A rl ER IC AN 4 THE AMERICAN Knurv.l al IV-iotti ' " wvniui eU mHr TOMN C. THOMPSON, toiT. W. I'. KH.I H', Huliic ManKr. ithusiu t wkkm.v hy tiik AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, OFFICE: lfili lluwurU str-l, Omaha, elirka. TIIK JIMHill AN 01 in K. Ml.MI.r.1 Mr..i l. O.m.iIii.. N.'li. liooni ; MiH HtM huuM t 11 y. M. Kooiit II. I I rt ltil'l'l Mi !. CtHK III. Si I MM 'KM TU' h f-1" ttMirtulln, I'it War Mi Mnili Thrrv Moulin . .'. .. I.l' . . .!HI RtaHUBIT IW 1I.V1M I -NIMNTRHK mai r CI.VII KATKS t uopir on '. l'f ropy 10 . I ii . I ." . I Th liov rutin to clulu (IimkI only ....... (..II i.,,i.,U.r. ami cmli Mr aitiiii), at.- company nrili r Ki'ii.ll Y ilriift, "prMor wmtmr inoiH Jit. l.uynt.io l AtlMIUAN I'l'M.IHHIN.l oril TO ADVlRTIStRS. TIip nln for mivi'rtlM'ini'iili In '"' litnrd Ihrt'oiilllloimof Tub Amkkican nra 10 iiiii lMrBl!llV llnoiwli Inwrllon (14 llnrn to tli In. h. al n vit(!i' of elulit words to tin' Uriel. A cllwoiint of 10 piT rent, will ull.,w..,l on mivortlsi'liii'iilH running tlin motilha or inoiti. I.OCAI. IvKAIMMl NOTU KH 15 Will pT lino, rilon. s.-t In linvlir type. No in- ronnT from tills raU. I We slmll iititke no di-vliillon from llieee ruled to iinyono, Bnd BdviTlUlnii Biti'iiln will trovi'rn il.rinM'lv' BivordiiiKly. AdilresBall order to AMKKIOAN ITHI.IS1I1NU CO liilH Howard St., AI1VHIT1K1M1 llRP'T. Omaha, Nl'll t-Ttii Amkhicab is Tim i'iiahimob or ai.i. fAKTIOTU) OHIIRHH Till UBOAW r N(B JANUARY 25, IS5. TllK reason wo never wrote an answer to Archbishop Kane's effusion which we published several weeks ago with the statement that wo would review it In a subsequent Issue, was because it was so barren of argument that there was no necessity for wasting more space on It. Hut we want to ask, why did not the papers, which published extracts from Kane's diatribe, also publish the salient jHilnU made hy Traynor in his Answer. ON K of our friends has written us to the effect that ho thinks wo are too awfully cruel, Before Christmas we announced that The Amkkican would not bo issued again bofore Christmas, and all the Romans In the country rejoiced because they thought that the paper had suspended, but our friends know better, and when the paper was Issued as usual the follow leg week, the faces of those Romans was a sight to behold, They won't trust their eyes after this nothing but their ears, and only what they hear from the priests, at that. Should you fail to receive your paper regularly you will confer a favor by notifying this office, because it will give us a chance to show the inefli clency and dishonesty of the average Roman official to the heads of the de partments. The state council of Illinois Is in session in Chicago this week. From all the Indications the first of the week trouble was brewing. The Johnson forces were on the ground early and proceeded to close up the gps as fast as possible, while the anti-Johnson faction were directing all their energies to defeat Mr. Johnson for re-election. No differt-nce how this contest ends It will injure the order, because the de feated faction will not thirk it has been treatid fairly. No true American can help deploring the unnecessary contro versy, Hi d ail will unite In condemning the men who are to blame for the rue tion in the ranks I the A. P. A., brought about by attempting to force and by advising tie m ;mbers to vote the straight Republican ticket. The A. P. A. was organized to fitiht polltl cal Rome, not to fight Democracy, not to fight Republicanism or any po litical party, and when any man or set of men attempt to get it away from that position they have cease 1 being A. P. A's and become partisans and are dangerous to the order. A COMPREHENSIVE STATEMENT On pages two and three will be found the semi-annual statement of County Treasurer Irey. It la so complete and so very comprehensive that it needs no explanation at our hands. Prom it the people of Douglas county are able to see for themselves that they made no mis take In electing Mr. Irey for a second time to the very responsible and honor able position of county treasurer. The amount of money which this statement shows Mr. Irey has been able to collect, in spite of the hard times, speaks louder than words as to his ability. We have heard Mr. Irey's name frequently men tioned in connection with the office of state treasurer, and if ability, honesty and integrity are to count for anything we would gladly second the suggestion being made by his friends, that he be elected state treasurer, two years hence. GOT THE RIGHT MAN. The Board of Education made mistake when it placed the work of keeping the high school clock in repai in the hands of John Rudd, the Six teenth Street jeweler and watch re pairer, for he has a reputation for fine workmanship unsurpassed by any man in the business; besides, he attends o all watch and clock repairing himself, instead of leaving it in the charge of an apprentice. The high school clock will not only be kept in repair, but it will keep the correct time daring 1395. THE PEOPLE WHO HELP Men and Women Who Havo Alroady Answered Hie AIH-Ill i. . ill h Made In lUliulf of SnuVnr ir Me-leru rlimsfcil. the TO AMERICANS. llavo vou fvor been hungry? Ilnveyourchililmi withered ami cried from cold ami inullicient luHiini:? Have vour provisions reniaim'O uiironKi'u 101 .tui u fuel? If any of tht-sf things have happeno'l to you then you know the sullVring which thous ands of citizens in Nebraska aro i i i c - i ,.r undergoing today. All over that state men, women and child ren are almost crazed hy want, while in some instances children have died of starvation. Many of these Buflercrs are members of the A. V. A.; all aro a portion of this great human family. In thousands of homes starva tion stares tho inmates in the face, and tho death rate from this cause will be simply apall ing in the very near future, unless our friends lend a help ing hand nt once. For that reason wo call upon our liberal, patriotic, unselfish, humane, christian American, citizens to extend whatever relief lies in their power. The following persons have sent to this office the following amounts in ash: oviously reported $S0 77 Chas. Wills, Atloboro, Mass 1 00 ieorge W. Canarroe, eston, 111. 2 iustav llolmquist, Chicago 1 0( 00 KltOM I'UT-IN-HA Y. '!d. Duller, Put in-liny 1 00 00 . 11. 0.horn 1 eorge Gilbert 50 25 25 Elmer Running ulius Wurtz Chas. Johnson 25 John Stone 1 00 25 25 Alvln Merkley eorge Jiickford Theodore Martins Harry P. Jones a m es liilnert Ieorge Morrison M. C. Dodge Chester Gibbons Christ Friek Mrs. K. Stone Mr. Gebant 1 Mrs. Gebant John Gorman Charles Fox Unknown 1 A. Fox W. Fox Albert Parker, sr totert, sr Mrs. Capt. Foye Miller Miller Mr. Kent I. Rinehart , V. Duller J Hugo 1 limes John Noellert J. Morrison Mr. UiKkner, jr Mrs. Miller 1 Mrs. U irgrall 1 C BurgralT Mr. Brick man Mr. J. Iliiller Mr. Charles Ruh Mr. N. Fox iV Co 1 A'm. Shearrer II. Ingold Peter Retts 50 00 50 50 50 25 50 00 50 25 00 Mr. George Giscoyne 1 Miss M. Elliott Mrs. M. A. Urandour Mrs. J. C. Fox Liuie Foye Mrs. C. ldlor Phil Vrooman and family 2 C. Holloway Mr Holloway Louie Engle 1 Ed. heimer 50 75 50 25 50 50 25 00 00 00 D. Rasenfeld Frank Herbs ter Willldlor F. J. Magle A. R. Bruce J. Duffey J. J. Stranahan 1 E. J. Dodge 1 O. T. S ars 1 Geo. Ualloway 50 John Meyers oo Geo. M. Baldwin I 00 e o ;"o F.Rittman 1 00 Wm. Haas 25 Ernest Gram 50 Nick Soenlchson . . i 30 J.Merts 25 Mrs. G. F. Schmidt 1 00 M. Wigand 1 00 L. Scheror 50 John Brown 1 00 Antone Rha 1 00 Mrs. Murry 1 00 Joe Gross - Alex Herbster 25 S. Welsler 50 Samuel Conway 2 Adolnh Bolat 50 r,U n urn Id lor 50 Mrs. Reidline 2 00 George Milier 50 .Tribe Parker 2-5 L. DUler Eli Clapsadel 1 00 John Wigand 50 Amos Hitchcock 50 D. P. Vrooman 50 John Tiehberfr 1 00 H. M. B., Chicago, 111., box of shoes. F.XPENDED. Ppflviouslr renorted -HA 50 PuHn-Bay postage 25 John Van Winkle, Order No. 4.. lo 00 John Montieth. Order No. 5 15 00 J. C. Richards, Order No. 6 15 00 John Sturm. Ordor No. 7 20 00 Henry Keuchel, Order No. ( 15 00 vl KEY. ( HAS. ( II1M(JI Y. He AiihwerH Some Knimiii Lies in His liiiiniial Way. Montreal, 05 Hutchison Street, ih December, 1894. To My Lord Fabre, Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal. My Lord: Your besieging me with your priests and priestesses, during my last sickness, is tho reason of ray ad dressing you this letter. I am perfectly cured, my Lord; my bodily strength is so perfectly restored that I write you this letter without the use of my spectacles, and my hand does not shako more than when I was only I!0 years old, though I am in my Stith year. Yes, my Lord, I am cured, perfectly cured, though I have not had a single drop of your waters of Notre Dame de L'nirdes, and without iroing to the Goxl St. Anne of Reaupre! I am cured in spite of the maledic tions of the bishops and priosts of Rome And, what will puzzle you the more, I am cured, perfectly cured, without having accepted any one of your medals or scapulaires without even having bought any of your blessed candles which I might have got from you for 15 cents! But, to prevent you from suspecting that the devil alone, or some witches could have healed such a bad man as I am, I must give you the secret of that cure. May our merciful God grant that you may have recourse to the same remedy with the multitudes of our dear coun trymen you are leading in the perish ing ways of Rome. From the very day that I broke the chains which were tying me to the feet of tho idols of the pope, I put myself under the care of the best physician the world has ever seen. Ills name is Jesus! He is both the Son of God and the Son of man. Ho came from heaven more than 1800 years ago, to save us from all our spirit ual and even bodily miseries. But his condition was that those who wanted to be cured by him should not invoke any other name but his own. For his Apostle Peter wrote in his Testament these very words: "There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." Acts iv:12. His Testament is called "The Gospel." These last eighteen hundred years, all the echoes of heaven and earth are repeating his sweet words: "Come unto me all ye who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt, xi : 28. Whatsoever ye shall ask In my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John xiv :13. "If ye ask anything in my name, I will do it." John xvi:14. "If a man love me, ho will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." John xiv : 23. "I am the true vine; ye are the branches." "Abide in me, and I abide in you." John xv : 1, 2, 3, 4. "If I bo lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me." John xii : 32. From the day I gave up the pope to follow Christ, 1 have found more and more every day that the greatest j ys, the greatest happiness iu this world, was to love and serve him. I have kept myself, then, united to him with all the faculties of my heart and my soul, as being my only light, my only strength, mv only wisdom, and I have always found him true to his promises. But when I found that it was good to be united to that mighty and merciful friend in the days of prosperity, I have found that it was still more my interest to be united to him in the days of trial through which I had to pass. Ho was my shield when I was at tacked by the thousands of assassins whom you, or your priests, have so often sent to take away my life, either with their pistols.or with their murder ous sticks, or with their sharp stones, When these stones were falling upon me as hail in a stormy day, in the streets of Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Charlottetown, Antigonish, Ottawa, etc., 1 was throwing myself into the arms of that mighty and loving friend, I was pressing myself on his heart and I felt secure as a little child woen la bis loviDL' mother s arms. I was in voking his almighty name, ana h seemed I was seeing his merciful arms around me to protect me. I was hear- Imr his sweet voice tellins me: "rear B not, I am with thee!" And when I was escaping from my would-be murderers' hands, bruised, wounded, bleeding, I felt happy for having suffered something for the sake of that beloved Saviour, who on the cross had shed His blood for me. Rut it is when I was attacked by the last terrible sickness that I felt the non-ssitv of havinc that miiihty and merciful Friend near me as my Physl cian. With Peter 1 cried: "Lord, save me." And you can come and see, with what merciful and mighty hand he has come to my help and cured me! You may imagine my surprise and my sadness when, in that very time, I suw your priests and priestesess coming to tell me that I was out of the way of salvation, and that I was to be damned if I would not come back to the church of Rome, of which you are a bishop. For, what had these priests of Rome ti give me to take tho place of that divine friend and physician, Jesus the Son of God, that I might forgot that Ho was my only hope, my only life, my only Saviour, my only refuge? What did they offer me to prevent me from saying with Paul: "I do not want to know any other but Jesus and Him crucified0'' They had nothing but a few rags, called scapulaires, and some small idols of copper, iron and silver, probably found in the crumbling remains of the temple9 of Venus, Minerva, Bacchus and Jupiter! Yes! what had your priests to give me that I might forget ai.d forsake that dear Saviour Jesus, whose presence In my heart was, very often, making me so happy that I was not only forgetting my terrible sufferings, but was chang ing those sufferings into feelings of un speakable joy? They had to offer me a little god, only about one inch In diameter, made with a little cake baked by their servant girls between two heated Irons? Re not surprised, then, if I have ordered those ambassadors of Rome out of doors with the utmost indignation! Here, My Lord, allow mo a few re marks. Since more than thirty years that I separated myself from the church of Rome, 1 have hardly been a single day, when in good health, without asking, supplicating, even challenging you and your priests to come and show me what you call my errors. Thousands of times, I have told you that I would, with pleasure, go back to the feet of your pope and suomit myself to his authority, if you had had the kindness to show me, before the world, that the Apostle Peter has been to Rome, that the present pope is his legal successor, and that that apostle with all your popes have received from Christ the power to rule over His whole church? I have requested you many times, and 1 do request you again today, to show me, in a public conference, that your au-icular confession is a sacrament established by Christ, and that it has been always practiced as it is today in your church. When I pledged myself to show, from the authority of your best Roman Catholic authors, that it is of pagan origin, and that it is in use in your church only from the dark ages. In that public conference I will ask you to show me the next of the gospel which allows you to let the poor people burn in the flames of purgatory because tLev have no money, when you so quickly draw out of that burning furn ace the rich who fill your hands with the gold which, very often, they have stolen from those very poor people? I have another favor to ask you in that public conference It will be to show me a Gospel text which allows you to send to hell, as guilty of a mortal sin, the poor" man who, in' lent, has eaten a piece of solid lard, even not bigger than my thumb, and that you allow him to go to heaven as a true christian, if he eats that piece of lard when it is melted in his soup? I will have three other questions to ask from your lordship, in that public conference. 1st. It will be to show me how it is that you cannot make a living frog, or a living grasshopper, nor even a small living fly, you, nevertheless.are so powerful that you can make millions and million f living chrisU, living god. with little takes baked in your kitchens by your servant girls? 2nd. How jou lave the pjwer to shut ui those chrWU, geds, in your talieruaeles. when Paul tells you so clearly and jKisilivcly that such a thing cannot lie done, as we ste by the follow irg clear words of the Gospel: "For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for u."-Hebrews ix.,24. "Gud that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelltth not in tem ples made with hands." Acts xvii., 24. When at that conference I will also ask vou to show me the text of the Gos lel which does authorize you to advise, if not to force, so many men and women (priests, monks and nuns) to make vows of celibacy, and to promise they will never marry, when God Himself, in the Bible, is so evidently opjiosed to such vows, as you may see by the following texts: ' And the Lord God said: It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helpmeet for him.'" Gen. xl., IS. "To avoid fornication, lot every man have his own wffe; and every woman her own husband." 1 Cor. vii., 2. "Now the bpirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall de part from the faith, giving heed to se ducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Forbidding to marry, and com manding to abstain from meats which Gcd hath created to be received with ilinnUstfivin. of them which believe and know the truth."! Timothy iv, 1, 2, 3. You have never been brave enough to come and discuss those matters with me so long as I was in good health and able to answer you. The only answer you have given has boen to send mur derers with sticks, stones and pistols to kill me. But as soon as you hear that I am so sick that I can hardly move my head on my pillow, you become brave, you besiege me with your priests,under the pretext of showing me my errors, and bring me back to the church of Rome! But do you not fear that even your school-boys will see that there is lack of courage in you? Will they not feel that you have no confidence in your own cause? When I was sick and unable to answer the arguments of your ambassadors, I have refused to see them. I asked my people to turn them out of doors in the most unceremonious way. For I was really indignant. But, today, thanks be to God, I am well and able to meet and answer you. V you were sincere in your efforts to bring me back to your church, come to day and show me my errors. I am able to hear and answer you. I will open you all the doors of my house, and I will be the most happy man in receiv ing you In my humble home and giving you all the honor and respect due to your high position and to my own par sonal esteem for you. We will meet and discuss as true gen tlemen. Bishops and priests of Canada, if you grant me the favor of that public dis cussion, I will also ask you to show me the text of the Gospel which told you to hang our heroic patriots of 1S37 aad 1838. For the French-Canadian people have not forgotten that it was the desire of General Colborue to let them live,when the bishop of Montreal said: "Hang them! ! !" You had excommunicated and cursed them before the battles! As much as it was in your power, you had tied and paralyzed their strong arms, when on the battle fields, that theyi might not conquer, and, pot satisfied with that When they were defeated, you ordered them to be hung! What crime had they committed to be so cruelly, so unmercifully treated by you? Ah! They had so much loved their dear country, which is yours and mine, that they thought it worthj to Bhed their blood to make it free. The stern voice of historical itruth tells you that a handful oi Jinsolent ty rants had taken the notion ithat the French-Canadians were good only to draw their water and cut their wood. More and more every day they were trampling under their feet our most precious and sacred rights; they were not concealing their minds that, just as the neg-oes of the southern states were destined to serve their white masters, so the children of the French- Canadians, conquered on the p,ains of Abraham, were fit only to serve their conquerors. The only crime of our heroic patriots was, that they thought it was better to die free men than to live slaves. Has not noble England, after the bloody days of St. Charles and Saint Eustache, taken the defence of our pa triots? Has she not appuded when her most eloquent parliament ora tors with Lord Brougham, Lord Dur ham, etc., etc., declared that the French-Canadian patriots were among the noblest men of our age: that they had fought and die! for the defence of their rights and to prove it, has not that noble English nation granted to us all the rights and privileges for which those heroic countrymen fought and diei? Are you so blind and so igrorant of the history of your own country as to Ignore those facte? Among the heroes who shed their blood in those days for you and for me, there was one who was the bravest among the brave. The pages or old and modern history have no record of any moro daring, brave and devoted a soldier of liberty than Chemer. Rut why is it that the very name of Chenier still fills your heirts with fear and rage? Not satisfied with cursing that French-Canadian hero, in his life and in his death, you want to degrade his memory, you want his body to be buried in the open fields with the carcass of the brute animals! Why so? It is only because the name of that heroic patriot is forever mixed with the love of liberty! You hope that by destroying the first, you will make the people forget the se ond. For it is only on slaves you want and you can rule. Rut you are mistaken. Wherever there is a French-Canadian heart on the borders of. our grand St. Lawrence river, it heats with a holy emotion at the spotless names of Papin eau and Chenier. Every true French Canadian, in spite of your fulmination, is proud of having had such an elo quent apostle of liberty in the first, and such a heroic martyr of liberty in the second one. In spite of you, the seeds of fraternity, equality and liberty, which Christ has brought from heaven to save the op pressed nations from the hands of their Oppressors anu tyrants, are Dearing their blessed fruits in Canada. When you trample under your feet those sacred seeds of liberty, the hour is coming fast whenthe French-Canadian people, with the.holy gospel in hand, will settle their accounts with you. In that day your high citadels will crumble in Canada as they luve crum bled in England, France, Germany, Mexico, &c. Th'atday, the French-Canadians will accept the word of God to guide them: and that word will make them free. Thanks be to Godjthereare many min isters of the gospel who are much more learned than I am in all the arguments about the facts and doctrines on which we differ. I will Invite;two or three of them to help me in that conference, and you will select as many priests as you dsh to refute and answer me. If you show to the people ;that I am wrong, I will ask your pardon for what I have said and done against the church of Rome, and I will again submit my self to your pope. But if you cannot show that, I will, with the help of God, so long as I live, continue to .show to our dear countrymenljthat the church of Rome, with her priests, bishops and popes, is nothing else but thaVanti christ, that man of sin of which'the gos pel speaks when it says: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shalliiot come, ex cept there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and ex alteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. So that he as God sltteth in the temple ofGod, showing himself that he is God. " . . For the mystery of iniquity does already work. Only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. "And when shall that wicked be re ... vealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth and shall destroy wi;h the brightness of His coming. ' Even him whose coming is after the working of satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders. "And with all decelvablenesslof right eousness in them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth. that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie, That they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonions, ii., 3-12. Truly and respectfully yours. C. ClIINIQUY, D. D. Temperance Apostle of Canada. Pond's Extract cures ALL PAIN INFLAMMATIONS AND HEMORRHAGES. One drop of l-nml's l xtraet trorlh more thnn a tnhlrtpoonful of CHEAP SUBSTITUTES, MADE CRt'DELY, WHICH DO NOT CURE.