010 A N 0 TH EE AMERICAN It A IS ROME TOI.lRAXTt I the OiirstHin Which iltat Vaktnfr lWlol. The .4mrnVii 7j?t rtxvntly twld In reply to Wi-hop S-iU' IrR article In the y'ttrth A ft icon lit vine for Sop tembcr, in which the blkhop declares fci church to he tolerant and the A. P. A. to be Intolerant, the St. Loul Oh frmr ): It I notrieoeary to Invoke the tetlm tir of arcimt hltory to justify the rvopVs fear of IUmianlsrn That burnt Into the numerics of men In all countries where freedom ha ttrurclcd ralnut tyranny. What I polr g on U dy In what concern u now If Hi me bud rharpd her policy It would be r(y to forgive ard forpet the dark pact, but (die In still tlio fame in tolerant, tyrtunlral power that she ha always been. Look a brood and see what la the aelual condition of thing's in Rorran Catholic countries. Take Frftnce the most enlightened, the most progressive and the metit noral of all Roman Catholic countries on theearth What Is the attitude of the enlightened atatesiren of France towards the church of Home? The watchword of French statesmen Is, "Clericalism, that Is the enemy." Since It was first eHken by Leon Gambetta, twenty years apo, it has not ct ast d to be the most H)tent expression In French politics. Even conservative Frenchmen have been driven far towards revolutionary im11 tlcs because of the appressive meddlo aomeness of the priesthood. Within the last ten years, France enlightened, Republican France bus driven every priest and nun out of the public schools, charity hot-pit als and the asylums of the republic It has been found neces sary to adopt stern, repressive meas ures to keep the Catholic clerpy In check. They grew so bold and so de fiant that nothing thort of the stern hand of the law could break their power. Enlightened Frenchmen dreiul nothing eo much as the intrigues and plots of the priests. Let us turn our thoughts for a moment to Italy, the very birthplace of Itcmanlsra. What Is the truth in regard to that long suffering land? Why did the people twenty-five years ago vote a thousand to one to transfer their allegiance from the pope to the king? Why is it that the Italian people are this dsy endur ing well-nigh Insupportable burdens to maintain a great army, but for fear that the pope will regain temporal power? Their most enlightened statesman, Count Crispi, dees rot hesitate to fay that the pope is responsible for this condition of things. Italy la freo be cause sne at ties trie pope. The Italian goverrment is in Imminent peril every hour because of the secret plotting, that are carried on against it in the very capital of the kingdom. Let Bishop Spalding turn his eyes to Austria if he wants to know whether Romanism is tolerat t or not. Two yeara ago the editor of this paper was In Vlerna, the capital of Austria, just at the time when the Methodist church wa suppressed by the instigation of the archbishop of Vienna. A Protest ant rannot hold a prayer meeting even In hla own private bouse in Austria without runnlrg the risk of being ar rested and imprbonsd for distuibing the ptace. There is no nllglous or civil frttdom in any country where Rome has pt wer. In Hungary, only a few weeks ago, the whole population rose almost as one man against the tyranny of Rome. In the late political struggle the church of Rome was on one side and the people of Hungary on the other. When Hungary burled her grratt st patriot only a few months ago, the only Hungarians who did not join In mourning the dead were the Roman Catholic p'lests and their political fol lowers. Why are the Jesuits still banished from enlightened German)? It is unl vertally cot ceded that Germany is the most enlightened nation in Europe. Her universities are crowded with students from every nation under heaven, ai d the only man that is de nied a place in her halls of learning 1b the Jesuit, c Only last wee k the news came from Berlin that the Catholics were stirring up a revolt In Pcsen and other parts of Polish Germany This month there was an election in Belgium, and the only exciting ques tion was the school question. Ten years ago the Roman Ca' holies abol ished the free schools and set lf,000 Pro estant school teachers adrift The struggle that is now on in little Belgium Is between liberalism and clericalism. The fear of Rome has united all shades of political opinion in one party. The tariff, the labor question, the 6ocial question, all disappear before Roman Ism, the enemy of liberty. The excite ment is at fever heat while we pen these few words four thousand miles from the scene of conflict. It is in vain that Bishop Spalding would impute ignorance to those Amer icans who dread the encroichmenta of Rome upon our free institutions. We have not given even a tithe of the facts which cause enlightened Americans to rise up in protest against the enemies of their schools and their religious liberties. They Should Beware, Omaha, Neb., February 14, 1895. Editor The American: The new con stitution of the aUte of New York, adopted by an overwhelming majority SCHOOL SHOES. For Boys, Girls 'icy ire Durnltlo, Try i W. N. WHITNEY, ivd ouuki r u icon in Qireei. at the last November eloction, contains a provision which should be a part of the fundamental law of every state of the union. It is as fo'lows: "Act. IX. Sc 4. Neither the state nor any sub division thereof shall use Its property or credit or any public money, or authorize or permit to be used, directly or indirectly, in aid or maintenance, other than for ixuminutum or liicctlon, of any school or institu tions oi learning wholly or In part under the control or direction ot any religious denomination, or in which any denominational tenet or doctrine is taught." If the empire state;, the home of Tam many Hall, where lComanlsm has held full sway, can sot the example, why need other states hesitate? The prin ciple involved in the atmve section is the one for which the A. P. A. has con tended from its organization. It was put into the New Yoi k constitution in resH)tihe to the demand of the awakened sentiment of the American people to the dangers of Romanism. We have claimed that the prlm pens called nunneries should bo inspected, and the people of New York have adopted a constitution which recognizes the necessity of such inspection. Let our legislators take courage. The signs of the times point unerringly to victory for a purer Americanism. Demagogues, disturbers of social order, and Jesuit intriguers should beware. Liberty. SOW! SOW! SOW! 2) per cent off all winter goods, Un derware, Hosiery, Blankets, Comfort ers, Oversblrts, Pants, Caps, Corsets &o. Baldwin's 1315-17 North 24, st. This Is From an American! STUART, Neb., Feb., 12, 1895. AMER ican Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb., Dear Sirs: It Is hard for me to have to write to you as I do. I owe you new tor two years or nearly that of your match less paper, I have not lost one. Every one Is filed away. But how to pay you I don't know. I must ask you to stop my paper as I tMnk it would be dh honest for me longer to receive It with no prospect of paying for it. You will know I prize it when I tell you of my oare of it. It is a fearless exponent of an unpopular question and of a question of vital importance to liberty and our public, schools. Long may it prosper. Heal that breech in Illinoiseif possible. A divided house must fall. Now don't know when I can pay what I owe you. Hail and drouth were bad, but cur bark failed with $44,000 of this communities money in it which seems worst of all. I had no money In the bank, but my pe ople had, and what touches them touches me. I cannot get hold of money. Forgive me my failure to help you as you deserve, but do not add to the already heavy burden nor my deep obligation by making me still more in debt to you. There is great destitution here. Something to eat and burn seems to be the great ques tion with the people. May God help to solve It soon. Don't feel like giving you up. May God bless you and grant that you may never lose sight of Him in your great reform. Very truly, C. C. When down town drop in at John Rudd's and leave your watch, if it is out of repair, to be fixed. 317 north 16 St. Entertainment. ' Banner Council No. 2, of the W. A. P. A., gave an enjoyable entertainment in Patterson hall Monday evening of last week. The attraction of the even ing was the play "Columbia Opening the Gates to Emigration." All the characters were well repre son ted. The play was written by the state president, Mrs. Harry Kemp of Fremont. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There Isonly one way to cure deafness, and that Is by con stitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflan ed condition of the mucous lining of the Kiistachlan Tube. When this tube Is lutlamed you have a rumh-'.ng sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It U entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless fie Intlan matlon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are mused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cau ed by catarrh) that cannot, becured by Hall's Catarrh Cute. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo. O. HSold by Druggists, 75c. Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas The members of Success Council No. 3, W. A. P. A., are making arrange ments to celebrate Washington's birth day in a way that will long be remem bered. They have secured Wolf's hall, Twenty-second and Cuming street, and will give an entertainment, which will consist of a sociable, literary exercises and a dance. They have placed tickets on sale at the moderately low price of 25 cents, and as everybody celebrates February 22nd, there is no question as to the size of the crowd they will entertain. and Children. ! Ctnnfivtn1lo, Chvnjt. Thvnu vppuiHQ rusiumto. J. W. RLLaU1R, Attorney-at-Law, OMAHA, . . NEBRASKA M. O. MAUL. Successor to Drexel A Maul. Undei taker and Maimer 1117 FA K.N AM ST. Tel. 225. OMAHA. NEB. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Emalmber Formerly with M. I). Maul. Tki.kphon ti'M. Oil South 16th St., OMAHA LADV ASSISTANT FURNISHED. American Ladies! Whan Needing the Assist nee of a First-Class Dress Maker Should not forget to call on MRS. JAMES GILLAN. H3 A'orf fi i.Vi Street, CHRIST. HAM AN WatchmaScr anil Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty 612 South 16 Street. OMAHA, NEB H. K. BURKET, FUNERAL Q RECTOR EMBALMER. Office removed from 113 North lfllh street to 1618 Chicago Street. Telephone 90. OMAHA, NEB Special Muster Commissioner's Hale. ITnctor and by virtue of an order of sa'e on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the dlslrlct court for Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the 2tith day of February, A. D. 1895, at one o'clock P. M. of said day. at the East front door of the coutitv court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur dish, the property de crlbed In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot thirteen (131 In block seven (7) In Clifton Hill, an addition to the city of Omaha. Doug las county, Nebraska, as the same Is sur veyed, platted and recorded. Said property to be sold to satisfy Alonzo P. Tukey and William F. Allen In the sum of seventeen hundred ninety-nine and 50-100 dollars (il7Wt.V judgment with interest thereon at the rate of eight (Si per cent, per annum from September 17lh. 18!4. To satisfy thirty-one and 5M-I00 dollurs ($111,581 costs herein, together with accruing coats according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term A. I). ls!U, In a certain ai'tlou then and there pending wherein Alon.o P. Tukey and another were plaintiffs, and Ida M. Llbby and another were de fendants. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, January 24th, A . D. 181)5. WILLIAM T. NELSON. Special Master Commissioner. J VV. Ilouder, attorney for plaintltf. l-'ift-ft fukey et al vs. Libby etal. Doc. 4ft. No 207. Notice of Incorporation of James A. Clark Company. Notice la hereby given that a corporation has been organized under the general stat utes of the state of Nebraska. In the n anner and for the purpose hereinafter specltied.and it articles of incorporation were on the 18th day of December, ISM. filed In the office of the county clerk of Douglas county, Ne braska: ARTICLE I. The name of the corn -ration Is "Janes A. Clark l!onipany." and Its principal place of transact ng Its business Is In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebrasks. ARTICLE II. The general nature of the business to be transaeied by said corporation shall be buy ing and selling Farm Produce, Fruits. Nuts. Hutter, Eggs, Chickens. Turkevs, Ducks, (ioese. Calves, and all Wild Fowls and Animals. Also to buy and sell tho above named prodie-e on commission, and In fact to do a general commission business, and the cornor tlon shall also have the power and authority to buy. construct, rent or lease necessar) real estate and buildings to carry on Its buslnels and to bind or mortgage the same. ARTICLE III. The authorized capital 'took sbnll be five thousand dollars i.V0OOOm divided Into shares of one hundred dollars (tioooul each and to be fully pa d up at the time of Issu ance. The existence of this corporation shall commence on the lsih day of Decen ber. 14. and continue during the period of twenty (201 years, unless sooner dissolved by a voie of the stock-holders holding two thirds of the capital stock issued. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount of indebtedness to which said corporation shall at any tin e subject Itself thall not be more than an amount equal to two-thirds of Its paid un cpltal stock, and la no event shill the private property of said stock-holders be liable for the Indebtedness of said corpora tion. ARTICLE V. The officers of said corporation shall be conducted hv a board of three directors: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. In testimony whereof, said Jan es A. Clark Company have caused this notice to be pre pared and published. JAMES A CLARK COMPANY. By James A. ( i.ahk. President, H. Ratkkin. Secretary. 2-15-4 w. i. r. a. Persons desiring Information In regard to the W. A, P. A. should aduress either the president or secretary. State president of Nebraska. Mrs. Harvey Kemp. 235 E. 11th street. Fremont. Neb. State secretary of Nebraska, Mrs. J. n. Wlnspear. IT0T N. 2Tth street. Omaha, Neb. AENT3S75;rrT m.. ... PRACTICAl PLAriNRDYNlun t, . " . W 1 1 jt mu rut Roods; iMMtolitaf r"ww mm unit t piUn ITP. HJS0N CO. Clrk No. IB. Columbus. Ohio i i"-mi iMtT Mftkr SNAPS If You Bennett's Big Bargains! A CREAT JANUARY CLEARING SALE! Splendid Oil Heatlaz Stoves, $5 50 to IS 50. Fine large 20c fire shovels at 10c. 1'okern, nickel plated ones, at 4c and 5c. Sleds and content, 28c, 4 Ho and up. Curry combs at 5c and lOo. Door bolla, complete, 38c. Tubular lanterns, 45c. Bull's eye tubular lanterns, CJe. All steel Adz Eye hammers. 30o. Good useful hammers at r Kmbobsed sil verene irays, 5c, 8c and 10c. Stove pipe dampers, (J inch, at 4c. r oot warmers, soap stone. 37c. Carpet taek4, per paper, lc. f lap jack trunurs, 2c. Ilout-e n imbers, 3-ln. nickel ulated.c. Asbestos stove mats, 4c. One Thousand Other Snaps W. R. BENNETT CO., Best Goods In the market. Children's and Boys' Shoes at same O. LANG. . JffWW J 'i.lii . i ,!.lfii ill i t1'1,''1 I k'.P't I C. mm 9 : to TRLJHK-s AND TRAVELING BAGS. REPAIRING DONE. 406 Douglas Street. OMAHA. Neb. Spcciul Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of Rn order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out ot trie district court for Douglas county. rtcnrasKa. anu to me airectea, i will, on the tifth day of Mar h, A. I). IH'.tt, at 1 o'clock p of said day. at the east front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, neurxska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, towit: .ot six () In block seventT-Hre (75) of Don ee Place, an addition to the clt v of Omaha. Douelas county, Nebrtska. Said properly to be sold to satisfy the Massachussetts Natlonxl Kank, of Iloston, Massachusetts, piuintiti herein, the sum of ve hundred, fifty-three and K5 loO dollars (fVvJ.Kii judgment, with Inu-rest thereon at the rate of seven o I per cent, per annum from September 17th, Ism. To satisfy t he American National Bank, of Omaha, defendent herein, the sum of four thousand four hundred, forty five and d0-lo0 dollars i4.44.".1) judgment, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight (SI per cent, per nnum rrom repieiiiier nun. lSii. To8atlsfy Paxton & Vierlinn Iron Works. efendants herein, the sum of thirty-three nd 00 KM) dollars (Sli.WII Judgment, with In terest thereon at the rate of seven (7l per cent, per annum from November 3rd. ISHi. lo satisfy the sum or twenty-seven and i.t 100 collars ('J7.3l costs herein, together with accrulnit costs according to a Judgn ent ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term. A. 1). 1HM4. In a certain action then and mere pending, wherein the Massachusetts National Hunk. of Boston. Massacuusetts. was plaintiff, and the t'ainck l.utKl Company, or Omaha, Kob- ert W Patrick. Vermont Investment Coin- any, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, John I). lontgomery, Dundee Brick t'oiiiDiiiiv. the American National Bank of Otnaht. Ne braska, lieorge A. Hoagland. I'axton & Vier ling Iron Works, a corporation, and Susan K. Wheat were defendants. Omaha, Neb.. January th. 1h'.i.". GEO HUE W. HOLBKotlK. Special Master Commissioner. Kaunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorney Mass Nat 1 Bank vs. The I'atHck Land Co. 2-1-5 Doc. 44; No. 222. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 5th day of Mar u. A. D. lM. at one o'clock p. in. of said day. at the East front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at pu die auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order ot sale as follows, towit: The south eighty two (82) feet of lot thirty six (3til in S. K. Kogers' Okahoma addition to the city of Omaha, Douslas county, Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of nine huncred eleven and 81-100 dollais if.ill.81) judgment with Interest thereon at the rate of ten 1 10) per cent, per annum from September 17th. 18SI4. together with the further sum of ninety-one and 18-100 dollars i$i.18) attor ney's fee herein, with Interest thereon at tn (Hi) per cent, per annum from September 17th. lstll, and the sum of thirty and ss-too dollars (J3U88) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglascounty, at its September term, A. D. 1SS4. in a certain action then and there pending wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff, and Arthur Murphy. Mary Murphy. Margaret Murphy, Daniel Murphy. Margaret Lovett, (.uardian. and Frank K. Moores. Clerk, were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska. January 30. lsi"5. CiEOKliE W. HOLBROOK, S pec I al M astr Comm Issloner. Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, Attorneys. Johnson vs. Murphy, et al. Doc. 44, No. 21. 2-1-5 Are Looking for Snaps Here They Are. Fira shovels at 3c and 5c. Coal boils at 13c, 18o and up. Skates 35c, i!o and up. Skate straps, 2c each. Padlocks 5c, 8o and 12c. Paint brushes 5o and up. Screw drivers at lc, 2c, 5c and up. Stove polish, 5c. Scrub brushes, 3c, 4c, 5c and 9c. Pop corn poppers, b" s. Bread toasters, 5c and Gc. Meat broiler and toasters, 5c. Te scales, 78c. Tea strainers, lc. Mou.-e traps at lc, 2c and up. Children'' toy cups, 2c. Brooms at 9c. Nut cracker and pick, nickel plated, 15c. Just as Cheap all Over the Store 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. SHOES BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADIES SHOES worth IS.OO will go at 13.76 4.UU ami 2.50 3.00 2.50i 1.75 4.50: 3.75 2.5 2.U0 MEN'S SHOES 6.11 5.N) 3.WJ 2.50 Reduction for CASH, for SO Days 718 South 16th St. BUY YOUR TRUNKS WHERE THEY ARE WADE AND PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY H. FORlBY, MANUFACTURER OF Seeial Master Loniniissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the oistrlct court for Douglascounty, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the 6th day of March. A. I). lsJT. at on9 o'clock p. ni. of said day. at the ea-t front dojr of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, towit: liOta fifteen (15). sixteen (Irt), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), all In block venty-slx (7(i). Dundee Place, an addition to the city of Omaha, i nd situate In Douglas county, slate of Nebraska. To satisfy first out of the proceeds of sale of said lot fifteen (151 In block seventy-six (76) of Dundee Place, above described, Lydia J. Proctor, plaintiff herein, the sum of five hun dred, tifty-three and 85-100 dollars (J553.85) judgn ent, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum from Septem ber 17th. ism. To satisfy first out of the proceeds of said lot sixteen (lti)ln block seventy-six (70) of Dundee 1'lnce. above described. I.ydia J. Proctor, plaintiff herein, tbesum of five hun dred, fifty-three and 85-100 dollars (853.h5) judgment, witli Inteie-t thereon at rat of seven i7) i er cent, per annuu. from Sptm berl7ili. issu. To sat isfy first out of the proceeds of sale of said lot nineteen (19) In block seventy-six (7tiinf Dundee Place, above des"riled, Iydla J. Proctor plalniifT herein, the sum of live hundred, fifty-throe and H5-100 dollars &V3 85) judgment, with interest theieon at raw of seven (7) per cent, per annum from Septem ber 17th, 104. Tokatlsfy first out of the proceeds of sale of said lot twenty (20) in block seventy-six (7iil of Dundee Place, above described, Lydia J. Proctor, plaintiff herein, the sum of Ave hundred, liftv-three and 85-100 dollars ($553.85) judgment, with interest thereon at rate of seven (7) percent, per annum from Septem ber 17th. 1SSI4. Tos aisfy first out of the proceeds of sale of said lot twenty-one (21) In block seventy six (70) of Dundee Place, above, described. I.vdla J. Proctor, plaintiff herein, the sum of live hundred. Hfty-three and 85-100 dollars $r53 851 judgment, with interest thereon at rate of seven (7) percent, ptr annum from September 17th. 1n!4. To satisfy the American National Bank, of Omaha, defendant herein, the sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty-five and 90-100 dollars (4.44.".!iOi juogment. with Interest thereon at rate of eight (Si per cent, per an num from September 19th. 1S92. To satisfy Paxton & Vierling Iron Works, defendent herein, the sum of thirty-three and 00 HiO dollars i$.j3.90i Judgment, with In terest then on at rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum from November 3 d. 1892; and fifty-one and 78-100 dollars ($51.78) costs here in, with Interest thereon from the 17th day of September. A. D. Is94, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglascounty, at Its September tTra, A. 1). 1894. In a certain qtttrt tlinn unft ttMP ro.nn'intf wherein Lydla J. Proctor was plaintiff, and T. Barker Jones, the Patrick Land Com pany.uf Omaha. Roliert W. Patrick. Vermont Investment Company, of Minneapolis. Minn., John D. Montgomery, Dundee Brick Company.Oeorge A. Hoagland, Paxton & Vierling Iron Works, a corporation, and Susan K. Wheat and the American National Bank, of Omaha, Ne braska were defendants Omaha, Neb.. January 31. 1895. (iEOKliE W. HOLBROOK, Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarland Dickey, attorneys. Lydla J. Pioctor vs. T baker Junes, et al. 2-1-5 Doc. 44, No. 129. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit in all cases. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA. G, W. GIBBERT, CARPENTER Contractors Builder Storm Doors and Bath. 7705 St. Maryt Aue., OMAHA. NEB. new set made the same dav. Twlh extracted without pain. OR. WITHERS. Oontist. fourth Boor, frown Blk.. lrtth A Douglas. okk. t. Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of . ortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Ne braska, and to me directed. I will on the5in day of March. A. D. ls'iv at one o'cloi k p. m. of said day. at the East front door of the county iourt house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Neora. ka. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property descrlbej In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot fourtwn (141 In block seventy-six (7)of Dundee Place, an addition to the city of Omaha. IKiuglas county. Nebraska. Said property to be sold lo satisfy William B Palmer, p aim iff herein, the sum of live hundred Hfly-three ana 85-100 dollars iiv.ts5 judgment, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven i7l per cent, per annum from Sep tember 17th. IS94. To satisfy T"e American National Bank of Omaha, defendant herein, tbesum of forty four hundred forty five and Do-loo dollars i4445 90 judgment, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight (i oer cent, per annum from September 19th. Is92. To satisfy The Paxton &. Vierling Iron Works defendant herein the sum of thirty three and 90-100 dollars ii 90) with Interest thereon at the rate of seven 7i per cent, ptr annum from November 3rd, 192. To satisfy the sum of twenty-seven and S3-100 dollars iK7 8.1i costs herein, together with accruing cost according to a Judgment rendered by the district cotut of said Doug las county, at its Seuu-mber term, A. D. Is94, in acertain ac Ion then and there pending, wherein William B. Palmer was olaiutiff. and T Barker Jones. The Patrick Land Coin nun v of Omaha. Robert W Patrick, Vrmont In vestment Company of Minneapolis. Minne sota. John D. Moutgomerv. Dundee Brick Company. The American National Bank of Omaha Nebraska. Paxton & Vierling Iron Works, a Corporation, Oeorge A. Hoagland and Susan K. Wheat were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. January 28. Is95. UEOKUE W. HOLBROOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys. Palmer vi. Jones et al. Doc. 44; No. 224. 2 1-5 Ht ial Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will, on the 5th day of March. A. D. 1895, at one o'clock p. m. of said day. at the north front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the roperty described in said order of sale as ollows. to-wlt ; Commencing at a point fifty five (55) feet south of a point one hundred and ninety eight (198) feet west of the north-east corner of lot forty-six (4ti) In S. E. Kogers' plat of Okahoma, thence muring south twenty seven and one-half i27'4) feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet, thence norm twenty-seven anu one-naif (27' j) feet, thence east one hundred and thirty-two (132) fret to place of beginning, being a part of said lot forty-six i4ii in S. E. Rogers' plat of Okahoma. an addition to the city of Omaha ana situate in Douglas county, state of Ne braska. Said property to be sold to Batlsfy J. W. quire, trustee, plaintiff herein, the sum of nine hundred ninety four 90-100 dollars (994 901 judgment with Interest thereon at raie or six one-nair (') pel cent per annum from September 17. 1894. and forty and 45-100 dollars (10 45) with ten (10) per ceut. Interest mini sam (late. To satisfy other Ilen upon said described premises in the order of their priority as or dered by the decree of foreclosures Issued out. f this court In this cause. Tosatlsfv the sum of fortv-slx 18-100 dol lars HA INI costs herein, with interest thereon from the 17tn day of September. 1894 until paid, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 18'. 4. In acertain action then and there pending, wherein J. W Squire, Trustee, was plaintiff, and Sarah M. 1'rtss and others were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. January 30. 1895. CHARLES S. ELO l.'TTER, Soeclal Master Commissioner. George E. Turklugton, attorney. J, W. Squire, Trustee vs. Sarah M. Press, et al. DOC. 44; NO 311. 2-1-3 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out. of the district court for Douglascounty, oeuraska. ana to me airectea. I will, on tne lh day of March. A. I) 1895, at 1 o'clock in. of said day. at the East front door of the county court bouse, in the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as fftll.turc Inurlt- Lot five (5) In block seventy-five 05) of Dun dee Place an addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, mebraska. Said Drouertv t be sold to satisfy E. H. Shattuck. plaintiff herein, the sum of Ave hundred fiftv-three and 85-Ho dollars &553 .85 judgment with interest thereon at the rate ot Beven wiper cent, per annum from Sep tember lltn, l!UI4. To satisfy The American National Bank of Omaha, defendant herein the sum of four thousand four hundred forty-five and 90-100 louars i4 443.WD juagmeut witti interest hereon at the rate of eight(8i per cent, per nnum from September 19th 1892. Tosatlsfy Pakton & Vierling Iron Works, efendant herein, the sum of thirty-three nd 90-100 dollars ($33 90) judgn ent with In terest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent. ier annum iroin November 3ra, 1892. to satisfy the sum of twenty-seven and 93-100 dollars (J27.93) costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judg ment rendered by the district court of said Douglascounty at its September term. A. D. 1894, in a certain action theu and there pend ing, wherein E. II. Shattuck was plaintiff, and The Patrick Land ompany of Omaha. Robert W. Patrick. Vermont Investment Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, John D. Montgomery, Dundee Brick Con puny. The American National Bank of Om ilia. Ne braska, George A. Hoagland, Paxton & Vier ling Iron Works, and Susan K. Wheat were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska January 30. 1895. GEORGE W. HOLBROOK. Special Master Commissioner. Saunders. Macfarlat d & Dickey, attorneys. Shattuck vs. Patrick Land Co., et al. Doc. 44. No. 135. 2-15 Special Master Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale on decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out of tho aistrict court for Douglas county, Ne braska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 20th day of February, A. I). 1895, atone o'clock e. M. of said day, at the East front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale as follows, to- wit: Lot two (2) in block one (1) of Mayne Place, an addit ion to the city of Omaha, in Douglas county, Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of three hundred tifty-seven aud 73-100 dollars (St")7.73i judgment with interest thereon at rate of seven (?) per cent, per annum from September 17th. 1804. and sixty-eight and 10-100 dollars 108.10) costs herein, with inter est thereon from September 17th, 1894. to- scint-r wiin acuruiuK cusis accoraing to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its September term. A. I). 1894, in acertain action then and ther pending, wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff and Joseph P. Thompson and Reuben W. Ross, executors of the est ate of Reuben Ross deceased. Francis I. Thomas, Dexter L Thomas. Andrew Miles, executor of the es tate of John L. Miles, deceased, and James Thompson were defendants Omaha, Nebraska, January 25, 1895 GEORGE W.IIoLbroOK; o a Special Master Commissioner. Saunders, Macfarland & Dickey , attorneys Johnson vs. Thompson et al. Doc. 44. No. 347. 1-25-5 CnForTHE AMERICAN one year kPZuOUaod "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome." Offer good until Januaiy 1, 1895