The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 08, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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Knb'n-4 at IVi.irt.- !- -rlua n.n-r
4 )NN C. THOMPSON, - loiro.
W" '. k M.I.I V. 8uln- Munaarr.
0H U1: I ; l i II,..,, nl Slrwl,
Omaha, !Vlir.
IM llrl M ni I lltimh. Vh
K.iotu o r'" M;lu Str-t. Kmiiamm c'lly, !!,.
CS. 111.
Mfi Ml TH'N i.ATr :
uO-riot',nt. tvr V-nr
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I Ciilo mif (Mrt'i(y II i
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Thfl aNofp rtea to rliil. good tin I y
whfn full iiniiiU r. ami r.e.i fir inn
con puny or,i. r
Hi-inll ly UrHft, ripr." or ,niiitftl.' mom-y
(irilrr. uytile lo Aukkican I l hi.imiimi
Tli ti fr KilvprtlM'itn'iiu lu tli i i-
Mnril three edition of Till Amkhicak are HI
Celll M'riHl lllHTni ll InwUIOM lU IIM
tot lif Inch, ii1 mi avria,t of elclit word
to lii line). A (IIm'oiiiu of 10 per oeiit. will
tie allowed on ml v.-rtlsenii'iiu runnlliK I lin o
monl lis or inon
Local Iiicaiiimi Nonce is cent per lino,
riu-h InxTlUm. wl In tin-vler tyuti. No iuh
Ciil'Mt from thin rate.
aluill inuUe no deviation from tlioatt
rate to miyoiie, nntl advertising uiiont will
ovirn themselves avcordlnKly. Addrt'ssall
cirtlcrsto AMKK10AN IT H1.ISII I Ml CO.,
IMS Howard St.,
VHITISINU lKP'T. Omaha. Net).
4WTir, Amkhii-an ih tii l 11 ami-ion or A IX
Kahtiotii! umukhn-Th (Ihiiam nf iimi
m Aitcu 87iVir..
The American ITiiushinu Com
pany Is a cortoratiou.
It was organized under tlio laws of
tho state of Nebraska.
ltsrapitul stock la $15,000, which Is
divided Into 150 shares,
Each share la worth $100.00.
Of the 150 shares, but twelve remain
These twelve shares will be offered
for sale.
Wo will tell one share or twelve at
option of purchaser.
The price asked will be $liX,00 per
Terms will bo easy, $10.00 down and
$10.00 per month on each share.
If there are twelve Americans read
ing this paper, members of the A. 1'.
A., Oratigcmon, or Protestants who
would like to associate with us in busi
ness, they should take advantago of
thlsolTer. It will bo their last oppor
tunity. If not sold by March 10, 181)5,
the otter will be withdrawn, and stuck
sold to present members of the com
pany. Do you want ti put $100.00 of
your money Into this fight for your lib
erties and jour country?
American r uhushino Co.,
1015 Howard Street
ONK of our friends tells us that the
reason Chas. Conoyer, the Humanist,
was not named as jiosl master at Omaha,
was on account of A. P. A. Influence.
How is tha Chariot?
Tins office was invailrd lt week by
Ihe American Pope. He was seeking a
place on our exchange list. We found
it for him, and hereafter Spokane,
Washs., new A. P. A. paper, which
goes by that name, will know what is
happening in this part of the hemis
phere. Ling live The American 1'ojie.
About a dozen of the Hiberians who
purtioii :at d in the riot in Savannah,
Ga., atid attempted to mob ex Priest
Slattery, have been sentenced to a term
in jail. All the cases have been ap
pealed. Iiev. Slattery has pursued the
course wo predicted ho would pursue
and declares that ho will remain in Sa
vannah until U will be possible for him
to walk the streets without police pro
tection. A Meeting of many of tho leading
men engaged in this movement for a
more pronounced Americanism was held
In New York Wednesday and Thursday
of this week for the purpose of mapping
out a course for all patriotic citizens to
pursuo in the future, and to insure har
monious action on the part of all pat
riotic orders. Heretofore much force
has been wasted by patriots working at
- Cross purposes. We hope much good
ay result from the meeting.
A Dispatch from San Francisco,
makes this reference to Rev. J. Q. A.
As Mr. Henry will soon leave for Chi
cago to assume the pastorate of the La
Selle averue church, he was requested
to make a farewell speech to the breth
ren with whom he has labored for five
years. He bad been reviewing his work
in this city and when he came to his
connection with the American Protec
tive Association he said, with intense
emotion: "Brethren I do not think the
outside work against Romanism that I
have been engaged In during the last
twelve months has demoralized me or
been detrimental to my church. The
report that is being circulated about
my congregation's dwindling and the
membership's decreasing on account of
my outside work Is false. I have not
lost one church member and the con
gregation has not wandered off. On the
contrary, the membership has increased
and many conversions are due to my out
aide meetings in the interest of patriot
ism and good citizenship."
i;.iri-A Mriinrtt. ho li t B .jult" l,'k
for M-tt-ral u.oittlot 1 r Mrt-U In a fair way
to fully t'ir Tin aill t el lo
hi iliouitiit of f rl'Mii in IM city.
Su.'h lira the ani;uini- mrnt mail' in
tbi column lat week, jet tho patter
had hardly hn-n delivi'n'd lo our iu
crib r when a telephone mow-age con
veyed to u tho Mid intelligence that
lleorsn I. mil gone lo that undiscovered
country from whi bourne no traveler
A dm , a melancholy, nay, a grh f,
a Klonant a U. at experienced by David
at the death of hl lieloved win Absalom,
tiwik tmwcixdiin lint only of our heart,
but if Itiat of ewry one of his friends
who l.i ard llu dreadful news.
We kn.- that be wa wi ak lor ere
his life i tit out, jet hoped that cold,
rclontlrsi death would i-Iumw mnoe
other mark.
Hut that was not. to lx.
Our frleiv), our brother, so full of
love, m) tender, true and good; pure of
purMiite, an houes' man a noble one
'gainst whom no truthful man could
say a word, mut-t needs pay time his
Yet while no honest man could sny a
word against this model man, a ghoul,
who lives by blasting lives, might hero
have seen the seijuel of his power.
For Dennett died, not from some
ravenous disease, not from a wound in
flicted where the eyo of man could
trace its course, but from a broken
Murdered, yet his slayer will go un
whlpt of justice, fordid not his calum
niator, tho same character asmirsm,
murder In the same despicable way,
Senator Hitchcock and Congressman
Welsh? Did not his slayer also cease
plunging his poisoned ion Into Con
gressman Laird only when the grave
cloned o'er his lifeless form?
Yes, that human hyena, which lives
on the ti ui s and the heart's blood of his
opponents; who Is posses-ned of neither
principle, decency or manhood, could
have complacently watched that impos
ing funeral cortege and exultantly ex
claimed, "This In my victim!"
Oh, God! Thou divine Father, Thou
who lovest righteout-tiOfS and who abhors
iniquity, how long must Thy children
suffer? Must we continue to offer up
our best men, our purest fellow-citizens
to appease tho insatiable appetite of
this aocursad and unclean bnest?
Must we sit in silence and weep, with
none to comfort, because of his ghoul
like work, allowing him to continue to
blacken characters, to drlvo to destruc
tion young women and to wreck homes?
No, Almighty God, this cannot be
lt lll not be!
Thou knoweBt the American people
have suffered long, that they complain
but little, yet when aroused no power
but Thtno could cheat them of their
And they are aroused.
It would have taken but a word on
Tuesday to have set their hearts aflame
for vengeaace of their brother's death,
and wreak upon the species of a brute
that broke their dear friend's heart,
the punishment he long ago had earned,
for everywhere the words were passed,
''ItosoA'utcr is to blame for this," and
"Call It murder that's the proper
Yet no one said the word.
So live on, thou dastard live to
blacken other characters; live to wreck
yet other homes and to dcsoll yet
other virgins of their fairest flower.
Live on, live on, live on, until thy
hellish course is run; until thy putrid,
fest'ring mind no evil can devise!
Live on, thou sprite from hell's foul
881110), for soon thou, too, wilt stand bo
fore the bar of God, and get thy just
And now, while we deplore the loss of
our dear friend and conscientious
brother, we would not wish him back
again to live bebide that fiend and hear
the mean, untruthful things which
hell's prccurer would heap upon him.
No, we would not call him bick, for
now, not only death, but the Bee, has
lost its sting for him.
Peace to his soul.
To So ivey : You have seen fit to ask
to be suspended, pending the investiga
tion of rumors of bribe taking and
blackmailing which the grand jury
said could be traced to those directing
the police force.
Now, who Is to make this investiga
tion, a regularly constituted court of
justice or the board of fire and police
commissioners? The latter has no
power to compel the attendance of wit
nesses or the giving of testimony. Yet
it is to try you!
And why is this? Because they dare
not convict you. They dure not do any
thing but whitewash you.
Tuat fact you well know.
To the Public: We will sho,v you
why he will be whitewa.hed:
In the first place the board of fire and
police commissioners is composed of:
Wm. Coburn,
Chris. Hartmaa,
George P. Bemis,
Howard B. Smith and
V. O. Strickler.
The last two gentlemen are believed
to be honest and faithful officials, al
though Mr. Smith is a moral coward,
caused probably by the lamentable fate
of his brother, who was murdered while
prosecuting the very class Mr. Smith
no has to deal with. The other three
would do exactly as Rosewater said.
Demi la own. d body and coul by ltoa
water; dhurn would not dare to opMW
him, and tho opinion of Mime of our
citizens is that Chris. Hartmaa ought
to be imw chej along with the other
two for malfeasance or tnii-fe .sauce in
It is currently charged that Coluro
and the neurits show part of the
charge is true, at least e say it la
currently charged that ho mild hU
home to a x ion named H.ddison ai d
a Hiililimin aUo ran a gambling houso
(or $27,tl, and that the deed was never
plueed on record as long as the gamb
ling houses wore allowtd to run wide
(ien, but that the day following the
ord.-r to cloio the ga-uhlliig hou-o, that
deed went on record a ; ear k'Ui H
was made. Is there an thing suspic
ious in that deal? CiTia uly tie would
not vole to convict Seuvij
Again, Martin told us. anl Martin U
S avey's particular friend, and was the
owner of and agent for a number of
houses of 111 fame; Martin told us that
Coburn was over and visited at his
place in 1!';1, and accepted of his hos
pitality. Do you think that kind of a
man would convict Seavey?
Then it is currently rcortcd that
Chris Hartmau rented a building in
which ho was interested to a firm of
gamblers, who carried on their nefari
ous business in it until the orjer to
closo was given. Do you think a man
who is accused of such a thing would
vote to convict Seavcy?
Again, Martin told us, and Martin is
Slavey's particular Iriend, and was the
owner of and agent for a number of
bouses of ill fame: Martin told us that
llartman was over and visited his place
In 1H!:I, and accepted of his hospitality.
Do you think that kind of a man would
convict Seavey?
Now, we all know what Bemis Is,
and a tool of Itosewater woult not vote
to convict a man who was opposed to
the A. P. A. Besides it has not been
so very long since Bemis was accused
of violating the lawsof the state, or this
municipality, by being a party to a eer
talu real estate deal.
So you can see Seavey exjiocts and
will receive a whitewash at the hands
of those men. The idea of the pot try
ing the kettle because it was black,
would lx little nioro amusing than to
see the board of firo and police commis
sioners try Seavey.
If Seavey does not want a whitewash;
If ho wants to go into court and be
vindicated, we stand ready to submit
the testimony of two competent wit
nesses that the mother of M. F. Martin
told us that her ton had furnistud
Seavey and his wife with provisions
while they camped out on tho Iowa side
of the river In 18DH. We stand ready
to prove by two competent witnesses
that she told us that her son built a
portable house, and moved it over on
the river bank for ihe use of Seavey
and his wife; that he furnished a little
steam boat for their pleasure and
amusement. Wo stand ready to prove
by the testimony of the carpenter who
built tho house that Seavey and his
wife occupied it; that they received
provisions from Martin and visited at
his house.
If this is not bribery, what is if3
Will Seavey sue us for libel, alleging
that we cannot prove by that number
of witnesses the things charged herein.
If he will not, go on with your white
wash investigation.
Through the courtesy of Col. Edwin
A. Sherman, a 32nd degree Mason, we
are enabled to give to our readers the
secret monitor or Monita ikcrtta of the
Jesuits, together with an account as to
how it came Into his pot session.
To attempt to properly designate
creatures that would practice, that
would teach, the diabolical things prac
ticed by the members of the Society of
Jesus, and taught by the samesgenis,
as they do practice and do tench, as re
vealed by a perusal of Col. Sherman's
work, would be a task no man would
like to undertake, and we shrink from
applying to them any other name than
that chosen by themselves, which has
become the synonym for trickery, de
ceit, cunning, lying, double-dealing and
Therefore friends, brothers, Ameri
cans, we urge you to read carefully, and
to ponder well, the doctrines of the Jes
uits as published in these columns and
as translated by Col. Sherman.
The Jesuits have undertaken to re
establish the claim of the pope to tem
poral power over the whole world.
The re-establishment of the temporal
power of the pope of Rome wojld wipe
out every ve-tige of liberty, overthrow
every republican institution and erect
upon their ruins an ecclesiastical des
potism backed by the icquisition with
all its horrors and all its savagery. This
the American people are not prepared
to accept; yet the work of these agents
has been done so quietly and at the
same time so effectively, that tod;iy we
are not the freemen we have long
boasted of being, for they have in
sinuated themselves into so many confi
dential positions that they possess not
only the political eecrets, but, in many
Instances, the business and family se
crets of the people, to such an extent
that they are able to turn a freeman
into a slave whenever the policy of the
church demands such a transformation.
For that reason it behooves Amerl-
cans to give heed to the word of Col.
For our elf and ur readers we thank
him for hi courtesy in allowing us to
puhli-th the firat chapters of hi book.
No doubt it will do much good.
OSK cannot read of tae frightful
wrtck on tho Inter-Oceanic railroad in
Mexico, without shuddering. The fact
that the train was loadtd with hun
drt ds of the poor, deluded, siieri.titiius
slaves of Itome, who were returning
from a vt-it to the lt man shrine at
Sacre Monte, doi-o not lescen the hor
ror. Tin y were human U-ings, laugh
ing and enjoying li e one insiant, the
next lying at the tuti-e of a precipLe
cold in d. ath or mangled and wounded
!n such a way that death itself would
have b n far more preferable. The
exact tvise of the accident will prob
ably ne 'er he known, so we shall not
speculate as to why it did occur,
contenting ourself with the statement
tha.God, In his infinite wisdom, saw
fit to allow the subjects of the pojie ol
Rome w ho claims to occupy a iiosition
equal to that of God who were fresh
fror" their devotions to tlwir god, al
lowed them to realize that the tinkling
bells, the flaring candles, the pomp and
show of the church of Itome was power
less to savo one soul except it be the
will of God. The wearing of a scapular,
the breathing of hail Mary's, the call
ing uon the "blessed" saints, the sign
of the cross, aye, even the crucifix, the
ladder by which Romanists seek balva
tion, lost their alleged "magical" inllu
ence when brought into conflict wiih
tho will of God. Moro than one hun
dred lifeless bodies were removed from
tho wreck. Eighty-live persons were
seriously wounded, the engiuc and
three coaches were demolished, while
two coaches left the track but did not
go over the pr.eipieo. The wounded
who were able to be moved were taken
to tho City of M. xico, where President
Diaz, a Maon of high degree, threw
open the miliUry hospital for their
benefit. The whole staff busied them
selves in attending to the injured.
This is the second railway accident in
Mexico in fifteen years which has cost
more than 100 lives. The other oc
curred on the San Marelos railway
June 25, 1881, and about 200 lives were
The citizens of Chicago are awake to
the importance of taking the reins of
the city government out of the hands
of tho most brazen gang of corporation
tools that has ever infested any city,
and unless the indications are mislead
ing, will retiro every man who Is now a
candidate for office who has been mixed
up in any kind of jobbery, or in any
questionable transactions during his
career as a city official. This paper en
deavored to keep a large number of the
candidates they have tabooed from be
ing chosen at prior elections, but from
either a lack of patriotism or a super
abundance of partisanship on the part
of the citizens, tho members of the
gang managed to foist themselves upon
the people who are just now industri
ously engaged in devising ways and
means to keep tht m out of office hert
after. We are glad to know that the
people, even at this late date, realize
that we made t,o mistake when we op
posed the election of these very men
they are now opposed to, and take
pleasure in assuring thera that we will
lend ail the assistance which lies
in our poor, to retire every man who
has a-sisted in passing questionable
Some time ago we made up a list of
United States senators whom wo
thought Rome could tie to. At the
time we made that list up we embocied
in it the name of McMillan, of Michi
gan, but before our paps;r went to press
the legislature of that state re elected
him to the office he was then filling.
Knowing the state was controlled by the
A. P. A., we concluded ho was imbued
with American principles and would
vote and work in harmony with the
platform of the A. I'. A. For that
reason we look his name out of the list
of papist tools we were mentioning in
these columns. His action since then
would have justified us in keeping him
in the list. He offered no opposition to
the papist raid on the treasury las;
montii. He was as silent as the sen
ators from Nebraska, even more so than
Manderson, whose term Is just expiring.
The American has no time to bandy
words with oher patriotic papers. It
was established for an entirely different
purpose. Our object was to fight politi
cal Romanism until it was vanquished.
When that happens, when it eschewes
politics, our mission will be at an end.
Until then, it, and it alone, will receive
the opposition of The American. So.
if any of our contemporaries tliinit they
can strengthen themselves with the
public by belaboring us, they have our
permission lo sail in. When we men
tion them, it will be to commend them.
There is no envy ormaliie in our heart.
Besides, we know the struggle that is
going on constantly in the offices of tho
patriotic press to make both ends meei.,
aDd we would ba a double-dyed villain
to do anything to lessen their influence
in the noble .cause in which they have
enlisted, and from which they derive
their support.
Sickness Aiming Children
is prevalent at all seasons of the year,
but can be avoided largely when they
are properly cared for. Infant Health
is the title of a valuable pamphlet ac
cessible to all who will send address to
the N. Y. Condensed Milk Co., N. Y.
Red-Handed and Steeped In
Crime, Still a Republican
The Mail Miom (lie lteectulilp People
in Hip Tt'iii)-Fourtn Ward Are
Expected to Follow.
Ti e editor of The American is a
Republican one of that class which to his party belongs the
honor of suggesting and carrying out
more actual reforms than can becrtditd
to any other party ever organized; lie
Is such a Republican as would ordi
narily say nothing derogatory of party
organization, but who, in the light of
recent events, doubts whether his party
can much longer hold the pure-minded,
liberty-loving, honest, conscientious
citizens in line, If the party foolishly
places the reins of party government in
the hands of such men as Alexander
It will bo useless for the Republican
party to hold up to public view 6uch
men as Hinkey Dick, Powers and
Coughlin, and cry "fraud," "boodle"
and "ballot box stuffing," and then
place a man in chaige of the election
machinery, in one of the most deeent
and respectable wards in Chicago, who
has as black and damnable a record as
Alexander Sullivan possesses, and ex
pect people to believe our party is less
corrupt, is controlled by less vicious and
more law-abiding citizens than Is the
party of our political opponents.
Alexander Sullivan has a record that
smells to heaven. Besides being a
Romanist, he wears the stain of Cain,
and bears the distinction of having
been a member of a band of cut throats
and criminals, which added that of
murder to its other crimes.
But we shall not give you the history
of this Republican leader from what we
know of him personally. We shall let
one speak who knew him, who was in
timately assojialed with hlui, no less a
pjrson than Henri LeCaron, the British
detective, who entered into all the
schemes Sullivan and his revolution iry
co-conspirators were able to hatch.
LeCaron says:
"It was during the autumn of 1803
that, in the course of my travels on be
half of the organization, I first meet
Alexander Sullivan. Alexander Sulli
van is a well-known man today, but if
by any chance his identity has to bo
marked, little else need be mentioned
beyoi.d the words, "The Cronin affair."
Ho was a young man then, but then, as
row, he was the same Alexander Sulli
van, clever, unscrupulous, careful only
of himself, subordinating everything
to his personal ambition, using Irish
politics as a stepping-stone to advance
ment in American affairs, and reckless
who or what suffered if but he did suc
ceed. "The 'Arch Fiend' of Irish-American
politics, as he has been dubbed, and
the alleged chief conspirator in the
brutual murder of Dr. Cronin, is no
ordinary man; he is an individual with
a history, and that not by any means a
creditable one. The son o' a British
pensioner, born in Caiada some forty
five years ago, he left that country
under a cloud, and settled down in De
troit, where he started a boot ami shoe
store in the Breler block, Michigan
avenue. Oa the night of the 12th of
May, 18H8, afire totally destroyed his
shop and its contents The occurrence
had its suspicious features, and Sullivan
was arrested on a charge of arson. Al
though the over-insurance of his goods
and other questionable proceedings
were proved at the trial, he gained his
liberty through an alibi, sustained by
the evid3ucj o' Margaret Buchanan, a
teacher in the public schools of Detroit,
who afterwards became his wife. A
man, as l have said, of stirring ambition,
he had from the outset of his career in
Detroit taken a prominent part in
political affairs, and his status as an
Irish lender (he was then a state
"centre" lor Michig id) lent his posi
tion and views a certain importance.
He took an active part In the then
pending national campaign upon the
s de and in the interests of G. neral
Grant and Schuyler Colfax, who in that
year were nominated as the respec
tive Republican candidates for presi
dent and vice-president ot the republic.
"Sullivan's immediate reward was
his appointment as United States col
lector of internal revenue at Santa Fe,
New Mexico. His resignation of his
official position in the brotherhood had
come too late; his work bore fruit in
the presidential election, the vote was
split, and so earned his wages. It is
worthy of note that this was the first
time the Irish vote was split, and that
Sullivan was the primary cause of it.
Ever since the vote has so remained, to
the advantage of the Irish leaders of
both sides, who, in the scramble for
office, barter the adhesion of their fol
lower in the public market-place.
"Santa Fe, however, did not hold
Sullivan long. Hi shady method
compelled him to make an Inglorious
txit; and so tie was to be found in the
year 1873 working with ti wife, wt
Buchanan, in a in p.irting capacity on
Chicago newspapers.
' SioArly but surely the Clan-ra-Gael
was gaining ground, despite all the
forces arrayed a alust it. Triumphing
over church opposition, conscientious
scruple on the score of joining sex-ret
societies, and the single opposing
revolutionary fiction still faithful to
the memory of Stephens, it had, in
lsTii, a membership exceeding 11,000,
which included amongst its leading
names those of Alexander S illivan,
John Devoy, O Donovan Rossi, Thomas
Clarke Luby, Thomas F. Burke, Dr.
Carroll, James Reynolds, Frank Agnew,
Colonel Ciingen, Wm. J. Hynes, 1'. W.
Dunne, Michael B daud, Denis Feeley,
J. J. B.tslin, Michael Kirwen and
General Millen.
"Tense were the men who in the
after years were to be in the front rank
of the Clan-na-Giel, and by their posi
tion and influence t i model and direct
the policy of the organization.
"With Sullivan I have already dealt,
and here I need only state that, having
established himself in Chicago, he had
taken to the study of law, in which
branch of the profession he was now
In 1870 preparing to practice. Ho
had been maintaining his questionable
reputation, for he had shot a man in
cold blood; and though twice tried,
had been successful in escaping the
consequences of his act, owing to the
employment of that process so fre
quently charged against the govern
ment in Ireland packing the jury.
"I had communications with Alex
ander Sullivan and Meledy within a
very short period from this (1882), and
from them Sullivan being one of the
executive and Meledy a leading mem
ber of the Clan-na-Gael I learnt,
though at different times, that a new
p'an of campaign was coming into
force, nothing more or less indeed than
one of cold-blooded murder and destruc
tion. "Contrary to expectation andjthe re
quirements of the existing constitution,
no Clan-na-Gael convention took place
in this year 1883. In the ordinary
course of events such an assembly
should have met in August, 1S8.'!. For
reasons best known to themselves, how
ever, Sullivan and his colleagues on the
executive of the secret organization
Kslponed the gathering, and in the
end, by a system of manipulation which
Sullivan developed to a perfect science,
in connection with his management of
Irish affairs, the approval of the organ
ization was gained to certain changes
which included the putting off of the
convention to the following year, 1884.
"Meantime, under the plea of im
minent danger of discovery, the books
ot the organization were all burnt, and
no record whatever was left in ex
istence which would allow of investiga
tion. This had driven very m iny men
to desperation, and loud and sweeping
were the charges which the seceders
made against the Triangle for mis
appropriation of funds and other like
charges. None were more prominent
in leading the attack oa Sullivan and
his colleagues that Dr. Cronin, whose
murder has recently been the subject
of such lengthy investigation. Indeed,
from this point onwards, almost down
to tho end of 1888, the history of the
Clan-na-Gael is the history of the dis
pute betweea Cronin and Sullivan.
"Alexander Sullivan meantime oc
curred himself very busily in purely
American politics, and for the purpose
of making his position in this regard
the more favorable, he caused it to be
understood that he had withdrawn from
th 3 Clan-na-G.iel. This, of course, was
only a blind, for asa matter of fact, for
twelve months at least after he had so
announced his withdrawal, his name
continued to appear on circulars and
"I must not, however, travel too fast;
and so shall have to go back a little, in
order to complete the story of the
Cronin-Sullivan dispute, which, ia a
way, came to a conclusion in the year
of which I write. As I have already
stated, the history of the Cronin affair
while it lasted was thehistory of the
Clan na Gael for the time being, and
thus in completing my statement of it
I shall be bringing the record of revolu
tionary matters down to the date at
which they and I parted. To return
therefore, to the Cronin matter, which
I left at the point in 1880 where ap
peals from outside .quarters failed to
heal the breach. As- a last resort, a
conference was arranged in September,
1887, between committees from each
organization, the Sallivan section and
the Cronin section; and "a final effort
was made to settle t:ie differences;
and a united convention was called in
June, 1S88, which, meeting first in
Madison Street Theatre, was eventually
moved to Green Baum, in consequeuce
of the allegation that British detectives
had gained admission to Jthe former
place of meeting.
' Cronin, perhaps, took as prominent
a part in the convention as any man,
and his conduct naturallyineurred the
enmity, and eventually the vengeance,
of his opponents. He and Devoy sub
mitted formal charges of fraud, etc.,
against Sullivan's executive. Strong
language was used, but Sullivan's
friends defended hiniiwarmly. Finally