The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 01, 1895, Image 1

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Innny other Hiii-iiM rh-u ttMiy
hull ( UiKt-yuu-m.
1J tainted Hint pm-oe-lou fur
our jear. Fr twenty ycnr
have Ixvu tho mother of this
nrnt gi-u l tn t of ia iu '.. ,,it i,ut,
('natoMflw yrtrm trorur. Tit"'
tltlHIIUtllU lM klKiW ti y llUVC- t
hrrt, lint Kill In t mlii'lt II
don't wmit tiny f'
Von havi brourht uiion It
lived In this
you have
fe lllnult.
j A WEEKLY tlWSPAPER. "AMF.B1CA FPU AMERICANS." We hold that al! nun arw A oerican who Swear Alleglhnev to the United Sut. ii without a menial reservation In favor of the Popei.
S tioritj,' mlil thtf abbewt, 'you
t v
According to the Arkansas
(VuitHfthe Humans celebrated Wash
ington's birthday In Little Rex-k, and
all the Clazttte could bay about the en
tertainment was that Priest (the paper
said father,) Fitgerald suggested that
the peqie canonize Washington. This
Is an innovation. Think of Rome can-
onizing a hen-tic. Horrors! That priest
inufct have been in bin cups to make
euch an eggregious ass of himself.
There was quite a lively time
,ln the senate in Washington, D. C,
' when House Roll No. 8179 was up for
consideration, Thursday, Feb. 21. The
measure under consideration wa the
appropriation bill for the Indian depart
ment, and it excited mtiny senators into
declaring their Protestantism. It was
amusing to read the report of the pro
ceedings In the Congressional Record.
The American sentiment had warned
all of them that church and state must
be separated and they fell over one an
other to get on the popular side, by
making a pretext of doing what the
people wanted.
The bill introduced in the Ill
inois state legislature by Representa
tive Jonathan Mcrriam should become
a law. In comment on his bl Mr.
Merriam 6ald: "The purpose of the
bill 1 introduced is simple It Is to re
peal the vicious provisions of the special
act of 1845 ana the still more vicious
amendatory act of 1801, by which the
archbishop of Chicago is created a cor
poration sole with full power to buy
land, property of every kind and char
acter, to hold, mortgage, sell In trust
for the Catholic church, such property
being held in the name of the church
ostensibly for church purposes only,
thereby giving the archbishop of Chi
cago power to acquire and hold -vast
tracts of realty in the city and else
where without taxation or contributing
anything for the support and mainten
ance of the government by which it is
protected. It is estimated that the
holdings of every kind In Illinois al
ready reach the enormous sum of $05,
000,000. Under this power the arch
bishop of Chicago holds valuable tracts
of realty in all the large towns and
c'.tie8 of the state, particularly valuable
tracts in Chicago. In the smaller cities
like Bloomlngton, Springfield, Quincy,
and Peoria the Catholics hold many of
the choicest tracts and most valuable
property. The bill has been referred
to the committee on revenue, of which
Mr. Jones, of Ircquols, is chairman, and
of which I am a member. It will come
up in due course of time and be acted
upon by the committee and reported
back to the house at an early day. This
bill is believed to be in the interest of
the revenues of the state, and is there
fore deemed eminently proper that it
should be referred to the committee on
revenue. I believe the time is not far
distant when the people of the state
will require the churches to set an ex
ample of honesty by paying their fair
and equitable proportion of taxes for
the protection of their property. If
this was done it would go far towards
wiping out the crying evil of tax dodg
ing." A storm of umisal proportions
must be scheduled for the faction of
this terrestial sphere immediately
surrounding Omaha. The World-Herald
has actually published an account of
the doings of a Roman Catholic moo
without heading it "A. P. A. Riot,"
and without laying all the blame on
the anti-Roman lecturer. This neces
sitates an explanation. We want to
know where Carl Smith was when
that item slipped through. Somebody
has not been attending to butinete.
This must not happen again. The ac
count the World-Herald published is a
dispatch from Savannah, Ga., under
date of February 2ti, and reads as fol
lows: "Savannah escaped a riot to
night through the intervention of the
militia. The trouble was precipitated
by ex-Priest Joseph Slattery's lecture.
For several days efforts have been made
by members of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians to revoke the ex-priest's
permit to deliver the lecture, but the
mayor upon legal advice replied that
it could not be done. Threats were
made against the lecturer, and the
chief of police and a detail of officers
were ordered on duty at the hall where
the lecture was to be delivered. The
lecture contained no offensive language,
but the crowd which had gathered on
the outside began to hurl stones through
the windows, and angered the audience.
The police ordered the crowd to dis
perse. It refused to do so, and kept
shouting and jeering. The mayor was
notified, and after a consultation with
the chief of police decided to order out
the military. After the military ar
rived on the tceno there was compara
tive quiet. The streets were cleared
for a block in every direction and the
troop remained on guard until the dis
turbance had ubetded, when the lec
turer wa brought out of the hall and
escorted by a tquad of twenty police,
surrounded by two battalionsof soldiers,
walked to his hotel. The crowd fol
lowed and jeered along the streets, but
there was do attempt at an open attack
Half aa hour a'ter the ex-priest's wife
was escorted from the hall to the hotel
by a squad of police." The next day
the following dispatch was sent out
from the same city: "Everything has
been quiet in Stvannah today. The
disturbance of lust night, precipitated
by ex-Priest Joseph Slattery's lecture,
has subsided, and no further trouble is
anticipated. Mrs. Siattery was to
have lectured at Masonic hall this
afternoon, but the Hebrew association,
which has the hall under lease, can
celled its contract with Siattery and
the lecture was postponed. Five hun
dred ladies assembled to hear the ex
prlest's wife, and finding the hall closed
went to her hotel. Falling to secure a
renewal of his contract for Masonic
hall, arrange ments were made for Odd
Fellows hall, and Siattery 's lectures will
bo delivered there tomorrow under
police protection.
This office lias been flooded
with complaints about the treatment cit
izens of Kansas City have been subjected
to who attempted to see and converse
with Philip Martin, the negro who was
hanged about two weeks ago. Some of
these complaint were oral while others
were written, but they all were bur
dened with the same wrong rights de
nied to Protestants which had been
freely given to Roman Catholic priests.
One of these written complaints is from
Rev. I Mills, pastor of Pleasant View
Baptist church, of Kansas City, Kan.
He says he wants a word with Marshall
Stewart in regard to the injustice done
Protestant ministers of that city who
had previously visited the jail and had
appointments with Martin to see him
before he was executed. He sees no
reason why the hour should have cut
any figure, and believes the eleventh
hour wodld have been as acceptable to
Martin, who was about to go before
that supreme, last judge, before the
court of last appeal, as if it had been
earlier in the day. Rev. Mills says it
is generally supposed and believed taat
a minister is entitled to admission to
jails at any time to give religious in
structions and consolation, and that be
cause Marshall Stewart thought the
Roman priests had won the prize was
not sufficient reason for him to deny the
"affected" minister admission to Mar
tin's presence. He declares that nine
of every ten of the murders are corn
milted by Roman Catholics, and that
the same proportion of those who are
hanged for murder are of the tame
faith. He suggests that the responsi
bility of public positions if placed oc
casionally in the hards of negroe s would
tend to elevate that race; and he Inci
dently throws out the idea that an A.
P. A. is a man to be proud of, regard
less of the flings of the daily pres-s. The
other communication comes frm "Joe
the Turk," a traveling evangelist who
is alied with the Salvation army. It is
a letter to Martin under date of Febru
ary 14, and reads: "I am Captain Gara
bed er Joe the Turk, a traveling evan
gelist in the Salvation Army, and for
ten years have be en solely erjgaged in
the work of trying to get people to turn
from their evil ways and prepare for
death. While btopping in the city for a
few days, I learned you were condemnc d
to die tomorrow. I hurried to the jail
in company with some lady Salvationist
but was denied admittance. Although
we could not reach you, you will soon
stand before the living God. We played
our corne t, and sang inside and outside
the building, and I trust you heard it.
As soon as this reaches you if you have
not already prepared, geton your knees
and atk God to save you. He is your
hope. Remember the thief on the cross.
Jesus had mercy on him, so he will on
you. Enclosed you will find a badge,
please pin it on your coat, we are pray
ing for you. Time is short prepare, you
are hastening to eternity." This letter
was signed Joe the Turk. As near as
we can learn the marshall denied ad
mittance to every one except Roman
priests and sisters. Why this should
be in a free country such as we are sup
posed to have, I know not, but here in
Kansas City it appears, it is becoming
so Romanized that ere long we will
haveaMissa Solemnis, a Missa Cantata,
and a Missa Pontificale sujfcg in our
country jail, and the right of admit
tance thereto denied to all except those
who kiss the popes toe. Wtiat say you
citizens of Jackson county and Kansas
The charge has been made
so frequently through these columns
tbat the Roman Catholics were voted
like so many cattle just as the priest,
directs that it seems foolish to re-iter
ate the charge; yet we shall do so, and
submit the word of a great daily pae
as evidence of the fact. The paper we
shall intrtnlueo in evidence will he tli
Chicago 7 of Feb. is, isti",. Be
fore putting the px-r in evidence how
ever we shall make a brief statement
so that the situation may be thoroughly
understood by our readers. For some
months, yes, for some years there has
been dissention in a Polish Roman Cath
olic church. The archbishop placed
one man in charge the Poles wanted a
diiTen'nt one and a contest begun
Since 'hen all manner of stories have
been in circulation One is to the effoe
that the church, St. Helwigs, was com
pletcd some seven year ago. At the
iine there was an Indebtedness of $2."i.
000 on it. For seven years the ih-w ren
has be en $7,000 per annum, or $111,000.
u . sides the money derived Irotn pew
rent, there has been thousands of dol
lars raised in various ways. One inform
ant thinks at least $."i,000.00 has been
raised which, added to the pew rent,
would have made $54,000. He says if
the original debt had stood for seven
years and the Interest has been coin
pounded, the money raised would have
paid the indebtedness and left a surplus
In the treasury of $1,000, enough to have
paid for heat, light and sacramental
wine. But instead of the debt being
wiped out, the members find that, after
contributing liberally for seven years,
the church Is $17,000 iu the hole. In
other words the laity are $70,000
worse off than the day they completed
their church. Some of the more
Intelligent Poles have discovered
that something is wrong and have
asked for an accounting from the priest,
a thing he refused to make. Then came
riotous times. Policemen were placed
around the church to guard the priest.
But they only caused a more bitter feel
ing. Then some of the intelligent Poles
decided to throw off the yoke of priest
craft, They held meetings, and this Is
the result of one reported by the Trih
une: "The erstwhile congregation of
the Rev. Joseph Barzinskl of St. Hel
wig's church yesternoon carried the
resolution against his priestly authority
into the political field, deserted the
Democratic party in a body, and formed
a Republican club with a membership
of 700. The Dew club is the "Kot-cuisko
Republican club" of the Fifteenth ward,
The new club promises to grow until
every Democratic Pole in the ward
and there used to be 1,800 of ihem has
enrolled himself as a working and vot
ing memner. Yesterday arternoon a
mass-meeting was called at Dziewor's
hall tor the purpose of forming a Re
publican cluo, and at 0 o'clock over 500
men had succeeded in signing their to the lists and 200 or 300 more
were shouting their allegiance. The
officers of the new club are: President
T. L. Petto: Vice-President, Michael
WTachowski; Secretary, Joseph Pokor-
ski; Executive committee, J. Tesmer,
John Teitzkl, F. Pachoiski; Sergeant-
at-Arms, Joseph Ostrow: ki. Speeches
were made by Micheal Wachowskl, J.
E. Henry, Hugh McAdoo, W. Ray,
Anton W. Rudnlck, who was for years
president of the biggest Peilish Demo
cratic club in the city; Max L. Kasmar,
J. WTaranko, J. Skaja and Adam Jaku-
bojvski. WheD they finished and the
meeting adjourned the normal Demo
cratic majority of the ward of 2,500 had
been practically turned into a safe lie
publican majority. This is how all of
this came to pass. The Rev. Vincent
Barzinski and his brother, the Rev.
Joteoh Barzinski, have, it Is said, con
trolled, poli tically, the Poles in all that
n gion for years. They owned the one
daily Polish newspaper. They were
close to Mayor Hopkins. But there
came the revolt at St. Helwig'a church
and the hegira of the Rev. Joseph Bar
zinski. Thus far the revolting parish
ioners triumphed. Soon policemen be
gai to patrol the streets. Women were
ordered into their houses, and children
driven off the sidewalks. So say the
angry parishioners, and it made them
mad. There was a big Democratic club
in the ward, good for 1,800 votes. It
called a meeting about a week ago, but
most of its members were attending a
meeting of the parish committee. The
members of that committee are the of
ficers of the new Republican club.
When the Democratic president called
the club to order there were just twenty-three
members to answer to the long
roll-call. The little handful began to
discuss the advisability of indorsing
some one for alderman when the chair
man's eyes were gladdened by the sight
of the oid club members coming in by
tens and by fifties. Thev filled the hall.
They asked what the order of business
was and were told. And then one Of
them got up and made a speech. He
said that there was but one man who
could be the logical candidate of the
party in the ward. He presented the
name of the Rev. Joseph Barzinski.
With a mighty shout tiie meietlng in
dorsed the nomination and the members
went out. Then and there died Polish
Democracy in the Fifteenth ward. Sat
urday the parish committee held a
meeting and ordered a few hundred
notice to be dlitrlbuteJ, calling for a
meeting to discus the advisability of
forming a Republican club among the
Poles. They argued that tunny hud re
iiiu'iK(J Ikmiicrtit Ixctiw lliey had Imi h
ordi red frtm (he pulpit no fu rnk, but now
that they had shaken off the iiries-ly
yoke there might be somo who would
feel free to vote as tiny saw fit. Thi
meeting w a tremendous surprise to
themse lves and a yet more tremendous
surprise to the Democrat of tho ward
Mike Ryan dashed about with an utter
ly dn.ed and bewildered air. Was th
world coining to an end? That solid
phalanx of 1,800 votes melted away like
butter on a hot pancake, and, alas, it
was the enemies cukes that wero being
buttered! Seven hundred enthusiastic
crowded into the hail. Thev shoule-e
We are five! free!! We can vote as we
please: ' In the sjteeehes that were
made every n-ference, however veiled,
to the bondage under which they hal
suffered was greeted with shrieks. In
tnn o short hours the political revolu
tion was e ffected."
MAItl l U0K.
The Nil n M ho Escaped From the Hotel
IHcii, Montreal, ('lunula. Fresh 1
In the winter of 1890 and 1S)1 the
celebrated Chas. Chiniquy, commonly
called Father Chiniquy, and now proba
bly the most famous ex-priest in the
world was in Washington, D. C. Here
he delivered a course of nineteen lec
tures on Romanism. . He was then in
his 82 ad year, being now 18!l5, he would
be 8ti years old.
It fell to my lot to serve as his assist
ant and I was with him daily for about
three weeks. Eclng one day alone with
him in his room, I asked whether he
knew anything about the story of Maris
Monk and her famous book, Awful Dis
closures, Chiniquy was about 20 years
old at the time of Miss Monk's escape,
In 183."); and I knew that he had been
much In Montreal where the Hotel Dieu
is situated. He replied that ho did, and
that una occasion, when he had become
tex) ill to continue his arduous labors
a priest and "Apeistle of Temperance,"
as he-was oU called, his bishop sent
him to '' At v ' y hotel to take jsorae
needed re?t, saying to him: "The sisters
will give you a room, and nurse you
tenderly, and you will soon recover your
usual health. While lie was theie a
erv old nun often cinie into his room
to minister to his want-: and one day
he asked her whether she knew any
thing of the s'jory of Maria Monk. She
replied that she was well Informed ou
that subject, and had read her book,
'Awful Disclosure's." "Well now," says
Chiniquy "were you here during the
time when she claimes to have been
here?" "Yes," she said, "I was here
and I knew her well." "Then,'1' says
he, "I wish you would tell me whether
the awful statements she has made of
deeds done in this nunnery were true."
Upon this question, the old nun as
greatly and be-gged to be ex
cused from answering; but on being
)i-essed for an answer, consented, pro-
ided he would promise never to reveal
anything the said until after her death.
He promised, and she then stated that
Miss Mrnk's statements iu that book
were true; and says she, "I have seen
worse things done here than anything
that she t us told."
My attention was again turned to the
Maria Monk affair, by seeing a little
jhamphlet recently published in Lon
don, Eng., by a Catholic house, endeav
oring to prove that Miss Monk's Aw.
Disclosures were a fraud. I read
the pharr.phlet through; but it does not
eem to me to disprove any part of her
tory. Besides, this statement of the
lev. Chiniquy is a direct confirmation
f the truth of Miss Monks story, new
videnee, which I have never before
seer, published.
Bitt I have just received, most un-
xpectcdly, so;iie very interesting and
ery reliable statements fiw another
While Friend Traynor, State Presi-
ent of the A. P. A., was in this city
recently, he gave me the name of a Rev.
entleman now living in New York City,
om whom valuable information eau
rning Miss Monk might be obtained,
wrote to him, and received subs'anti-
ily the following: That it was his
mother, who first proti eted Miss Monk,
when the arrived in that e-itv after her
scape from Montreal in the year 183.Y
He says: "It was extremely difficult
to select a retuge with any promise of
afety, as spies wt re uli rt and nnmer-
and danger of discovery was in-
reasing." lhe name of this protectrix
as Mrs. Sarae W. Reeves, famous for
er beauty, breadth of mind, dauntle-ss
courage, and sublimity of character,
ouibined with such lovable traits and
omanly graces as cem mended her for
his charge iu a time eif great peril.
Her love of justice, hatred of wrong,
and unfaltering devotion to humanity
decided the question, and watchman
Hogan wl.i d a favorable opportunity
and sccrelly hurried Maria Monk to
Mm. lU-ec' residence where, she and
Mrs. Hogan welcomed her at midnight.
She wai Immediately he-cretvd ein the
top lloor, previously pivpared for her,
which tdie) occupied for months, where,
when restored to health and strength
she wrote her famous lunik, Awful Di
"Tho truths it contained were ter
ribly emphasized by the xulmcqueiit
excitement, and flood of vilix-ratlon
with malignant pernecution, e-ouuled
with threats of ussasslnatioii."
"It is idle folly to attempt todlscrcdlt
her boeik In the faeo ef tho venomous
fury aroused, and tho coiiHicrnatlon
which forced the leading minds of the
Koiimn Catholic church Into the con
troversy." "Marlu Monk at length tired of he r
captivity, and one day Incautiously ap
proached a window, and was re-cog-nlzod."
"That night a mot) besoiged the
house., demanding her Immediate sur
render." "They wero dispersed, and
another mob appeared tho next day."
"The third day, Firth stn-et from
Avenue I) to Avenue C was filled by a
frenzied mob of howling fanatics (Ro
man Catholle-s), who threatened to raze
the homo to tho ground, unless Miss
Monk was surrendered at once. Mrs.
Reteve preferred to take chances rather
than surrender. So the neighbor ral
lied and guarded the hoiiee until Miss
Monk was safely conducted to other
quarters three days later. My
mother often repeated this story, but
had I rocelved your inquiry five week
sooner, I could have given some start
ling details," for his mother died just,
five weeks ago.
"Tho words quoted are as I received
them from the son of this heroic mother.
If Miss Moiik was not un cscacd nun,
why did tho priests stir up Romish
mobs to recapture her? And If those
cemvents arc not places of lewdness and
wickedness, why did Pope Innocent
VIII. publish a bull demanding refor
mation in monasteries and other relig
ious places, and declare that "members
of monasteries and other religious
houses lead a lascivious and truly dis
solute 11 o."
Why Is it that all escaped nuns toll
the same story of those prisons?
For my part, I should deem it truly
wonderful that theso escaped women
should all agree so well, though wholly
unknown to each other, und living in
widely different times and far remote
from one another. Every lawyer ac
customed to sift and weigh evidence,
knows well that witnesses cannot so
agree in all the essentials of a story as
these escaped nuns do, unless they are
telling the truth.
This book should be in every family
in the world. The boy or girl who has
read it, will rot be likely to 1x3 beguiled
into the dens of Romanism.
Yours truly. Chase Roys,
i;:ji f st n. w
Washington, I). C.
Kscnped From the Convent.
Monday morning, Feb. 18, 1 8t.", be
tween toand three o'clock, Miss Nel
lie Carr and Miss Ada Dccort, two
young girls, who had bee n detained tor
several years against their wills, es
caped from the unlawtul prison, known
as the Convent of the Good Shepherd
Academy of tho Holy Rosary of the
Dominican Sisters The Seven S-irrows,
or the lot of prison buildings behind the
big high walls at the corner of Kighth
and Madison stree ts, this city. Plucky
little Nellie Carr planned the way of
escape, and the two giris, having hid
den their shoes at the foot of the stairs
Sunday night, early Monday morning
proceded to cary out their plans. Se
creting their dresses under their cap. s,
shoeless and ready for the bath-rex)in,
they politely approached the mother
superior, &sked for the keys to said
room, and. receiving the same, proceded
thereto, iutcndir.g there to make ready
for tho street. Finding the room occu
pied, they were at a loss just what to
do, and Miss Ada became frightened,
fearing detection Id an attempt to es
cape, and proposed to return te their
room, but Nellie said she "would rather
dig herown grave." They then tip-toed
through ihe dormitory, hx-iing the
door from the outside, reached the
walls, and Ada, being the largest and
strongest, boosted Nellie up the wall
until she suceee'de-d ia mojnting the
top, and bracing herself, then pulled
Ada to the top, then down they slipped,
and over two other walls, iu like man
ner, until they reached a lumber yard
and proceeded to the street.
They say that out of fifty girls there,
all are anxious to get out but four.
These girls are now at a safe distance
and in safe hands.
There are thousands of girls in these;
nlawful prisons in the land. Sign the
pe-tition on another page and have such
hare-m abolished from this land of lih
crty. Frndum ltitmur, Ixjulsyllle, Ky
Kev. J. . A. Henry Acccpls tho (all to
Ij Salle Adeline ( hun-h.
Rev. J. (J. A Henry has doclded on
Chicago as hi future homo. This morn
ing he will se-nd it telegram to the trus
tees of the La Sello avenuo Baptist
church of that city acce pting the call
to the pastorate".
At the eoni-liisiun of tho weekly pray
er meeting Wiilm-sday evening Mr.
Henry announn-d hi determination to
never hi connection with the First
Baptist church and formally presented
hi resignation tin pastor. Tho oongro
g.ition was not disposed to regurd tho
resignation with favor. When thequu-
lion was put as to the disposition of tho
resignation tho unanimous opinion waa
that a committee should bo appointed
to confer with Mr. Henry and urge him
to reconsi Jor.
This eoinmitU'e, consisting of A. P.
Norrls, II. L filer, Jame Patterson,
A. B. Forbes and William Chamborlin,
wa apjiolntodby a vote of tho congrega
tion, and for the past two day tho gen
tlemen have been holding consultation
with their retiring pastor. They have
argued, pleaded and suggested, all to no
effect Mr. Henry remained obdurate.
He declined to reconsider his decision
and would not hear of euch a proiKJsI-
tion as retracting hi resignation. Ho
staled to tho committee yesterday after
noon that his resignation was the result
of six weeks careful contemplation, and
ho believed It was the will of God that
he should go to Chicago. Tho resigna
tion take effect March 10th.
A Baptist church has no power to re
tain a minister against his will, and at
tho congregational mee ting of the First
Baptist church next Wednesday eve
ning formal ae;tlon will lie taken on ac
cepting the resignation.
The present salary ef tho pastor of
tho First Baptist church is $.'1,500 a
year; his salary as pastor of tho La Salle
church will bo $4,000 to begin with, but
II. L. Gler, one of the trustees, stated
last evening that an increase of salary
alone would not havo influenced Mr.
Henry, as during his five years pastor
ate ho had received several calls offer
ing a much larger sum than he was re
ceiving. Althcugh the church officers state
that the church as a body is heart and
soul with Mr. Henry, It Is understood
that for some time there has been an
element that stremglv objected to his
connection with the A. P. A. movement.
These conservative x-ople, while ap
preciating Mr. Henry as a minister, de
precated his beloi glng to and becoming
the instrument of a si cret political or
ganization. Some of the members of
bis congregation havo drifted off to
other churches, saying tho First Bap
list church is not what it was before
everybody took the A. P. A. fever.
San Francisco paper.
Pai l VanDerVoort, in a speech
before tho Industrial League and the
Reform Press Assentation, in session in
Kansas City, Friday evening, February
22, 1 !:, said: "The developments dur
ing thj past two years must convince
the masses that dangerous elements are
at work and that th'j foes of liberty are
entrenched in the very citadels of the
republic. They own the president, his
cabinet, the great no vspape;ra, and con
trol the leaders of both the old parties.
If the spirit of the m--n 'hat raised
liherty poles in New York and threw
the tea in B iston harbor was not dead
in this nation, the whjle people would
resent the foreign Influences exerted
on American soil. On the one hand,
the King of the Jows Rothschilds, dom
Ir.ti'ingthe financial affairs of the na
tion, on the other, a jKitentate who does
not speak the Knglish language, ruling
with an iron hand the spiritual and
meddling with the temporal affairs of
0,000,000 eif our p -ople, aud the politi
cians of both the old parlies afraid to
murmur for fear thev will lose votes.
I am opposed to foreign dictation and
will join, hands with any reform force
to get rid of it at once and forever."
Rev. J. A. Dearborn, state president
of the A. P. A. of Missouri, sect the
following dispatch from Kansas City,
February 27th:
Mayor Meyers. Sivannah, Ga.
Greeting: The members of the Ameri
can Protective Association of Missouri
wish to express to you their sincere
e'ongratulations for your grand defense
of free speech in your city, and for up
holding the sacred constitution of the
United Statos. J. A. Dearhorn,
State President.
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