TH AMERICAN THE Engineer Corps of Hell; OK ROME'S SAPPERS AND MINERS. lVthi!itii I !n liM-H. ii tif "Mlllila t'l Hi l'i i lh Vi-rvt Mmui il i.f ill. J'uti nt m!mt n. aid in Min n ! inu-n-iuik". rivluciy ti tin- I n i'Ii.hmiu iJ Um n ci civ mud r liiii' lit rijf, villi iifinM-irr uivihm iiiruuisiii.ui m uhk. ( .Ki ll AMI TKJkNUIKI HT EDWIN A BHtRMAN, 32. Tsl lirmd lii'irMrtrof 1 1, (. i mi.l ('..ii-iM.iry i.f the :r:,l I V;r.-.M,f Hit- Aii.-I. tiI mi.l Aim-pf fH'tiltlMl Kill' iir I- nt-iim-M'tiry or um :"iait 01 i itisftiruiH. uti n-iitry in t lit M-iUc i ii'inii AiiK'tiilUiii ot tin1 I'ni'ltic 'iut-l. rtf. Sold y Ptii at Subi n'tion Only, and Under Stipulated Conditions, H 1 M'V KliiHT SKI l'l;KH) TO ritV 1,1V i II U;l H IIIMul'V. uf HI. Anna. K mik.ik.'p ('mint. Stale ut lllliuil tin M.-trltn l.ttll.i-r 'l A mi-i U. Mi" I Iti-ut tt. 1 ri'iii if Ali al. m l.lm'tilu, 'tin Marly I'tv-Mi ul it tin' I iiiU'iJ Mt"'." linn Cork l must ri'MKrl fully mill hff.-. Ii..inm I ..... 'nil ... .mil I .. .. uiMlu'tiii'U i' inf. '.iii INTRODUCTION. lilf ( HtHI.K fAl'VKKlllC TlIK COMPANY OV JKSI S! OK THE SlH'lKTY OK THK JKSI'IT.S. Its society prows and inert ss In riches ami influence hv all Boris of means; and no one cau attack them, for everywhere wo find men prompt to servo thorn, to obtain from them some advantage of position or pride. This book which wo present Is tho Secret Manual of this mcwteelebrated company. Many i!mca have wo dot-ired to make ourselves belltve it is an aocryplial work, and so absolve the entire order, whose code has bectn made known to us. The whole of this evil matter Is dent able when It la said that "tiese rc qwd fathers." But In alt conscience, can one place conlldenco In the words of men, when they teach that "lying In lawful to those who can make It inn ful." "We can swear that we have not done a thing, although In effect we may have done it, understanding by this that we did not do it on such a day or before being born; understanding over any other similar circumstance, that we have some way by it, which cn discover tho word by which one can save himself; and thin is very con venient In critical circumstances and just when it ia necessary or useful for the health, for honor or well being." (Opera Moralia. R. 1. Sandiest, page 2, Book III., Chap. 6, number 13.) We well know that the Jesuits are immutable In their doctrine aa In all their modes of being tint aid sunt out tio mnl. Hut to give some weight to tho negation, it will bo found necessary to show that the conduct of the Jesuits, nothing is had in common with tho pre cepts contained in the book of the Monlta Secreta (Secret Monitor); well, then, it Is most evident that the con trary exists in truth, and that their works are in perfect conformity with It. It is a great thing to be noted, that the Influence of this Boolety has boon extended over the secular clergy; wo have seen its methods developed among them at the same time as its spirit. The proofs a?e so very numerous and public that we have 'he right to insist upon this point, and the reader who de sires to be convinced can reeur to the collection of the periodicals of these last time'. It la sufficient to read the ''Secret Instructions" to understand the Jesuit spirit that dictated thero. Let us give a glance among the chapters: "System that must be employ d with widows and the maimer to dispose of their properties " "Methods by which the soi;s of rich widows are to be made to embrace the religious state or that of devotion." "The method by which we must cl arge the confessors and preachers to the great of the earth." "Mode of making profession or despis ing of riches." Head them all. omitt ing nothing, and say afterward if these precepts are a dead letter. Having ceased to care fur the widow, to capture the inheritances, to rob the children from their families, of lutriguing near the grtat, of Influencing in the polities of the natk-ns, of working to the last with but one object, that is not the triumph of religion, but the engraodise ment of the "Company of Jesus,' and the establishment of its domain in the earth. Well, then, if the conduct of the Jesuits is the faithful execution of the "Secret Instructions" it is the whole Indispensable point of admitting the reality of this book. For why, or are, the Jesuits those which are modeled upon it, or has the book been copied on them? Ia both cases, we cannot say that it is an invention or a calumny. That which is incontestable Is, that the '"Secret Instructions" have been printed for the first time in Paris in IGiil; and that of those there are existing manu script copies of anterior date. We read in the edition of 1821, which we have before our sight, "In the re ligious wars of which Germany was the theatre, many Jesuit colleges were as saulted and robbed by the reformers. We encounter in their archives exem plary manuscript3 of the "Secret Monitor," and we also find at one time in Paris two editions, one under the rubric of Praga and the other under that of Padua. This last is printed on parchment and in accordance with the 'Constitutions of the Company of Jesus.' The tree editions, although made from different manuscripts, are perfect in conforming with each other." Id all the epochs in which the Jesuits have, menaced tho state, a zealous band has always thrust anew this book which hai always been preserved from those that would destroy it, safely passed th trial, though the "Company" have ev sought to purchase it In secret, ai cause all evidences of It to disapiiear entirely from view. The present edition ol the "Secret Monitor" has been col kcted from the manuscript of Pathe Urothlerand from the French edition of 1718, 119, 1M2I and l4.1-thla last made in Blols by Mr. Ducoux, after wards memlter of the Constituent As sembly and Perfect of Police in 1818, which has served us in tho edition of last June. In this U Included an ex col lent notice, but it has been made to disappear as has the most of all othe books against the Jesuits. We have given in the following brief sketch of the order. Hero wo see that the Jesuits have leon successively expelled from all parts, but that also they havo returned to all parts, and entered furtively without being dli turbed; in Frauce, solemnly condemned for their acts and doctrines. Not for this has it been loft open with less audacity in tho lap of tho country from which they havo been thrice expelled i no ministers oi state pass away, gov. ernments tall, revolutions tear up the countries, tho laws are renewed, the Jesuits are always permanent and weigh down tho whole. They, only never change. This immutability. which is tho sign of its strength, is also that of its condemnation. Fur that the movement is the law of Its existence all who live are subject to change this same is the essence of progress. The formidable "Company of Jesus" is asocloty of dead men! perimU ac cadnrrr Is also a work of death that Is realized Founded in an jioch In which Europ ean Boclety was lifted up at last from the long and bloody night of the Middle Ages, it Imposed the mission of re poll lng the current which bore humanity along to the light and to science. To tho torch of reason, It opposed the dogma of passive obedience and to be as a corpse; to the pure brilliant light of the conscience, the corruption of doubt and of casuistry. The worship of the saints replaces that of Ged; puerile practices are sub stituted for those that are moral; re. llgton has given away to the grossest superstitions; and, as the human spirit cannot bo detained in its nad, the separation ha to be jnade between faith and the reason; atheism is dis. geminated everywhere; Jesuitism aims to kill all religious sentiment; truth, which should be in its place, is given to hypocrisy! Established and directed with the proposition of universal domination, this society presents in the means of its organization such power of invasion that we cannot think of it without be ing oppressed by a species of fear, Wi ll, can it be that tho aim of its first founders was only to assist in the unity of its beliefs? Perhaps today many of its members aro of good faith, and mounting artifice upon artifice, hypoc risy upon hypocrisy, with the best of inteniions imaginable. It is not the first example presented of hallucina tion. But not for this is to bo left to be less prcnicious its action In the world; it Is all contrary. It is true the statu'.es of the "Com pany of Jesus" forbid to its members all personal ambition; but in this nothing is lost to the devil. The good fathers do not labor with less earnestness for the exaltation and enrichment of the company, whose power and splendor is reflected upon each member. The pride of the body with all the passions of the spirit of sect replaces the interest of person. In one word, each one is left to be one particular entity that is a Jesuit. For them the disinterested individual absolves the most reprehensible actions at the time they are inspired with the pride of perfection, "It is always," says the profound wisdom of Pascal, "that if an angel desired to be con verted, he would return an Imbecile." The excessive humility is that which is more assimilated to arrogance. It is, then, by this mode that the Jesuits have come to be believed to be superior to the most of the members of the clergy, whatever may be their dignity or how high they may be found. It is also by this method that they have im posed upon themselves the task of dominating the whole Catholic world. For themselves, they are nothing, not having pompous titles, no sumptu ous ornaments, no croziers, no mitres, no capes of the prebendiaries, but per tain to that one order everywhere gov erning and directing. Of command, other have the appearaneu; but these posset the rvallty. la whatever place of the Catholic world a Jesuit ia Insulted or reslsud, do matter how Insignificant he may bi, he is sure to be avenged ASH TIUs VK KNOW. I'KKr'ACK OF THK KOI KTII FRENCH EDITION. The three editions of this book were exhausted in so short a tln:n that we could not carry out 0'ir Intention of ini (Mirlaut changes; but we now present nt?w proofs and augment our citations, answering with them our adversaries. The events of Switzerland stamping out the Jesuits as agitators of civil war; their black robes d puttered with blood but, as on other occasions, the blood was but, oisiinguip-neii, nccause it was confounded with that of tho Protest ants ami inhabitants of the New World. And wa dller tho testimony of the riches of tho Jesuit, of their duplicity and of their Imd faith. This complete biMik is today tho condemnation of tho Jesuits by themselves, being tho tine answer conceded by us to tho Jesuit journals which so cowardly attacked us. A thousand laurels to the Jesuits Awakening Europe out of its lethargy and running unitedly to the conquest of democratic Ideas, for tho reaction of tyranny always produces liberty. In 1833, the Jesuits made exclama tion to tho pope. "It would be an ab surdity to concede to the people the liberty of conscience." The Cardinal Albani having framed his plan of action that decimated Italy and dictated this impius oath: "I sweiir to erect the throne and the altar upon the bones of the in 'anions liberals, and to exterminate them one by one, withtiut being moved by the clamors of children, old men and women!" Ia 181.1, we take the events of Helvetia and note that the Jesuits were the prime movers of the civil war; the holy father having counseled them to aban don Switzerland, but did not satisfy the exit of tho reverend fathers, and they persisted In another struggle. Shall it bo that tho blood shall be jmured upon their heads, drop by drop! Shall they not receive tho maledictions of men and fall beneath the anathema of God! TUB JESUITS FUOM 1541 UNTIL OUR OWN DAYS. In vain we rjuestlon tho step; in vain we ask ourselves if the odium against the Jesuits has not been unjust, to see them constantly hated for three cen turies, with tho curses of iieoples and thesontenccs even of popes and of kings. Who can answer to human Infallibility? Infamous persecutions cannot pursue entire peoples. Have not the Hebrews been a thousand times condemned? And at the end of eighteen centuries man has avoided the injury and male dictions. Where was the season of justice9 Where that of equality? Who can assure me that the Jetuits, as Jn other times the Templars, have not been victims? The truth is, popes and sovereigns excluded their doctrines; but was it not a pope who condemned Galileo? Was it not another who sen tenced Bossuet and Fcnelon? Certainly peisterity annulled! many unjust sent onces, but In turn maintained and auctioned all the decisions which struck down the Jesuits, petitioning yet against tio Order of the Jesuits the sentence pronounced against them by Pope Clement XIV., who was poisoned by them! We hurriedly trace tho history of tho Jesuits, descending be ond all com prehension of our tasks, to the sepul- hre in which Loyola interred the deietrines, "i,he bounden duty of mak ing of man and of intelligence a corpse." A Spanish ch'eflain, called Ignatius Loyola, was the founder and lawgiver of the Jesuits. This man was a fanatic, insensible, and given an iron and omnip otent will, created a sect ia the midst of Catholicism, frightened them with tho clamorous apostacy of Luther; cov- ring his haughty ideas with the habit of the monk and the cape of the mendi cant, ridiculous in the extreme but ter rible in his results. Spain having in- ugurated a tribunal (the inquisition) with the intent of killing the body, under the pretext of saving the soul. Ignatius Loyola assassinated the eoul, espising the body in this manner, in the two extremities of the world, in Spain and the Indies, and accouted the two societies which destroy the body, 'the inquisitors and stranglers, by other name thugs, and the Company of Jesus placed its ter.ts between them both " Jesus created the life and the thought; Ignatius Loyola created death the dea.h of tho soul and of intelligence, of love and charity, of all that is grand, noble and generous. Loyola was the creator and the one light-giver of the Society of the Jesuits, an ardent and passionate man, rancorous and per severing, oppressive toward his dis ciples, in his Institutions, poesy and enthusiasm, in genius and human pas sions. In the Order of tho Jesuits there must be only one man tho general his inferiors being nothing more than passive Instruments; then Loyola in the bed of death prescribed blind obed ience obtdientia sicca. His institutions which we present from thence, form a monument, are few and minute; the attention given by readers that they must spring from casuists, deceivers and perverse, and also that they must betray the timorous and honorable. This code has only one base mutual vigilauce and despising of the human race. "The Superior," says Michelet, "is always surrounded by counsellors, pro fessors, novices and graduates, and his brethren who can and must bodenounc er; taking shameful precautions, al though against other members who have given tho greatest proof of their adhesion; prescribing friendship in the seminaries ana being prohibited to walk two by two, and it is necessary to bo alono or three together, but not less for It U well known that the Jesuits never establish any intimacy before third, for the third is a spy; for when there are throe, which Is indispensable there cannot be found a traitor." In the celebrated constitutions it is prescribed "to have the sight much lower than that of those to whom they speak and dissimulate the wrinkles which form in the nose and the fore head." Tho Constitutions instruct the confessors in sophistries, and these serve them to direct them before the eyes of the penitent. In the power of Loyola in converting into a corpse, the faculty of free will pi rinde eic duhtrer. "His successors (1) organized the grand scholastic moral or casuistry, tbat for mi wuum wo may meet euner a uis- tingcished individual or a nobody (nm.) Tiiis art of deceiving with the moral was the principal consistency of his institution; the omnipotent attraction of a confessionary seduced tho multi tude; tho sermon was severe and in dulgent in direction, concluding at last with such foreign merchandise intro duced among the feeble consciences of the great of the world aud the political direction of society. Tho birth of the "Company of Jesus' was at an appropriate time, of the great revolution of Luther, valiantly fighting the reform of the Sixteenth century, serving the popo with these auxiliaries who did not see whom they were that were as succor sent from heaven. The Jeuits augmented their numbers very soon at ine side ot the tiaia to whom they gave power in his day, and In 1547, BobadilU of Germany was ex pelled for his seditious doctrines. Meanwhile the accomplices of Charles IX. and Catherine de Medicis took counsel of tho Jesuits and were as sembled in their den on the bloody night of St. Bartholomew, August 24th, 1572, when Gaspard de Coltgny was assassinated with 30,000 other Hugue nots, and over 70,000 in the provinces were butchered, being at the time when Francis Bjrgia was the general of the order In 150.8 they intended to estab lish a seminary in Paris, but the uni versity, great and powerful then, was opposed to the progress of the Sons of Loyola, whose chief in Frarce was Odon Pieenat, a furious ce-lleatrue. to whom Arnaud gave the aupellation of ' the fanatic prie-it of Cybelo," and the historian gave the title of "The Tiger." In 1570 Elizabeth expelled the Jesuits from England, being at the same time that they were banished from Portugal and Amberes in 1578. During the reign of Henry III., they stirred up a ebelllon and fain is tied the country by becoming monopolists, the infallible method of sharpening the poniards of Jacob Clement and Chatel. In 1593, the Jesuit Varade armed the hand of the assassin Barriere against Henry IV.; in 1594 Jean Chatel, with the intent of assassinating Henry IV., had for his accomplice the Father Guinaud, wno was hung for tho crime on the 7th of June, 15!)5. Popo Clement VII. charged the Jesuits with tne dissentions of the church; in 1508 they were expelled from Holland for attempting to assassinate Maurice of Nassau, as they had by order of Pope Gregory XIII. assassi nated William the Silent, Prince of Orange, on the 10th of July, 1584. An edict of Henry IV. expelled them from France, but, dragging along until the planting of the French monarchy they were tacitly permitted to enter. The conqueror of the league, the king who dreamed of a universal monarchy, the threatening aspect of these men whom It is said had secret treaties and cor respondence everywhere and ability to cause others to treat with them by their agreeable manners Qui ditil out dts in telligences et corrcsponduncis purtvut et qrunde dcxlkhte a disposed lesecprit ainsi qu'il leur plait.) In 1604 Cardinal Borromeo was dis patched from the Seminary of Breda; being hung in London in 1 005, the Jesuits Garnet and Oldecorn as authors of the "Gunpowder Plot"; and in 1000 they were driven from Venice. To be continued.) with the Almighty, the matter, In my humble opinion, can be easily solved. Why should I, who attends not your church, ares nothing for your church, and belongs not to your church, be taxed to keep up a sect o' libertines, whose sole ambition is to revel in drunkenness, debauchery and vice at night, and in the morning go to the foot of the altar, still under the influ ence of xpirittotfunutnti, and begin the psalm, "Judica Md Ikim." Is it not time for us to lake the papal bull by the horns and exclaim, "thus far and no farther?" When we loos back on the different nations of the globe, B.I .I... .- . . . - union oi church and state exists, what do we tind'J Nothing but anarjhy and strife. Leaving out papal Homo, at one time the bull of the woods, we can wend our way to loyal Sweden, and find the way the poor S wedes had to pay tribute to the Lutheran church, which had becoma the church of "the state, and were therefore one. The idea of a man paying $40 tax to a church to which he had neve r belonged, anenueu or anumted with. Is it net preposterous? And yvt, some of our statesmen, pretending to have brains. when In the presence of Ireland and Gibbons will concede that church and state must be one. Satolli, the dago Italian, was sent here for that purpose. Will he accomplish it? Never! Never! Americans are at last awake; they have witnessed tho intrigue too long, and are prepared to meet their foe, the arch enemy of mankind, the whore of Babylon. I Errors of Youth.! SL FU RI RS J kOM lenca Uili'i, lonn l.l,nrnif.i I M H :Khr f A li.iUHitili.iia, i-i bojuuu, 0 BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN. f (raini. Ifsuv men. frnm n fl.-rt nf voutMut Itnpru- deiM-e,'hav bum lit atMt ta! et avsfcMwO that ttu mlurrtl thr gt-itmu vsirm au murii a te 9 '"dufc aitiiovt -i-ry Hhft Jiww; and tU rra. 9 rauw of the truul 'dtnviv rvr t-ihK uepertM. 9 i 4tKteir.I -r -rvlliiiif but II. r rifUt on I'urinjruurritrii.ive mmh'k ' l U-.t-. bmrtirr 9 e Ua dtMHn-mt w a; i rt'iwf titrmttd (viu- w di. Ttu tt.x'uiiiirai it.f fifwrifiiMU i offt-ml V aa a reitr! Af 'M,t rt,v 4 , KK. hutlr-ti ot a mm having r-tt rrt I" pttvf t.-aiCh by i! A w in fW aU othr r-wii;e tmU-d IVrfivtlj pure m tiirtHiif ii iitut br Uxtl in Hit- jrt ration ul thi A preacrtption. W K KrvthitxvUm nu'i dncltui. 9 J.-nib. hi. I iirm. inn. W Me-i.Mtia ilrarhm. I(T(IIHI. 9 B THI Mi. ttt. Vital: au nr Wh Kst. U (taiiilr, i n ri.i,i,-. W Mk' p'lli. 'i a 1 pM t j4p.a art 4 another 9 on gttiMp t" trJ- '1 ftia rrttiiHy tv tu t-ry aeak-tpf In enh rx, ai 'i njH-i-iauy in tho W riiM-i nwdf 'fH? frtm iiui'ruttt-iuv. i it rvruperative W povrf tin rwtDfvti'- rv artmaitir?, and it. am list- ("ntinut-d tr a i-h.rtt;tiif cimiye.the latum id. a itfhiiitatttL nerve ie evtidiluu: lo or tA 'wrd m nit and vi'or. a w To th who mould prvfrr to obtain It ot ut. hy W tk remitting . a airi pa.-kn containy 4) niii. J can-ftili ct.ii pMJtuif.I. will If i i by ma;! from A our private iafrahrv, r we mil furniat, ft park- 0 apri, which ili cr luuat case, tor All imert wt redly citii tfiirmiut. 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