The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 28, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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lavhaa fchlpbniuliat t In
i la 1
i Oat
th tlas-at of iIIht rmtu
ot quite all of th old romance of
Ue has Ut'ii extin;,' lMnnl by the
foininif of sooty tramp.-. nil plant
runer which cm li-om land to lana
",lu " 1 , .""'",." ,
regularity of ex,,,-,,, tram.. t loud
Ui snow v t ain a art iim uum
innocent of triple o.v pan-ion engines
are etill a factor in th-t itmimrrve of
the world, and American home flaijs
still foat at the lofty sky-uil maxta of j
ffuch splendid r-Kn's-rs as years at:o
won for the fuJl-riiriied t-ailiiu: rliip
he fame of be in the nioM K-autiful
bjeet in exiMonce. No- have all the
preat ship owners dUai-aiViI." The
iraes of famous old firms are r-ti.1 to
found in faded letters vxie the
ountin room of Huston, rew loric
and I'hiladelphia, but iho concern
which controls tho mo;T remarkable
fleet of modern sail'.nif vj-sel under
Che stars and etriifs ha-it home in
M little citv on the Keuuelioo. That
is Hath; tho linn , Arthur Sewall
Yul company. Its title to its honor
ble distinction re ts ;"t only in tho
huge size, the tieauty And the Mierb
carrying qualities of , '' "hi)3, but on
the fact that all its ynnag-o was con
structed by the firm itself in the ship
yard where it hasbeen located for
almost thive-quart'"-s of a century.
The Shenandoah. f the Susquehanna,
the I'oanoke, tie Rappahannock,
which was burneon one of her early
voyajres in the s'Uth Pacific, and tho
new steel IHriio were and are un
challenged que.Vis of thd American
norchant marig'!-
The technical sskill with which those
vessels have been desitrneil, con
structed and nf-iled is not more notable
than the menan tile ability with which
their movents? have been so directed
as to take ,advantaro of tho most
favorable tidj s of the world's tratliu.
With all itsj preat ape this
house has tip energy and projjressivo
ness of yoiiath. It has always lx-en a
pioneer i:i ils profession. The Boston
Journal pr.its an interview with tho
head of th house, Arthur Sewall. who
makes an Announcement which will he
g-ratif iiip-Jto all who have a patriotic
pride in tr most anoicnt and one of
our noblest industries. Mr. Sewall
has be
n using lately in his
stel plates, beams,
etc., imported from
Jliritain. Hut now, says
Mr. Seall, "I have had plans drawn
for another steel ship, and I find that
an )'t all the material on this sate
eapf-r than by goin abroad, and so
ext steel ship will bo built out
of American material. Our
and iron have become so cheap in
and so pood in quality that it
es the British only tho advantage
wer cost of labor, but as our labor
uperior and our system of building
vtter, if we are allowed to build five
ars lonper we will build as cheaply
on the Clyde."
This is most significant information.
t comes from an acknowledged au-
rity. It points to an early revival
W 111
only of the shtpbiulriin? but. nf
aav 'rests of New- Kn-
a Md Lsl immense
issi.iiifes oi caitn anu power
r the whole United States.
1 lourlihe Only hi pr.
To a good many people it will bo a
surprise to learn that the cautiniere,
vho figures so picturesquely In trench
lilitary pictures and on the stag.3 of
;omic opera, is nearly as extinct as
the douo. M. Casimir-l erier granted
Ian audience two or three days ago to
almost the last specimens ot tins in
teresting class, who is known as Mine.
Veuve Houvier. In honor of the oc
casion ' the Goddess," for so she was
Utvled in the Fifth cuirassiers, when
i... ... ' . i i i. i.i i.
K'hi lime was Kinr. uouiiuu acr oiaciv
Ha.Kid sailor hat, her blue tunic with
its triple array of. gleaming buttons.
and the rest of tho uniform. A
strange figure must this old lady have
cut as she marched through the village
streets to the presidential chateau.
But they order things better in
J'rance, and Instea i of laughing, the
tood country folk
were moved to
lars, whila the
esiciiii -fwi ,'
..visitor with resj
ctful emotion.
Didn't l'ecc
nlr.e IMn Inline.
A officer deci
ated with the Logic
of Honor recen'
show near l'ort
V eniereu a waxwor
Saint-Denis, an l.afti
Rooking at the
xhibits carefuilv. a
ressed himself t
the showman: "I
nounce on you
list GeiKHwLDb
'Vould vou kindl
him out to
me?" "Why, you have just been
I looking at him," replied the showman,
lyiointing at a model in a general s uni
form. "There's the conqueror of
tehanzin." "It's not very like," said
lie stranger. "Kxfuso me," rejoined
lie showman, "it was executed by one
If the pencral s closest friends, lou
iin't have ever seen him." By way
answer the stranger handed his
.rd and the showman read: "General
'odds." London Globe.
Customs Had Changed.
When the new bell of the I'hiladel-
hia state house was hung in lio.i a
yteworthy nill was rendered for the
lanirinsr. Jt included cnanres ior
ilf a bushel of potatoes, forty-four
junds of beef, four gammons of
aeon, a cneeso oi tnirteen pounus,
arty-six loaves of bread, 1100 limes
ad three gallons of rum. hen an
ther bell was hung toward tho end of
i0 century customs had so changed
at the bill was merely for the pay of
j many riggers ana taeir assistant,
Tender Correspondence.
Kay to Tom. Tom Come to-morrow eve-
ling sure. 1 apa is at nome, Dili is
Kid up with a very t-ore foot. See?
lim to May. .May.
PDeak May I can t come to-morrow
vening. I am laia up on account, oi
Lur father's very sore foot. See?
i I
Many (alua Mat Itoca DcHcUbi la
Maaiai aa.l Marat Health.
lr. James Weir oWrvea that m
chanical petiiuwi. or thoso who deal
mainly with material facts, do not, a
a, rule, show any sin of mental de
generation. In proof of this, says the
UHulon I'ublie Opinion, on,, nood only
1)t,rw,'ni ,;tt,n Mlllol
Maxim. Watt, ltiimsoy, Howo, etc. It
is only the penius of a stheticlsm. the
genius of the emotions, that Is gener
ally accoinanie.l by unmistakable
6ipns of dejr.'iieration. Swinburne's
poems show the mental bias of their
author, who is d'cri!ed as peculiar
and eccentric. Many of tho men
who have aided in making
the world's hi.-tory, were vic
tims of epilepsy, as was Julius
C;'sar, military leader, statesman and
author. Main- men of penius have
j suffered from choleric and spasmodic
' movements, notably lvnan, Montes
I quieu, Hutfon, lr. Johnson, Thomas
Campliell, NaM)lcon and Socrates.
Suicide, essentially a symptom of men
tal disorder, has carried off many a
man of penius, including such immor
tals as Chatterton, Blount, llaydon,
Clive and David. Alcoholism and
morphinism are now regarded as evi
dences of depen 'ration, and have had
as victims Coleridge, Sheridan, Steele,
Addison, Hoffman, Charles Lamb,
Burns and many others. In men of
genius tho moral sense is sometimes
obtunded or absent. Sallust, Seneca
and Bacon were susected felons;
Rousseau, Bvron, roseola and Caresa
were grossly immoral, and Casanova,
the gifted mathematician, was a com
mon swindler.
The Sparrowhawk.
There Is a remarkable charm In the
swift, agile, wheeling flight of the
American sparrowhawk, that justifies
lennysons line, 'Sometimes the spar
rowhawk wheels along." The bird
has powerful wings, and its poising,
turning and wheeling in a hiph wind
form a beautiful display of aerial
pvmnastics. Tho hawk rises in the
face of a strong wind with an easy,
graceful, wheeling tlight, all aslant,
yields to the impulse from without for
a second or two. and then, gaining
complete control of itself, soars away
as if the atmosphere were perfectly
A I'olltUnl Motto.
"My friend," said tho truly patri
otic citizen, "you are becoming prom
inent in politics." "That I am,'
replied the local leader. "I trust that
you will adopt as your motto the good
old phrase, 'lie sure you're right, and
then go ahead.'" "ot exactly,
though vou are guessing purty close.
De motto of our association is, 'Be
sure ye pet ahead; ve kin make it
right afterward.' "
riuylNK tho Limit.
Bob Xow, in the first place I'm
going to put if.5 on Mudsticker; in the
second race I'll play Notinit for $5
more; I'll place $o on Balker in the
thud, and put ifo more on Duotaker In
the fourth.
Tott - Hut there aro six races,
Aren't you going to play the other two?
Hob Heavens man! How can I?
I've only got $.'(: l'uck.
And the lre4iuaker Fainted,
"Mornin', mum. I'm a thiet, an'
"Oh, help! Fire! Murder!"
"What ve siiuealin' fur? I do'n'
want ter swipe nothin' 'ere."
"Wh wh what do you wish then?"
"Well, it's dis way, see? I want
ter take a course o' lessons in dress
makin', so't I kin fin' de pocket in
Woman's dress inside o' a 'art hour.
He Didn't Quite Agree.
Muaray Wall street is very well
equipped for the man who wants to do
a littlo speculation.
Holloway Oh, I don't know. There
Is a prave ard at one end and the
river at the other. Truth.
I Errors of Youth. I
Ksrvoas Debility, Yonitlal
Mscreticns, Lost Manloofl,
Mny men, from thf cffW1 of yisuthtul ftripru
A dene?, htve hrouirut ihi.ut t tale t wtRknei
induoe a'.moit every other diM"t and the ret! 0
caue ol the trouuie iciireeiy ever uvni iu.pi.
rhev are d,rtorel for everything but the riRlit one.
r,..V:.. n...D,n.;. a.i'.rf i:(t h"-?'l'a! praetiee
w) we have discovered new and concentrated renie-
diei. The acconipanvinR preseripiion i ooereii
. rrur.iN akii kt-KFitv (I KK. hiindn-da nf
cacea having been rentored to perleet heahh by it m
iim after all oilier rrmnliea failed. I'erfectly pure
A infredienti nmil be Uied in the preparmtioa of thu 0
9 R Frvthroxylon mca. drachm.
A Jefubehiii. I drachm. am
Heloniaa llioica., drachm.
(ieliemm. frain. m
.l.l.nHl 9 ffraina w
-a Ext. leptandra, 2 acruplea.
Glycerine, q. a.
Maeipil!. Toe 1 pill al S p.m.. and another
on (Ming t,i bed. Thu remedy " aiapieo lo every
al.vna.. in either ea. and especially in tnoje w
eaaei reniiUinf fnim imprudence. The n-ouperative A
W n.N ..r .!,. n..i,.riive are axtonighins. and ita
auec,intinued for a hi.rttimechai,fe the languid, ak
debilitated, neneleji conditioE to one of renewed
life and viftor. , - . 0
retnittiliK 1. a Healed paekaee containlt HI ptlH.
ft.n .1.1 uill K. sent hv mail from
our private laboratory, or we will furniah pack- 0
aeea, which will cure nioit eaaea, for 4. U laurt
a aocrnUf confidaaiaL w
12 Tremont Row.Boston, Mat. y
latf ANTED Agents in eacn town and
I county to sell t he greatest book of the
age. Krrors of lli Iloniaa Catholic Church
and Its Influence on the General Government
today, with History and Progress of the
American Protective association (A. I. A.)
Over 700 pages and illustrated with 48 full
page engravings.
Send 50 cents at once for complete outfit
and terms. 8pecial terms given on other
fast selling works.
tf gi4 Locust St , St. Louis. Mo
linTJJCpO Pend to us ten cent In silver or
111 U I It LllO postage stamps any we will
send you a twenty-tlve cent book containing
I'orty-liiuht Korc(pl s for making
Cusdy Sixteen different kinds of Candy
without cooking or boiling Kitty-cent Candy
will cost you about six cents tier pound.
a BitOOKK CO..
ll-5-lmn Buffalo, N. Y.
dwm never fat
LJ.e dailtue t.A'O
mtt vxl iutv (svftM ttviiinf
) 5
IX i-1 .Oi.a W Aomsuu Maa
United States of America.
Minneapolis, Mlna.
KOBT. W. JOHNS I N. Supreme Secretary.
1 roy. new I ora
h. 7.00K.
Hits Howard Street. Omaha. Net)..
Organiser for department of Nebraska. Iowa,
i5 ...... Ui.....l nti l',.l.,ri.i1i
On behalf of the Loyal Oranue Lodge of
the United States of America, ana with a
view of correcting tbe full Impression that
enemies are endeavoring- to convey to the
ilndsof men who are unacquainted with
Orange principle, are these few staienieuU
Tbe Loyal Orange Institution 1 a brother
hood and lterhood. bound by three tie
ustlce, Truth and Klgbteousnes.
It baa no bidden alma
It Is FraU'rnal and Benevolent assisting
and protecting member while living and
their widow and orphans when they are re
moved by death.
It uphold the right of private Judgment-
the untrammelled freedom of opinion; be
lieves the public school are an essential
safeguard of the state, and should be kept
free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control
and that person disloyal to tbe government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
of Rome should be rigorously excluded from
teaching therein.
It believes primary allegiance Is due to
the government which protects tbe lives.
liberties and Droncrties of its citlieus. and
that ecclesiastical authority should aot'
under any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle In the affairs of state, and that coer
cion of acltl7.en In the exercise of his or her
lghtof franchise, under the guise of relig
ious orsplritual authority should be pun
ished as a crime against tbe state.
That It Is the duty of every citizen to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institutions of our country against corrupt
and Inimical Influences, as well a against
armed assailants, to the end that our glori
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourages habits of frugality and In
dustrv among Its members, and Is proud to
boast that Orangemen seldom become
nnlillc i-lmrie nr accent Dauuer oreau.
It believes In tbe restriction of Immigra
tion and the extension of time for the natur
alisation of cltliens, and that the public
andB shall be beld for actual American citl-
Ana a,v.., lioenniA settlers.
Tim l.ovn.1 orange lUHUiution oi me
United Btats of America has certain
enioiiMniAnia for membershlu:
That a man shall be an actual American
cltlien. having compiled with the laws of the
United States with regard to naturalization
nrl without, a mental reservation.
That tbe applicant snail uo a,
and also that his parents and wife shall be
Protestants. ...
Thiil haahR TlA TnrHl.V BDU BUi-CeWlUI IU
his business; honorable and trutnrui in tus
dealings with his fellowman, and shall be
1. n ua a uW.M llOiniT I'.lI,lZen.
Ti,.,t i, will endeavor to give his children
or any children under his charge at least a
good common school education, being care
ful n a vmil Kit liotilMll UIH'Lllliea. ttUU
That he thaU be In sound health at the
time of making application.
ft makes ho difference wnere a man era
born, so long as he meets the loregoin
-i-i, aaa urn f.nn nuaiinciiLioiis rouuur-u u
im,,ii utii.ltcnnt to the order, and we do not
tViint tht any nat.rlotlc American order can
offer a better arrav or nnncipies anu icutu
J. 0. l A 3H
A Loyal, Patriotic 0r(raiiiation,
. 7 . ni a. A l ..a I
tenmi ana iieneiiciiu, niru-uj
TartlHan and Non-sectarian.
nn-i iniTins nr principles.
The National Council of the Junior Order
nf United American Mechanic in annual
uooinn uuuetnhleri flsH'lares:
That the constant minium upon me out res
nf t he hordes of ignorant, vicious and lawless
criminals of the Old World should be viewed
ith alarm by tne loyal anu patriotic cui'
una nf tills fniintrV.
We affirm a warm ana neartv welcome to
li i...,itrrnt. who desire to oetter their
condition and become a part and parcel of
our nationality, but we have not one square
Inch of room for the anarch 1st, the socialist
or nihilist, or for any one who Is not willing to
k,i ..ll..,.l,. n.-e t.n that, Hag which Is Dowerful
enough to shield and protect them as well as
us. in tne exercise oi an uu u tciiiu
We affirm our devotion to the public school
system of this country. We believe in com
pulsory eaucauon. anu mi an ww ump u
OUT schools SllOUlU uo in me r.uxiipii nu-
guage, to the end tnat Future generation
mi ha uhln to take their ulace In the rank
of our country s workers, eoucawa in tne
history, the custom anu manners oi naieri
' . A I I I V. ., .
We guarantoe to every man me nwnj oi
worshiping God according to the dictate or
his own conscience, and would give everv as
sistance to urotect ail In the exercise oi his
llhert.v. t)Ut we OOiect most Hireuuous
the interference of any church, no matter
under what name it may exist, In the tern
poral affairs of this country.
Wo helieve t hat the Bible should be read I
our public schools; not to teach sectarianism
Out to inculcate 1W leacmunn. ii is lit
eoir,iluH atiindard of all moral and civ:
iii, wt therefore believe, that our chlldre
should be educated In it teachings, but that
no dogma or creed should be taught at the
game time
tvn hoiieva thut. natrlot sm and love
country should be Instilled Into the hearts of
Children, ana tnat, wun mo uiu i
'Mother." '-Home" and "Heaven." our chll
dren should be taught that our flag Is th
nvnihol nf all that makes a "borne for u
We would place a flag upon every public
school In our land, and a Bible within, and
the object lesson therein set forth should be
a beacon light in every storm tiim u uireai-
arts. t.o entrnlf IIR.
In this noble and patriotic work we ask the
cordial and hearty co-operation oi an goou
eittrena. In this grand work we need the
helping hand of all organisations holding the
same views and principles. We have no time
lo. toaimiuiea and bickerings, but with front we should march forward
shoulder to shoulder, remembering that
i-iTnituri we stand, divided we fall."
In the strictest sense we are a nation
noHtl -ol nrtrantzatlon. but we oppose
unanimity the slightest taint of purtlsanism
"Our country' is our mono, anu we see
titi. nioiin iwaillli before us. We arecogn
aunt that there are great and oowerful
enemies within our midst, requiring the
strictest surveillance of all who are at heart,
word and in deed Americans. We, as member
of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the
objects of the Order as paramount to any
partisan affiliation, and urge upon the mem
bership harmonious, united and intelligent
action tn carrying out the principles.
First To maintain and promote, the Inter
ests of Americans, and shield them from the
depressing effects of foreign competition.
Second To assist Americans In obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In busi
ness. rourtn To establish a sick aud funeral
Fifth To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United States or America, and to
prevent sectarian interference therewith,
and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible
Kequire that an applicant shall be;
A while male person born Id the United
State of Nona America, or natter tk Vro
iav-iUm of Ita (!.
Of (immI moral character.
K liellever la lh eilateace oi a euuremi
Helnv a to Creator aod I'rwryer of the
(ppoaed U any union or rniitvn ano slate
tavuraute u rr-e suucauus sou in
merlcan I'uhllc C-hool ajfatem.
Ht-I aeen 1 and So year r ae rer Dene-
clal tnenileri.blu: over W- r booorar
Tbe nra "Junior IB toe iiti nas do reia-
tlim Ui Hie aice of uiemlM-r. It adovila-d
to dlMiitutli Ibe Order from tbe O. I). A. M ,
and has no other aljrnlHcance.
Nor is Ibe word - Mechanic" to tieconstruea
literally. It refen. In no manner to artisan,
but embraces every pursuit.
We want a Council of the Jr. O. It. A M to
very city, towu and vlllane In tbe Lolte-7
It Is the. leadlnu American patriotic, and
benetk'tal ornanuatloa, and the atronitrwt
nd one of tbe oldest, counueti to uaiive-
ltlsonly Decennary to mane in oojects
principles and worklnirs known to eiiy
secure enouKb charter meiuU-rs lo start a
Council. A .Iheral premium will tie pnid to
.11 y one orifanlslug a Council. I-or run par
ticular, adilreaa. H. A. K I H nr.,
National Councilor New urunswica. . J J
N 1 J o A Ktcbter. Box ah7, L'antoo. O.
K TI'J' VV T.l.r Ulchiiiond. Va
Jr V N 11 H A klblte. New Brunswick, N J.
Sec y K.dward S Iteemer. f nox. ton.
I'hllaiielphla; olllcu room No 18 and 1, 6J1
Chestnut street.
National OrgiinlierStcplien coin us. nox
70. 1'lttsburgb. I'a. , , ,
Meets In Omaha. Neb., tne tniru i ueuay id
Incorporated Keliruary U. vi.
C C--T B Bryson, Weiitworth avenue.
H V t Tho Kowan. w I nion si. n.
JrF8 C--Tho J Coen. H7 ShelHuld ave,
hlcngo. . .
8 CSecy-Joseph S Keynoios, r o nox to
8 C Treas--K II Sample, Armour ave
hlcago. .....
Meets at Alton, fourtn Motmay in August,
George Washington t'ouncll. No J. meet
rst aud third Friday evenings or ten
ninth, at A Idlne hall. 7S h Handolphi nl-
cago. Joseph 8 K-yiiolia it o. i:u asn
uu. ViHltor-N alWHVH Wl-icoine
Kllsworth council. No 1. m T days
atir5 Weiitworth ave. h L Cat Ou 11 a,
6J12 llonore st. EiigJi-wiMid.
Holtax Council, No 2,1. meets naturaay
veiling at I O O F hall, Houtb Chicago ave
John W Boger. U 8. Box 4W.
Daniel Webster Council. No. s. jr. t. u. .
M., meets first and third Sututday evenings
of each month In Modern Woodman hall,
Murr:iv. Neh. Visit lug brother always wel-
ome. James Ltonguriuge, recorumg act-
8.0.-WM. F. KN A PP. Omaha.
. V. 1. I.KV1 P. SHIU'M. Omaha.
H. O. Secy.-GEO. C. KENTON, P. O box 735,
omana. .
. V. Treas. C. II. A LI. KIN. soutn omana.
Conductor 11 H. HA HTHOLI), Platsmouth.
Wiink-n P. H. McCAl'l.KV. So. Omaha.
Sentinels O. B. SIlEKWOOl). So. Omahai
K, P. DOLMAN, Omaha '
HetireaKtilat ves to Nat lOUhCI Will.
F, KN A PP. 11 L. 1AY. W. A MtSSICK, r.
uiri rv mi .i. w noi iis.k
The next regular meeting will be held on
the third Tuesday In Jan.. lttWS, at Omaha.
everv Friday evening at O. A. It. Hall,
Plattsmouth. Neb. Visiting brothers cor-
HUllv Invited. O. K. JOHNSON,
- ii... ti..-
ivuu, aw
' every Tuesday eve. Jn ldlewlld hall.
24th and Grant streets. Visiting brother
always welcome. J. II. Hakvev. sec y
La coin. Nebraska.
No. 2. meet In Lin-
fiOLUMBIA COUNCIL No. 3. meet every
Tuesday evening la Patterson block, 17tb
and Farnam Streets.
a. i.. i.iohtfoot. tiounci or.
A. H. Klikt. K. Sec'y. address
care County Clerk,
A KFIF.LD COUNCIL No. 5. meets every
Tuesday night
in South Omaha.
William Karb, Bec'y.
T IBERTY COUNCIL No, 7 meets every
1J Tuesday evening, I. O O. r . Hull, Loul-
yllle, Neb. T. H. Lucas. Kec. Sec y.
OUNCILNo. 20. A. P. A.. Cameron. Mo.
meets everv second and rourtn monuay
evening, at Fraternity Temple. Visit )r
BLUFF CITY COUNCIL No 7 meets every
Wednesday evening In O. A. K. Hall.
Council Hlutla. la.
T.lNflOI.N rommanderv No. I. U. A. M
meets every Thursday evening In P. O. S. of
A. ball. Council Blulls, la. A.M. Burnham,
No. 221. meets the first and third Tues
day eveulug of each month, at S:i) o clock
H C.V.C. Borden. Holden. Mo.
S. V. C Rev. H. A. Slaughter, Warrens-
hurir. Missouri
S. U. sec y KOlta u. varron, warrensuurg
M ltiniirl
Will meet at tianniuai. io., fei)ruiiry,iao
lv every Friday night at l(H:i Walnut street.
Jas. fllcNamara. ec y isw r.ast lutu bi
Saturday night at the corner of Twelfth
and Cherry streets, w. r.Mieaver, uccoru
lng Secretary, 1407 Maoism street.
PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 31 Meets every
L Wednesday night at A. O. IT. W. Hall.
1421 E. Eighteenth street, J. E. Usher, Kec
Secretary, 2421 F'lora avenne.
TUESTPORT COUNC1 L NO. 37 Meets every
" Friday night at West port, w. Ii. chunk
Rec. Secretary, lXSi fcightn street.
f ATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44 Meets every
Monday night, corner ltith and Penn 8t.,
over drug store.
" every Thursday night, between 31st and
32nd on Holmes.
Sheffield every Thursday night. Thoma
Smith, liec. Sec'y, Sheffield. Mo.
ran Protective Association meets every sec
ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In
I. O. O. r . hall, I'lattsmouth. rtei). visiting
members are welcome J. 11. smith. Sec
A. P. A.-
" Meets every Wednesday afternoon at J
o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hall, 43.
avenue, Kansas City, Kan.
1 every Monday evening at the corner of
Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas
Cilv. Mo. Persons desiring to loin may en
close their name, street and number, ward
ae anci occunation. ana uirect to uox on
Kansas City. Mo.
second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock In the A. P. A. Hall, Southeast cor
ner Packard and Osage avenue, Armourdale.
Visitors are cordially Invited to atte nd.
iiTinr i iu t t-rvu-viill v. in a l a
Wll'r, Hit nnr, i.v. .".in .10. r . 1 . n..
meets every Friday night at lflth and
T. Road, Grigsby's hull, Kansas City, Kan.
lj meets every Monday afternoon at J :30 at
Bell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near state
line, Rosedale, Kansas. Friends of other
councils an cordially Invited to attend
Every true American lady is invited to come
and loin us. aod assist iu the good Work.
tJ Xli.etu everv Sii.1 nrd :i v evenlntf at 4:ti
nesota avenue, Kansas City, Has.
Cordially Invited.
POUNCIL No. 7. A P. A. -Meets every Mon
day evening at Chamber of Commerce
rVCNCIL No. C A V. A Meet every
urday ova-sin at southeast corner Pack
rd and ! arrnua, AruiourdaW. Visitor
Cordially turned.
pot'Sl IL N.. II A IV A.-MrM at Wood
ward's II ll every Tuesday ventog at 1 1
m. sharp. Third street anil Lafayette Tonus
A cordial Invitation I extended to vlslllai
A It'iKNTINK Col'NCIL So IJ. A. F. A -
Meets every Mondny night In Nuke
Hall. Argentine. ku. All vUltors welcomed
TOI'FKA COI Nl IL No. II. A. I. A -Mix
every Monday evening In A O. D.W.Hall
41s Kansas avenue, Tois'ka Kansas, Al
visitor will be cordially wrlcouivd.
(Ksitdyk Council. No. I. W. A. I'. A of Kaa
saal'tiy. Ma, meets every Friday aftcrnooa
st i i o'clock at liaiw Penn8t. Addres. l'ot
uttlce Imx SJI. Kaunas City. Mo.
Sunflower Lodge. L. O L.. No. W. meet
ud and fourth 1 uestla ys of each month
at s p. in., at l latlins hall, corner of Mil:
aired and (Kage avenue. Kaunas City. Kaa
Vlxltltg brethren are cordially Invited to aV
tend. John Davlilsou. W. M , Win. Mo-
Naughtoii. 8ecy 714 Heynolds Ave.
I.llierty Council. No. IV Jr. O. V. A. M
meets every Wednesday night, corner Pack
srd and 0age stnt-ts. Ariuourdalu. Kansas
Thus. Kolf, secretary.
JAN8AH Pl'KPLK 8TAK. L. (). I. No. -"
Meets Brt nd third Tuesdays of eacl
month at k p. m In A. O. V. W. Hall, cornsi
Fourth sttei-t and Minnesota avenue. Kansat
City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Win
Builagh. secretary. M7 Noribrup avenu
V Ulllug brethren cordially Invited.
poSF.HALF COl'NCIL No IX A. P A , met
every Wednesday night at Mctienrge
hall. Kosedale, has. All friends cordially
Patriotic Order Sons ol America.
WASHINGTON CAmP No. I. P. O, 8. of A.
meets each Thursday evening al Hetf
Men' Hall, Fifteenth aud Uougia St.
A I'oiiiicll III u lis. Meeting
O. 8. of
In theli
hall over 4IM llroadway, e
night at ko'cliH'k. J. U.
rv Wednesdai
Vaw Pattan,
American Orange Knights,
This order Is formed of persons whose ob
)ects Is to uiaintalii the supremacy of law
iruer ana consul uiiouai ireeuonii ii yrv
erve Inviolate tne citiien rrancnisei
perpetuate and defend the precepts and rret
Institutions of civil and religious llbnrti
ruarauteed by theLoiiNtitutlonor the uniiet
Hale and established by our forefather.
pho amis rr rocis.
For Information regarding the formatlot
of new Commatiderles, or supplies, write ti
the supreme secretary. M. L. ,OOK, Sec'y,
J. M. Bankkk, C. C, ltll Howard St..
Saganaw. Mich. Omaha, isei.
Its Org-niilHtitm ami rrlnclph's How to
Kit'ome a jipimmt.
We would respectfully call your attention
to the fact that there Is tn thl city a council
of the Order of United American Mechanics.
to which we would he happy to have you
give a moment' thought, and If favorably
Impressed, would like your name proposed
for membership.
The Order of United American Mechanic
waa organized In Philadelphia on the l.'.lh
day of July, IH45. It first Inception wa for
the protection of Mechanic and Working-
men alone, and for a number of year none
but operative mechanic and worklngmen
were af milled to It membership; but the
great Interest of principle Involved In IU
existence, caused a departure from tnat
plan, and the Order ha for year existed and
exist today a an order of speculative me
chanic, recogninlng every one possessed of
the birth requiremeuU, who work for a
uialntal nance either by hand or brain or
both a eligible to membership, and number
among Its member men of every profession,
and calling in life.
The objects of this order are to assist each
ether In obtalningemployment: toencourage
each other In business; to establish a Hick
and funeral fund; to establish a fund for
the relief of widow and orphans and to aid
members; and to aid member who, through
Providence, may be Incapacitated from fol
lowing their usual vocations. In obtaining
situation suitable to their affliction. The
membership of this order Is composed of
white male cltir.en born in the United
State, or under the protection of it flag.
This order has existed for nearly fifty year,
and 1 at present, rapidly spreading through
out the United States. As an American born,
and having the welfare of yourself at.d
family at heart, as well as that of the nation
at large, we would most heartily Invite yon
to become a member of the U. A. M as it la
the only Order In existence founded es-
Declally to promote the lntereBU, elevate
the character and secure the happiness of
the American mechanic aud business man.
It therefore appeals to the head and heart
of him who wields the pen as wen as to mm
who swings the scythe or wields the sledge
hammer of the mechanic. In its councils, a
free discussion of principles relating to the
fostering and care of the Interests of indi
vidual members Is permit ted; but nothing of
a political or sectarian character Is ever al
lowed to be discussed. It ha no urn nation
with such Institutions as Trades Union,
Knights or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or
the like, and desire not to control either
capital or labor, as It would be doing a gross
Injustice to many of It member, who are
taken from both classes. The membership
of the Order Is scattered from Maine to Cali
fornia, and from all points cones Ihe glorious
news that the Order Is gaining great trength
In all Jurisdictions.
An endowment branch Is also connected
with tbe Order, both national and stale,
which insures those who seek 1U benefit
enabling them to leave a sum, which I In all
case ubstantlally and promptly paid, to
the dear ones, when death mark Its mem
bers fur Ils own.
It eems very strange Indeed that the
American does not feel Inclined to become
to peculiarly national In his Ideas and as
oclatlons as do the English, French, Ger
man, Irish, and other nationalities. Each
and all of the foregoing have their peculiar
national orgnuitatlons, and take pride In
same. But the American Joins order afte
order, composed of a mixture of national!
ties, and leU bis own countrymen severely
Blone In the matter of secret and fraternal
We would not belittle any of the existing
secret beneficial associations. Far from It.
They are a power for good in the community
But we do ask him who Is to the manor bor
to turn his thoughu to home and native
land. o that he can Join In the glad refrain
"Thou art my native land.
I own thy fostering hand;
Though far from thee I roam,
Still thou art my home."
Americans, we of this Brotherhood appeal
to you to aid us In this work we are now
carrying on. You must either tie for us or
against us. Choose quickly audletusBho
to the country that we firmly believe 1
American principles. American Industry
American protection and American govern.
cent. Strikes riots and boycotting are
terms too harsh to be applied to American
Mechanics. Bonded together by promptings
of patriotic affection, may this Order grow
and progress, until every man who call
himself American can stand up and ay
all sincerity, I own no man as master of ui
Fremont, EIKhorn & Missouri Valltf
FilKMONT, IIasti:u8,
Wahoo, Lincoln,
Skwakd, Supkbiob,
David City, York,
Albion, Norfolk.
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
Sioux City Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
Ticket Office 14111 Far nam street tjd WetlMt
Street Union Slatlen.
Unn'l Manager.
J. .
Geo'l PussAf I
A Solid Town
No bank failure In Wl '13 or '14. Grow
In spile of depression of hard time. For
Secullar reasons and circumstance a resl
ent of Fort Smith desires to exchange a
food residence and business houst in corner
ots, facing each oilier, five blocks from bus
iness street, ( block from the 111 est school
in the atate; on street car line; ruler and
sewer connection; collage plu ulx I for ga
new cottage, a rooms, clean and newly
tinted; store room on corner ttixau feet,
Ith three rooms ltlxlfl; well and water coll
ection; one 15x3 1 butcher shop. Here I
argaln for a man who wants a home and
good business stand. Price 5.(i). For par
ticulars call on or write Hahiiv H. Hindi,
405 mr, Main st reel,, Kansas City. Mo,
store occupied, doing a good business.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
A large quarto volume of ,1,1U0, oouoit
column pages, and 1 a standard' work
in every particular. Cloth, 12.50, task,
by express.
eCaron the Spy
Give a history of the Fenian raid oa
Canada, and a complete expose of their
plot again the British government.
Paper, SO cents.
Tbe Assassination of Lincoln-
is an Intensely Interesting volume,
written by T. M Harris, one of the mil
itary commission which tried the aa
lasslns. Cloth, I2..V).
lain Talk About Romanism
of Today
By Rev. Hugh Montgomery ..Tbl llttl
work Is by no means uninteresting. It
draws a comparison between popery
and Protestantism, and contains much
historical Information. Prlce In paper
cover, 50 cents.
Oonvent Life Unveiled."
Thl little work relate the bitter experience
of a voung lady who was Induced through th
cunning of the Jesuits the Sister of
Charity to enter a convent. Her story of th
heartrending scene enncwa in tnose sing oi
Iniquity is told In a convincing style. Prlc
n cloth f l.u, lent postpaid uy i
Howard St.. On ABA. NIB
A Visit of Jesus Christ
One of VICTOR H I" GO'S wittiest and most
sarcastic poems, translated from the
French by
631 F 8treet, WASHINGTON, D. O
Christ takes a look into the Vatican; con
verses with one of the pope's guards and a
Single copy loc
10 copies ooc
100 copies 13.00
Special prices ior larger quantities.
Secrets of Romish
Priests Exposed.
UPrlce 40 Censt.
Price ISO Cents.
Key. Joseph Slatte.ry Is the author of both
of the above books. They are lust what th
titles indicate,, and are printed In good, clean
type and bound In paper cover, bent by ex
press or mall. Address.
16.5 Howard Street. Omaha, Neb.
or. SOTMaln St.. Kansas City, Mo.
Clark and Kandolph. Chicago. IU
! Y t- Jb? THE WEST i
1I1UJ? ftsv
r issart by thJ
.u. .'I H d wTll bf scat FRFF
g ) 'T n S...J n.
Hall. Rlverview. Visitors cordially Invited
- j
Tom. Truth.