof. said Jan es A . Clark Comnany iiavectiu-ed this notice to be pre pared and published. JAMt A (LA UK COMPANY. Hy J VMIS A t'l.AHK. I're-Tb'iit, H. Uatkkin. e. retary. 2-l." 4 THE WESTERN TRAIL is iubii.-hed quark rly by the CM IC UJO, KOCK ISI.VM) IVVdVlC KU.WAV. and it will bo :nl to you tr''.iti 'iir one year. Send n uue and address to "Kd i'or Wostcrn Trail, CbicHpo," and iv i'1'ive it one jvar free. J0II SE1MSTI 1, i;. r. A. scr FREE HEAT! mM I Th' l.ninp ihKt I.l.hli your Ka will IIKAT it if you iinea v FALLS HEATER. Tkkw th- rime1 of stovw in mettmn-iw?d run ma ! saiswful use in New Ktii'4 ym. ll!Ktet n vards. Kiwt of ref Mivn Sum nie Melerm, Ajnfw IMJI Mil r. It rit lri 'iru.M 17 mim rut iw"ii m