The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 21, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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TkoM Worst on Official (immIom by Jaft
tic mt tb kiprrm rowrt.
A justice par as much for hU ro!
of. oftitts as he would pay (or a wry
handsome suit of clothing, say the
Washington Star. There Is a fixed
price for the gown a price which iWs
rot vary with lhe fluctuations in tho
duties on silk. One woman has mailj
all the juitiet8 frowns for forty years,
and her invariable pi ice for one is
100. Like the tailors who make a
specialty of outfits for oiliccrs of tho
army and navy, she knows just liat are
the rvt)iiiivnienU of a justice's gown,
and all her customer has to be con
cerned about is its tit. The pown
must wt well across the shoulders,
and it should reach from the neck to
the heels; but it should not dra;,' on
the floor. I say floor, because,
except on inauguration day, the
justice docs not wear his gown out
of doors. When he attends an
official dinner or reception at the
White house, he wears the garb of
everyday life; even when he calls on
the president on the opening day of
the court's session, he goes in the
clothes ho would wear at tho break
fast table. If you visited one of tho
justices at his home of an evening,
you would find a pleasant, rather oif
hand man, in a frock coat, with none
of the solemnity of manner that cloaks
the justices when they are on tho
bench. The supreme court justices
are by no means unapproachable.
They are, in fact, considered very
jolly after-dinner companions and
they aro in great demand in social
Washington. Tho justice wears hi9
robe only when the supreme court, as
a body, is participating in some ollicial
ceremony. He may go gowned to a
funeral, if it is an oflicial funeral. He
wears it at the inauguration of a
president, but ordinarily he puts it on
in the robing-room in the morning
and takes it off in the robing-room at
dusk. Ho does not wear it even in
the consulting-room, so there is very
little wear and tear on it, and one
robe will outlast several suits of
According to tho technical descrip
tion of it, the judge's robe is made of
large, straight widths of silk. It is
three and a quarter yards wide at the
bottom. It has a narrow hem around
the bottom and a broad hem down the
front. It is guaged at the top to a
yoke, which is short on the shoulders
and forms a deep scallop at the back.
The flowing sleeves are a yard and a
quarter wido and reach to the wrist.
A justice usually accepts his first
gown without question; but as he
grows a little older on the bench he is
as fussy about the fit of the garment
as a young woman with her first ball
dress. Having donned their robes
with the aid of the old attendants
and they are old enough to be con
spicuous even in this city of long ser
vice the justices, at a few minutes
before noon, cross the hall to the
ante-room of the court. Tho transit
of tho justices is a matter of daily in
terest and wonder to tho visitors at
the capitol. It is the signal for a raid
.--a very subdued, dignified raid on
the door of tho courtroom, where a
doorkoejier sits, solemnly manipulating
the swinging door with a cord. Only
so many people, are admitted tothe
courtroom, and tho number is small.
There aro but a few rows of benches
outside the inclosure reserved for the
members of the bar. No crodwing of
the courtroom is permitted.
An m possible House,
The man and his wife called on the,
architect, and tho architect was glad
to see them, for business was ex
tremely dull.
"We want you to build a house for
us," said the man by way of introduc
tion. "Thanks," bowed the architect, "I
hall be only too glad to do so, and I
am quite sure that I can give entire
"Well, you ought to," remarked
the lady, "we don't want much."
"What kind of a house did you
wish?" inquired the architect.
"We want a good plain one of about
eight rooms," explained tho man,
and we will leave tho design to you.
All we expect is that when you have
finished it will suit my wife and my
self. I mean on the inside; we are
not so particular about the outside."
The architect heaved a deep sigh.
Tm very sorry," ho said, "but you
will have to go to soma other archi
tect We can't design an impossible
house in this ofliee." Detroit Free
A Ieep-1. nil Scheme.
"Yours is a perplexing case," said
the oculist. "You call red 'purple'
and referred to Nile green as 'Turkey
red.' "
"Yes," replied the visitor, with a
contented smile. "I guess I was born
that way."
"It's the most aggravated case of
color-blindness I ever encountered in
my professional experience.
"That's it. I want you to write me
out a statement to that effect Never
mind what the fee is. You see, my
wife has a lot of samples she wants
matched, and she'll &sk rue to taka
the job some time next woek, sure."
And then the oculist had his
suspicions. Washington Star.
Down-Trodden Itachelort of Corea.
In Corea every unmarried man is
considered a boy, though he should
live to be 100. Xo matter what his
age he follows in position the young,
est of the married men, despite the
fact, perhaps,, of having lived long
inough to be their father.
1'or Purpose of Comparison.
"Early rising is a great thing,"
said tho enthusiastic man; "a great
"Yes," responded the sluggard. "It
makes you appreciate the chance for
a nap in the morning when you get it."
Columbia Nunnery.
A young girl living la Columbus, O ,
whoe mother bid died, and whom"
father wag a drunkard, lived with her
cister. Ht-r father had driven her out
of the house and then persecuted her,
A letter was seDt to her making an ap
point went and while Hireling the party
a coupe drove up and the girl was
draggtd into it and taken to the con
vent. When the sister learned of It,
she applkd to the priest, but he would
Uke lo action. She then went to the
bi-hop ai d he Fbid he could do nothing.
She then apulud to Laer F. Clark
who got out the pnqier legal pajn-rsand
a bhenlY was st nt to the convent. The
holy sisters met the sheriff and told
him a deliberate, wilful lie, saying that
she was not there, and they did not
know where she was, thus defying the
law. As soon as the sheriff had gone,
two of the nuns took her out by a back
way and started witn her on the elec
tric cars. I;bpicQtd the sister was
on the same car, and notwithstanding
the entreaties of the sister they took
tfce young girl back to the convent
Thinking it over, they cuncluded that
as they had been discovered in their
lie, ar.d that they might get into court
on the charge of contempt, they were
a'raid to keep her. so escorted her to
the entrance and told her to get out
The end is not yet. This is a part of
the Roman Catholic religion! Shutting
up young, innocent girls against their
will and that of their legal guardians.
Americans, awake, and 0en every con
vent in the land. Womnn'B Voice.
Errors of Youth.!
T Kerrous Debility, Yoniliai
te. Indiscretions. Lost Mantiooi
Many men, from the pflVrtt f ynuthtul impru
dence, titve tirtnijzM al-out a tt o! wriknrpi
that ti' ntlucfU the gt-nrrttl Yntem to much to
induce moit t-vcry ntht-r uttcj nU ttie rri
rttite of the trnutiW want-ly ever being upcrti ii.
thrv r doctoral tor everything hut the riRiit one.
I u'ri tig uur extendi v eollej(emi hiMpital uracticr
we have discovered nt-w aiid concentrated reme
dies. The accompanviiiff prewnpuon it ottered
a a cehtain ami tit'fcpjiv i kr, hundred of
caei having leeti restored to perfect hntlth by it
use after all other remedies failed. Perfectly pur
iiiffredientf muit be ued iu the preparation of th is
R KrvthrnxyVin coca. drachm.
Jcrubehui. I drachm,
lieiuniaf ioica. f) drachm,
(ieltemm. K ffrims.
Ext. ignatifB an 1 are faloc,ltr). 2 grain!
Kxt. leptandra, t scruples.
Glycerine, tj. 1.
Make ft pill. Take 1 pill at p.m.. and another
on from to bed: Tin remedv it adapted to every
weakne-i in either ex. ainf eipeeiully in thuae
caaea resulting from imprudence. The recuperative
powers of this restorative are BMomsning, aim 11a
use continued for a short time changes the languid,
debilitated, nerveless conditio!-, to one of renewed
life and vigor. ....
To those who would prefer to obtain it of 11s, by
remitting 1. a sealed ackNge contain flu nills.
carefully compounded, will be sent by mail from
our private laboratory, or we will furnish B pack
ages, which will cure must cases, fur $5. All kar$
aacrtUg confidential,
12 Tremont Row, Boston, Mat.
hjieciftl Mauler Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage Issued out
of the District court for Houglaa county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the
31sl day of December. A. D. 1S!'4. at ;en o'clock
b. in. of said day. at the n nh front door of
the county court house, In theelty of Ouiaha,
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale, as
follows, to-wlt;
The west half of lot number four (4), Id
block number "V," Lowe's addition to the
city of Umaha. as surveyed, platted anu re
corded, together with all appurtenances
thereunto belonging, all In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to sat isfy Sarah J.
Harrows, defendant herein, the sum ot eight
hundred, ninety-one and 25.100 dollars is'.tl.iii
judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of
eight (Si per cent per annum f rum September
17ih, lsw.
To satisfy Frances I. T omas, plaintiff
here n. the sum of twenty-four uollars (ftil.UU)
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rat of
eight (S) per cent per annum from September
rtli, 1SH4.
To satisfy the sum of twenty-eight and Ki
ll) dollars ifcXIMi costs herein, with interest
thereon from the lTth day of Septemoer. A.
ll. lf'.H, until paid, together with accruing
costs according to a Judgement rendered by
t lie District court of said Douglas county at
Its September term. A. IX IsM, In a certain
action then and there pending, wherein
r ranees I. Thomas was plaintiir and John V.
Latham and others were defendants,
Omaha, Neb., November 'M, lsH4.
Special Master Commissioner.
Dexter L. Thomas, Attorney.
Francis 1. Thomas vs. John W. Latham et ai.
Ex. S. l'agesi. Doc. 41. No. M7. 11-30 5
Special Master Commissioner's Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale on
decree of foreclosure of mortgage issued out
of the district court for Douglas county. Ne
braska, and tome directed. I will, on the 17tb
day of December, A. D. im. at 10 o'clock a.
ni. of said day. at the north front door of the
county court house, in the city of Omaha.
Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
property described In said order of sale aa
follows, to-wit.:
Lot number seventeen (17), In block num
ber one (1). In Monmouth 1ark, an addition
to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted
and recorded, together with all the appur
tenances thereto belonging, all situate In
Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy John
Bassett. plaintiff In the action. In the sum of
nine hundred, nine and so-HW iS'.iOH.sO) dollars
Juugment. with Interest thereon at rate of
eight (S) per cent per annum from September
lTth, 1SH4, and twenty-eight and SMUO UNW.)
dollars costs herein, with Interest thereon
from the 17th day of September, A. D. 1SM4.
until paid, together with accruing costs ac
cording to a Judgment rendered by the dis
trict court of said Douglas county, at its
September term. A. D. 1M'4, In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein John
Hassett wasplaiuttft and UeorgeS. Weeks and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. November 15, 1W4.
Special Master Commissioner.
Dexter D. Thomas. Attorney. 11-14-5
Uassetl vs. Weeks et al. Doc. S. l'a ge 44
W A N'T tD Agents in eiicn town and
county to sell the greatest hook of the,
age. Errors of the Koman Catholic Church
and Its Influence on the General Government
today, with History and Progress of the
American Protective association (A. P. A )
Over 700 pages and Illustrated with 48 full
page engravings.
Send 50 cents at once for complete outfit
and terms. Special terms given on other
fast selling works.
tf 9M Locust St , St. Louis. Mo
MflTHFrK Scud us t n cnt In silver or
HIUIIILIIO postage stamps any we will
send you a twenty-five cent book containing
I'orty-HlKht Woeefpfs for naklng
Candy. Sixteen different kinds o' ''andy
without cooking or boiling Fifty-cent Candy
will cot you about six cents per pound.
11-15 lmn Buffalo, N. Y.
pit II If tfUiMji!,.,;
; ( wiii ng wur tmmt iuur,f
or th
United States of Ameriea.
Mlnueaptill. Mtn.
KOBT. W. JOHNS i N, Supreme secretary.
Troy. New York
U. L. ZlXK.
1615 Howard Street. Omaha. Neb..
Organlier for department of Nebraska, Iowa,
naiiMU, aitssouri auu loiorauo.
viiANGK riusvirl&s.
On behalf of the Loyal Orange Lodge of
the United States of America, and with a
view of correcting the false Impression that
enemies are endeavoring to convey to the
mlndtof men who are unacquainted with
Orange principles, are these few statement
The Loyal Orange Institution la a brother
hood and lsterhood, bound by t'iree tlee
Justice, Truth and Klghleousnest.
It ha no hidden alms
It is Fraternal und Benevolentassisting
and protecting, members while living and
tbelr widows and orphans when they are re
moved by death.
It upholds the right of private Judgment--the
untrammelled freedom of opinion: be
lieves the public schools are an essential
afeguard of the state, and should be kept
free from ecclesiastical or sectarian control
and that persons disloyal to the government
who hold a mental allegiance to the pope
of Koine should be rigorously excluded from
teaching therein.
It believes primary allegiance Is due to
the government which protects the lives,
liberties and properties of Its cltltens, and
that ecclesiastical authority should Jot'
under any circumstances, be permitted to
meddle lu the affairs of state, and that coer
cion of acltiien In the exercise of his or her
right of franchise, under the guise of relig
ious or spiritual authority should be pun
ished as a crime against the state.
That It Is the duty of every cltlien to de
fend the lawfully constituted authority and
Institutions of our country against corrupt
and Inimical Influences, as well as against
armed assailants, to the end that our glori
ous freedom be protected and transmitted
unimpaired to posterity.
It encourages habits of frugality and In
dustry among Its members, and is proud to
boast that Orangemen seldom become a
public charge or accept pauper bread.
It believes In the restriction of Immigra
tion and the extension of time for the natur
alliatlon of citizens, and that the public
ands shall be held for actual American an
iens who become settlers.
The Loyal Orange lustltutlon of the
United States of America has certain
requirements for membership:
That a man shall be an actual American
cltlcen. having compiled with the lawsof the
United states with regard to naturalisation.
and without a mental reservation.
That the applicant shall be a Protestant,
and also that bis parents and wife shall be
Fro test ants.
That he shall be thrifty and successful in
his business: honorable and truthful In his
dealings with bis fellowman. and shall be
known as a law-abiding citizen.
That he will endeavor to give his children
or any children under his charge at leasts
food common scnooi education, ueing care
ul to avoid all popish doctrines, and
That he shall be In sound health at the
time of making application.
it makes no difference where a man was
born, so long as he meets the foregoln
TheBe are the Qualifications reaulred o
every applicant to the order, and we do not
think that anv patriotic American order can
offer a better array of nrinc.lples and teach
J. 0. C. A. 31.
A Loyal, Patriotic Organization, Fra
ternal and Ueiiellrinl, Mrlillj tm
Partisan and Non-sectarian.
The National Council of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics In annual
session assembled declares:
That the constant landing upon the shores
of the hordes of Ignorant, vicious and lawless
Criminals of the Old World should be viewed
1th alarm by the loyal and patriotic Cltl-
sensof this country.
we altirm a warm ann nearly welcome to
all Immigrants who desire to better their
condition and become a part and parcel of
our nationality, but we have not one square
Inch of room for the anarchist, the socialist
or nihilist, or for any one who Is not willing to
bow allegiance to that Hag which Is powerful
enough to shield and protect, them as well as
us. in the exercise or an civn ana religious
We altirm our devotion to tne puonc scnooi
system of this country. We believe In com-
uu sorv education, ana mat an teaming in
our schools should be In the English lan
guage, to the end that future generations
mav be able to take their Place In the ranks
of our country's workers, educated In the
history, the customs and manners of Ameri
cans. We guarantee to everv man the liberty or
orshiulng God according to the dictates of
his own conscience, and would give everv as
sistance to protect all In the exercise ot his
liberty, out we ooiect most strenuous to
the Interference of any church, no matter
under what name It may exist. In the tem
poral affairs of this country.
we peiteve mat tne mine snouia ne reBa in
our public schools; not to t each sect arianism,
out to inculcate us learnings, it is tne
recognized standard of all moral and civil
law: we therefore believe, that, our children
should be educated In Its teachings, but that
no dogma or creed should be taught at the
same time
we believe that patriotism and love of
country should be Instilled Into the hearts of
children, and that, with the words of
Mother, "Home and "Heaven, our chil
dren should be tauirht that our flag Is the
symbol of all that makes a "home" for us.
We would p ace a Hag upon every public
school In our land, tvnd a Bible within, and
the object lesson therein set forth should be
a beacon light In every storm which threat
ens to engulf us.
In this noble and patriotic work we ask the
Cordial and hearty co-operation of all good
citizens. In this grand work we need the
helping band of all organizations holding the
same views and principles. We have no time
for Jealousies .and bickerings, but with a
united tront we should march forward,
shoulder to shoulder, remembering that
emtea wesiana, aiviaea we ran.
In the strictest sense we are a national
polltt "al organization, but we oppose with
unanimity tne sngntesi taint ot partisanlsm.
"Our country" is our motto, and we keen
this motto steadily before us. We are cogni
sant that there are great and powerful
enemies within our midst, requiring the
strictest surveillance of all who are at heart,
word and in deed Amtricans, We, as members
of this Order, affirm our allegiance to the
objects of the Order as paramount to any
partisan affiliation, and urge upon the mem
bership harmonious, united and Intelligent
action In carrying out the principles.
First To maintain and promote the Inter
ests of Americans, and shield them from the
depressing effects of foreign competition.
Second To assist Americans In obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In busi
ness. Fourth To establish a sick and funeral
Fifth To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United States of America, and to
prevent sectarian Interference therewith,
and uphold the reading of the Holy Bible
Kequire that an applicant shall be:
A white male person born In the Cnlted
Statosof North America, or under lh pro-
UM-iion or lis nac.
Of good moral character.
A U-iiever la the eiUwac of a Supreme
Bf in aa the Creator and preserver uf tb
Oppowd to any union of church and state.
favorable to free education and the
American I'umlC School synUtui.
Between Is aud So years of ago for bens
tVla! turn,brruip; over Wia rs honorary
mem tM'r.itp.
The word Junior" in the tin has no reia
tlon to the age of meiuliers. It was adopted
to distinguish the tinier from the o, V. A. M ,
and lias no other su-nitlcatice.
Nor Is the word "Mechanic" to h construed
literally. It refer In no mauuer to artuans.
but embraces every pursuit.
We want a Council of the Jr. o CAM In
every city, town aud village In the United
Ills the leading American patriotic and
beneltiMal orgnnUrtttitn. and the strong!
and oue of the oidoat, conliued to native
Itlsonly necessary to make Its object,
principle and workings known to easily
secure enough eh irter members to start a
Council. A iltiernl premium will be paid to
any one organising a louurit. r or run par
tli ulars addres.. II. A. KIBKK.
Nattoual Councilor New Brunswick. N. J.O
N C T a A Klchter. Box S.-7. Canton, O.
N T C -C. W. Tyler. Klrhmond. Va
Jr P N C-ll A Klblie. New Brunswick. N. J.
N s.v v-Edward (i Deemcr. P o Hon. 1m,
Philadelphia: onVe rooms Nos It) aud 17. Bjl
Chestnut street.
National Ornanlzer--Sleuhen Collins. Hoi
7t. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Meets In Omuha. Neb., the third Tuesdav In
Incorporated February ti4. 1'.'3
V CT B Bryson. ttiUi Weutwortn avenue.
S V C--Tho Kowan. 7rt Union st. Alton.
JrPS C--Thoa J Coeu. 4n7 Sheffield ave.
H C See'yJosepb S Keynolds, P O Box il.
s c Treas--E H Sample, rl.ll Armour ave
Meets at Alton, fourth Monday In August,
George Washington Council. No 3, meets
first and third Friday evenings of Hch
month, at Aldlue hall. 75 E Bandoluhi nt-
Cago, Joseph S Iteynolds K S. 1515 ' asb
ave. Visitors always welcome
hllsworth council, No 1. mt T days
at tllft5 Went worth ave. K L l'a. Cu R H.
ttil'l llonore st, Engjewood.
uciHiu i ouiicii. ;o ji. meets Saturday
evenings at I O O F hall. South Chicago ave.
John W Boger. U S. Box 45".
Daniel Webster Council. No. 8. Jr. O. II. A.
M., meets lirst and third Satiiiday evenings
of each month In Modern Woodman hall,
Murray. Neb, Visiting brothers alwavs wel
come. Jauies Longbrldge, recording secre
S. C.-WM. F. KNAPP. Omaha.
H. V. C. LEVI P. SIIHI'M. Omaha.
8 O. Secy. -GEO. C. FEN TON, P. O box 725,
S. C. Treas. C. H. ALLEN. South Omaha.
Conductor II .S. BABTIIOLI). Platsmoutb.
Warden-P. S. McCAI LFV. So. Omaha.
Sentinels G, B SIIKKWOOll. So. Omaha:
K. P. DoLM AN, Omaha
Representatives to Nat Council WM
8. McAL'LEY and J. W.
The next regular meeting will be held on
the third Tuesday In Jan.. H'5, at Omaha.
every Friday evening at 0. A. R. Hall,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Visiting brothers cor
dially Invited. O. K. JOHNSON,
itec. sec.
" every Tuesday eve. In Idlewlld hall.
24th and Grant streets. Visiting brothers
always welcome. J. II. Harvey. Soc'y
T INCOLN COUNCIL No. Z, meets In Lin-
" Pitln NohrnuLtM..
I ioLCMBIA COUNCIL No. 3. reeets ever
Tuesday evening In Patterson block, 17th
and Faruam Streets.
A. L. Lkihtfoot, Councilor.
A. H. F lint. R. Sec'y, address
care County Clerk.
JARFIELI) COUNCIL No. 5, meets every
1 Tuesday night In South Omaha.
William Farr, Sec'y.
IBKKTY COUNCIL No. 7 meets every
J T....u.l.i m.u.ininii I i (1 W II . 1 1 r.,.ita
A. U' "ill ill j iviiiiiip,, a. , w, i i i twit a-VJ UIS'
vllle, Neb. T. H. Lucas. Rec. Sec'y.
COUNCIL No. 20. A. P. A., Cameron, Mo.,
meets everv second and fourth Monday
evening, at fraternity Temple. Visit rs
LUFF CITY COUNCIL No 7- meets every
Wednesday evening In G. A. R. Hall.
Council Blurts! la.
LINCOLN Commanderv No. I. U. A. M.
meets every Thursday evening In P. O. S. of
A. hall. Council Blurts, la. A. M. Burnhain,
No. 221, meets the first and third Tues
day evening of each month, at 8:(Ki o'clock.
M. u. .uur, secy.
S. C.-F. C. Borden. Hidden. Mo.
S. V.C.-Rev. II. A. Slaughter, Warrens-
burg. Missouri
S. C. Sec v Rolla U. Carroll. Warrensburff.
Will meet at Hannibal. Mo., February, 1S95
everv Frl(lv nliyhi. at. llllll Wulnut ulp.l
Jas. McNamara, Sec'y ls(X) East loth St.
fiOLUMBIA COUNCIL NO. 15-Meets every
PHluruaji infill, hi nil, corner OI I weilin
and Cherry streets. W. Y. Slieaver, Record-
l u. ....... ..., u;c U..l
PATRIOT COUNCIL NO. 3l-Meets every
A Wednesday night at A. O. U. W. Hall,
1421 E. Eighteenth street, J. E. Fisher, Rec.
Secretary, 2421 Flora avenne.
WE TI,UT COUNCIL NO. 37 Meets every
Frlrlnv nlirht n West imrt W 1 m,H..b
Rec. Secretary, 1225 E. Eighth street.
f ATE CITY COUNCIL No. 44-Meets every
u Monday night, corner lllth and Penn Sts..
over drug store.
everv Thursday night, tiet ween :ilt And
32nd on Holmes.
lj Sheffield every Thursday night. Thomas
Smith, Rec. Sec'y, Sheffield. Mo.
can Protective Association meets every sec
ond and fourth Wednesday of each month In
I. o. u. r. nan. i-iaitsmouth. Neb. Visiting
members are welcome J. H. Smith, Sec.
AURORA COUNCIL No. 2, W A. P. A -Meets
every Wednesday afternoon at !
o'clock, at the A. P. A. Hail, 4J7 Minnesota
avenue. Kansas City. Kan.
1 every Monday evening at the corner of
Twenty-third and Prospect avenue. Kansas
City. Mo. Persons desiring to Join may en
tuoc tueif umC, Strcft aiid liUimtrl', Aniu,
age and occupation, and direct to box 521
Kansas City, Mo.
PUREKA COUNCI L No. 1, W. A. P. A.-Meets
second and fourth Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock In the A. P. A. Hall. Southeast cor
ner Packard and Osage avenue. Armourdale.
Visitors are cordially InvlK'd to attend.
" meets every Friday night at liith and
L Road, Grigsby's hall, Kansas City, Kan.
meets every Monday afternoon at 2:30 at
Hell's hall. Southwest Boulevard, near state
line, Rosedale. Kansas. Friends of other
councils are cordially Invited to attend.
Every true American lady is Invited to come
and Join us. aod assist in the good work.
Iniatlon fee f l.uo.
Meets every Saturday evening at 4.17 Min
nesota avenue, Kansas City, Kits. Visitors
cordially Invited.
COUNCIL No. T. A P. A.-Meets every Mon
u day evening at Chamlier of Commerce
Hall. Rlvervlew. Visitors cordially Invited
COUNCIL No. . A P A Meets every Bat
urdsy ev. sins at southeast corner Psrk
rd and Osage aveuue. Armourdale. Vlsltort
coruialiy luvlted,
foUNCIL No. . A. P. A -Meets at Wood
want's Hall every Tuesday evening ats
III. sharp. Third street and ihiiiii
A cordial luvltatlou Is extended to vlsltlni
Meet every Monday night Id Nokes
Hall, Argentine, kuu. All visitor welc omed
TOl'EK A (xA'NCIL No. 14. A. P. A -Meet
every Monday evening In A. O. U. W. Hall
Its Kau.n aveime, Topeka Kansas. AI
visitor will lie cordially welcomed.
Oostdyk Council. No. I. W A P. A of Kan
was City. Mo., i Is every Friday afternooi
si 2:.i oVIiH'k at W"W Penn St Address, Post
office Ihi &:i, Kansas City, Mo.
Sunflower l."dge, L. O I, . No. Ml, meet
s nut ami Tutu Hi I uesilnys of each in, mil
ai p m , at t liittln's hall, corner o( Mil
street ami IKnge avenue. Kan-m City. Kan
Vlsillig brethren art' cordially Invited to at
tend. John Davidson. W. M . Wiu. Mo
Naughtoii. Secy., J15 Reynolds Ave.
Llla rty Council. No. IS. Jr. O. V. A. M
im i lsevi ry Wednesday night, cirner Pack
ard ami Osage streets, Armourdale, Kansas
Tho. Rolf, secretary.
lv Meets first and third Tuesday of eacl
month at It p. in.. In A. O. 11. W. Hall, Coruei
roiirin su eel aim t unesotn avenue. Kuiu
City, Kan. Samuel Harrison, W. M. Win
Ballagh, secretary. M7 Northrup avenue
Visiting brethren cordliillv Invited.
DOSEDA I E COUNCIL No. 13. A. P A., meets
every Wrtluesdav liU'lil at. Mclleurg)'
hall. Rosedale. Kas. All friend cordlallv
i ii 1 1 eu .
Patriotic Order Sens of America.
WASHINGTON CAmP No. I. P. O. 8. of A.
n ts each Thursday evening at Re
Men a Hall, Fifteenth and Douglas St.
" A.. Council Blurts. Meeting In theti
hall over 4IH Broadway, every Wednesda)
night at " o'clock.
j. . van tattan,
American Orange Knights.
This order ts formed of persons whose ob
Ject Is to maintain the supremacy of law
order and constll utlonal freedom i to pre
serve Inviolate tho cltlsen's franchise; ti
perpetuate and ilereiid the precepts and fret
nstltutlons of civil and religious llbert)
iiarauteed by the Constitution of the Unltof
Hates and established by our forefathers.
pro a his kt rocis,
F'or Information regarding the formatloi
of new Commaiiderles, or supplies, write t
the supreme secretary. M. L. .OOK. Sec'y,
. ai. ii a n k rr, u, nun Howard St..
Saganaw. Mich, Omaha. Neb
Its Orgmilitlliiii and I'i Iim Iplcn How to
Jtccoint' a .tleiuiHT.
We would respectfully call your attention
to the fact that there la In this city a Council
of the Order of United American Mechanics,
to which we would be happy to have you
give a moment's thought, and tf favorably
Impressed, would like your name proposed
for membership.
The Order of United American Mechanics
was organized In Philadelphia on the 1Mb
day of July. lt45. Its first Inception was for
the protection of Mechanics aud Working
men alone, and for a number of years none
but operative mechanics and worklngmen
were ar milted to Its membership; but the
great Interests of principles Involved In lu
existence, caused a departure from that
plan, and the Order has for years existed and
exists today as an order of speculative me
chanics, recognlilng every one possessed of
the birth requirements, who works for a
malntalnance either by hand or brain or
both as eligible to membership, and numbers
among Its members men of every profession,
and calling In life.
The objects of this order are to assist each
other In obtaining employment: to encourage
each other In business; to establish a Hick
and funeral fund; to establish a fund for
the relief of widows and orphans and to aid
members; and to aid members who, through
Providence, may be Incapacitated from fol
lowing their usual vocations, In obtaining
situations suitable to their afflictions. The
membership of this order Is composed of
white male citizens born In the United
States, or under the protection of Its flag.
This order has existed for nearly fifty years,
and Is at present, rapidly spreading through
out the United States. As an American born,
and having the welfare of yourself and
family at heart, as well as that of the nation
at large, we would most heartily Invite you
to become a member of the U, A. M., as It Is
the only Order In existence founded es
pecially to promote the Interests, elevate
the character and secure the happiness of
the American mechanic and business man.
It therefore appeals to the head and heart
of him who wields the pen as well as to hltn
who swings the scythe or wields the sledge
hammer of the mechanic. In Its councils, a
free discussion of principles relating to the
fostering and care of tho Interests of Indi
vidual members Is permitted; but nothing of
political or sectarian character Is ever al
lowed to be discussed. It has no affiliation
with such Institutions as Trades Unions,
Knights or Labor, Sovereigns of Industry, or
the like, and desires not to control either
Capital or labor, as it would be doing a gross
njustlce to many of Its members, who are
taken from both classes. The membership
of the Order Is scattered from Maine to Cali
fornia, and from all points co'nes Ihe glorious
news that the Order Is gaining great strength
In all Jurisdictions.
An endowment branch is also connected
with the Order, both national and state,
which Insures those who seek Its benefits,
enabling them to leave a sum, which Is In all
cases substantially and promptly paid, to
the dear ones, when death marks ! mem
bers tor its own.
It seems very strange Indeed that the
American does not feel Inclined to become
so peculiarly national in his Ideas and as
sociations as do the English, French, Ger
man, Irish, and other nationalities. Each
and all of the foregoing have their peculiar
national organizations, and take pride In
same. But the American Joins order after
order, composed of a mixture of nationali
ties, and lets his own countrymen severely
alone In the matter of secret and fraternal
We would not belittle any of the existing
secret beneficial associations. Far from It.
They are a power for good iu the community.
But we do ask him who Is to the manor born
to turn his thoughts to home and native
land, so that he can Join In the glad refrain:
"Thou art my native land.
I own thy fostering hand;
Though far from thee I roam.
Still thou art my home."
Americans, we of this Brotherhood appeal
to you to aid us In this work we are now
carrying on. You must either be for us or
against us. Choose quickly and let us show
to the country that we firmly believe In
American principles. American Industry,
American protection and American govern
ment. Strikes riots and boycotting are
terms too harsh to be applied to American
Mechanics. Bonded together by promptings
of patriotic affection, may this Order grow
and progress, until every man who calls
himself American can stand up and say In
all sincerity. I own no man as noisier ot my
i Mb
Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Vallij
sTTPiitM m
Fkkmont, Hastings,
Waiioo, Lincoln,
Skwakd, Superior,
David City. York,
Albion, Norfolx.
and A I.I,
Northern Nebraska, Black Hills
Sioux City, Minneapolis and
St. Paul,
Ticket Ofllce 1401 Farnam street and WebsMt
Street Union Station.
Oen'l PassAg
Oen'l Manager.
A Solid Town
No bank failures In 1W2 t:i or '4. Grows
In spite of depression of hard times. For
peculiar reasons and circumstances a resi
dent of Fort Smith desires to exchange a
f;ood residence and business houst m corner
ota, facing each other, live blocks from bus
iness street, oue block from the Hi est school
In the state: on street car line; trater and
sewer connection; cot tage plu iiIm I for gast
new Cottage. & rooms, clean and newly
painted; store room on corner iin.VJ feet,
with three rooms ItlxW: well and water con
nection; one lftsH I butcher shop. Here I
bargain for a man who wants a home and
good business stand. Price iVi.iHK). For par
ticulars call on or write HahiiV II. HiNOa,
4I)S BH07 Malu street, Kansas City, Mo,
store occupieu, doing a good PiisiubiiS.
Foxe's Rook of Martyrs.
A large quarto volume of ,l,niu. aoubl
Column pages, and Is a standard, work
In every particular. Cloth, 12.50, sent
by express.
LeCaron the Spy
Gives a history of the Fenian raids on
Canada, and a complete expose of their
plots again the British .government.
Paper, 50 cents,
The Assassination of Lincoln
Is an Intensely Interesting volume,
written by T. M Harris, one of the mil
itary commission which tried the as
sassins. Cloth, 12.50.
Plain Talk About Romanism
of Today
By Rev. Hugh Montgoiuery.Thls little
work Is by no means uninteresting. It
draws a comparison between popery
and Protestantism, and contains much
historical lnformatlon.1 Price In paper
cover. 50 cents.
Convent Life Unveiled."
This lit tle work relate the bitter experience
of a young lady who was Induced through the
cunning of the Jesuits ajd the Sisters of
Charity to enter a convent. Her story of tba
heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks of
Iniquity is told In a convincing style. Prlca
In cloth 11.25, sent postpaid by i
bnward St., OMAHA. Nil
A Visit of Jesus Christ
ram 1'ius ix.
One of VICTOR HUOO'S wittiest and most
sarcastic poems, translated from the
French by
631 F 8treet,
Christ takes a look Into the Vatican; con
verses with oue of the pope's guards and a
Single copy 10c
III copies uc
WO copies t.i.i
Special prices for larger quantities.
Secrets of Romish
Priests Exposed.
L'Prlce 40 Const.
Price 60 Cents.
Kev. Joseph Slatterv is the author of both
of the above books. They are lust what tha
titles Indicate, and are printed In good, clean
type and bound in paper covers, sent by ex
press or mail. Address,
Ii5 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb,
or. 907Matn St.. Kansas City. Mo.
Clark and Kandolph. Chicago. Ill
i v tcr yi WANT A FAR
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