The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 01, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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i I
Jl I
f !
ami Women Who H.ivo
Already Answered
The A -mI Mn.le lit Itehalf f tho
liruiith Siiftrrrp. r Woloni
Have you ever ltcu hungry?
llavo yourt liil'ln n shivm'il ami
cried from ooM ami insulliciont
clothing? Have your previsions
rcniaineil uiu-oukeil for want of
fuel? If any of these things,
have hn'e!ietl to you then you
know the Millering which thous
nnils of citions in Nehrasku are
unuYrgoing today. All .over
that state men, women and child
ren are almost crazed hy want,
while in some instances children
have died of starvation. Many
of these sufferers are nieinhtrs
of the A. P. A.; all are a portion
of this great human family.
In thousands of homes starva
tion stares tho inmates in tho
face, and the death rato from
this cause will ho simply a null
ing in tho very near future,
unless our friends lend a help
ing hand at once. For that
reason wo call upon our liberal,
patriotic, unselfish, humane,
christian American citizens to
extend whatever relief lies in
their power.
Tho following pcri-ons havo sent to
this ofllce tho following amounts In
l'revimisly reported $110 07
K. S., Chicago, 111 1 (Hi
J. M. llughee, Lino Springs, la. 75
A. U. Hollander, Co. lilutTs .... I 00
IlARRLSONVlLLE, Mo., Jan. 24, lS'lo.
John C. Thompson, Omaha. Dear
Sir ami Friend: As I am a regular oub
scrlber for your valuable paper, The
AMERICAN, I noticed In your Issue of
January 10 that you made an apical to
Americans In behalf of the suffering
people of your state. I at once began
to think, what am I to do, and at onee
concluded to tend them something to
wear. (If I am not mistaken, I think
you said the express companies would
haul such donations free ol charge.) 1
began to look over my st.x'k, and plekid
out about 12.1 worth of goods, such as I
thought they eould use to good advant
age. I fixed up my package and asked
the I'acilio Express agent to haul them,
but he would not take them under half
rates, which I said I couldn't do, afier
donating the goods. (I did Intend to
bill tho goods to you, and have you see
to the distribution ot them.) In tb
meantime, the citizens of IlarrUonvl le
mauo up a ear-mad to send to y. ur
state, so I shipped tuy donation with
the car-load lot, which was sent to Lin
coln, Nebraska.
1 thirk it looks very small In the ex
press companies to charge cxpre.-sitge
when goods are dona' cd for tlie dosti
tute and buffering people Hoping that
the goods will bo properly distributed,
and that they will relieve some p.xn
families, I nm yours respectfully, In V.
P. and P., J. A Hakvey.
Cathy, Ore., Jan. 2J, 18!I,". Mr. John
C. Thompson, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir
In response to your tall for aid for the
starving people of wv stern Nebraska, I
send today a box of things which were
collected among my neighbors and
friends, to W. N. Na-on, chairman of
the relief committee. The box ontains
donations from tho following persons
Mrs. Carlton, bundle of clothing; Mrs
Slight, bundle of clolhinc; Mrs. Whip
pie, bundle of clothing; Mrs. Eokerson
dried fruit; Mrs. J. Hoth. dried fruit
Mrs. Cummings, bundle of clothing and
ten poundj of beans.
Interest in this question Is just bj
ginning to awaken in this vlcinitv. two
councils of the A. P A. having been
organized In this part of the county In
the lat months, and it is about timo, I
think. The people have been asleep
here, but they ard awake now.
W. N. Whitney 103 South 15th St.
has added to his line of fine Shoes the
Waverly and Standmore School Shot
which are honest goods and warranted
for service, and are such g03d wearers
that they will save you 50 to 75 per
cent, in your shoe bills.
It will pay you to try them.
w The Time to Make Monej!
Last month I rleaivtl. after pavlnir all ex
Twiises. i;5.4tii tli moutli before SM'...l, and
have at the same time attended to my regu
lar business. 1 believe anyone, anywlii-re.
can do as well, as 1 have not a particularly
ooa location anu no experience. lien you
lave an article that every f utiiii v wants, it
is very easy si llini; it. It seems stranite that
a pood, cheap Dish Washer was never before
placed on the market. With the Clin ax.
which sells at $. you can wash and dry the
dishes for a family In two minutes, wiiliout
putttnij the hands In water; as soon as peo
ple see the Washer work, they want one. and
that is why so much money can lie mi, lie so
quickly. For full particulars address The
Climax Mfjt. Co., Colun bus. O. 1 feel con
vinced that any lady or rentleman, In any
location, can make from & to tin a day. as
every family will very soon have a Dish
Waher. Try It, and publish yourexperieuce
for the beuetit of others,
2 I ht rrnt off all winter Uit'
Jitiiv, Hiiv'V. K'ai.K' ts. Coii.fort
er. 0i'iijrl-, l'nnt. Capf. CoiM-t
Ac. BaldwittV 17 21, t.
Kal Dvta!" Candies. l)"iig!a
When down town drop in a' John
Uudd'n at i leave your '' I' itis out
of repair, to ! fixed. .'117 north lit St.
Kdwar.l Hauii.M, lor Ivory, I7lh
ami St. Mary Ave
I'ufiu 'annul Hi' ( in i'il
I . y 'all. m-.. h I hey r: "ll"t reach
I he di-H'tt. ,1 portion uf t he t at . There Is only
one wy lo cine ii a f lit .., and I l.ui Is hy con-
Nt It III t, Ml ill reh I'll to, 1 leaf lie Is CR'-l-ed by
Nil Hill -It) I'll colli! 1 1. "II llf III' lull, Oils llllillli
of till' I 11-tlH'liUl! I ni'i" V h-n I i.i nilm Is
lull iiiii .I you have a rumbling 'iiiJ or lm
l'ifi'. t hem. tig, miuI xlii ii li I. entirely
clo-ed deafness I I lii' result, mill unless I e
Itillill. mm Ion call lif taken mil Kllil lilts lube
restored lo Its iiormiil o -million, hearing
ill he destroyed forever nl n' rxi's out of
tin hit .ails.'. I hy calm ill. mlilrll Is nothing
t.lif hii Inlluit.ed condition of tin' mucous
We will ghfOuc Hundred Hollars for liny
I'Hsfi.f iM afni'ss .. an ill l.y riiiiirrlo Hint
eai t liecuied l.y IUII i. Catarrh Cute, send
for circulate free.
F. .1. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
lr"Sold liy Hruggists. :..
s-crliil Master ('miiiiilsMiiuer's Sale.
I'lider ami by virtue of nil oruer of sale on
ih i rve of fori closure of inoi'l!iiKe Issued mil
of I he district court for liouulns county, N
limska. ami o me directed. I will, on the
.'ith duy of March, A l. s.i'.. at i'clock p.
m. of said day. at the north flout Hour or the
county court- house. In lite city of Omuha
li, nidus county Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the blithest bidder for cash, the
iiroH'rty described Hi said order of sale us
follows. lo- it:
l i lenciiiit at a point tlfty live .V,i feet
souih of a iiolut one hundred it ml iitnely-
eiuhl il''i feet west , if the north-east, corner
of lot forty-six i4i,i In S. K. Hou'ers' plat of
Okahtima, thence rinuniiil souili twenty-
seven ami one-half t'-Vi feet, thence west
one hundred and Ihlrl y-t wo ibl'Ii feet. I hence
norl h Iwetiij -seven mid oiie-hnir i'il.
I hence i ast one hundred and I hit ly-t wo il l.'i
fiel lo place of iH'h'liiuiiikt, belnu a pari of
Niihl lot forty-six iii' In S. K. Kouers' plat of
tiUalioina. mi ml, III luii to Hie city of Oinulia
and situate In OmiKliis county, state of Ne
braska. Snld properly to lie sold to satisfy J. ,
Siiuire, t rusii e. pliilnl lit herein, I lie sum of
nine liuiiured uliielv four !' I"" dollars
i'.i4 im iuiimi'iit Willi Inn rest thereon at
raiu of six one half ill1,' pel cent per iiiiuiim
from September t. Is"l. mid forty and 4i In)
dollars iIIU."n with ten iim per cent. Interest
from said dale.
Tu satisfy other lien Uiiin said described
premises in the order of I heir priority as or
dered by the decree of foreclosures Issued
out i f Ihlscourt in thlscause.
Tosat isfy the sum of forty-six IH-liKI dol
lars lil Isicostshereln. Willi Interest thereon
from the 17th day of Scptetulier. Isld until
paid, together "itn accruliui costs accnrdinK
to a luils-mcnt rendered by Hie district court
of said lioiiuliis county, at Its Si i.tcmbcr
term, A. I. IMU, in a certain action then and
there peiidlni!. wherein J. W Siiiire, Trustee.
was ilnliil ill. ami saraii .n i rt ss anu outers
were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. .Innuliry .1". tstn.
I'llAltl.KSS. KUil'TTI'.K,
Special Muster ConniilsHioiier.
tJeorni' E, TurkiiiKton. attorney.
J. W. Sitilre, Trusiee vs. Sarah M. Press. et al.
I IllC 441 iMO .III, .-1-0
Special Master ( iiiiiiiilssloiier's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of n ortaue issued out
of tlie district court for Ilouirlas county. Ne
braska, and tone directed. I wilt on me, mi
lav of March. A. 1). lsUi, at one o clot k p.
in. of said day. tit the Kast front, door of the
utility court bouse, lu the city or umnna.
Ilmmlas county. Nenra ka, sell at- public
auction to the' hliriiest bidder for cash, tlie
property describe J in said order of sale as
illows, to-wtt:
l.,,t f. iirl, ,eti ilii In hhifk sevenlv six iTll) of
Him, lee Place, an addition to tlie city of
iiiiiiihii. 1 ion as con ut v. Nebraska.
Said property to lu'seld to satisfy nutiani
II I'almer. ualntilT herein, tlie sum of five
hundred lift y-t luee ami s" Kill dollars ifVsl
jiidtfiiieiii. with Interest thereon at tlie rate
of seven i7l per cent, per annum f rum Sep
tember l. in, ism.
I'osaMsfvT'ie American National Hank or
Omaha, defendant herein, tliesiini of forty
four hundred forty tlve and im-iui dollars
ifltl.MHIi Jiidirment. with Interest thereon lit
tin- rale of elht isi per cent, per annum from
September l'.'i h. Is'.r;
To satisfy I he l'axton .V lernmi iron
Works defendant herein, the sum of thirty
three and wi nil dollars i:i;i mil with Interest
liter on at the rate of seven i") per ceut. p r
annum from November .trd. Is'.r.'.
In satisfy the sum of twenty-seven and
sVI-inn ilullais rf'-'T Sli costs herein, together
wli h ac. -lu Inn cost" iiccirillni: to a hulk' men I
rendered by the district couil of said U uu-
lascounlv. at Its sciiiemncr term. A. n. ism,
tnaceitaln ac ion then ai d there pendiiiK.
wheii ln William K I'almer plalinllT and
I' llarki r .lones, l heratrlck Laud I ompa y
of I ii. nil -i. Hubert S I'm rick. V rmoiil In
vestment iiinpanv of ,M mm a polls. .Mlniie-
sola .i.iii H. .MouiuoinerY. Huiiiue iiiick
rompiiry. Ttie Aineiii an Nationttl Hai.k of
limitli.i Nebraska. I'sxion .V Yicriintt Iron
Works, a I'oris.raii.'n. Uenrire A. lloaKland
and Susan IV. west were iieiencants.
Oinal.a. Nebraska. January US. islii.
Special Master ton misstotier.
Saunders. Ma farlaiiil .t HI key. attorneys.
I'almer vs. Jones et al. Hoc. 44: No. ili.
'.' t ft
SmtIu1 Master Commissioner'! Sale.
I' iider and by virtue of an order of sale on
decreeof foreclosure of mortnatfc tss.ted out
of the district court for Hmiulas county.
stat -of Nebra-ka. ami to me dire ted I will
on the 4ih dav of March, A H. lS'.ii at two
o'clock p in. of said dav. al the Kast front
dnor of tlie county court house. In the city of
Omaha, Douglas conn' y. isciiraskn, sell at
public auction to the htihcst bidder for cash,
tlie property described In said order of sate
as follows, to-wit :
l.ois number tlve (TO and six (til In block
nuitibi r nine C.h In l'lainvlew. an luldltton to
t le city of Omaha as suneyed. platted and
recorded together with all the appurteu
ances to the same beltinalnii and situate in
1oui:1hs county, state of Nebraska.
Said prouerty lo be sold to satisfy Alfred
li Hufrene. pinlntUT herein. In the sum of
twelve hundred eventy-four and M- mo Uol
l rs,1274 Sli judtrment with interest thereon
at the rate of len l per cent, per annum
from rebruary nth, ism. and twenty-live and
t,s-nmdoiUrs (i'i.iw costs herein, with Inter
est thereon from the lith day of tebruar.. , A.
1). Ism. until paid, together with accruing
costs according to a judgment rendered by
the district court of said Houglas county, at
Its February term. A I). ISt'4, In a certain
action then and there pending, wherein
Alfred K. Hufrene was plaintiff, and Lavlua
T. Williams. Thomas A. Visher. Fisher,
his wife, defendants.
Halt d at Omaha, Nebraska, February 1st,
A. U. lrtvi
Special Master Commissioner.
Hester L. Thomas, attorney for plaintiff.
Dufrene vs. W illiams, et al. Hoc. 4.1; No. SOI.
2 1-5
Special M ister Commissioner's Sale.
Fnder and hy virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
state of Nebraska, and tome directed, I will,
on the ','tiih day of February. A. D. Isn't, at one
o'clock r. M of said day, at the hast front
door of the county court house. In the city of
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction tt) tlie tiigliest bidder ft r cash,
the property described in s id order of sale
as follows, to-wit:
Lot ten i Ho in block seven i7 In Clifton Hill,
n audition to the city of Omaha, liouglas
county, Nebraska, as the same Is surveyed,
platted and recorded.
Said property to he sold to satisfy Alor.zo
I. Tukey and William F, Allen the sum of
nine hundred niuety-sei'en do litis iWT.Hili
judgment with interest tbereonat the rate of
eisht isi percent, per annum from September
17t ii. ism.
Tosatisfy thirty three and Kl-WO dollars
it.U.s:i costs herein, together with accruing
costs according to a judgment rendered by
the district court of said Houglas county, at
Its September term, A. I). Is'.'4. in a certain
actiou then and there pending, wherein
Alonzo I'. Tukey and another were plaintiffs,
and John Bishop. Jr., and another were de
fendants. Hated at Omaha, Nebraska, January 24th,
A. H. IS..
Special Master Commissioner.
J. W. Ilouder. attortey for plaint Iff. l-it-5
Tukey et al vs. ltishop el al. Doc. 43. No. 3i.
,IH .Vcu- Vi,tU 1.11,' Hull, III, u,
(uivt'wMfr ui hrrkflJk Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
hi; fa km am st.
Tv.v. 2S. OMAHA. NEB.
Undertaker Emalmber
tForiuerly with M. O. Maul.'U'imc (M.
6IJ South leth 81.. OMAHA.
American Ladies!
When Needing the Atntt
anc of a
First-Class Dress Maker
Should not foritet to call tin
.Voi-ri juih strict.
Contractor, Buildei
Storm Ooori and 8ah.
1705 St. Marys Ave., OMAHA. NEB.
new set made the same dav. Teeth extracted
without pain. OR. WITHERS. Dentitt. fourth
Hour, I'rowii lllk., Ii'.tli .V Unie-'ias, UAHA, DtB.
Watclimakcr aud Jeweler,
Fink Watch Ukpaiking a spkcialti
512 Smith 16 Streot.
Office removed from 113 North lot ti street to
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect lit In all cases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
2107 ('ii in i n ir St., OM AHA.
Sieciul .Muster Commissioner's Sale.
I'uder and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decreeof foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the District court for Douglas county.
Nebraska, and to me dliected, I will, on the
'.tlthday of January, A H. I wis, at, en o'clock
a. ui. or said nay, at ine east rront uoor or
the county court house. In the city of Omaha,
Hou,gla county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
properly described In said order of sale, as
follows, to w it :
1, 't tweittv-two i.':l. in block ten ilOl of
Orchard Hill, an addition to tlie city of
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska.
Said property to he sold to satisfy J. Kal-
ston Oram, plaintiff herein, the sum of one
hundred, seventy four and Wi-UKI i174 iHb
dollars' Judgment, with Interest thereon at
the rale of seven i,i per cent per annum from
September IT, IM4. and forty-four and 70-H Ml
111 Till dolla s cosis lien in wiili interest
thereon from the l.tti day of September. ISH4.
together wltli accruing costs according to a
Judgement rendered by the District court of
sail) Douglas county at its September term,
A D. Ism. in a certain action then and there
pending, wherein J. Ralston liriint was
plaintiff. Josephine M. Oetiy and others were
uefeud ants.
Omaha. Neb., December 27. IslM.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders, Macfarland A: Dickey, attorneys.
Uiatit vs. lieityelnl. 12-28-5 Doc 4(1, No. 310
Speelal Master Commissioner's Sale.
Fnder and by virtue of an orderof sale on
decreeof foreclosure of mortgage issued out
( f the district court of Houglas county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on tlie
I'Jtb day of February, A. II lsli.i, at I o'clocg
P. M of said day. at the east f rouidoor of t he
county court hous In the city of Omaha,
Houglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the hlvhcsl bidder for cash, the
propt rty described lu said order of sale a
follos, to wit:
I ot eleven (II in block fouri4iof Improve
ment Association addition to the city of
Omaha, Houglas county. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy . L.
Johnson, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
hundred ten and 3 lw dollars (t.' judg
ment, with interest thereon at the rate of
seven 7 per cent per annum from September
17th, lav.
To satisfy Hugh McCaffrey, defendant
herein, the sum of thirty-two hundred dollars
i32ui i. ikii Judgment, with interest thereon at
the rat of ten ill" per ceui, per annum from
February 1st, ism.
Tosatisfy the sum of forty-six ani 47-100
dollars ($lti 47i costs herein, together with ac
cruing costs according to a judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at its September term. A. 1). 1814. In a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein IV L. Johnson was plaintiff, and
Thomas F. Hoyd. Boyd, Brst name
unknown, his wife. Isaac S Hascall and Hugh
McCaffrey were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. January llth. ISM.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland fi Dickiy. attorney s.
Doc. 43; No. l-ll-.i
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sa e on
decree of foreclosure of morttrane Issued
out of the district court for liotiidas count v.
state of Nebraska, and tome directed. 1 wifl.
on the Ji'it Ii day of February. A. H. sM. at one
o'clock p. M. of said day. at the East front
door of the countv court house. Inttie city of
Omaha. Iout:las county. Nebraska, sell at.
public auction to the highest bidder forcash.
the property lie crit"d in said orderof sale
as follows, til-wit :
It thirteen (Mi in block seven (TI in Clifton
Hill, an addition to the cit of Omalia. Iiouic
las county. Nebraska, as the same is sur
veyed, platted and recorded.
Said property to be sold tosatisfy Alonzo
P. Tukey and William F. Allen In the sum of
seventeen hundred ninety-nine and .Ki-lml
dollars if I Tin .'n Juiinmiut with Interest
thereon at. the rate of eluht (Si per cent, per
annum from Septemtier 17th, ls;i4.
To satisfy thirty-one and .-10O dollars
(Stl.iVSi costs herein, together with accruing
costs according to a jiidtfn.ent rendered by
the district court of said Dooclas county, at
Its September term A. I). In a certain
action then and there pending wherein
Alonzo I'. Tukey and another were plaintiffs,
and Ida M. Llbhy and another were de
fendants. Hated at Omaha, Nebraska, January 24th,
A. 1). ISM.
Special Master Commissioner.
,T. W. Homier, attorney fur plaintiff. 1-2A-S
Tukey el al vs. Llhby etal. l)oc. 4ti. No. 2oT,
J r v-T-rrrrT ""w T",n
U I I WV I r ,r'-iei iii
iJlJLLJ i.,:r,:,;
If You Are Looking for Snaps
Here They Are.
Bennett's Big Bargains!
Splendid Oil Heating Stoves, "i o0 to
s ,)!(.
Fine lartr Ofht firn at llV
Token., nickel plated ones, at 4c and oc.
Sleds and coisters. USo. 4Se and nn.
Curry com ha at5u and 10j.
DiKir bells, complete, ,'iso.
Tubular lanterns, 4,"o.
Hull's eye tubular lanti-rns, ti,'!i!.
All steel Adz Kve hammers. .'111,!.
(ioud useful hammers at fa;.
Kmbossed silvereno irays, 5o, 8c and ldc.
Stovo pipe damM'rs, ti inch, at 4o.
Foot warmers, soan stone. .'7c.
Cariet uicks, per paper, lc.
r lap jacK truners, zo.
Iiout-e nambers, :f-in. nickel plated, ,"c.
Asbestos stove mats, 4c.
One Thousand Other Snaps Just as Cheap all Over the Store.
Best Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
LANG. 718 South 16th St.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Special Master t'omiiiissiiiner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreelosur. of mort'.Mue issued out
of the district court for I lunulas county. Ne
braska, ami to me d I reeled. 1 will, on t be l.i li
day of Kcbruarv. A. 11. Im'.i.V at one o'clock p.
m. of mid day. at t he east front door of the
county court house. In the i lly of Omnliii.
Douglas county. M'brasKa. sill at public
auc.lori to (he binbest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale as
follows, towit:
Lot -thirteen (H) In block sev nty-tive i".."d
of Dundee I'lace. an addition to the city of
Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska.
Said properly to be sold to satisfy 1, E.
Han Intfton. plaint ill herein, t he sum of live
hundred, tifty-three and s."i-l'iuollars .VS.s.-i
luilgment. with Interest tlieit'on at, the rate
of seven iTi percent p.-r annum from Septem
ber lTth ism.
To satisfy the American National Rank, of
Omaha. Nebraska, defendant, herein, four
thousand, four hundred, forty-live and
Iini dollars ti l.-tt.V.uli judgment, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight (Si per cent per
annum from Sepu mlier 171 h. ism.
To satisfy tl.e l'axton Si Vierling Iron
Works, defendant herein, tlie sum of thirtv
three and !M I on dollars i:i:i.lli judgment,
wilh Interest thereon at the rate of seven (Tl
per cent per annum from November 111. 1S!3.
To satisfy the sum of thirty and Tm-Iiki dol
lars ifcld.Tsj costs herein, together with accru
ing cost according to a judgment, rendered
hy the district com t of said Douglas county,
ttt Us September term, A. D. ls.U. In a certain
action then and there pending, wherein L.
E. Harrington was plaintiff, and the Patrick
Land Company, Robert W. Patrick. Vermont
Investment C impany. of Mlnneapo Is. Min
nesota. Dundee Brick Company, John 1)
Montgomery. American National Hank, of
Omaha. Nebraska, lieorge A. Hoagland,
l'axton & Vierling Iron Works and Susan K.
Wheat were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. January llth, Is'i.-),
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attorneys.
"Doc. 44; No. US.
Notice to oii'Kesitlent 1 femlants.
To Carl Schultze and Mrs. Schult.e, first
name unknown, his wife, defcndatit-s:
You are hereby notitled thai on the Hist day
of May. A. I. ls',4. The Walnut Hill Savings
and Investment Company tiled a petition in
tlie Dlstilct court within and for Douglas
count y, Nebraska, in an action wherein the
said The Walnut Hill Savings and Invest
ii ent. Company was plaintiff, and Herman
Schwahc and Carl Schultze and Mrs. Schult.e,
ttr tname unknown, his wife, were defend
ants, the object and prayer of which lsto
foreclose a certain land contract, executed
by the defendant. Hern an Schwabo. and
after ards assigned to Carl Schulte w heieln
they agre.'d to purcli se lot tlfteen ilfn, block
tlve (fij. Walnut Hill addition to Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, that there is due
on said contnu'tN of purchase from the de
fendants to the plaintiff the sum of nine
h tl ml red and ninety-ih ee and 4:i-lim dollars
tSW.4.11 with interest from May T. lst'4, at the
rate of ten ( KM per cent, per annum. Plain
tiff prays that it may be decided that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
due and that the defendants be barred from
afterwards olatu lug any Interest therein,
and should said premises not sell for sulticleut
to pay the plaintiff the amotinl due t hereon
that it have a judgement against the de
fendants. Hern an Sehwabe and Carl
Schultze. for any deficiency that may remain.
You are further notilied that you will lie
reo Hired to answer the pet II ion of the plain
till n or before the i"ih day of February. A.
1). lstift.
Hated f.t Omaha. Nebraska, the 15th day of
January, A . H. IsM.
Saunders. Macfarland & Dickey, attonejs
for plaintiff. l-ls-4
Eat Dyball'sdeliciousCrcam Candies.
1518 Douglas St.
Fir3 shovels at ,'!c and 5i.
Coal ho ls at 132, is; alld up.
Skates It'ie. iV.ia and up.
Skate straps, 2c each.
fail locks oc, 8u and 12c.
1'aint brushes 5c and up.
Screw drivers at lc, 2c, 5c and up.
Stove polish, 5c.
Scrub brushes, 3c, 4c, 5c and iij.
Popcorn poppers, tij.
Bread toasters, 5c and (ic.
Meat broilers and toasters, 5s.
Tea scales, 78c.
Tea utrainers, lc.
Mouse traps at lc, 2e and up.
Children' toy cups, 2c.
(rooms at !lc.
Nutcracker and pick, nickel plated, 15c.
1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth 15.00 will go at fi.76
i (HI " 3.00
" a.iKi - 2.W1
2. Ml " 1.75
MEN'S SHOES " .iii " 4.W
S.I Ki " ;i.T5
' " " a.liU " 2.65
2..T0 " 2.00
Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
Special Master Cinnmissioiier's Sale.
Under and bv virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of t Ik) (list t id court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to me dire Med. 1 will, on tlie 2(ith
day of February, A. D. Is'.Ci. atone o'clock P.
M. of said day. at the East front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for casli. the
property described in sai j order of sale as
follows, to wit :
L'lttwor-'in block one 1 1 of Mayne l'la"e,
an addition to tin city of Omaha, in Houglas
county, Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy P. L.
Johnson, plaiutill herein, the sum of three
hundred tlfiy-seven and Tl-loo dollars
it .")T.T:ji judgment with interest thereon at
rate of seven (7) per ceut. per annum from
September 171 ti. 1'.'4. and sixty-eight and
10-liiU dollars iHS.Hli costs herein, wilh Inter
est thereon from September 17th, ism, to
gether wilh accruing costs according to a
judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at its September term.
A. D ls'i4. in a certain action then and there
pending, wherein I'. L. Johnson was plaintiff,
and Joseph 1'. Thou pson and Rcubec V.
Koss. executors of the estate of Reuben Ros",
deceased. Francis I. Thomas, llexter L.
Thomas, Andrew Miles, executor of the es
tate of John L. Miles, deceased, and James
Thou pson were defendants
Cmaha, Nebraska, Januarys.). IS'.i.V
Special Master Con nilssloner.
Saunders, Macfarland it Dickey, attorneys.
Johnson vs Thompson et al. Doc. 44. No. 374.
Special Muster ComiiilHsioiioi't Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the
12lh day of February. A. I) 1SH5. at 1 o'clock p.
m. of said day, at. i he east front door of the
county court house. In the city of Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sile as
follows, to-wlt:
Lot twelve (121 In blok seventy-five i"5) of
Dundee place, an additiou to the city of
Omaha. Douglas countv. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Lydia ,T.
Procter, plaint iff herein, the sum of live hun
dred, hfty-three and s5-luo dollars i$55:.h
judgment, with interest thereon at, tlie rate
of seven (Ti per centper annum from Septem
ber 17th. I8'.(4.
Tosatisfy the American National Bank, of
Omaha, Nebraska, defendant herein, the
sum of four thousand, four hundreJ. forty
rive and W Hii dollars i4 445.'.Hii judgment,
with Interest thereon at the rate of elght tsi
per cent per annum from September 17th,
To satisfy the l'axton .t Vier ing Iron
Works, defendant herein, the sum of tlurty-thr-c
and '.m-lim dollars (J:il.'.(ii judgment.,
w it h interest t Imrcc n at t he rate of seven (Ti
percent, per annum from November ;id. Is'i2.
To satisfy, the sum of thirty and "vl-inu dol
lars &;'(. 5.1. costs herein, together with accru
ing costs according to a judgment rendered
by lite district court of said Douglas county,
at iis September term. A. D. ls'.it, lit a certain
action then and there pending, wherein
Lyilia J. Proctor was plaintiff and the Pat
rick Laud Compiny. U ibert W. Patrick.
Vermont Investment Company, of Minneap
olis. Minnesota. Dundee Brick Company.
John D. Montgomery. American National
Bank, of Omalia. Nebriska, lieorge A. Hoag
land, l'axton & Vierling Iron Works and
Susan K. Wheat were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. January llth. l-d.Y
' Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland A: Dickey, attorneys.
Duo. 44; Nit. 1 HI. 1-11-5
Show cards, For Kent cards, Business
cards, every kind of cards atthe AMER
ICAN Publishing Co. Job Department,
1613 Howard street, Omaha.
Special Master ( oiiiiiiissioncr's Sale.
I'tidt-rand by virtue of ar. order of sale on
ibs-rve of foreclosure i.f null Igage I.Mlld nut
of the district court for county. Ne
braska, and lo me d r, ctt-d. I ill. , ,ti Die l.nn
dav of February. A. D. I -. at I o'clock p. M.
of said day. at the eat door of the
county co rt hou,e. in tlie cilv ef Omaha.
Houglas county. Nehra-ka. s. il at public
aiiciioii to the hlg'iesi hi.iilcr f.,r casi, the
prnperly de'rila-d in said order of sale as
follows, to-w it :
I., ft- Ihret- .ii- and four 4i in t. lis Place, an
adtliibin to lie- ciiy of Oinalia. Houglas
county, Nebraska.
Said propt-r'.y Ui tw sold to-ati-.fy frnn. the
pr.M-eeus of said l'l three ,.e It. 1.1, is Pl.u'e.
alaive desi'rilxd. P. L. J.ihtis.,n. plaintiff
her'iii. lliesiiu, of uaiei y-t hri e and ss-paj
dollars ir'.i-i us, ju, I,;, , ent. wilh mien-' there
on at I he rale of seven .7' per cent, per an
num from SeplemlH'r 17. Ksl. I.ii I'tlul H illl
the sum of nine and Mo-l-m i s niimiey's
fee. therein wltU iitteiest tnt reiitt at Hie rate
of seven iTi p. r cent, per annum from Sep
tcthla rlTth. Ism.
To satisfy from the priH'eeds of sale of 'aid
lot fotiri4i in Ellis Place, atmve described. P
L. Johnson, plaintiff herein. th sum of
iilnely-tbrte and s lot dollars ,'.i.i.s.- itidg
meiit with Inter 'st thereon at the rale of
seven (7 1 per cent, per am, urn from M piem
ber 17(h. i'.i4. togei her with the sum of nine
and ;;s-li) iluilars iso. -fi at loruey's fee herein,
wnh interest t hereon ai the rate of even .7)
per cent, per annum from September 17th,
To satisfy Redmond deary Commission
Company, defendant herein, the sum of one
thousand forty-live and s:-mi dollars
il.li4.).sj' judgment, with Int. rest thereon at
the rale of seven 7i percent, peranuum from
November 10. Is'.ti.
To satisfy the sum of thirty and is Iim dol
lars tiai.iisi further costs herein, with interest
thereon at the rate of seven t7l percent, per
annum from September 17th. ls:4. together
wilh accruing costs according lo a judgment
rendered by the district court of said Houg
las countv. at its Septeb ber term. A. H. Ism.
in a certain action then and there pending,
wherein P. L. Johnson was plaintiff, and
Samuel Cotner. Sarah Cot tier, his wife. Ne
braska Savings and Fxchane Bank of
Omaha. Samuel Coiner. Trustee, Charles
Sang. TheCowell I. umber .t Grain Company,
a Corporation. Harris Brothers Company. W.
T. Mcl-.lvain. Ley- HA; !l urlburt, a partner
ship doing business In Nebraska. Redmond
Cleary Commisviiin Comjiany John Osborne,
J. Auraclier, Lewis Spells ami John Kloster
man were defendanis.
Omaha. Nebraska. January Isih. lsi.'.
Special Master Con inissioner.
Siiunders. M tcfailatid ti Hi. "key. attorneys.
1'. L, Joiinson vs. Samuel Coiner, el al.
Hoc. 44. Nih2-.'l. l-ls-5
Special Master Coiiiniissioiier's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an older of sale on
decreeof foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the district court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will. on the UtU
day of February, A. D. Is'.Ci. al one o'clock p.
m of said day. at the east front door of the
county court house, lu the city of Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of saie us
follows, towit :
Lot eight (Si in block seventy-Hve (75) of
Dundee I'lace, an addition to the city of
Omaha. Doug. as county. Nebraska.
Said properly to be sold to satisfy William
H. Palmer, plaintiff herein, the sum of live
hundred, tin y-t hree and n'i-Iiiu dollars iSWAVi)
Judgment, with interest thereon at the rate
of seven iTi per ceut per annum from Septem
ber 17iu. Ism.
Tosatisfy the American National Bank, of
Omalia. Nebraska. defi'Lilaut Uerein. the
sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty
live and 1M-Us) dollars (S4.4l5.Hiii judgment,
with interest thereon at the rate of eight (Si
per cent per annum from September 17th,
To satisfy Paxton & Vierling iron Works,
defendant herein, the sum of thirty-three
and WMuo dollars ifcCJ !M judgment, with in
terest thereon at the rale of seven (7) per
cent per annum from November!, ls'.ii.
To satisfy the sum of thirty and .Vl-luO dol
lars ti.Vi 5;i costs herein, together with accru
ing costs according to a judgment rendered
by the district court of said Douglas county
at its September term. A. D. Isitl. in a certain
action then and there pending wherein Wil
liam B. Palmer was plaintiff and the Patrick
Land Conrjaiiy. Robert W Pairick. Vermont
Investment Company, of Minneapolis Min
nesota. Dundee Brick Company. John I).
Montgomery. American National Bnk. of
Omaha. Nebraska. George A. Hoagland,
l'axton & Vierling Iron Works and Susan K.
Wheat were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. January llth. lsH5.
Special Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland &, Hlckey, attorneys.
Doc 44; No. iSi. l-l!-r
Special Master t'liinmissioiier's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an orderof sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will. on the lith
day of February. A. 11. lsi'5, at one o'clock p.
in of said day. at the east front door of the
county court house, in the city of Omaha
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said order of sale as
follows, towit :
Lot nineteen ilHi in block sevenly-fi e (T5i
of PI ice. an addition to I lie city of
Omaha. Houglas county. Nebraska.
Said properly to be sold to satisfy Jane W.
K cil tlie plaintiff herein the sum of live
hundred, lif i y-t hree and s5-lmi dollars iSVU s.'n
judgment, wilh interest tl.e eon at the rite
of seven iTi per cent per annum from Septem
ber 17. h. im.
To satisfy the American National Bank, of
Omaha. Nebraska, defendant herein, the
sum of four thousand, four hundred, forty
live and '.Hi Kin dollars ($4,445 Utii Judgment,
wilh Interest thereon at the rate of eight iHl
per cent per annum from September 17th,
To satisfy Pixton & Vierling Iron Works.
defendant herein, the sum of l-irly three
and im-lui) dollars ifcCl.'.iui judgment, with In
terest at the rate of seveiiTi per cent per
annum from November :ird ls:i!
To satisfy the sum of twenty-eight and 4s
KKI dollars if.'s 4si ists herein, together wilh
accruing cos s affording to a Judgment ren
dered by the district court of said Houglas
county, at its feptcmher term. A. II. ism. in
a certain action then and there pending
wherein Jane W. Reed was plaintiff and the
Patrick Lanu Company, Robert W. Pat rick,
Veymont Investment Company, of Minneap
olis, Minnesota, Dundee Brick Company,
John D. Montgomery. American National
Hank, of Omaha, Nebraska. George A. Hoag
land, Paxton ,t Vierling Iron Works and
Susan K. Wheat were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska January llth, Is'.i.l.
GE'.'llGK W, lioLHKOOK,
S jeclal Master Commissioner.
Saunders. Macfarland .v; Hlckey. attorneys.
Hoc. 44; No. 1 11-5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and hy virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the day of February. A. H. 1s(i5. at 1 o'clock
p. M. of said day. at. the east, front door of the
county court house, in the city of Omaha.
Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said trder ot sale as
follows, to-wlt:
Lots seventeen (ITi and eighteen (181 in
block seventy-live i75) of Dundee Place, an
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas
county. Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy first, out
of the proceeds of sale of said lot seventeen
(17l. Sarah C. llagar. the plaintiff herein, the
sum of live hundred tifty-three and S5-1H)
dollars (S55) So) Judgment, with Interest
thereon at. tlie rate of seven ') per cent per
an ti (i in from September 17, 1S1I4.
ald property to be sold to satisfy first, out
of the proceeds of sale of said lot eighteen
(isi, Sarah C. Hagar, the plaintiff herein, the
sum of Hve hundred tifty-three and 5-ni
dollars ii.Vii.sii judgment, with interest
thereon at the rale of seven (7) per cent per
annun from September 17. Ism.
Tosatisfy the American National It ink of
Omaha, defe'idant herein, the sum of font
thousand four hundred forty-five and Mo-lim
dollars iti. 44"). 9m, with interest at I lie rate of
eight on percent per annum from September
Tosatisfy l'axton .v; Vierling Iron Works
defendant herein, the sum of thirty-three
and ILi-pm judgment, with Interest m u,,. r.lte
of seven .7) percent per annum rrom Novem
bers. IsW.
To satisfy the sum of thirty-four and .'il-M0
dollars iS.4 :u costs herein, together with
no-ruing costs according to a Judgment ren-
uered by the district tit of said Douglas
county, at its September term. .. I), iw i a
certain action then and there pending
.l"'rVi. "'' ' llagar was pllimiir. and
1 he Pat rick Land I ompany. Robert W. Pal
rick. Vermont investment Company ,)f Min
neapolis, Minnesota. John H. Montgomery
initiilee Brick Company. American National
Bank of Omaha. Nebraska. George A Hoag
land. Paxton & Vierling Iron Works and
Susan K. Wheat were defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska. January lltli ls'i.t
Special MasterCommlssliiner.
f-atimlers. Macf;ulaud.v Dickey, attorneys.
Hoc 44; No. I'.i. 1-11-5