m an THE AMERICAN. V K A READ AND COMPARE Th A. P. A. Principle With the Canon Law and Several Oaths of th Ro man Catholic Church, a4 Thn Judg fur VourMlf Which Have the ru Spirit of Amarlcanlsiw In Thm, tit A P. A. Principle) or th Diabolical Obligation Taken by Roma's Mimoiik A. 1. A. I'rlm Tfao following- are the diH-laratlonsof prln Spina adepUnl lijr the National Council of aba A, V. A- at lV-Molu.oi "Loyally to trim Antertt-aiilttm, which taowa neither tun li. place, rac, cmul, nur tarty, la the lirt ntiulroiiirot for im-mlnr-skip In ilm American I'rotrvlive AnaocUtliin "Tht American rroteotive AMMM-latlnu U Sol a political party, anil does not control th poll Ural attlllalloiiK of Its m-iutxr; but It ac una them to be liitenwly active to the tlai-hame of their political dulii- In or out f party limn, because It believe that all prubli'iua confronting our pi-ople will tie bound aollil ly a coHactenllou discharge of tbe dudes of cltln'Ualilp by every Individual. "While tolcraut of all creed. It hold that ubjectloo and support to any political power mot controlled by American cltlu-na, and which claims eunl If not irreaU'r sovereignty than the government of tlio United 8laUa, la Irreconcilable with Amerlcau dthteuiililu. It ia, therefore, oppowd to the holding of otlices la atal or national government, by any sub ject or supporter of such ecclesiastical power. W uphold the constitution of the Culled tau of AmerU'a, and no portion of It mora than Ita guarantee of religious liberty, but we1 hold this religious liberty to be guaran teed to the individual, and not to nieao that voder Ita putecUon any un-American eccles iastical power can claim any absolute con trol over the education of children, growing p under the slurs and stripe. "W consider the non-sectarian free public school the bulwark of American Institutions, the best place for the education of American Children. To keep them such, we protest acalnst the employment of subject of any un-American ecclesiastical power a ofllcers r teacher of our public schools. "We condemn the support out of the pub lic treasury by direct appropriation or by Contract of any sectarian school, reform atory or other Institution not owned and Controlled by public authority, "Believing that exemption from taxation ta equivalent to a grant of public funds, wo fiemaud thut no real or personal property be tempt from taxation, the title to which Is sot vested In the national or state govern ments, or In any of their sub-division. "We protest agalust the enlistment In the Dotted State army, navy, or the tnllltlaof any state, of any person not an actual clttsen Jf the "United Suite. "Wo demand for Hie protection of our cltl len laborers the prohibition of the Importa tion of pauper labor, and t he rest r let Ion of all Immigration to persona who cannot show heir ability and honest luUintlou to become slf-supportlng Amert an citizens. "Wo demand the change of the nnturultta tlon laws by a repeal of the act authorising th naturalisation of minors, without a pre vious declaration of Intention, and by pro viding that no alien shall be naturalized or permitted to vote In any state In the uulou who cannot speak the language of the land, and who cannot prove seven years' consecu tive residence In this country from the date f hi declaration of his Intention. "We protest against the gross negligence and laxity with which t he Judiciary of out land administer the present naturalisation laws, and against the practice of naturaliz es.! aliens at the expense of committees or aadldates as the most prolific source of the present prostitution of American citizenship t the basest uses. "We demand that all hospitals, asylums, reformatories, or other Institutions In whlcu people are under restraint, be at all times subject to publlo luspectlon, whether they are maintained by the public or by private orporatlous or Individuals. "We demand that all national or itat-e teg (station affecting financial, commercial or Industrial Interests be general In character and In no Instance In favor of anyone sec tion of the country, or anyone class of the People." I'aiiiiou Law. I The constitutions of princes are not uperlor, but subordinate to ecclesiastical Constitutions. t- The laws of the emperor cannot dis solve the ecclesiastical or canon laws. . It Is not law ful for an emperor to exact anything opposed to the apostolic rules. . It Is not lawful for kings to usurp the things that belong u priests. 4- Jio custom of anyone can thwart the Statutes of the popes. . Let no resistance be offered to the apostolic (canon) precepts, but let theiu be salutifcriously fulfilled. 1 The yoke Imposed by the holy see Is to e borne, though It appear Intolerable and Insupportab'e. I. The pontiff can neither be loosed no bound by the secular power. 9. That the Pontiff was called God by the pious I'rlnce Constant ine, and that as god be cannot be Judged as man. 10. That as god he Is far above tne reach f all human law and Judgment, 11. That all laws contrary to the Canons and decrees of the Komau prelates are of no force. 13. That all of the ordinances of the pope re unhesitatingly to be obeyed. 13. We ought not even to speak to one whom the pope has ex -communicated. 14. Priests are father a.nd masters, even f princes. Ik The civil law Is derived from man, but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is derived airectly from God, by which the pontiff can, In connection with his prelates, make con tltutlons for the whole christian world. In matters spiritual, concerning the salvation f souls, and the right government of the Sfturch; and It necessary Judge and dispose f ail the temporal goods of all christians. 18. A heretic, holding or teaching false toctrlne concerning the sacraments. Is ex jotumunlcated and degraded, and handed tver to the secular court. IT. Secular princes unwilling to swear to lefend the church against heretic are ex gomniunlcated, and they are laid under an interdict. la. The goods of heretics are to be con lacated and applied to the church- 19. Advocates or notaries, fjvotLig here tics, or their defenders, or pleading for them n law suits, or writing documents for them, are Infamous and suspended from office. SO. The secular powers, whether perma nent or temporary, are bound to swear that Iney will exterminate, according to their sower, til heretics condemned by the churchi tad temporal lord not purging his land of eretlcs. Is ex-communicated. SL Those signed with the cross tor the ex tera.lnatloa of heretics, rrjolcw In the privi lege grantml to to th crusaders for the help lit (he holy land. H They are absolved from all obligations who are In anywise bound U) ueretlca. Si. Whoever dies In buttle against Ui unbelieving, menu the kingdom of tieavea. 24. We do not esteem IIiom homlclee to how It may have happened la their seal for I heir mother church against the ex-cumtuu-iil.'atej. to kill some of them. ii. Tbal Catholic I'rlnce are bound, both by civil audcotinuoo law, not to receive or tolerate heretics, and much more are not to permit their rlU, or other eercte of their religion, or rather, their false sect, but are nioxt solemnly bound everywhere, to repel and expel I be m. Ja. The following touiporal punishment are to be enforced on beret les: 1st Infamy, and the consistent disqualifications for all civil act. 2nd- Intestability, a well active a passive (that Is, they can neither make nor will Inherit what Is left to them by others). Srd Ixwl of palerual power over children. 4th Los of dowry, and other privileges granUtd to women. Alb Confisca tion of all goods. 6lh--That vaaaal and slaves aud others are free from all, even sworn obligations due to their lord or an other. 7th Capital corporal punishment, especially death, aud perpetual Imprison ment, 27. The canon law forbids all toleration. 28. That metropolitans and bishop are to i-ooiumuuluate him who grant liberty of Conscience. 2V. No oath Is to be kept toward heretic prtuce. lords or other. 3D. Heretics ar to be deprived of all civil and paternal right. M. The pope can absolve from all oaths. 31 Kvery bishop Is ordinary Judge In a cause of heresy. The reason 1 because the bishop can ex-ofilclo, and ought to extirpate heretic, aud lulllct upon them the due pun ishment, and to this are bound on pain of deposition, liesldes, are the Inquisitors es pecially deputed by the apostolic see. Kvery bishop In his diocese Is thought to be, aud In reality Is, a natural Inquisitor, (liter ally born Inquisitor), so as to have the same power with those already mentioned In a cause of heresy, 83. In every promissory Bath, although absolutely taken, there are certain condi tion tacitly understood, amongst which are: 1st If I can j 2nd To save the right aud authority of a superior; Srd When the oath suppose the honor of the apostolic see to bo Illicit. 84. That thecouncll of Trent, (the last and great authority of Home), decrees and com mands that the sacred canons and all gou eral councils, also the other apostolic enact ments issued In favor of ecclesiastical per sons of ecclesiastical liberty, and against It violators, allot which by this present decree It renew, and must be exactly observed by all. (urdimil'ti Oath, .cardinal of the Holy Roman "I.- church, do promise and swear that, from tills time to the end of my lite, I will be faithful and obedient unto St. l'eter, the holy apos tolic Unman church, and our most holy lord, the pope of Home, and his successors, canon ic ally and lawfully elected: that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against tho poutiBcal majoaty and person; that I will never knowingly and advisedly, to tholr In Jury or disgrace, make public the councils entrusted to me by themselves, or by mes sengers or letters; also that I will give them any assistance iu retaining, defending and recovering the Komau papacy and the regalia of Peter, with all my might and endeavor, so tar a the rights and privileges of my order will allow It, and will defend them against all their honor and state, and I will direct and defend, with due form and honor, the legate aud nuncios of tho apostolic see, In the territories, churches, monasteries and other benefices committed to my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate with them and treat theiu with honor In their coming, abiding and returning, and that I will resist unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them. That I will. by every way and by every means strive to preserve, augment and advance the rights. honors, privileges, the authority of the Holy lioman bishop, our lord the pope and his before mentioned successors, and that, at whatever time anything shall bo decided to their prejudice which la out of my power to hinder, as soon as 1 shall know that any steps or measure have been takeu In the matter, I will make It known to the same, our lord or hi successors, or some other per son by whose means it may be brought to their knowledge. That I will keep and carry out aud cause others to keep and carry out the rules of the holy father, the decrees, ordinances, dispensations, reservations, pro visions, apostolic mandates and constitu tions of the Holy Father Sextus, of happy memory, as to visiting the thresholds of the apostles at certain prescribed times, accord ing to the tenor of that which I have Just read through. That I will seek out and op pose, persecute and tight (omnl couatu por- secuturum et tmpugtiaturum) against here tics or schismatics who oppose out lord, the pope of Borne, and his before-mentioned suc cessors, and this I will do with every possible effort." t (Signature) then sent to the pope. liixliop's Oath. , elect of "I, diocese, from hcuceforward will bo faithful and obedient to St. Peter the Apostle and to the Holy Uoman church, and to our lord, the holy pope of Rome, and to his suc cessors, canonically entering, I will neit her advise, consent nor do anything that they may lose life or member, or that their per sons may be seized, or hands la anywise laid upon thorn, or auy Injuries offered to them, under any pretence whatsoever. The coun sel with which they shall Intrust me by them selves, holr messengers or letters, I will not knowingly reveal to any, to their prejudice. I will help them to defend and keep the Ro man papacy and the royalties of St. Peter against all men. The legau of the apostolic see, goiug and coining, I will honorably treat and help In his necessities. The rights, honors, privileges aud authority of tho Holy Komau church of our lord, the pope, and his aforesaid successors, I will endeavor to pre serve, defeud. Increase and advance. 1 will not be In any counsel, action or treaty. In which shall be plotted against our said lord and Roman church, anything to the hurt or prejudice of their persons, rights honor, stale or power, and, If I shall know any such thing to be treated or agitated by any whatsover, I will hinder It to my utmost, and as soon as 1 can, I will signify It to our lord. The ordi nance and mandates of the pope, 1 will ob serve with all my might and cause to be ob served by others. "Heretics, schismatics and rebels to our said lord or his successors, I will to my ' most persecute and oppose. "Hereticos,BchUmalicos et rebelles eldem Domino nostro vel successorlbus predictls pro posse peraequar et oppugn bo." "I will come to a council whei. 'no called. I will visit the threshold of the apostle every three year and give an account of our lord of 11 my pastoral office and of the things belonging to my diocese, to the dis cipline of a.y cieijy end people. I will la like luanni t humbly receive and diligently execute the aptntolic commands. If I am detained by a lawful Impediment, I Will per form the af omutld by a member of my chap ter or a prlitt of my aimnm. fully Instructed In ail thln.'s above mentioned. The ptaue ioii belonging to n.y table. I will Blither sell nor otht ra ise alienate without consult ing the Itoman pontiff. Mo hi lp me Uud and these holy gospels of God." X (rUvnalure). N ut to the lioiuUb Manager. 1'rl. st's Oaill. .now lathe presence of "I- Almighty God, the Messed Virgin Mary, the blessed Mil bael the Art haugel, the blessed Ht. John the HaptlsUthu Holy Apostle Hi. Peter and ht, Paul aud the Muiutsand the tfacred Hosts of Heaven, and to you. my lord, I do du 'lure from my lie .rt. without mental reservation that the pope Is 1 lirisi's vicar general aud Is tlio true and only head of the universal church throughout the earth, and that, by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ hu ha power to depose heretical kings, princes, stales, commonwealths and govern ments, all Ik lug Illegal without his sacred Confirmation, aud that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of my power, 1 will defend this doctrine and his holiness' rights and customs against all usurper of the Protestant authority what soever, especially against the now pretended authority and church In Kuglaud and all ad herents. In regard that they be usurpal and heretical, opposing tue sacred mother of the church of Home. "I do denounce aud disown any allegiance as due to any Protestant king, prince or slate or obedience to any of their Inferior officers. 1 do further declare the doctrine of Die church of Kugland, of the Calvlnlsts, Hugueuol aud other Protestants, to be damuablu and those to be damned who will not forsake the same, "I do further declare that l will help, assist and advise all or any of his holiness' agents In any place wherever 1 shall be, and to do my utmost to extirpate tne Protestant doc trine and to destroy all their pretended power, regal or otherwise, 1 do further prom ise aud declare that, notwithstanding I mav be permitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion tProtustant denominations.) for the propagation of the mother church's Interest, to keep secret and private all her agent' counsels as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall be proposed. given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my most reverend lord and bishop. "All of which I, , do swear by the blessed Triulty aud blessed Bacrameut which 1 am about to receive, to perform on my part to keep inviolably, and do call on all the Heavenly and Glorious Host of Heaven to witness my real intentions to keep this my oath. "In testimony w Hereof I take this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my con secrated baud, In the presence of my holy bishop and all the priesus who assist him In my ordination to the priesthood." Extreme Oath of the Jesuit. I, , now In the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Ht. Peter and St. Paul and the saints and sacred host of heaven, and to you my ghostly father, the superior general of the society of Jesus, founded by Saint Ignatus Loyola in the pon tlQcatton of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do, by the womb of the virgin, tho matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ declare aud swear that his 'noliiioss, the pope, Is Christ's vice-gerenl, and lathe true and only head of the Catholic or uni versal church throughout the earth; and that by viruie of tin; keys of binding and loosing given to his holiness by my Savior. Jesus Christ, ho hath power to depose her etical kings, princes, states, common weal, lis and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation, and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and bis holiness' right, aud custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatsoever, especially the Luth eran church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authorities and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland, and on the continent of America, and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard i hat they be usurped and heretical. opposing the sacred church wf Home. I do now denounce and disown any alleg- lacce as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvlnlsts, Huguenots and others of the name of Protestant or Liberals, to be dam- enblo, and they themselves to be damned who will uot forsake the same. I do further dec!''. 9 that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his holiness' agents. in any place wherever I shall be. In Switzer land, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Not way, England. Iceland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory, I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the hereti cal Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. 1 do further promise and declare that, not withstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the mother church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' councils from time to time, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word. writing or circumstances whatever, but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me, by you or my ghostly father, or any of this sacred con vent. I do f urtlier promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perlnde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my super iors In the militia of the pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the north, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the plngles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining and will be submissive In all things whatso ever, co nmunlcated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Llbcials as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither age, se or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boll, flay, strangle and bury alive these Infamous heretics! rip up the stomachs and wombs of tnelr women and crush their Infants heads gainst the walls lo order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be dune openly, I will secretly use the pois onous cup, the atrangulstlng cord, the suwl of the polnard. or the leaden bullet, rvgard It of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or person, whatever may be their coudltion In life, either public or priv ate, u I at any time maf be directed so to do by any atrent of the poi or superior of the liroilicHiood of the holy father, of the society cf Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive. I will KUbecrtlie my name, written In my blood. In testimony thereof ; and should I prove false or weaken la my determination, may my brethren aud fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope cut off my hands and uiy feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be Inflicted upon me on earth and my oul be tortured by demons la an eternal hell forever. AU of which I do swear by the blessed trinity, and blessed sacrament which 1 am now to receive, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably; aud do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these, my real Intentions, to keep this nor oath. In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the eucharlst, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped In my own blood, and seal In the face of this holy convent lie receives the wafer from the superior and writes his name with Hie point of his dagger, dlppec lublsontu blood, taken from over Ihe heart. The Fculau's Oath. "I swear by almighty God, by all In heaven and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my holy church, by the blessed Virgin Mary mother of God, by hersorrow and grief at the cross, by her tears and waitings, by the holy apostles Su Peter and Paul, by the glorious apostle of Ireland St. Patrick by the blessed and holy church of all ages, by the holy national martyrs, to fight upon the Irish soil, to fight tor the Independence of Ireland to fight until I die, wading In the red gore of the Sassenach (Protestant) for the glorious cause of nationality; to fight until not a single vestige, track or footstep, is left to tell that the holy soil of Ireland was ever trodden by the Sassenach tyrants and murderers; and, morover, when the Protestant robbers anu urutes in Ireland shall be murdered aud driven Into the sea like the swine our Lord Jesus Christ caused to be drowned, then we shall embark for, and take England, and root out every ves tige of the accursed blood of the heretic adulterer, Henry VIII., and possess our selves of the betsts who have so long kept our Island of saints Old Ireland in the chains of bondage, driven us from her shores, exiles Into foreign lands. I will wade In the blood of Orangemen -ud heretics (Protest ant) who do not Join us and becou.6 our selves. Scotland too, having given aid and succor to the beast, we shall live In her gore. W shall not give up until we have restored our holy faith all over the British Isles. To all of this I sincerely and conscien tiously swear with my eyes blinded, not knowing who to me administers this oath Oath of the Clan-na-tiacl. The following ia the oath taken by the members of that famous Romish 1 Catholic society: "I (name In full) do solemnly swear In tta presence of Almighty God, that I will labor while life Is left in me to establish and de fend a republican form of government In Ireland; that I will keep secret the names and everything connected with the Irish brotherhood from all not entitled to know such secrets; that I will obey and comply with the constitution and laws of the same, that I will preserve the funds of this order for the cause of Irish revolution alone as specified in the constitution; that I will deem it, my special duty and mission to promote and foster sentiments of union, brotherly love, nationality, among all Irish. I take this obligation without any mental reservation, holdingthesame forever binding upon me, and that any violation thereof, or desertion of my duty to the brotherhood is infamous, and merits the severest punishment, so help me God." This oath the candidate is abjured to keep at the hazzard of his life. It was printe I in the Chicago Inter Ocean and was sworn to be correct at the Lronin trial. It wns reported by said paper November 17, 1894. Priests and bishops act as chaplains for this holy (?) order. Convert's Rest. Henry A. Sullivan, a converted ex Roman Cathol c monk offers a helping hand to any Roman Catholic priest, monk, nun, or layman, who wishes to leave the old superstitions of popery, and leara the true and living way by faith in Him a the only mediator be tween God and man. If any of our readers know of any Ro man Catholic that wishes to leave sup erstition and idolatry, kindly write to Evangelist Sullivan, 4d JNortn Ada street, Chicago, Illinois, and they will receive a cordial welcome, at the Con vert's Rest. A New Train to St. Louis. The most attractive featu-e of the Burlington Route's new time-card ia the new Omaha-St. Louis train. Leaves Omaha at 11:50 P. 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