The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 04, 1895, Image 8

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The (omlop Anuivrxarj ('rlt-bratUw
l Im Krmt'nitM-nI.
The (act whirU w hv to 'U In
this paragraph U imi' tbtit make
nmnv h'hr: n'j"lou In Katioa City and
!! ottr tl.e UulHd State: and lh
fact U that our f rtt nJ Ulslni J. . aie
Xmnara U rgu'tn in Kmr City, nihk
Ing ai-mop u cuU for n at annlvor-
i!try ct'U'bra'.ion of hi itiiuioraMo work
her luwt January. All America ha
rt'ad of Uihhop McNauiar' tamou lee
tiirea In Kansas City, which laid bare
the true character of MKry In ucli
fai.hi.n thai Kanie rewUed U murder
hi in and liW wife on the night of the
I'Uh of that month. Failing to ai'com
jiliph their hellish jnirMe, they got
their lowext characters to woar that
the bishop ha.l uttered language erlitj'
inally libelous agalnct riettt and rev
erend mother. They plunged bliu In
to jail and dragged him through the
court from that day to thin. Hut while
Hlchop McNamara wan guttering all
this jiersecutii'n he promised thoete In-
famoui frauds that he would do some
thing before long to help put their o-
lltlcal thieves out of ofllce la this vlolu
Ity. This prediction has been verified,
and today our friend are in KenHlon
of nearly all the ofllce In this city and
county, except thoee ofllce which have
been stolen by the fraudulent action of
Koiiilhh partisans. We In Kansas City
all acknowledge that this overthrow of
imr enemies is due to the determined
and intelligent stand taken during this
year by HIhop McNamara and his
friends. During the pant summer It
was Impossible for our councils to rent
a large hall in KansasCity for patriotic
lectures. Hut now Bishop McNamara
walks Into our midst and on his own In
dividual reionHibllity asks for Turner
Hall, and his name Is of sufficient In
fluence to have that same auditorium
put at his service. He has again hired
Turner Hull, and the patriots of Kan
sas City are rejoicing that free sKvch
lias been vindicated in tholr midst, and
they are resolved to hold with their
champion, McNamara, such an anni
versary celebration during this month
wf January as will make Home under
ftmid that truth and patriotism cannot
bo crushed when they are upheld by
men like Hlshop McNamara and his
vlevoted fellow-patriots. The proposod
meetings will begin on Sunday after
noon, January 13th, Inst., and will
continue several days with lectures by
the bishop on subjects such as "Popery,
a Double-Headcd Monster," "The Pop
ish Beast In Congress," and other sub
jects replete with Interest to the poo-
. 1 . . V, t . TI-., . .. ,. ( U ., 1
guage of our distinguished friend, E.
II. Allen, that "We owe to Hlshop Mc
Namara the fact that In Kansas City
and surroundings we have reduced the
Romanist factions from being our mas
ters to the condition of crouching hypo
crites whoso very appearance proves
them too contemptible and self-condemned
" If we had a man like Bishop
McNamara in every city in America
e would soon reduce popish ascend
anoy in this country to the condition of
a beaten foe. We in Kansas City well
know that with Bishop McNamara it
is not all wind and talk. Even papists
fear him, for they know he will add
bullets to his arguments, and they
know also that he has hundreds of
trusty men about him here who regard
him as a leader in intelligence and in
resolution to dislodge popery from its
strongholds by the arguments of free
men, which is the speedy and effective
argument of lead and heroism. Come
the 13th of January, with McNamara on
the rostrum, and the patriots of Kan
sas City will give him a reception which
'will mark that day as an anniversary
to be remembered for years to come.
Mho Is an American Citizen.'
The patriotism of our pope-believing
emigrants Is not so apparent as is their
devotion to the acquisition of wealth,
and their devotion to a system of for
eignistn and its resident representa
tives, antagonistic to our patriotism;
which reflects upon our wisdom in per
mitting such to become citizens in per
son before they become citizens by an
-acclimatization of intelligence. The
standard of American citizenship is in
telligence and humanity individuality.
Our motto should be: Let none but
Americans in intelligence be citizens,
planted and grown on our own soil,
under the kind and practical hand of
our national mother the public school.
It is one thing to point out an evil and
another thing to remedy it. General
Grant said the soldiers did the fighting
and won the battles.
A broad-gauge patriotism can't be
run by a narrow-gauge creed. We must
either have all creed and no patriotism,
or all patriotism and no creed. The
issue is squarely before us. Peace and
prosperity go with patriotism; strife,
poverty and disunion go with creel,
as a man that thinks more of money
than man U & heathen, for that's what
"heathen" means; so a man that thinks
more of man than money is a christian,
.for that's what christian means. It is
tone thing to point out an evil and an
other thing to remedy It. General
Grant said the soldiers did the fighting
and won the battles.
The idol of Romanism is wealth and
Ignorance; the idol of America is pa
triotism and InteMigence, she well
knowing that if she has these, all other
things of good report will be added
unto her. the Idol of Iio
manUm are American, and neither of
the American ido'.s are lumn;-m:
hence, the Inevitable before U Is: We
must fllhr rcccme all lu.rn.m and
Ignorant, or we mut heeoine all Aoier
lean and intellltM ut. The line Is drawn
marked and characteristic a hen
In confronting slavery the wisdom of
patriot ism Inf. iruii d us. "we must
either liecome all slave cr ail free all
for slavery or all for freedom. By the
Influx of ltcmanled ignorance on our
shores, the battle of human progress"
the battle of humanity has been truus
ferred from Eurtj to America, whose
autocratic gladiators are looking on and
hoping In the conflict, as they did in
the days of slavery, to see our downfall
Their success deKnds on our failure,
their failure dcx.-nds on our success,
Every emigrant at heart who seeks
thesti shores, comes here for freedom.
Can we guarantee it to him' It Is one
thing to K)int out a course of conduct,
and quite another thing to execute it.
General Grant said the soldiers did the
lighting and won the battles.
N. A. List.
Hlshop Curtis, of llininglon, Sends the
l'upul Decree to Ills I'l iestH.
Wilmington, Del., Dec. 2ii Bishop
Curtis Issued the following letter to all
the priests In the diocese of Wilming
"Reverend Fathers: As soon as os-
Bible you will read on Sunday, at least
once, the following documents, and you
will, I am sure, to the very utmost of
your ability, endeavor to procure from
all whom the decree of the holy see
may concern a prompt and loyal obod-
ence to the same decree. When Christ
speaks through His vicar, and in such
words, there can be no question as to
the purMrt of the utterance. A Cath
ollc, excuse himself how ho may, yet
ceases to le a Catholic If he fall to con
form himself thoroughly nnd at once to
thut utterance. Very faithfully your
servant in Christ, A. M. CURTIS,
Bishop of Wilmington
The enclosures were as follows:
"Most Reverend and Illustrious Sir:
Your excellency cannot fall to know
that the archbishops set over the var
olii ecclesiastical provinces of the re
public of the United Slates of America
have, in more than one of their assem
blies, taken council with resoet to the
societies which have grown up in the
aforesaid republic, namely, the Odd
Fellows, the Sons of Temperance and
the Knights of Pythias. And you must
be also aware that the afifresaid arch
bishops unanimously decided that the
whole question as to those societies
should be submitted to the judgment of
the aio&tollc see. His holiness, there
fore, committed this question to the
Most Reverend Satolli and to the in
qulsitors general. These, then, in gen
eral congregation, had on Wednesday,
une 20, 181)4, confirmed a decision pre
viously made as to the aforementioned
societies, decreed that all the ordinar
ies throughout the United States must
in every way strive to keep the faithful
from becoming members of any of the
said societies, and must not fail to ad
monish their people to that effect, and
that any thus admonished must be de
barred from the sacrament should they
fall to abandon or keep aloof from the
same societies. This decree his holi
ness confirmed and gave it complete
effect. It Is, therefore, communicated
to your excellency that through you it
may be transmitted to all the arch
bishops, bishops and other ordinaries
of the United States, and for the due
custody of the souls of the faithful may
be by these ordinaries carried into
effect. Meantime, I beseech Almighty
God to bestow all the benefits and bless
ing. R. Cardinal Monaco.
"Rome, Aug. 20, ISM.
"To the Illustrious and Most Rev
erend Francis Satolli, Delegate Apos
tolic. "Washington, D. C Your Emin
ence Illustrious and Most Reverend: By
letter transmitted to me on the 20th of
November last through Cardinal Ram
polla his holiness urges that the decree
of the holy ofllce, sent to me by Cardi
nal Monaco, and herewith delivered to
you, shall be made public. The sover
eign pontiff, therefore, will see that the
decree inquestion shall be communi
cated by the archbishops to the respec
tive suffragans and bv them it may be
promulgated. With all reverence and
affection, I remain, your eminence,
illustrious and most reverend, your
faithful servant in Christ,
"Francis Satolli.
"Delegate Apostolic.
"To his Eminence, Illustrious and
Most Reverend James Cardinal Gib
bons, archbishop of Baltimore."
Dr. MIIps'Nervb Plasters cure KHKUMV
TISM, WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 35c.
A new feature has been injected into
the A. P. A. movement in Iowa. Some
very shrewd and practical men have
organized an A. P. A. insurance com
pany. We have not examined the plan
or style of business but they assure us
that it is on the same plan as tbat con
ducted under the direction of certain
other fraternal societies, such as the
Masons, A. O. U. W. and kindred
orders. We would advise our Iowa
friends to look into it closely. It may
be what you want. By addressing Dr.
R. F. Dundas, 300-1-2 Sapp building,
Council Bluffs, la., you can get all the
Information you may Jslre.
r.i.i, one ot me num tmcien
fin-men on the Omaha force. ra-t with
a sudden and uncxjectcd death list
Saturday night. He was the driver of
the large hook and ladder truek, and
had made the run to Fifteenth and
Kai nam streets in answer to a call, and
had been ordertil back to the house
As the four hor-e did not pull evenly
he arose from his seat to reach for the
lead team, and as he did so, the wheels
of the truck struck the strict car traik
and swung around, throwing Kling
heavily to the pavement The win-els
of the great .",l,N' ourid vehicle paused
over bis body, crushing life out In
slant) y. Eli was one of the most tender
hearted of men; a true and loyal mem
ber of the A. P. A., and a man against
whom not a breath of suspicion of
wrong doing ever attached. We, with
his other friends, unite in extending to
his bereaved relatives our sincere re
grets at his untimely taking off. May
he rest in peace.
Archbishop Inland Denlet II.
ST. l'ACL, Minn., Doc. 2!). Arch
bishop Ireland was seen regarding the
Interview "with the high church dig'
nitary" sent out from Minneapolis
Thursday night and he denounced It in
the strongest terms as a hoax and ab
solutely false in all its Implications.
"It is an outrugcous falsehood that any
one near me, or in any way connected
with mo, or tbat any high dignitary of
the church ever made any such state
ments as appeared in the so called ex
planation ol the recent letters on the
matter of the position of the church on
secret societies, I would like to deny
the whole matter In the strongest words
M)ssIble. I wish to deny all connection
with the matter, and I am surprised
that anyone could have used words
which would seem to imply that it
came from me or from any one in the
church in St. Paul. The assertions
made are absolutely false."
lion's This:
We oftVr One Hundred I'ullurs reward tor
any ruse of 1'iititrrh tlmt '"annot he eured by
HiillsCiilarrli I'nre. K J.l HKNKV .Si ( O..
Toledo, ().
We. the. undei sinned, have known K. .1.
Cheney tor the last l.'i years, and believe, him
perfectly honorahle .n all Ixislness transac
tions ami Hnaiiclaliy ahle 10 curry out any
obligations made by (heir linn.
Wkst .V Tltl'AX, Wholesale UrutKlsls. Toledo.
Ohio; Wai.dim). IyiisnanX Makvin, Whole
sale DriiKHiHlH, Toledo, U.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
actlnu direct ly upon the Mood and mucous
surfaces of (he system. Testimonials sent
free. Price iftc per bottle. Sold by all drujt
Kisls. Eat Dyball's Candies, 1518 Douglas
Monthly Tains cured by Dr. Miles' Pain Tills.
When down town drop in at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, If it Is out
of repair, to be fixed. 'Ml north 16 St.
A Clmiite to Make Money!
The times are hard, but there always seems
to be opportunities for those who are wiIIiiik
to work. In the past month 1 have made
Sl7. above all expenses, selliun Climax Dish
Washers, and have attended to my regular
business besides. I never saw anyt hing that
gave, as general satisfaction. One should not
complain when they can make over W a day,
right at home. I have not canvassed any, so
anxious are people for Climax Dish Washers,
that they send after them; any lady or gen
tleman can do as well as 1 am doing, for any
one can sell what everyone wanlg to buy. 1
think we should inform each other hrough
the newspapers of opportunities like this, as
there are many willing to work If they knew
of an opening. For full particulars ac dress
the Climax Mfg. Co.. Columbus, Ohio. After
you have tried the business a week, publish
the result for the benelit of others.
Edward Baumley, for livery,
and St. Marys Ave
Eat DybairsdellciousCrcam Candies.
1518 Douglas St.
Ill-Tempered Rubies
are not desirable in any home. Insuf
ficient nourishment produces ill-temper.
Guard against fretful children by feed
ing nutritious and digestible fcod. The
Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed
Milk is the most successful of all infant
Show cards, For Rentcards, Business
cards, every kind of cards at the AMER
ICAN Pvulishino. Co. Job Department,
1615 Howard street, Omaha.
Sol Ice.
John O'K'eefe will take notice that on the
Till day of December. A. 1). ls'.u. Ueorge C.
Cockrell. a Justice of the peace In aud for
lHnigtas county. Nebraska. Issued an order
of attachment for the sum of $S7 27, In an
action pending before him wherein Andrew
reterson Is plalnllil and Jonn u neere Is de
fendant. That the property of the defend
ant, consisting of Slim, has been garnisheed
anu attacnea in the nanus or iiougson,
under said order. Said cause was continued
to January a, lssij, at a. m.
By A. C. Tkoup, his attorney, 1-4 3
Charles C. Housel and Maria Housel. de
fendants, will take notice that on the lllth
day of September. 1SH4, P. L. Johnson, plaint
I IT herein, tiled his petition In the District
Court of Douglas county. Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object, and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tax certificates
dated January "lh. 1S!2, upon the undlviued
one-half of lots seven (7i and eight. (Si. in
block fifteen (!.") In Isaac Selden s Addition
to the City of Omaha, upon which there Is
now due tnesum of f iurhundred and ninety-
eight and fj-ln) i$4W.4'.'i dollars. Plaintiff
prays for a decree foreclosing said premises
and directing that the same be sold to satisfy
said sum with Interest and costs. ou are
reuuired to answer said petition on or before
tlie 4th day of February, IsiCi,
Dated Omaha. ieu. uccemoer, inh.
V. L. JOHNSON. Plaintiff
By Saunders, Macfarland &, Dickey, his At
torneys Notice by Publication on Petition for Ad
ministration of hstute. tic.
In the County Court of Douglas County, Ne
braska: In the matter of the estate of Olof Peter
son, deceased:
Ousta Peterson, Oxll K. Peterson. Annie
Peterson. Kllen Peterson. Harrv Ol
of Peterson, and all other persons
interested in said matter are hereby
notlHed that on the luth day of December,
ism. Ousta Peterson tiled a petition in said
county court alleging among other things
thatOlaf Peterson died on the 1st day of
December. ls'.U. leaving no last will and testa
mant, and that the above named constitute
the persons Interested In the estate of said
deceased; and praying for administration
Vou are hereby notified that If you fail to
appearat said court on the liith day of Janu
ary, lso. at, V o'clock a. 111., and contest said
petition, the court will appoint Uusta Peter
on or some other suitable person admini
strator, and proceed to a settlement of said
estate. IKV1NU V. BAXTER,
U-a-J County Judge
Undertaker rijEmalmber
Formerly, with M O Maul 1
I south lOttl St., OMAHA.
One Hundred Wanted! well known and a)ne preacher
anil L-e.'turer, Scott r . Ik rshev. Ph. I)
of Botton, is at work t-a a ts k. wbich
will deal with the (toman Papacy, as
always ana everywhere ops-ed to civil
and religious liberty. Dr. Hershey has
ttrounian me at under the contri
bution of his powerful pn, and his book
will have an immense influence 00 the
patriotic movement of thedav, an J will
have the biggest sale of any book of
this generation.
One Hundred Experienced Agents Wanted
To whom SPECIAL OFFERS will be
made. Two General Agents for each
State wanted at once.
None But Patriots and Those Full of
Business Need Write.
Berkler and Colombuj At. BOSTON.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a specialty
512 South 16 Street.
Successor to Drexel & Maul.
Undei taker and Embalmer
Tel. 2i. OMAHA. NEB.
Ofllce removed from 11 1 North til: h street In
1618 Chicago Street.
Telephone 90. -:- OMAHA, NEB
ontracor Builder
Storm Door and 8ash.
1705 St Mary's Ave., OMAHA, NEB.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
uuaramees a perrect lit in an cases. Cloth
ing cleaned dyed and remodeled.
2107 Cuininif St., OMAHA.
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and hy virtue of an order of sale
on decree of foreclosure of moitZai;e Issued
out of the district court of Douglas county,
leirasKa. ana to me uireciea. 1 win on the
id day of January. A. D. ims. at one o'clock
m. of said day. at the north front door of
he county court house, in the city of Omaha,
louirlns county. fteorasKa. sell at uuollc
auction to the iiitIumI bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale as
mows, town :
Lot six tin In block "Y." Shlnn's Third ad
dition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county.
Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
Said properly to be sold to satisfy Belle It.
Ilrown. plalntitT herein, tu the sum of six
hundred and eighty-six and ;ts-luu dollars
ijiS(i..')si Judgment, with Interest on S18.0U
thereof at I lie rate of seven i7i per cent per
annum, and on iw.,i.s thereof at the rate of
ten (liii per cent per annum, all from t he lTth
day of September. ls'H.
'Io satisfy the sum of thirty-one and (EMM
dollars ifcll.H'U costs, with Interest thereon
from the 17ih day of September, lsii4, until
paid, together with accruing costs according
lo a Judgment rendered by the district
court of said Douglas county. at its September
term, A. D. IsM. In a certain action then and
there pending wberein Hello ft. Hrown was
plalnfilf and Mary A. 1'orter and ,k
Joseph D.
Porter were defendants.
Omaha. Neb., December IS. ISM.
Special Master Commissioner.
B. F. Thomas. Attorney. 12-21-5
Sheriff's Sale.
Ity virtue of an execution on transcript Is
sued out of the district court of Douglas
county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I have
levied upon the following described property
of AmosJ. Van Alstine and Kale Van Alstine:
Lot numlier four 4i. block number twoc2,
Oxford I'lace. an addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In Douglas county, state of Nebraska;
anil I will on the lih day of January, A. I).
ls!i.", at 10 o'clock A. M . of said day at the Kast
front door of the court house, in the city of
Omaha, in said couniy. sell at public auction
the property above described.
To sitisfy the Mutual Investment Com
pany, plaintiff herein, the sum of forty-three
and iH-flK) dollais (M l.mi damages, and four
and 60-l(l dollars ijm.iib) costs of suit, accord
ing to a Judgment rendered by Ueorge 8.
Smith, Justice of the Peace, In and for said
county on the 30th day of October.lsD4.a t ran
script of which Judgment was on the 24th day
of November. Ism, duly tiled and docketed
In the district court within and for said
county, and with interest thereon from the
aot h day of October. Ism. until paid, and also
the further sum of one and 10-UK) dollars
($1.10) costs of increase on said judgment and
the accruing costs thereon.
Omaha. Nebraska, December 14, 104.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska
W. H. Hussell, attorney 12-14-5
Jioliee of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that a corporation
has been organized under the general laws
of the state of Nebraska.
That the name of such corporation Is The
Nebraska and Iowa Well Company.
The principal place of transacting its busi
ness Is Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted tsthe drilling of shallow and ar
tesian wells, and piping the same, and all
things necessarily connected therewith.
The amount of the capital stock of said
corporation Is fii ,500.00. to be fully paid in at
the time of the execution of the articles of
The corporation commences business upon
the lHth day of September, Is;i4, and termin
ated September Win.
1 be highest amount ot lnaeiMeuness or lia
bility to which the corporation may at any
time subject Itself shall be tl,5H0 .00.
The affairs of the corporation are lo lie
conducted by a board of directors, not to ex
ceed three In number, and by a president,
secretary and treasurer, by said board
In witness whereof said corporation has
caused this notice to be published over the
signatures of Its president and secretary.
JAMES M. KENDALL, ' President
12-21-4 Secretary.
Motormen, Policemen, Letter-Carriers and
Railroad Men.
103 South 15th Street,
Sonic Suggest ions
for the
OIL STOVES at $ 75
No. 12 Challenge Oil Stove Heater
vith Bi ass Oil Tank !) 00
No. 8 Challenge Oil Stove Ileater 8 00
No. 7 Eclipse " " " H 00
Nickd Plated Stove l'okcrs 05
Fire Shovels 05
A dandy Fire Shovel tor 08
Coal Hods K!
Stove Mats 04
Coffee Pots 10
Tea Pots 10
Nickel Plated Teakettles 98
Dish Pans 18
Flour Cans ,
Bread Boxes 3s
Always at the Head. 1502-12 Capitol Avenue.
1406 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb.
Best Goods In the market.
Children's and Boys' Shoes at same
THE - a
Representative House
Of the West . .
Million and
Dollars worth of Goods to Select from.
m $400
Opposite Postoffice.
nboul Handy Helps
Best Tubular Lanterns 45
Carpet Sweepers 2 18
Shoo Blacking Cases 55
Ladies Skates ,75
Men's Skates 35
Boys' Club Skates 35
Boy's Sleds Hardwood and hand
somely painted 69c up
Boys' Strongly made Hardwood
"Coaster'' 38c up
Boys' Tool Chests from 40c up
See the "Brownie" Furniture suit at 98
Magic Lanterns with colored Slides, -
at tff
Elegant Christmas Trees at 20c and' 25
of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days,
LADIES SHOES worth tf.OO will go at 13.75
4.00 3.00
3.00 " J.Wi
2. SO " 1.75
MEN'S SHOES " 6.00 ' 4.50!
5.00 " 3.75'
3.00 " 2.65
2.50 " 2.00
" "
Reduction for CASH, for 30 Days
718 South 16th St.
a Quarte