The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 08, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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or THE
United Slates cf America.
Mu.oat !s. UXum.
1 roy, t w York
M. L. 7-tH'K.
Lift II i.. ,1- V - .
OrjanlM-r for department of Nel,raka, Iowa,
Kansas. Minsouri and Colorado.
oiiAXGK riuyrjrLLs.
On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of
the United fti of America, an with a
Tlew of correcting the fab Impression that
enemies are endeavoring to convey to the
minds of men who are unacquainted with
Orange principle, are these few statements
The Loyal Orange Institution la a brother
hood and sisterhood, bound by three ties-
Justice, Truth and Righteousness.
It baa no hidden alma
It Is Fraternal and Benevolentassisting
and protecting members while living and
their widows and orphans when they are re
moved by death.
It upholds the right of private Judgment
the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be
llevea the public schools are an essential
safeguard of the state, and should be kept
free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control
and that persons disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
of Kome -should be rigorously excluded from
teaching therein.
It believes primary allegiance is due to
the government which protects the lives,
liberties and properties of Its citizens, and
that ecclesiastical authority should dot'
under any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer
Clon of acltlzen in the exercise of his or her
right of franchise, under the guise of relig
lous or spirit ua.1 authority should be pin
lshed as a crime against the state.
That It Is the duty of every citizen to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institutions of our country against corrupt
and Inimical Influences, as well as against
armed assailants, to the end that our glorl
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourages habits of frugality and in
dustry among Its members, and la proud to
boast that Orangemen seldom become I
public charge or accept pauper bread.
It believes in the restriction of lmmlgra
tlon and the extension of time for the natur
alisation of citizens, and that the DubllC
ands shall be held for actual American citi
zens who become settlers.
The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the
United times of America has certain
reauirements for membership:
That a man shall be an actual American
citizen, having compiled with the lawsof the
United with regara to naturalization,
and without a mental reservation.
That the applicant shall be a Protestant
and also that his parents and wife shall be
That he shall be thrifty and successful In
his business; honorable and truthful in his
dealings with his fellowman, and shall be
known as a law-abiding citizen.
That he will endeavor to give his children
or any children under his charge at least a
good common scnooi eaucation, Deing care
f ul to avoid all nnoish doctrines, and
That he shaU be in sound health at the
time of making application.
It makes no difference where a man was
born, so long as he meets the foregoln
These are the qualifications required o
every applicant to the order, and we do not
think that any patriotic American order can
offer a belter arrav or principles ana teach
J. 0. U. A. M.
A Loyal, Patriotic Organization, Fra
teriial and Iloncflcial, Strictly Jion.
Partisan and Non-sectarian.
The National Council of the Junior Order
Of United American Mechanics in annua)
session assembled declares:
That the constant landing upon the shores
of the hordes or Ignorant, vicious ana lawless
criminals of the Old World should be viewed
with alarm by the loyal and patriotic cltl
sens of this country.
We aftirrn a warm and hearty welcome to
all Immigrants who desire to Defter their
condition and become a part and parcel of
our nationality, nut we nave not one square
inch of room for the anarchist, the socialist
or nihilist, or for any one who is not willing to
bow allegiance to that flag which is powerful
enough to shield and protect them as well as
us. in the exercise of all civil and religious
We aftlrni our devotion to the public school
system of this country. We believe In com
pulsory education, and that all teaching in
our schools should be in the English lan
guage, to the end that future generations
may be a Die to time tnetr place in tne ranks
of our country's workers, educated In the
history, the customs and manners of Ameri
cans. We guarantee to every man the liberty of
worshiping God according to the dictates of
his own conscience, and would elve everv as
sistance to protect all in the exercise 01 his
liberty, but. we object most strenuous to
the interference of any church, no matter
under what name it may exist, in the tem
poral affairs of this country.
We believe that the Bible should be read In
our publlcschoois; not to teach sectarianism,
but to Inculcate its teachings. It is the
recognized standard of all moral and civil
law: wc therefore believe, that our children
should be educated in its teachings, but that
no dogma or creed should be taught at the
same time
We believe that patriotism and love of
country should be Instilled Into the hearts of
children, and that, with the words of
' Mother." "Home" and "Heaven." our chil
dren should be taught that our flag is the
symbol of all that makes a "borne" for us.
We would place a flag upon every public
school In our land, and a Bible within, and
the oblect lesson therein set forth should be
a beacon light In every storm which threat
ens to engulf us.
In this noble and patriotic work we ask the
cordial and hearty co-operation of all good
citizens. In this grand work we need the
helping hand of all organizations holding the
same views and principles. We have no time
for Jealousies and bickerings, but with a
united front we should march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, remembering that
"United we stand, divided we fall."
In the strictest sense we are a national
polltl al organization, but we oppose with
unanimity the slightest taint of partlsantsm.
"Our country" is our motto, and we keep
this motto steadily before us. We are cogni
zant that there are great and powerful
enemies within our midst, requiring the
strictest, surveillance of all who are at heart,
wort, lind in deed Americans. We, as members
of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the
objects of the Order as paramount to any
partisan affiliation, and urge upon the mem
bership harmonious, united and intelligent
action n carrying out the principles.
First To maintain and promote the inter
ests of Americans, and shield them from the
depressing effects of foreign competition.
Second To assist Americans in obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In busi
ness. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral
Fifth To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United States of America, and to
prevent sectarian Interference therewith,
and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible
Require that an applicant shall be:
A white male person burn In the United
S(ts of North America, or under the pro-
M'Ua or its na.
Of good moral character.
A believer la th eitn."e of a Supreme
Being a the CrraU.r and Preserver of lbs
I nlverwe.
i'PPownI to any uuioB of church and tt
Favorable u Im education and lb
American Public School nystriu.
Retneen In and V year of age for bene-
rial membership; over Sov- r honorary
lu word "Junior" in the till hatnorola
tlon u the . of member. It was adopt.
to uNiliixu'oh the Order from the O. L . A M
anil h.ui no olher .liriiincance.
Nor l the word Mechanic" to be construe'
literally. It refer in no manner to artlaans
hut embraces every pursuit.
We want a Council of the Jr. O. V. A M In
everv city, town and village in the United
St. Ilea.
lll the leading American patriotic and
beneficial organization, ana tne strongest
and uu of ue oldest. CounueU to native-
It utonly necessary to make Its objects
principle and worklinrs known to easliy
secure enough charier mem'oers to start a
Couucil. A literal premium will lie paid to
any one organising a Council, ror lull par
tlcujars address. 11. A. MliUf..
National Councilor New Brunswick, N. J
N C J O A Klchter. Box 387, Canton, O,
N T C-C. W. Tvler. litrlmiond. Va.
JrFN C--H A New Brunswick. N. J
N See'y--Edward S Ifeemer. P O Box, 7H,
Philadelphia; office rooms Not U and 17, Ul
Chestnut street.
National OrganizerStephen Collins, Box
7u6. Pittsburgh. I'a.
Meets in Omaha, Neb., the third Tuesday In
lncoruorated February 24. HWt
CO--T B Bryton, 6&IS Wentworth avenue.
S V C--Thns Rowan. 7rt Union st. Alton.
JrP8 C--Thos J Coen. 4s7 Shefliuld ave,
H C Sec'y-Joseph 8 Reynolds, P O Box So.
HCTreas EH Sample. t'Ui Armour ave
Meets at Alton, fourth Monday In August,
George Washington Council. No 3. meets
first and third Friday evenings of ten
month, at Aldlne hall. 7 E Kandolphi
cago. Joseph 8 Reynolds R 8. IMi '
ave. Visitors always welcome
F;ilsworth council. No 16. im T
at '1 1 V Wentworth ave. K L Ca. Ou
fiJ12 Houore st. Eng?c wood.
Collax Council. No 1. meets Saturday
evenings at 1 O O f hall. Mmtu Chicago ave
John w uoger. K s. hox im.
Uanlel Webster Council. No. S. Jr. O. U. A
M., meet II rst and third Satuiday evenings
of each month In Modern Woodman hall
Murray, Neb. Visiting brothers always wel
come. James Longlirldge, recording secre
8. C WM. F. KNAI'H.l'.O Box 7ir, Omaha.
8.V.C. II. S. HAKTHol.n. I'liittsmoutli
8. 0. Becy OEO. C. KENTON, V. O box Tib.
8. C. Treas.-C. II. ALLEN. Omaha.
Conductor E. O. BAKKER, I'latxmouth
Warden II. P. COOLllHiE. Havelock.
Sentinels P. 8. McAULEY. bo. Omaha; B
L. KlKIvtiA.'M. 1'lattsmouih.
Representatives to National Council WM
The next regular meeting will be held on
the third Tuesday In July. 1SV5, at Platts-
every Friday evening at G. A. R. Hall,
riattsmoutn. erj. visiting oroiners cor
dially invited. O. K. JOHNHON,
auec. bbc.
" every Tuesday eve. in Idlewlld hall.
24th and Graut streets. Visiting brothers
always welcome. J. ll. Harvey, sec'y
NCOLN COUNCIL No, 2, meeu In Lin
coin, Nebraska.
COLUMBIA COUNCIL No. 3. meet every
Tuesday evening in Patterson block, 17th
and farnam streets.
A. L. Liohtfoot. Councilor.
A. H. Flint, R. Sec'y, address
care County Clerk.
rjARFIELD COUNCIL No. 5, meets every
'l iiPAOav nlirht In Koiltn I niKhft.
William Fahh, Bec'y.
IBERTY COUNCIL No. 7 meets every
ville, Neb. T. II. Lucas. Rec. Sec'y.
riOUNCILNo. 20. A. P. A.. Cameron. Mo.,
meets every secona ana rourtn .iionuay
evening, at Iraternlty Temple. Visit jrs
13LUFF CITY COUNCIL No 7- meets everj
11 Wednesday evenlna In O. A. R. Hall
Council Blurt's, la.
LINCOLN Commanderv No. I. U. A. M
meets everv Thursday evenlnif In P. O. 8. of
A. nan. council uiuns, la. A.m. Kurnuam
No. 221. meets the first and third Tues
day evening of each month, at 8:00 o'clock.
M. L. Z.UOK. Secy.
8. C.-F. C. Borden. Holden. Mo.
8. V. C Rev. H. A. Slaughter. Warrens-
burg. Missouri
. u. see y uoiia u. carrou, warrensDurg.
Will meet at Hannibal. Mo., February, 1895
evprv tVlflttv nltfhi. at. 1lll:i Walnut, ntpnet.
j as. Aicrnamara, sec y iw bast luth St.
pOLUMBIA COUNCIL NO, 15-Meets every
Saturday night at the corner of Twelfth
and Cherry streets. W. Y. Sheaver, Record
ing Secretary, 1407 Madison street.
PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 31-Meet.s every
A Wednesday night at A. O. U. W. Hall,
1421 K. Eighteenth street, J. E. Fisher, Rec
Secretary, 2421 Flora avenne.
WESTPORT COUNC1 L NO. 37-Meets every
' Vrlrlnv nlirht. at, Westimpt. W H ShHnlr
Rec. Secretary, 1225 E. Eighth street.
flATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Meets every
u Monday night, corner ltith and Penn Sts..
over drug store.
lJ every Thursday night, between 31at and
32nd on Holmes.
Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomas
Smith, Rec. Sec'y, Sheffield, Mo.
can Protective Association meet every sec
ona ana rourtn weanesaay or eacn month in
1. O. O. b. hall, Y lattsmoutb, Neb. V siting
members are welcome J. II. Smith, Sec.
" Meets every Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, 4;i7 Minnesota
avenue, Kansas City, Kan.
every Monday evening at the corner oi
Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas
City, Mo. Persons desiring to loin mav en
close their name, street and number, ward.
age ana occupation, ana direct to box 521
UUREKA COUNCI L No. 1, W. A. P. A.-Meet
second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock in ttie A. P. A. Hall. Southeast cor
ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdale.
Visitors are coraiany invitea to attend.
" meets every Friday night at ltlth and
L Road, Grigsliy's hall, Kansas City, Kan.
meets every Aionaay anernoon at2:S0 at
Bell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near state
line, Rosed ale, Kansas. Friends of other
ounclls are cordially invited to attend.
Every true American lady is Invited to come
and loin us. nod assist In the good work.
iniation ice vi.uu.
u MeeUsevery Saturday evenlngat 4:t7 Mln-
nountu uvenoe. K ansiLK 1 Ml v k'ua VIsH,,h
cordially Invited.
POUNCIL No. 7, A. P, A.-Meets every Mon-
Hall. Rlvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited
fOl NCIL No. II. A. f. A - Mt-eL at W.l
w ward's H U everv Tuesday evening at It
m. haru. Tutttl street and Lafayette avenu
A cordial Invitation U rutrndt-d to vlalllai
n MhcU rrerv VtiiidMV nlirlit In N11L1
Hall. Argenllnr. Kan. All vlhttors welcrmef
ivi run .ii iu .ill. li. n. r n i""!
every Monday evrnliiK in A. O I'. W. Hal
11A k .... -, .. , T, ., L - U . . A I
vUiUirn will bet-urdlall)
(nwmyi nuni li. I. vt , A. I . A in BH
saMt'lty. Mo., uti-ets every Frltiay aftrmuM
at 2:M'cli-k at l' Penn St. Audrvva, Pit
....... I .. 1. j .,, k at Ik .a ir
Sunflower LodiTe, I.. O I... No. Trlt, meeu
w'ond and fiMin h TueMiayn of each uuiiitl
al x p. in . at l ii.cna (mil. corner or 3111
sin- t and iMt:e avenue, kantmsCtty. KaL
4 ti-nilg ir-tlir n are cordially luvm-U to at
tend. John Davul-Min. VV, M , V lu. Mc
Naughlou. Secy.. 1A UeyuuhU Ave.
Lllierty Council. No. 15. Jr. O. II. A. M
mel ts eery ttiHicu sdav night, corner Pack
ard and i'-ul-i' mrtviN, Armourdale, Kausu
Ihoa. Rolf, necn'lary.
IV Meets first and third Tuesdays of eaci
mom h at t). in., in A. O. I . A. Hall, come
Fourth siieet and Minnesota avenue. Kanaa.
City, Kan. Samuel HnrrlMin. W. Si. Wo,
Ballatili. secretary. MT Northrup avenu'
V isltlug breihreu cordially Invited.
DOSEDALE COUNCIL No. 111. A. P A., meet
every Wrdnesdav nliht at Mc(isiriie
hall. Roxedalu. Km. All friends cordially
Patriotic Order Sens of America.
WASHINGTON CAmP No. I. P. O. 8. of A
" meets each Thursday evening at RW
Men Hall. nruenth ana Imuglaa sm.
rASHINGTON CAMP No. 13, V. O. 8. o
" A Council Bluffs. Meeting In theli
hall over lnl Main street, every Wednesday
Ulglll at 8 OCIOCK. t iSlC31AKAIIlL,
American Orange Knight? ,
This order is formed of persons whose ot
Jens Is to maintain the supremacy of la
order and constitutional freedom: to pre
serve luvlolate the citizen's franchise; t
ueruetuate and defend the ureccuis and fre,
Institutions of civil and religious llbert:
guaranteed by the Constitution of the Unlto
Slates and established by our forefathers.
Ptto A His bt Finns.
For inforuialion regarding the formatlo.
of new Cominanderles, or supplies, write t
the supreme secretary. M. L. AMjK, Sec'y.
J. M. Bankkh. C. ( ., 1815 Howard Hi.
Suiranaw. Mich. Omaha, Nei
Us Oi-gaiiintiiui and rriut iplcs How U
Derome a Member.
We would respectfully call your attention
to the fact that there Is In this city a council
of the Orderof United American Mechanics.
to which we would be happy to have you
give a moment's thought, and If favorably
Impressed, would like your name proposed
for membership.
The Order of United American Mechanics
wag organized In Philadelphia on the 15th
day of July, 1845. Its Hrst Inception was for
the protection of Mechanics and Working-
men alone, and for a number of years none
but operative mechanics and worklngmen
were admitted to Its membership; but the
great Interests of principles Involved In Its
existence, caused a departure from that
plan, and the Order has for years existed and
exists today as an order of speculative me
chanics, recognizing every one possessed of
the birth requirements, who works for
matntalnance either by band or brain or
both as eligible to membership, and numbers
among Its members men of every profession
and calling In life.
The objects of this order are to assist each
ether in obtalnlngemployment; toencourage
each other in business; to establish a sick
and funeral fund; to establish a fund for
the relief of widows and orphans and to aid
members; and to aid members who, through
Providence, may be Incapacitated from fol
lowing their usual vocations. In obtaining
situations suitable to their afflictions. The
membership of this order Is composed of
bite male citizens born In the United
States, or under the protection of lt flag.
This order has existed for nearly fifty years,
and Is at present, rapidly spreading through
out the United States. As an American born,
and having the welfare of yourself and
family at heart, as well as that of the nation
at large, we would most heartily Invite you
to become a member of the U. A. M., as It Is
the only Order In existence founded es
peclally to promote the Interests, elevate
the character and secure the happiness of
the American mechanic and business man.
It therefore appeals to the head and heart
of him who wields the pen as well as to him
who swings the scythe or wields the sledge
hammer of the mechanic. In Its councils,
free discussion of principles relating to the
fostering and care of the interests of Indi
vidual members Is permitted ; but nothing of
a political or sectarian character Is ever al
lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation
with such Institutions as Trades Unions.
Knights or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or
the like, and desires not to control either
capital or labor, as It would be doing a gross
Injustice to many of Its members, who are
taken from both classes. The membership
of the Order Is scattered from Maine to Cali
fornia, and from all points co nes lhe glorious
news that the Order Is gaining great strength
In all Jurisdictions.
An endowment branch is also connected
with the Order, both national and state,
which insures those who seek Its benefits,
enabling them to leave a sum, which is In all
cases substantially and promptly paid, to
the dear ones, when death marks Its mem
bers for Its own.
It seems very strange Indeed that the
American does not feel Inclined to become
ao peculiarly national In his Ideas and as
sociations as do the English, French, Ger
man, Irish, and other nationalities. Each
and all of the foregoing have their peculiar
national organizations, and take pride In
same. But the American Joins order after
order, composed of a mixture of nationali
ties, and lets his own countrymen severely
alone in the matter of secret and fraternal
We would nut belittle any of the existing
secret beneficial associations. Far from it.
They are a power for good In the community.
But we do ask him who is to the manor born
to turn his thoughts to home and native
land, so that he can loin In the glad refrain:
"Thou art my native land,
I own thy fostering hand;
Though far from thee I roam.
Still thou art my home."
Americans, we of this Brotherhood appeal
to you to aid us In this work we are now
carrying ou. You must either be for us or
against us. Choose quickly and let us show
to the country that we firmly believe in
American principles. American industry.
American protection and American govern
ment. Strikes riots and boycotting are
terms too harsh to be applied to American
Mechanics. Bonded together by promptings
f patriotic affection, may this Order grow
nd progress, until every man who calls
Imself American can stand uu and savin
11 sincerity, 1 own no man as master of mv
C tlons. 1
Fremont, ElKhorn & Missouri Valii
Frkmont, Hastings,
Wahoo, Lincoln,
Skward, Superior,
David City, Yoek,
Albion, Norkoix
Northern Nebraska, Black Hl;!
Sioux Cit" Minneapolis ac
St. Paul.
Ticket Office 1401 Farnam street and Websill
Street Union Station.
Oen'l Manager. Ilen'l Pan 1 1 '
Articles of Incoiiiirulion.
We, whilst names are subscribed to these
Articles of 1 iicornoratlon, do hereby as
soclute ourselves for the purpose of forming
a ooilv coroorate under the lawsof the stato
of NeDra ka.
The nan e of this Cornoratlon shall be "The
Nebraska Cremation and Trust Con uany 'of
umaiia. .VMinihka.
The principal place of business of said Cor
poration. shall be at Omaha, Douglas county,
Nehra kit.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted shall be to advocate the substitu
tion of lni'lneratlon for the present system
of earth burial; to purchase, lease, acquire
ordlFnose of such real or personal urouertv
as may ne aeoi. ea necessary or proper lor
me generm ousiness: to duiiu a crematory
Ten pie and Colon oarlin when the funds on
hand of the Company permit.
To act as t he Executor. Trustee or Admin
istrator of the estates of deceased members
of this Con pany, arid others, so as to Insure
mat tne last wisnes or testators in reference
to the disposal of their l.odies he carried out
strictly both In letter and spirit, and guard
against any Interference In I his particular
ou the part of friends and relatives.
The an mint of cauttal stock authorized is
fixed at twenty-live thousand dollars ifi".lll.
The Company shall con u ence business when
one or more shares are subscribed. Kach
share of I lie slock shall he live dollars ($.". mil.
Hie number of shares shall consist of live
thousand (VW )
The Corporation shall commence business
a soon as the Articles are Hied with the
County Clerk of l ouglas count y, Nebraska,
and sli;ill continue ror a period or twenty-fivei-)
years unless sooner terminated bv
the consent of the holders of two-thlrdsi.'jl
of the subscilbi d shares of stock.
The affairs of the Ctrporatlnn are to be
conducted by t he following otllcers, to- wit :
A Hoard of Directors consisting of seven (7).
wiio shall elect, from their own nun her at
their tirst regular meeting In each year, a
President, Vice-President, a secretary and a
treasurer. The Directors are tobeelected at
the annual n eetmg of the Corporation on
the second Monday of January; the place
0 Hour to ue determined nv tne f-ecretarv.
who shall notify each Stockholder, and hold
over until their successors are elected and
have qualified. I nlil the tirst annual meet
ing shall take Dlace on the second .Monday of
January. 1SU5. the following are and shall be
Directors; Henry r.iirenptort, Merman Rein
bold, John O. Yelser. Walter Breen, M. B.
Atkin'on, James R. Donnelly, Herman 11.
Ver Mehren; and the following shall con
stitute theolticers: Waller Breen. President;
John O. l eiser. Ice- President : Herman
Reinbold. Secretary; Henry Khrenufort.
Conveyances of real est te held bv the Cor
poration shall be n tide pursuant, to resolu
tions of the Stockholders by a meeting called
for that Diiroose. in the Dime of the body
corporate, and shall be signed by the Presi
dent and attested to by the Secretary. Also
all cheques drawn uaon funds deooslted to
credit if the Company In Bank shall be
signed Dy tne rresldentand countersigned by
the Treasurer
The highest amount of Indebtedness to
which the Corporation Is at any t in e to sub
ject Its 'If Is placed at a sum equal to one-
rourtn (Vol tne paia up capital stock. J tie
private property of the stockholders and
members shall be exen pt from the coruorate
By-Laws, not inconsistent, with these Ar
ticles, hall be drawn up and adopted by the
Hoard or inrectors; tne same mav there
after lie changed, an ended or repealed at
any regular meeting of said Board of Direc
tors, on a vote of not less than tive(5i Direc
tors In the affirmative. Likewise these Ar
ticles may bt; amended, added to or repealed,
at any regular or special mtet :nir. on a vote
at which at least a uiaioritv of the stock sub
scribed shall be voted In the affirmative of
he proposition submitted.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto
ubscribed our names this .s 1st day of Deceu -
btr. 1M'4,
SEA I., j
John O. V kiskk,
A Visit of Jesus Christ
rorn i'jus .v.
One of VICTOR H CCD'S wittiest and mos
sarcastic poems, translated from the
French by
631 F Street,
Christ takes a liHik Into the Vatican: con.
verses with one of the Dope's guards and
Ingle copy iv
10 copies sot
IW copies u.
Irpeclal prices ror larger quantities.
Apwl I'rwrn ( It-nr) tnea at Masblnslon,
Our Nation ( aplUI.
Tit the l'e"ilr vf Amtriea:
Th r Is a rt-kn dihJ for txiiuvrtod
anion amour all frli tnU of our cher
I L'J American Itistilutlons. Tho na
tional ntid atatu constitutions must lo
amoi If the Amt iican free public
school sjslem of education Is to laj p T
foctcd ami pcrpt tuaU d: if tho Iniquity
of sectarian appropriations Is to Ikj pro
hibited; If unfa Immigration rontrlctivu
law arc to U) provided.
To mvure these ends, lawmakers must
he cher-on w ho liellevo in theso princi
ples and liavo tho coin-ago to a-ci-t
th'-ui und act iiKin them.
Will jou not yourself, and associating
with you every citizen of liko purpomi,
put f irth every practicable elTort to no
cure law-maker of the richt stamp at
the enNuinn' election?
Justice William Strong, (Ketired.)
S. M. Newman, D. I).
J. II. MeCarty, I). 1).
J. (!. Hutler, 1). D.
Thomaii G. Addloon, D. I).
Gilbert T. Williams, arch-deacon.
John ChoHter, 1). I).
Klbert S. Todd, I). I).
S. J. Smith.
Joseph T. Kelly.
Watson Cuse.
Charles L. I'ato.
C. O. Cook.
J. E. Font.
Jacob W. Canter, D. I).
Madison C. Tutors.
S. II. Ilertihey, Ph. D.
K. Olln Eldrlfo.
Thomas Chalmers Kaston, I). D.
A. M. Gangewer.
John A. Ahpinwall.
Thomas S. Child.
W. J. Uollund.
J. E. Carpenter.
Huh Johnston, J). D.
linthren ami Citizens of lhe Uuitcl
As resident of tho city of Washing
ton wo bavo no part in the politics of
the government, nor do we, administers
of tht BokK!1, desire to participate in
political wrangles of the day. We do
not address you from any such Bland
point. But as members of the great
Baptist fraternity of the United States
and pastors of churches in the capital
of the nation, we desire to call your at
tention oi wnat we conceive to be a
great wrong in tho affairs of the gov
ernment, and ask you to use your best
efforts under God for its correction, and
the future peace, happiness and pros
perity of the republic, and the success
of tho gospel.
It is well known, and not disputed,
that tho congress for years past has
been making large approprli. tlons of
money out of tho public treasury for
sectarian purposes notably tor Roman
Catholic Indian schools in various sec
tions of the country. At the last ses
sion of congress nearly $100,000 were
appropriated for this purpoto, against
the protest of well nigh all, If not all,
the Protestant people of tho United
Statts, Wo believe this policy to be
wrong, contrary to the constitution and
the true policy of the go eminent, and
tends mightily to the union of church
and state, which is a dangerous menace
to our Republican institutions.
Further than this, appropriations are
made to what are called charitable in
stitutions and colleges, over which the
Roman Catholics alone have control,
and the government no authority what
ever. All of this property belongs to
the Catholics church and is exempt
from taxation, so that it is estimated
that the church owns $12,000,000 worth
of realty in tho district of Columbia.
It is further known that in some of tho
departments of the government, the
nuns, clad In the attire of their order,
present themselves on the day the
clerks are paid, and ark for contribu
tions to their cause of all who receive
money, and tuis privilege has never
been granted to any other churches or
denomination in the district.
We have nothing to say against the
forms and stylo of Roman Catholic
worship, or their right to worship God
as they may choose, but wo do protest
most solemnly against the aid and com
fort the government continually be
stows ujion this single people and ask
you, as true American lovers of your
country, and desiring the perpetuity of
her institutions, and tht the right of
all may bo equal, and no favoritism
shown to any, to arouse your people, to
the end that the grievances may be
corrected and we may be safe from any
usurpation of power by which the
American republic may be overthrown.
We, as Baptists, have taken care of
our own educational and charitable In
stitutions other Protestant denomina
tions are doing likewise, and we ask
that the Roman Catholic church do the
same, and the government withdraw its
aid and sympathy so unwisely and un
justly heretofore given.
Green Clay Smith J.J. Mum, D. D.
Geo. McCulloch. J. II. Butler.
W. S. O. Tuomas. N. C. Naylok.
TheronOutwater. J. T. Barber. I
kl,-:ml" IrTlu-t ll
KaMIKaabr a.i (tt
6 mti-a fot mi.i tu tx tr nu
Wfia. fiuwra aui diita h m
wt'hout 9ltlD( ll" hl"l '
f-tfh 4 be rtuiioQ. the mfc tuo !
i tjrovo tihk. t mull, l"h ftp,
tii- wv-ktit'd firfttlrfrj
Impalrrd ingestion.
Tho patient Is r quired to dloU la
building up ami maintaining good
health, milk la recognized a a valuable
factor, but it I Important that it he ab
solutely pure and atril'wd. Borden's
l'eerle Brand Kvaioraied Cream
meet all requirements. Entirely whole-mtin
Special Maxler ( oiiiinlssloner's Sale.
I ii.h r mid by virtue of an order of salt-on
deeree of fereclosure of timrttfatfe issued nut
of tie- disi net court for I,,ii,.ji eooiiiy. N.
hrask.i. and to me direcul. I will, on Ilia
I .in il.iy of I'chruury A. D Is'.iV at I o'ebs-k
! M of aid day, at the east front iliair of low
C "Mil V cnurt house, In iheeily of Omaha,
I hunt law coiinly. Nebraska. ell at. public
am lion In the l.lhesl bidder for cash, llin
priNrty dewrllied in aitlil order of sale at
follows, lie wit ;
lt fourteen illi In block seventy-live T,J
of Dundee I'lace. an addition tolhecllyof
Oiiiahu, Doug as courtly, .Nebraska.
"alii properly to Imi sold to sallsfy E. A.
Hie vi ns. pliiliitltT herein, (lie sum of Hv
hundred lift v lliree and ai li dollaia taVkl .')
Judgment. Willi luteins, thereon al lhe rata
of seven i7i per cent per Him ion from heptom
her 17th. K.(.
To aallsfy The American National Ba:ik of
Omaha, Nebraska, ilefeiidaul herein, the sum
of four thousand four hundred fort y-five and
Mi IHIdollani til U. wb judiinienl. with Inter
est thereon at the rale of elv'tit mi per cent
per annum from September I, ih,
To satisfy l aylon A Vlerlluir Iron Worli.
defendant herein, the mini of thirty thre
and Wi-lno dollars li JudKuieiit. with In
teresl thereon at I he rale of seven (7 percent
per annuo from Nmeinln-r ilnl, Is'ri.
To satisfy the sum of thirty and 4S-IIKldol-lar
i,HHhi contH herein toKellier ih aecru
InK I'mu aecordliiK toa Jililiiieiit rendered
by the district court of said Douulas oounty,
at Its September U-rui, A. D. I'.4. In a certain
aetlon then ami there pel. iIIiik. wherein K, A.
Steven was plaintiff, and The Patrick Land
Company, lioliert V. I'atrlck, Vermont In
vestment Company of Minneapolis, Minna
sola, Dundee Brick Company. John D. Mont
gomery. An erleaii Nalioiiai Bank of Omaha,
Nebraska, tieorife A. Hoaitland. I'axton St
Vlerlmir Iron Works and Susan K. Wheat
were defe udtitilN,
Omaha, Nebraska. Juniiiiry Itih, tvtf.
HMclal Master Commissioner.
Saunders Macfarland& Dickey, attorney.
Dih:.44; No. M. 1-U 5
NM'ciiil Master I'tiiiiiiiisHiiiiier's Sale.
lender mid by virtue of an order of naln on
decree of foreclosure of morluiiKe Issued out
of the district court for Douiilas count y, Ne
lirasua, and to me direcuxl. I will, on the
I Jlh day of b'ehrjary, A. D. Isii.".. at I o'clo:k
p. M. of aald day, at the east frontdoor of ilm
county court house. In I Im city of Omaha.
Douclan county. Nebraska, sell at puuilo
auction tt the hliihest bidder for cash, tho
property described In aald order of sain as
follows, to-wit:
Lota seventeen (lTi and eluhl-en (IS) la
block seventy-live iTM of Dundee I'laee. an
add ll Ion to the city of Omaha, Douitlaa
county. Nebraska.
Said projicrty ui be sold to natlsfy drat, out
of the proceeds of Hale of said lot seventeen
Oil. Sarah C. Ilaitnr. I he plaintiff herein, the
sum of live hundred llfty three and HVlim
dollars ifVsl HA) Juumneiit, with Interest
thereon at the rale of aeven (7) per cent per
annum from September 17, Ism,
Said ur inert v to be sold lo satisfy Hrst. nut
of the proceeds of (mle of said lot eluhleen
(IMI, Sarah C. Hauar. the nlalniilf herein, the
sum of live hundred lifly-three and HVIhu
dollars li'.-IsM Judiimeut, with Interest
thereon at the rale of seven (7) per cent per
aiiniin from September 17, s!i4,
To satisfy The American National Bank cf
Oiiuiha. defendant herein, the sum of four
thousand four hundred fort V live and WO-lUi
(iolliira it4.44.VWli, with InU-rest. lit the rale of
elKht is) ja.r cent per annum from September
To satisfy I'axlon Vlerlluir Iron Work.
defendant herein, the sum of thirty-three
and li I'm Inilumenl., with Interest at the rata
of seven (7) per cent per annum from Novem
ber J, isirj.
lo satisfy the kiiiii of thirty-four and II-UK)
dollars if H ;tl costs herein, toitether with
accruing cost accordlnu to a iiidirment ren
dered by the district court of aald Douvlai
county, at Its September term, A. D. ls',14. in a
certain action then and there pendluit.
wherein Sarah C. Hitnar was ulaintllf. arid
The I'atrlck Land Company, Robert W. I'at-
rica, Vermont, investment uomiiany or Min
neapolis, .Minnesota, John I). Moiiluomery.
Dundee Brick Company, American National
Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, (corK A. Ilouii
laud. I'axlon ti VlerlliiK Iron Works and
Susan K. Wheat were defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska, January llih, Isuft.
Hpe :lal MasterCotnmlssliuier.
Hamidera. Macfarland A Dickey, attorneys.
s 44; No. 2IM. 1-11-5
SM'clnl Mailer t'litiiiiiiHsioncr'H Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
crew of foreclosure of mortKiinu Issued out
of the dlsl rlct court for Douims count y, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will, on Kiel Jib
day of I'ebruary, A. D. IK,5, at one o'clock p.
in of said day. at the east front door of the
county court house. In lhe city of Omaha
Douiilas county. No irask i, sell at oubllo
auction to the hluhest bidder for casii. tht)
property described In said order of sale as
follows, tow!!.:
Lot nineteen il'.n In block seventy-!! re rJSi
of Dun ee l' tee, an adiiltion to the city of
Omaha. Dounlas count y. Nebraska.
Snld urooeny to Im- sold Ui satisfy Jane W.
R ed. the ohtl'itlff herein the sum of Ave
hundred, lift y-three and s.'i-KHIihdlarsiV.Vi s.'ii
Judgment. Willi Interest the eon at the rl
of seven ("I per cent per uuuum from Septem-
in r i i 1 li. 1" i.
To satisfy the American National Bank, of
Omaha. Nebraska, defendant herein, the
sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty-
live and Ml KM dollars iSU'i. judirmeut,
with bill rest, thereon at the rale of eiilit iS)
per cent per annum from September 17th,
To sat Isfy l'lon A Vierllnir Iron Works.
defendant herein, the sum of hlrly-three
and Hu-lun dollars Juilnient. with InU-rest
at the rate of seven (7i per cent per
annum from November llrd Wil
To satisfy the sum of twent y-el(tht and 4S-
100 dollars it 4si costs herein, together with
aecruiiiK cos s a -cordlnn to a judiduent ren
dered by the district court, of said D nu'las
county, at its September term. A. D. Is!i4, In
a -ertaln action then and there pending;
wherein Jane W. Reed was plaliilitT and the
I'atrlck I.anu Company. Robert W. I'atrlck,
Vermont Investment Comuanv. of Minneao-
olls. .Minnesota, Dundee Brick Couiptny.
John D. Montgomery. American National
Bank, of Omaha, Nebraska, lieorife A. Hol
land. I'axton A Vlerlinu Iron Works and
Susan K. Wheat were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. January llth. l-'ti.
HEuliOK W. llul.KUOOK.
S jeclal Master Coiumlssloner.
Haunders. Macfarland A Dickey, attorney-.
Doc. 44; No. i:l 1 11-5
Special Master I'onuiiissiiiiier's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court of Douitlas county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the Uth
day of February, A. D. WO. at one o'clock p.
m. of said day. at the east front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Douulas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of su e as
follows, towit:
Lot einht iSi In block seventy-five it'll of
Dundee I'iace. an addition to the cltv of
Omaha. Douniascoiinly, Nebraska.
Said property to tie sold to satisfy William
B. Palmer, plaintiff herein, the sum of live
iiinitred, lifiy-threeand Si-lim dollars ,va.s."i)
inltMiiciit. with interest thereon at the rate
of seven (7i per cent per annum from Septem
ber is'.h.
To satisfy the American National Bank, of
maha. Nebraska defecdant herein, the
sum of four tiious.tml, four hundred, forty-
tive and M-l i dollan i$4.44.S.Mi judgment,
with Interest thereon nt tlie r ite of eiirht iSi
t cent per annum frimi September 17th.
To satisfy Paxton Jk ierlinc Iron Works,
fcmlant h-reiti. the sum of thirty three
and !M'"i dollars l.Uio, judgment, with In-
erest thereon at the rate of seven i7i per
cent per annum from November :ki, 1V2.
10 sailsfv tne sum or tliirlv aim ,-vl-HM dol-
ars )?.i .Vij cos's heri'iu. tiiether wiih accru
n rosis aeciirdini: lo a .iudirnient n-udted
iv the disirict court of said lMiiitlas county
at its September term. A. D. sm, in a certain
tlon then and tliere pemlini! when'in Wil
liam H. Paluo-r was plaintiff and tde Patrick
Land Comuany. Rola-rt W Patrick, Vermont
Investment Company, of Minneapolis Min
nesota. Dundee Brick Company. John D.
Montgomery. American National (link, of
Omaha. Nebraska. Ueortfe A. lloatfland,
I'axton Vlerllnit Iron Works and Susan K.
W heat were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. January llth. HV"v.
Spi'i-lal Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland Dickey, attorney.
Doc. 44; No. SiJ. 1-11 j
H. V- UA.UULU A CO.. CUrt ft It, .! but, .